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epublit of tbe �bilippinu

11Bepartment of <!Ebucation

December 2, 2021
No. 48, 5. 202\





1. This Office announces the conduct of the SDO Year-End Review,

Evaluation, Developmental Planning and Team Building on December15,
2021 at SDO-DepEd Bohol.

2. The activity aims to:

• Gain deeper understanding of the organizational competencies vis-a.­
vis performance;
• Conduct team building exercises; and
• Demonstrate commitment to improve organizational productivity.

3. Participants to this activity are all SDO Personnel. (Please see attached
List of Participants.)

4. The performance management review, evaluation and developmental

planning shall be conducted per office in the morning. The expected outputs
are the agreed final rating of the IPCRF of individual personnel and the
Individual Development Plan which is Part IV of the IPCRF.

5. All Heads of Functional Divisions and Units shall ensure that outputs
are accomplished by individual personnel.

6. A team building will .follow in the afternoon in the form of a 3-minute

Christmas presentation (dance number, caroling or tableau) per
division/ section/ group. (Please see attached program for the grouping of
7. The presentations shall be helcl at the grounds of the SDO. Wearing of
masks and social distancing sh:rll bc observed even during the performance.

8. Meals and snacks shall be serwed to all SDO personnel charged to Division
Il'uncl, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.

9" For the informatiorr and gurdanr e of all concerned.


Sc"Lro<ils l-)r vr siq,n Supe:rintendent
SDS Office 1 Dagatan, Bianito
2 Potane, Mark
.3 l-agria, Jcan
4 .Hr-rbar:, Lr.lpe 5.
5 Malaran, tvelyn
6 P.lhang, .{rrtonio C.
7 Palban, Allan Rey
B Salgados, Miguelita
ASDS Office 9 [ar-rstino Toradio
10 Ilanilo Gr-rdelosao
11. Rayog, Weny
1.2 Bungabrng, loanne l"4ae:

13 Me:ir:na, Helen
14 Re alista, .loseph
t-tRM0 1li A.huloc, i.ina
16 Albutra, Fermin
1? Apale, JLrdith
18 Araneta. Mary Jane
lll liag-ao, i-eir:ste
2ll Bulacan t\iei Johrr
21 Raste s, May
?)- Llersaluria, Teodomera
?"j ltompat, Enrelyn F.
24 C.i*rafraqca, N/la. J'heresa
1) l ut[a/ tr aDdt
?.6 F lr:res, Marita
'27 -ttsngsorr, Marlon
2B h4ejias, lvria. l-irisa
l9 f iaza, fularirel
30 !aturinas, Florly
31 :iagayrlr:, Cit:rry
:l? L:irnbrs. Dorothy
3l faguisa, Joy
lrl vrrcy, t 1il],1
RECCIRDS -15 Apale,.tovelino
3€t Fuilante. ierson
37 Fostanes, Gretii Nicanora
3B Relampagos, Rlrea Anrr
39 Hontucan, Alvin Josr:
40 L.agrael;r, Joey
41 Lag,rad;r, Hengie
42 Ranara, iasmirr
43 Digamr.rn, Maria 'lhernra
44 Agad, Joseph Lemuel
CASHIHR 45 Adapti,ir, Aurelicr
46 Beniga, Adriano
47 Nogalada, Ulysses
48 Cimenr, Victoriano
4, L;rur0rr, Marilou
50 Pon, Michelle
51" Ungat:, Lemuei
DPSU Il2 Acebe:;, Chilita
53 Amnrts, Maria Errnalind".
54 ,Anding, Ritchie
55 Aparicio, Arlene
56 B;:carcza, lvy Jarre
57 Bolasco, 5imc,n Jr.
-'r8 . Bolotauli:, Michelle
59 Botero, L llaine Rose
60 Cabalio, Nova
61, Col<.rscos, llasmin
62 Cornito, Kia
63 Galban, Dernetria
64 Padonat. Marjorie
{i5 Platino, i."elipe
66 -lerraja, Milagros
67 Tunranrpros, Gle'nd;r
PROPERTY & SUPPLY 68 Araneta. Mark Anthony
{}9 llaloria" i ilian
70 l:ie!res, flera
71. Por.r, An;ieir.r
72 i-luicho, Cipriancr
13 Quidlat, Joan
74 l{elampagos, Amando
PMU 75 Ancog, Finalyn lrish
/t. I )rr,r \/rirr:
7? l'vielencron,Frartcis
7B Villaver Wee
GENERAL SERVICES 79 i,aliso, t\rranias
B0 i-apunc. [-er:
B1 Paima, .laime
82 i.ingab, Merr:edes
SSCURITY GUARD B3 {-aliso, r:anie
84 iuarr, Jorrallian
AL5 85 jahrrjak., Neil.iohn
Bfj Hingpil Iisa f:.
87 Mar:as, Juliii
88 llot.;rrni:ra, l-lelen
8!l 5;rturirr,ls, lean
CID $i) Ar ne1o, Carla
91 Cr:dilla, tvelyn
92 Cirnenr, Reynald
93 Fior, Wilfreda
94 Galacir.', Ielix
95 tulabolL:c, Jupiter
96 Me ndeiz, Grace
97 Restifirar, Carmela
98 Tumalr:n, Maya
99 Viilalon, Pablito
.I0C Raper, Jean
101 {-astilio, Generosa
lL02 Ayson, lenylette
560n 103 Cirrenr, Marites
104 Cr:rlidor, Amclla L

