AML Annual Report 2021

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Check out all about Anti Money
Laundering in 2021


4 Top 5 AML Fines in 2021
5 AML Challanges and Trends in 2021
7 AML Regulatory Changes in 2021
10 FATF Trends Publications in 2021
11 Pandora Papers

Regulatory pressure continued
for institutions at risk of money
laundering in 2021.

2021 has been an active year in the

prevention of money laundering, with
many countries enacting new or
updating their regulations on AML. In
2021, countries took regulatory steps,
especially on crypto, and awareness of
this issue increased.
In this report, we highlight the AML
industry's top compliance challenges,
regulatory focus, and crime trends in
2021. Keep reading to learn more.

Top 5 AML Fines in 2021

Fine: $574,000,000 Fine: $79,000,000 Fine: $48,000,000
Julius Baer, a Swiss bank,
has admitted to conspiring
to launder over $36 million in DNB ASA, the largest
ABN Amro has agreed to pay bribes to FIFA officials financial services group in
$574 million as part of a through the United States. Norway, was denounced for
settlement with Dutch The bank signed a deferred money laundering faults and
prosecutors for serious prosecution agreement and fined $48.1 million. The
shortcomings in AML. was ordered to pay a fine of Norwegian regulator said a
Customers engaged in $79 million for its role in the routine regulatory review
criminal activities abused FIFA money laundering revealed serious violations
their bank accounts. scandal. in AML compliance.


Fine: $6,900,000 Fine: $5,500,000 Fine: $1,960,000
Rietumu Banka was fined
$6.9 million for AML and anti- The Reserve Bank of South
terrorism violations. Nasdaq Stockholm Africa (SARB) imposed an
Irregularities and disciplinary committee has administrative penalty after
deficiencies were identified ordered Swedbank AB to pay the supervisory authority
and it was determined that $5.5 million for AML failures found weaknesses in
the bank underestimated the and violations of rules on Deutsche Bank's AML
risks of payment service disclosure and classification internal controls following a
providers. of insider information. 2019 review.
AML Challanges and Trends
TIGHTENING UBO LAWS The benefit of better software is that most
Under AMLA, the Financial Crimes Enforcement compliance processes can be automated,
Network (FinCEN) requires certain companies to which helps keep costs down.
provide information about the beneficial owner
of the reporting company, along with the TRADE-BASED MONEY LAUNDERING ON
identity of the person applying to form or THE RİSE
register the company. This is part of the trend to Trade-based money laundering refers to the
collect more information about your customers. process of moving funds through business
Customer due diligence is now a more complex transactions with the aim of concealing its
and lengthy process to gather the right types of source and reintroducing money into the
information. This goes hand in hand with the legitimate financial system. In March, the
Corporate Transparency Act (CTA), which Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the
requires financial institutions to verify customer Egmont group released a new report on the
information against FinCEN's Ultimate Business risk indicators of Trade-Based Money
Owner (UBO) records. Verifying UBO information Laundering. The report was published to
can be costly and time-consuming, and assist the private and public sectors in
especially since most countries do not publish recognizing suspicious activity in overseas
public property records. trade.
Trade-based money laundering (TBML) will continue to
BETTER SOFTWARE, BETTER be a major topic. FATF as well as jurisdictions near and
TECHNOLOGY continue to talk about TBML as indicated by FATF’s latest
Regulators are forcing banks to use paper on the subject, released on December 9, 2020, along
better software and incorporate with the Egmont Group of FIUs. But just as in the past, this
emerging technologies. As financial paper does not propose anything concrete in terms of TBML,
scammers get smarter with their just more handwringing about what a serious and complex
approach, the only way banks can problem it is, and how countries need to include TBML in their
combat is a technology that fits National Risk Assessments. (Yawn).
these capabilities and can adapt to
new threats. -Ross Delston, Attorney + Expert Witness
Reference from the Expected AML Trends in 2021 Report
CRYPTO REGULATION include the UK, UAE, France, Switzerland,
To prevent the misuse of cryptocurrencies for Germany, Netherlands, Thailand, Japan, and
money laundering and terrorist financing, the Australia.
Financial Action Task Force implemented the
Travel Rule in June 2019. However, by June INNOVATION AND SAR REFORM
2021, only 58 of the 128 reporting jurisdictions The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
had implemented the revised FATF standards. (“FDIC”) and the Office of the Currency
Controller (“OCC”) have finalized parallel
In the first half of 2021, Ireland took drastic Proposed Rule Formation Notices (“NPRMs”)
measures to regulate crypto-based firms by entitled Exemptions for Doubtful Activity
forcing all Irish VASPs (Virtual Asset Service Report Requirements. Regulators have
Providers) to register with the country's Central proposed amended regulations that, if
Bank within a three-month period. South Korea's finalized, would allow financial institutions to
Financial Intelligence Unit (KoFiu) has also grant broader exemptions to SAR filing
imposed similar registration requirements on all requirements in conjunction with innovative
crypto providers, stating that "any local crypto compliance approaches.
platform that does not comply with the new rule
will be completely banned from operating in While FinCEN and federal banking institutions
South Korea." In September, Ukraine formally have supported innovation over the past few
passed the Draft Law on Virtual Assets. years, the previous action has not resulted in
any tangible regulatory change to meet these
Prior to that, Cuba passed a law to recognize goals. The NDAA and NPRMs provide a
and regulate cryptocurrencies, Panama is pathway to a clear regime that will give
currently in the planning stages for new financial institutions confidence that well-
cryptocurrency regulations. Other countries intentioned efforts to test and advance the
that support crypto-related AML regulations use of technology in financial crime
compliance will not themselves produce
adverse regulatory consequences.

