27 Unit01 WordList V2

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27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Abandon How could she abandon her own child? # To leave a place, thing or person forever
Abhor The managing director said he abhorred racism in the workplace. # To hate a way of behaving or
thinking often because you think it is not moral
Accent I thought I could detect a slight West Country accent. # The way in which people in a particular area,
country or social group pronounce words
Account for "Students account for the vast majority of our customers.""They don't, do they." # To form the total of
Acquaintance I don't socialize with them- they're more acquaintances than friends, really. # A person that you have
met but do not know well
Adapt The children can find it difficult to adapt to the new school. # To become familiar with a new situation
Admit Men will not be admitted to the restaurant without a tie. # To allow someone to enter a place
Adore She has one son and she adores him. # To love someone very much, especially in an admiring or
respectful way, or to like sth very much
Advance Nothing could stop the advance of the flood waters. # The forward movement of sth
Agenda "There were several important items on the agenda."There weren't, were there.?" # A list of matters to
be discussed at a meeting
Agenda Perhaps we could move on to discuss the next item on the agenda. # A list of matters to be discussed at
a meeting
Alert The medicine can make it difficult to remain alert. # Quick to see, understand and act in a particular
Ally I've made a lot of enemies in this job, so I need all the allies I can get. # Someone who helps and
supports someone else
Altogether That'll be £52.50 altogether, please. # Completely or in total
Amount to She may not have killed him herself, but helping Dave to do it amounts to the same thing. # To become
a particular amount
Amusement park "You must find a job in an amusement park.""I have." # A funfair
Analyze I'll try to analyze their relationship. # To study or examine sth in detail, in order to discover more about
Ancestor "There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.""There weren't, were they?" # A person
related to you who lived a long time ago
Anchor You probably can't even anchor it in the seafloor because it's like two or three miles down. # To make
sth or someone stay in one position by fastening them firmly
Annoying He has an annoying habit of always being late. It really irritates me. # Making you feel annoyed
Approach I'm not sure how to approach the problem. # To deal with sth
Approval It's an impressive design, but it probably won't receive much popular approval. # when you have a
positive opinion of someone or sth
Arrival Late arrivals will not be admitted to the theater. # When someone or sth arrives somewhere
Aside They've been setting aside afew pounds each week, but I haven't. # On or to one side
Astronomical They have received an astronomical salary, and I have, too. # Describes an amount which is extremely
Asylum Better policing of E.U. borders is fine, provided that refugees still have access to a fair asylum
procedure. # Protection or safety, especially that given by a government to foreigners who have been
forced to leave their own countries for political reasons
Asylum seeker She met an asylum seeker from her home country, but I didn't. # Someone who leaves their own
country for their safety
Attitude Middle age can be the prime of life if you have the right attitude. # A feeling or opinion about sth or
Autumn We like to travel in the autumn when there are fewer tourists. # The season of the year between
summer and winter
Avert The tragedy could have been averted if the crew had followed safety procedures. # Avoid
Avoid "Road safety is taught to young children to avoid road accidents.""I know it is." # To stay away from
someone or sth
Awesome My third time. Isn't is just an awesome movie? # Extremely good
Aye "Would you prefer not to work?""Oh aye, I'd stop tomorrow if I could." # Another word for 'yes'

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Back It is hoped that all sides will back the peace plan. # To give support to someone or sth with money or
Banter "He considered himself a master of witty banter.""He didn't, did he?" # Conversation which is funny and
not serious
Basement He will lend me his basement room. # A part of a building consisting of rooms that are partly or
completely below the level of the ground
Basically Basically, they want a lot more information about the project before they'll put any money into it. #
Used when referring to the main or most important characteristic or feature of sth
Bear "I wish the waiters would bear trays of drinks into the room.""But they did." # To carry and move sth to
a place
Belligerent "The kids, especially the boys, are aggressive, belligerent, and rebellious.""I know they are." # Wishing
to fight or argue
Bench They didn'y sit on a park bench, nor did I. # A long, usually hard, seat for two or more people, often
found in public places
Bet A: Ah, that explains it. The city from the taxi looked great. I'm looking forward to exploring it. B: I bet
you are. # To risk money on the result of an event or a competition, such as a horse race, in the hope of
winning more money
Bilingual "She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.""I do too, and so does James." # Able to
use two languages for communication, or (of a thing) using or involving two languages
Biscuit Ma Johnson always used to bake the best biscuits. # A small, flat cake that is dry and usually sweet
Blow "Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence.""I know it is." # An unexpected event that has a
damaging effect on someone or sth
Border To cross the border, you will need a valid passport. # The line that divides one country from another
Brawl She might get his face cut in a brawl outside a nightclub. # A noisy, rough, uncontrolled fight
Bridegroom "The bridegroom was late for the ceremony."He wasn't, was he? # A man who is about to get married
or has just got married
Brim Her eyes brimmed with tears when she heard that he was alive, and I did, too. # To become full of sth,
especially a liquid
Broken home She comes from a broken home, but I don't. # One where the parents have separated
Bundle "They left out several bundles of old newspapers for recycling.""I did too." # A number of things that
have been fastened or are held together
Bureaucratic Both nations can reduce their traditional bureausratic power. # Involving long and difficult dealings with
Capable of Ideally, it will need to be capable of working in all these media and of being extended. # Having the
ability, power or qualities to be able to do sth
Capital I want to start my own business if I can raise the capital. # Money and possessions, especially a large
amount of money used for producing more wealth or for starting a new business
Catch up Will Western industry ever catch up with Japanese innovations? # To reach the same quality or
standard as someone or sth else
Caustic "She's famous in the office for her caustic wit.""She isn't, is she?" # Describes a remark or way of
