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'V/43 .

L/an/1/rr or rf/£
ll-ZA/VD sm/vfo/eo ./H. 1/A//VE/?S/TV
C°l>>'fieh=, 1891,


C. DE SAINT-G ann/un, Prnidenf.

E d at Stationers' Hall,

Lnndon, England.

_ Déposé nu Mlulsuére do Flntérieu r et. A la1B1bl|ot.h0quo


Paris, Franu.

&|'ry& 6 A MA- I-vvvv Q44-».

C .1-l1', 19(1), sv WILLIAM H.. I.I~Il~Z.

NOV 19 |900



me mspmsu .umsn






or vor.. I.

Ulhr the Title of PALMISTIC DICTIONARY, will be found, at the End of Volume II, an

elaborate ALPHABETICAL INDEX of all the Observations inserted in this Work

with a Number of Authorities, Definitions, Bibliographical
Notes and Cross-References added.


DIDICATION. Portrait of Mademoiselle Emma Calvé ..... . Insert

PREFACE-'ro-IIE-READ ...... ............................... . .



INTRODUCING THE INTRODUCTION ..........................

lN~rRoDuc'rIoN nv 'rI~IE LATE AD. DEsBARRoLLEs .... . .... 18

Tm-: MAP or 'r|~IE HAND ......................... ............... .... 29



THE HAND AS A WI~IoLE ........................................ .. ..

Tm: FINcERs ............ ._ ..
TIIE Inumn .... ........ .... .... ....
CHIRocNouv IN EVERY DAY LII-'E .... ...... .




OF 'rl-IE ....... I ...... .................... ....

TIIE SIGNS IN GENERAL ............. ._ ..






TIIE LINEs IN GENERAL ........ . ....


THE VANIsI»IINc OF THE LINES ......... .... I 47

How 'ro RECKON TIME IN THE HAND... ....I48
THE LINE or LII-'E ...... .............................. _ .... ............. I 53

MARS, on THE LINE or LIFE .................. _ ................. ._


(Continued in Volume IL)


only for to add my earnest wishes d'Arpentigny and Desbarrolles, the

that you will extract from the study of teachers worth listening to, the sole and
THE PRACTICE OF PALMISTRV direot ins irators of the present book.
some of the delight-and mental
I have derived from and Bl"7df"£'-
42 14"d1Y0"`1""
my long daily
Chkago, November 1, 1897.
intercourse with the masterly works of




"From a cursory examination of the animal world, we may gather the important conclusion that
from the structure of an extremity we may obtain a complete insight into the entire organism of an
animal; and thus the paws furnished with sharp retractile claws of the lion indicate at once toa
naturalist its strong teeth. its powerful jaws, its muscular strength of limbs; while from the cleft of the
cow the complicated structure of its stomach, the deiinite peculiarities of its jaws and its vegetable diet
may with equal certainty be predicted."- The [land Phrenologrkully Considered.

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m.N's Nsnvn svsrr-:M.


Chirognomic Observations

Basedupon the system conceived and developed by Cnsnmt Srmusus d'Aanrmcnv. a distin-
guished French mvalry oEcer and a scholar, born in Normandy, March 13, 1798. Served under Napo-
leon in 1814 at the siege of Dautzic; entered the service of King Louis XVIII., 1815; appointed to the
Royal Body Guard, 1820, he had reached the raulr of a captain when he retired in 1844. Attracted to
the study of occult sci ces, he neglected ancient Chiromancy and gave his whole attention to the
outward aspect-the Physiognomy, eoto speak-of the human hand. In 1839, the result of his investi-
gations appmred under the title of Ld Chirognomonxk. In 1865 a third edition of this great book came
out under the title of La Science de Ia Main. Modified and improved by Dcsbarroll , the knowledge
of the d'Arpmtigny system of Chirognomy forms the its! and indispensable step toward a complete
logial knowledge of the Hand.






| I




The Mounts of the Hand

body was most probably constructed, even in its less noble parts, so as to attract as large a
quantity aspossible of this electnk _/Yard which it is bound to further elaborate; and, in our higher
faculties, the active agent of our moral and physical perfections is doubtless some fluid more refined than
electricity, although it preserves many of its characteristics. In a word, thought is but a ray of this
heavenly tire that penetrates every living thing on earth and unites in the closest bond all the various
elements of the created world. In the human organism. it sometimes reaches the highest attainable

degree perfection."-H¢rd¢r's Ideas on the Phdosophy ry' Human llxkzory.

gg nupmmgm rms mourns or nn-: HAND.

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Tux Anxls or 'run Moum-s-Fon LDCATING /uw nxsrucmnn.

and back, and you will grasp my mean- Toward the Line of Life-Pride in

ing and agree with me. family.

Haunt of U°\mY °f "tum-
Jupiter. _

Toward the first En er-Egotism, Toward the second n er-Intense

vanity. love of solitude.

Toward the Mount of Saturn-Self- Toward the Mount of u iter-Mor-
consciousness. bid pride.
Toward the Line of Heart-Pride in Toward the Mount of the Sun-Less

a5ectiou. morbidity.
Toward the Line of Head-Pride in 'Toward *he Line Of H°3"t"APP"¢'
;m¢n¢¢¢_ hension in love.


Chlromantic Observations

Based upon the system of the ancient Chiromnnts, ns explained, developed and vastly improved
upon by Annum Ax>o1.rn¢Dxsneano|.|.|.s, n famous French painter and scientist, born in Paris, August
zz, 1801, died there February 11, 1886. After obtaining marked recognition in the Paris Salons, he
traveled extensively in Germany. Italy and Spain, and finally chose ns his life work the rehabilitation
of Chiromancy, at the time a most degenerate science. After fifteen years' close study, he published.
in1859, the first edition of Les Mystéres de la Main (zzd edition, 1895); in 1865, his Almanac de la
Max'n; in 1869, bisjournal de Chiromancie, and, in 1819, his Rl:/llalxbns Complétes, the largest book
on the subject ever attempted. He added to these monuments of his indefntigable labor Les Mystéres
de l'Ecr-ilure, the standard work on Graphology. For forty-four years, his whole time, attention and
labor were devoted to Palmzstry under its most varied aspects.
'i 'HE




Vol. ll.




Hand Book of Modem Palmistry; Illus-_

trated. New York, 1884. Thompson &
Moreau. (Out of print.)

Practical Palmlstry; Hand-reading nad:


Easy. Illustrated. 1897. 28th thousand.

Laird & Lee: Chicago.

The American Journal ot Palmlstry. Voz.

I. September, 1897. An Illustrated Month-

ly. Comte C. de Saint-Germain, Editor

and Proprietor. Ollices: 42 Auditorium
Building, Chicago.
ml Q

*I 1
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fd. )r,',Y
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THl; AUTHOR s H \1>
C°Pyfizh¢» |397»


C. DE SAINT-Gsnunu, Prexidenl.

Entered at Stationers' Hall,

London, England.

Déposé su lininbn do l'Inl,6r1our ez i la;BIblio|.hAque


Paris, Francr.

6 Qi M
.. la-no ana-»

Corvulmrr, xgoo, nv WILLIAM H. LEE.


Tm: LIN: or Mums ....


Tm: Rnscr-:'r'rx .....


Tm: Lmx or Lxvzn .... zoo

THE Vu LAscxvA ......


Tm-: Lmn or IN'rurr|oN. . . . .


Tux Lim: or Hz/m.... 213

Tm: Lum or Hz/uvr.. . _


Tm: Gmnnz or Vxsus. *S

Tum Lnu-:s or Union.. 264

Tux Lnu: or FAT: .... 273

Tux Lma or 'rua SUN. '94

Taz Px.Am or Mums... 3o8



Taz Tnuxucua ....


Lmzs Arm Sxcus on Tuuua /nm Fnecaas ....








Tun Mmsuxznmr on Mounts Ann Homzounr. Lnus .....


Monn. Cmuvr rox HAND Rnmuo ....

Termination. THE LINE OF MARS. Fark; ag;

Of great assistance to an oflicer in com- superahundance of the animal nature;

mand, society
or to a leader with an often amounts almost to brutal insan-

important function to manage. ity.

Too dee or broad, with red colorin Terminatin in a fork, one ron of
-A sign of great heat and violence in which enters the Mount of the Moon
sensual passions; of an easily aroused and ends in a star-Alcoholic intemper-
anger; of a masterful spirit. Especially ance. Add to this a black s ot on `the
so in a thick, hard hand with -
Line of Head-Death from delirium
ate Mounts of Mars and hi hl col- tremens or alcoholic insanity.
ored lines.

UI. l'.l!A3'|.'I¥G PGIIITI AND 10118 These must be read as Breaks and
Si s in the Line of Life, and always
At the date correspondin to its start- in connection with it.
love affair began, is to
ing Eint-A or
SPECIAL 0B8llVA5|.'0ll'8.
Traditional-This is very much in the line
of the observations I inserted on page 174,
conceming the Lines of Influence concentric i
to the Line of Life which see .



Accom. an in onl the final rtion
of the Line of Life, in a hand contain-
in indications of a ver violent nature

-Tendency to murder. Es ciall if Other sister lines of the Line of Life,

the Line is de and red. further inside the Mount of Venus-

Terminatin in a fork, one ron of Intiuences of other people over the sub-
which enters the Mount of the Moon- ject's life. The intensity and duration
of this influence reckoned in accordance
to the length, depth and nearness of
these lines to the Line of Life..
This belongs more properly to the
chapter on Lines of Influence within the
Mounts of Venus and Lower Mars (pp.
Other indications relating to the dura-
°- O
tion of life and to its happiness or ill-

luck are found in these three lines on

Intenipcrance of every kind, due to a the wrist, called the Bracelets or Re-

at A!
6ha:ut|r. THE RASCETTE. Umuncthus with icuii. |97

It is of the utmost importance not

mistake the first bracelet for a d Line
of Vo e from the lower art of the

Mount of the Moon to the Line of Life,

or for a Line of Influence from the
Mount of Venus to the Mount of the
Moon. Both these indications will be
found interpreted on p. 114 and p. x79
IL OKAIACTIB. Mount of Saturn. crossin each other
not return from
The Three Bracelets v clear, well T-Tk subject will
one of these long journeys.
defmed and colored-Health, wealth,
The element of ill~luck is here quite
good fortune; a smooth, easy existence.
Poorl formed-A life of extrava-
A line from the Rascette to the Mount
gance, and (with other confirmatory
of the Sun-Reputation acquired
signs) of dissipation.
through associating with people in high
position met in one's travels. Also-
more hcquently-interpreted as "travels

in tropical countries."


. 1



The first bracelet chained-A life of I

much hard work and care, but with tina!

success crowning these eiorts.
HI. UOIIIGTBD WITH 111 A line straight to the Mount of Mer-
of sudden wealth.
A line from the Rascette to the Mount It acts in that case as a sister line
of long and successful jour-
Jupiter-A to the Line of Liver.
ney. Lines from the Rascette to the Mount
This line generally crosses the Mount of the Moon-Joumeys (by land, when
of Venus. When it comes through the these lines do not cross the Mount of the
Mount of the Moon, it is most decidedly Moon); for every line a journey; the
a sea
voyage. longer these travel lines, the longer the
Two lines from the Rascette to the °ournevs: two such lines absolutely par-

; 1
Position. THE LINE OF LIVER. Uhoracter. sua

I. PETIOI' AID IlfGl'!0l'. n_ .

Normal. Itself.
Startin from above the Rascettc, not
Entire] absent-Quick mind, alert
touchin the Line of Life and in
No biliousness, bence none ot that heaviness
caused by the poor working of the liver.
Many palmists consider the total absence of
a Line of Liver as s most favorable health in-
dication, proceeding from the idea that "your
liver issurely in perfect order when you do not

H .
notice is existence."
For years I followed this

reading, but I
accepted the Desbarrolles interpreta-
tion of "frequent headaches," ss, in the ma-

iorityofcasestbatcameuudermy notioe,I
found the absence oi' the line to be accom-
strai ht u to the Mount of Mer -

panied with imperfect digestion, hence head-

Longevity, good health (especially of the aches.
digestive organs); success in business. Thick and short-Impaired digestion
in old age.
This follows the above reading, as its
shortness would cause it to be absent at
that time of life.
Strai ht and v thin-Stiffness of

Red throu hout-Brutality and inor-

dinate pride.