AML Regulatory and Regulations

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES April highlights the benefits of combining data
Dubai has set up a special court to tackle money from internal and external sources, proactive
laundering challenges, while the National data analysis.
Committee to Combat Money Laundering and
Terrorism and Financing of Illegal Organizations PHILIPPINE
(NAMLCFTC) introduced new regulatory In January, the Philippine government
requirements for virtual asset providers in expanded the scope of the Anti-Money
September 2021. In addition, all virtual currency Laundering Act (AMLA) to include overseas
providers, including cryptocurrencies, are gaming operators, real estate developers, and
required to comply with the travel rule of the brokers within the AML framework. Later in
FATF under the AML framework. February, the country's central bank revised
the AML/CFT risk assessment framework and
HONG KONG introduced a four-point rating scale to make it
As part of Hong Kong's biennial roadmap to easier for companies to assess risks and the
promote the adoption of Regtech in banking, the quality of their anti-money laundering and
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) issued counter-terrorism financing programs.
new anti-money laundering guidelines in
Irish Crypto Companies Are Now Subject to
AML/KYC Rules. The Central Bank of Ireland
announced that as of April 23, Virtual Asset
Service Providers (VASPs) must register with
the Central Bank and comply with AML and
Counter-Terrorism Financing (CFT) obligations.
VASPs have three months to comply with the
EUROPEAN UNION requirements or face criminal prosecution if
Legislation designed to strengthen the EU's they continue to operate in Ireland. The new
AML rules and harmonize enforcement among requirements will remove the ability for Irish
EU member states was announced by the users to buy, sell or trade cryptocurrency
European Commission in July. The legislation anonymously.
includes: (1) the establishment of a new EU
money laundering authority; (2) a new EU
rulebook for AML regulations specifically to UNITED STATE
make consistent EU regulations, including FINCEN SETS FIRST NATIONAL PRIORITIES IN
client due diligence and beneficial ownership; ANTI-MONEY LAUNDERING
(3) the sixth directive on AML, replacing the In June, FinCEN, the U.S. Department of the
fourth AML directive; and (4) the revision of Treasury's Office of Foreign Asset Control
the 2015 regulation on fund transfers to (OFAC), and other regulators outlined national
monitor cryptocurrency transfers. The new EU priorities for combating money laundering and
Anti-Money Laundering Authority will be a terrorist financing.The priorities are to guide
central EU authority, coordinating with financial institutions to focus their AML
national authorities to ensure that the private programs on the most relevant threats to the
sector applies EU rules consistently. The new US financial system and national security.
authority will also directly oversee some high- Priorities include Corruption, Cybercrime,
risk financial institutions operating in more Financing of terrorism, both domestic and
than one EU country. The new authority will international, Fraud, Transnational criminal
also directly oversee some high-risk financial organizations, Drug trafficking organization
institutions operating in more than one EU activity, Human trafficking and smuggling, and
country. arms financing.
In March, FinCEN issued a statement requiring
the term "financial institution" to cover
individuals who trade antiquities, thus
requiring the art and antique market to submit
suspicious activity reports (SARs) for certain
transactions. The notice provided a summary
of the information that can be expected
regarding SARs for antique dealers.
In January, FinCEN extended the comment
period for the newly proposed rulemaking
regarding convertible virtual currency (CVC) OFAC HAS RELEASED THE SANCTIONS
and digital assets (LTDA) transactions with COMPLIANCE GUIDE FOR THE VIRTUAL
legal tender status. Under the proposed CURRENCY INDUSTRY
FinCEN regulations, both banks and money The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of
services businesses will be required to report Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has released the
record, and verify the identities of customers Sanctions Compliance Manual for the Virtual
involved in transactions above certain value Currency Industry to assist the virtual currency
thresholds. These regulations will only apply industry in mitigating these risks. OFAC
to CVC or LTDA wallets that are not hosted or compliance obligations apply equally to
associated with financial institutions. The transactions involving virtual currencies and
proposed rule requires banks and transactions involving traditional fiat currencies.
cryptocurrency exchanges to institute
advanced know-your-customer (KYC) and Members of the virtual currency industry are
record-keeping processes for any responsible for ensuring that they do not engage,
transactions involving over $3,000 un-hosted directly or indirectly, in transactions prohibited by
wallets. Banks and exchanges will also be OFAC sanctions, such as dealings with blocked
required to report any transaction exceeding persons or property, or prohibited trade or
$10,000 to FinCEN within 15 days. investment-related transactions.