speaking that is hurtful , critical or intentionally unkind
Caustic "The players were making caustic comments about the refereeing.""They weren't, were they?" #
Describes a remark or way of speaking that is hurtful
Chance "Mary chanced on/upon some old love letters in a drawer.""She didn't, did she." # To happen or do sth
by chance
Chargeable Advice will be given as a chargeable service. # Sth is chargeable if you have to pay tax on it
Chat A: What are you two talking about? B: We're just chatting about TV shows. # To talk to someone in a
friendly informal way
Chemist I bought some bandage from the chemist's. # Shop where you can buy medicines, make-up and
products used for washing yourself
Choke Children can choke on peanuts. # If you choke, or if sth chokes you, you stop breathing because sth is
blocking your throat
Chuckle She chuckled quietly to herself as she read the magazine. # To laugh quietly
Circumstances "Her father is a farmer in moderate circumstances."I know he is." # How much money someone has
Clasp She nervously clasps and unclasps her hands, but I don't. # To hold someone or sth firmly in your hands
or arms
PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Clear- eyed Jane might see a handsome, clear- eyed Russian girl in a store. # Having unclouded, bright eyes
Clerk "Are you meeting the bank clerk in a big restaurant?""No, I don't want to." # A person who works in an
office, dealing with records or performing general office duties
Coal miner The Polish wife of a Pennsylvania coal miner, both admitted a year before, had gone back suddenly to
Poland to visit her old father, who had taken sick and might soon die. # A person who works in a coal
mine removing coal from the ground
Colonial He still thinks britain is a great colonial power. # Relating to a colony or colonialism
Come over Your family will come over from Greece for the wedding? # To come to a place
Come up with We'll think about a present for her and see what we can come up with. # To suggest or think of an idea
or plan
Commissioner "Is there a commissioner in charge of the London police force?"Yes, I think there is." # An important
official who has responsibility in a government department
Commitment I've got too many commitments at the moment to do an evening class. # Sth that you must do or deal
with that takes your time
Companion I met a couple of Canadian girls while I was hitchhiking around Mexico. They made great traveling
companions # A person you spend a lot of time with either because you are friends
Competitor Big supermarkets can undercut all competitors, especially small high street shops. # A person, team or
company that is competing against others
Concern It concerns me that he hasn't been in contact. # To cause worry to someone
Consult I'll have to consult my colleagues about the proposed changes. # To get information or advice from a
person, book, etc
Content "He seems fairly content with (his) life.""I know he does." # Pleased with your situation and not hoping
for change or improvement
Convenience store Robert and Albert didn't work nights at a convenience store, and neither did I. # A shop that sells food,
drinks, etc. and is usually open until late
Converge Their inability to manage the complex mix of economic migrants and asylum seekers converging on
their borders is causing them major political headaches and making daily headlines across Europe. # To
come from other places to meet in a particular place
Convert Nitrogen is converted into nitrates in the soil which plants can then use. # To change in form, character,
or opinion
Conviction His conviction for dangerous driving counted against him when he went to renew his auto insurance. #
When someone is officially found to be guilty of a particular crime
Cordon "There was a police cordon around the modern building.""There wasn't, was there?" # A line of police,
soldiers, vehicles, etc. positioned around a particular area in order to prevent people from entering it
Coup "The story about the princess was a real coup.""It wasn't, was it?" # An unexpectedly successful
Crisp And can you call at the supermarket and buy some crisps? # A very thin, often round piece of fried
Critical "He made some highly critical remarks.""he didn't, did he?" # Saying that someone or sth is bad or
Crush When I was in elementary school, I had a crush on my English teacher. # A strong but temporary feeling
of liking someone
Custody The mother normally gets custody of the children. # The legal right or duty to care for someone or sth
Deck "The ship's deck is composed by steel plates.""I know it is." # A flat area for walking on, especially one
built across the space between the sides of a boat or a bus
Demand You can't give in to children's demands all the time. # A strong request
Deport "The refugees were deported back to their country of origin.""They weren't, were they?" # To force
someone to leave a country
Descendant "Today their descendants account for almost 10 percent of the population of the United States.""I know
they do." # A person who is related to someone and who lives after them
Desperate I felt I couldn't cope with the situation was in desperate need of some reassurance. # Very serious or
Despise She despises him because he has never worked and has always lived off other people. # To feel a strong
dislike for someone or sth because you think they are bad
Determination "She showed great determination.""She didn't, did she?" # The ability to continue trying to do sth,
although it is very difficult

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Detterence It is irrational for governments to spend millions of euros on reinforcing borders, and various methods
of deterrance, without simultaneously investing in solutions at the source of the problem. # Sth which
deters people from doing sth
Diplomacy The border dispute can only be resolved by discussion and negotiation, not by gunboat diplomacy. #
The management of relationships between countries
Dirt "You should see the dirt on that car.""I have." # Dust, soil or any substance that makes a surface not
Disorganized How can you find anything in such disorganized office? You need to put some systems in place. # Badly
planned and without order
Disperse The showers will be quite wildly dispersed across the whole region. # To spread across or move away
over a large area, or to make sth do this
Displaced It makes a lot more senses to help the displaced and the dispossessed at home, or close to home. # To
force sth or someone out of its usual or original position
Dispossessed It makes a lot more sense to help the displaced and the dispossessed at home, or close to home. #
Dispossessed people
Dispute The settlement will resolve a long- running dispute over the country's nuclear program. # An argument
or disagreement, especially an official one between, for example, workers and employers or two
countries with a common border
Diverse "India is quite diverse both politically and religiously.""I know it is." # Varied or different
Domination "I didn’t see the movie.""Oh, you should have. It was about a group of robots set on world domination."