Thisapplies to all lines. ,

Takin its course uite near the Per- Red at the start-Tendency to palpita-
of ultra- tions ofthe heart; es iall if connected
cussion-Sign changeable, a

with the Line oi Life. These palpita-

nervousdisposition; also of many voy-
ages. It is often taken then for what is tions will be due to poor digestion.
called the Line of Intuition, and, in fact, Thin and red about the middle-Ten-

dcncy to bilious levers.

has very much the meaning of

"Gift of Clairvoyance," although per- About the middle would mean

haps less pronounced. it crosses the Line of I-lead; hence the

Tuming a kind of semi-circle from the feverish disposition.

Mount of the Moon to the U er Mount Of va 'n colors and red where it

of Mars or Mercu -Clairvoyance. crosses the Line of

This is
really the Line of Intuition apoplexy are generally forth-
Fits of

(which see). coming-in subjects so predisposed by

Character. THE LINE OF LIVER. Clllrletlt. , E3

hand also feebl marked-Paralysis. there). Bad digestion is sure to bring

This is more positively indicated when about the decay of the teeth, and vice
the hand itself is paralyzed; then that line versa.

(with all others) will soon disappear al- A r line, with a Line of Head
together from the affected hand. (See and a cross near the termination of the
P- I47») Line of Life-Poor general health, espe-
Poorl traced and with a narrow cially in old age.

uadran le, due to the Line of Heart

curvin too much toward the Line of
and hay fever.
Wavv. with a oor Line of Head and
a total absence of the Line of Heart-
Weak heart. Tricky, unreliable busi-
ness ways.

Dee and not extendin be ond the

uadran le, while touch' both the
Lines of Head and Heart on either side
-Danger of brain fever.

Lon and wa . with a similar Line
of Fate and the second halanx of all
tin ers

Bad teeth.
rather lon than the others-
Remember that the state of the teeth
is marked upon the Mount of Saturn

(and the Line of Fate that terminates Formin a cross, with the Line of
Head on the Mount of the Moon-
This only take place if the Line

of Head droops considerably out of its

nomtal direction, and if the Line of

ll/ _ ~ Liver
runs comparatively
Either of these
close to the

ments-taken by itself alone-would be
read almost in the same manner.

A 4 l

an um-an run. 'ms LINE or uvnn;

1. l!Ll!Il'G!0IIl.l-

Startin from the Rascette, strai ht

and direct to the Mount of Mercur -

Good digestive power. Excellent bus-

iness success.

Take care not to mistake this for a

1/ Line of the Sun.

Q t
or broken, terminati
the Mount of the Sun, and with
on or

S from the Line of Life and

with a narrow uadran le. clue to the
Line of Heart curvin toward the Line
of Head-Fainting tits, due to imperfect
black dots or stars on the third ha-
oined with and terrninatin at the lanx of the third tin serious
Line of Head, with a Line of Life cut fever in a tropical country.
Strai ht and so lon that it crosses

the whole of the Mount of Mercur -

Longevity. Onlv true if the Third

(lower An le of the Trian le is open,

-4. broad and clear.

Ii ,


¢,{ I

about by

bars-Brain disease,
disturbed liver.
It will be
.11 '

generally of a "melancholia" character. 1


Terminatin on the Mount ofthe Sun.

with a com lete Rascette. well marked Forked at the termination so as to

-Wealth. form a trian le with the Line of Head

P06801 THE VIA LASCIVA. Connections. 109


as a politician; generally accompanied by
had morals.


Forked at its
languor; slow wasting away; generally
Runnin arallel to the Line of Liver, due to excesses.
startin farther from the Plain of Mars
m. nniuxs urn ummm.
Same meanin as those read on the
Line of Liver.


Cuttin the Line of Liver-Grave in-
dication gf liver troubles; also annihila-
tion of the business qualities the Line of
and endin on the Mount of Mercn ;

when traced clearly in both hands-Sem

suality. Passionate thirst for money.
Wavy-Inconstancy. Ill success, of-
ten due to dissipation.

Considered as a sister line to the Line

of Liver, it repairs many of its defects.

Liver may have shown up to the date of

the cut. To be read in the hand of a

in business de-
stroyed by excessive love of the other
b. Minor Lines.

Connected with the Line of the Sun

b a line not cuttin the latter-Wealth.

Wavv and long. startin from inside

the Mount of Venus-Immorality. Life fn

shortened by excesses.



Terminating on the Mount of Mer-

curv-Good luck; eloquence; clevcrness

. . A
nd °ll'l¢1¢ THE UNE OF HEAD. Ohulti. _


2. Color-Width-D

Thin, toward the center-Nervous or

brain trouble, to last as long as the thin-

neas extends on the Line.
For the time measurement on the Line
of Head, I refer the reader

iii to this book,

to the

containing many
problem only hall' solved but of par-
ticular interest to thepalmist. Extendin clear across the aim, with
Narrow and weak-Frivolity. a Line of Liver narrow, distinct and
No persistency of purpose is to be ex-
straight-Good memory.
pectui of such a line. A
good memory needs a clear brain
Malformation. and an unclogged Liver.

Stretching like a strai ht bar across

Wav . uneven and of diferent colors
the whole alm, with a badl formed
-Nervous bilious troubles. Want of
spirit; miserly disposition.
The lack of the slight curve at the
middle of the Line always indicates a
hard, unyielding nature.
Lon , clear and strai ht, with a lo
conical first finger and Mounts of
u iter and the Sun-Love of reading.
See what I say of the first Engel' as to
reading tastes lp. 50).
Long and line. with a broad adran-
le and a lon conical first tin er and
Chained or linked-Want of Exity in the others s uare-Fair mindedncss.
the ideas; chronic headaches.

b. In Combination with other indications.

I. Length.
Lon and straight, with hands and
of details.
lingers log--Love
Lon and straight with a ve short
fourth fin er and ve much marked
_Ee finger, in good shape and
fourth Long and fine with a cond Line of

length, aptitude for the clever

indicates Heart and a trianele on the Line of Life

management of people. The contrary near its termination-Tact, discretion.

rules obtain here. Lon and normal, with a Line

Chaz-actor. THE LINE OF HEAD, Character. may

of Heart, and a first fin er lon er than If this is added to a d , lon Line
the normal size-Great generosity to- of the Sun-The risks will be taken in
ward one's friends, but more in
'in giving traveling dangerous, probably tropi~
them entertainments than by r ly help- cal, countries.
ing them.
lf too strai ht and stiff and with a r

Line of Heart-The generosity will be

all spent upon oneself, especially for v '

high living.
Lon and slo 'n to the Mount of the

Moon with
marked with
a hi h Mount of u iter
.gi . .

a 'lle-Eloquence as a

The presence of the grille simply ex-
Short with a oor Line of Heart and
aggerates the Mount ol' Jupiter and is
a trian le on the Line of Life near its
proof sullicient for me that this elo-
termination-Loquacity often harmful.
quence will not be exerted for worthy Lack of brains and a heartless nature
are responsible for the most dreadful
Lon and fine with a moderate Mount
of Venus-Constancy. Short with a low Mount of u iter and
good will-power and instincts mod- exaggerate Mounts of Venus and the
erately amorous are guarantees of con- Moon in a soft hand-Laziness.
stancy. No Mount of Jupiter-no ambition.
Lon and line, with hi h Mounts of
Short, with a narrow dran e and
Mars, u iter and Mercurv-Unusual
a low Mount of Venus-Narrow mind-
power of concentrating one's mind.
edness; even uncharitableness.
Lone' and sloping. in both hands. with
The Low Mount of the Moon is evi-
a stron Mount of the Moon and the
dence of little sympathy for other peo-
second and third fin ers nearlv the same
ple's troubles.
length-Love of gambling; disposition
to take great risks in business.
2. Color-Width-D h.

Pale and broad. with hard hands and a

low Mount of the Sun-Dull intellect.

Paleness and abnormal width always
indicate a wretched flow of vital fluid.

M Long but faint, with

Mount of Mercu

Very Deep-A

indication of
exag erate

serious strain of the nervous system.

Qi L
Termination. THE LINE OF HEAD. Termination. an

//I ~

and the Sun-Lack of intelligence. With before cmssin the Line of Hem_t_.-the
badl develo ed Mounts of Mars-Want
wound in the had will not be fatal
of spirit, of courage, active or passive. ,

Terminatin 'ust before it crosses the

t 9

I 4

, '


Fanaticism comparatively harmless.
f Terminatin on the Mount of the

Line of Fat¢>Short, unhappy life.

Turnin back toward the Line of Life

° °

ll' 9 s »

§2-A passion for the line arts or liter-
- - ature. If it terminates in that direction

before its termination after havin en-

tered the U er Mount of Mars)-Selh

confidence and exaggerate egotisrn
bring about serious troubles. p

Terminatin on the Mount of Saturn

-Death by a wound in the head. Also

a sign of dangerous fanaticism.

If it terminates in that direction. but


ss: Terninltieu. THE LINE OF HEAD.

before it crosses the Line of Heart-

Great chances of success in the same di-
rection. Should the hands otherwise
show no intellectual or artistic a titudes
desire to
-An_ all-absorbing acquire
riches without much labor.

I have noticed this frequently in noted

actors' hands; more generally, however,

UI with the fork, which

Risin in a curve

its termination


Tumin up and terminatin between

the third and fourth fin ers. below the
Line of Heart-Success in art secured

by scientific
"art applied
In artistic hands-Fortune obtained
by the same means.
and enetratin into the Mount of Mer-
Risin toward the Line of Heart at its
curv-Tact and shrewdness in the man-

agement of affairs. In a bad hand-



` 1

termination and iust touching it-Fits of

dizziness. Terminatin at the Percussion. but
The brain is affected by defective cir- with a fine Line of Liver-Good Meme
culation. 0l''.

Risin toward the Mount of Mercur '

This is rather too long a Line of

at its termination, but sto ing before Head; but you know the saying, "he has
touchin the Line of Heart-The gift oi a long head," meaning, "he remember!

mimicry. far back."

'lerminatiom THE LINE OF HEAD. Termination. ss;

stiff and strai ht to the Per- side the hand-»Untrustwofthiness.

cussion, with low Mounts of u iter and This is the lazy nature of the voluptu-
Venus, the thumb inward bent and the ary elsewhere described, and certainly
one not to be relied upon.

Forlced at the termination with one '-/


_~ .`

. ill
rin ers

close t ether-Selfish, miserly

' 1

ron normal. the other low down into

the Mount of the Moon-The subject
will deceive himself first and others after-
In the hand of genius, it reveals, how-
| , .
ever, a rich imagination and, on account
of the strai ht ron the gift of making

I _` .
' money out of one's talents.

A v small fork at the termination-

Imagination controlled by common


This is really the normal termination

of an average good Line of Head.

Slo in and forked at the termination,

one pron to the Mount of the Moon

ny and the other to the Mount of Mercurv


-The power to hypnotize; also crafty

disposition in
business; the thirst for

money blinding the subject as to the

at the termination, with means to secure riches.
Eidced a

thick. soft aim, a short thumb and the Forkerl at the termination, one ron

third halanx of everv fin er bul 'n in- down the Mount of the Moon, the other

lignn. THE LINE OF HEAD. 'fini' 133

Wa , strai ht or curved bars cuttin »

ul' '



The Line and the Lines of Life. Heart

= =1° if- UM °f Hed-H¢=d=°h===
danger of inmny.

. .


.U I

¢__- .;.`

A knottin u of the Line-Tendency

the Mount of Venus-Trouble to murder; if the past; if
pale-in deep
to come.
nected with marriage or deep attach- Iid_-yet
ment for person of another sex. I have seldom met these knottings.
See Cha ter on Lines of Influence But the leading English palmists give
from the Mounts of Venus and U r it so much importance that I have in-
Mars and the Line of Life for number serted the reading where it
of readings relating to the Line of Head
WP- 172493)-

an! Bars-Headaches
O o

A dee , colorless indentation on the
Line-Cruel neuralgia, to last one year

W' or more.

White s ts on the line-Discoveries

or inventions.


sign. 'mn uns or HEAD. lgnp- .3
A dark S on the Line with a Line
risin from the lower of the mount
of Venus or the Line of Life and termi-
natinv on the Mount of the Moon in a

Here the symptoms of drunkenness rl '.» .
are at their worst. Notice that this Line 0

from the Motmt of Venus to the Mount I 4


of the Moon is also read quite correctly

A black s the Line
as "dangerous kidney trouble." In con- on conu

firmed alcoholism the kidneys are dan- la a Line of Influence with a star on the
Mount of Venus-A cruel
gerously atfected. Hence the similitude sorrow,

between the two readings founded on (sometimes insanity), due to the death
the same markings. of a loved one. (See also Lines of In-
Black s ots on the Line enerall in- Huence, p. xgo.)
A cross or a d bar when the Line
dicate, with the Mount of Satum most

with the Mount forms a side ofthe Trian e-Grave ac-

prominent-Toothache; the head.
of Venus cident; generally to
most prominent-Deafness;
with the Mount of the Sun most romi-
of the especially
_xgt-Disease eyes,
with a star at the root of the third finger.

