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SIZE (Ukuran)
COLOUR (Warna)
SHAPE (Bentuk)
(Fungsi benda)

(berat benda)


(Harga benda)
To ask about item’s
appearance we can say :

-What does it looklike ?

-What is it like?

- What shape is it?

It’s round It’s square It’s triangle It’s It’s oval

To askabout item’s size we
can say :

- How big is it?

- How large is it ?
Huge : sangat besar
Big : besar
Small : kecil
Thin : tipis
Thick : tebal
Long : panjang
Short : pendek
High : tinggi
Medium : sedang
It’s big (besar)

It’s Medium (sedang)

It’s Small (kecil)

Green Grey

Blue Black

Pink To ask about color We can say

“What colour is it ?” It’s ….
(warna apa ini? ini warna …)
FUNCTION To askabout function we can say :

-“What is it used for?” it is used for…

(ini digunakan untuk apa)? Ini digunakan untuk…

 “What is it used for?” it is used for sewing

Let’s look at another
example :

“ What is it used for?”

it is used to tell the time
and help you to get up in
the morning.

It’s from wood It’s from paper

It’s from plastic

It’s from rubber

It’s from fabric
It’s from leather

It’s from metal To ask about the material it is made from,we can say
“What is it made of? I t i s f r o m …

It’s light
It’s medium

To askabout weight, we can say

It’s heavy “What does it weight ? "

smooth rough hard

To ask about texture, we can say

“What does its texture ?

It’s cheap
It’s expensive
To ask about the price, we can say:
How much does it cost?
Yes/no question samples

Is it big? (apakah besar?)

Is it red? (apakah warnanya merah?)
Can we eat it? (Dapatkah kita memakannya?)
Is it available in every market? (apakah tersedia di tiap supermarket?)
Could you describe it for me? (bisakah kamu mendiskripsikannya untukku?)
Is it made of wood? (apakah terbuat dari kayu?)
Is it made from plastic? (apakah terbuat dari plastik?)
Is the size short? (apakah ukurannya pendek?)
WH questions samples
What is it like? (seperti apa itu?)
Where can we find it? (dimana kita bisa mendapatkannya?)
What type is it? (tipenya apa)
How can we get it? (bagaimana kita bisa mendapatkannya?)
What color is it? (apa warnanya?)
What is it made of? (terbuat dari apa?)
What shape is it? (bagaimana bentuknya?)
What is it made from? (terbuat dari apa?)
What size is it? (bagaimana ukurannya?)
Where is it made in? (dimana dibuatnya?)
How small is it? (seberapa kecil?)
What for is it? (untuk apa?)
What brand is it? (apa mereknya?)
Describing something

Well, I have a car. My car is small. It is only

for two passengers. It is like a sport car. The
brand is Ford. The color is red. It is made in
America. I bought it 3 months ago in Jakarta.
It is very expensive. I usually drive it to go
around my town. I like my car very much.
Thank you

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