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Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2006.01617.

Effect of Artemia enrichment on the growth and

survival of Pacific bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis
(Temminck & Schlegel) larvae

Amal Kumar Biswas, Jun Nozaki, Michio Kurata, Kenji Takii, Hidemi Kumai & Manabu Seoka
Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University, Uragami,Wakayama, Japan

Correspondence: A Kumar Biswas, Fisheries Laboratory, Kinki University, Uragami, Nachikatsuura,Wakayama 649-5145, Japan. E-mail:

Abstract to meet the consumer demand. The growing demand

for raw tuna in the local market led scientists to de-
This study was carried out to investigate the suitabil-
velop techniques for egg production and rearing of
ity of Artemia enriched with docosahexaenoic acid
larvae in captivity to make up the shortfall between
(DHA) and choline as live food on the growth and
the ¢shery supply and demand. Beginning in 1970,
survival rate of the Paci¢c blue¢n tuna (PBT;Thunnus
scientists at the Kinki University, Japan, achieved the
orientalis) larvae. The PBT larvae were fed eitherArte-
successful completion of the PBT life cycle under
mia enriched with oleic acid (Diet 1), DHA (Diet 2),
aquaculture conditions for the ¢rst time in 2002
DHA1choline 1.0 mg L 1 (Diet 3) and DHA1choline
(Sawada, Miyashita, Murata & Kumai 2004). The
2.0 mg L 1 (Diet 4) or striped knifejaw larvae (Diet 5,
spawning of this broodstock resulted in several studies
reference diet), in duplicate for12 days. Enrichment of
of their early life history, including the behaviour and
Artemia with DHA signi¢cantly increased the DHA
morphological development of larvae and early juve-
levels to 13.9, 13.8 and 12.5 mg g 1 on a dry matter
niles, food selectivity of larvae and the growth perfor-
basis in Diets 2, 3 and 4 respectively; however, the
mance (Sawada & Kumai 2000; Miyashita 2002).
levels were signi¢cantly lower than the reference
For the larval stage of PBT, a combination of di¡er-
diet (26.9 mg g 1 dry matter basis; Diet 5). Although
ent feeds such as rotifers, Artemia and newly hatched
growth and survival rate were signi¢cantly improved
larvae of the striped knifejaw Oplegnathus fasciatus
by the enrichment of Artemia with DHA and choline,
(Temminck & Schlegel) has been used to obtain opti-
the improvement was negligible compared with the
mum growth and survival rates (Sawada et al. 2004).
enhanced growth and survival rate of the ¢sh lar-
However, producing this live feed combination re-
vae-fed group (Po0.05). The results demonstrated
quires time and e¡ort to produce su⁄cient amounts
that enriched Artemia does not seem to be the right
for mass culture of tuna larvae. Therefore, providing
choice to feed the PBT larvae perhaps because of the
a suitable feed for larval culture remains an unre-
di⁄culties in achieving the correct balance of fatty
solved problem. The failure of an earlier attempt to
acid with higher DHA/EPA from Artemia nauplii.
use Artemia as the sole feed for tuna larvae was
assumed to be attributed to the lack of n-3 highly
Keywords: Thunnus orientalis, Artemia enrichment,
unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs), especially docosa-
growth, survival, fatty acids
hexaenoic acid (DHA) in Artemia (Dobbeleir, Adam,
Bossuyt, Bruggman & Sorgeloos 1985). The e¡ective-
ness of Artemia enrichment has been demonstrated
in a number of marine species (Watanabe 1993; Fur-
The Paci¢c blue¢n tuna (PBT; Thunnus orientalis) is uita, Takeuchi & Uematsu 1998; Czesny, Kolkovski,
one of the most popular ¢sh in Japan because of its Dabrowski & Culver 1999; Furuita, Konishi & Takeu-
high meat quality and popularity in ‘sashimi’ and chi 1999; Gapasin & Duray 2001; Koueta, Boucaud-
‘sushi’ markets. Every year, Japan needs to import Camou & Noel 2002) although, in some cases, the ef-
thousands of metric tones of raw tuna from abroad fect of this enrichment on growth enhancement was

