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Dosicard /R

User’s Manual
Copyright 2003, Canberra Eurisys SA. All rights reserved.
The material in this document, including all information, pictures, graphics
and text, is the property of Canberra Eurisys SA and is protected by French
copyright laws and international copyright conventions.
Canberra Eurisys expressly grants the purchaser of this product the right to
copy any material in this document for the purchaser’s own use, including as
part of a submission to regulatory or legal authorities pursuant to the
purchaser’s legitimate business needs.
No material in this document may be copied by any third party, or used for
any commercial purpose or for any use other than that granted to the
purchaser without the written permission of Canberra Eurisys.
Canberra Eurisys SA
ZA de l'Observatoire - 4 avenue des Frênes
78067 St Quentin Yvelines Cedex - France
Tel: 33 (0)1 39 48 57 70 FAX: 33 (0)1 39 48 57 80
The information in this document describes the product as accurately as
possible, but is subject to change without notice.
Choosing a Battery

Battery lifetimes vary between battery manufacturers. For

longer battery life, Canberra recommends DURACELL and
RENATA batteries.
The battery lifetimes depend also on the Dosicard’s LCD
display mode. If the Dosicard is set for the LCD display to
be in the “permanent display” mode, the battery life will be
very short. You can change the display mode through
Canberra's DoseManager software.

1. INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................................1
2. GETTING STARTED ...............................................................................................................................4
3. CONTROLS .............................................................................................................................................6
3.1. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................................6
3.2. MAIN SCREENS .................................................................................................................................8
4. SETUP ...................................................................................................................................................18
4.1. SET UP DIRECTLY ON INSTRUMENT ..................................................................................................18
4.2. SETUP VIA DATA BASE SOFTWARE ...................................................................................................24
5. OPERATION ..........................................................................................................................................25
5.1. OPERATING MODES.........................................................................................................................26
5.2. “PERMANANENT” MODE DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................27
5.2.1. Manual dose function......................................................................................................28
5.2.2. Dose rate function ...........................................................................................................30
5.2.3. Dose in current day function..........................................................................................31
5.2.4. Test function ....................................................................................................................32
5.2.5. Password protected functions .......................................................................................35
5.3. ALARMS AND INDICATORS FUNCTIONS................................................................................40
5.3.1. Manual dose alarm ..........................................................................................................41
5.3.2. Dose rate alarm................................................................................................................42
5.3.3. Daily dose alarm ..............................................................................................................43
5.3.4. Time alarm........................................................................................................................44
5.3.5. Monthly dose alarm .........................................................................................................45
5.3.6. Three-month dose alarm.................................................................................................46
5.3.7. Indicators..........................................................................................................................47
6. MAINTENANCE.....................................................................................................................................48
6.1. NORMAL MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................48
6.2. TROUBLE SHOOTING ......................................................................................................................48
7. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................................49
7.1. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS ........................................................................................................49
7.1.1. Nuclear characteristics ...................................................................................................49
7.1.2. Electrical characteristics ................................................................................................51
7.1.3. Mechanical & environmental characteristics ...............................................................51
7.1.4. Electromagnetic compatibility .......................................................................................51
7.2. WHEN AND HOW TO CHANGE DOSICARD BATTERY ............................................................................53
7.2.1. When to change the Dosicard battery?.........................................................................53
7.2.2. How to change the Dosicard battery? ...........................................................................55
7.3. TEST PROCEDURE ..........................................................................................................................58
7.3.1. Dose integration test .......................................................................................................58
7.3.2. Calibration and checks ...................................................................................................58
7.4. GLOSSARY.................................................................................................................................59
Thank you for purchasing the DosicardTM Personal Dosimeter, developed to help you make a
permanent record of your accumulated dose while continously monitoring your current dose rate.

The Dosicard badge is designed to be used in its vinyl protective pocket which protects it from dirt,
humidity, shocks, contamination, etc…, even during bi-directional infra-red dialog with a multiplexer or
when using the three touch buttons.

One Dosicard is associated with one worker.

With its credit-card size, Dosicard features the smallest stand-alone electronic dosimeter available on
the market. The quantity measured is the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) in γ-rays, which is referred to
throughout this text by its abbreviated form of "dose" and is often expressed in mrem (millirem).
Dosicard provides real time monitoring of the personal dose and dose rate. The knowledge of individual
dosimetry in real time is very important, as it allows the doses received during operations to be reduced,
in accordance with the ALARA (As Low As Reasonably Achievable) strategy. That’s why the date and
time must be set.

The Dosicard Personal Dosimeter carries the " CE " label for electromagnetic compatibility

Dosicard features a silicon detector, complete analog and digital circuitry, including a microcontroller
with large non-volatile memory, an LCD display, and audio and visual alarms. Three touch buttons allow
programming and display setup of the manual dose, dose rate and cumulative doses per
day/month/quarter/year/five years. The recording of the doses received according to a programmable
schedule, the management of the alarms, the display and the touch buttons are powered by a standard
button battery. Non-volatile EEPROM memory safely stores the detailed history of the daily doses,
times when alarm levels have been exceeded, and relevant data concerning the user and the badge

Thanks to the power of its microprocessor and the capacity of its internal memory, the
dosimeterDosicard contains a very large range of functions which are fully exploited in the
DOSEMANAGER and CARD systems (see the relevant manuals). Depending on their configuration,
these computerised systems can provide the total management of operational dose measurement of for
personnel, from a small medical laboratory of ten people, up to a nuclear center employing a thousand.

Different dosimetry configurations:

DOSIMAN is a Dosicard with a special ON/OFF switch for users who do not want to monitor dosimetry
via a database. Once switched off, DOSIMAN clears all data and is ready for next use.

Stand-alone DOSIMAN


− The attribution and configuration software enables all the information related to the badge wearer
(such as identity, authorizations, etc.) and to the badge itself (alarm configuration, functional mode,
etc.) to be recorded in the badge’s memory.
− The operational software enables the complete dose history of a group of people, stored in a data
base that is an integral part of the software, to be controlled.
The DOSEMANAGER system is well adapted to departments employing a few dozen people, who may
occasionally move from site to site.


Small system Dosicard / DOSEMANAGER software

The CARD System enables the complete dose history of a group of people and monitors their presence
in a controlled zone. The zone entrance and exit readers are connected by an Ethernet TCP/IP network
to a central computer which manages the installation’s data base and its event history.
The CARD system is well adapted to large nuclear installations employing several thousands of people.



RS 422 BAC





Big system with Dosicard / CARD software

• Ensure that the badge is equipped with a battery.

• The badge must be placed in its protective pocket which must be closed.

• Do not take the dosimeter out of its pocket.

• Do not put other objects in the pocket.

Fixing clip

Protective pocket

• Wake-up Dosicard: To activate the liquid crystal display, press anytouch button.
If the Dosicard displays nothing, consult § 6.2.

• Ensure that the LCD is activated. Ensure that the following indicators are not displayed.

• If the low battery pictogram appears and particularly before opening the back cover, consult
the appendix, paragraph 7.2. Never open the back cover without a reason. The date and time
setting may be lost.

• HS: Battery out of order ; consult the appendix, paragraph 7.2.

• STOP: *Battery flat signal ; consult the appendix, paragraph 7.2.

• Check the triangle status.

at the upper left corner of the display is not flashing, it means that the analog part of the Dosicard is
not powered, in order to save the battery. This occurs particularly when out of the controlled zone in
"Stand-by" mode and outside of the time period in "Daily Timer" mode Activation signal for the dose
measurement function, i.e. the measurement and integration

• Ensure that your Dosicard has been identified in data base. Check with your Health Physics
manager officer.
Dosicard must be assigned to one worker: one badge number is associated with only one worker
number. If not, Dosicard offers only a small number of functionalities (see § 4).

• Go on test screen. For that, press the button twice when the Dosicard is awake.


Ensure 3, MTH and YR are not blinking. If so, the date and time have not been set. A badge
reader and the attribution software are needed to copy the system time into the Dosicard (see the
user manual of the PC based software such as DOSEMANAGER).


Dosicard offers two levels of control:
− direct access on Dosicard front panel,
− software driven setup.
This level of control needs a PC, software and a badge reader (LCB).