105 Deligerc, .pesidericr

106 Delusa, [va
107 tstoquia, Lucena
"l0B Laurel, Annaliza
109 Lazara, Antoniette
110 Manlangit, Karylle
111 Marapao, Evelyn
112 Pido, Elizabeth
113 Piquero, Mildred
114 Quezon, Alberto, Jr.
115 Sabuero, Debra
116 Yap, Ma. Maulitte
PDO 117 Bernasor, Marina
118 Dolauta, Aian
119 Remolador, Angelette
120 Vigonte, Phillip Marcelo
LRMDC 121 Ebojo, Vicente, Jr.
122 Eronico, Josephine
123 Rotersos, Jocelyn
124 Habina, Melody Joy
125 Tubae, Firmo
ICT 126 Cas tillon, Miriann Jale
1:27 Hinampas , Maria Bella
128 Rata, Mary Ann
129 Salamanca, Mark Anthony
130 Talan, Dinah Florence
LEGAL 131 Aranjuez, Guy
132 Madanguit, Julius
133 Quijano, Vanessa
PHYSICAL FACILITIES 134 Fullido, Jose Floyd
135 Fullido, Samuel
136 Lamos te, Domingo
137 Laron, Maridette
138 Los enada, Israel
139 Mandin, Marcelo
140 Reloba, Glenn
141 Anto, Ador
143 Almifie, Merry Catherine S
144 Andoy, Rey Anthony J
145 Antopina, Victoria V.
146 Apale, Jovelino C.
147 Apit, Maristele Q.
148 Aranas, Hazel Amor C.
149 Arcales, Alberto Noel Z.
150 Barol, Paul M.
151 Barrete, Marie Josephine D.
152 Batingal, Jagger R.
153 Bolotaulo, Fredsil A.
154 Bongcayo, Ma. Pamela M.
155 Boniao, Jena T.
156 Borja, Jan Jaykyll B.
157 Bunaos, Christine Marvi A.
158 Caberte, Marites C
159 Calamba, Adson J A.
160 Calipusan, Susan S.
161 Chua, Gheila Rosetti Mariae G.
162 Cubelo, Haidee Joyce D.
163 Cucharo, Teodoro S.
l-54 Cutamora, Venice LYra T
L65 Dahan, Kris Michelle A'
t$6 Duavis, Marilu M
167 I-luca, Jangie P
168 Ebojo Marlorie R.
169 [sPina, Jennifer
170 fstiilore, Martin B.
111 Galvistl Clinio L
177, ilementiza, Cora G.
171 GLrlle, kiarie .iane A
1/4 libot, Fe M
175 l.-urna-aci, Maria Aurora D'
176 Ma<lrona, Dulce Jesr-tsa P
1 l7 Magailunes, Janine A
178 Manigque, Antonrorri G'
179 M<lrrtuYa. Arquelar: P
180 Nanrot', Leila C.
181 OgaYorr, Nina Charisse A
182 Real, Ma Lourdes A
l8l Flelarlrag,:s, I'helma R
184 Fiei:cs F{usemarie R
185 ReYes Karen Celeste D

