Climate Change!

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Global Climate is frequently changing. The temperature on earth is increasing at a fast pace

which consequently is melting the ice glaciers in the Arctic region. The impact of climate change

is most obvious in the Arctic region, as it has more drastic and abrupt consequences as compared

to those of the rest of the world. While the climate is changing, the Arctic is warming at the rate

of twice the world average. The Arctic region helps to adjust the temperature of the world. It

helps to cool down the temperature of other parts of the world. Therefore, the impact of climate

change is not bound to the Arctic only, it affects the rest of the world too. The more ice melts in

the Arctic, the warmer the world becomes. This, as a result, will be affecting the basic food chain

systems; from plants to the marine mammals, and the sea life of the Arctic 1. Furthermore, sea ice

is shrinking. According to WWF, the sea ice would almost disappear in summer probably within

a generation. It is also reported by the WWF that the temperature in the Arctic has increased by

2.3 °C since the 1970s causing the rate of ice to melt quicker 2. The ice-dependent species, for

instance, polar bears and walruses are expected to face hunger and reproductive failure by 2100

due to shrinking sea ice. This is an alarming situation for every being living in this region. It is

not even an argumentative topic anymore; it has become an everyday reality for the people. It

has, thus, become very urgent to cut down the sources of climate change or else, the planet will

remain seeing the impacts of warming Arctic.

Impact of Climate Change on different aspects of the Arctic region

Burek, Kathy A., et al. “Effects of Climate Change on Arctic Marine Mammal Health.” The Ecological Society of
America, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 1 Mar. 2008,

“Arctic Climate Change.” WWF Arctic,
Whatever happens in the Arctic has a far-reaching impact on the other regions of the world too.

The Changes in Climatic conditions that affect the Arctic do not remain in the Arctic. Thus, it is

critical to recognize that the changing climate is very valuable when it comes to the Arctic.

Global warming has caused huge impacts on the physical, chemical, human, and living

components of the Arctic ecosystems. The disturbance in the ecosystem in the Arctic has led to

profound defects in the ecological chains and food chains. The chemical changes in soil caused

by the warming and soil erosion have deeply affected the plants and vegetation in the region.

Resultantly, the herbivores' animals cannot get enough of plants and vegetation that is beneficial

or well grown. The chain further deteriorates when these herbivores are eaten by the carnivore

and human beings who depend on food such as meat, chicken, and vegetables3.

Furthermore, the physical changes caused by the climate change in the Arctic have caused high

sea levels, melting of sea ice, coastal erosion, and the oceans have been continuously warming

up. These physical changes have caused a disturbance in the lives of animals depending on the

sea ice, or who find cold atmosphere favorable to their living. As per the report of WWF, around

35000 walruses arrived at the Alaska coast’s shore in September 2014. Out of this, 60 young

walruses were crushed to death in the crowd whilst moving the shore of Alaska coast as reported

by the agencies US government4. Moreover, the fish are also moving to the north as the sea is

becoming warm due to climate change. The movement of species is a threat to commercial

companies and the attraction of the arctic as a tourist destination. While the species move to

other locations, the people depending on these species might also back out of the arctic region.

This will create a total disturbance in the living conditions of the Region.
Kovacs, K.M., Lydersen, C., Overland, J.E. et al. Impacts of changing sea-ice conditions on Arctic marine mammals. Mar
Biodiv 41, 181–194 (2011).

“Arctic Climate Change.” WWF Arctic,
International threats and opportunities related to the Arctic’ Climate Change

Climate change, which it has posed various dangers to the planet geographically, chemically,

biologically, and physically, has brought many opportunities too at the commercial level. The

major opportunity that climate change in the Arctic has brought to the region is that shipping is

increasing. There were so many routes that were inaccessible previously. The melting sea-ice is

opening up those routes and hence shipping through these routes is now possible. In 2013, a bulk

carrier was transited through the Northwest passage for the first time in history. Later in 2018,

the first cargo ship arrived from the Arctic North of Russia 5. These new routes create

opportunities for oil and gas exploration and development shipping, tourism, commercial fishing,

and military operations. Besides, the threats are also present along with these opportunities.

These activities expose the species especially marine mammals to various threats which include

ship strikes, pollution related to water and sea, getting entangled in the Fishing Nets 6. While

accessing previously closed routes was an opportunity, it brought the risk of spill of fuel and

cargo too. The black carbon emission from the ships on the other hand increases the melting of

the Arctic, the noise from the ship might affect the whales, and the icebreaking disrupted the

crossing routes of ice for the people and animals too. Besides, the reduction in the ice cover of

the Arctic has made oil production offshore in the Arctic more feasible. In 2014, from the Arctic

waters of Russia, the first commercial development of offshore oil was pumped. Additionally,

Gosnell in the year 2020 while talking about the opportunities brought by Climate Change in the

arctic mentioned in his article that melting ice in the Arctic has offered Greenland more

“Climate Change and the Arctic.” Marine Mammal Commission, 2 May 2019,

“Climate Change and the Arctic.” Marine Mammal Commission, 2 May 2019,
economic independence. Through this Greenland would be able to achieve its well-sought

political independence. Greenland has also unlocked new potential to develop resources with the

melting ice sheets in Greenland7.


To summarize, climate change is inevitable. The damage has already been done. The warming

above our Arctic region due to climate change has severely affected the region and other parts of

the world too. the ecosystems in the Arctic region are also deteriorating. The species in the

Arctic are moving to nearby locations causing economic disruption in their region. on the whole,

the situation calls for an urgent solution. Without it, it would be impossible for future generations

to have normal climatic conditions. There are several ways in which the current situation can be

controlled however it needs careful consideration from governments of all the countries in the

world and also humans also need to play an important role to create a sustainable environment

and climate for the generations to come.

It is a known fact that changing climate is a consequence of human activity and irresponsible

behavior towards mother nature. The excessive use of industrialization, consumption of

dangerous fuels, pollution in the air are a few factors that have caused the warmth in an

environment in an abnormal way8. There is a lot of oil in the arctic ocean. And the dependence of

countries on oil is also understandable. But we cannot deny the fact that this oil drilling is one of

the major causes of climate change. Corporations like shell, Exxon Mobil are not stopping

Gosnell, Rachael. “Risks and Opportunities in the Arctic: Strategic Recommendations from ESS-N 20-06.” Risks and
Opportunities in the Arctic: Strategic Recommendations from ESS-N 20-06 | George C. Marshall European Center for
Security Studies, Oct. 2020,

“Arctic Climate Change.” WWF Arctic,
anytime soon from the exploitation of the arctic 9. Yet, it is not too late. By preventing the

drilling, we can save the arctic. the arctic I home to thousands of people and millions of species.

Companies must understand that this planet is too valuable to be used for mere commercial

benefits and profits. What has happened cannot be overturned. But with the right use of

governmental help from each country, proper citizenship behavior, and control of pollutants

causing the greenhouse gas effects can help to control the further deterioration of the climate.

Climate change is most observed in the Arctic but is a global issue 10. Therefore, all countries

need to come forward to solve this issue. However, the Arctic countries which have the highest

carbon footprints must lead the way.

“The Arctic & Global Warming.” Greenpeace USA,

“Arctic Climate Change.” WWF Arctic,

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