Complete:: UI Questions

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UI Questions:


1) -------------An essential principle of graphical user interface design.
2) --------------It
visibility is Making the invisible state and behavior of software
perceivable by the user.
visible action
3) Aspects of visibility are: -------------------
visible state

visible feedback

4) ---------------------is
self-disclosure making a command language more visible.
5) Information scent is a central concept in the --------------------------.
information foraging theory

visual navigation state

6) Visualizing the state of the system includes: ---------------------
visual model state
visual view state


7) ------------argues
visibility for showing more while --------------
simplicity argues for showing less

8) -------------
action should have immediately visible Effects.
9) -------------- is provided by a view object itself, like push-button feedback
low level feedback

10) ---------------is the actual result of the user’s action, like changing the state of
high level feedback

the model.
11) --------------
feedback is very close to newton’s third law but with few changes.

12) Sometimes feedback must be traded off with other properties, such as security
13) ------------- gives an upper bound on good computer response time.
perceptual fusion

14) ----
100milliseconds is a typical value of Tp.

15) But the perceptual fusion can range from 50 ms to 200 ms, depending on:
individual user expert practice
perceptual processor
16) -----------------also responsible for the way we perceive a sequence of movie
frames as a moving picture.
visual haptic audio
17) Feedback can be-------, ---------and----------.
18) --------------
typography the craft of endowing human language with a durable visual

19) Typography involves creating a complete, reusable -------that allows you to
make language visible.
20) The role of typography in design------------------------------------------------


21) Elements of typography -----------------------

serif /sans serif

tracking kerning
22) ----------------- or --------------refers to uniformly increasing or decreasing the
horizontal spacing between a range of characters.

23) -----------------is the invisible line upon which a line of text rests.

24) ----------is the vertical spacing between two baselines of type.

25) ----------- refers to the relative thickness of a font’s stroke.

26) --------- is a small line or stroke regularly attached to the end of a letter or
symbol within a particular font or family of fonts.

27) A typeface that does not include serifs is a --------- one.
28) --------------- Is the process of adjusting the space between two type characters.

29) Unlike ---------- that apply for all characters, kerning
----------------is applied for
individual cases.
x height
30) ------------is the distance between the baseline of a line of type and tops of the
main body of lower-case letters.
31) -------------is the part of a letter that extends above the mean line of a font.
32) The--------- is opposite to ascender.
33) -------------is the part of a letter that extends below the mean line of a font.

1) Visibility
2) Visibility
3) Aspects of visibility
1. Visible actions
2. Visible states
3. Visible feedback


5) Information foraging theory.

6)Visualizing the state of the system

1. Visible navigation state

2. Visible Model state
3. Visible view state
7)Visibility, Simplicity

9)low-level feedback

10)high-level feedback



13)Perceptual fusion


15) the individual (some people are faster than others) and

on the stimulus (for example, brighter stimuli are easier to perceive, so the
processor runs faster).

16) Perceptual fusion

17)visual, audio and haptic




a. Helps design to deliver information to people.

b. When used effectively, it can enhance usability, readability,

accessibility, and hierarchy within an interface.

c. Font size, font width, font color, and line lengths — all elements of
typography work together to create a great user experience.


1. Tracking
2. Baseline
3. Leading
4. Weight
5. Serif/Sans Serif

22) Tracking or letter-spacing




26)A serif

27)sans serif


29)tracking, kerning

30)The height(x-height)




34) --------- concerned with the channel between the user and the system
35) How quickly can we get instructions and information across that interface?
in short term sensory store
36) Input from the eyes and ears is first stored in the -------------------------.
perceptual processor
37) The -------------------- takes the stored sensory input and attempts to
recognize symbols in it: letters, words, phonemes, icons.
cognitive processor
38) The -------------------- takes the symbols recognized by the perceptual
processor and makes comparisons and decisions.
39) The ----------------does
cognitive most of the work that we think of as “thinking”.
motor processor
40) The -------------- receives an action from the cognitive processor and
instructs the muscles to execute it.
41) Two Stimuli within the same cycle ---- appear Fused.
42) The ---------------- is responsible for making comparisons and decisions.
43) Cognitive processor
compare stimuli
1. -------------------
2. --------------------
respond to stimuli

44) -------------automatic
skill based responses that require little or no attention.
45) -------------------:
rule based the human is consciously processing a set of rules of the
form if X, then do Y.

