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6 Practice: World Religions Today Practice

World History Name:
In this assignment, you will complete the following steps:

1. Research: Using what you have learned in this course and an online resource,
research Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity.

2. Analyze: Answer questions about different aspects of the four religions.

3. Synthesize: Summarize what you have learned using evidence from your

This section is worth 15 points. See the scoring rubric below for more details on how
you will be graded on your research.

Research the religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity to fill in the
table below. Be sure to complete each section of the table. Research resources:

1. For information on the origins and primary beliefs of the four religions, review
the contents of this course. In particular, revisit the content in Lesson 4 of
Units 2 and 3.

2. For information on the role of the four religions today, visit The Pew Forum on
Religion and Public Life:
Comparing World Religions

  Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity

Date and 1,500 BC 600 BC 2000-1800 BC AD 30-33

place of origin Indus Valley India Mesopotamia Jerusalem

Siddhartha Jesus of
Founder Brahma Gautama Abraham Nazareth

Holy book(s) The Vedas The Tripitaka Torah The Holy Bible
Truth is Existence is and Law.
Eternal. suffering.
Monotheism. Believe in
Brahman is Don’t take Jesus Christ.
Truth and somebody’s Justice is
Major beliefs Reality. life. Righteous. Monotheism.

Regions Philippines
where religion East Timor
is practiced India and Africa
today Nepal Most of Asia Israel Oceania

Number of
practicing 900 million 470 million 14 million 2.1 billion
today people people people people
This section is worth 10 points. See the scoring rubric below for more details on how
you will be graded on your analysis.

Use your research findings to answer the questions below.

1. How do you think the belief in reincarnation shared by both Hinduism and
Buddhism affects the actions of Hindus and Buddhists today?

The belief in reincarnation shared in both Hinduism and Buddhism makes

people become more self wary and commit less bad deeds. This is because both the
Hindus and the Buddhist believe that to have a good life in your next reincarnation,
you must not commit any sins.

2. How do Hindu and Buddhist beliefs differ regarding the caste system? How could
this difference affect societies today?

Hinduism believes that a person is born into a caste, or social status based
on one’s previous life, however, Buddhists do not practice the caste system, rather
they do believe that one’s past life has some determination in one's future life; but it
does not force them into any one social sect. This affects either religion's followers
today because the use of the caste system, even though it is now outlawed, is still
3. Judeo-Christian values are those beliefs shared by both Judaism and Christianity.
How do you think these shared beliefs influenced modern society in the United

I believe that these shared beliefs influenced modern society to some extent
and shaped our modern society by showing that individuals have the right and
freewill to choose to believe whatever it is they would want to believe. Even if it is in
the form or way of creating a whole different religion. or attaching up pieces of some
religions together and merging them with others to become one religion.

4. Think of one major difference in the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity. How
could this difference impact the everyday lives of followers of these religions?

One of the major differences between Judaism and Christianity is that

Christians accept Jesus as Messiah and personal savior while Judaism originated
as a result of the conventional relationship between God and Abraham.

5. Think about the four religions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Christianity.
What belief do all four religions have in common? What role do these religions play
in the lives of people today?

All these religions have a respectable god or a deity that people in the religion
would worship. All these religions help people live by the rules and commit less sins
throughout their lives.
This section is worth 5 points. See the scoring rubric below for more details on how
you will be graded.

Answer the question below in one paragraph of at least four sentences. Your first
sentence should state your opinion. Use specific evidence from your research to
support your answer.

In your opinion, what are the enduring characteristics of Hinduism, Buddhism,

Judaism, and Christianity? Why are religions founded thousands of years ago still
widely followed today?

In my opinion, some of the enduring characteristics of Hinduism, Buddhism,

Judaism, and Christianity is their uniqueness and how well-rounded the religions are.
Those characteristics help religions continually grow and expand throughout history.
Since the religions are unique and well rounded people follow these religions and
have faith in them to this day. For me, that is the reason why these religions that
were founded thousands of years ago are still widely followed today.

Here is the rubric on which your research, analysis, and synthesis will be graded.

Research Points Possible Points Awarded

Student completes each
section of the graphic
organizer. 5  
Student uses information
from course and the Pew
website. 5  
Student's answers are
clear and accurate. 5  
Question 1: Student
mentions good deeds to
escape the death-rebirth
cycle. 2  
Question 2: Student
mentions the Hindu belief
in the caste system and
shows a basic
understanding of what
the caste system is. 2  
Question 3: Student
mentions the shared
values of Judaism and
Christianity and a
possible effect on
modern society. 2  
Question 4: Student
mentions a difference
between Judaism and
Christianity and a
possible effect on
everyday life. 2  
Question 5: Student
mentions one shared
belief and the role of
these religions today. 2  
Paragraph is at least four
sentences long. 1  
First sentence states an
opinion on one of the four
major religions. 1  
Student gives specific
evidence to support the
opinion. 3  
Total 30  


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3.4.6 Practice: World Religions Today

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