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Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670 Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al.

not conclusive (Hanley, Shashar, Smolowitz, Bullis, (OA); (2) 0.5 mg L 1 DHA; (3) 0.5 mg L 1 DHA1
Mebane, Gabr & Hanlon 1998). However, there is no 1.0 mg L 1 choline; and (4) 0.5 mg L 1 DHA1
information on how the enrichment of Artemia nau- 2.0 mg L 1 choline. The emulsion OA has been used
plii in£uences the growth and survival rate of PBT in this laboratory to maintain lipid content in Arte-
larvae. mia. It has been demonstrated earlier that Artemia
Choline has several important metabolic func- nauplii enriched with OA showed better performance
tions. It is required: (1) for the synthesis of acetylcho- compared with Artemia nauplii without OA enrich-
line; (2) for the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine (PC) ment (personal communication). Polyoxyethylene
(lecithin) and other complex choline-containing sorbitan mono-oleate  2% was added to each emul-
phospholipids (PL); and (3) as a source of methyl sion to ensure a stable and uniform emulsion. Enrich-
groups, via betaine, for the synthesis of various ment lipids and choline were mixed with distilled
methylated metabolites (Zeisel 1990; NRC 1993). Diet- water and homogenized for 5 min. Particle size distri-
ary choline requirements have been estimated for bution and stability were checked according to Harel,
several species of ¢sh (Hung1989; Rumsey1991; Grif- Ozkizilcik, Lund, Behrens and Place (1999). Two equal
¢n,Wilson,White & Brown 1994; Craig & Gatlin 1996; portions of each emulsion were mixed with 2 L sea-
Zhang & Wilson 1999). It has been demonstrated that water and added to the Artemia nauplii containing
PC, which is the most abundant PL class, has a major bucket at 8 and 20 h posthatch. Artemia were en-
role in ¢sh larvae performance (Takeuchi, Arakawa, riched for 24 h at 25 1C in duplicate for each emul-
Satoh & Watanabe 1992), and membrane function, sion. The purity of the OA (Wako, Osaka, Japan) ethyl
lipoprotein synthesis in the liver and the transport ester was 490%, and that of DHA (Harima Chemi-
of lipids from the enterocytes to the larval tissues cals, Osaka, Japan) was 70% and both were esters.
(Hadas, Koven, Sklan & Tandler 2003). Previous ob-
servations in this laboratory revealed a lower choline
and PC content in Artemia compared with the striped Fish, experimental design and data collection
knifejaw larvae. In addition, there is no information
Nineteen-day-old PBT larvae were obtained from the
on the e¡ect of choline on the growth performance
Fish Nursery Center of Kinki University, Ohshima, Ja-
of PBT larvae. The aim of this study was to investigate
pan, where they were fed with Artemia, rotifers and
the e¡ect of Artemia enrichment with DHA and cho-
the striped knifejaw larvae. The experiment was de-
line on the growth and survival rate of PBT larvae.
signed in duplicate for each of ¢ve treatments. One
thousand larvae (the initial total length and weight
were 12.2  1.0 mm and 28.5  7.4 mg, n 5 20) were
Materials and methods
randomly divided into 10 groups and stocked into
Artemia hatching and enrichment each of 500 L tanks. The PBT were fed either Artemia
enriched with OA (Diet 1), DHA (Diet 2), DHA1
In this study, Artemia franciscana cysts (INVE Aqua-
choline 1.0 mg L 1 (Diet 3) and DHA1choline
culture, Dendermonde, Belgium) from Great Salt
2.0 mg L 1 (Diet 4) or stripped knifejaw larvae (Diet
Lake (UT, USA) were used. The cysts (4 g L 1) were
5, reference diet). The larvae were fed four to ¢ve
disinfected in a 5 mg L 1 hypochlorite solution for
times daily at 5^10  104 nauplii per tank at each
30 min before hatching. After washing with tap
time for 12 days. Seawater was supplied at a rate of
water to remove the remaining hypochlorite, the
350^700 mL min 1 and continuously aerated with
cysts were incubated at a density of 2 g L 1 in ¢ltered
air stones. The water temperature was maintained
seawater at 28 1C under continuous aeration and
at 28  1 1C. At the termination of the experiment,
light. After hatching, the nauplii were separated from
the survival rate and growth performance were
the cyst shells and unhatched cysts and transferred
to a 100-L-tank (cylindroconical shape) in a water
bath at 28 1C with continuous aeration. The aeration
consisted of several airstones to maintain oxygen
Lipid analysis
near 100% saturation levels.
For enrichment, instar-II stage Artemia nauplii Lipids from Artemia and ¢sh larvae were extracted
were introduced into 10-L buckets at a density of with a mixture of chloroform and methanol (2:1, v/v;
100^150-individuals-mL 1. Artemia were enriched Folch, Lees & Sloane 1957). Polar and neutral lipids
with four types of emulsions: (1) 0.5 mg L 1 oleic acid were separated with silica cartridges (Sep-pak; Japan

