Complete:: UI Questions

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UI Questions:

slips and lapses
1) -------------- Errors in executing learned procedures.
2) Clicking before the mouse pointer is over the button, is a ------.
3) -------------- An error made in planning or rule application.

4) ------------- Errors in rule-based or knowledge-based behavior.


5) -------------
capture slip occurs when User starts executing one sequence of actions, but
then veers off into another (usually more familiar) sequence that happened to start
the same way.
6) ------------ slip
description occurs when two actions are very similar. The user intends to do
one action, but accidentally substitutes the other.
7) ------------ Loss of intention and Omission due to interrupt and omission
due to already satisfaction of goal.

8) ------------ is due to user interface.


9) --------------: states in which the same action has different meanings.


10) -------errors occur when the user tries to invoke an action that doesn’t have

the desired effect in the current mode.

11) ----------areslips
preventing centered around gently guiding users so that they stay on the
right path and have fewer chances of slipping.

suggestions defaults history disable wrong actions

12) How to avoid slips? ----------------, ------------------, ----------------,----------
offer opportunity to fix slip
-------and------------. (5 total)

13) How to avoid lapses? -------------.------------------,------------------and--------

short procedures
action should have start middle end
---------.(4 total) minimize interrupt
forcing actions
by removing modes temp modes no two modes share same
14) How to avoid mode errors? -----------------,
actions increase -----------------,--------------------
its visibility

saver user work by letting him save

15) State other rules to avoid the errors? ----------------------,------------------,---
undo , delete , update
error message confirmation message
cancel button
---------------------,-------------------.(9total) suggest reasons

16) The ability to ------an operation, even if it was something they asked for.
control is a veto.

17) Long operations should not only have a progress bar, but a -------button

18) Data entered by the user should be ---------- by the user.
19) You’ll have to make sure data are -------------(backend)
20) If ---------is the most common answer for user control over dialog
21) ------------is
undo the most common answer to user control over data.
22) A -------
buttonreturns users to a previous page or screen.
23) A ---------------which allows the user to quit a task or multi-step process.
24) A ------------
close which allows users to close a new view.
25) An ------------- (and a corresponding redo option) to allow users to
backtrack on a change to a UI element.

1)slips and lapses
5)A capture slip
6)A description slip
8)mode errors
10)mode errors
11)preventing slips(constraints)

1. disable wrong actions, make suggestions to the users,
2. use default value of fields if it is possible,
3. give users tool to check their info or ask for confirmation
4. give the users opportunity to fix a slip (5 total)

1. keep the procedures short so that the users have potentially fewer steps to
2. Minimize interrupts
3. use forcing actions,
4. actions sequence should be designed with a begging middle and end as in
drag and drop (4 total)

1. eliminate modes,
2. if modes are necessary increase its visibility and make it within the sight,
3. use temporary modes,
4. no two modes share any actions. (5total)

1. protect the user work
2. Errors that lose or destroy the user’s work are the worst kind.
(Implementing automatic Save, undo, file version histories, )
3. Confirmation dialog
4. Writing error message dialog
5. Be precise and comprehensible
6. Restate the user’s input
7. Speak the user’s language
8. Be polite and non-blaming
9. Suggest reasons and solutions(9total)

22) A back link
23)A cancel link
24)A close link
25)An undo option

iterative design
1) -----------is the current best-practice process for developing user interfaces.
2) ----------a specific kind of iterative design which is a widely-accepted way
to build user interfaces with good usability properties.
iterative design
3) The most important element of usability engineering is ---------------.

waterfall model
4) The --------------- was one of the earliest carefully-articulated design
processes for software development.

waterfall model
5) ------------ models the design process as a sequence of stages
6) Each stage in the waterfall model results a concrete product – a ------------,
---------, ---------------- – those feeds into the next stage.
req doc
code modules
system integration
ui is risky
any changes can lead to dramatic fixes
don't see client except in user testing
and requirements
7) Each stage also includes its own ---------: the design is validated against
the requirements, the code is validated (unit-tested) against the design, etc.
force developer to
8) State the advantages of the water fall model? (3 total) think first before coding
9) State the disadvantages of the water fall model? (3 total) each stage has concrete
iterative design
10) ------------offers a way to manage the inherent risk in user interface design.
11) In -------------------build room for several iterations into our design
process, and we do it by making the early iterations as cheap as possible.
risk is the greatest in early iterations
12) Why is spiral model is a good idea? (6 total) evaluate many prototypes
ucd later iterations more expensive early
13) -----------------an iterative design process in which
cheaper designers focus on the
more iterations better ui
users and their needs in each phase of the design process.
task analysis
14) ---------------: what users need to do
consultants evaluators designers
15) In the UCD: Involving users as --------------, ------------, and sometimes d--

user analysis
16) --------------: who the users are

17) Define the UCD: (design)?

18) Define the UCD: (implementation)?
19) Define the UCD: (evaluation)?
20) ------------collecting the requirements for the ui.
21) -------: paper sketches of various UI designs.
22) ----------- an interactive prototype made of paper and other cheap physical
23) --------------- during the paper prototype assignment, you’ll test your
prototype on your classmates.
24) ---------------- an incomplete but interactive software prototype.

25)---------------- we’ll exchange implementation prototypes and evaluate them as

usability experts would.
26) ----------: you’ll build a real implementation that you plan to keep
27)------- you’ll test your implementation against users and refine it.

1)iterative design
2)user centred design (UCD)
3)iterative design
4)The waterfall model
5)The waterfall model
6)A requirement document, a design and a set of coded modules
1. The discipline it puts on developers to think first, and code second
2. Requirements and designs generally precede the first line of code.
3. each stage had a concrete product:
• a design document;
• code modules that implemented certain functionality;
• an integrated system


1. UI development is risky.
 We don’t (yet) have an easy way to predict how whether a UI
design will succeed.

2. In the waterfall model, users appear in the process in only two places:
a. requirements analysis and acceptance testing.
b. So, if we screwed up the design, the waterfall process won’t tell us until
the end.
3. UI problems arise, they often require dramatic fixes: new requirements
or new design

10)iterative design

11)spiral model


1. Risk is greatest in the early iterations

2. Early prototypes are made to be thrown away.
3. If we find ourselves with several design alternatives, we can build multiple
prototypes (parallel design) and evaluate them, without much expense.
4. Later iterations use more expensive implementations after UI risk has been
5. More iterations mean better UI.
6. Only mature iterations are seen by the world.

13)user centered design (UCD)

14)task analysis
15)consultants, evaluators and designers
16)user analysis


1. Prototyping: the cheaper, the better.

2. GUI implementation techniques: the prototypes must give way to an
actual, interactive computer system.
3. A range of techniques for structuring graphical user interfaces have
been developed.
a. Figma and Adobe xd


1. 1.Evaluation puts prototypes to the test

2. Expert Evaluation: Applying heuristics
3. Predictive Evaluation: Simulated User
4. Empirical evaluation: watching users doing it

20)task and user analysis(analysis)

21)design sketches

22)paper prototypes

23)user testing

24)computer prototype
25)heuristics evaluation

26)real implementation

27)user testing

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