Liquid Crystal
Buzzer air vent
Display (LCD)
audible alarm

Three touch
Position of the buttons
silicon diode

Red LED for

visual alarm
Figure 1: DosicardTM /R, front view

Code and
serial No
Rear cover
locking screw
(battery access)
for use

Figure 2: Dosicard /R, rear view

Touch buttons:
Screen selection: button used to switch from one screen to the next.

Accept: button used to accept an entry or a choice.

Scroll: button used to increase the digits or to pass to the next option inside each screen.

Different pictograms and annotations are displayed:

Status of the acquisition.

Activation signal for the dose measurement function, that is to say the measurement and
integration of the dose.
If this triangle is not flashing, it means that the analog part of the Dosicard is not under
power, in order to save the battery. This occurs particularly when out of the controlled zone
in "Stand-by" mode and outside of the time period in "Daily Timer" mode.
∗ Activation signal for the manual dose function. This flashes after a manual (or automatic by
the badge entrance reader) "START", and it is continuous after a manual (or automatic by
the badge exit reader) "STOP".
•))) Signal for the presence of an alarm level. Always on when the alarm is not activated, and
flashes when the alarm is activated.
Flashing battery indicator. This appears at the first negative hourly check and lasts for a
HS Fixed signal for battery out of order. This appears 48 hours after the first negative hourly
check and lasts for five days.
StoP Battery flat signal. This appears one week after the first negative check. From that moment
the badge will no longer tell the right time.
SET This word appears when an access code must be entered for setting the alarm levels or
consulting the dosimetric file
MTH for the cumulative monthly dose (the previous 30 days)
3 MTH for the cumulative 3-monthly dose (the previous 90 days)
YR for the cumulative yearly dose (the 12 previous calendar months)
5 YR for the cumulative 5 year dose (the 60 previous calendar months)


c Manual Dose

* ))

d Doserate
)) )
Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
SET ) ))
e Dose in Current Day
) ))
Hp . mrem

fTest / Alarm display

) ))

• The Sleep Mode switches off the display but NOT the detector.

• All the dose acquisition in process remains running when to in the Sleep Mode.

• This display mode saves energy, and increases the battery’s life.

• This is the default display mode: The display automatically switches to this mode 4 minutes after
the last button press.

• Dosicard quits this display mode as soon as ANY button has been pressed.

• When it leaves the Sleep Mode, Dosicard goes toManual Mode (see further).

• The Sleep Mode can be disabled by using a badge reader (LCB) and the software
DOSEMANAGER or CARD. The display is then always switched on.

Hp * ))

c Manual Dose
)) )

d Doserate
Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
SET ) ))
e Dose in Current Day
) ))
Hp . mrem
f Test / Alarm display

• The Manual Dose Mode is an active mode, identified by the presence of the star in the top right
part of the display.

• Acquisition starts when the subject presses the star button . The displayed star starts blinking
and the previous value is reset.

• The acquisition stops when the subject presses the star button again . The displayed star
stops blinking.

• Press the straight arrow button (during or at the end of the acquisition) to see the elapsed

• If the alarm threshold is exceeded during acquisition, the corresponding alarms are triggered (see
alarm management § 5.3).

)) )
Hp mrem/h

c Manual Dose

) ))

Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
) ))
e Dose in Current Day
) ))
Hp . mrem
f Test / Alarm display

• This is a passive read-only mode

• Dose Rate acquisition starts automatically when the detector is switched on (by the badge reader
(LCB or BIO readers)).

The top left corner state triangle starts blinking. In “permanent” mode, Dosicard always acquires

• The dose rate acquisition stops automatically when the detector is switched off (by the LCB or
BIO readers),in stand-by mode, or out of the time range in daily timer mode. When dose rate
acquisition turns off, the triangle in the upper left corner of the display stops blinking.

• If the Dose Rate alarm threshold is exceeded when the Dose Rate is active, the corresponding
alarms are triggered (see alarm management).

• Some Dosicard dosimeter versions can be set in the factory without this doserate display mode
(Dosicard /H, Dosicard /Z).

)) )
Hp . mrem

c Manual Dose

Hp mrem
) ))

d Doserate
)) )
Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
) ))
e Dose in Current Day
)) )
Hp . mrem

f Test / Alarm display


• This is a passive read only mode

• If the detector is active (state triangle blinking), it operates automatically.

• It’s the accumulated dose since 0:00 AM in the permanent mode.

• It’s the accumulated dose since entering a controlled area in zone mode (detector switched on
by a badge entrance reader).

• The daily dose is saved in memory each day at midnight, becoming the most recent of the 90
daily doses.

• One Dosicard holds 90 daily doses permanently, allowing dose summation: « month dose »=sum
of the last 30 daily doses; « 3 months dose » = sum of the last 90 day doses.

• In order to keep a daily history of the Dosicard wearer, it is required to update the database at
least once every 3 months using the LCB reader and the software’s “Database update” feature.


c Manual Dose

* ) ))

d Doserate
)) )
Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
) ))

e Dose in Current Day
Hp . mrem

fTest / Alarm display

)) )

• This is an active mode.

• Press the star button to start the test.

• The following tests are then automatically performed:

− All the liquid crystal segments are displayed.
− One beep is emitted by the buzzer.
− The LED blinks once.

• After these tests, all four alarm levels are displayed:

− Manual dose
− Dose rate
− Time
− Dose increment (step) – Buzzer dose

Alarm levels setup displays:

Setup display Manual dose alarm Doserate alarm


Hp mrem Hp mrem/h



Incremental beep Time alarm

Accumulated dose displays:

User’s code Month Dose 3 Months Dose


Hp mrem Hp mrem


Hp mrem Hp mrem

5 Years Dose Year Dose

Pressing the button returns the Dosicard to the normal Dose main screen.

Alarm management: type of alarms:

Audible alarm LCD display

Visual alarm

Alarm pictogram
flashes when the
))) alarm is activated
Hp . mrem

Alarm levels are available on:

• manual dose
• dose rate
• time
• dose increment
The alarm pictogram •))) is activated when at least one alarm is enabled.
There are three alarm signals:
• an audio signalwhich varies according to the alarm:
manual dose: 2 rapid short beeps every second
dose rate: 4 short beeps per second
buzz: 4 times 2 rapid short beeps
time: 1 long beep per second
daily/monthly/3-monthly doses: 3 rapid short beeps per second
low battery: 7 long beeps at every hour
• short flashes emitted by the red LED, with a frequency of one per second, whatever the type of
• a flashing display:
manual dose: Hp 0.5 mrem * •))) (0.5 mrem is the manual dose level)

dose rate: H p 1.1 mrem/h •))) (1.1 mrem/h is the exceeded peak rate)
buzz: no specific display
time: tr30 •))) (here 30 mn is the time level)
daily doses: Hp 1 mrem •))) (1 mrem is the dose exceeded level)

Alarm management: alarm level setup (consult § 4.1)

• Available from the display « Waiting for Code » after validation of the 4 hyphens « - - - - », using
the star button .

• Setup available on the Manual dose, the Dose rate, the Time and the Dose Increment (Step).

• Alarm levels memorized: not reset when detector stopped nor when batteries out of service.

• Presence of one Alarm Pictogram as soon as at least one alarm level is set up.

• Reading of the alarm levels available from the Test display mode, after starting the tests (see
Test display mode).

Dosicard stores doses permanently and continuously unless the battery is missing or out of order.
Dosicard parameters can be set
− directly on instrument or
− via a PC based software (an LCB reader, a PC and software are needed).
In order to be operational, the Dosicard has to be assigned to one subject. This can only be done in
PC based software (i.e. DOSEMANAGER; Please consult the relevant user manual).

Alarm level set up:


Timer DosicardTM ONLY
Incremental dose beep
Manual dose DosicardTM (if enabled by PC software)
Dose rate
Dose in current day PC software DOSEMANAGER
Month dose (last 30 rolling days)
3 month dose (last 90 rolling days)


The Dosicard’s parameters can be set only if the Dosicard has been assigned to one subject via
the PC-based software (i.e. DOSEMANAGER or CARD).

The user does not have access to all the alarm levels.
− Incremental beep (1)
− Timer alarm (2)
− Dose rate alarm (3)
− Dose in current day alarm (4)
and (2) are always available on the Dosicard.
and (4) are only available if enabled in PC software (see the relevant user manual).

