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Onshore and

Looking at the shore- Lutz Thurm, Ismir Fazlagic, Thorsten Harder, Knut Marquart –
The environmental footprint of port areas is under scrutiny. Governments,
side and shipside tech- port authorities and shipowners have explored different solutions to

nologies and the case reduce emissions from ships while they are engaged in port operations.
One solution to this problem has been identified as connecting ships in
for standardization in port to an onshore power supply, where electricity from the shore-based
grid is used to power ships’ infrastructure used for hosting crew and
shore-to-ship power passengers while docked, and for cargo-handling activities. With the
impending standardization of shore-to-ship power, implementation of the
solution is sure to expand, helping port authorities and shipowners to
reduce portside emissions.

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1 General overview of shore-to-ship power supply

1a Transformer and switchgear 1b Converter 1c Connector

of the port and the power it will provide. onboard power system. These ­allow sev-
Additional investments stem from con- eral vessels to be connected simultane-
struction and installation at the quay and ously and enable the supply of 50 and
potential needs related to strengthening 60 Hertz power regardless of the local
the port’s electricity grid. grid frequency. They also comprise the

connecting cables and berth terminals.
case has been made for Power supply in ports is typically equiva-
shore-to-ship power sup- lent to that of a small factory, with elec- For each shore-based power connection
ply ➔ 1: The environmental tricity needed to power shoreside load- point, the port or terminal must have a
profile of electricity generat- ing and unloading infrastructure such as dedicated transformer, which serves two
ed by power plants on land versus ships’ cranes, belts and gantries, cooling, heat- purposes. First, it provides the required
diesel engines running on bunker fuels ing as well as incidentals. Most ports galvanic separation (a nonmetallic direct
is one of the main advantages of this have access to
technology. Through shore-based pow- enough power to
er 1, regulators can respond to a specific, run these consum- Power supply in ports is
local problem (pollution) with a specific, ers, with an addi-
local solution (power connection from tional 2 to 3 MW for ­t ypically equivalent to that
shore). For ports, the ability to supply
power to ships at berth enables them to
secondary needs.
Given that a ves-
of a small factory, with
establish a more efficient and powerful sel’s power needs ­e lectricity needed to power
overall electrical supply as a utility. In ad-
while in port may
dition, the investment in infrastructure is be as much as shoreside loading and
sustainable over decades with long-term
revenues. For the port area community,
10 MW depending
on the type of ves-
­u nloading infrastructure.
there is an additional benefit of reduced sel, the electrical
noise and vibration in harbor areas. And infrastructure at many ports will be insuf- connection between the onshore power
with standardization of shore-to-ship ficient to handle significant shore-to-ship supply grid and the ship’s internal sys-
power supply, investment in the technol- power connections without a major im- tem), so that an earth fault in the ship’s
ogy becomes more worthwhile. provement to their grid. This may involve electrical system will not endanger the
investing in a new substation or installing port grid or vice versa. Second, the
Shoreside technology a new incoming power line with more transformer steps down the power sup-
The technology required to provide on- power; both of these actions would in- ply from a voltage level optimized for dis-
shore power to ships at berth is not­ volve negotiation with the port’s power tribution (eg, 20 kV) to one of the two
novel equipment. Engineers today can provider. voltage levels standardized for shore-to-
use proven technology in order to devel-
op a reliable infrastructure to transfer the Onshore power solutions often comprise
power, with rigorous technical attention the entire chain from the incoming sub- Footnote
1 Shore-to-ship power is also known as cold
to issues such as safe cable manage- station and include transformers and
ironing, onshore power supply, alternative
ment. Costs for the equipment vary ­frequency converters to match the grid maritime power (AMP) or shore connection,
widely, depending on the specific needs power voltage and frequency to the ship’s among others.

