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Modeling a Prescription for the Future:

Faster, Safer Delivery of

Therapeutic Substances

Computer modeling has proven its value through- tencies is intravascular fluid delivery such as supply-
out the design, development, and deployment ing exact doses of medicine or contrast agents. The
of new products. Such is the experience of John Innovations Group investigates novel technologies,
Kalafut, a principal research scientist in medrad’s business opportunities, and clinical applications to
Innovations Group (Indianola, Pennsylvania) who continue the company’s >15% growth rate.
comments, “comsol Multiphysics has accompa- Five engineers in the company use comsol
Dr John Kalafut nied me throughout my career at medrad, starting software for a variety of tasks. Comments Kalafut,
medrad´s Innovations with systems engineering and today in R&D, even
for products that won’t be available for many years.”
Kalafut’s experiences as a medical engineer show “COMSOL Multiphysics allows
how multiphysics modeling is useful for solving an for the quick investigation of
exceptionally wide range of problems.
complex interactions”
medrad, with sales of roughly $500 million,
manufacturers, sells, and services medical devices
for diagnostic imaging and therapy in three main “comsol Multiphysics is a natural choice to
areas: cardiovascular diagnosis, magnetic resonance support us during the investigation of concept
imaging (mri), and computed tomography (ct). feasibility, IP due diligence, and in research. This
The company has 1700 employees worldwide, and is a very powerful tool for the corporate biomedi-
physicians around the world use the company’s cal engineer in research and development. Its true
products for more than 20 million medical proce- multiphysics capabilities mean that ‘the sky’s the
dures each year. One of the company’s core compe- limit’ in terms of what we can tackle. comsol
Figure 1a: The Stellant CT imaging sys-
tem provides the ability to inject con-
trast material and saline at a measured
ratio through a simultaneous plunger
motion. Modeling helps determine the
optimal rate of delivery.

Multiphysics allows for the quick investigation of must be synchronized with the imaging procedure.
complex interactions—and a very affordable price.” One benefit of new CT scanners is that because the
From a modeling perspective, much of the firm’s imaging takes a shorter amount of time, the total
research deals with the most efficient yet safest way dose of contrast material can be reduced. The timing
to deliver diagnostic fluids into a patient’s body. window is short, but in that time doctors want to
And while fluid dynamics plays a crucial role in such make certain they have good insight into how the
studies, these models sometimes also involve heat material travels throughout the body.
transfer, electrostatics, chemical engineering, electro- Fast injections alter the enhancement profile and,
magnetics, and other physics. because the fluid is transiting so quickly through the
vasculature, the delivery peak is sometimes not well
Finding the best peak-enhancement curve synchronized and the patient must be reinjected and
scanned again. In addition, each patient presents a
Speed of delivery plays an increasingly important
different flow profile (time-density curves), which
role in improved CT scanners that allow for the
complicates rational material-delivery schemes. The
acquisition of volumetric scans of the entire body in
key question becomes how much contrast material
just seconds (Figure 1a). To achieve the superb di-
must you inject to get good images of the blood ves-
agnostic images possible with modern CT scanners,
sels and the heart? At what rate? How long should
the injection and delivery of the contrast material
the injection last?
As is the case with many systems developed at
medrad, here a major goal is to get the maximum
amount of contrast material into the bloodstream
and heart as quickly as possible. Researchers want to
study the dynamic forces that arise from the inser-
tion of a viscous fluid through a tube at rates from 0
to 6 or 7 ml/sec.
To address these questions, the company is devel-
oping smart injection systems where a doctor first
performs an identification injection, and the system
then determines the proper amount of contrast
material. In the research and feasibility phase of this
Figure 1b: A technology, a model of the human body
simplified model of
the circulatory system from
would be preferable to benchtop
the point of entry for the contrast ma- in-vitro investigation
terial leading to the heart. With this exploratory or animal models.
model, the engineers can determine which condi-
tions give the optimal distribution. However, it would

tion site is also an area ripe for investigation with
comsol Multiphysics. Figure 2 displays a 2D simu-
lation depicting the injection of highly viscous fluid
into a large bore “blood vessel.” The results from this
simulation are coupled with a material and physical
model to better understand the relationship between
injection rate and the dynamics at the needle-punc-
ture site. This knowledge could ultimately aid clini-
cians when assessing the likelihood of an injection
site failing (an uncommon but aggravating situa-
tion) during the administration of contrast material.
This model leads to better use of the material, better
Figure 2: 2D model of a contrast material mixing with blood that
allows for investigations of the dispersion of the material. scans, and better diagnosis.

Catheter shouldn’t damage blood vessel

be impractical to do a full finite-element model of
the entire body, so Kalafut and his team concentrat-
In addition to designing vascular-injection systems,
ed on the vessels going from the point of injection
patient-monitoring systems, and mri surface coils,
to the heart, so as to determine what happens to the
medrad also designs and sells diagnostic angio-
drug on its way there (Figure 1b).
graphic catheters. A particularly novel device is the
They used comsol Multiphysics and the
Vanguard dx catheter (Figure 3a). Its nozzle design
Chemical Engineering Module to better understand
in the diffusion tip allows for a more uniform distri-
the early-time dynamics of the injection event. They
bution of injected contrast material (the fluid used
coupled the Navier-Stokes application mode with
for creating a contrast during imaging) compared to
the Convection & Diffusion application mode to
a traditional end-hole catheter, which also tends to
gain insight into the distribution of the contrast
agent through the peripheral vasculature into the
heart. The early phase of the contrast’s distribution
in-vivo is difficult to determine non-invasively and is
crucial for understanding the dynamics of contrast
injection and propagation.
Knowledge gained by numerical modeling and
simulation lends credence to assumptions made
in global, compartmental models of the contrast Figure 3a: The Vanguard DX
material distribution after injection. One example catheter allows for a very uniform
distribution of contrast materials.
of this model’s application is in understanding the
Laser-drilled holes or slits force the
transit time from the injection site, typically a large contrast material to be transported
bore angiocath needle inserted into an arm vein, to radially from the catheter.