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Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al. Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670

Waters, Tokyo, Japan) as described by Juaneda and other diets. The DHA/EPA ratio in Diet 5 was around
Rocquelin (1985). The fatty acid methyl esters were three times higher than that of other diets. However,
analysed using 2 N NaOH^methanol and 2 N HCl^ the OA/DHA ratio in Diets 2, 3 and 4 was around
methanol according to Yoshinaka and Satoh (1989) three times higher than that of Diet 5.
with a gas chromatograph (G-3000; Hitachi, Tokyo, Figure 1 shows the levels of total choline and
Japan) equipped with an Ultra Alloy capillary PC-bound choline in di¡erent diets. The choline en-
column (30 m  0.25 mm ID; Frontier Laboratories, richment in Artemia signi¢cantly elevated only total
Fukushima, Japan). The column temperature was choline levels in Diet 4; however, there was no signif-
increased from 180 to 280 1C at a rate of 4 1C min 1. icant di¡erence in PC-bound choline levels among
and the carrier gas was nitrogen with source and col- Diets 1, 2, 3 and 4. Both total choline and PC-bound
umn head pressure at 5 and 1kgf cm 2 respectively. choline levels were signi¢cantly higher in the refer-
The ¢nal temperatures for the injector and detector ence diet than in other diets (Po0.05).
were 260 and 290 1C, respectively, and the detection
mode was a £ame ionization detector (FID). Peak
quanti¢cation was performed with an integrator (D- Growth and survival rate of tuna larvae
2500; Hitachi). Choline content was determined by a
The PBT larvae fed DHA-de¢cient Artemia had the
kit (Wako) according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
lowest growth (Table 2) and survival rate (Fig. 2).
tions with some modi¢cation. In brief, total choline
Growth and survival rate were signi¢cantly im-
was extracted directly from the samples with a mix-
proved by the enrichment of Artemia with DHA com-
ture of ethanol and diethylether (3:1 v/v). For PC-
pared with the DHA-de¢cient Artemia; however, the
bound choline, lipids were ¢rst extracted from the
improvement was negligible compared with the
samples with a mixture of chloroform and methanol
growth and survival rate of the striped knifejaw lar-
(2:1 v/v) according to Folch et al. (1957). Phosphatidyl-
vae-fed group (Po0.05).
choline-bound choline was then extracted from li-
pids with a mixture of ethanol and diethylether
(3:1 v/v). Phosphatidylcholine-bound choline was
Fatty acid composition and choline content in
analysed to investigate whether choline enrichment
the PBT larvae
increased total choline or PC-bound choline in ¢sh.
The whole-body fatty acid composition of polar and
neutral lipid fractions of 31-day-old tuna larvae is
Statistical analysis presented in Tables 3 and 4. Owing to poor survival
and insu⁄cient samples for Diet 1, the whole-body
All statistical analyses were carried out using SPSS fatty acid composition could not be analysed. The le-
for Windows (v. 10.0). Data were expressed as the vel of DHA in the striped knifejaw-fed group was sig-
mean  SD of two replicates, and the means within ni¢cantly higher than the levels of other ¢sh groups
each treatment and among treatments were com- in both polar and neutral lipid fractions (Po0.05). In
pared using Tukey’s test of multiple comparison with the polar lipid fraction, the striped knifejaw-fed group
a 95% signi¢cant level. had a signi¢cantly lower OA level than that of other
¢sh groups; however, there were no signi¢cant di¡er-
ences in OA levels among the treatments in neutral
Results lipid fraction. Docosahexaenoic acid was the most
abundant fatty acid in both polar and neutral lipid
Fatty acid composition and choline content of
fractions in the striped knifejaw-fed group. The
Artemia and knifejaw ¢sh larvae
DHA/EPA ratio in the striped knifejaw-fed group was
The fatty acid contents of Artemia and knifejaw ¢sh around two times higher than that of the other ¢sh
larvae are shown in Table 1. Enrichment of Artemia groups in both lipid fractions. However, the OA/DHA
with DHA signi¢cantly increased the DHA levels ratio in DHA- and DHA1choline-enriched Artemia-
to 13.9, 13.8 and 12.5 mg g 1 on a dry matter basis fed groups was about three times higher than that of
in Diets 2, 3 and 4 respectively; however, the levels the striped knifejaw-fed group in both polar and neu-
were signi¢cantly lower than the reference diet tral lipid fractions.
(26.9 mg g 1 dry matter basis; Diet 5). The level of Fish fed the diet without choline enrichment (Diets
OA was signi¢cantly higher in Diet 1 than that of 1 and 2) showed levels of whole-body total choline