Deafness.-A Venusian-Saturnian sub-

ject. Fine Lines of

Heart, Fate and the Sun.
Several d ots on the
Line of Head. A line
from the Upper Mount
of Mars to the Mount
of Jupiter, cutting deeply A cross on a wa Line where it forms
into the Main Lines. A
a side of the Trian le-Fatal accident;
cross in the Quadrangle
generally to the head.
under the Mount of

"Seen in the hand of a distinguished painter,
a lady, cruelly affected with deafness. She
had had difiiculties in childbearing, and,
after that, her tendency to deafness had

grown until she heard almost nothing; Des-

barrolles considered the Line from the Upper -nl _
Mount of Mars to the Mount of jupiter as

the marking of this inlirmity in conjunction

with the dots on the Line of Head."

f L
qo lung. . 'run um: OF HEAD. .Tl

AcrossonabranchoftheLinetermi~ A star where the Line meets the Lille


attherootoftzheiirstfin er- of Liver-Danger in childbearing. or

Thwarted ambition. sterility.


ALine s strai ht from the Line Projected Guilty Intrigue Threatened to

Ind in a Gataatrophs
and terminatin in a cross on the Mount
-A very straight and
of u 'ter in a r hand-Calamity
deep Line of Influence
coming. starting from an island
on the Mount of Venus
cuts a star on the Line
of Life at 30, and ends
at the Percussion of

Mars after cutting_a
star at the connection of E

the Lines of Head and the Sun. A double
Girdle of Venue. A Line of Fate stopped
I short
I by the above Line of Induence, and
regained only after 40.
A cross on the Line, the latter sto "A handsome woman consulted Des-
' Line of Fate, with barrolles, who told her she was about
a Line of Heart also st in there ab- giving way to a hysterical and guilty love
death. which would end in a terrible caastropbe
2&ly-Premature in which her good name, her future and
even her reason would become involved.
She acknowledged that she could not resist
the temptation to abandon an excellent hus-
band for the sake of a very young man who,
up to that time, knew nothing oi her pas-

/1| sion for him."

A star on the Line-A wound in the

head. If re cated in both hands-The ltr

wound will prove fatal. |0


Sloninv into the Mount of the Moon

fl t
fit of
Often, suicide by drowning in
Sloping' almost or uite io the Rao-

Sign. THE LINE OF HEAD. llpl. ey

cette and terminatin in a cross or star of h¢ illlbii-SS U hid obtained I 157953

and wasgradually regaining his 10000.
through deep studies, that led him th' he-»
come a distinguished inventor."

Temponry Innnity clilld by I. Batt

LUV!-A nornlml Line
of I-lead, widel forked
at the termination. A
in Line of Induence from
an island on the Mount
of Venus shows a deep
black dot as it reaches
the Line of Heart on its
-Brilliant fortune.
way to joining a sloping
This is so essentially traditional, that, Line of Union. A line
inspite of Desbarrolles, I insert this read- connects this black dot with a Stat at the
of the u er ron of the Line of Head.
ing regretfully.
Loss oi' Denon Through a Love Borrow. "Sometime before _go a young man suffered
-In the Left Hand a deeply in his love for a married woman. His
sl in Line of Head; grief acted for a while on his brain. The fork
on that line, under the at the termination oi the Line of Head indi-

Mount of the Sun. a cates how easily he was deceived."

star connected with the _

Mount of Venus by a

Line of Influence cut-

ting an upw-ard branch

of the Line of Life. 1,1

From that star an

elongated island stretch-

ed itself up to the Mount
of Mercimry. In the
if '

right hand, at the same

date, a Line of Influence A short Line. with a ron of a fork

from the Mount of
at its start, endi in a star on the
Venus, cutting an up-
Mount of u iter-Fatal pride;
ward branch of the '
of curved
l if it connects with the Line of
Line Life,
upward, the Fate.
cutting _

sl in Line of Head under the Mount of By "fatal pride" is meant such a lofty
Saturn. in the midst of a number of confused idea of oneself as will cause one to risk
From that confusion started the
_ same
almost anything rather than to "give in"
elongated island reaching to the Mount of
and acknowledge one beaten.
A branch of the Line ascendin to the
"The subject had grown insane from the
sorrow due to the evil doings of his wife-
root of the first tin er and endin in a

a Mereurian, as seen by the terminating point

1 ` J
um. -ras uma or HEAD. im

the Moon-Lymphatic °°'Y°l'!#~IntheRightI-IandaLineofthe9un

was starred on a Line
oi Head that crossed
the vihole hand; then
it started again in line
shape up to the Mount of
the Sun. In the Lett
Hand at the same spot
a cross on the Line of
Head was surrounded
by a
ssunrez the Line
of the Sun was superb.
"Seen in the hand of an American author
Islanded-Brain trouble resulting of great reputation whom overwork and ex-
from intellectual overwork or dissipa-
cess of smoking had brought to the verge
tion. of paresis. A total change of habits and a
Islanded, and with lon , curved. brit- long European trip had saved him from the
tle, often fluted nails-Consumption or threatened disaster."

at least great delicacy of the respiratory SPECIAL 0B8EBVL.'.l.'I0¥»

Accom anied by a sister Line (v
A verv lar island at the termination

-Severe intestinal trouble.

The student must remember that in-
testinal troubles are usually marked on

the lower art of the U er Mount of

IAQ and u er art of the Mount

of the Moon; hence the above reading.
(See Cha ter on Signs on Mounts, page
113.) .

The two sister lines must be quite dis-

tinct and not consist simply of the line
v/ ' '
I split in two, lengthwise; as this would be

I( ' '
a most serious prognostic of insanity.
| '

I wish to supplement this chapter by
to it
adding £12 very interesting obser-
Runnin throu h a uare-The in- vations of abnormal Lines of Head,
telligence of the subject saves him from gathered by Desbarrolles and never, to
the worst consequences of a grave acci- my knowledge, presented to the English-
dent or misfortune. speaking public:

J _J . J
þÿ ¬,

Dlreetlnn. THE LINE OF HEART. (Hilti. sa"

Il. GI-Ill#-|-'§»
By Itself.
Absent-Extreme coldness, physics!
and moral;selhshness; boundless ava-

rice; with other s, such as a

nent U Mount of Mars-Cruelty;

also hemorrhage. If it has faded awa

-The heart has grown hard through

disappointment in love.
rangle, and with a rominent Mount of
This you can only judge, of course, if
selfish you have had a former occasion of ex-
Imagination added to a mean,
amining the hand of the
subject, or may
disposition induces lying.
depend on his declaration in that respect.
The lon er it is and the farther into
the Mount of u iter it starts from-The

stronger and the more idealistic the love.

Lon . clear and well traced-Lasting
~|l affection.

2. Color: Width: Depth.

red-Violence in affairs of the
A dangerous person to bein love with.
Sinkin toward the Line of Head, as
Livid or ellow-Liver troubles.
above. the latter connected too lon at
This all the Lines in the
applies to
its start with the Line of Life-StiEness is livid and
hand; in fact, when one yel-
and formality in manner and disposition. low, they all show the same hue; it is not

always the case with red lines.

1 Y

' '


Sinkin toward the Line of Head. as An unusuall dee Line-Danger of

above, with a oor, wa Line of Liver apoplexy

_.Asthma, Hay fever. The depth oi a Line, when abnormal.

e J
Character. THE LINE or HEART. cm-ma. 9,
i 1

weak first halanx ofthe thumb-Incotb

stancy; wayward loving disposition.

A ood line with a d Line of Head
and a Trian e near the termination of a.

cl Line of Life-Tact.

ii ' Kindness of heart and brains are the

necessary elements of tact.

The Tobacco Haart.-In a very much rayed

and cross-rayed hand, a
Line of Head separated /
from the Line of Lite
and eut up in
of short fragments.
a number

»u gr

ve or Line of Heart. (2,

a e

A double Girdle of Ve-

¢"¢ ,
A r line, with a r Line of Head
"The abuse of tobacco
_ /L 41: and a trian le toward the termination of
2 i the Line of Life-Unkindness in
smoking had rendered speech;
the subject wretchedly nervous and almost foolish, harmful gossip. (See above.)
hysterical. His memory as well as his will A well develo ed Line with some-
power had vanished and the action of his
what exa crate Mounts of Venus and
heart was gravely injured by this excess of
the Moon-Romantic disposition.
A man or woman who loves with the
b. In combination with other indica- not the senses.

Well traced and laced, with a stron

first halanx of the thumb-Constancy. |

' I
Fidelity needs will power if it is to last.
Well traced and laced, but with a . l


Verv long, with a rominent or much

lined Mount of the Moon and a clearl

[I '
marked Girdle of Venus-Almost insane

jealousy, generally of a physical nature

and often without cause, since imagina-
tion, not common sense, rules over it.

J 4'
swung nun. 'run LINE or Hunr. nu-us; rum. sw

Chained or lv traced, with a simi-

lar Line of Head and a Mount of Venus,
either exa crate or covered with man
' .

cross-lines-Constant flirtations or even ,

guilty intrigues.
.fl _
no trace of sensuality if not contradicted

l b other indications
This is
tion of a
again somewhat the
good thing.


Chained at its intersection with the

Line of Fate-Love trouble (or heart i

disease) having interfered with the sub-

ject's career.


1/ 'f

Startin from the center of the Mount

of u iter. es eciall when forked-The

highest type of love-pure, deep, stead-

' I

Startin from inside the third
of the first fin er-Lack of success
in all
J I .

The principlejs that whenever a main
line penetrates ahnger, its best qualities
turn into defects. We have seen that this Com letel encirclin the Mount of
is the case with all exaggerations, in the npiter, at the start-Jealousy, more

shape of
tingers, mounts, etc. ideal than sensual in its character, if
Starting from far u into the Mount of hand is otherwise ood. Under the
upitcr and forkless-Ideal love, with name of Solomon's Rin it is held to dc-

Al K

lasting' lainie. THE LINE or HEART. sums; num. sy

Self-deception (quite important). Forkedatthestarhwithone , "to

Forked at the start, one ron to the the Mount at 'ter and the other to
Mount of u °ter, the other to between the Mount of Saturn-Fanaticism.
the first and second tin ers-A great More usually had errors in the pursuit of
home-loving nature, who will receive, in happiness through love.
retum, the same kind of aHection and The idea of fanaticism is
explained by
happiness. the whole force of the subject's loving
I consider this the most satisfactory power being absorbed in the religious
start for the Line of Heart. ideal represented by the Mount of Jupi-
Forlced at the start, one ron ascend- ter, but rendered gloomy and dangerous
in between the first and second fin ers, by the influence of the Mount of Saturn.
the other ron 'ust touchin a ood The same Mount will also cause the fail-
Mount of iter, with an insi iiicant ure of cherished love affairs.

Mount of the Moon-Negative happi-

ness. (See above.)
nuigmuun Due to naugmu n¢u¢._
All the ingcrs of the .

hand smooth and square

tipped, except the first
Bnger, which
much pointed.
of Heart started with
was very
The Line
'¢l{ pl I
much elon ted fork, the

prongs forming almost Short and startin from under the

an island and united al- ,i
Mount of Saturn without forks-Prexnr
most under the Mount of
ture death. Still more ominous if there
the Sun. A star at the very beginning of the
Line of Life. is a cross at the center of a rather short
"The subject had suffered from the conse- Line of Head.
quences of a family fatality occurring in
his early childhood.
He had Gnally placed
his whole happiness in his faith in a higher
and better world."

I 1 ,t


u Forked at the start. with

the Line of Head at its start reachi
a fork from

down into the Lower Mount of Mars-

Separation resulting in marriage.

t I

Randal. THELINEOFHRART. ll\il»3x

` '

A ig;
es iall inthemiddle andbothlines enter-in the iourth -Accident
branchlessf-Life deprived oi afections. crippling the gubjgq,
, A Wound Insulting ll tho Glpplhg al
I Ill'-A line from the
Line oi eart
en '

into the third lxalanx of


the ionrth er

ending there in a kind of


/4 ,
hook. A good Mercury
means line
indicates lack of agility.
~ . "A child was crippled
in the leg by an acci- -3;
Downward branches-Disappoinb dent."

ments caused by loved ones.