rules skills
46) With practice, the -----become -----, and you dont think about how to do
them anymore
knowledge based involves much higher-level thinking and problem-
47) ---------------which
48) -----------------is
knowledge based used to handle unfamiliar or unexpected problems.
open loop
49) -------------- the motor processor receives no feedback from the perceptual
system about whether its instructions are correct.
50) ---------------With
motor open loop control, the maximum rate of operation is just
closed loop
51) ------------------the motor processor receives a complete feedback loop.
52) -----------------The
closed loop perceptual system looks at what the motor processor did,
and the cognitive system makes a decision about how to correct the
movement, and then the motor system issues a new instruction
open loop
53) ----------------repeatedly issuing the same instructions to the muscles
closed loop
54) --------------------At best, the feedback loop needs one cycle of each
processor to run, or Tp + T c + T m ~ 240 ms.
hicks law fits laaw
55) Pointing efficiency includes: ------------------and-----------------.
simple reaction time
56) -------------responding to a single stimulus with a single response.
57) The number of cycles required by the cognitive processor is proportional to
amount of --------- in the stimulus.
58) -------------- specifies how fast you can move your hand to a target of a
reaction time

certain size at a certain distance away

moving time fits law
59) --------------, the time to get your hand moving (which might be modeled by
the Hicks-Hyman reaction time if the user has a choice of targets)
60) ----------------
movement time the time spent moving your hand.
61) In practice, ----------- means that novices get rapidly better at a task with
practice, but then their performance levels off to nearly flat
62) Improve Mouse Efficiency
make targets bigger
1. ------------------------------------------------
put targets in edge of screen
2. -----------------------------------------------
3. ------------------------------------------------
put related targets together

63) ----------
mac menu bar beats windows
------------ menu bar.
64) Pie menus are -------to
faster use than linear popup menus.

65) pie menus are -----------

15-20faster than linear menus.
66) Targets at Screen edge are --------to
easier hit.
67) -------------- means that a good design should put all needed information
and tools within the user’s easy reach.
68) --------------is a tool that can predict accurately (enough) how much time it
will take for an expert (a user that doesn’t make errors and knows the system
by heart) to complete a goal.
69) Limitations of KLM
1. -------------------------------------------------
only for expert user

2. -------------------------------------------------
ignore errors and parrel action
only measure efficiency
3. ------------------------------------------------

34) Efficiency
35) Efficiency
36) short-term sensory store.
37) perceptual processor
38) cognitive processor
39) cognitive processor
40) motor processor
41) Tp
42) Cognitive processor:
43)Cognitive processor:

1. Compares stimuli
2. Selects a respond



46)Rules, Skills



49) open-loop control

50) open-loop control

51) closed-loop control

52) closed-loop control

53) open-loop control

54) closed-loop control

55)Hicks’law, Fitts’ law

56) Simple reaction time


58) Fitts’ Law

59) RT is reaction time

60) MT is movement time

61) Power Law of Practice


1. Make frequently used targets bigger.

(Since size matters for Fitts’s Law, frequently-used mouse affordances should be

2. Put targets used together near each other.

3. Use screen corners and screen edges

63) The Mac menu bar, The Mac menu bar.


65) 15-20%



68)KLM (keystroke level model)


a. Only experts’ users doing a routine.

b. Only measures efficiency
Not learnability, memorability…

c. Ignores
1. Errors
2. ignore parallel actions
3. doesn’t have a fine-grained model of mental operations
a. Ex: Planning, problem solving
Estimated operator Times:

KLM operators Average Time

Keystroke(K) 0.28s
Button press or release(B) 0.1s
Point with the mouse(P) 1.1s(by Fitts’s law)

Draw line with the mouse(D) Determined by steering law

Home hand between mouse and keyboard 0.4s

Mentally prepare 1.2s


Response time (Tp):


1) which of the following is golden rule for interface design?

a. reduce the user’s memory load
b. make your interface consistent
c. place the user in control
d. All of the mentioned

2) Factor affecting whether the User Interface Design provides the features you need

a. Usability
b. Ability
c. Utility
d. Usefility

3) Learnability is a quality component of usability that----

a. How easy is to use the UI from the first attempt?

b. How quickly can they perform tasks?
c. How easily can they reestablish proficiency?
d. How pleasant is it to use the design?

4) A good interface won’t put heavy demands on the user’s

a. Working memory
b. Long term memory
c. Sense organs
d. Mobile interactions

5)Which of the following is not a characteristic of direct manipulation interfaces?

a. Visibility of the objects and actions of interest.

b. Menu selection and form fill-in.
c. Rapid, reversible, incremental actions.
d. Replacement of typed commands by a pointing action on the object of
6)Principles of increasing the Interface learnability are all of the following except

a. natural mapping
b. Visibility
c. Verbal interface communication
d. Affordance


7)All of the following is defining the Information foraging theory except

a. Is essential for understanding how people navigate in your design

b. A link should smell like the content it leads to
c. How users interact with different potential sources of information in your
d. How you as a designer interact with different potential sources of
information in your design.


8)Low level feedback includes

a. Pushing Buttons
b. New web page start loading
c. Choosing appropriate affordance
d. Choosing appropriate texture


9) responsible for the way we perceive a sequence of movie frames as a moving

a. Processor Fusion
b. Perceptual Fusion
c. Cognitive processor
d. Cognitive Fusion

10) Feedback in UI can be

a. Visual
b. Audio
c. Haptic
d. All of mentioned above


11) Does most of the work that we think of as “thinking”

a. perceptual
b) cognitive processor
c)motor processor
d)User attention


12) Automatic user responses that require little or no attention is considered

a. Skill based decisions

b. Rule based decisions
c. Knowledge based decisions
d. Open loop decisions

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