DRAFT Minutes of Sutton Civic Society General Meeting 24.11.21 (v.2)

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Minutes of General Meeting

on 24 November 2021 by MS Teams

Present:, E. John (Secretary), H. John (Sustainability Officer), A. Robinson (Treasurer), P Robinson
(Chair), C. Gent, Cllr S. Penneck,

Apologies: K. Peek (Events Officer), J. Richards, Prof (emeritus) Clive Orton

1. Welcome and introductions

The chair welcomed everyone to the virtual and the participants on the call introduced

2. Approval of minutes of 28 July 2021 meeting and matters arising

It was reported that the last meeting in Sept 2021 was not quorate so that meeting’s
business had been deferred.

Lidl: the council was keen to enforce the active frontage – but Lidl had made it clear it had
no intention of opening it up even if the doors were reinstated. The Council can insist on Lidl
putting doors in, but believes it cannot enforce them opening it. Planning officers are
reviewing the position. It was agreed to draft a letter to Andy Webber of the planning team.

Action: Secretary to draft letter to planning officers via Andy Webber.

Oakhill Rd / High Street junction: Council awaiting report on Oakhill Rd crossing

consultation – some consultees thought the proposals did not go far enough.

Sutton United: the letter had not yet been sent to Sutton United to congratulate them on
their success.

Action: Secretary to draft letter for chair to send to Sutton United.

3. Invited speaker: Councillor Steve Penneck

Cllr Penneck indicated that the Local Plan process was to start in June, will get into full swing
in Summer. It involved not just the town centre, but the whole borough. The Society might
want to look particularly at environmental and heritage policies which will take a while to
develop. The Society might want to review the current local plan and see what issues they
would look to raise between now and next year.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
Will French (william.french@sutton.gov.uk) was the Area Customer Service Manager -
Heritage, Cultural Services at London Borough of Sutton, having taken over the position in

The former Chigago’s night club had been bought and was shortly to be developed into a
cultural hub. An ongoing tender process would select the operator.

The building at top of high street – John Marshall House – remained empty and unused,
having been shuttered for the past 5 years. It was agreed to contact George McCulloch in the
LBS regeneration team.

4. Update from Sustainability Officer (Helen John)

HJ introduced herself as a landscape architect who had joined the LBS “environment
champions”. The environment champions were an umbrella group for lots of organisations
which had responsibilities for example for education, retro-fit schemes, sustainability.

The champions were to be a “critical friend” and encourage action to combat climate

Cllr Penneck reported that lamppost EV-charging had already been implemented and there
was an emerging sustainable transport strategy. It was important for the Society to input to
stronger local policies on sustainability in new local plan and be more ambitious.

5. Update from Social Media officer (Peter Struik)

PS unavailable – deferred until next time.

6. Update from Events Officer (Kerrie Peek)

KP was unavailable – deferred until next meeting.

7. 2022 Jubilee celebrations

Cllr Penneck stated that Kelly Sainibadwal (kelly.sainibadwal@sutton.gov.uk) the head of

arts culture and heritage would welcome suggestions for the 2-5 June 2022 Platinum Jubilee

8. Planning update and recent proposals for the town centre

The plan for a large secondary school on the Rosehill site had been abandoned. Greenshaw
would likely plan for a new, single storey, building with a much smaller intake.

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207
Process was the same as for the larger school: pre-app, consultation and planning

The Local authority elections take place on 5 May 2022.

Action: Secretary to enquire about holding hustings.

The Council had slated Civic offices on St Nicholas Way for potential redevelopment –
possibly to move out with the option to move back in.

St Nicholas House redevelopment consultation ended on 22 Nov 2021, artist impressions

available here. Planning permission was granted on 26 October 2021 (here).

9. Budget and finances

The treasurer reported that there was £243 in the bank.

10. AOB

Sara Wilkinson of “The Sutton Way” might be interested in joining the Society.

Action: secretary to invite her to the next meeting

Sutton Central Ward – not all councillors could attend every meeting, so they could
potentially rotate.

Action: secretary to circulate dates to councillors for 2022 all Sutton Central and Sutton
North Councillors

11. General Meeting Dates for 2022

General Meeting Dates for 2022: 30 March, 25 May, 20 July, 28 September, 30 November  

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Sutton Civic Society is a non-profit company limited by guarantee, registered no. 11240207

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