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ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Thời gian làm bài: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề

(Đề thi gồm 06 trang)

PART A. LISTENING (Each recording will be played TWICE)

Section 1: Questions 1-10.

You will hear a man called Tim and a woman called Laura discussing preparations for their holiday.
Complete the notes below.
Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Things to do before we go

Collect the currency.

Cancel appointment with the 1._____________ (Monday)

Begin taking the 2. _______________ (Tuesday)
3. _____________ , a small bag,
a spare 4. _______________,
an electrical 5. ______________.
Book a 6. ________________.
Instructions for Laura's mum
 Feed the cat
Vet's details:
Name: Colin 7. _____________
Tel: 8.____________
Address: Fore Street (opposite the 9. ____________)

Water the plants

Meet the heating engineer on 10. _____________

Section 2: Questions 11-20.

You will hear a talk on local radio about a ‘short film’ festival in the town of Adbourne.
Choose the correct answer A, B  or C.
Adbourne Film Festival
11. Why was the Film Festival started?
A. To encourage local people to make films.
B. To bring more tourists to the town.
C. To use money released from another project.
12. What is the price range for tickets?
A. £1.00 - £2.50
B. 50p - £2.00
C. £1.50 - £2.50
13. As well as online, tickets for the films can be obtained ____________
A. from the local library.
B. from several different shops.
C. from the two festival cinemas.
14. Last year’s winning film was about _____________
A. farms of the future.
B. schools and the environment.
C. green transport options.
15. This year the competition prize is ______________
A. a stay in a hotel.
B. film-making equipment.
C. a sum of money.
16. The deadline for entering a film in the competition is the end of ______________.
A. May
B. June
C. July
Questions 17-18
Choose  TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO main criteria are used to judge the film competition?
A. Ability to persuade.
B. Quality of the story.
C. Memorable characters.
D. Quality of photography.
E. Originality.
Questions 19-20
Choose  TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO changes will be made to the competition next year?
A. A new way of judging.
B. A different length of film.
C. An additional age category.
D. Different performance times.
E. New locations for performances.

Pick out the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other words. Identify your
answer by writing the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
1. A. university B. punctuality C. agricultural D. mathematician
2. A. fantastic B. gymnastics C. politics D. emphatic
3. A. electronic B. entertainment C. accuracy D. calculation
4. A. behavior B. participate C. tradition D. necessary
5. A. preparation B. preliminary C. adolescence D. comprehensible

Section 1. Complete the following sentences by choosing the correct answer A, B, C or D.
1. We couldn't stand his nasty ________ of spitting on the floor and we moved him from our department.
A. guilt B. disposition C. character D. habit
2. Traveling alone to a jungle is adventurous, ________.
A. if not impossible B. if it not impossible
C. when not impossible D. when it not impossible
3. It’s a serious operation for a man as old as my father. He is very frail. I hope he ________.
A. gets away B. comes round C. pulls through D. stands up
4. The schoolboy’s excuse wasn’t ________ at all. Nobody in the classroom believed in the far-fetched
story he told.
A. credential B. credible C. creditable D. credulous
5. ________ a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm.
A. As a result of B. In the event of C. By reason of D. In the time of
6. John first dabbled ________ buying old maps for his collection.
A. on B. in C. at D. for
7. Your grandfather is rather tired so do not ________ your visit. Let him have a rest.
A. prolong B. lengthen C. delay D. shorten
8. They seemed to be ________ to the criticism and just carried on as before.
A. disinterested B. sensitive C. uncaring D. indifferent
9. The picture is ________ ; the thief will be disappointed when he tries to sell it!
A. unprofitable B. priceless C. invalid D. worthless
10. “When will you be informed of the test result?” _ “Not until Monday, so I will be ________ all
A. at needles and pins B. on pins and needles
C. on needles and pins D. at pins and needles

