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Middle Years Programme Unit Planner

Teacher(s) Theophilus Sarpong Subject group and Sciences - Physics


Unit title Heat and light MYP Year 3 Unit duration 8-10

Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit

Key Concept Related Concept(s) Global Context

Systems Environment, Development Globalization and sustainability

Statement of Inquiry

Our environment is governed by the behavior of heat and light.

Inquiry Questions

What is heat?
What is light?

How is heat and light important to us?

Which is more important, heat or light?

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Objectives Summative Assessment

Objective A: Knowing and Outline of summative assessment Relationship between summative

Understanding task(s) including assessment criteria: assessment task(s) and statement of
i. explain scientific knowledge inquiry:
ii. apply scientific knowledge and Goal – Build a solar farm
understanding to solve The summative test will help students
problems set in familiar and Role – You are a farmer understand how our environment is
unfamiliar situations governed by the behavior of heat and light.
iii. analyse and evaluate Audience – Your audience is the residents
information to make of your local town
scientifically supported
judgments. Situation – Persuade residents in your
local town on the benefits of building a
Objective B: Inquiring and Designing solar farm.
i. explain a problem or question to
be tested by a scientific Product – You need to write a letter to
investigation persuade residents in your local town on
ii. formulate a testable hypothesis the benefits of building a solar farm.
and explain it using scientific
reasoning Standard – Your letter must:
iii. explain how to manipulate the  Describe how photovoltaic panels
variables, and explain how data work.
will be collected.  Explain the energy transfer
iv. design scientific investigations. involved in photovoltaic panels.
 Describe some advantages of using
Objective C: Processing and Evaluating photovoltaic panels to generate
i. present collected and electricity over alternative
transformed data methods.
ii. interpret data and explain
results using scientific reasoning
iii. evaluate the validity of a
hypothesis based on the
outcome of the scientific

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iv. evaluate the validity of the

v. explain improvements or
extensions to the method.
Objective D: Reflecting on impacts of
i. explain the ways in which science
is applied and used to address a
specific problem or issue
ii. discuss and evaluate the various
implications of the use of science
and its application in solving a
specific problem or issue
iii. apply scientific language effectively
iv. document the work of others and
sources of information used.

Approaches to learning (ATL)

Self-management skills:
Emotional management

Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry

Content Learning Process

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 What is heat? Learning experiences and teaching strategies

 What is temperature?
 How can heat energy be Week 1 Introduction
 What is conduction?  Concepts, global context, statement of inquiry,
 How fast does heat energy inquiry questions; discuss these in class to establish
conduct? the tone of the unit.
 What is radiation?  Origin of heat energy
 What affects the rate of
radiation? Week 2: Temperature and conduction
 What is light?  What is temperature?
 How does light behave?  Temperature scales
 How does light reflect?  Transfer of heat energy
 When is light reflected?  Thermal conductors and insulators
 How can light appear as  Rate of conduction and temperature gradient
different colors?
 How do different surfaces
appear different colors? Week 3: Radiation
 What are primary and  Cooling curve experiment
secondary colors?  Radiation
 How do we use the sun’s  Electromagnetic spectrum
energy?  Rate of radiation

Week 4: Light
 Visible light
 Behavior of light
 Reflection of light
 Visible light spectrum

Week 5: Colors
 Primary and secondary colors
 Importance of the sun’s heat and light

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 Relevance of the sun’s energy

Formative assessment
Formative Assessment class discussion on key terms and
research of.
Worksheets on planets, moons, stars and origin of the
Class discussion on the application of gravity and lenses in

Students will delegate tasks to individual strengths within
Students can use a variety of digital platforms to present
their summative project.
Modalities of learning will include, visual, auditory,
collaborative and kinesthetic.
Students get to choose what lenses they would like to
represent during their report.
Students can choose what slide they would like to present
during presentation.
Recommended resources will be provided that are not
mandatory for students to use but will act as a guide.


 MYP Physical and Earth Sciences, A concept-based approach by William Heathcote

 National Geographic website
 Crash course Physics
 Fuseschool Physics

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 Don’t memorise
 Britannica School

Reflection: Considering the planning process and impact of the inquiry

Prior to teaching the unit During teaching After teaching the unit

Why do we think that the unit or the

selection of topics will be interesting?
Students see changes in the sky everyday.
The most common change is day and night.
They see the moon and stars at night. They
experience changes in the seasons
throughout the year. They might also have
observed that some countries are in
different time-zones and also wondered
how and when the universe began and will
end. So this unit touches on real life
experiences that the students have had and
also helps them get some answers to the
questions that have been on their minds for

What do students already know, and

what can they do?
Students already know the sun is seen in
the sky at day and the moon is seen at
night. Students also know there are other
big “homes” other than the earth. They will
be able understand the position and sizes of
objects in our solar system and come up
with a model of it.

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