# Power or control over other people or things
Dour My father is miserable, mean, and dour, but I'm not. # Unfriendly
Dressing gown She's wearing a gold dressing gown and a pale blue woollen hat. # A long loose piece of clothing, like a
coat, which you wear informally inside the house
Driveway The house has a long driveaway in front of it and a small garden at the back. # A short private road
which leads from a public road to a house
Drug He takes several drugs for his condition, but I don't. # Any natural or artificially made chemical which is
used as a medicine
Eh "Did you hear what I said?""Eh? Say it again - I wasn't listening." # Used to express surprise or
confusion, to ask someone to repeat what they have said, or as a way of getting someone to give some
type of reaction to a statement that you have made
Election After twelve years of totalitarian rule, the president unexpectedly called multiparty elections. # A time
when people vote in order to choose someone for a political or official job
Ellipsis An example of ellipsis is"What percentage was left?""Twenty". # When words are left out of a sentence
but the sentence can still be understood
Elsewhere They couldn't find what they wanted and decided to look elsewhere. # At, in, from, or to another place
or other places; anywhere or somewhere else
Emigrate "My parents emigrated from Britain to New Zealan before I was four.""They didn't, did they?" # To
leave a country permanently and go to live in another one
Employment agency I might write a letter to an employment agency. # A business that finds suitable people to work for
other businesses
End up A: Are you taking a vacation this summer? B: I hope to, but things might end up getting very busy. # To
finally be in a particular place or situation
Endorsement The senator's statement didn't meet with the approval of his own party, but it received the personal
endorsement of the President. # When you make a statement of your approval or support for sth or
Entity "He didn't regard the north of the country as a separate cultural entity, nor did I. # Sth which exists
apart from other things, having its own independent existence
Estimated This island won't see an estimated 5 million immigrants. # Roughly calculated
Eventually It might take him ages but he'll do it eventually. # In the end
Examiner "Bank examiners shut down the bank.""They didn't, did they?" # Someone whose job is to decide how
well someone has done in an examination
Excerpt An excerpt from her new thriller will appear in this weekend's magazine. # A short part taken from a
speech, book, film, etc
Exclude "Women are excluded from the club.""I know they are." # To prevent someone or sth from entering a
place or taking part in an activity

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Expire The contract between the two companies will expire at the end of the year. # If sth which lasts for a
fixed length of time expires, it comes to an end or stops being in use
Extra He punished the class by giving them extra work, and I do, too. # Added to what is normal
Failure In America, failure is the worst thing that can happen. # When someone or sth does not succeed
Faith I don't trust this government. I have no faith in them whatsoever. # Great trust or confidence in sth or
Faithful All your friends may not be as reliable or faithful as you expect. # Loyal
Fake I can just make my own fake island- like some kind of platform- way out in the middle of the ocean, far
away from the territory claimed by any country. # An object which is made to look real or valuable in
order to deceive people
Feel at home I already feel at home and Mario does, too. # To feel comfortable and relaxed
Fellow "You must write to the fellow again and tell him he's a fool. He'll never have such a chance again""I
have." # A man, used especially in the past by people in a higher social class
Fervor It's always a danger when a leader stirs the people up into a patriotic fervor. # Describes beliefs that are
strongly and sincerely felt or people who have strong and sincere beliefs
Fever "All the people seem to be in the grip of football fever.""I know they are." # A state of great excitement
Figure I might look quickly down the column of figures. # The symbol for a number or an amount expressed in
Filter He likes to experiment with different light filters on my camera, and so do I. # Any of several types of
equipment or devices for removing solids from liquids or gases
Find out I'll just go and find out what's going on outside. # To get information about sth because you want to
know more about it
Fiscal I find it very difficult to make up my mind about the new fiscal policy. It's such a complex mix of political
and economic arguments. # Connected with (public) money
Fix I tried to fix my car, but I couldn't. I didn't have the right tool. # To repair sth
Flat We've got a small flat. # Apartment
Flee "Every year thousands of people flee the big cities in search of rural idyll.""I know they do." # To escape
by running away, especially because of danger or fear
Folk Ordinary folk can't afford cars like that. # People, especially those of a particular group or type
Fool The man is not a complete fool, nor am I. # A person who behaves in a silly way without thinking
Foreground "There were three figures in the forground.""I know there were." # The people, objects, countryside,
etc. in a picture or photograph that seem nearest to you and form its main part
Fortune The money they've saved over the years amonts to a small fortune. # A large amount of money, goods,
property, etc
Freedom "Ellis Island, like its neighbor the statue of Liberty, is a symbol of the American dream of freedom and
opportunity.""I know it is." # The right to do what you want without being conrolled by anyone
Frozen Frozen vegetables can be cooked quickly and don't generally need any preparation. # Turned into ice,
or (of food) preserved by freezing
Give back You can borrow my CD, as long as you promise to give it back. # To return sth to the person who gave it
to you
Goalie The regular goalie hasn't been playing very well recently so he isn't on the team this week. # The player
who stands in the team's goal to try to stop the other team from scoring
Gossip I love to gossip with my friends. It's fun to talk about other people. # To talk about other people's
private lives
Grassroots And if we're working and trading intentionally, let us trade with the grassroots. # The ordinary people in
a society or an organization, especially a political party
Ground floor It's on the ground floor of a block of flats in the centre of town. # The floor of a building that is at the
same level as the ground outside
Gunboat He confirmed that Royal navy gunboats will patrol British waters on the hunt for illegal refugees and
asylum seekers. # A small military ship with large guns, used especially in areas near the coast
Hail from somewhere Many buyers will likely hail from El Centro, about 40 miles to the east. # To come from or to have been
born in a particular place