From the Alarm Setup display screen (see 5) of § 3.2) of Dosicard:
Manual Dose
c * )) )
Hp mrem
d )
Hp mrem

Alarm setup display

Dose in current day
Hp . mrem

Test/Alarm display
Alarm level setting f

Manual Dose

* mrem
)) )

Alarm setup display Manual dose alarm Doserate alarm

SET ))
Hp mrem Hp mrem/h

Incremental beep Time alarm



The following alarm levels are manually accessible by the subject, using the three touch buttons:
− the manual dose level,
− the dose rate level,
− the time level,
− incremental dose level.
The default setting of the badge allows manual setting of the levels.
Nevertheless, it is possible at any time to prevent the subject from changing the levels manually. To do
this, all that is needed is to calibrate the Dosicard differently using the attribution software and a badge
Access to the alarm level changes can be authorised or prevented depending on the configuration of
the Dosicard.
A null value for a level corresponds to the deactivation of that level.

− Access to the manual modification of the alarm levels is available from the Alarm Setup display
screen (see 5) of § 3.2), corresponding to the entry into the « coded access functions » mode.
In this mode the display shows screen as follows :

The triangle indicating the

state of the badge is flashing. SET
Four hyphens in the center of
The word "SET" the displayfigures, with the first
is continuous. hyphen flashing

Figure 3

− From this screen, you must press the “ VAL" button four times to see the screen for setting the
level for the current day’s dose.
Each successive press of the " VAL" button makes the next digit flash, as is shown in the
figures below :
• First touch on the " VAL" button:

The triangle and the
second hyphen will flash.

• Second touch on the " VAL" button

The triangle and the
third hyphen will flash.

• Third touch on the " VAL"

The triangle and the SET

fourth hyphen will flash.

• From this situation, the fourth and last touch on the " VAL" button will then allow access to
the adjustment screens for the following levels :
Dose in Manual alarm level screen:

The word "SET" SET

will flash.

Hp mrem

Figure 4

Successive touches on the " SCROLL" button will scroll through the four adjustment screen

Dose rate alarm level screen:

The word "SET" and SET

the dot " z " will flash.

Hp mrem/h

Figure 5

Time alarm level screen:

The word "SET"
will flash.

Figure 6

Incremental dose screen:

The word "SET"
will flash.

Figure 7

Successive touches on the “ SCROLL" button will scroll through Figure 4 through Figure 7

− To select a level, press the " VAL" button in the desired screen. The word "SET" will then
become continuous and the first hyphen will flash.

− The " VAL" button therefore enables the selection of the level that the wearer wishes to adjust.

− The “ MODE" button allows one of the following :

• to quit the level adjustment mode if a procedure of this type has not been initiated, that is to say
when there has not been a previous touch on the " VAL" button. In this case the Dosicard
returns to the manual dose function, and displays Figure 8:


Figure 8

• to leave the adjustment procedure for the level in progress if there has been a touch on the "
VAL" button, and pass on to the adjustment of the next level.

1) How to adjust the alarm level for the manual dose

After having selected this level by the " VAL" button from Figure 4.

The word "SET" SET

is continuous. The first hyphen
Hp mrem is flashing.

• Each press of the “ SCROLL" button increases the first digit from 0 to 9.

• The " VAL" button validates the value of the digit displayed and selects the next digit.

• Validation of the fourth digit allows the unit, ‘m’ for milli or ‘µ’ for micro, to be chosen with the "
SCROLL" button.

• Once the unit is correctly displayed, a touch on the " VAL" button accepts the level and unit
displayed and and stores them in the badge’s memory. This final acceptance is accompanied by
a special sound signal indicating that the value has been stored.

At this stage, when the value has beenstored:

• the “ SCROLL" button will enable adjustment of the next level.

• the " VAL" button will enable the same level to be adjusted again.

• the “ MODE" button will quit the level adjustment mode.

The dose in current day level may be adjusted between 0 mrem and 999.9 rem.

2) How to adjust the alarm level for the dose rate

After having selected this levelwith the " VAL" button(Figure 5).

The word "SET" SET The first hyphen and the

is continuous. dot " z " are flashing.
Hp mrem/h

The adjustment procedure is identical to that for the manual dose level with a range from 0 mrem/h
to 999.9 rem/h.

3) How to adjust the alarm level for the time

The alarm level for the time cannot be set from software; it is a local setting only.

After having selected this level by the " VAL" button from Figure 6.

The word "SET" SET The first hyphen

is continuous. is flashing.

The value of the time level is implicitly expressed in minutes. The range is from 0 to 99 minutes.
The adjustment procedure is identical to that for the other levels, with the exception that there are
only two digits to set and there is no adjustment of the unit.

4) How to adjust the incremental dose

Incremental dose is the amount of dose acquired by Dosicard before it beeps once.

After having selected this level by the " VAL" button from Figure 7.

The word "SET" SET The second hyphen

is continuous. is flashing.

The value of the incremental dose can be adjusted between 0 and 99.9 mrem.
The adjustment procedure is identical to that for the other levels, with the exception that there is no
adjustment of the unit (mrem is compulsory).

The data base software allows to set the five following alarm levels:
− manual dose,
− dose rate,
− dose in current day,
− month dose,
− 3 month dose.
Consult the relevant user manual.



Do not take the dosimeter out of its pocket. Do not put other objects in the pocket.
Do not put the Dosicard in direct sunlight, for example on the back shelf of a car.
It is inadvisable to bring a Dosicard near a functioning portable telephone or a walkie-
talkie, or, generally near any electromagnetic source emitting a magnetic field higherthan
the range detailed paragraph 7.1.4. For the same reason, do not put the dosimeter on a
television set, a microwave oven or a high frequency welding kit


The badge must always be carried in its vinyl pocket, with the detector facing forwards.
The badge must be placed in its pocket, so that the LED alarm can be easily seen and the display
can be seen simply by lifting the badge into the horizontal position without having to remove it from
the pocket.
To activate the liquid crystal display (when the display is time-controlled), press on any one of the
 Battery life depends on how often the visual and audible alarms are triggered. Avoid testing them
too often.
Never open the back cover without a reason. There is a risk that the date and time setting may be
As soon as the low battery pictogram appears, and particularly before opening the back cover,
read paragraph 7.2 of this manual.

The various modes of configuration and hence of use of the Dosicard enable all the dose measurement
needs of a user to be covered, whether in his normal life or in specific work conditions.
The configuration modes of the Dosicard are as follows:
− "PERMANENT" mode (operating default mode):
In this mode, Dosicard collects the dose data 24 hours a day.

. rem
The top left corner triangle is always blinking.
This mode is suitable for personnel who move from site to site yet report to a center which
possesses an LCB badge reader and the DOSEMANAGER attribution software. All of the Dosicard’s
functions are available in this mode. By means of the computer system to which it is attached, the
wearer of such a badge can keep track of his dosimetry and carry out the relevant processing, both
on the badge and on the information that has been gathered.

− "STAND-BY" mode:
In this mode, the Dosicard will only integrate doses within a controlled area.
Dosicard collects dose data from the time the wearer checks in at an entrance entrance reader to
the time when he checks out at an exit reader.
The top left corner triangle is not blinking: Dosicard does not collect any dose.
The dose recorded is the dose taken inside a controlled area.
Top left corner triangle is blinking inside the controlled area and fixed outside. The detector part
is powered only inside the controlled area.
This mode can be used in order to save the battery power when Dosicard is on the shelf.
The use of a Dosicard in "Stand-by" mode requires a hardware and software environment which are
both adapted to the situation, and can enable management of dose measurement and site access
for several hundred people. This mode is suitable for the dosimetry control of people who work
inside buildings whose areas are defined by entrance and exit readers.

− "DAILY TIMER" mode:

In this mode, the Dosicard collects doses only within a preset daily time slot.
The Dosicard will activate its integration function by itself at the beginning of the time period and de-
activate it at the end of the period.

When the badge’s time setting is not correct, for example after a late battery change without a time
NOTE reset by an LCB badge reader, the manual dose and dose rate functions remain valid, but the dose
history will cease to have any meaning.

Dosicard badges are configured in "Permanent" mode at the factory with a user code of 1000 and a
time delay of 4 minutes for the screen.
In "Permanent" mode the badge integrates doses 24 hours a day, even when the screen is not lit up.
The three buttons, MODE, VALidation and SCROLL provide access to the main functions.
An audible beep is emitted each time an active button is pressed.