the heart. In some patients, due to possibly diseased

venous systems, blocked veins, or even the position
of the arm during injection, not all of the injected
contrast material arrives as a well-defined bolus. cause the contrast material to stream from the exit
Rather, the contrast material can become dispersed hole with high velocities. The Vanguard dx catheter
and arrive over a period of different times. Such a reduces the reaction forces associated with contrast
situation makes predictive control and contrast ma- material streaming from the nozzle and therefore
terial delivery difficult, if not impossible to conduct. minimizes the likelihood of the catheter jerking
The comsol models are playing a role in dis- against the blood vessel walls and damaging them.
covering which factors influence the dynamics of the Here a crucial question arises: What is the ideal
contrast material. Because it is injected at rates much configuration of holes or slits around the catheter
higher than typically encountered in healthcare (2-8 tip to optimize fluid delivery while preventing a
ml/s), an understanding of the processes at the injec- structural deflection? The researchers used comsol

Figure 3b: An indication of the
deflection of a catheter tip simi-
lar to that in the Vanguard DX
catheter with a series of holes
(left) and slits (right) around its
circumference in the middle.
In this case, slits result in less
deflection and therefore less
chance of damaging arteries.

Multiphysics (coupling forces from laminar flow Shielding a communications link

with a stress-strain analysis) to model the fluid- One of the company’s first serious experiences with
structure interaction occurring in the catheters finite-element modeling—and where they found that
with various hole configurations, geometries, and comsol Multiphysics makes modeling easy—came
flow patterns (Figure 3b). Kalafut relates that, when fixing a problem that arose in an upgraded
“one of our intern students, Ai Pi, an undergradu- MRI contrast-injection system. That system uses an
ate bioengineer at Case Western Reserve Universi- infrared link to communicate between the injection
ty, generated many configurations of hole designs stand in the treatment room and the operator panel
in different fluid regimes. We used these results in a glassed-in control room (Figure 4a). Compo-
to limit the number of benchtop models the me- nent obsolescence—an integrated circuit phototrans-
chanical engineers needed to fabricate and to help ducer taken out of production—required redesign
determine the feasibility of new ideas without of the communications link. The replacement part,
needing to develop too many prototypes.” however, brought with it some new problems; it

Figure 4a: An MRI contrast-

injection system consisting of
a remote control panel that
interfaces to the injection head
located in the treatment room
through a wireless link. A new
phototransducer experienced
electromagnetic interference
and required shielding that
was optimized using COMSOL

was failing because it was more susceptible to elec-
tromagnetic interference from the mri scanner and
voltages inherent in the system.
The task then became one of determining how
to reduce the effects of the electromagnetic fields on
the phototransducer. Using comsol Multiphysics,
Kalafut quickly replicated the problems that service Figure 4b: The COMSOL
engineers saw and concluded that a shielding struc- Multiphysics model of a pho-
totransducer along with its
ture around the transceiver structure would be a shielding. The results show
quick, cheap solution (Figure 4b). He explains, “we the E field around the final
geometry. The goal was to
had to determine how thick the shielding should shield the openings (circles)
be and what shape it should have to do an adequate from an external E field
job, but also be as small as possible and fit in the ex- greater than 20 V/m.

isting equipment.” Using comsol Multiphysics he

set up a parametric solver to examine various geom-
etries. “This approach saved us weeks of benchtop design. Areas being investigated include: optimum
testing and technician time in building prototypes. configuration of holes in needles inserted into tissue,
In addition, the 3D plots we generated were quite critical regions of shear using 3D Non-Newtonian
useful in communicating the value of modeling with fluid simulations, and insight into internal velocity
other engineers and with our management, who fields not easily obtained with other methods. me-
thereby first came to appreciate the value of virtual drad Innovations has recently deployed a Particle

prototyping.” Imaging Velocimetry (piv) system for measuring

and quantizing fluid fields in the lab. The PIV sys-
Optimizing the delivery of contrast material tem is being used to confirm the comsol simula-
tion results.
Another interesting task medrad’s r&d group has
is to investigate technologies that might not be com-
mercially viable for five to ten years so as to ensure
the company’s future growth. One such area will be
sending not only medicines or diagnostic fluids into
a patient’s bloodstream but also living cells. Here the
study of rheology and the geometry of the fluid path
is critical because the delivery system cannot gener-
ate high shear forces, or else the delivery process can
destroy the biologic material being injected.
Marty Uram, a senior research scientist at
medrad Innovations, has been using comsol
Multiphysics to model the fluid path between a vial
containing the biologic agents (such as autologous
stem cells) and the tissue into which the agent is in-
jected. comsol allows for quick analysis of multiple
geometries when attempting to trade off between
laminar, high-velocity flow fields and regions of low
shear within the disposable tubing set and needles.
One of the very first questions to address is what
kind of syringe will be necessary. Here it is impor-
Figure 5: Model of a syringe and
tant to model the transition from the syringe to the needle with the velocity field distri-
catheter. The idea is to create a flow transition that bution. The designers look for shear
forces and use the model to help
has no sudden changes in the flow path. The model
determine how to control them.
in Figure 5 examines what changes arise in the drug
fluid path due to changes in the outlet of a syringe

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