Handicap Not speaking the language can be a real handicap. # Sth which makes it difficult for you to do sth
Haze John saw her through a haze of cigarette smoke, but I didn't. # When the air is not very clear because of
sth such as heat or smoke, making it difficult to see well

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Head over heels (in Julia's head over heels in love. She absolutely adores him! # Completely in love
Healine The only clue he can find is a newspaper headline saying that the city has ben evacuated. # A line of
words printed in large letters as the title of a story in a newspaper
Heritage "Ellis Island is a symbol of the U.S.'s immigrant heritage.""I know it is." # Features belonging to the
culture of a particular society
Hint The managing director is hinting at the possibility of a big pay raise, but he won't make a firm
commitment until the sales figures are in. # To say or do sth that shows, but not directly, what you
think or want
Humanity "The massacre was a crime against humanity.""It wasn't, was it?" # People in general
Humor Jack diesn't have a great sense of humour, nor do I. # The ability to find things funny
Hypocritical It's hypocritical of Sue to go to Tom's party when she can't stand him. # Saying that you have particular
moral beliefs but behaving in a way that shows these are not sincere
Identical twin I can't tell the difference between those identical twins. # One of two babies of the same sex who were
born at the same time, developed from the same egg, and look very similar
Identity Canadians have a strong sense of national identity and hate it when they are mistakenly referred to
as"American." # Who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group which make them different from
Illustrate Jack needs a volunteer to help him illustrate this next concept, and I do, too. # To show the meaning or
truth of sth more clearly
Immigrant "Jack's parents are immigrants from South korea.""I know they are." # A person who has come to a
different country in order to live there permanently
Immigration Worried European Union leaders have every reason to place illegal immigration at the top of the
agenda. # When someone comes to live in a different country
Impress I wasn't as impressed as I had expected to be. # To cause someone to admire or respect you because of
sth that you have done or said
Imprisonment She was sentenced to five years' imprisonment. # The state of being in prison
In terms of He sees it in terms of what might be. # Used to describe which particular area of a subject you are
Inadequate This work is woefully (= extremely) inadequate - you'll have to do it again. # Not good enough
Individualistic Her approach is highly individualistic and may not be suitable for everyone. # Unconventional
Inedible My husband insists on doing all the cooking, but I wish he wouldn't- it's inedible. # Not suitable as food
Inferiority complex I've always had an inferioty complex. # A feeling that you are not as good, as intelligent, as attractive,
etc. as other people
Ingredient "Trust is a vital ingredient in a successful marriage.""I know it is." # One of the parts of sth successful
Insist My boss insists on travelling first class when he goes on bussiness trips. # To state or demand forcefully,
especially despite opposition
Inspector "She's waiting a visitation from the inspector.""I know she is." # Someone whose job is to officially
inspect sth
Insult "Andy got upset at the baseball game and started insulting everyone.""He would! That's so typical. He's
always doing that." # To say or do sth to someone that is rude or offensive
Integration "In the 1960s they passed a law to promote racial integration in schools.""They didn't, did they?" # The
process of getting people of different races to live and work together instead of separately
Intend "You'll be able to enjoy yourself when you're finished with your exams.""Don't worry. I intend to." # To
have as a plan or purpose
Intention She was full of good intentions, and so was he. # Sth that you want and plan to do
Interfere You shouldn't interfere in business that doesn't concern you. # To involve yourself in a situation when
your involvement is not wanted or is not helpful
Irrational His parents weren't worried by his increasingly irrational behaviour, nor was I. # Not using reason or
clear thinking
Kick sb out "My father kicked me out of the house.""He didn't, did he?" # To force someone to leave a place or
Land She says she doesn't want to go back to be laughed at by her family, and I can't let her land. # To unload
people or things from a ship or aircraft onto the ground
Lawn "He's been trying to turn his patchy old front yard into a lawn since early spring.""I know he has." # An
area of grass
PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Layout Application forms vary greatly in layout and length. # The way that sth is arranged
Let sb down I felt that my parents had let me down. # To disappoint someone by failing to do what you agreed to do
Lift It's on the third floor. Let's use the lift. # A device like a box which moves up and down
Lit Yeah. They just did. But I can't read a thing. This place is so badly lit. # To start to burn or to make sth
start to burn
Literacy "Is the program designed to promote literacy in the community?"Yes, I think it is. # The ability to read
and write
Loathe "Do you like fish?""No, I loathe it." # To hate someone or sth
Loo Yes, why not? I need to go to the loo, anyway. # Informal for toilet
Lorry The second accident involved two cars and a lorry. # A large vehicle used for transporting goods
Loyal In addition, users can attract and retain more loyal customers and reduce operating costs. # Firm and
not changing in your friendship with
Luggage I might put my luggage on a wrong plane. # The bags, cases, etc. which contain your possessions and
that you take with you when you are travelling
Make I won't be able to make your party, I'm afraid. # To arrive at or reach, especially successfully
Maliciousness It is unclear how maliciousness will be determined. # Intended to harm or upset other people
Manifest He checked the ship's cargo manigest, and I do too. # A list of passangers or goods carried on a ship,
plan, or train
Match Liverpool have a match with Blackburn next week. # A sports competition or event in which two people
or teams compete against each other
Measure The government resorted to desperate measures to avert an economic crisis. # A way of achieving sth,
or a method for dealing with a situation
Merge "They decided to merge the two companies into one.""They didn't, did they?" # To combine or join
Microfilm "Can a small scratch on microfilm result in the loss of a large amount of data.""Yes, I think it can." # Film
which is used for photographing information in a reduced size, or a piece of this film
Migrant "These birds are winter migrants from Scandinavia.""I know they are." # A person or animal that travels
from one place to another
Miserable I just couldn't think of anyone anybody who was more miserable than me. # Very unhappy
Mistakenly She mistakenly believed that she could get away with not paying her taxes. # Wrongly