Onshore and onboard ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 7

2 ABB's static frequency converter portfolio for shore-to-ship power applications ranges from
120 kVA (PCS100) to multiple MVAs (PCS6000).

a ABB’s PCS100 static frequency converter b ABB’s PCS6000 static frequency converter

ship power connections: 11 or 6.6 kV as solution with one converter may serve there is only a small and secure room-
required by the ship. multiple ships and berths. Thanks to sized container that houses the power
their small footprint, the converters can transformer, the MV switchgear with an
Each shore-based power connection fit into any substation building or con- automated earthing switch, protection
point also requires medium-voltage (MV) tainer along with the compact switch- and control devices, and the operator in-
switchgear with an automated earthing gear and transformers. In addition, the terface. The major benefit of a compact
switch. In essence, the switchgear inter- frequency converters improve the overall shoreside infrastructure is that it ensures
rupts the power supply and the switch en- power quality of the port grid by improv- smooth dockside operations and can
sures that there is absolutely no power in ing the power factor and stabilizing also be made mobile.
the cables between the ship and shore v oltage and frequency. Depending on
while they are being handled and connect- the project requirements, low-voltage Shipside technology
ed. As the highest risk associated with PCS100 or medium-voltage PCS6000 To use power from the shore-based elec-
shore-based power connections is injury converters are used➔ 2. tricity grid, ships must be either built or
to personnel manipulating the cables and retrofitted with equipment that enables
systems, this switchgear is critical. Finally, the shoreside infrastructure for the connection to shore, synchronizes
a shore-to-ship power connection must the power changeover from shore to ship
A static frequency converter is required include an automation and communica- and connects the incoming power sup-
for most shore-based power connec- tions system, which allows personnel ply to the ship’s auxiliary power system.
to coordinate the Ships can be safely retrofitted in a rela-
connection of ca- tively short time while in operation or dry
Many of today’s ships with bles and synchro- docking, without major interruption of
nize the ship’s operations.
shore connection equipment electrical load to

have been retrofitted rather the shoreside sup-

ply. This is possi-
First, the shore-based power must get
onboard via cables ➔ 4, 5. In some cas-
than built with the equipment ble with two RTUs es, particularly with container ships and
(remote terminal roll-on/roll-off car carriers, the cable is
installed. units) – one on- installed on the ship and lowered via a
board and one on- spool or drum to the quay, where it is
tions ➔ 2. The majority of ships operate shore – that have Ethernet communica- connected. On cruise ships, the cable is
with a 60 Hz supply, whereas local power tion via a fiber-optic cable. always shoreside, with a small integrated
grids in many parts of the world use hydraulic arm to guide it.
50 Hz ➔ 3. As a result, most shore-based The shore-based power connection sys-
power connections will require a fre- tem need not occupy much precious When the cable-management system is
quency conversion. Static frequency quayside space. The incoming substa- onshore, the electrical connection is re-
converters provide an economical solu- tion can be conveniently located as far ceived shipside by a shore connection
tion to connect any ship to any grid inde- as 10 km from the quayside transformer panel ➔ 6. This panel must generally be
pendent of the required frequency. De- and MV panels that directly supply the located close to the hull and in con­
pending on the port’s layout, a centralized vessel with electricity. At the quayside, venient reach of the heavy shoreside

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 8 ABB review 1|11

3 Frequencies throughout the world. Such differences necessitate frequency converters for 4 Connection cables on Holland America
shore-to-ship power. Line’s Vista-class ms Oosterdam vessel

