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[Understanding the Self / BSIT]

[The Digital Self]

Module 13b The Digital Self

At the end of this module, you are expected t0:

1. Define online identity
2. Compare real identity versus online identity
3. Describe the influence of internet on sexuality and gender

The Digital Self

What is digital self?

The evaluation by oneself of one's worth as an individual in distinction from one's
interpersonal or social roles

The number of people who are becoming more active online continues to
increase worldwode. More than half of the population worldwide now uses
the Internet.
• Almost two thirds of the world population now has a mobile phone.
• More than half of the world’s web traffic now comes from mobile phones
• More than half of all mobile connections around the world are now
Media users in the Philippines grew by 12 million or 25% while the number
of mobile social users increased by 13 million or 32%. Those growth figures
are still higher compared to the previous year. More than half the world now
uses a smartphone.

In this modern and most challenging level of technologically led changes in society lies the
internet, a global collection, connection, or network of individual selves that is able to find
expression that goes beyond all cultural restrictions. These individual selves in the internet or
digital world can be seen in the form of ‘profiles’ or ‘avatars’, and are apparent in professional
networks to social networks to recreational networks. The individual seems to be offered a clean
sheet in the digital world, thus having the opportunity to transfer their sense of self into an
environment technically without restrictions.
There is greater self-expression from the individual in the online world regardless if it is
true or not. On social networks one might choose to appear as living a grandiose life again
regardless of the truth in one’s real life.

Course Module
Creators of videogames have an almost monopolistic hold in the definition a digital body.
Players of these games step into that digital world through the character that they take on and
thus immersing his or her ‘self’ as its inhabitant in an entirely different reality totally separate
from the physical world.
Ultimately, the internet makes it more difficult to define a more stable meaning of ‘self’ and
once we again face the reality of life one will be forced to confront and define his or true ‘self’ in
the real world.

Fig.1 Growth of Digital users in 2018 Fig. 2 Percentage of Mobile internet users

Online identity is actually the sum of all characteristics and our interactions while partial identity is a
subset of characteristic that make up our identity.

Setting Boundaries to Your Online Self: Smart Sharing

The following guidelines will help you share information online in a smart way that will protect
yourself and not harm others. Before posting or sharing anything online, consider the following.
• Is this necessary?
• Is there a real benefit to this post? Is it funny, warm-hearted, teachable-
or am I just making noise online without purpose?
• Have we (as a family or parent/child) resolved this issue?
• Is it appropriate? Does it stay with the boundaries of our family values?
• Will this seem as funny in 5, 10, or 15 years?
Rules to Follow
Guidelines for proper sharing of information and ethical use of the internet according to New (2014).
• Stick to safer sites
• Guard your passwords
• Limit what you share
• Remember that anything you put online or post on a site is there forever,
even if you try to delete it.
• Do not be mean or embarrass other people online.
[Understanding the Self / BSIT]
[The Digital Self]

• Always tell if you see strange or bad people online.

• Be choosy about your online friends
• Be patient

Gender and Sexuality Online

• According to Marwick (2013) while the term”sex” “gender” and
“sexuality” are often thought of as synonymous they are actually quite
distinct. The difference between the common understandings of these
terms and how researchers think about them yield key insights about the
social functioning of gender.
• Gender is historical. It is produced by media and popular culture. It is
taught by families, schools, per groups, and nation states. It is reinforced
though songs, sayings, admonition, slang, language, fashion, and
discourse and it is deeply ingrained.

References and Supplementary Materials

Oct. 5, 2012
2. Gleitman,Henry, James Gross and Daniel Reisberg.2011.Psychology.8th Ed.
Canada: W.W. Norton and Company.

3. Eden Joy Pastor Alata,Bernardo Nicolas Caslib,Jr.2018.Understanding the Self.1st

Ed. Rexstore
Course Module
Online Supplementary Reading Materials
1. < >;<
self/>; <June 7,2018>

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