FATF Trends
in 2021
TRADE-BASED MONEY LAUNDERİNG: This guide will help countries and VASPs
RİSK INDICATORS understand their money laundering and
Trade-based money laundering is one of the counter-terrorist financing obligations and
most complex and widely used methods of effectively implement the FATF requirements
money laundering. Criminals use legitimate as they apply to this sector.
trading transactions or networks to hide and
move the proceeds of crime around the world. MONEY LAUNDERING FROM
FATF and Egmont Group FIUs have published a ENVIRONMENTAL CRIME
report on trade-based money laundering - This FATF Report describes the methods
trends and developments The report provided criminals use to launder the proceeds of
detailed information on emerging risks. It also environmental crime, as well as the tools that
outlined a set of best practices to help governments and the private sector can
authorities mitigate this money laundering implement to curb this activity. When properly
threat. implemented, the FATF Recommendations
provide effective tools for pursuing these
UPDATED GUIDANCE FOR A RISK-BASED illicit financial flows. Environmental crime is a
APPROACH TO VIRTUAL ASSETS AND 'low risk, high reward' crime.
In October 2021, the FATF updated its 2019 In many countries, light sanctions for
Guidelines for the Risk-Based Approach to environmental crimes, as well as limited
Virtual Assets and Virtual Asset Service efforts to track and eliminate profits, make it
Providers (VASPs). This updated Guidance a lucrative but safe source of income for
forms part of FATF's ongoing monitoring of criminals. Therefore, the FATF conducted this
virtual assets and the VASP industry. VASPs work to increase understanding of the scale
are subject to the same relevant FATF and nature of money laundering threats from
measures that apply to financial institutions. environmental crimes and to strengthen the
response between the public and private
Pandora Papers, reporting the
financial transactions of world-
PANDORA famous leaders and politicians, has
The Pandora Documents leak contains 2.9
Terabytes of information released by the
International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists (ICIJ) effective October 3, 2021.
Nearly 12 million documents, examined by
more than 600 journalists from 117
countries, also revealed the secrets of many
state leaders.
Described as the most comprehensive
financial privacy disclosure ever, the
Pandora Documents features pictures,
charts, documents, and emails from 14
different financial services companies.
In Pandora Paper Ukrainian President
Volodymyr Zelenskiy, Lebanese Prime
Minister Najib Mikati, Kenyan President
Uhuru Kenyatta, Ecuadorian President
Guillermo Lasso Mendoza, Czech Prime
Minister Babis, King Abdullah of Jordan, Child
of Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, and
former British Prime Minister Tony Blair,
Pandora It's in your papers. In addition to
politicians, many famous names such as
Shakira, Claudia Schiffer, Julio Iglesias, Ringo
Starr, Elton John accompany the politicians.
About Us
Sanction Scanner is an artificial intelligence-supported
compliance software that offers solutions to prevent black
money and terrorist financing in the field of Regulatory
Technologies (RegTech). Sanction Scanner has 3000+ sanction
lists of 220+ countries, monitors and analyzes this data
instantly, and presents it as a report to its users. Also with
Transaction Monitoring tool monitors customer transactions in
real-time to detect high-risk and suspicious transactions.
Today, we play an active role in the fight against financial crimes
of nearly 100 companies in +30 countries and provide software
services, our aim is to fight financial crimes. Join us and let's
fight financial crimes together.

Get in Touch
27 Old Gloucester Street, London,
United Kingdom, WC1N 3AX
+44 20 4577 0427
Yıldız Technical University - Yıldız Technopark
C1 - No:106-2, Istanbul, Turkey
+90 (212) 963 01 84

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