This mode for the Dosicard is the default mode.
In this mode, the configuration of the Dosicard is factory set as follows:
− Manual modification of the levels is authorised.
− The manual dose function is activated.
− In case of alarm, the red LED and the buzzer are activated.
− The duration of the audio (buzzer) and visual (red LED) signals corresponding to the setting off of an
alarm is limited to 32 seconds.
− The display switches off automatically after 4 minutes, without depressing any button.
− The unit by default is Rem.
− The user code to access to the dose history is 1000.
The options described above may be modified at any time by the attribution software via a badge
NOTE: If the display is off, it can be switched on again by simply pressing one of the three buttons.

Access to the various functions available in "Permanent" mode is obtained by pressing the "
MODE" button successively. The functions will be presented in the following order :
− display displayof the manual dose,
− display displayof the dose rate,
− display displayof the daily dose,
− the test function,
− the coded access file function => display displayof the dose history,
− the alarm function => programming the alarm levels.

To change from the "Alarm setup / Dose history" function to the “manual dose” function , press the
button a second time.

c Manual Dose

)) )

d Doserate
Hp mrem/h
ª Alarm setup /
Dose History
SET ) ))
e Dose in Current Day
) ))
Hp . mrem

fTest / Alarm display

) ))

5.2.1. Manual dose function
The Manual dose function enables the wearer of the badge to view a dose that has been integrated
between two instants. Both instants are determined by the wearer by pressing the button.

The display will show Figure 9 below :

The triangle indicating the When the star is flashing, it

state of the badge must be
flashing for this mode to be
indicates that a manual dose
is being integrated (following
a "START")

Figure 9

The mrem or rem units are automatically changed when the measurement range changes:
− 0 mrem to 999.9 mrem,
− 1 rem to 100 rem.

The wearer activates the "Manual dose" function using the " VAL" button:

− A first touch on " VAL" determines the "START" time and begins to integrate the manual dose..

− When the " VAL" button is pressed the first time:

• the star begins to flash,
• the previously displayed dose is set to zero,
• the integrated dose since the "START" is displayed.

− A second touch on “ VAL" determines the "STOP" time and stops integrating the manual dose.

− When the " VAL" button is pressed the second time:

• the star stops flashing,
• the dose integrated since the "START" time continues to be displayed but is no longer updated.

− A third touch on " VAL" determines a new "START" time, and the star will start to flash again.

By extension, successive pressing of the " VAL" button enables the manual dose function to be
started or stopped.

Since the star flashes only when the manual dose function is active, a quick glance at the display
shows the function’s status.

To see the elapsed time since the "START", press the " SCROLL" button.
The display will show Figure 10, as follows :

* The star indicates the active

(flashing) or inactive (continuous)
state of the manual dose function

Figure 10
Minutes and seconds from 00:00 (00 min. 00 sec.) to 59:59 (59 min. 59 sec.), then hours and minutes
from 01:00 (01 hr. 00 min.) to 99:59 (99 hr. 59 min.)
This screen allows the elapsed time since the activation by a "START" of the manual dose function to
be viewed (in the present case, either 1 minute and 22 seconds or 1 hour and 22 minutes).The elapsed
time increments in 2 second steps when the displayed time is in minutes and seconds.
Afterwards, if the increment in the elapsed time (the scrolling of the last digit) no longer occurs every
two seconds, this means that the time that has passed since the "START" is more than 1 hour. If this is
the case, the time displayed is expressed in hours and minutes.
When the elapsed time exceeds 99 hr. 59 min., the display begins to flash and the time no longer

Each press of the " SCROLL" button toggles the display between manual dose and elapsed time.

The manual dose function may be started or stopped by pressing the " VAL" button when the
display is in the elapsed time mode (Figure 10).

5.2.2. Dose rate function

Access to the dose rate function is obtained by pressing the " MODE" button from either Figure 9 or
Figure 10 in the Dose in Current Day function.
The dose rate function enables the value of the instantaneous dose rate measured in real time to be
In this mode the display shows Figure 11, as follows :

The triangle indicating

the state of the badge mrem/h or rem/h unit
must be flashing for the
activation of this mode. Hp mrem/h defining a measurement
of the dosage rate

Figure 11

The flashing dot indicates that the dose rate measurement function is activated. The H p logo stands
for the equivalent dose rate per person.
The mrem/h or rem/h units are automatically changed when the measurement range changes :
− 0 mrem/h to 999.9 mrem/h
− 1 rem/h to 99.9 rem/h
− > 100 rem/h flashing

The operator’s actions in this mode are limited, as he can only read the value of the instantaneous
dose rate measured by the Dosicard.

Pressing the " SCROLL" or " VAL" buttons will have no effect.

5.2.3. Dose in current day function

Access to the function for viewing the daily dose is obtained by pressing the " MODE" button again
when Figure 11 (display of the dose rate) is being displayed.
In this mode, the display will show Figure 12, as follows :

The triangle indicating the

state of the badge flashes.
mrem or rem units (as for
Hp mrem the manual dose function).

Figure 12

Unlike the screen for the manual dose, the star does not appear in this display mode.

The wearer can see the value of the integrated dose for the day.
The value of the dose is reset to zero at 00 hr 00 every day.

NOTE : The daily dose will not be displayed if the Dosicard’s date and time have not been set.

5.2.4. Test function
The test function lets you quickly check the Dosicard’s operation, particularly the display and
alarms, and verify the current settings for the alarm levels.

Access to the test function of the Dosicard is obtained by pressing the " MODE" button from Figure
12 (display of the daily dose).
In this mode, the display will show Figure 13. This is the default screen that should be seen as soon as
test mode is entered :

The triangle indicating the

state of the badge is flashing.

Figure 13

If the display shows Figure 14instead, the Dosicard is no longer set to the right date and time :

The triangle indicating the MTH YR The words "MTH" and

state of the badge is flashing. "YR" are flashing.

Figure 14

The test function of the Dosicard is launched by pressing the “ VAL" button when Figure 13 is being
displayed. The test function allows the operation of the buzzer, the LED and all the elements of the
display (segments, letters, words, elements and pictograms) to be checked.

Pressing on the " VAL" button activates the buzzer and the red LED for a short time,
thensequentially displays the following screens :
− all of the elements of the display: Figure 15,
− the level value in force for the manual dose: Figure 16,
− the level value in force for the dose rate: Figure 17,
− the level value in force for the elapsed time (the time passed since the "START" signal): Figure 18,
− the incremental dose value in force: Figure 19.

When its value is nil, that level is not activate.

The display of each of the screens (Figure 15 to Figure 19) lasts for a few seconds in order to allow the
presence of all the elements of the display to be verified and to give time to read the various level

* ))
The triangle indicating the SET 3 MTH 5 YR
Dosicard’s state, the battery
indicator and the dot " z " above
Hp : . mrem/h
"Hp" will be flashing.

Figure 15: Screen showing all the elements

Hp mrem

Figure 16: Level value for the manual dose (1 mrem in this example)

The dot will flash.

Hp mrem/h

Figure 17: Level value for the dose rate (3 mrem/h in this example)

Level value equal to

zero in this example

Figure 18: Level value for the time

Level value equal to

zero in this example.

Figure 19: Level value for the incremental dose

When the sequence of screens Figure 15 to Figure 19 ends, the Dosicard displays the initial screen
Figure 13, corresponding to the entry into test mode, again, as follows :

The triangle indicating the state of the badge is flashing

A new test sequence can then be launched by pressing on the " VAL" button.
During the test sequence, the following points must be verified :
− The buzzer should sound.
− The LED should give a short flash.
− All of the elements of the display should be present.

If any of these points cannot be verified, the Dosicard has an operational fault.

5.2.5. Password protected functions

Access to this function is obtained by pressing again on the “ MODE" button from Figure 13 (test
In this mode the display will show Figure 20, as follows :

The triangle indicating the

state of the badge is flashing. SET The word "SET"
is continuous.
Four hyphens corresponding
to the central segment of the
figures, with the first hyphen
Figure 20

From this screen, access may be had to two independent functions, as follows:
− display of the dose history
− manual setting of the alarm levels Access to the dose history

The display of the dose history allows the wearer to readthe accumulated dose values for one
month, three months, one year and five years.
Access to the display of this data is possible only if the wearer of the Dosicard knows the user code
programmed into the badge. The default code programmed into the Dosicard at the factory is 1000.

NOTE : The dose history will not be displayed if the Dosicard’s date and time have not been set.