A wavy branch down to the Mount of

Lines dr in from the Line into the gli/I_°2=-Mvfdefvvs di=P°¢ifi°n-

uadran le, if under the Mount of the' (EXtf¢m¢l)' 5¢3`C¢~) I


seldom of much use to

the subject. In an other lace-

Friends oi the subject causing him trou-


similar to preceding indication.
of the Heart.-A number of ,4 _,f/
minute e endicular
lines comin down from

the Line of Heart and . -

°°<li"S °" °f "W *M ' °

Two ndicular lines dro in
Line of Head. strai ht from a r Line of Heart into
"This serious heart
the Mount of the Moon-Death by apo-
trouble was discovered
in an hand of 2 change P°"Y-
who died ffom The result of a defective circulation
,,01;¢;¢;,,, `-Q '
n." and an ovcrwrought nervous system.

lrdkl. THE LINE OF HEART. dannntlams. sg;

right hand the of

Lines '
Life. Head and Heart LIIIII.
were 'oined at the start. .

a. Direetl .

"Seen in the hands of - '

a young man. a con-

sumplive, who sudered,

and died suddenly from
a grave hypertrophy of
the heart."
Broken under the Mount of Mercu
-Love affair broken 05 on account of
the avaricious disposition of the subject.

oined with the Lines of Head and

Life at the start with (or without) a cross

in the middle of the Line of Head-Sud-

den death (if re cated in both hands).

This must not be read "premature

death," but simply as meaning that when

death will come it will be "without

waming." There is great chance, haw-

ever, of its being accidental or violent
In a eneral way-Love of money rul-
death. The date is usually found on the
ing over the affections. In matters of
Line oi Life or on the Line of Fate.
health -
Liver t r 0 u bl e s
gravely with the action of the heart.

all '

oined with the Lines of Life and

In the above observations, whenever, Head at the start. with one ron of a

instead of a clean break or gap, the two fork of the Line formin a Saint An-

fragments are overlayin each other, the drew's cross with a short bar on the
lovers shall be probably reunited, 2' Lower Mount of npiter-A love affair
eciallv if the break exists onl in one bringing with it much sorrow, loss, or

trouble, even unto death.


Connections. THE LINE OF HEART. °°ll¢W'l|~

pected happiness, due to the intense de~

votion of the loved one.

The intensity of this affection gener-

ally prognosticates a fatal reaction com-




A line from the line to the Line of
Fate. the latter bein
course-Vidowhood or
in its
or death of a dear one not a relative.

The place on the Line of Fate where

date of b. Bv Minor Lines.
the break occurs will give the
the bereavement. It is supposed that the Connectin Lines between the Line
loss of the dear one has caused a serious, and the Line of Life-Illnesses caused
material change in the subject's pros-

/ J


Branches from the Line of Fate either by sorrows due to disappointed

ascending to the Line without touchin love or by a defective working of the
it-Love affairs not ending in marriage. heart.
lv' they touch it-The unions are com- oined to the Line of Head hy a Line

plcted: if they cut it-The unions will be starting from the latter-Fatal infatua-

very unfortunate. (See final sub-heading tion. If the hand shows no sensual
in Chapter on the Line of Fate.) tendency, but with a hi h Mount of

sqm. 'ms LINE OP HEART. lignl. 357

cording to the Mount above the white Businesa failure.

dot. (See pages 122-138, for any min- Crosses on the line at the intersection
ute Descri tion of T s.)
A deep dot on the Line under the
Mount of the Sun-Love sorrow or

trouble caused by some celebrated per-

son and which is harmful to the subject's

of the lines of Heart and Fate-Pecun-

iary troubles, due to love matters.

A de dot on the Line under the
'Mount of Mercu -Love sorrow or
lr! ,

trouble caused the subject by a doctor, 2

scientist, or business man. With a poor,
or wavy Line of Liver-Heart palpita-
tion coming from a poor digestion. A Star at the end of a branch of the
Line oin down into the Mount of the

Moon-Hereditary madness of the

erotic form.


' l .

A lon red scar (elongated dot) on the

Line-Danger of apoplexy.
-lillhck or bluish dots-Grave malarial A circle on the Line-Weakness of
fever. Seen also in hands of subjects the Heart. Under the Mount of the Sun
threatened with inflammatory rheuma- -Trouble with the eyesight.
tism. A square on or close to the Line-
Cut under the Mount of Mercu b Preservation from physical harm, or

a branch of a cross on that Mount- love sorrow.

Position. THE GIRDLE OF VENUS. Gllnllht.

Cha ter on the Line of Head, and earlier, of Venus an Mount io! the
in my Part III. on the Mounts, an ex- Moon and a red Line of Mars--Prodi-»
aggerate or much lined Mount of the gacy of the worst kind; must be es-

Moon, as well as a Line of Head sloping pecially watched in young people's

deep into that Mount are not absolutely hands.
unfavorable symptoms, whenever the II. UIAIAUIII.
general temperament and tendencies of V d andoftenred,andcu

the subject are such as to reveal an es- throu h the Lines of Fate and the Sim
pecially gifted. artistic or poetical na- as if to obliterate their best characteris-
ture. In such beings' hands, the Girdle intellect of
_gs-The the subject is
of Venus itself might be read-as the his vicious tenden-
gravely inpaired by
above markings would be-as the reve- cies and his career will sulier grievously
lation of this most acutely delicate nerv- from the same sad cause.
ous sensibility which one expects to
meet with in those rare and select geni-

uses that bring to the world its most ex-

quisite delights in the guise of poem,

song, painting, statuary. Then and then
only, I repeat it, may the dreaded hys-
teria those indications so clearly denote
be made to read as the extraordinary
cerebral erethism indispensable to the

conceiving and begetting of immortal Ver thin and cut b -not cuttin
masterpieces. stron and ood Lines of Fate and the
love and talent for literature,
Normal: Starts from between the art, etc.; this supposes the hand in gen-
eral to be a good one.
Hyltorleal Inlllity.-A very short thltmb.
A Line of Head sloping
deep into the Mount of
the Moon, where it ends
in A

a star. big cross

under that star. An- -

other star on the same

Mount connected by a
' v
forked line with the
. X
Line of Life. Straight
first and second fin ers and ends between ':`
and deep Lines ol' Fate
the third and fourth lin rs. In a bad
and Liver, the former entering into the sec-
hand indicatin a vicious dis sition. ond finger. A double irdle of Venus.
that is. with a hi h or much ra ed Mount "A young woman suffering from the mono-
Direction. THE LINES OF UNION. D!-l'68§0!l» 55

riages, it is to the better element oi' the to a reading very similar to the old in-
British palrnistic world that we owe the terpretation of Marriage. But remem-
discovery of those Lines of Inliuence- ber,thismustbe,asfaraspossible, the
from the Mount oi the Moon erall conirmation of an event discovered else-
-which indicate in connection with the where in the hand. And I add: this will
Line of Fate-and sometimes the Line be especially the casein women's hands.
of the Sun-the most important among In men's hands, the Lines of Union often
these Unions, be they marriage or not. constitute the sole indications of attach-
I shall have occasion, in ments that really left their marks in the
my very next
brain-and consequently in his
chapter, to describe those Lines of In- subject's
fluence from the Mount of the Moon and P°lm~ .

to indicate their proper value in all such I. P@I'.l»'I0l'll'DD§'!I0l.

serious love atiairs as affect one's ex- '

Normal: Cu the Percussion

Suffice it to say here, that the Lines of
Union, on the Percussion of the Mount
of Mercury, have been dethroned from
their exclusive, prominent position as
recorders oflegal bonds, and are to be
considered only as confirmations of what
the Lines of Fate and the Sun and their
Lines of Iniiuence shall have previously
revealed to us. As such they are decid- horizontall between the Line of Heart
edly useful, and I may add that, even by and the base of the Fourth Fin and
themselves, they are, by no means as er- netratin not ver d ) into the

ror-breeding as it has become almost a Mount of Mercu .

fashion to believe them to be, especially Of course the design cannot show
if we are satisfied to read them as Lines the exact position of the Lines of Union.

of Attachment, not marria e. The lon er the Line~The longer the

However, in the following observa- Union, be it marriage or liaison. It is

tions, the student will find much valu-
able and reliable information concerning
those Lines, somewhat based on the old

principles; but let it be understood that

the interpretation therein given applies

exclusively to very clearly marked Lines

of l`nion. In fact, I am bound to :EE
that a long and deep Line off Union, in
an otherwise excellent hand, is entitled

.L_ .1
mummuoa. rm; Lnuas or UNION. m-mms. .sy

long sojourn of one of the united parties

in a foreign country away from the

other, such a period of separation having

proved quite painful and left its mark on

that account.
s |


| 0
Terminatin at the Line of the Sun; . .

Venus, in the left hand onl -Intended

divorce; in both hands-The divorce has
taken place.

if it does not cut it-A union with a per~
son either famous very rich. If it

cuts it-The union will be a mesalliance.

Generally the same indication is

marked in the hand when the Line of In-
fluence from the Line of Life or the

Il Mount of Venus comes up and merges

into a drooping Line of Union. (See
Lines of Influence, pp. 172-x93.)

An u ard branch touc the

The Line forked at its termination- /

Separation not caused by the fault of the

subject in whose hand the fork is found,
but by the other party's fault.
The Line terminatin in a fork, one

rong of which droops toward the Line

of Heart-Divorce in favor of the sub-

ject in whose hand the fork is found.

The Line dr in and terminating.
dee and clear u on the Mount of Mount of the Sun-A brilliant Union.
Starting Points. V
THE LINE OF FATE. ltntdng Palltl. an

Sta from the Line of Life-Suc-

cess due to the subje,ct's own efforts, but
with a fair start from his own people.
With the Mounts of u iter and Venus
ol' benevolence be-
develiped-A spirit
coming the prime mover in the subject's
life work.

Startin from the first bracelet oi the
Rascette and endin at the Line of
Heart-Serious love troubles all through
life. Also in a had hand coniirmin
Startin strai
of the Rascette and
from the first bracelet
netratin into the
'l .

third halanx of the second in er-An Runnin close to the Line of Life for
a while. but distinct from it-The sub-
ject's life is influenced by relatives, for
the eriod durin which the Line is;
close to the Line of Life, said 'od

measured and dated on the Line of Fate.


l Q


extraordinary destiny; whether for good

or evil the other signs in the hands will

tell. 'I`he strongest evidence of "fatal-

ity" in one's hand.

perhaps the only indication in the

It is
Startin inside the Mount of Venus-
hand which the will-power of the sub-
The family of the subject ruled his career.
ject seems incapable to triumph over.

| U . U U |

; e Q


., M
had been divorce or separation between
th' °

:Ee P"f°;'" gf subjfct'

p9"°55'°n xzgmnfug'
As (page 1 ta), these horizontal
we saw
W gmt °' ° ° ° °

lines by themselves are already to be read



' '

t ' '
A 3 s

l ' ` ' '

>g_____;;;,} Forked nite widel at the start with

into the Mount of Venus and

one pron
Starting from inside the Quadran le-
the other into the Mount of the Moon
Great difficulties in middle life; some-
in that case the Line starts at about I8
times (but rarely) a prognostic of im-
or 20 years old)-Struggle success
incited by some great love but handi-
capped by a wild imagination. If the
Line is and lon -Everything will
come out well. Otherwise, this fork will
° ` ` `

bring about disaster.


\l _ '_ '
Startin from the Mount of the Moon

I I' .

Forked at the start-Influence of a

' ' '
non-relative; if the line started low down
in the hand-Often the of 0 ' '
sign adoption
in early life, es ecially if one ron oes
d ¢ ¢ ,

deep into the Mount of Venus.

' ' '
I have repeatedly met this fork low
down in the hand in cases where there and terminatin at the Line of Heart-

Termination THE LINE OF FATE. Tumllliiol. Us

mentality; imagination interfering than herself and who died insane. Her whole
with the of the existencerwaa ruined by this
marrisaemnd his
gravely possible success
death, es the inherited nothing from him."
subject in his career.
Terminatin abruptly at the Line of <

Head in both hands-Misiortunes

through errors in judgment. f

Q .

Terminatin on the Mount oi u iter,

if the Line is ood-Success .li every-

'sv thing; often brilliant marriage.
Poorl formed and Terminatin at the

Line of Head with a r Line of Life-

Misfortunes will be due to a deranged

| I

I e 0


the Mount of Me-r~

Terminating on

cury in both hands-Success in business.

Take care not to mistake a good Line
of Liver for the above described Line of

the Line of Heart with Fate, or vice versa.