Section 2. Supply the correct form of the word provided in each blank.
Last year, I resigned my post as a Head of Department at a large comprehensive school. After 23 years of
teaching, I had simply enough of a job which is becoming increasingly (1.PROBLEM) ________. As a
Departmental Head, I saw at close hand the effect of the government's increased
(2.INVOLVE)________ in educational matters; the job is now ten times more (3.BUREAU) ________
than it was when I started out. Not contented with loading teachers down with paperwork, the
government also imposed standard national tests on pupils as young as six, a fact that has left many
teachers (4.ENCHANT) ________with their profession. There is also the growing (5.AGGRESS)
________ of the pupils, including the girls. There are frequent little acts of (6.RUDE) ________ which
teachers have become almost (7.POWER) ________ to stop, now that the right to discipline pupils has
been all but taken from them. There is restlessness and sheer (8.BORE) ________ of children brought up
on a diet of computer games and violent videos. Some people dismiss any link between computer games
and a (9.REDUCE) ________ in attention span, but few of them are teachers. When I started out, I
enjoyed teaching history, my chosen discipline, to (10.RESPECT) ________ pupils. Now I do so every
Tuesday evening, teaching history to local pensioners.

Section 3. The passage below contains five mistakes. Write down the line numbers, the
corresponding mistakes and correct them.
Death suggests that the dreamer has mixture feelings of love and hostility for the person who dies,
particularly when the person is closed. If dreamers see themselves die, this may represent a desire to
escape from pressure.
Anxiety dreams are very common when something is worrying us. We are been put to the rest. The
mind remembers times in the past when we were nervous, and a common image is that of a test in which
we were badly prepared.
Fire is naturally associated with love and passion, and, not surprising, the dangers that go with them.
In most cases it shows that the dreamer is both attracted to passion and afraid of being burned.

No Line Mistake Correction


Section 1. Read the following passage and choose the correct answer by writing the corresponding
letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.
Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing
appreciation of the importance of biological diversity, the number of species in a particular ecosystem,
to the health of the Earth and human well-being. Much has been written about the diversity of terrestrial
organisms, particularly the exceptionally rich life associated with tropical rain-forest habitats. Relatively
little has been said, however, about diversity of life in the sea even though coral reef systems are
comparable to rain forests in terms of richness of life.
An alien exploring Earth would probably give priority to the planet's dominant, most-distinctive
feature ― the ocean. Humans have a bias toward land that sometimes gets in the way of truly examining
global issues. Seen from far away, it is easy to realize that landmasses occupy only one-third of the
Earth's surface. Given that two- thirds of the Earth's surface is water and that marine life lives at all levels
of the ocean, the total three-dimensional living space of the ocean is perhaps 100 times greater than  that
of land and contains more than 90 percent of all life on Earth even though the ocean has fewer distinct
The fact that half of the known species are thought to inhabit the world's rain forests does not
seem surprising, considering the huge numbers of insects that comprise the bulk of the species. One
scientist found many different species of ants in just one tree from a rain forest. While every species is
different from every other species, their genetic makeup constrains them to be insects and to share similar
characteristics with 750,000 species of insects. If basic, broad categories such as phyla and classes are
given more emphasis than differentiating between species, then the greatest diversity of life is
unquestionably the sea. Nearly every major type of plant and animal has some representation there.
To appreciate fully the diversity and abundance of life in the sea, it helps to think small. Every
spoonful of ocean water contains life, on the order of 100 to 100,000 bacterial cells plus assorted
microscopic plants and animals, including larvae of organisms ranging from sponges and corals to
starfish and clams and much more.
 1. What is the main point of the passage?
A. Humans are destroying thousands of species.
B. There are thousands of insect species.
C. The sea is even richer in life than the rain forests.
D. Coral reefs are similar to rain forests.
 2. The word "appreciation" in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.
A. ignorance   B. recognition C. tolerance D. forgiveness
 3. Why does the author compare rain forests and coral reefs (paragraph 1)?
A. They are approximately the same size.
B. They share many similar species.
C. Most of their inhabitants require water.
D. Both have many different forms of life.
 4. The word "bias" in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to__________.
A. concern   B. disadvantage C. attitude D. prejudice
5. Which of the following is true about the ocean according to the passage?
A. It’s 100 times greater than land
B. It contains more species than land
C. It contains a vast majority of life on Earth
D. It occupies one-third of the Earth’s surface
6. The passage suggests that most rain forest species are__________.
A. insects B. bacteria C. mammals   D. birds
7. The word "there" in paragraph 3 refers to__________.
A. the sea B. the rain forests C. a tree D. the Earth's surface
 8. The author argues that there is more diversity of life in the sea than in the rain forests because
A. more phyla and classes of life are represented in the sea
B. there are too many insects to make meaningful distinctions
C. many insect species are too small to divide into categories
D. marine life-forms reproduce at a faster rate
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an example of microscopic sea life?
A. Sponges   B. Coral C. Starfish  D. Shrimp
10. Which of the following conclusions is supported by the passage?
A. Ocean life is highly adaptive.
B. More attention needs to be paid to preserving ocean species and habitats.
C. Ocean life is primarily composed of plants.
D. The sea is highly resistant to the damage done by pollutants.