50 Hz

60 Hz

50/60 Hz

­ ables. The shore connection panel con-

c ­ables into the ship to improve safety
tains a circuit breaker, a protection relay, and save time. The IEC, ISO
the physical electrical connection (plugs
and grounding cable), and a control in- Currently, the majority of ships equipped and IEEE joined
terface with the ship’s integrated auto-
mation system, or power management
with the infrastructure to receive shore-
based power are container vessels, and
forces to create
system. These systems allow the incom- many ship designers are either including a standard that will
ing power to be synchronized with the this infrastructure in their designs or are
ship’s diesel auxiliary engines before the setting aside space for it. Many of today’s ­e nable onshore
load is transferred. ABB shore connec-
tion panels include two cabinets, the di-
ships with shore connection equipment
have been retrofitted (ie, the equipment is
power connections
mensions of which vary depending on added to an existing vessel), rather than to effectively have
the power rating. This MV equipment built with the equipment installed.
must be installed in a dedicated room. a water-tight global
On ships that use conventional mechani-
While little of the technology installed on-
board ships for onshore power supply is
cal propulsion (in which the diesel en- new, usually the entire system must be
gines directly power the ship’s propellers, engineered on a case-by-case basis for
as opposed to diesel electric propulsion), each installation. Even if the connection
the ship’s low-voltage auxiliary power is standardized, ship design is not,
system – typically 400 to 690 V – requires meaning that questions of space, acces-
a transformer to receive the 11 or 6.6 kV sibility, interfacing with the power man-
power supply from shore. This transform- agement system and the diesel engines
er is relatively large and bulky, but – un- all need to be surveyed and assessed
like the shore connection panel – it can prior to installation. ABB has developed
be installed in the engine room or any turnkey solutions covering the entire
other suitable location onboard. scope of delivery, with minimal inter­
ruption of ship operations.
The process of connecting and discon-
necting a ship to the shore-based power Standardizing shore-to-ship power
supply takes between five and 30 min- connection systems
utes. Onboard, the chief engineer or a In order for shore-to-ship power supply
trained staff member experienced with to make sense for ports and shipowners,
the ship's power management system the nature and arrangement of power
handles the power transfer. Cable man- connections must be standardized. Nei-
agement can be done either by ship or ther a port owner nor a shipowner can
shore personnel with adequate training justify investment in expensive equip-
in handling MV equipment. At least one ment to enable a shore connection sys-
company has begun investigating an tem without assurance that such a sys-
a utomated system for plugging the
­ tem will be functional across many

Onshore and onboard ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­3 9

5 ABB shore-to-ship power connection in Gothenburg, Sweden 6 ABB shore connection panel

jurisdictions and for a defined period of – The shore-to-ship connection

time. – Transformers/reactors
– Semiconductor converters and
Work on a common standard for onshore rotating converters
power supply for ships at berth began – Ship distribution systems
early in 2005. Major players in this effort – Control, monitoring, interlocking and
have included technology suppliers, gov- power management systems
ernments, port authorities, shipowners
(particularly cruise line, tanker and con- The purpose of the standards work was
tainer ship companies), classification so- to define requirements that “support,
with the application of suitable operating
practices, compliant ships to connect Lutz Thurm

Through shore- quickly to compliant high-voltage shore ABB ship solutions

power supplies through a compatible
based power
shore-to-ship connection” [1]. This should

­supply, regulators eliminate the need for ships or port

­operators to adapt or adjust their infra-
Ismir Fazlagic
ABB shore solutions

can respond to a structure to enable connections.

specific, local The initial goal of creating a single, global Thorsten Harder

problem (pollution) connection standard for all ships at all

ports was abandoned out of necessity.
ABB frequency converters

with a specific, The power needs and capacities of ships

differ so much that a single standard Knut Marquart
­local solution would be unfeasible. As a result, four ABB Marketing and Customer Solutions

(power­ connection separate, but linked, standards were

created – one for ro-ro ships, one for

from shore). container ships, one for cruise ships and

another for tankers. In addition, there are
Further reading
– Marquart, K., Haasdijk, T., Ferrari, GB,
two main standard voltages for connec- Schmidhalter, R. Shore-to-ship power: ABB’s
cieties and others. The IEC, ISO and tion – 11 kV and 6.6 kV. turnkey solution is effectively reducing portside
emissions. ABB Review 4/2010, 56–60.
IEEE 2 joined forces to create a standard
that will enable onshore power connec- With a global standard in place, invest-
tions to effectively have a water-tight ment in shore-to-ship power connection
global basis. systems by ports and shipowners is due Reference
[1] IEC/PAS 60092-510. Edition 1.0 (2009, April).
to take off. The final standard is on the Electrical installations in ships – Part 510:
The standard applies to the specification, verge of ratification. Special features – High-voltage shore
installation and testing of onshore power connection systems. Retrieved September 20,
systems and plants and addresses: 2010 from
– The onshore distribution system

Footnote Title picture

2 IEC is the International Electrotechnical The Holland America Line cruise ship ms Zuiderdam
Commission; ISO is the International Organiza- (page 36) is equipped with shore-to-ship power
tion for Standardization; IEEE is the Institute of technology, helping to make residential life in
Electrical and Electronics Engineers. harbors more liveable.

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