To access the dose history from screen in Figure 20, the user code must be entered. This code can be
changed at any time by the attribution software via a badge reader.

How to enter the user code

− When the "SET" mode is entered (screen Figure 20), the first hyphen will flash. Press the "
SCROLL" button to change the " − " to " 0 " :


Figure 21
Press the " SCROLL" button again to change the first digit from the 0 to the 1 :

Figure 22

Successive touches on the “ SCROLL" button increments the displayed value by one, up to the
value 9.

Figure 23
A further touch on the " SCROLL" button when 9 is displayed (screen Figure 23) will return to
the value 0 (screen No. 13).

− When the desired value is displayed, press the " VAL" button to accept it. and select the next

− As the default user code programmed at the factory is 1000, you should press the " VAL" button
when the display corresponds to Figure 22.
The display will then show Figure 24 :

The triangle indicating SET

The second
the Dosicard‘s state hyphen flashes.

Figure 24
From this screen, the value of the second digit of the user code, whose default value is " 0 ", must
be set by successive touches on the " SCROLL" button.

Only the triangle SET

indicating the
Dosicard’s state

Figure 25

Once the value of the second digit is set to the desired value, accept it by pressing the " VAL"
The display will then show Figure 26 :

The triangle indicating SET The third hyphen

the state of the flashes.
Dosicard flashes.

Figure 26

In the same way, the value of the remaining digits are selected and the correct value is validated.
When all four digits have been entered, the screen will appear as follows :

The triangle indicating SET

the Dosicard’s state
The last zero of the
flashes. user code flashes.

Figure 27

When the displayed four digit number corresponds to the user code programmed into the Dosicard,
accepting the fourth digit will give access to the dose history.
If the four digit number does not correspond to the programmed user code, the dose history display will
be disabled. The Dosicard will then leave the current user code entry mode and return to the manual
dose function, showing Figure 9 once again :


If another try is required to access the dose history, it will be necessary to press the " MODE"
button four times in order to enter the user code.

At any time, the sequence for programming the user code may be exited by pressing the " MODE"
button. In this case, the Dosicard will return to the manual dose function and the user code procedure
will be cancelled. During the user code programming function, only the " SCROLL" and " VAL"
buttons are used. If the time taken to validate a digit is greater than about four minutes, the Dosicard
will return automatically to the manual dose function and the user code procedure will be cancelled.

From Figure 27, when the four digit number corresponds to the user code programmed into the
Dosicard, a touch on the " VAL" button allows access to the dose history.

Dose history
This file allows the wearer to view the following information sequentially :
• the monthly dose, corresponding to the sliding total of the last 30 complete days.
For example: On July 15th 1996, the wearer views the monthly dose. The value displayed will
correspond to the dose integrated by the badge from 00:00 on Saturday June 15th 1996 to
23:59:59 on Sunday July 14th. The monthly dose is updated every day at 00:00 (midnight).

30 complete days

Day [(D-1) - 30] Day D

June 15th 1996 July 15th 1996

Day (D-1)
July 14th 1996


Hp mrem

Figure 28

From Figure 28, press the " SCROLL" button to view the "3 mth" dose.
• the 3 months dose corresponding to the sliding total of the dose for the last 90 complete days.
For example: On July 15th 1996 the wearer views the « 3 monthly » dose. The value displayed
will correspond to the dose integrated by the badge from 00:00 on Tuesday April 16th 1996 to
23:59:59 on Sunday July 14th. The « 3 monthly » dose is updated every day at 00:00 (midnight).

Day D
July 15th 1996
90 complete days

Day [(D-1)-90] Day (D-1)

April 16th 1996 July 14th 1996


Hp mrem

Figure 29

From Figure 29, press the " SCROLL" button to view the "YR" dose.

• the "YR" dose corresponding to the sliding total of the dose for the last 12 complete calendar months.
For example: On July 15th 1996 the wearer views the "YR" dose. The value displayed will
correspond to the dose integrated by the badge from 00:00 on July 1st 1995 to 23:59:59 on
Sunday June 30th 1996. The "YR" dose is updated on the first day of every calendar month at
00:00 (midnight).

Day D
July 15th 1996
12 complete months

Updated at the end

of June at 00h00
July 1st 1995

June 30th 1996


Hp mrem

Figure 30

From Figure 30, press the " SCROLL" button to view the "5 YR" dose.
• the "5 YR" dose corresponding to the sliding total of the dose for the last 60 complete calendar months. The "5
YR" dose is updated on the first day of every calendar month at 00:00 (midnight).

5 YR

Hp mrem

Figure 31

Successive touches on the " SCROLL" button from Figure 31 will scroll through the
dose history again. If no action is carried out for a few minutes, the Dosicard will leave
the dose history and return automatically to the manual dose. Pressing the " MODE"
NOTE button will quit the dose history at any time and return to the manual dose function :

mrem Setting the alarm levels

Consult paragraph 4.1.

In general, a triggered alarm is manifested by three elements: the buzzer, the LED and the liquid crystal
display :
− The buzzer generates audio signals, which vary according to the type of alarm.
− The red LED gives a short flash once every second, whatever the type of alarm.

1 second
< >
− The liquid crystal display indicates the type of alarm which has been or is being set off.

Other alarm configurations can be defined with the attribution software and a badge reader.

For instance, you can :

− Activate or de-activate the buzzer
− Activate or de-activate the LED
− Select an unlimited continuous audio signal which continues until the wearer stops it, or select an
audio alarm that continues for 32 seconds.

The values of the levels are programmed into the badge by the attribution software using a badge
reader :
− if the value of the level is 0, the alarm is not activated,
− an alarm is activated by programming a level other than 0.

5.3.1. Manual dose alarm
The manual dose alarm is triggered when the integrated manual dose is greater than the manual dose’s
alarm level.The manual dose alarm can be triggered onlyalarm if the badge’s manual dose function is
When a manual dose is triggered, the display will show Figure 32, :
The star is

The Hp symbol and the
triangle indicating the
))) The alarm pictogram
badge’s state will flash.
Hp : .))) will flash.
. mrem

Figure 32

The level value for the manual dose is displayed.

The meaning of the alarm pictogram is as follows :

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated.
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the alarm’s
threshold is other than zero).
− it flashes when one of the alarm thresholds has been exceeded,.

During the complete duration of the alarm, the buzzer will emit the following audio signal:

1 second
< >
This audio signal may be unlimited or limited to 32 seconds, depending on the configuration that has
been programmed.
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the audio signal stops because it has been limited in time, the visual display (Figure 32) will
remain until it is cancelled by the wearer.

A dose rate alarm can be cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions.

When the audio signal stops because it has been limited in time, Figure 33 will remain on the display
until it is cancelled by the wearer pressing the " VAL" key.

5.3.2. Dose rate alarm
The dose rate alarm is triggered when the measured dose rate is greater than the dose rate’s alarm
The dose rate alarm can be triggered only if the badge is activated (the indicator triangle is flashing).
The delay in setting off an alarm on the dose rate may be relatively long (more than a minute for low
rates) so as to integrate a sufficient number of measurements, creating a good statistical accuracy. This
delay assures that a real alarm has been triggered, avoiding false alarms.
When an alarm on the dose rate is triggered, the display will show Figure 33,:

The alarm pictogram .)))

)) ) will flash.
The H p symbol and the
triangle indicating the badge’s Hp : . mrem The value of the peak
state will flash. dose rate is displayed.

Figure 33

The significance of the alarm pictogram is :

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated.
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the alarm’s
threshold is other than zero).
− it flashes when one of the alarm thresholds has been exceeded,.

The buzzer will emit the following audio signal while the alarm is active:

1 second
< >
This audio signal may be unlimited or limited to 32 seconds, depending on the configuration that has
been programmed.
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the audio signal stops because it has been limited in time, Figure 33 will remain on the display
until it is cancelled by the wearer.

An alarm on the dose rate is cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions.

5.3.3. Daily dose alarm
The daily dose alarm is triggered when the integrated dose is greater than the daily dose’s alarm
level.When a daily dose alarm is set off, the display will show Figure 34, :

The Hp symbol and

the triangle indicating : .
* )) ) The alarm pictogram
.))) will flash.
the badge’s state will Hp mrem
be flashing.
Figure 34

The value of the level for the daily dose is displayed.