r 2006 The Authors

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Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670 Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al.

Table 1 Fatty acid contents (mg g DW) of enriched Artemia (Diets 1^4) and striped knifejaw larvae (Diet 5)

Fatty acid Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5

14:0 0.3  0.5 ND ND ND 2.3  2.0

16:0 15.4  2.2a 10.7  0.6b 10.7  0.7b 12.5  0.7ab 33.0  0.8c
16:1 14.0  1.6a 5.0  0.4b 5.0  0.6b 5.9  0.3b 6.8  0.1b
17:0 0.5  0.5 0.6  0.1 0.6  0.0 0.6  0.1 0.2  0.3
17:1 3.0  0.3 1.2  0.1 1.2  0.1 1.3  0.2 0.2  0.3
18:0 6.0  0.7 5.4  0.3 5.2  0.1 6.1  0.2 8.2  0.2
18:1n-9 128.5  13.5a 30.9  2.2b 29.8  1.6b 34.3  1.7b 19.6  0.4b
18:1n-7 2.9  1.1a 8.2  0.4b 8.2  0.7b 9.2  0.4b 5.5  0.4c
18:2n-6 10.9  1.0a 4.4  0.3b 4.3  0.2b 5.0  0.3bc 6.2  0.2c
18:3n-6 1.2  0.2 0.5  0.4 0.7  0.1 0.8  0.1 ND
18:3n-3 18.7  2.2a 18.8  1.3a 18.9  0.9a 21.8  1.0a 0.2  0.3b
20:1n-9 0.8  0.1 0.7  0.1 0.7  0.1 0.8  0.1 1.7  0.1
20:4n-6 1.4  0.2 1.2  0.1 1.1  0.1 1.3  0.1 1.9  0.1
20:5n-3 3.6  0.3a 13.7  1.3b 13.6  1.1b 14.7  1.0b 7.7  0.2c
22:5n-3 ND 2.3  0.3 2.2  0.3 2.2  0.2 3.7  0.1
22:6n-3 ND 13.9  1.7a 13.8  1.5a 12.5  0.9a 26.9  0.8b
DHA/EPA 1.0 1.0 0.9 3.5
18:1n-9/DHA 2.2 2.2 2.7 0.7

Values in a row with di¡erent letters are signi¢cantly di¡erent (Tukey’s Test, Po0.05).
ND, not detected; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.