Moderate He's a moderate drinker, but I'm not. # Neither small nor large but between the two
Mother tongue "Are you going to speak English as your mother tongue?""No, I don't want to." # The first language that
you learn when you are a baby, rather than a language learned at school or as an adult
Mow "Are they coming to mow the lawn or to liberate the hostage with rakes, clippers and blowers?""Yes, I
think they are." # To cut plants, such as grass or wheat, which have long thin stems and grow close
Narrow You will have a narrow view of life. # A narrow attitude or way of looking at a situation is too limited
and does not consider enough possibilities
Nationalistic They can encourage nationalistic sentiment among the stubents. # Being too proud of your own country
Nervously "He laughs nervously, then moves the conversation on a different topic.""I know he does." # Feeling or
showing that you are worried and anxious
Nod "Are you willing to marry Peter if he comes again?"The girl nods and says,"I am,"the tears brimming
over. # To move your head down and then up
Obnoxious Actually most of my American friends are very abnoxious. # Very unpleasant or rude
Obvious It might be obvious to you, but it isn't to me. # Clear; easy to see, recognize or understand
Occasionally Occasionally I'll have a piece of chocolate, but it's quite rare. # Sometimes but not often
Offend He's upset. You shouldn't have offended him. I know I shoulsn't have. I didn't mean to. # To make
someone upset or angry
Official I had to ask an official from another airline to help, but he didn't, which was annoying. # A person who
has a position of responsibility in an organization
Offspring "Tom's sister came round on Saturday with her numerous offspring.""She didn't, did she?" # A person's
Omit "She omitted to inform the authorities of their visit.""She didn't, did she?" # To fail to include or do sth

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Opponent Leading opponents of the proposed cuts in defence spending will meet later today. # A person who
disagrees with sth and speaks against it
Otherwise I'd better write it down, otherwise I'll forget it. # Used after an order or suggestion to show what the
result will be if you do not follow that order or suggestion
Outspoken My friend are not outspoken , nor am I. # Expressing strong opinions very directly without worrying if
other people are offended
Overwhelming There is enourmous and overwhelming support for her at this time. # Very great or very large
Package The postman has delivered a package for you, but I haven't. # A parcel
Paperwork This job will have a lot of time- consuming paperwork. # The part of a job which involves writing letters
and reports and keeping records
Parking lot A: Do you have a yard? B: No, we don't, just a parking lot in the back. # An outside car park
Patriotic Today's game will be played before a fiercely patriotic crowd. # Showing love for your country and
being proud of it
Pavement Keep to the pavement, Rosie, there's a good girl. # A path with a hard surface on one or both sides of a
road, that people walk on
Peak Don't go there in the peak (= busiest) season - it'll be hot and crowded. # Peak times are the times
when most people are using or doing sth
Perceive He perceives himself to be a failure, though nothing could be further from the truth. # To come to an
opinion about sth, or have a belief about sth
Persecution Highly trained border personnel will help ensure that nobody is sent back to face presecution,
imprisonment, torture, or death. # Unfair or cruel treatment over a long period of time because of race,
religion, or political beliefs
Personally The director will introduce the film personally at its world premiere. # Used when you give your opinion
Perspective In a few years he might have a different perspective. # A particular way of considering sth
Persuade At first Robert refused to help her, but eventually she persuade him to. # To make someone do or
believe sth by giving them a good reason to do it
Petrol Do we need to stop for petrol? # A liquid obtained from petroleum, used especially as a fuel for cars,
aircraft and other vehicles
Pharmacist The decision will keep the drug behind counters so pharmacist can control sales. # A person who is
trained to prepare medicines
Police The march will be heavily policed by an anti-riot unit. # To control or guard a public event or area by
using members of the police or a similar force
Policy They believe that the European Community needs a common foreign and security policy. # A set of
ideas or a plan of what to do in particular situations
Populate "The city was populated with a good number of cats and dogs.""It wasn't, was it?" # To live in an area or
Potential Why not push to the limit and realize your potential? # Possible when the necessary conditions exist
Potential A number of potential buyers will express interest in the company. # Someone's or sth's ability to
develop, achieve or succeed
Prayer "We will give her a prayer book.""I know you will." # The words that someone says or thinks when they
are praying
Predecessor "My predecessor worked in this job for twelve years.""He didn't, did he?" # Someone who had a job or
a position before someone else
Previous I already have, but the previous tenant left a lot of stuff that needs throwing out. # Happening or
existing before sth or someone else
Pride She felt a great sense of pride as she watched him accept the award. I didn't, though. # A feeling of
pleasure and satisfaction that you get because you or people connected with you have done
Probable I guess nothing is impossible, but I don't think it's probable that it could have happened in other
countries. # Likely to be true or likely to happen
Procedure Don't worry- I'll go through the procedure with you step by step. # A set of actions which is the official
or accepted way of doing sth
Process "They processed me and ran me through every database they could use, but found nothing.""They
didn't, did they." # To deal with documents in an official way
Procession "Will the festival open with a procession led by the mayor?""Yes, I think it will." # A line of people who
are all walking or travelling in the same direction

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Prodigy "They are musical prodigies.""I know they are." # Someone with a very great ability which usually shows
itself when that person is a young child
Pronounce "Have I pronounced her name correctly?""Yes, I think you have." # To state sth officially or certainly
Property Can people really do that- just declare that their property is a new country? # An object or objects that
belong to someone
Prospective They've had three sets of prospective buyers looking round the house, but I have't. # People who are
expected to buy sth/employ someone/become a parent, etc
Prove Such data will prove invaluable to researchers. # To show a particular result after a period of time
Purpose "The purpose of the research is to try and find out more about the causes of the disease.""I know it is."