Section 2. Choose the correct answer to complete the following passage by writing the
corresponding letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet.

It is well known that babies and young children need milk in order to build a strong and healthy skeleton.
However, nutritionists are becoming increasingly worried that young people are not drinking enough
milk, and as a result, are risking serious calcium (1) ________ at a time when it is most essential for their
development. Calcium is also present in dairy foods like cheese and yogurt, and in green vegetables, but
the majority of adults and children don’t (2) ________ enough of such foods to meet their daily
requirements. There are other reasons why milk is the (3) ________ dietary source of this vital nutrient.
Unlike most other foods, milk contains Vitamin D, as well as natural fats and sugars which (4) ________
the absorption of calcium.
Not only (5) ________ Calcium play a significant role in building healthy bones , but scientists are now
proving that it can help lower blood pressure and (6) ________ harmful cholesterol levels too. (7)
________, nutritionists recommend a calcium (8) ________ equivalent to three glasses of milk daily for
young children and, as teenagers require even more, it would seem sensible to make milk staple food in
our diet. Nevertheless, it is more common for youngster to choose soft drinks or fruit juice to (9)
________ their thirst. Health campaigners are promoting milk as a “ cool” drink and have found that in
schools where vending machines selling flavored and plain milk were (10) ________, sales indicate that
it can be immensely popular.
1. A. deficiencies B. disorders C. supplements D. poisoning
2. A. contain B. consume C. chew D. let
3. A. preferential B. preferring C. preferred D. preference
4. A. stir B. make C. benefit D. aid
5. A. would B. this C. does D. also
6. A. drop B. vary C. fall D. reduce
7. A. Adversely B. Ideally C. Namely D. Totally
8. A. intake B. meal C. portion D. exposure
9. A. quench B. erase C. dry D. liquidate
10. A. transformed B. installed C. adapted D. enforced

Section 3. Read the passage and fill in each numbered gap with ONE suitable word.

Antarctica is becoming a popular tourist destination and in the last decade.

There has been a dramatic (1) ________ in visitors to the area. Some tourists simply want to see
the last unspoiled continent, while others have more active pursuits such as adventure sports in (2)
________. And of course, there are also those adventurous souls who want to follow in the footsteps of
the great polar explorers. (3) ________, environmentalists are concerned that the booming tourist
industry may be endangering the Antarctic (4) ________ and sowing the seeds of its own destruction.
One of the problems facing the area is pollution (5) ________ from tourism. Careless visitors throw
rubbish into the sea, not realizing how (6) ________ this can be to wildlife. Another
danger is oil spills. In the freezing waters, oil does not disperse effectively. Consequently, oil from even a
small spill will remain a hazard to wildlife for many years. And this is a very real danger: some of the
cruise ships visiting Antarctica have not been reinforced to (7) ________ into account the dangers. A
collision with an iceberg could (8) ________ a disaster of major proportions. This is by no means a far-
fetched notion. From time to time icebergs do appear in these waters, and global warming (9) ________
that massive chunks of ice are breaking (10) ________ the continental ice sheet more and more
frequently. If a ship collided with one of these, it could spell disaster for tourism.

Section 1. Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it has a similar meaning to the
original one.
1. John tried hard so that he could win the match.
→ With ____________________________.
2. My father finds the map difficult to follow.
→ My father has ______________________.
3. My boss works better when he’s pressed for time.
→ The less ___________________________.
4. Mick thought that we were married.
→ Mick was under______________________.
5. He told me that it was wrong of me to leave early.
→ He criticized ________________________.

Section 2. Essay writing:

“Team learning or individual learning? Compare the advantages of these two different ways of
learning. Which do you think is preferable?”
Write an essay within 250 words to express your own idea.

-----THE END-----

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