The significance of the alarm pictogram is as follows:

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated.
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the level is
then other than zero).
− it flashes when one of the alarm levels has been exceeded.

the buzzer will emit the following audio signal while the alarm is active:

1 second
< >
This audio signal may be unlimited or limited to 32 seconds, depending on the configuration that has
been programmed.
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the audio signal stops because it has been limited in time, Figure 34 will remain on the display
until it is cancelled by the wearer.

An daily dose alarm is cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions.

The " MODE" and " SCROLL" keys will have no effect.

5.3.4. Time alarm
The time alarm is triggered when the elapsed time is greater than the time alarm level.
When a time alarm is set off, the display will show Figure 35 :

))) The alarm pictogram

.))) will be flashing.

Figure 35

The value of the time level is displayed.

The significance of the alarm pictogram is as follows :

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated.
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the level is
then other than zero).
− it flashes when one of the alarm levels has been exceeded.

During the complete duration of the alarm, the buzzer will emit the following audio signal :

1 second
< >
This audio signal may be unlimited or limited to 32 seconds, depending on the configuration that has
been programmed.
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the sound signal stops because it has been limited in time, Figure 35 will remain on the display
until it is cancelled by the wearer.

A time alarm is cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions.

The " MODE" and " SCROLL" keys will have no effect.

5.3.5. Monthly dose alarm
The monthly dose alarm is triggered when the integrated monthly dose is greater than the monthly
dose’s alarm level.
When a monthly dose alarm is set off, the display will show Figure 36:

The alarm pictogram

)) ) .))) will flash.
The Hp symbol
Hp : mrem
will flash. .
Figure 36

The value of the monthly dose level is displayed.

The significance of the alarm pictogram is as follows :

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the level is
then other than zero)
− it flashes when one of the levels has been exceeded.

During the 12 second duration of the alarm, the buzzer will emit the following audio signal :

1 second
< >
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the audio signal stops after 12 seconds, Figure 36 will remain on the display until it is cancelled
by the wearer.

A monthly dose alarm is cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions.

The " MODE" and " SCROLL" keys will have no effect.

5.3.6. Three-month dose alarm
three-monththree-monthThe three-month dose alarm is triggered when the integrated dose for the last
ninety days is greater than the three-month dose’s alarm level.
When a three-month dose alarm is set off, the display will show Figure 37, as follows:

))) The alarm pictogram
.))) will be flashing.
The Hp symbol
Hp :
will be flashing. . mrem

Figure 37

The value of the three-month dose level is displayed.

The significance of the alarm pictogram is as follows:

− it does not appear if no alarm has been activated.
− it is continuous when at least one of the alarm levels has been activated (the value of the level is
then other than zero).
− it flashes when one of the levels has been exceeded

During the 12 second duration of the alarm, the buzzer will emit the following audio signal:

1 second
< >
The audio signal is accompanied by the flashing of the red alarm LED.
When the audio signal stops after 12 seconds, Figure 37 will remain on the display until it is cancelled
by the wearer.

A three-month dose alarm is cancelled by pressing the " VAL" key.

This cancellation will stop the buzzer if it is still audible, and allows display of the other badge functions

The " MODE" and " SCROLL" keys will have no effect.

5.3.7. Indicators

The following indicators are given mainly by the buzzer, and it is not necessary to press the " VAL"
key to redisplay of the badge’s other functions. Incremental buzz indicators

This type of indicator consists of an audio signal emitted by the buzzer and a light signal emitted by the
LED each time the increment of dose received by the badge reaches the programmed value.
For this indicator to work, the triangle indicating the state of the Dosicard must be flashing.
The audio signal lasts for 4 seconds and it has the following form :

1 second
< > Indicator that a level value has been taken into account
The taking into account of a new value for a level (see paragraph 4.1 for the procedure of the
adjustment of the levels) by pressing on the " VAL" key is accompanied by an audio signal which
lasts for 2 seconds, as follows:

< >
2 seconds



The Dosicard must always remain in its transparent vinyl protective pocket. This pocket protects it from
dirt, humidity, shocks, contamination, etc.
The pocket also helps to position the badge optically in the entrance and exit readers (BIO) for
controlled areas as well as in the LCB badge reader.
When protected in this way, the Dosicard does not need any particular maintenance. However, if
necessary, the body of the badge and the pocket can be cleaned with a non-felting material, lightly
dampened with alcohol. The use of other solvents is not advised.
Replacement of the protective pocket:
If the badge is removed and replaced in the protective pocket, this can rupture the pocket’s heat seals
and damage the pocket. It is therefore not advisable to take the badge out of the pocket.
If the pocket should become damaged, replacement protective pockets (code 41495) and fixing clips
(code 41993) can be purchased from your nearest Canberra agent.
Since they cost very little,, Canberra advises that you replace contaminated pockets. Nevertheless, the
pocket may be decontaminated by means of detergents or solvents which are compatible with vinyl.
Canberra also advises that you replace the pocket when you replace the battery.


LCD screen off The activation of the LCD screen can be timed in order to save the
battery. In this case, a simple pressure on one of the Dosicard’s three
buttons will activate the screen for the programmed duration (typically 4
Low battery pictogram The (low battery) pictogram appears when the battery’s charge is
activated low. The buzzer will be activated every hour (7 long beeps). Refer to §
Low battery pictogram The “HS” symbol appears 48 hours after the activation of the (low
and “HS” symbol battery) pictogram.
activated From then on, the Dosicard no longer measures doses. Refer quickly to §
“StoP” displayed The “StoP” message appears five days after the “HS” symbol, that is, a
week after the (low battery) pictogram is activated.
The battery is then completely down The Dosicard no longer measures
doses and the clock has stopped. Nevertheless, the history of the
integrated doses is preserved in EEPROM memory. In the absence of
battery, the content of the EEPROM memory will be saved for 10 years.
No access to the dose Access to the dose history (1 month, 3 months, 1 year and 5 years
history doses) is protected by a user code. The code defined at the factory
before delivery is: 1000.
If access is denied to the dose history, check whether the original
access code has been modified later by the user (by means of the LCB
badge reader).



7.1.1. Nuclear characteristics

Dose equivalent : Measurement of the gamma dose equivalent Hp(10) according to the
ICRU 39 recommendations.
Certification : French CTHIR (Technical Center for Approving Radioprotection
Instrument) authority: in total conformity with the IEC 60846 standard.
Detector : Energy compensated silicon diode (position indicated by an arrow)
Sensitivity : Sensitivity: 21 cpm per mrem/h or 1260 c/mrem
Response to γ rays : <+/- 15% from 60 keV to 1.25 MeV ; <+/- 30% from 50 keV to 2 MeV
Isotropy : Co: <+/- 20% in a 90° cone ; <+/- 50% in a 75° cone
Measurement range : Dose equivalent: from 0.1 mrem to 1000 rem
Dose rate: from 0.1 mrem/h to 100 rem/h
Accuracy : <+/- 15% for 137Cs, up to 100 rem/h
Digital display : Dose 0 to 999.9 mrem, then 1 to 999.9 rem, blinking display and alarm
Rate 0 to 999.9 mrem/h, then 1 to 99.9 rem/h, blinking display and
alarm above.
Operating flag : Flashing triangle in top left-hand corner of the display when active.
Alarms : 70 dB buzzer with different signals according to the type of alarm (dose
or dose rate)
Flashing red LED (1 flash per second)
Flashing pictogram alarm, display of the level exceeded and the peak
Adjustable alarm levels : Manual dose, daily dose, monthly and 3-monthly doses: 1 mrem to
1000 rem.
Dose rate: from 1 mrem/h to 100 rem/h
Working time from 1 to 99 minutes. Incremental dose.
Data recorded : Full identification of the wearer and the badge.
Sliding history of the last 100 doses of adjustable duration, of the 90
previous daily doses and the 60 previous monthly doses.
Cumulative doses for the day, the calendar month, the last 30 days, the
last 90 days, the last 12 months, the last 60 months, the career time.
The last 6 times an alarm level was exceeded, qualified, quantified,
dated and timed.
Configuration of a badge
by the LCB reader : "Permanent" mode: continuous operation and permanent integration of
the doses.
"Timer" mode: integration of the doses within a daily time period.
"Zone" mode: integration of the doses within the controlled zones only.