# Why you do sth or why sth exists
Pursue He decided to pursue a career in television, and I do too. # If you pursue a plan, activity or situation,
you try to do it or achieve it, usually over a long period of time
Pursue "The car was pursued by helicopters.""it wasn't, was it?" # To follow someone or sth, usually to try to
catch or kill them
Puzzling "You must see that puzzling movie. That's wonderful!""I have." # Difficult to explain or understand
Qualification You'll never get a good job if you don't have any qualifications. # An official record showing that you
have finished a training course or have the necessary skills, etc
Queue If you want tickets you'll have to join the queue. # A line of people
Quota "The country now has a quota on immigration.""I know it does." # A fixed, limited amount or number
that is officially allowed
Racism I abhore all forms of racism. # The belief that people's qualities are influenced by their race and that the
members of other races are not as good as the members of your own, or the resulting unfair treatment
of members of other races
Rags- to- riches His life can be described as a rags to riches story. # Used to describe what happens to a person who was
poor but becomes rich
Raise The increase in interest rates will raise the cost of living. # To cause sth to increase or become bigger,
better, higher, etc
Rake He doesn't rake the yard, and neither do I. # To use a rake to make earth level or to collect leaves
Rarely In the summer the academy will exhibit several prints which are rarely seen. # Not often
Rebel The people might rebell against the harsh new government. # To fight against the government or to
refuse to obey rules, etc
Rebellious "Her teachers regard her as a rebellious, trouble-making girl.""I know they do." # If someone is
rebellious, they are difficult to control and do not behave in the way they are expected to
Refugee There aren't as many refugees leaving the country now as there used to be. # A person who has
escaped from their own country for political, religious or economic reasons or because of a war
Reinforce It could reinforce prescriptions for an appropriate scientific method. # To provide an army with more
soldiers or weapons to make it stronger
Remark Dr Johnson remarked"Mrked might come tonight." # To give a spoken statement of an opinion or
Repressed "English people are notoriously repressed and don't talk about their feelings.""I know they are." #
Having feelings which you do not express
Reputation Americans have a reputation for being loud and obnoxious. # The opinion that people in general have
about someone or sth
Resort International tourist resorts might have international standards. # A place where many people go for
rest, sport or another stated purpose
Resort to I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money, but my friend didn't. # To do sth that you do not
want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving sth
Revolution "Penicillin produced a revolution in medicine.""It didn't, did it?" # A very important change in the way
that people do things
Ribbon "A ribbon of road stretched ahead of us across the desert.""It didn't, did it?" # A long narrow piece of
Risk taker They are not successful risk- takers, nor am I. # A person who takes risks
Rival "The companies produce rival versions of the toy.""I know they do." # A person, group, etc. competing
with others for the same thing or in the same area
Rock bottom Alcoholics often have to reach/hit rock bottom before they can recognise that they have a problem. #
The most unhappy that someone has ever been in their life
PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Rubbish I forgot to put the rubbish out for collection this morning. # Waste material or things that are no longer
wanted or needed
Rule Only the Appeal Court can rule on this point. # To decide officially
Sale They'll drop the price rather than lose the sale. # An act of exchanging sth for money
Sarcastic He can't help making sarcastic comments. # Using sarcasm
Sb's lot/the lot of sb "They should do something to improve the lot of the lowest-paid workers.""They have." # The quality of
someone's life and the experiences that they have
Scared She was scared at all by the dog, but I was terrified. # Frightened or worried
Score England tried really hard to score in the last few minutes of the game, but unfortunately they weren't
able to. # To win or get a point, goal, etc. in a competitive activity, such as a sport or game, or in an
Seaport "I am going to the seaport town in Renault.""I know you are." # A port which can be used by ships
Seethe She was seething with anger at the cruel way the refugees were treated. # To feel very angry but to be
unable or unwilling to express it clearly
Separate "My parents separated when I was six and divorced a couple of years later.""I do too." # To start to live
in a different place from your husband or wife because the relationship has ended
Servant She has servants to do all her work for her, but I don't. # A person who is employed in another person's
house, doing jobs such as cooking and cleaning, especially in the past
Serve "These post offices serve the needs of the local communities.""I know they do." # To provide with sth
that is needed
Serving You may want to prepare several servings ahead of time and reheat them in the morning. # An object
used for holding food before it is put onto plates, or for putting food onto plates
Set I don't need to prove anything now, so I can just lead my life and set an example. # To establish or
cause to exist
Settle down I can't see him ever settling down and getting a job. # To start living in a place where you intend to stay
for a long time, usually with your partner
Shipwreck "The danger of shipwreck is much greater in fog.""It wasn't, was it?" # An accident in which a ship is
destroyed or sunk at sea, especially by hitting rocks, or a ship which has been destroyed or sunk in such
an accident
Shot Several of the competitors will have a shot at the all- round title. # An attempt to do or achieve sth that
you have not done before
Sibling She has four siblings: three brothers and a sister, but I don't. # A brother or sister
