How Tall Can Trees Grow

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How tall can trees grow?

Sequoia California trees are the biggest and the tallest tree that can grow, with a limit of
130m. The plant needs sucrose from photosynthesis, For it can grow. Sucrose and mineral
salts are needed by plants to grow, therefore all these substances are circulated to all
parts of the plant.

The phloem sap that is circulated becomes watery and is stored at the base of the plant,
a lot of water in the phloem sap is transferred to the xylem or absorbed by osmosis.
Xylem sap is distributed to all parts of the plant, assisted by transpiration, capillarity,
and root pressure, to fight gravity.

Transpiration occurs in the stomata, which are able to open and close, release oxygen,
and enter carbon dioxide, in addition to the stomata causing evaporation.
Transpiration causes negative pressure on the xylem thereby, pulling the xylem sap
upward. Transpiration is also assisted by the capillarity with water molecules, the
ADHESION force between water and xylem is able to defeat gravity.

The osmotic movement that occurs makes root pressure push the xylem sap towards
the stem, because the higher the plant, the greater the gravitational force acting,
therefore the xylem sap is carried to the branch which is called the hydraulic limit
hypothesis. which causes a tree that exceeds 130m and only increases in size.

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