Irradiation on PMMA phantom
range of caesium 137
R[Hp(10)] = 1.04 “ mrem ” / mrem

R' Hp (10) 0,6
10 100 1000
E (keV)

Figure 38: Relative response (137Cs) as a function of the photon energy

Irradiation on PMMA phantom

with gamma of Co

R'/R'th 1
Relative response (alpha)
0,4 Relative response (théta)
-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90

Angle (degrees)
Figure 39: Relative response (60Co) as a function of the incident angle



Phantom plan
Phantom plan

Irradiation on PMMA phantom
with gamma of 65 keV
0,6 Relative response (alpha)
Relative response (théta)
-90 -75 -60 -45 -30 -15 0 15 30 45 60 75 90
Angle (degrees)

Figure 40: Relative response 65 keV as a function of the incident angle

7.1.2. Electrical characteristics

Power supply : standard CR2450 lithium battery (3V, 540 mAh), hourly voltage check.
Autonomy : about 5 months in " permanent" mode, about 1 year at 8 hours a day.
Backup : complete history of the doses and the times the alarm levels were exceeded and
the identities of the wearer and the badge, for 10 years without battery power

7.1.3. Mechanical & environmental characteristics

Dimensions/Mass : 3.5 X 2.25 X 0.35 inches / 50 grams, 3.86 X 3.94 X 0.37 inches / 65 grams with
Temperature range : From -10°C to +60°C (14°F to +140°F) in normal use ; relative humidity: 80%
Protection class : IP67 for the dosimeter in its transparent decontaminatable vinyl pocket
Shocks : Conforms to the CEI 60846 standard

7.1.4. Electromagnetic compatibility

CE conformity : Equipment wears the "CE" label of the conformity for electromagnetical
Tests and controls have been carried out by reference to the following two generic standards:
− NF EN 50081 - 2 december 93 "Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic emission standard Part 2:
Industrial environment"
− NF EN 50082-2 june 95 "Electromagnetic compatibility - Generic immunity standard Part 2: Industrial
and the following basic standards:
− NF EN 55022 december 1994 "Limits and characteristic measurement methods for radioelectric
perturbation produced by data processing equipment"
− NF EN 61000-4-2 june 1995 "Electromagnetic compatibility – Part 4 Section 2: Tests of immunity to
electrostatic discharges"
− NF EN 61000-4-3 february 1997 "Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4 Section 3: Tests of immunity
to radiating electromagnetic fields"

Table of the CEM compliance limits:

10 80 100 200 800 900 960 1 1,4 1,89 2 4

kHz kHz kHz MHz MHz MHz MHz GHz GHz GHz GHz GHz
10 V/m Comply with the 61000-4-3 level 3 standard

Comply Comply
with the with the
20 V/m ENV 50- ENV 50-
204 204
standard standard

Comply with the Comply with the

30 V/m 61000-4-3 level 4 61000-4-3 level 4
standard standard

Comply with the

40 V/m 61000-4-3 level > 4

Comply Comply
with the with the
50 V/m ENV 50- ENV 50-
204 204
standard standard

Test method CEI 801-3 Test method CEI 801-

100 V/m 3

200 V/m Test method CEI 801-3

CEM compliance limit of the


The Dosicard is supplied with a battery which is a standard lithium 3 V button battery, CR 2450 type
(article code 41514), available in watchmakers’ and photographers’ shops. The life of the battery is 5
months in "permanent" mode and up to about one year in "Stand-by" and "Daily timer" modes.
The Dosicard itself carries out an hourly check of the battery voltage.
− At the first negative check, the (low battery) pictogram will start to flash.
− After this, at each negative hourly check, the buzzer emits 7 long beeps and the date and time are
− 48 hours after the first negative check, the dose measurement function of the badge will be de-
activated and the "HS" (Hors Service = Out of service) symbol will appear continuously on the
− One week after the first negative check, all the functions of the badge will be stopped, and the
indication "StoP" will appear on the screen. From this moment, the badge no longer tells the right

7.2.1. When to change the Dosicard battery?

• It is strongly recommended to
change the battery as soon
the battery symbol
appears on the LCD display.
• Two days after the battery
symbol was displayed, the text
"HS" (Out of order) appears an
the dosimetry capabilities are
not longer valid because the
analog part of the Dosicard is
not powered to save the
remaining electric power.
Then, there is a potential risk
that Dosicard loses its time
information and in a few
cases, its complete
configuration (display of "5S").
• Dosicard
Seven days can after
be blocked (no
the battery
change was
symbol available, alarm
displayed, not
the text
valid) in(clock
"StoP" casestopped)
of use of bad
that thebattery.
time will certainly be
corrupted and the
configuration has very high
• pItrobability
is totherefore
be modified.highly
recommended to change the
battery AS SOON AS
POSSIBLE after the symbol
is displayed and before
"HS" or "StoP" appear. This
has to be done assuming a
good feedback of each
• Dosicard which is notbatteries
The recommended in use
are: holidays, etc...).

• If Dosicard configuration has
changed, we recommend to
configure it with one LCB
badge reader. This can be
done by the customer,
representative or by Canberra
if suspected Dosicard is sent
• toWhatever
local service center.historical
data are available for 10 years
in non-volatile memory
(EEPROM) even without

7.2.2. How to change the Dosicard battery?

• Remove Dosicard plastic

protection pocket by sliding it
parallel to the edge.
• Unscrew the metal screw
located on the rear panel:
Dosicard is now no longer

• Slide the battery while you

compress the spring and
remove it by the top.


• Place the new battery

(CR2450 model – our code
41514), negative side (smaller
side) facing out.

• Fit the cover’s side clip in the
Dosicard’s housing hole on the
edge with 30° angle. Be sure
that the screw is in its position
while you install the metallic

• Close the cover firmly and

hold it in position to avoid
movement. One beep and one
light flash are emitted to
confirm that the cover is
properly seated.

• While maintaining pressure

on the cover, tighten the

Neither beep nor flash are emitted when you Reopen the cover and wait for at least 1 minute,
close the cover. then close it again firmlyt. One beep and one
light flash are emitted to confirm that the cover is
The red LED remains on all the time.
properly seated. If this is not the case, repeat the
No display on the LCD screen. operation.
TIME LOST: If after the battery change, the daily Set the Dosicard’s time in the with one LCB and
dose and historical data are not readable and the DOSE MANAGER software. The LCB reader is
"month"/"year" symbol are blinking on the LCD mandatory for this setting.
display, Dosicard lost its time parameter.
This usually occurs when the battery is changed
or when the rear metallic cover is opened
WITHOUT the low battery symbol or "HS"
symbol displayed. It may also happen when the
battery is dead ("StoP" displayed) or the battery
is good but the rear metallic cover has not been
closed correctly.

Every Dosicard badge has an internal test function which is automatically launched once per day at
A test can also be performed manually.
To start the test procedure, see paragraph 4.

7.3.1. D ose integration test

In order to check that the Dosicard’s dose measurement function is in fact operational, in the absence
of a test bench, the simplest solution consists of checking that the integrated dose over a period of 24
hours corresponds to the dose generated by natural radioactivity.
If there is any doubt about the operation of the dosimeter, send your Dosicard to the nearest Canberra
agent for a general check and/or calibration.

7.3.2. C alibration and checks

The calibration of a dosimeter of the Dosicard type can be carried out by Canberra.
The unit of calibration quantity is the personal dose equivalent Hp(10), which is expressed in rem.


Alarm, Alarm levels

The Dosicard is equipped with audible (buzzer) and visual (red light-emitting diode) alarms.
The programmable alarm levels are as follows (see section 4.1): manual dose, dose rate, time,
incremental dose, daily dose, monthly dose and three-month dose.
The alarm pictogram •))) appears when an alarm is present, that is to say when the corresponding level
is not zero.

Audible alarm, Beep, Audible beep: See Buzzer

− The buzzer is a sound warning.
The maximum intensity of the buzzer is 70 dB, next to the badge, without its pocket.

− An audible beep is emitted each time one of the , , buttons is pressed.