Terminating at
Intottlnll Trouble.-The medical stig-
an exa crate or much lined Mount of
mata on the Mount of
Saturn-Persistent despondency caused
Mercury crossed by a .

by love troubles; will often culminate in deep horizontal bar. A

insane morbidity. line Line of Fate forked
Unfortunate Earrings of n Young Wo- before reachinr the Line
man with an Old of Head, both prongs
Im--A Line oi Inlin- stopped short. The
ence frorn a star on the Line of Head ended in a

Mount of Venus to a star very large island. A 1-15


the Line of Head. Line of Indnence-that

Line of Fate sto in might be called more justly a second Line of
abru tl when it meets Fate--started from the Middle Mount of the
that Line.
Moon end went up to the Mount of Saturn,
"A young woman lost where it terminated in a fork.
a husband much older "Seen in the hands of a physician whose

.li L J
Brush. THE LINE OF FATE. Intl! sl;

0 ,

when they happen, may not prove fatal

even really disastroifs for the the deficiencies of the Line.
or subject.
Forked, one ron arisin from the
uno Relative.-The 7 Mount of the Moon, and the Line itself
thirdfinger abnormally broken °ust where the fork ends-Dan-
long (not shown in the danger of
ger of death by drowning or
design). A Line of Fate,
unfaithfulness on the part of a loved one.
otherwise line entirel
The Mount of the Moon is always
absent between 28 and
From a star on the compared by Desbarrolles to the briny
Mount of Venus starts deep with its constant changes and
a Line of Induence, end- treacherous attractions.
ing in a star at the con-

nection of the Line of Head with a very Sne

Line of the Sun.
"The subject was an inveterate gambler.
He had lost all he had, when the death of a .
relative, who was confined at the time in an
1 |
, ,
insane asylum, placed in his possession at
35 :mother large lortune. From that time he
dropped his bad habits and started on a pros-
.fr _

¢ . ,

perous. reputable career."

Broken inside the Quadrangle, and

startin 'n from the Line of Heart-
A much compromised position or for-
tune will be retrieved, by.the assistance

of one of the opposite sex.

tme if the hand contains a ood Line of
the Sun.
As told above, a good Line of the Sun
corrects the defects of a poor Line of
Broken and cut b many bars-Suc- Fate.
cession of unfortunate occurrences. Broken and wa -Ill health from an

A ve good Mount of Saturn and a abuse of some kind of pleasure. the na-

well sha d second fin er may cover up ture of which is easily discovered in the

sl ;
Gsnnoetionl. TH E LINE OF FATE. "Ill 985

Family sorrows; as many lines of the injure the subjeet's worldly and inancial
kind, as many great sorrows. prospects; ve often read accurate! as

widowhood or widowerhood at the date
the Line of Fate islcut, or at the date of a,
corres ndin breakrin the Line.

0 o

A dee line from the base of the Mount

of Venus to the Line--Violent amorous
passion. Should a second line act as is
sister line to this one-Ungovernable De Lines from the Line of Head cut-
passion reaching happiness over great ting the Line-Financial troubles due to
obstacles; whether for a long time or'not lawsuits; or unsuccessful issue of one's
remains to be discovered elsewhere. artistic or literary efforts.
These two readings really belong to

the Chapter on the Lines of Influence
Numerous bars crossin the Line on
from the Mounts of Venus and the Line
of Life. (pp. 172-193.)

.sl the Mount of Satum-Obstacles con-

stantly arising to mar the subject's life-

D lines from the Line of Heart cut- If the Line has been ood otherwise,
ting the Line--Painful love affairs will those obstacles will only arise late in life.
Remember that many of these impor-
tant rmdings have a general application

and are not limited to the period of the

subject's life inclosed within that portion

of the Line. This is especially true of
such indications as are found at the

starting point of the Line of Life and the

termination of the Lines of Fate and the

Sigue. THE LINE OF FATE. lil!! 237
sumed about the same time and ending Gnely. lon well devel irst
. halanges, es-
Two Lines of Induence cutting the Lines of iall the first halanx of the lint th:-
Life, Fate, Head and the Sun.
derived from religious
"A man having suiered from yellow fever; QT-Consolation
he lost ive children. His parents lost their
fortune when he was quite young. Himself In eneral. a cross near the Line, be-
was ruined financially at 25, and suiered great tween it and the Line of Life-An event
losses at 33 and z5." that will affect a rclative's life or com-
Adventurous (Janet in Wild mlluil
Buainaan Involving'
Many 1!.i|k:.»-Spatn-
late lingers; third Eager
almost as long as the
s e c o n d; exaggerate
Mount oi the Moon;
sloping Line ol
cross on

Fate before
the Line

"A young man, after

heavy losses at ao, begins a career of dan-

A star or stars on the Line-Danger
gerous travels-many across the seas; visits
wild regions and does business with savages; and generally disaster at the date thus
hates the humdrum ol home, store or oice." marked on the Line.

f ' A 1


' s c

A cross attached to the Line inside the

uadran le with smooth lin ers and A star at the startin point of the Line

-Loss of fortune or oth g. t trouble

happening to the parents e subject
when he was still a child. V5/ith another
star onthe Mount of Venus-One of the
| parents will have died about that timet

»v/ f I Of


the Line, 'in that case,
have started low down in the

A star at the termination of the Line
on the Mount of Satum-Misfomme

USN- THE LINE on FATE lilll- sag

tempted to poison her out of shes: imlonly.

reotness of certain presentiments."
s s I
The nlllldll lull of HQ! Iltllh
Usnsss a 1?-Yssr-0111
s g s
Youngilrl to Loss lsr
Ilsnos-»-A mr st
on an otherwise line
Line of Fate. A Line of
Inlluence starting from
This is Desbarrolles' invariable read-
the Mount of Venus and
ing, great many illustrations of which
reaching straight Line

are scattered through this work. I will of Union quite low

admit, however-with many excellent dovm in the space he-
tween the Line of Heart and the third pha-
British palmists-that this island on the
lanx of the fourth inger.
Line of Fate is to be interpreted as heavy
"A lady of rank and wealth had been given
loss of money or position whenever the
tout-ensemble of both hands and the
cause, when she was 17, her parents had lost
general type of the
subject protest their whole fortune."
against the very idea of his committing mnxoravuuuruvsanmmmaugn
the Discovery of An-
any breach of the seventh command-
other Intrigue.-Two
Lines of Inhueuce from
Presentimentm-A Lunar Subject. A
the Mount of Venus cut
sloping Line of Head
the Line of Life at live
szarrcd over a bluish spot
years' distance, uniting
just after it had crossed
in a star on s Line of
the Line of Fate.

_Zig Fate which terminates

said Line of Fate with u .

big island from 2 to right ¥
"The discovery by s
ending in a star at the
desirable and wealthy lover of the existence
connection of the Line
ol Heart and ol a pro-
of another accepted admirer of his sweetheart
1' brings about a break, which ruins the pros-
longed Line of Union.
pects ol the lady whose hand contained the
A fine Line of Intuition.
above markings."
"A lady had felt an extraordinary, un-

explainable antipathy for a man introduced

to her by her husbmd. The latter had in-
sisted that she should welcome his friend,
and the latter had gradually obtained s sort

of mesrneric influence over the woman, linally

culminating in guilty intrigue between

them. This was bound to end fatally, and

in fact she was deadly afraid of her lover,
but dared not leave him; he had once at-

.I n

sign. 'rua LINE or rxrs. lieu- sn

at the dot, by a Line of Induence starting

from a star on the Mount of Venus and end-

ing in a star at the connection of

Head and the Line of the Sun.
the Line of
A Line of
Intluence from the lower Mount of the Hoon

" l'
merges into the
Line of Fate at the black
ull : 'J


1? heavy Enancial loss, or other very serious


An island across the Line between the

Mount of Venus and the Line of Heart,
the island endin in a fork-Divorce, re-

sulting from the fact of the subject lead-

ing astray an innocent girl.
A triangle between the Line and the A s uare on a Line of Fate which en-

Line of Life, touchin the Line within ters into the third halanx of the sec-

ond the square protects

the subject from the disastrous possibili-
ties indicated by the Line thus penetrat-
ing into the finger.
A square touching the Line within the
` Trian le; if on the side towards the

\ Mount of Venus-Danger
dent in home life. If on
from an

the side toward


the Mount of the Moon-Danger from

an accident in travel.
the Triangle with
strong! marked
Mounts ol' Mars-Fi or duel; or mili-

tary success, at the date indicated.

Again the strange and powerful in-
fluence of the nervous center within the I I

hollow of the hand shows itself most

actively. This is studied in another (
chapter further on.
A square-Preservation from some

Linea of inhuman. THE LIN E OF FATE una at Imaam. sg;

Should it rise toward the Line but not

touch it-The love affair will not termi-
nate in a marriage. Es eciall so if there
is no Line of Union on the Percussion of I ' |

the Mount of Merci: .

:lf . ,

O |


A branch from a Line of Influence

from the Mount of the Moon to the Line
of Fate, the said branch almost, or nite.

Should it be clearer and stron er than

the Line of Fate in which it mer es-The

subject will be ruled over by the person

he marries.

O g .

reaching the Mount of the Sun-A very

1 line indication of fame and fortune, re-

M sulting from the marriage thus prognos~

ticated; es eciall so if there exist on the

An influence Line from the Mount of

the Moon mer 'n into the Line, but cut,
before it reaches the Line, b a Line of
Influence from the Mount of Venus-

lfamily opposition to the subject's mar-

A n island on a Line of Influence from
the Mount of the Moon to the Line-
Misfortune to the subject resulting from Mount of iter of the same hand a

thc union indicated by the Line of Influ- cross and star. distinct and connected.


li I
"'- _-- Y


&l1'l¢¢¢¥. THE LINE OF TI-IE SUN. @ll'l&» |93

II. GRLBLOTII. ferentsubject and with other indications,

By Itself. mostly chiromantic or resulting from the
study of the Mounts.
Lengh. Well formed in both hands-Success
Absent-Ill-success in projects and of the most
that would
complete kind.
enterprises bring great
Wag-Lack of eoncentrative power.
riches and reputation only suc-
if-t\ey Often bad taste.

With particularl line Line of Fate,

a 2. Color: Width: D h.
thisdiscouraging prognostic would be uite red. if strai ht and lon -Strong
materially minimized. However, I must artistic vocation. e

admit, that the total absence of a Line of

Very broad-Lack of power of con-
the Sun, in an otherwise excellent hand,
is generally an omen of very modest suc- Pale or sim l rl colored-Artir
cess, out of proportion with one's ambi-
tic aptitudes, but insutlicient powers of
tion and hopes.
execution; the Line."
Lon and uncrossed-Riches. Un- ¢|1~A`l¥3f¢Ilf'8
sullied reputation. Sometimes fame.

Strai ht and
Mount of the
es cially
s on

as an
vital force in the
dee , es ecially

practice of one's talents.

in the output of

ist; protection of the great; calm security This will infallibly lead to paralysis or
in the knowledge of one's own talents.
serious, probably fatal, heart trouble.
Thesereadings are not often cumula-
tive; they have to be read each for a dif- . Malformation.

f f
U ¢



°l'l¢Nf- THE LINE OF THE SUN. ltlrtlllf RHS" ag
A Line with ood Line of Fate
and a h Mount of u 'ter-The com- bler, be he in front ofthe green cloth or
bination of a bright mind and a combat- around the wheat pit of the Board of
ive nature. Ambition satisfied. Trade.
Dee l traced. with a Mount of u -
A fairl line in a hollow band-
iter hi in both
hands--Friendship of It be e§ective in the
ceases to helping
people in high position. Lofty domi- subject to fame and fortune.
neering spirit. The type of a Louis XIV. An abnormall low Palm is a

of France, majestic and loud of outward grievous sign of persistent iIl~luclt. It

pomp. means great, inborn discouragemeut in-
capable of "lighting to a iinish" the battle
of life. (See page 39.)
A strai t line with a hollow in and

l twisted lin Tal ts used for
purpose, but with miserable failure
inevitable end.