Total choline Discussion

15 PC-bound choline
a x The results demonstrated that growth and survival
were improved in the DHA- and DHA1choline-en-
12 riched groups compared with the ¢sh fed with DHA
y and choline-de¢cient diets. However, this improve-
ab y ab y y
ment was negligible compared with the stimulated
b growth and survival rate of the ¢sh larvae-fed group.
The lack of success of enriched Artemia may be attrib-
6 uted to a number of factors that are discussed below.
The signi¢cantly lower levels of PC-bound choline
in DHA- and DHA1choline-enriched Artemia com-
pared with the striped knifejaw larvae fed ¢sh may
be the dominant reason for the reduced growth. This
0 may be explained by the bene¢cial e¡ects of PL on
Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5
growth and survival that have been demonstrated in
Figure 1 Total choline and phosphatidylcholine (PC)- the larval and juvenile stages of various marine spe-
bound choline content in di¡erent diets. Data are pre- cies (Kanazawa,Teshima, Inamori & Matsubara 1983;
sented as the mean  SD of two replicates of each treat- Poston 1991; Hadas et al. 2003). It has been suggested
ment. Bars for total choline and PC-bound choline with that PC exerts the greatest in£uence on ¢sh larvae
di¡erent letters are signi¢cantly di¡erent (Po0.05). performance over other PL classes (Takeuchi et al.
1992). Owing to the important role of PC in mem-
brane function, lipoprotein synthesis in the liver and
similar to those observed in ¢sh fed diets containing the transport of lipids from the enterocytes to the lar-
di¡erent choline levels (Fig. 3). Although statistical val tissues (Hadas et al. 2003), the reduced concentra-
analysis could not be performed because of a single tions of PC-bound choline in enriched Artemia and
value for Diet 1, ¢sh fed the striped knifejaw larvae Artemia-fed tuna larvae would likely have contribu-
showed higher PC-bound choline than other ¢sh ted to their reduced weight gain. The lack of signi¢-
groups. cant di¡erence in PC-bound choline among Artemia

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Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al. Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670

Table 2 Average body length and weight of tuna larvae fed for 12 days either on enriched Artemia or striped knifejaw larvae

Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5

Average body length (mm)

Initial (n 5 20) 12.2  1.0 12.2  1.0 12.2  1.0 12.2  1.0 12.2  1.0
Final (n 5 30) 17.7  1.8b 18.5  1.4b 19.1  1.3b 19.1  0.8b 43.3  3.4a
Average body weight (mg)
Initial (n 5 20) 28.5  7.4 28.5  7.4 28.5  7.4 28.5  7.4 28.5  7.4
Final (n 5 30) 65.1  17c 88.2  16.9b 96.9  18.9b 93.8  12.9b 1175.5  244.3a

n 512.
Values in a row with di¡erent letters are signi¢cantly di¡erent (Tukey’s test, Po0.05).

