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Chapter 2


This chapter presented the methodology that will be used in the research. It includes
the research design, place of the study, participants, instrument, validity of the instruments,
data collection, data analysis and ethical consideration.

Research Design

In this study, the researchers will be using qualitative phenomenological design.

Phenomenology is an approach to qualitative research that focuses on the commonality of a
lived experience within a particular group. The fundamental goal of the approach is to arrive
at a description of the nature of the particular phenomenon (Creswell, 2013, Paley, J. 2017).
Through this method the researcher may construct the universal meaning of the event,
situation or experience and arrive at a more profound understanding of the phenomenon.
Additionally, a phenomenological research is well suited for studying affective, emotional,
and often intense human experiences (Neubauer, B. E., Witkop, C. T., & Varpio, L. 2019).
The researcher will use semi - structured interview in gathering data on selected individuals
of Barangay Visayan Village, Tagum City, Davao del Norte using purposive sampling. Thus,
this method is appropriate for this study since it aims to assess the different factors affecting
the decision making of taking the Covid-19 vaccine of unvaccinated individual of Tagum
City, Davao del Norte. After the data will be gathered, the researchers will compile and
summarize the results.

Place of the study

This study will be conducted on Barangay Visayan Village, Tagum City, Davao del
Norte. Tagum is a component city strategically located at the heart of Davao del Norte.
Visayan Village is a barangay in the city of Tagum. Visayan Village is known to be the
largest barangay in Tagum City in terms of population. It reflects the prosperity of their
economic growth through the rise of establishments by reason of its wide range of
potentiality. Visayan Village is the most populated barangay of Tagum City composed of 72
Puroks with 9, 784 households according to a survey conducted by the Barangay Health
Workers (Reyes, J. 2019). Aside from convenience, the researcher choose this place since
according to census 2020, Barangay Visayan Village has a population of 42,648 people
making it the most populous barangay in Tagum City. There’s high a possibility number of
citizens that haven’t take the vaccine yet.
Figure 2. The Map of the Philippines, Tagum City and Barangay Visayan Village

The participants of this study were the residents of Barangay Visayan Village, Tagum
City, Davao del Norte. The researcher will utilize a purposive sampling technique in selecting
the respondents of this study. A purposive sample is a non-probability sample that is selected
based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study (Crossman, A. 2019).
Additionally, purposive sampling helped ensure that we included studies representing a wide
geographic spread, rich data and a focus that closely resembled our synthesis objective
(Ames, H., Glenton, C. & Lewin, S. 2019). The respondents will be 18 years and older, of
gender, with no bias toward academic achievement, social and economic status, or
disabilities. For qualitative data, a total of 10 participants will be needed. The researcher will
select 10 participants to be invited for an in-depth interview.

Research Instrument

This research study will be conducted through semi - structured interview with the use
of questionnaire that will be checked and reviewed by the research panel committee including
the research adviser. Semi-structured in-depth interviews are commonly used in qualitative
research and are the most frequent qualitative data source in health services research. The
method allows the researcher to collect open-ended data, to explore participant thoughts,
feelings and beliefs about a particular topic and to delve deeply into personal and sometimes
sensitive issues (DeJonckheere M, Vaughn LM, 2019). Contents of the semi-structured in-
depth interview contains questions that would further assess the different factors that might
affect the decision making in taking the Covid-19 vaccine of unvaccinated individuals.

Validity of Instrument

Since the questionnaire that will be used for semi-structured interview are researcher
made. It will undergo validation and pilot-testing. For pilot-testing, ten students will be asked
to participate and complete the pilot-testing. Moreover, the responses of the participants will
be recorded to analyze how many items of the question will be retained, revised and rejected.
The in-depth interview is consists of 10 questions. The results of the interview will be used to
assess the factors affecting the decision making of taking the Covid-19 vaccine for
unvaccinated individual.

Data Collection

The data that will be gathered in this study are views and opinions of citizens of
Tagum City, Davao del Norte. The first thing that will be done is the questionnaires
constructed by the researchers will have to be validated by their research adviser and research
panel committee, this help attest the reliability and validity of the tool used in gathering
necessary data in the study. After validation, the researchers will seek the approval of the
Dean of Pharmacy to allow the conduct of this study and make sure that this research is
examined carefully by the TDCI ethics committee. As soon as the permission will be granted,
the team will select 10 individuals to conduct standardized open-ended interview. The
researchers will explain orally the ethical considerations and provided inform consent and
formally introduce themselves as researchers of the study.

During the initial phase of the interview, rapport should be established; this should
make the participants be at ease and allows a non – threatening atmosphere for the
subsequent in depth interview. (The researchers may ask the participants how is their life
going since the researchers and the participants are already acquainted.) To do this the
researchers will conduct Standardized open-ended interviews. The interview will last for
about fifteen to thirty minutes (15-30 minutes) individually. The data will then be transcribed
thoroughly with the used of the gathered recordings from the interview. When the
transcription process is done, the researchers will continue to analyze the collected data by
translating it into codes and organized its themes. The emerging themes is interpreted,
discussed and analyzed whether it answered the research objective of the study and give
conclusions and recommendations as the results fit.