Clever schemers will show such mal-
formations. To the fairly conversant

A od Line with a long' Line oi Head palmist such "crooks" are harmless, as

and a ve lon third lin -Talents ab- he reads their true natures in an instant.
sorbed in the acquisition of wealth by III. fI'1l'|.'~1§ PUIIK.
speculation. Startin from theLineofLifeinbotlt
I discovered these same characteristics
hands-Success in art or literature; bril-
in the hands of travelers in wild coun-

tries, especially in the Tropics.

liant fortune. The assistance of relatives
¥fm~n<l in both hands. with a slo in has helped the subjct considerably.
l me of Head and a third lin er almost. truer if the Line starts inside of the
if not Quite, as long as the second- Mount ol' Venus-The inspiration of
Gamhling propensities; love will guide the artist.
The sloping Line of Head denotes the This depends, of course, on the other-
mastery of imagination over reason, especially chirognomic-revelations. No-

ltntldng' Point. Tl-IE LINE OF THE SUN. 'la-ralnwlnn.. pjg
of lis Clin and ll¢k¢d fl!! qllitik ll! lld 1v_ m an m ` `

boisterous spirit for which his guild is fa- 1'.ll1' A!IOI'.

mous the world over."
Narrowd ssdmiigntmawniu-


'nl P/
° °

Startin from inside the Upper Mount

natin u the Mount of the Sun, un-
of Mars-Aggressiveness in the con-
crossed in both hands;-Success. To be
quest of fame or fortune.
read as a Line of Fate with the addition
Fatal Only Love.-A long and deep cross
of such other as pertain to
on the Mount of Venus.
Also a star on the same
the Mount of the Sun and the third En-
Mount, from which ger.
starts a deep Line of In-

fluence, crossing the

whole hand and forming `|
on the Mount of the fa"
Moon a cross with a

sloping Line of Head.



Another Line of lnllu- ls

_ .

ence, starting from the same star, reaches ,Q

deep into the Mount of Mercury. forming a

ss `

cross between the Mounts of the Sun and

Terminatin in a series of small lines
Mercury, with a curved line from the Per-
cussion of Mars to the Mount of the Sun.
when it reaches the Mount of the Sun-

The Line of the Sun stopped by and at this Failure, the nature of which is deter-
second Line of lnduence. A Line of Heart mined by other indications. In an artis-
forked the Mount of
Jupiter and ending
tic, lit , etc., hand-A sign of unsus~
quite straight around the Percussion. tained efforts toward success.
"A gentleman had grieved greatly on ac-

count of the death of

lady (a Mercurian)a

whom he had passionately loved (his only

love). The second cross indicates that this
sorrow had thrown him into
mysticism, even
to exaggeration (sloping Line of Head, cut
by the tirst Line of Influence) and
ger of insanity. His whole career was prac-
even dan-
lil '

tically stopped, wrecked by the death of the

loved one."

Breaks- THE LINE OF THE SUN. Oonnqsthu. pr


stron and clear to the to of the Mount

of the Sun.
Broken eatedl -Versatility that
Broken at the Line of Head and re-

sumed onl from the Line of Heart-

Chances of success or of acquiring
wealth very small indeed.
| a 1
l 0 1
| , _
Cut bv a Line of Union-Loss of p0-

brings neither money nor fame to the

This is the characteristics of the "]ack~
of-all-trades," met with in all professions.

Q ° ° '


sition due to unsuitable marriage, or to

a disgraceful entanglement.
U | .
'1`he good name oi the subject is un-
der a cloud.
Broken inside the uadran le, -

erall connected with the Mount of Ve-

b. Bv Minor Lines.
nus b an Influence Line, cuttin it- Touched but not cut b an Influence
Series of misfortunes (often due to one's Line from the Mount of Venus-Suc-
own people) in the struggle for recogni- cess after many struggles; money com-
tion; but final success, if the second ing; generally through the subject's own
fra ent of the Line rises strai ht, people.

I A ~
Oonneetlou. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Connections. pg

starts a Line of Influence, which is islanded Fate touchin not cutting) the Line-
before the Line reaches the Line of Head.
Partnership that will prove successful.
From that island the Line continues until it
If the Line or branch cuts the Line of
cuts the Line of the Sun and the Line of
"A wife, after the death of her husband,
had misused most of the fortune of ber young

children for the benefit oi her lover."

the Sun-Partnership that will prove

A Line or branch from the Line of

A Line or branch from the Line of

Head to the Line, not cuttin it-Pe- fn-

cuniary success due to the subject's in-


' Liver touchin (not cutting) the Line-

|' The artistic career of the subject much
assisted by his business ability. If this

telligence. If the Line cuts the Line of

the Sun-Pecuniary loss through a

blunder of the subject.

Line or branch cuts the Line of the Sun

-The cupidity of the subject will inter-
fere with his artistic career. Generally
loss of prestige, and probably money
A Line or branch from the Line of also.

BLSFI- llgillf-Nails
A tar on the Line. within the uad-

raugle-Catastrophe, followed, if the

rest of the Line be , by favorable
I events.
Disaster Due to the laniago of the lub-
joct'| Lover, But Bo-

pau-se by the Return
of tho Lover.-On the
Mount of Jupiter there
was both a cross and 3

star. one ray of the lat-


a deep

Union. At 30 Line of

L ,
Mount of Venus cut
Line of Life,


in a atar on

upward branch of 'ilu

the Line
ol the the from there
Sun, at same age;
arose an island lasting up to 40 years old.
Mount of Saturn-Pious disposition. Then the Line of the Sun rose clear and
A cross touchin the Line, if the end. Excellent Line of
to the
straight 'ate
Mount of Saturn and the Moon are bad from 30 up.
and the Line of Head sl es de l --
"The subject, lady, lost a rich and gener-

Danger of insanity of the religious kind. ous lover through his marriage to another
woman. He came back to her very soon,
however, and her short-lived trouble ceased."

More alarming still if there are two

crosses there instead of one.

A star at the termination of the Line-

Success due to the assistance and good
will of others.
For these readings ol crosses and stars
I refer you to page 102, although there
the signs are not supposed to touch the
Line. Still those readings are worth

Special. THE LINE OF THE SUN. #dit yy
---_.-.-».~...- ._ .


or rescue from attack against the sub- Lines of Influence ru for a while
ject's reputation; also against great alon the Line but not touchin it-
money loss.
Let me repeat here again, quite em-

phatically, that all the readings I gave

conceming the Line of ate apply to the
Line of the Sun, if the Line of Fate be |,.
1' ,
absent or insignificant; and that most of
these readings apply anyhow to the Line '

of the Sun. '


SPECIAL OBIIBVATIOIIB. Legacies. If the Line of Influence starts

on the Mount of the Moon-Expected
Two dee arallel lines, one at either
Legacies. If it starts from above the
side of a strai ht and dee Line of the'
Mount of the Moon-Unexpected lega-
cies. If it starts from tl1e Mount of Ve-

2-The legacy comes from a relative.

generally apply to the Line of the
Sun all the readings of the Lines of In-

-fl 2 3 -_ Huence in connection with the Line of

Fate. (See page .)
A Peculiar Square ot Preservation.-A
straight Line, of Fate
stopping within the

Quadrangle. A short
Sun-Glory; untold fortune. These are
Line of the Sun startin
the Lines ot' R utation. (See page Ioz.)
_ _


u from the Line of~


Head. Two Lines of

Influence at tive years'

distance, both starting

from stars on the Mount
of Venus. The

1 upper
one cuts the Line of Head at its connection

ff, 'w' .' '~ with the Line of Fate, and cuts also the Line
of the Sun: the lower one cuts the Line of
I-'ate and then the Line of Head iust where
the Line of the Sun starts. This combina-
tion forms perfect square.
.- good Line. but with'two wav . ir-
"At years' distance two large legacies
regular sister Lines of the Sun-Mis- had restored the compromised fortune of the
directed genius. subject, finally saving him from bankruptcy."

'J A

Now I feel no hesitation to admit that leth that sdmitsor rejects to

the Plain of Mars has to be studied the honors of Membership or Fellow

in connection with aggressive ship in the London So-
closely Chimcal
instead of forming a but in spite of the terrible fate in
courage whenever, ci§:
more or less marked hollow, it bulges store for those who decline to thus bow
in what might he justly called a threat- before the new-fangied Gesslcr's Cap,
ening fashion. I already called your I thought I would have my
attention to the fact that anatomically ward say on the matter, advienne que
this portion of the Palm contains a pourra. especially since the best of mod-
radiating center of nervous fibres and ern Fr ch Palmists, Dr. Papua, Mad-
numerous Pacinian Corpuscles. It is ame de Thebes, Marius Deerespe, etc.,
therefore a very excitable spot in the do me the honor of agreeing with me

hand and the Ancient Chiromants had on this point.

shrewdly discovered its peculiarities As space is somewhat valuable in this
when they gave the name of Cross of volume and I see no necessity for use-
Battle to the large cross met occasion- lessly repeating myself, I must refer you
ally at the very middle of the Palm. for the general Chirognomical observa-
But this admission on my part does not tions concerning the Plain of Mars or
in any way modify my definitions of Palm Proper to the Sixth Snbhead in
both Mounts of Mars, the One my Chapter on the Hand as a Whole.
so naturally placed between the clever page 39; in fact there are many details
Mount of Mercury and the dreamy concerning it included in the statements
Mount of the Moon, to help the first in contained in pp. 37 to 3g included. I
its conquest of worldly influence, to shall assume that those have been care-
protect the second against the excess of fully studied and remembered, and in-
its langorous laziness; the Lower One, troduce to you my readings of
between the Mount of Jupiter, whose '

ambition it strengthens by this secret of me ouwmmss.


success: Pcrsevcrance, and the Mount I. POSITION.

of Venus, whose loving instincts it com- Normal: ~

pletes by the gift of Constancy. If It occu ies the space between the
logic is ever to be listened to in the Line of Head and the Line of Heart,
study of the hand, I think this is the both bein normal, and between the
time to give it the right of way and to Mount of u iter and the U r Mount
accept its clear dicta, which are not in of Mars, neither of these Mounts in»

any way contrary to the intelligent read- eluded.

ing of Desbarrolles' declarations on the Well formed, smooth and free from
subject. I understand that this ques- lines-A calm, steady, loyal disposition.
tion of the Mounts of Mars is the shibo- By "lines" I mean a number of these

J 1' t
Olnrutor. THE QUADRANGLE. Ulurldn. gn

be more morbidly inclined than it is de- b. In Connection with Other Indications.

sirable he should be.
Narrow on account of the Line of
Head risin toward the Line of Heart-
Narrowmindedness. The feelings dom-
inate over reason and often cloud it.

| s

9 | l

Wide, with
good Line of Head and a

well-formed second phalanx of the thumb

Reasoning is here at its best; and truly
intelligent people can understand and ap-
preciate almost anything.
Narrow throu h the lowerin of the
Line of Heart toward the Line of Head

-Meanness; no generosity. The head

rules over the feelings. f
Badl traced, almost invisible at its
normal extremities-A weak or at least

a very ordinary intellect, and malig-


nant or at least a very cold disposition.

This can occur only*when the Lines of
Narrow and with a poor Line of Liver
Head and Heart are ve oorl traced
-Asthrna, Hay-fever.
-in itself an indication of a weak con-
The indication of some painful op-
stitution, and, as a rule, with a wretched
the character of these troubles
health goes a wretched temper.
is, as yet, imperfectly accounted for by
medical experts.
Narrow. with fin ers bendin inside
By the
@m-Stiffness in all intercourse

Bul 'n and well sha d-Fecundity.

Love of money for the sake of spending
it generously. /

Flat, i. e., level with the Mounts-Saw

ing disposition.
Hollow-Miserly disposition.
_I-lg'-Plenty of animal spirits. 1

Soft-Laziness; physical weakness. I

lieu me QUADRANGLE ugu. gl,

_'I' nl
_ ~ ~

the said person will exert on him. The

induence will be for good if the cross

does not extend to either the Line ol

Fate or the Line of the Sun.

Red dots.-Murder or serious wound.
The general character of the Hand
will tell whether the subject is to be the

guilty party or the victim.

White Dots-General weakening of
A tinelv sha ed St. Andrew's cross in
the system.
the uadran le beneath the Mount of

Saturn, touchin no main Line and with

a clear, correct Line of Intuition-Ap
titude for occult sciences. This is the
"Mvstic Cross."

tinct and
cross must

be absolutely dk-
from any main
line or branch of main lines. It must be
a beautifully designed marking all by
A cross in the Quadran le touchin itself. Hence it is extremely rare, al-
the Line of Heart--Inlluence of the op~

posits sex on the subject. Will be fa-

vorable if the cross does not touch either
the Line of Fate or the Line of the Sun.
A cross in the uadran le touchin

the Line of Head-The subject will ex-
ert in the matters of love or friendship

more influence on the other person than

.l` 1
Sign. THE QUADRANGLE. |||lIl~ 3:5

/' .