Siesta John's parents had a siesta for a few hours, but I didn't. # A rest or sleep taken after lunch
Significance "The results of the study have a wider significance for all the profession.""Yes, I think they do." #
Simultaneously The opera will be broadcast simultaneously on television and radio. # At the same time
Skilled She is not only a skilled painter, she is also a talented piano player. # Having the abilities needed to do
an activity or job well
Slam "Why did you slam the door in my face?""It was an accident. I really didn't mean to." # To (cause to)
move against a hard surface with force and usually a loud noise
Slapstick "We are fed up of slapstick comedies and dialogues filled with double meaning.""I know you are." # A
type of humorous acting in which the actors behave in a silly way
Slip A: Why didn't you invite James to your party?B: I forgot. It completely slipped my mind when I saw him
last week. # To go somewhere or do sth quickly
Smuggler Otherwise, desperate people will continue to take desperate measures, including resorting human
smugglers. # Someone who smuggles
Snicker I wish you wouldn't keep snickering in that unpleasant way when I make suggestions. # To laugh at
someone or sth in a silly and often unkind way
Sociable He wasn't a quiet, pleasant, sociable man, nor was she. # Describes someone who likes to meet and
spend time with other people
Softly He told her the words in Yiddish very softly, but I didn't. # Gently
Speak your mind "He's certainly not afraid to speak his mind.""I know he is." # To say what you think about sth very
Speculation The governor made an emotional public statement in an attempt to end media speculation about her
family life. # When you guess possible answers to a question without having enough information to be
PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Stability Only the United Nations can bring peace and long- term stability to the region. # When sth is not likely
to move or change
Standstill "Fighting and shortages have brought normal life to a virtual standstill in the city.""They haven't, have
they?" # A condition in which all movement or activity has stopped
Stare He stared open-eyed at all the food on the table, and so did I. # To look for a long time with the eyes
wide open, especially when surprised, frightened or thinking
Start up Start-ups will be very vulnerable in the business world. # A small business that has just been started
Starve You know, you can think too far long- term and you can starve to death. # To (cause to) become very
weak or die because there is not enough food to eat
Stepmother "My stepmother takes me to watch the football every Saturday.""I know she does." # The woman who
is married to someone's father but who is not their real mother
Stereotype He will fill the national stereotype of a Frenchman. # A fixed idea that people have about what someone
or sth is like, especially an idea that is wrong
Stir up The photographs will stir up some painful memories. # To cause an unpleasant emotion or problem to
begin or grow
Stuff We'll have to carry all our camping stuff. # Used to refer to a substance or a group of things or ideas,
Stump Scientists are stumped by this mystery virus, and I do, too. # To be unable to answer a question or
solve a problem because it is too difficult
Subtle Advertisements are not allowed to lie, but they mislead us in subtle ways. # Not loud, bright, noticeable
or obvious in any way
Surrond "The Ritz hotel is surronded by perfectly manicured gardens.""I know it is." # To be everywhere around
Surrondings They might live in very comfortable surroundings. # The place where someone lives and the conditions
they live in
Survey A new survey shows that there are growing numbers of babies born to women over 40. # An
examination of opinions, behaviour, etc., made by asking people questions
Tackle "There are many ways of tackling this problem.""I know there are." # To try to deal with sth or someone
Tactic Chess is a game of tactics. You have to plan your strategy well in advanced. # A planned way of doing sth
Take it easy "You look aweful. Why don't you see a doctor?""I have. He just told me to take it easy." # To relax and
not use too much energy
Take risks I couldn't take the risk of leaving him alone even for a short time. # To do sth you know might be
Take sb under your He and his wife were kind enough to take me under their wing. # If you take someone under your wing,
wing you start to protect and take care of them
Takeaway A: Pizza Margherita, please. B: Is that to eat in or take away? # A meal cooked and bought at a shop or
restaurant but taken somewhere else, often home, to be eaten, or the shop or restaurant itself
Talented "There are a lot of talented artists in the main hall.""I know there are." # With talent; able or skilful
Team up They might team up for a charity performance. # To join another person, or form a group with other
people, in order to do sth together
Tear The children were all in tears, but I wasn't. # A drop of salty liquid which flows from the eye
Telecommunications Technological advances in computing and telecommunications will reduce the need for many people to
travel to work. # The sending and receiving of messages over distance, especially by telephone, radio
and television
Telly Did you watch"The Birds"on telly last night? # Informal for television
Tenant "They formed a tenants association.""They didn't, did they?" # A person who pays rent for the use of
land or a building
Tend "Young children tend to get sick more often than adults.""I know they do." # To be likely to behave in a
particular way or have a particular characteristic
Terriffic My third time. Isn't it just a terriffic film? # Very good
Territory We can't afford to make any false moves once we're in enemy territory. # Land or sometimes sea, which
is considered as belonging to or connected with a particular country or person
Thesaurus Sometimes, from time to time, now and again, occasionally, at times I wish I'd never been given this
Thesaurus. # A type of dictionary in which words with similar meanings are arranged in groups