− Specific sound signals are emitted when an alarm is tripped:
2 rapid short beeps per second : manual dose level exceeded
4 short beeps per second : dose rate level exceeded
4 times 2 rapid short beeps : increase of the dose value by the incremental dose
1 long beep per second : working time exceeded
3 rapid short beeps per second : daily, monthly or 3-monthly dose exceeded level
7 long beeps every hour : low battery
− Doserate:
Visual (LED) and audible alarms are automatically acknowledged when the doserate falls below the
alarm level.
When an alarm has been triggered, the peak rate will automatically be updated on the display to
inform the worker. When the rate has fallen below the alarm level, the alarm can be cancelled by
pressing the star button. The worker cannot acknowledge the displayed alarm if Dosicard is still
triggering the alarm because the worker is not supposed to read a display when it is time to escape
from a high level of dose!
When Dosicard is triggering the alarm, it automatically starts the manual dose to give the worker an
additional information of the cumulative dose during this alarm period. The manual dose is stopped
when the worker acknowledges the maximum rate display via the star button.
− Integrated dose:
The cumulative dose alarm is automatically acknowledged after 30 seconds.The worker does not
need to go to a reader to acknowledge the alarm.

Buzz, Buzz dose, Incremental dose
Buzz describes a specific audible signal emitted by the buzzer, consisting of 4 times 2 short rapid
Buzz occurs each time the integrated dose increases by a given amount referred to as the incremental
dose. For example, if the incremental dose is 0.3 mrem, the buzz signal will be heard when the
integrated dose reaches 0.3 mrem, 0.6 mrem, 0.9 mrem, 1.2 mrem, etc.
The frequency with which this signal is repeated gives an idea of the level of the dose rate without
having to look at the display of the Dosicard.

Code, Access code, User code

The access code for manual setting (using the 3 buttons) of the alarm levels (manual dose, dose rate,
time, incremental dose) is always - - - - (validation of the 4 hyphens, which cannot be modified).
The code for access to the dosimetric file, or user code, entered at the factory is 1000. This code may
be changed by the user by means of the LCB badge reader.
All accesses by means of the LCB badge reader can be given different passwords, depending on the
extent of the authorisations.
An intervention code must be typed on the badge access reader to authorize access to the
corresponding control zone.

Detector, Silicon diode detector, Solid detector

The detector in the Dosicard is a silicon diode.
The position of the detector is indicated by a dot located on the front surface of the badge.
The detector must be pointed up front of the wearer so as to optimise its response in energy and its
The status triangle of the badge flashes when the dose measurement function is activated, that is, when
the detector and amplifier analog circuits are powered.
In order to extend battery life, the analog part of the badge is not powered outside the time period in
« Timer » mode or outside the controlled zone in "Zone" mode.

Display, Liquid Crystal Display, lcd

When activated, the liquid crystal display enables the following elements to be viewed:

Segments: 7 segments for each of the four digits (0 to 9) or alphanumeric

characters (----, tESt, HS, StoP)
Units: mrem, rem, mrem/h, rem/h
Symbols: Hp for the dose (dose-equivalent)

H p for the dose rate (dose-equivalent rate)

Dose, Manual dose, Integrated dose, Cumulative dose, Maximum allowable doses
Throughout the text, the " dose-equivalent " quantity is referred to as "dose". The symbol used is Hp: H
for the dose-equivalent and p for personal.
The Dosicard measures the personal dose-equivalent which penetrates to a depth of 10 mm of tissue
equivalent in accordance with ICRU 39 recommendations.
The manual dose is the dose integrated between a " START " and a " STOP ", given either manually
(two button presses by the wearer) or by the system (passage through a badge entrance reader and
then through a badge exit reader)
The integrated dose is the dose received in the current day.
The "MTH" cumulative dose is the result of the addition of the integrated doses for the 30 previous
The "5 YR" cumulative dose is the result of the addition of the cumulative doses of the 60 previous
calendar months.
− A dose of 5 rem per year corresponds to a rate of 2.5 mrem/h during 2000 hours of work a year.
− A dose of 1.5 rem per year corresponds to a rate of 0.75 mrem/h during 2000 hours of work a year.
− A dose of 0.5 rem per year can be reached by aircrew on long-distance flights (0.25 mrem/h, or
2.8 mrem on a Paris-Los Angeles flight).
− A dose corresponding to a natural radioactivity level of 0.01 mrem/h is about 0.1 rem per year
(0.25 mrem per 24 hours, 7 mrem per month).
− For comparison purposes, the dose received during a chest X-ray is of the order of 30 mrem.
Dose equivalent: See Dose
Dose rate, Instantaneous dose rate, Rate
Throughout the text, the "dose-equivalent rate " is referred to as the "rate" or the "dose rate". The

symbol used is H p: H for the dose-equivalent, p for personal and • for the rate.
The Dosicard measures the rate of deep dose-equivalent Hp (10) which penetrates to a depth of 10 mm
of tissue equivalent in accordance with the ICRU 39 recommendations.
The dose rate is expressed in mrem/h (millirem per hour), rem/h (rem per hour).
The level of the mean natural radioactivity at sea level is slightly less than 0.01 mrem/h. Natural
radioactivity is higher in some regions or in altitude (0.25 mrem/h in a subsonic plane, 1.1 mrem/h in
Concord and 3.5 mrem/h in low terrestrial orbit).

Incremental dose: See Buzz

Instantaneous dose rate: See Dose rate

Led: See Light-Emitting Diode

Light-emitting diode
The red light-emitting diode is a luminous warning which is visible to the wearer when the Dosicard
badge is worn in the pocket in the correct position, that is, with the diode at the top of the protective
When an alarm is tripped, short flashes are emitted by the diode at a frequency of one flash per second,
whatever the type of alarm.
The visual alarm is normally given at the same time as the audible alarm and the flashing of the display
(particularly the alarm pictogram •))) ).

Liquid crystal display, lcd: See Display

Pictograms: See Display

Rem, millirem
The dose-equivalent describes the risk of irradiation from the biological point of view.
For individual supervision, the personal dose-equivalent is often used. Its symbol is Hp, H for the dose-
equivalent and p for personal.
The Dosicard measures Hp(10), which is the personal dose-equivalent which penetrates to a depth of
10 mm of tissue equivalent, in accordance with ICRU 39 recommendations.

Silicon diode: See Detector

Time, Working time, Operation time

The alarm level for the time allows, for example, the time of an operation to be limited.
The time period can be started by a "START" given manually (by pressing a button) or by the system
(passage through the badge entrance reader of a controlled zone).
The time alarm will be set off when the integration time of the manual dose exceeds the programmed
time level.

Visual alarm: See Light-Emitting Diode



Canberra (we, us, our) warrants to the customer (you, your) that for a period of ninety (90) days from the date
of shipment, software provided by us in connection with equipment manufactured by us shall operate in
accordance with applicable specifications when used with equipment manufactured by us and that the media
on which the software is provided shall be free from defects. We also warrant that (A) equipment manufactured
by us shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for a period of one (1) year from the date of
shipment of such equipment, and (B) services performed by us in connection with such equipment, such as
site supervision and installation services relating to the equipment, shall be free from defects for a period of
one (1) year from the date of performance of such services.
If defects in materials or workmanship are discovered within the applicable warranty period as set forth above,
we shall, at our option and cost, (A) in the case of defective software or equipment, either repair or replace the
software or equipment, or (B) in the case of defective services, reperform such services.
Our warranty does not cover damage to equipment which has been altered or modified without our written
permission or damage which has been caused by abuse, misuse, accident, neglect or unusual physical or
electrical stress, as determined by our Service Personnel.
We are under no obligation to provide warranty service if adjustment or repair is required because of damage
caused by other than ordinary use or if the equipment is serviced or repaired, or if an attempt is made to
service or repair the equipment, by other than our Service Personnel without our prior approval.
Our warranty does not cover detector damage due to neutrons or heavy charged particles. Failure of beryllium,
carbon composite, or polymer windows, or of windowless detectors caused by physical or chemical damage
from the environment is not covered by warranty.
We are not responsible for damage sustained in transit. You should examine shipments upon receipt for
evidence of damage caused in transit. If damage is found, notify us and the carrier immediately. Keep all
packages, materials and documents, including the freight bill, invoice and packing list.

Software License
When purchasing our software, you have purchased a license to use the software, not the software itself.
Because title to the software remains with us, you may not sell, distribute or otherwise transfer the software.
This license allows you to use the software on only one computer at a time. You must get our written
permission for any exception to this limited license.
Our software is protected by United States Copyright Law and by International Copyright Treaties. You have
our express permission to make one archival copy of the software for backup protection. You may not copy our
software or any part of it for any other purpose.

Revised 1 Apr 2003

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