120 the results from this study suggested that the balance
Survival rate (%) Diet 1
Diet 2 between energy and essentiality was not maintained
Diet 3
Diet 4
in enriched Artemia as the level of OA (18:1n-9) was
Diet 5 higher in enriched Artemia groups, whereas the
DHA content was lower than the striped knifejaw lar-
80 vae. Similarly, the balance in palmitic acid (16:0),
which is involved in energy storage and is also asso-
ciated with HUFAs in diacyl glycerophospholipids of
a ¢sh (Bell & Dick 1991), was also poor in enriched Ar-
temia compared with striped knifejaw larvae. The
40 abundance of 18:3n-3 in enriched Artemia may also
exacerbate the problem. Precisely how much DHA
b and EPA is required is not known but it is suggested
20 that su⁄cient DHA and EPA must be available in the
c feed ingested by the larvae to outcompete and replace
the 18:3n-3 (Sargent et al. 1999). However, the levels
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 of DHA in enriched Artemia nauplii were lower than
Rearing period (day) that of 18:3n-3 in this study. The higher growth per-
formance in the knifejaw larvae-fed group (Diet 5)
Figure 2 Variation in survival rate among the treat-
ments. Statistical analysis was carried out only to ¢nal va-
also suggests that the PBT larvae require substan-
lues. The values for Diets 2, 3 and 4 are indicated by the tially higher DHA levels in diet than the levels avail-
similar letter as there were no signi¢cant di¡erences able in enriched Artemia. Therefore, the DHA
among the groups. requirement of PBT larvae may be di¡erent than that
of other species where the larvae are able to grow and
survive either fed on Artemia nauplii absent in DHA
groups enriched with or without DHA and choline (Villalta, Este¤vez, Bransden & Bell 2005) or a small
suggests that Artemia does not appear to be a suitable amount (0.1^0.5%) of this fatty acid (Takeuchi,Toyo-
diet for tuna larvae. Similar results were observed in ta, Satoh & Watanabe 1990; Dickey-Collas & Ge¡en,
postlarval Penaeid shrimp by Tackaert, Camara and 1992; Izquierdo, Arakawa,Takeuchi, Haroun & Wata-
Sorgeloos (1991). Moreover, in studies with carp lar- nabe 1992; Morais, Narciso, Dores & Pousao-Ferreira
vae Geurden, Radunz-Neto and Bergot (1995) demon- 2004).
strated that the growth-stimulating e¡ects of PL A major problem in determining the e¡ects of var-
could not be mimicked by providing choline. ious HUFAs in ¢sh is that the requirement for any gi-
An overall balance between energy and meeting ven HUFA is determined not only by its absolute
essential fatty acid requirements is needed in lipid amount in the diet but also by the absolute amounts
nutrition, i.e. an overall balance is required between of other HUFA in the diet due to competitive inhibi-
saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated tion (Rainuzzo, Reitan & Olsen 1997; Sargent et al.
fatty acids, especially in rapidly growing and develop- 1999; Corraze 2001). Recently, the DHA/EPA ratio
ing animals such as ¢sh larvae (Sargent, McEvoy, Es- has been the focus of study in di¡erent ¢sh species
te¤vez, Bell, Bell, Henderson & Tocher 1999). However, (Izquierdo 1996; Rainuzzo et al. 1997; Rodr|¤ guez,

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Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670 Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al.

Table 3 Fatty acid composition (% of total fatty acid) in polar lipid of tuna larvae

Fatty acid Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5

14:0 ND 0.3  0.0 ND ND

16:0 18.2  0.6 18.2  2.3 18.6  0.8 24.2  2.3
16:1 2.0  0.1 1.9  0.1 2.1  0.1 1.6  0.3
17:0 0.7  0.0 0.7  0.0 0.8  0.1 ND
17:1 0.6  0.0 0.7  0.1 0.6  0.0 ND
18:0 10.9  0.4 11.4  0.3 11.4  0.1 10.0  0.2
18:1n-9 16.9  0.6a 16.9  0.8a 17.6  0.3a 9.4  0.7b
18:1n-7 5.4  0.1a 5.5  0.1a 5.5  0.1a 3.0  0.1b
18:2n-6 2.3  0.1 2.2  0.1 2.3  0.0 2.7  0.1
18:3n-6 0.3  0.0 0.3  0.0 0.3  0.0 ND
18:3n-3 3.3  0.1 3.3  0.1 3.4  0.1 ND
20:1n-9 0.6  0.1 0.7  0.0 0.7  0.0 ND
20:4n-6 3.0  0.0 2.9  0.2 3.0  0.1 3.4  0.1
20:5n-3 7.9  0.1a 7.4  0.5ab 7.6  0.1a 6.5  0.0b
22:5n-3 3.0  0.1 3.0  0.4 3.0  0.2 2.5  0.1
22:6n-3 20.9  0.8a 20.5  1.8a 18.8  0.9a 35.9  0.3b
DHA/EPA 2.7 2.8 2.5 5.5
18:1n-9/DHA 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.3

Values in a row with di¡erent letters are signi¢cantly di¡erent (Tukey’s Test, Po0.05).
ND, not detected; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.