' ° '



A quick temper,
sguare-Extremely Should the Line of Heart run too
but a kind heart, if the Quadrangle is high through the Mounts. or the Line
normally shaped. of Head slope down, or rise in a curve
If it touches one of the Main Lines,
out of its normal position, the student
this square is to be read as a protection
must at once reconstitute in his mind's
against the imperfection of that particu-
lar line.



A troubles. eye, the Quadrangle as it ought to be,

and read accordingly the various indi-
cations-such as signs, etc., therein con-


|| ,

Three circles `oined to ther under a;

the Mount of Saturn-Epilepsy. u

A Grille.-Raving madness (with

other indications). Total absence of a uadran e; if it is
I should expect in this case a due to the non-existence of a Line of
wide uadran le, and very exaggerate
EE?-cold, hard nature; or, in a good
Mounts oi' Mars.
Epi-Poor action of the Heart.

J . J
Character- THE TRIANGLE. Ghuiebm 311

traced-Catalepsy. Of course we can follow this develop-

A nervous trouble
bringing about ment only in our hands or in those of
temporary suspension of animation. close friends whose hands are constantly
Verv low in both hands, with a short under our examination.
and broad Line of Heart-Lethargy. With the skin rou and hard-Con»
Here, the circulation of the blood, not tempt of physical pain.
the nervous system, is at fault. Here the idea of courage asso~
ciated with the Triangle is made appar-

Narrow throu h

inclining toward
Business failure.
Heavv and

ale, with

Line of Head
Line of- Liver-

lar e, Babb
Heart strai ht

as a

with a

bar into the Percus-

Line of

alm. a short thumb and thick set tin-

ers, the third halan es puffed u in~

Much lined and with ex e

Mounts of Mercu and

Poorly formed, the Lines of Head and tient, fretful disposition, easily aroused
Liver being curved inwards-Coward- to anger.

ice, miserly disposition.

meanness, An exagerate Mount of u iter

Abnormally curved Lines always in- would add to this characteristic an in-
dicate a weakness of some sort, physi- ordinate vanity wounded by imaginary
cal, mental or moral. slights.
Developing gradual! and more and Well formed. with a Line of Heart
more clcarl Improvement in the
forked at its termination-Generosity.
health of the subject. Remember that a branchless, broken

J 4

pl Tl! ll¢ laik. THE TRIANGLE. Tlll ll!! il-

° °

Line oi Heart is an indication of a hard, Blunt and short-Slow, dull intellect;

selisli nature. rude instincts.
The Trian le found in the hand of a That goes with a short Line of Head
oun rson with the Lines of Fate and the variou Chirognomical indica-
and the Sun absent--The subject must tions, to which I refer the reader.
not be directed toward an artistic or in-
tellectual career; worldly wisdom and

superiiciality will always stand in the

of success that direction.
In other words, the existence of the
three main lines gives assurance of fair
health, good practical ability and plenty
of will power, but reveals no brilliant

aptitudes. '1`hat would go admirably Exa erate in its bluntness-Mis-

with knotted lin ers, s uare and even
erly habits from fear of poverty: little
%tu|ate dazed. concern for other
people's welfare.

m. rnnrmsrmaorrnonsv- That bluntness is obtained, in this case, by the Line of Head rising toward

Formed b the connection of the the Line of Heart and thus reducing the
Lines of Life and Head. Quadrangle; hence the reading.


O g ¢

Sha lv inted and well marked- Blunt through the Line of Head be-
Retined mind; more generally strong in rnore or less s arated from the Line
C0lTllT)0l'l SCIISC.
of Life at the start-Independent dispo~

A .ni
'nl' 500014 5381* THE TRIANGLE. The Boeond Angle, 31;

sition, amounting if the s ce se at-

in the Lines is ve wide to dangerous

Exa erate in its sha

malignant, envious disposition.

If this exa erate sh ness is due

to the Lines of Life and Head bein
connected too lon at the start-Ex- Th!! S¢¢0¥1d All C 0bflS@Uf¥`3
treme diffldence and even cowardice. f¢fV°"5 di3P°5lti°"~


f .

/ ll
' I C

Due to the Line of Head drooping

and 'the Line of Liver starting on the
Mount of the Moon too near the Per»
Formed b the connection of the cussiom
Lines of Head and Liver.
'l`he second An le clear and well made

-Longevity; bright intellect.

Due to the excellence of the Line of
The second Angle broad and heav , /
with a cor Line of Heart and a narrow _/-'
' ' '

The second Angle very sha Ill- The Second An le formed on the

health; nervousness; teasing disposi- Mount of the Moon-Catarrh; even

tion. epilepsy, or paralysis if the Line of Head

I l
sign. 'rms TRIANGLE. lpn. ,ii

The An le will be either too widel White s Anunia; tendency to

o ened, with poor Lines of Head and fainting its.

Liver; or the Line of Liver will connect U ward branches from the Line of
at the start with the Line of Life-ab Life terxninatin inside the Trian le-

ways a sign of neuralgia or even palpita- Riches and honors coming to the sub-

tion of the heart and fainting iits swith ject after many struggles.
a bad Line of Heart . Remember that in matters of success,
the Plain of Mars represents our own

unaided efforts.

UI `/,. I

.__ f=

The Third An le formed of lines much


ul .

' Q Q

broken-Bad nature, both rough and in-

curably lazy. A short, forked line-General weaken-
I inclined to think that ing ol the system.
this applies
only to the Line of Liver.


nl +


A cross, es eciall in the center-

Q u
Troubles from others brought about by
Red spots-Tradition says that it in- the quarrelsome disposition of the sub-

dicates pregnancy. ject.

This is an attenuated form of the
famous "Cross of Battle."
If in both hands and with other mark-
Eigs-()ne ofthe strongest indications of

lfl Manv crosses-Continued bad luck.

A cross inside the U er An le of the

Triangle-Law-suit (generally of a crim-

es A L
Signs. THE TRIANGLE. ||.¢l|» 313

; 1
"' '1-

A badl formed solita star-'l`rou- quick--tempered subject toconstantly

bles in love, resulting from some act of find fault and to resent violently imagi-
violence. nary offenses.

A Star in the Tfgan le at the te'-mina- S uare if not touchin an Main Line

tion of aline of Influence from the Mount "A m°5' 5°"i°"9 Warning °f danger-
of Venus-A great sorrow. If the line


' u a

A Trian le between the Lines of Life

started from a star on the Mount of MilitafY "wow"-

Venus-The sorrow arises from the

death of a relative or close friend. (See
Chapter on Lines of Influence, pp. 172-

A rircle-Troubles from a person of
the other sex; with an exaggerate Mount '¥
of the Moon-Captiousness. -

Over-excited imagination induces the

an Ilan- THE TRIANGLE. quam.
A le-Shameful death. In a BPIUIAL 0Bllll.vA'1'I0ll.
hi-U5-Hidd¢" ¢¥°mi°S- A smaller Trian e formed the

A crescent inside the Trian le touch- Lines of Fate. Head and Liver-If clmr
in the Line of Liver-Perfect health and well shaped-Aptitude for the
and strength; a decided omen of success occult sciences.
in every direction.

A crescent inside the

° °

Trian le and

A smaller Trian le formed b
of Fate, the Line of Head and the Line
the Line

of Intuition-An aptitude for the occult

touchin the Line of Head-Violent
sciences that almost amounts to a gift of
death due to a fault of judgment or a
foolhardy act of the subject.

11| "

Much lined and with much lined

The Third Angle verv obtuse with a Mounts of Mercu and the Moon. A
crescent inside-Unfaithfulness. Often very harmful disposition to worry.
a bullying disposition added to incon- the Line of Head dr s d l

stancy. ger of insanity.

On rant ringer- sions on 'mums AND Fmcnns. On nm :mga-, pg

One dee line running down the entire Downward lines-Religious exalta-
len h of all fin A strong sense of tion.

honor. Cross lines-Religious insanity.

Man cross lines on the first ltalanx
of all general health.
Wav , cross lines on the first halanx 44'

of all ahead; especially

Engrs-Danger ' '

danger of drowning (with other con-
rirmato indications _



A cross-Dangerous insanity due to
visions, etc., often one of the si s of

ffl .
'v O
sudden death.

Trian les on the second `oints of hn-
gis-Tend cy to sickness and physical

III. 0] TBI FIRST Yllllll.

I. On the First Phalanx.

A star-A most serious event in the
subject's life, generally fortunate.

A for
Z Ancient Magic, the Occult Sciences.
I A circle-Triumph of faith over rea-
son in the subject's mind.

Qlle-Prison; convent life; the
characteristic of the persecuting fanat-

0° Tmfd 3918012 SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. 0l`Thi.'t I'ln|'l!'» 337

sguare-Merciless, miserly disposi-
A circle-Great proficiency in the
study of natural philosophy.

fl i['

/// -


due to the over-excitement ofthe artistic

A grille-The insanity peculiar to f


V. ON TH] TED 111311. 1/ "'

'c 0
1. On the First Phalanx. __


A star-When insanity is not

duced by the above cause, the subject's
genius bursts into splendor.

Downward lines-Artistic
genius turn-
ing into insanity.



A of the beautiful.

0/ »

Cross lines-Obstacles to the artistic

career. causing insanity.
A cross-Extraordinary chastity; the
artist wedded to his art. Often insanity

On linger. SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. 701| Third linger. 333

A star-Exceptional talents. . On the Third Phalanx.

Several downward lines from the 'oint

I '

U/ .


~%~ _

A science of art, pene-

trating its divine mysteries. between the second and third halan es

to the base of the lin er-Reverses due

to persons of the other sex.

I. |.

' '

` .



A talent restricted within
certain specialties.
One sin le line not be innin so hi h
and not reachin so low-Happiness.



O ¢


A circle-Great success.


fl/ Ti '_ '_


Q n
A envious disposition.
011 F°lf|l SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. Un Fourth Illlif-
Pkg: Ml

Cross lines-An incessant and empty

talker; often a liar and a thief.


'_ /
1| U
I |.



,T _
A forked line-Poor success in busi-

W ness.


1. On the First Phalanx. r

Downward lines-Meddlesome na- _

ture; sometimes the insanity of gigantic

A cross, in a od hand-Prophetic
instincts; in a bad hand-A theft or rob-
l ' '
bery that will cause its author great
", '
l-_ ;
' I



enterprises. In a ver ood and-Elo-

or aptitude for the occult
sciences. '



A star+Success as a speaker; no suc-
I .

cess in money-making.
` '
A triangle-Aptitude for occult
sciences, even to evocation of the dead.

""' A
s§uar¢>Commercial genius.

1 A
On Fourth linger. SIGNS ON THUKB AND FINGERS. Om Imrth |'|l|ll'~ 343

A forked line-The lack of order


handicaps all possible success.

Cross lines-A much checkered

, . ' .

I | |
A _f

, ,

»x~ /

cross-Great didiculties; dten
I _

A le-Prison also; silliness in the
/ conduct of one's aliairs.
| . .
On the Third Phalanx.


' I


A star-Notoriety obtained through 0 » ,

the worst features of the Mount of Mer-


Wa Of confused downward lines-

, Thieving disposition.
'I I 9



'». 'Z
) U 5

A practice of

triangle-Success in the
occult science. ~

A the quick versatil~


ity that belongs to the Mount of Mer- A thick downward line-Thieving dis-
cury. Often means prison. position.