.LB6 Rubiil;ir, SlrerYl Jov M

187 Saiaguste, Alvin P
1BB Salo, .lantce Michelle B
1-8! Sarriet, Rex Michael D
19Lr Sr:lis, Rarnon Jr
llli SuPrernc. RalPh ReY C
191- l-elmr:, Loida V.
19.1 Tufracao, Jurditlr G'
L9;1tr Unatrra, Ann Marie Krish 3
195 Valmnria, Ma. l-1a::el C
19{i Vigorite, Sa{ve Regirra C'

19/ Visarra, Fernandila B

BUDGET 1tl8 Arao Arao, flhea

199 CaPuno, Jerome
200 JasPt . Ma Victor'l
701 Lagura, Maria RiYah

2fi2 Lomarda, h,{ariel lo

2{.i3 Urso;, Josefina
lA5 204 Arac, iustinil
205 Barrins, Claudine
J,0ti falurrsag, Alodia
207 Castiilon, Marietla D'
208 Daing, Raineria lti.
21.)!) Durr:Y. Josefirta G.
210 LinLrag, Perla
211 Lr:Pr;s" JeberlY G.
212 0ti:ngas, Jade
2l,l Rollon,Juanita
ACCOUNTING )14 l:ttga, Marie Steila
215 Cabang,bang, Br"lan
7-l-6 Crescencio, Liza
217 Daquio, Grace
218 HingPit, lc;an
219 Lacia, Marlon
220 Ledaran, Gabina
221 Naparot;:, Helen
222 Rapirap, RalPh
223 Sanrbayon, Miraflor
224 1alan, Jhasmin
CCINTRI\CTUAL 725 AtuP, JLiicY Delmae
2-2.5 t-.abagnr:rt, MarY Jant"
2,27 {-aliso, .lLrnrel
2'?..8 Sanaiz, Mark Kint
2-29 Agor, Rr:gitra
230 Deiusa, ReYna
131 tliola, K'lrvl
232 i:lores,;rrne
233 Jubac, laYson
234 Moratai, Leslie
2-35 {Jngqur, Florencia
236 pon, M.rlve
23 / 5aiise,,rclstt Andrew
238 Ttiba, ttenil;l
t39 Tailuto'lgan, Jainte
240 Gai.;ines, jaYson
241 lnsiles, Diarre Jane

JOB ORDER 24 3 Jiez", C, ienda

244 ilck, Leah
245 Rorac, Jotrn Patrick
246 Rcrac, Jahn Kevin
s{i - AGEr{eY 2'47 Gunralrad, flor:alci
J48 Prajes, Pahlito
249 tJY, Jei:.r:litr:
250 Escorial, Charlie
- December L5,2OZl
1:3O PM


I. Singing of Hymns and Opening Prayer

II. Opentng Remarks - Dr. Faustino N. Toradio, ASDS

III. Presentation - Health Personnel (SHI{SI

ftl. Presentation - SDS, ASDS, HRMO, Records and Cashier

V. Presentatlon - DPSU, Property & Supply, Budget, IAS and Accounting

VI. Christmas Message - Dr. Bianito A. Dagatan, SDS

VII. Presentation - General Senrlces, Security Guards (including SG
Agency|, Contractuals and Job Orders

VIH. Presentation - SGOD, PDOs, Physical Facilities and ICT

IX. Prresentatlon - CID, ALS, LRMDS, Legal and PMU

X. Closing Remarks - Dr. Danilo G. Gudelosao

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