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Muhammad Panah

Permanent Address: Village Ghulkin, p/o Gulmit, Gojal, District Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan
Cell No. 0344-5384065

My objective;
I do my best efforts to maintain partner’s trusts through completing the agreed task in the defined timeline.

Core competencies
- Project management, project design and its implementation.
- Community mobilization for changes.
- Conduct social, economic and environmental surveys and develop survey reports.
- Community comprehensive development planning (CCP) through grassroots participation.
(Livelihood, natural resources, youth development, agriculture development, cultural development,
women empowerment, environmental development and social development.)
- Produce community story framework documents for the situation analysis and SMART development
- Liaison and coordination with donor agencies and other stakeholders.
- Translation English manuals and books into Urdu.
- Writing articles for blogs on social issues, politics, economic and international affairs in social and
electronic media.
- Producing concept notes, proposals and reports.

Four world center for development learning, Canada
“Four world center for development learning” Canadian based development organization and it started his joint
holistic development venture in Hunza district with Karakurum Area Development Organization (KADO) in
Holistic rural development inception consultant (2010 -2011) for
Four world center for development learning, Canada (
- To conduct different baseline surveys on the needs of the community.
- To mobilize community and community institutions about the development inception approach in the
- To conduct group discussion, interviews and workshops in the community to accumulate, social,
economic and natural resources data.
- Accumulation of secondary data regarding to the target area, for successful intervention.
- To finalize the reports
- Produce strategy for new inception for holistic development in the area.

Organizations: KADO (Karakurom Area Development Organization)

Designation: Rural Community Comprehensive Development Planner (RCCDP)
Duration: December 2014- March 2020

Major responsibilities:
 Conduct baseline surveys to identify challenges, opportunities, threats and weakness.
 Conduct project case study share project impact study to the different stakeholders frequently.
 Develop concept notes to the organizations on the finding of surveys and case studies for the community
 Develop comprehensive planning, year planning, quarter planning and action planning formats for the rural
development organizations.
 Conduct community development planning and action sessions to the local development organizations to
utilize resources in a good manner. .
 Develop comprehensive development plan (CCP) to the community based organizations (CBOs) through
community participation.
 Develop village’s community development plans with thoughtful participation at grassroots level.
 To make monitoring and evaluation framework for the plans and ensure activities implementations
 Develop monitoring and evaluation reports and other related documents.

Organizations: KADO (Karakurom Area Development Organization)

Designation: Community Comprehensive Development Planning Institutions coordinator
Duration: April 2010 to January 2013

Major Responsibilities:
 Conduct leadership, good governance, economic development, conflict resolution and planning and action
trainings to the organizations.
 Develop grassroots community and organizations/ institution capacity through giving training and
workshops to implement the development activities effectively.
 Conducts community based organizations (CBOs) inter-organizations/ conferences to find the real issues in
community and make strategy to overcome challenges and issues.
 To re-organize and re-structure community based organizations (CBOs) according the need of time and
 Develop linkage with inter-institutions and line departments to promote for the public- civil society
partnership for the community holistic development.
 Develop linkages with line departments to mobilize resources for the community development.
 Develop different reports regarding to the development activities.

Organization: HiMaT Grassroots Development Foundation (Azad Kashmir)

Designation: Social Organization
Duration: January 2007 to January 20010

Job responsibilities:
 Formation of village and women organizations at village level.
 Frequent visit community and community organizations.
 Identification of the natural and human resources within their village level through community meetings,
discussions, dialogues and interview.
 Document the daily activities through visiting community and community organization.

Organization: Nasir-e Khisrow model Academy

Designation: Principal
Duration: November 2005 to December 2007

Job responsibilities:
 Conduct meetings with school board on the need basis.
 Implementation of school policies for the better academic result.
 Arrange co-curricular activities for the students to explore their hidden talents.
 Annual curriculum planning for the teaching year.
 Conducts different teaching trainings for the teachers in the need bases.
 Facilitate teachers in- term of teaching in the classroom. (class observation)
 Provided academic facilitation to the teacher during the session.
 Monitoring and evaluation of the student throughout the years and made plan to overcome the student
 To distribute different certificates, medals and awards to the competent students.
 To supervise examination process and ensure meritocracy and transparency in the academic year.
Organization: Ghulkin Social Welfare & Nature con servation Association, Gojal,
Designation: Honorary secretary
Duration: December 2007 to 2012

Job responsibilities:
 Monitor the development activities with participation of project committee and management.
 Develop activities and financial reports of the organization and ensure the activities implementation
 Conduct meeting, set agendas for the meetings and produce meeting minutes.
 Give recommendation and suggestions to the enrolled organizations after conciliation with board of
 Develop linkage with line departments and NGOs for the development of the community.
 To maintain office documentations.
 Develop different proposals for funding agencies and line departments for the resource mobilizations.
 To develop impact and activities reports.

Organization: Nasir-e-Khisrow Model Academy Ghulkin, Gojal


Designation: Chairman
Duration: March 2015 to till now

Job responsibilities:
 Make educational policies through engaging local educationists and institutions.
 Ensure to implement the policies with deep engagement of teaching factuality and school board.
 Resolve management issues with help of board members.
 To ensure proper of available resources for the school students.
 Develop strong linkages government education department and other educational services to improvement
of education standard.
 Mobilize resources from external agencies to fulfill the educational needs of teachers and students.
 Ensure school’s annual general body meeting (AGM).

Major achievements
Six Local Support Organizations (LSOs) ten year comprehensive development plans are produced and
implemented in Hunza district.
Six development English booklets are translated in Urdu. The booklets titles are follow:
1. Fruits and roots of development for action
2. Leadership development
3. Action and planning
4. Economic and business development
5. Conflict resolution
6. Life path
1. Developed many development proposals to the different organizations.
2. Developed many case studies, narrated success stories and documented indigenous community’s
socioeconomic best practices.
3. Developed quarter, yearly progress reports to my organization projects.
4. My articles (more than twenty) have been published in different blogs.
1. Developed women empowerment governing policy to KADO’s women empowerment project.

Courses attended

 RBM (result based management)

 LFA (logical framework analysis)
 Development planning through grassroots participation for sustainable development.
 Fundraising strategy
 Monitoring and evaluation
 Developing proposals and reporting
 Social mobilization
 Translation of English booklets in to Urdu
 Effective communication skills
 Media and communication

Computer skills

Ms Excel, MS Word, MS Power Point, Internet usage, in-page, Typing Speed 40-45, social media operation

Co-curricular activities
I. Books reading (development, western, social and economic and political thoughts for changes)
II. To edit news and articles for the blog.
III. Article writing to different blogs.
IV. Contributing volunteer service to my community.
V. Discussions,

University of Karachi, 2004
University of Karachi, 2000
Allam Iqbal Open University, Islamabad 2007


English write and speak

Urdu write and speak
Wakhi write and speak
Shina can speak
Burushaski can speak

Personal information
Date of Birth 15.12.1974
Marital Status Married
N.I.C No 42201-7549104-5


Mr. Micheal Bopp and Judie Bopp

Four worlds center for development learning, Canada
Phone: + 1-403-932-0882
Miss, Mehanaz Parveen
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Karkuram Area Development Organization (KADO)
Cell: 0346-9748150

Mr. Nawab Ali Khan

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Pakistan

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