Though I might sign up for a language class, though. # Despite the fact that

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Threshold I might just sit back and imagine an impossibly young Pole with an unpronounceable name standing in
line somewhere, afraid, hopeful, and on the threshold of an advanture. # The level or point at which
you start to experience sth, or at which sth starts to happen
Thrilled I got that job applied for, so I was thrilled. I really didn’t think I would. # Extremely pleased
Tickle I tickled her feet and she laughed. # To touch someone lightly with your fingers
Timetable I need to look at the timetable to see if I can get to Manchester this evening. # A list of the times when
events are planned to happen
Totalitarian In some cases, a republic may be a dictatorial or totalitarian state. # Of or being a political system in
which those in power have complete control and do not allow people freely to oppose them
Tough They will be a tough team to beat. # Difficult to do or to deal with
Track record Because I had no track record of running a bussiness, I couldn't get other people to come with me. # All
the achievements or failures that someone or sth has had in the past
Tremble We can give you drugs to help control the trembling. # To shake slightly, usually because you are cold,
frightened, or very emotional
trousers I need a new pair of trousers to go with this jacket. # A piece of clothing that covers the lower part of
the body from the waist to the feet
Trunk "Julia found the box in a trunk that was under the window.""She didn't, did she?" # A large strong case
that is used for storing clothes and personal possessions
Turn to sb/sth Without someone to turn to for advice, making the most appropriate choice can be difficult. # To ask a
person or organization for help or support
Twist Well, this whole thing gives me a headache because of the legal twists and turns but……..of course he
can't get away with it. # A complicated situation or plan of action
Typical "This sort of hot and spicy food is very typical of the food in the south of the country."I know it is." #
Showing all the characteristics that you would usually expect from a particular group of things
Um "So what did you talk about?""Um, I don't remember, I suppose work mainly." # A written
representation of a sound that people make when they are pausing or deciding what to say next
Underneath "They found a bomb underneath the car.""They didn't, did they?" # Under or below
Undocumented "There are a lot of undocumented teachers in the city.""I know there are." # Not having the appropriate
legal document or licence
Upbringing She will have a middle- class upbringing. # The way in which someone is treated and educated when
they are young, especially by their parents
Upcoming John wants to have a word with you. I think he wants to discuss your upcoming business trip. #
Happening soon
Uptight When Ian becomes uptight it can affect his game. # Worried or nervous and not able to relax
Venture We will venture into the local town. # To risk going somewhere or doing sth that might be dangerous
Verbal "They must have a verbal agreement.""They have." # Spoken rather than written
Vulgar Italian humor is very slapstick, American humor can be quite vulgar, and British humor is just very, very
caustic and very clever. # Rude and likely to upset or anger people, especially by referring to sex and the
body in an unpleasant way
Wardrobe The wordrobe is 2 m high, 1 m wide, and 60 cm deep. # A tall cupboard in which you hang your clothes
Well "Dirty water welled (up) out of the damaged pipe.""It didn't, did it.?" # To appear on the surface of sth
or come slowly out from somewhere
Well- deserved "Is it a well- deserved holiday?""Yes, I think it is." # Deserved because of very good or very bad behavior
Windscreen The windscreen of my car was cracked and the speedometer was so dirty. # The window at the front of
a car, truck etc.
Work permit I'm not sure exactly how you can get a work permit, but I do know that there are organizations, like Go
America ! That help foreign students find summer work. # An official document which gives permission
to someone who is foreign to work in a country
Workable Strict and workable policies are needed to sort the economic migrants from the refugees. # Describes a
plan or system that can be used effectively
World- class You can put together a good group of people- it is not just one person- and you can create a world-
class organization. # Someone or sth world-class is one of the best that there are of that type in the
Wounded "It was only wounded pride that stopped him from apologizing.""it wasn't was it?" # Offended or upset
by what someone has said or done

PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000
27 AMERICAN HEADWAY FIVE PART ONE, Unit: 1, Word List: Version 2 Exercises Form Code: 11 _ 55 _ 132

Yiddish "In Buenos Aires, newspapers are published in English, Yiddish, German, and Italian.""I know they are."
# A language spoken by some Jewish people, which is related to German
Yobbish Julia saw a yobbish bunch of kids in the street, and I do, too. # Rude
How to memorize the new words in the word lists: 1. Read the examples and learn their meanings. 2. Memorize the examples and make similar
examples about your life, friends, and environments with the sample examples. 3. Record all the examples in a sound file and listen to them several
times. 4. Take an empty checklist sheet and write the suitable words in the gaps and their meanings. 5. Check the answers from the main wordlist
and give yourself feedback. 6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 several times on different empty checklist sheets so that you can correctly write the correct
and suitable words and their meanings in the gaps.
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PAYAM PERSA Institute holds the AFAQ-EAQA Certificate of Registration of ISO 9001 – 2000 From London – England For Teaching English as a Second / Foreign Language
Payampersa English Language Institute • www.payampersa.ir • Phone (+98) 031 5223 1000 • Fax (+98) 031 5223 7000

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