Escherichia Coli Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Staphylococcus Aureus

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BSN 3-3
Activity Worksheet
Virtual Measurement of Inhibition Zones. Input the measurements you gathered from the
virtual laboratory and write the corresponding interpretation of the data based on the standard
chart of interpretive standards.
Antimicrobial Zone of Inhibition (mm)
Agents (ug/mL)
Escherichia coli Pseudomonas aeruginosa Staphylococcus aureus

Diameter Interpretatio Diameter Interpretation Diameter Interpretation


Amoxicillin (AMC) <=13 resistant <=13 resistant <=13 resistant

Cephalothin (CF) >=18 susceptible <=14 resistant <=14 resistant

Chloramphenicol (C) >=18 susceptible 13-17 intermediate <=12 resistant

Ciprofloxacin (CIP) >=17 susceptible >=17 susceptible <=12 resistant

Clindamycin (CC) <=14 resistant <=14 resistant <=14 resistant

Erythromycin (E) <=13 resistant <=13 resistant <=13 resistant

Oxacillin (OX) <=10 resistant <=10 resistant <=10 resistant

Penicillin G (P) <=13 resistant <=13 resistant <=28 resistant

Streptomycin (S) >=15 susceptible <=11 resistant <=11 resistant

Tetracycline (TE) 15-18 intermed <=14 resistant <=14 resistant

iat e
Tobramycin (TM) >=15 susceptible >=15 susceptible <=12 resistant

Trimethoprim sulfa (SXT) >=16 susceptible <=10 resistant <=10 resistant

Vancomycin (VA) >=12 susceptible

Evaluation. State your specific insights on the results generated from the virtual laboratory.
Explain the possible implications of the results.
- The entire process of finding the zone of inhibition involves numerous screening
procedures, such as the Kirby-Bauer Disk Diffusion (in diameter). After the
completion of the tasks in a virtual laboratory, one may deduce that this technique can
help measure the efficiency and strength of certain chemicals and medications,
particularly antibiotics, against the many microorganisms that were assessed. In the
field of medicine, developing effective medications that inhibit the growth and
replication of germs, particularly those that cause disease, can be beneficial.
Key Questions
1. How is the information from the disk diffusion test used for the recommendation of
the clinical use of an antimicrobial drug?
- The Kirby-Bauer disk diffusion technique has been used to determine the
responsiveness of specific bacteria to particular antimicrobial medicines for a long
time. A Mueller-Hinton specimen is used to vaccinate an adherent lawn with a
patient's isolated bacterial pathogens in the Kirby-Bauer experiment. The agar plate is
then covered with filter paper disks loaded with known concentrations of antibacterial
medicines to be tested.

2. Describe how bacteria can become resistant and the mechanism that may be involved in
the process.
- Bacteria use instruction given by their DNA to generate defence mechanisms.
Resistance genes are frequently found on vectors, which are tiny bits of DNA that
transmit genetic information from one germline to the next. Which indicates that
certain microorganisms can pass on their DNA to other bacteria, causing them to
become resistant.

3. What is the difference between dilution and diffusion methods? Which do you think
gives more reproducible results? Explain.
- Dilution is the procedure of lowering the concentration of a substance in a mixture by
combining it with more mediator, usually water. The disk diffusion Kirby-Bauer
method is a systematic method for evaluating rapidly growing pathogens. A uniform
inoculum is dipped onto the surface of agar (i.e., direct suspension of colonies to
create a standardized inoculum is allowed) and for that reason, I think that diffusion
give more results than dilution.
4. Why is Mueller-Hinton medium considered as the most suitable medium for
antimicrobial susceptibility testing?
- Mueller-Hinton agar is the ideal medium for regular antimicrobial susceptibility
testing (AST) since it has suitable production accuracy and precision that
endorses satisfactory growth of most antibioticresistant pathogenic organisms,
and it is low in sulfonamide, trimethoprim, and tetracycline inhibitors (i.e. the
concentration of inhibitors thymidine and thymine is low in MHA), and a massive
amount of comprehensive data has been gathered concerning suspectibility

5. Think of possible antimicrobial chemicals available at home. Can you recommend and
design an experiment on how you could utilize these chemicals and assess their
antimicrobial activities against microorganisms?
- Laundry detergents are disinfectants and household cleaners that are often available in
the home and are mostly used for laundry. If the laundry chemicals will be utilized in
a kitchen area where they were not designed for, certain product modifications and
specifications can be tried. If no alternative kitchen cleaning formula is available, for
example, a laundry detergent made for textiles can be used in the kitchen.


Furuno, J. P. (2014). Microbiology: Health and disease. Lumen. Retrieved January 7,

2022, from

Austin, J. (2021, November 9). How antibiotic resistance happens. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention. Retrieved January 7, 2022, from

Tankeshwar, A., Nsindo, C., & Biswas, A. (2021, June 17). Mueller Hinton Agar (MHA):
Composition, preparation, uses • microbe online. Microbe Online. Retrieved January 7,
2022, from

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