Table 4 Fatty acid composition (% of total fatty acid) in neutral lipid of tuna larvae

Fatty acid Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5

14:0 ND ND ND ND
16:0 14.0  2.4a 16.1  2.9ab 10.9  0.6a 23.2  0.8b
16:1 4.6  0.7 4.6  1.0 3.9  0.4 5.4  0.6
17:0 ND ND ND 0.3  0.2
17:1 ND ND ND 0.3  0.2
18:0 10.1  0.1 9.9  2.4 8.1  0.1 6.4  0.1
18:1n-9 21.2  0.9 18.0  3.3 21.2  0.8 17.3  0.6
18:1n-7 6.5  0.6 6.0  1.1 6.9  0.2 4.6  0.1
18:2n-6 2.5  0.3a 2.3  0.8a 3.2  0.4a 4.7  0.1b
18:3n-6 ND 1.1  0.6 ND ND
18:3n-3 6.3  1.2ab 4.8  0.5a 8.9  0.2b 0.2  0.2c
20:1n-9 ND ND ND 1.6  0.2
20:4n-6 4.0  0.3a 3.8  0.2a 4.3  0.4a 1.6  0.1b
20:5n-3 6.9  0.4a 4.9  0.4b 7.4  0.6a 6.7  0.1a
22:5n-3 ND ND ND 4.0  0.1
22:6n-3 9.9  0.9a 6.6  2.2a 8.5  2.2a 23.0  0.4b
DHA/EPA 1.4 1.4 1.2 3.4
18:1n-9/DHA 2.1 2.7 2.5 0.8

Values in a row with di¡erent letters are signi¢cantly di¡erent (Tukey’s Test, Po0.05).
ND, not detected; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid.

Pe¤rez, D|¤ az, Izquierdo, FernaŁndez-Palacios & Lorenzo- 1998). Di¡erent ¢sh species require di¡erent levels of
Hernandez 1997; Sargent, McEvoy & Bell 1997). Var- DHA/EPA ratios for their growth and survival. Gapa-
ious investigators have used DHA/EPA ratios as an sin and Duray (2001) suggested that for milk¢sh
index of the optimal level required for normal growth (Chanos chanos), a DHA/EPA ratio of at least  1.0
and development in ¢sh larvae (Koven,Tandler, Sklan in the live food would be appropriate for normal
& Kissil 1993; Reitan, Rainuzzo & Olsen 1994; Tocher, growth and good survival in an intensive larvicul-
Mourente & Sargent 1997; Rodr|¤ guez, Pe¤rez, Badia, ture system. Rodr|¤ guez et al. (1997) observed signi¢-
Izquierdo, FernaŁndez-Palacios & Lorenzo-Hernandez cantly higher growth rates in sea bream larvae fed

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Towards a suitable feed for tuna larvae A K Biswas et al. Aquaculture Research, 2006, 37, 1662^1670

Total choline require a balance diet with higher DHA/EPA and

PC-bound choline
1400 lower OA/DHA ratios. Further studies are required
using one of the many PL-rich enrichment emulsions
1200 and/or dry diets that are now available as an alterna-
tive to Artemia and knifejaw larvae. In addition, the
results obtained in this study will also help consider-
ably in furthering the understanding of dietary com-
position of arti¢cial microdiet, which would be our
600 further investigation, for the PBT larvae.

400 *

This study was supported by the 21st Century COE
Diet 1 Diet 2 Diet 3 Diet 4 Diet 5 program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport,
Science and Technology, Japan. The expenses were
Figure 3 Total choline and phosphatidylcholine (PC)- also defrayed in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Scienti¢c
bound choline content in tuna larvae fed with di¡erent Research (No. S 14104007) from the Ministry of Edu-
diets. Data are presented as the mean  SD of two repli-
cation, Culture, Sport, Science and Technology.
cates of each treatment. No replicates.

rotifers with a DHA/EPA ratio of 1.5 compared with References

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performance with a DHA/EPA ratio as high as 1.21
retina and brain of cod (Gadus morhua). Lipids 26, 565^
in Algamac-3050-enriched Artemia and as low as 573.
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