Data Analysis

The researchers will use reflexive thematic analysis using deductive approach for
analyzing the data that will be gathered. Reflexive thematic analysis is an approach to
analyzing qualitative data to answer broad or narrow research questions about people’s
experiences, views and perceptions, and representations of a given phenomenon
(Braun&Clarke 2012; Brule, E., 2020). The purpose of Reflexive Thematic Analysis is to
identify patterns of meaning across a dataset that provide an answer to the research question
being addressed. Patterns are identified through a rigorous process of data familiarization,
data coding, and theme development and revision. One of the advantages of Reflexive
Thematic Analysis is that it’s theoretically-flexible. This means it can be used within
different frameworks, to answer quite different types of research question. Deductive
approach is where coding and theme development are directed by existing concepts or ideas.
The existing framework that will be based is the Increasing Vaccination Model by Brewer,
Chapman, Rothman, Leask, & Kempe.

Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations in research were crucial and critical. The integrity, reliability
and validity of the research findings rely heavily on the adherence to ethical principles. Thus,
the researchers will ensure the safety, confidentiality and will provide full protection to the
participants. To assure that this research will follow the necessary rules in conducting the
research and no rights of the participants or data that will be collected may offended
somebody, the researcher submitted this study to the Ethics Committee of Tagum Doctors
College Inc.

The main ethical principles that were considered in conducting this research study are
the following:

Social values: Social values are a set of principles that are morally acceptable by society.
These principles are created by the dynamics of the community, institutions in the society,
traditions, and cultural beliefs of the people in the society. The purpose of the study is to
assess the different factors that can affect the decision making of taking the Covid-19 vaccine
unvaccinated individuals. The researcher will assure that the content and purpose of the study
is socially and morally acceptable in the community and assure that there will be no race,
religion and culture that will be degraded.

Privacy and Confidentiality: The researchers will guarantee the participant’s identity will
be protected and will be not divulged in any third parties. Any results of the participants will
be kept and safeguarded

Transparency: The researcher would make sure that the methods were clearly discussed.
Furthermore, any documents that are relevant in this study will be attached for the review of
the readers. All and any other information that are relevant in this study will be provided for
the consumption of the audience of this study.

Justice: The researcher will assure that the participants are appropriate for this study which
means that they should still be unvaccinated of the Covid-19 vaccine. The researcher also
ensured that the participants understand their role to be open, honest and true during the

Vulnerability of the Participant: The researchers will ensure the safety of the participants
since they can be emotionally affected with the content of the questionnaire during the
interview. With this, the researcher has to assure that the interview questions are free from
containing offensive statements. This means that the questions should undergo content
validation and also the researcher has to seek further approval from the TDCI Researcher
Ethics Committee.

Informed Consent: The researchers will make sure that the participants were informed of
the purpose of the study. Written consent is provided for them to get their approval.
Moreover, the participants ensured that they understand all the aspects of the study. They
would not be forced to participate if they would not be willing to join.

Ames, H., Glenton, C. & Lewin, S. (2019) Purposive sampling in a qualitative evidence

synthesis: a worked example from a synthesis on parental perceptions of vaccination

communication. BMC Med Res Methodol 19, 26.

Brule, E., 2020. How to do a Thematic analysis.

Crossman, A. (2019). Understanding Purposive Sampling. An Overview of the Method and

Its Applications.

DeJonckheere M, Vaughn LM. (2019). Semistructured interviewing in primary care research:

a balance of relationship and rigour. Family Medicine and Community

Health;7:e000057. doi: 10.1136/fmch-2018-000057

Neubauer, B. E., Witkop, C. T., & Varpio, L. (2019). How phenomenology can help us learn

from the experiences of others. Perspectives on medical education, 8(2), 90–97.

Paley, J. (2017). Phenomenology as qualitative research—A critical analysis of meaning

attribution. Routledge.

Reyes, J., (2019). The history of Visayan Village: Tagum’s Most Populated


Instruction: Please answer the following questions honestly

Name (optional): Date:

Individual Cognition

1. What are your thoughts about the Covid-19 vaccine?

2. What is/are your reason for not taking the Covid-19 vaccine yet?

3. What are the possible causes that will change your mind to take the Covid-19

4. Do you prefer a specific brand of Covid-19 vaccine? If yes, which brand and
why? If no why not?

5. Are the side effects the reason why you are still not taking the Covid-19 vaccine?
If yes, why? If no why not?

6. Does your cultural beliefs is the reason why you are not taking the Covid-19
vaccine yet? If yes why? If no why not?

Social Processes

7. Do the social media play an impact of why you are hesitant to take the Covid-19?
If yes why? If no why not?

8. What are the information and news that you’ve seen on the internet regarding
the Covd-19 vaccine that make you hesitant to take the vaccine?

9. Does your family and friends influence you to not take the vaccine? If yes why
does your family and friends play an impact on your decision to not take the
vaccine? If no why not?

10. How does your family and friends influence you of to not take the Covid-19

Practical Issues

11. Are you waiting for a specific brand of vaccine to be available in your location?
If yes why?

12. Does the vaccine accessible to your location? If yes why are you still not taking
the vaccine?
13. Do you think the healthcare government is doing a good job in terms of the
providing information about the vaccine? If yes why? If no why not?

14. What do you think the healthcare governments should do here in the Philippines
to improve the vaccination program?

15. How can the healthcare governments encourage you to take the Covid-19 vaccine
right now?

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