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/ V-Ray for 3ds Max Help / User Interface

V-Ray Light Lister

This page contains information on the V-Ray Light Lister window.

Page Contents

o Overview
o Configuration
o General Settings
o Light Settings
o Example: Light Instances
o Notes


The V-Ray Light Lister window is a handy way to modify many common attributes of all of the lights in the scene,
both V-Ray lights and standard 3ds Max lights.

Ul Paths: ||V-Ray Toolbar|| > V-Ray Light Lister icon ||Tools menu||> V-Ray Light Lister

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General Settings • All Lights Selected Ljghts Selection Set; Refresh

General Settings - Displays more parameters to control standard 3ds Max Lights.

All Lights - Displays options for all lights in the scene.

Selected Lights - Displays parameters only for selected lights.

Selection Set - Displays parameters only for the lights in the selection set enabled in the dropdown menu.
Refresh - Updates the Light Lister's information. Use this option if you have added lights or made changes to lights
outside the Light Lister.

General Settings

General Settings

• Selected Ughts All Lights

On Multiplier Color Shadows Map Size Bias Sm.Range Trans. Int. Qual. Decay Start Length Width/Radius
® 1.0 512 * 0,5 t 4.0 i : 2 40.0 t 40.0 $ 40.0 t

Global Tint: | Global Level: 1.0 Ambient Color

General Settings controls common parameters specific to global lighting and standard 3ds Max lights.

Light Settings

The Lights Section controls common parameters for all lights in the scene.


V-Ray Lights
On Name Shadows Subdivs Bias- Invisible Skylight Diff. Spec.Reflect.Caust. subd, Wire Color Text
Multiplier Color Temperature Units
I ''.'Ravliah tfl'jT" 3G.Q
* 3200.0 t |j T : " 7- «/ 16 t 0.02 t * m m 3ooo •

i/ M * V 1500

I '•.••RafLMrinjuT- 16 : 0.02 V
• | VRayLiaht Disk" 30.0 V 12 t 0.02 m & 9000

* VRayLight_dome 30.0 16 * - v m 1500

¥ VRa'/Light Mesh 30.0 32 : o.o2 : M 1500

y VRavLiqht Sphere 30.0 8 : o.o2 : m 1500

V-Ray IES Ughts
On Name Power Color I emperature Shadows Subdivs Bias Diff. Spec, Use shape Area spec. Caust, subd. Wire Color Text

* VRaylESOOl 1700.0 t 3200.0 t * 3 :

,J o,2 [is \m V 1500
# I VRayIES0Q2 1700,0 t * 3200.0 : • 8 ; o.z 1500
VTlay Ambient Ughts
On Name Intensity Color Caust. subd. Wire Color
V | VRayAmbientUghtOQl L0 1500
V-Ray SunSky Lights
On Name Intens. Mult. 5ize Mult. Sh. Subdivs Sh. Bias Invisible Turbidity Ozone Ph. Emit Rad, 5ky Model Honz, Ilium. Caust. subd,
m VRaySunOQl LO : i;.o. 3 : 0.2 15 * o,35 ; Si C 25000,C 1500

Light Selection Box - Click to select the light in the viewport. Shift-click to add to the selection, or middle-click and
drag to toggle the selection state.
Example: Light Instances

In the Light Lister, instanced lights appear as a single entry with a dropdown. Editing any parameters for the entry
will affect all instances.

V-Ray Lights
On Name Multiplier
v | yRayLiahtuoT 30.0

Changing the Intensity of all instances

The dropdown can be used to select a specific instance in the viewport.

V-Ray Lights
On Name Multipliei
+ I VRayLightOoT 30.0

VRa'yLidh tODZ

Selecting an instanced light


o For more information on the parameters displayed for V-Ray lights in the Light Lister, see the specific page for
the light type: VRayLight, VRaylES, VRayAmbientLight, or VRaySun.

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