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Imię i nazwisko Anastasiia Kovalenko II. Zakreśl prawidłową odpowiedź a, b, c lub d.

TEST EGZAMINACYJNY Z JĘZYKA 1 The book has a very interesting

10.01.22 a) plot. b) bestseller. c) volume d) fiction.
Wysłać na adres :
2 The main ____ in The Chronicles of Narnia are four
……/68 a) persons b) chapters c) characters d) people
Tematyka: Zakupy i usługi, podróżowanie i turystyka, kultura,
sport. 3 Jimi Hendrix’s first album Are You Experienced? was
Gramatyka: Past Perfect + used to, czasy teraźniejsze, czasy ____ in 1967.
przeszłe, składnia czasowników.
a) published b) released c) shown d) sold

I. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi wyrazami. Pierwsze 4 In The Departed Leonardo di Caprio ____ as police
litery tych wyrazów zostały podane. officer Billy Costigan.
a) plays b) acts c) stars d) presents
1. To return a product to a shop , you need to show a
receipt……………………… 5 John Constable painted ____ of the English countryside.

2. If a blouse and skirt match………………………, a) portraits b) still lifes c) masterpieces

d) landscapes
they look good together.
3. There is a special offer……………………… on 6 The Lord of the Rings is ____ in an imaginary world
called Middle-earth.
DVDs: two for the price of one.
a) placed b) set c) situated d) based
4. A line of people waiting to buy something is called
a queue……………………… 7 Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice ____ the story
of two sisters.
5. If you are not satisfied with a product you can
make a complait……………………… a) tells b) says c) gives d) presents

6. You can buy fruit and vegetables at a grocery 8 I’m reading the novel 1984 ____ George Orwell.
shop……………………… a) of b) on c) by d) at
7. A shop that sells magazines, papers and cigarettes 9 A Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was ____ into a film
is called a newsagent……………………. in 2005.
8. A shop that sells notebooks, envelopes etc. is called a a) turned b) adapted c) based d) made
stationary ……………………….
9. If you are not satisfied with a product or service, you
III. Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi czasownikami.
can make a complaint ……………………….
10. There were thirty-two tennis players in the
tournament ………………………… , and the 1 We’re planning to spend a few days in Paris and
see____________ the sights.
first prize was $ 1 million.
11. Soccer is one of the most challenging 2 I’d like to book ____________ a double room for two
nights, please.
………………………… sports in the world today
– all teams do their best to win. 3 If you don’t hurry, we’ll miss____________ our flight.
12. Both teams were equally good and the match ended 4 Could you please tell_____________ me the way to the
in a draw…………………………… bus station?
13. Winners get all the fame; being a 5 Please get______________ on the bus now, we’re
r………………………… usually means being leaving in five minutes.
forgotten. 6 Please fasten_____________ your seat belts.
14. The people who watch a sporting event are
7 Would you like to go____________ camping this
spectators ……………………
15. The referee ………………… blew the whistle to
signal the start of the match. 8 I go______________ swimming three times a week.
9 Helen and Richard do___________ yoga in their free

10 My brother became very popular after he VI. Wstaw czasowniki z nawiasów w czasach Past Simple,
scored____________ two goals for his school’s Past Continuous, Past Perfect albo użyj struktury
representation. used to.

I don’t exactly remember when it ………………………

IV. Podkreśl właściwe słowo.
happened (happen) but I think I ………………………still
1. Hold on to your ticket! You don’t want to miss / lose it attend (still / attend) my final year of school. One night I
before we get there! ………………………had (have) a terrible dream and I
2. I have some great souvenirs / memories of holidays we ………………………woke up (wake up) sweating and
took when I was a child. trembling in my bed. The dream was about a man, who
3. How was your travel / trip to Prague at the weekend? ………………………chased (chase) me because he was
4. We went on a long journey / voyage across the Pacific sure I ……………………… stole (steal) his wallet. In my
Ocean. dream I tried to explain to him what ………………………
5. Please fasten your seatbelts. The plane is about to land / happened (happen) to his wallet but he
take off. The weather is good, so we should be in ………………………didn`t listen (not / listen). It was a
Warsaw in about two hour. real nightmare! The strangest thing about it all is that for
6. The Wawel Castle attracts more than a million guests / many years I ………………………dreamed (dream) about
visitors every year. that man every time I ………………………did (do)
something wrong.
V. Wykorzystując wyrażenia w nawiasach, utwórz
zdania oznajmujące (+), przeczące (-), lub pytania (?)
w czasie Present Simple lub Present Continuous. VII. Czasowniki z nawiasów wstaw w formie
bezokolicznika lub z końcówką –ing. Dodaj
1. I don’t like broccoli. (?) (Tom, spinach) dopełnienie tam, gdzie to konieczne.

Does Tom like spinach? 1. She loves ………………………chatting (chat) with

……………………………………………………………… people from all around the world.
……………………… 2. His mother told ……………………… (stop) crying.
2. I am learning Japanese. (?) (you, Chinese) 3. He offered ………………………to give (give) me a
Are you learning lift home.
Japanese?…………………………………………………… 4. They invited ………………………us to eat (eat) with
…………………………………… them but we had other arrangements.
3. Where do you come from? (+) (my father, Germany) 5. One of my friends suggested ………………………
My father comes from going (go) diving at the end of March.
Germany……………………………………………… 6. I think you should consider ………………………
……………………………………… applying ( apply) for this job.
4. Are you talking on the phone? (+) ( she, on Skype) 7. The teacher made ………………………sit (sit) at the
She is talking on back of the class so I didn’t disturb the others.
Skype.……………………………………………………… 8. Last year I promised her ……………………… (do)
……………………………… something about it.
5. We go to the cinema every week. (?) (he, often) 9. My sister’s looking forward to
Does he often go to the …………………………start (start) her new dance
cinema……………………………………………………… class.
……………………………… 10. My brother can’t afford …………………………to
6. Ella gets up early on Saturdays. (-) ( Betty and Alex on take (take) up any new hobbies
Sundays) 11. Would you mind …………………………telling (tell)
Bethany and Alexia don`t get up on the teacher that I will not be coming to the class?
Sundays……………………………………………………… 12. I’m hoping …………………………to see (see) her in
……………………………… the finals.

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