Additional Cases

These cases, as well as those disseminated through the other Parts of this book, are-many of
them-borrowed from Dubarrolles' magnum opus, Révélations Completes." They have never been

translated into the English language and their careful study constitutes, in my opinion, the very best
of practice for the student of Palmistry. He iinds combined in them many indications scattered through
these pages, and he is taught how to generahke the infomation obtained and to apply it intelligibly.
Book deinitions are bound to be narrow and on that account somewhat misleading. By broadening
them, not recklxly but in moderation, a well trained intelligence will soon know how to give them
their full inward meaning. This study of "cases" ought really to precede the aaminationof "living

Art and Seimas Happily Blended.-All fables. Success at any cost, and bound-
the Chief Lines were less vanity, with half developed brains,
perfect and the chir- the type herein represented."

ognomic indications lmommh of luaauutloa.-A D°¢b1¢

of the very best as far Girdle of Venus; a
as intellectuality was
very poor Line of Q

concerned. A curved | Heart; a Line of


line connected the Head very widely


Mounts of the Sun separated fran the

and Mercury without can
Line of Life at the
cutting either the Lines of the Sun or start and forming a
the Line of Liver. broad island from the t

"This curious marking was noticed in Mount of Jupiter to v

the hands of two famous Parisian pro- under the Mount of Saturn, where it
fessional men; one a barrister, the other stops short. A deep cross in the space
a surgeon. The design shows simply between the Lines of Head and Life.
this peculiar ring and does not give the "The subject suEered from a mono-
other indications peculiar to each of these mania consisting in his believing that
two subjects." _ government agents were constantly after
Extravagant Yeaming Toward him and tortured him
An by means of hid-
N0t°fl¢f!--A rather den electrical batteries. He was a pro-
short Line of Head; nounced Satumian; the first phalanx of
a similar Line of his thumb was as small as that of a con-
Fate, not bad, how- genital idiot. His Mount of Jupiter was
ever. A very long , displaced toward a high Mount of Sat-
and rather straight urn; his Mount of the Moon was also ex-
Line of Heart; as dis- aggerate; all signs of sure insanity."
tinctive marking, a Dangerous Fall from Korlebaeh-
Line from the Upper '75 ALine of Life broken
Mount of Mars deep into the Mount of at 35, the two frag-

the Sun. m e n t soverlaying

"Seen in the hand of a common vil- each other and joined
lage conjurerand pseudo-doctor, whose to a cross bar from a

assurance and vanity were beyond de- dot on the inside

scription. He used to secure the atten- fragment, the latter
tion of his rural admirers by the ex- above the break, for
traordinary lies he told them about his the space of five
family, his talents, hi career. He man- years. Fine Lines of Fate and the Sun.
aged finally to run away with a rich "A gentleman, otherwise in very
farmer's daughter, who believed in his happy and fortunate circumstances, was

A :mums me in lplto or mpuua HNMHNU-From a dark dot onthe
80bl`ll._-Squafgv Line of Life at 32,
knotty fingers; a Line started aLine oflntlu-
of Fate, somewhat ence, ending in a star
chained at the start, on the upper Mount
but fine up t0 353 then of Mars. From that
broken; a fragment star a line crossed
runs from _the Line of
over to a Mount of
Head to the Line of
Satum, much rayed
Heart; a second frag- al

by vertical lines and

| i

ment from the Line of Heart to the top

ended there in a star.
of the Mount of Saturn. A fine star on
"The man who suffered since he was
the Mount of jupiter; a beautiful Line of
32 of an aggravated case of hemorrhoids,
was distinctly a mixture of the Mars and
"Seen in the hand of a Jewish banker Saturn types."
who lost his fortune at 35 and again at
Two Lovers at the Same Time.-A vu-y
50; but he retrieved his losses each time
strong fork at the -

on the speculative market, by means of _

termination of a good .

his extraordinary intuition."

Line of Head. At
_ .

ALady Itnnnelally Ruined and then

about 28, two Lines

nmma by nu- rm-

°1'--A fair Line of of Induence started _
Line of Head from the same point '

Life; a _

on the Line of Life

widely separated from .

and ended, one inside

the Line of Life at the
start and
the Upper Mount of i

drooping at _

once into the Mount Mars, the other at the end of a droop-
of the Moon. A Gir- ing prong of the forked Line of Head.
dle of Venus. A Line "A young unmarried woman acknowl-
of Heart beginning, branchless, under edged in court that she had, at the time,
two simultaneous love aiairs, which her
the Mount of Satum. A Line of Fate
starred at 23, broken at starred talent for deceit had kept perfectly
2 5; again~
at the connection with Line of Influ-
ence from the Mount of Venus, the lat- lotiU of Dllthl in the llmily.-A
ter islanded and ending near the Mount chained Line of
of Mercury. A Line of Union cutting Heart. At the lower
the Lines of the Sun and Head. part of the second
"At 23, a lady had been led astray by phalanx of the sec-
a man who had devoured her fortune and ond finger--toward
later had abandoned her and their two the first Enger-a
children to marry a rich girl. The lovers clearly marked star. 5
had lived together for 20 years when the A drooping Line of
desertion took place. But although the Head terminating in
a star at the end of a Line of Iniiuence
lady's life seemed irremediably ruined.
she recovered from the shock and losses on the Mount of Venus,
beginning in
and the rest of her life was prosperous." a star. Above that, another Line of In-

J .J _

had grown deaf, quite early in life, and had poisoned herself out of jealousy and
who was more and more under the in- despair on being deserted by the loved
fluence of morbidity and strange super- one. The poisoning-is indicated in this.
case (Desbarrolles says) by the star on
stitions; Saturn had him entirely under
its inliuence." the Girdle, at that particular place."
A rnsmns tuna; at s rnmsnus
Constant Qpprsnlonl Amunnting to
I s aa ids inert.-Ng
lfonomanh--A pom-
Line of Heart; a
star on very promiv

nent Mount of Jupi-

drooping Line of
Head islanded under ter, but one at the
termination of a ine
the Mount of the
Line of the Sun in-
Suu. A Line d In-
side the Quadrangle.
fluence from a star
From that star a line
on' the Mount of i

Venus cut the Line of

ran up straight to a ;

well-formed Mount of Mercury at the

Life at 38 and ended at the beginning
usual place for Lines of Union. The
of the above mentioned island. The first
Line of the Sun itself starts from a clear
phalanges of the first, second and third
Voyage line on the Percussion oi the
fingers were abnormally large; the Motmt of the Moon.
second linger especially long. "A French 'lady of leisure' met at
"At 38, the subject had lost his wiie, Ostende-the fashionable seaside resort
ol whom he was very fond. He had de-
voted himself to religious practices until
-a royal personage; he was attracted by
*her beauty and wit. A short-lived
he was constantly under the influence of
'liaison' was the result of this meeting; it
hallucinations, hearing voices at all
swelled materially the 'lady's' bank ac-
hours and unable to silence them. A
count and enriched her jewel-ease."
severe brain fever had coincided with the
DonbltGuilty In-
date of his wife's death, and the shape of `

flllll--A Line of
his fingers predisposed him to an ex-
Fate much. crossed
traordinary inilux of vital tluid, with-
up to 23 years old,
out suliicient health to utilize it."
then opening in the
A running Gan-A Girdle of Venus shape of a large is-
starred under £116 land, extending to 30
Mount of Saturn. A -
or 35, but not quite

short Line ot H6311 closed at the top. 'ii

terminating as it The left "branch" of the Line islanded

reaches the Line ot -

again between 32 and 37: alter that the

the Sun. A Line oi Line continues straight and line. A Line
Influence from a star of Head widely separated from the Line
on the Line of Life at of Life and forked at the termination.
16 terminates at a `7"'? A fine Line of the Sun coming up to the
deep black dot on the Line of Heart. Mount in a curve from the Lower part
"A talented Parisian actress had sul'- of the Mount of the Moon. A very long
fcred from a great love sorrow when she third finger. A Girdle of Venus strongly
was hardly more than 16 years old; she marked.

I J _

"The subject, civil

engineer by pro-
a had escaped at the hands
fession, suEered repeatedly all through of adisappointed Another
lover. time,
his very active life of very unexplaitlable inehildhood,shehad fallenoutofa
fainting fits, so long in duration as to third-story window and sulered nothing
amount almost to a state of lethargy. from the accident."
His nature was very nervous and there Wntehed Childs
was evidently a lack of harmonious dis- ima; than .am-
tribution of the vital Buid." U5°°- In°-
nllxtnordinary I- hands a clear, deep
eape from Death.- Line curving up from
A very poor Line of the Upper Mount of
Heart. At the ter- It Mars to the Mount
mination of an other- of the Sun. Until go
wise fine Line of years old, the Line of 30
Fate a break sur-
Fate, afterward verylineuptothe
roundedby a large Mount of Saturn, was ent up into small
"~_ I
square, occupying fragments. just where the Line ceased to
almost the whole of the Mount of Sat- be bad, there merged into it a line Influ-
urn. ence Line from the Mount of the Moon.
"Aworkingman, house paint; by
a A Line of Influence from the Line of
trade, suitered frequently from diasinell, Life at I0 years old cut the Line of the
due to lead-poisoning. In one of these Sun on the Mount of that name.
tits he fell from a very high scamalding, "The lady, whose chiroguornic mark-
but landed into a
passing wagon ings revealed having real aptitndes
her as
loaded with tan bark, thus gaping for the dramatic profession, had been in
what seemed to the bystanders a certain very poor circumstances until 30 (her
and cruel death." parents having lost their all when she
was about 8), when an inheritance from
nspema can ot
Strange Preservation. _
a former admirer enriched her."
-A star on both .
The Ioundu out
hands on the Mount s
a New Religion.-
of Saturn, with a The subject was a
square constituted by Satumian Martian
the Line of Heart, with spatulate lingers
t w o perpendicular and first knot strong
Lines from between 'E | ly marked. In both
the first and second, and the second and hands a Gnely shaped
third fingers, respectively, and the line "Mystic Cross" cut ? (|
forming the base of the second linger. the Line of Fate. Another éross,
A ray from that star cut deeply the Line "Cross of Battle," was found in the cen-
of Heart, connecting with a cross on the ter of the Triangle.

Upper Mount of Mars. There were two "He was a man ol great intellect and
other crosses in the Quadrangle. The anatural antagonist of all known creeds.
Line of the Sun, although starting rather He broke away from the Church he had
high up (at 28), was very fine to the end. entered as a minister and decided to
"A lady from Tyrol, met at Baden, found his own independent religion."


Phrenology and Palmlstry Compared

The diacoverers and exponenteof Phrenology were two German scientists: Franz joeeph Gad,
born in the Grand Duchy of Baden, March 9, 1758, who began lecturing on craniology in Vienna in
1796, meeting with great opposition and even persecution on account of his belief in the influence of
the brain upon the contours of the ekull. He died in 1818. His pupil and associate, johann Caspar
Spurxheim, was born at Longrich on the Moeelle, December 3r, 1776. Their Brat grwt boolr, Analo-
fill? et Physiologk du Systhne Nerves: et du Cerveau en Parliculkr, came out in Paris in 1810-19;
later, Spurzheim, who had settled in London, published The Physabgnonnkal System q' Drs. Gall
and Spurzheifn, based on an anatomzkal and playsiologxkal examinalion of the Nervous System
and lhe Brain in Partkular (London: 1814).
In 1835 W. Lewis translated from the French Dr. Gall's clasical work on the subject: On the
Functions of the Brain and ry' Each q' 12: Parts (6 vols).


/6" ¢""' '


5 ¢ '
mi if

a n?
,tg J

G ..

a. ', ig,
Phrenolggy needs no defender; its dis- work in the good cause, gathered
coverers and their many worthy continu- thousands of observations that guarantee
atorshave conquered for it the full and the correctness of this series of compara-

respectful consideration to which it is en- tive staternents. I have simply given

titled. Their success in that direction is them, after personal revision,the succinct
a pleasant, reassuring omen as to what form acceptable to English-speaking
awaits, within a few short years, ortho- readers.
dox, honest, accurate Palmistfz. It is I propose to do so later with the indi-

enough to say that the scientitic world cations of

Physiogomy-the admirable
has finally given a verdict-not unani- science that sprang, full-armed, from the

mous, but widely endorsed-in favor of brain of Lavater. And Hnally Gfaphol-
the verity of Phrenology, both in theory
ggi or the Reading of human nature
and in practice. In these pages we have through handwriting, will also be called
not to undertake to present any plea in upon to confirm the statements solidly
its behalf. But we are glad to assist in established on the triple foundation of
its triumph by demonstrating how accu- Palmistry, Phrenology, Physiognomy.
rately Palmistic markings "dovetail"-if The disciples of Desbarrolles, believ-
I may use such homely language-with ing, as he thoroughly. that
did himself so

Phrenological revelations. Desbarrolles, Phrenology-although comparatively ot'

whose broad mind embraced every ele- recent date-verifies every one of the
ment of truth and caused it to do its principles laid down by the ancient and

A is :I


Mount of the Moon; the Mounts of Mars poiutedthutnb. TheLine ofliead 3
and the Moon developed but not rayed; u|uallyseparatedfromtheLineofLlfe.
the fingers smooth. Often the

(M) VENEIIATION. astheseeond.

[Respect of God. virtue and law.)
(ll) lPl|l'l'l|Al.lTY»
fingers very long and smooth, the
The hands are very softand very much
tips square with_large nails; the first fin-
rayed: the ingers are pointed and
ger is quite long but somewhat pointed
and without first knot; little or no Mount smooth; the thumb is short; the Line of
Intuition is clearly marked. In the
ofMars; the Mystic Cross in the Quad-
hands of people of action, like Cromwell
rangle; the Mount of the Moon is devel-
and joan of Arc, the Mounts of Mars are
oped but not rayed; a little of the Mount
of Satum fear of troubles to very developed, and their special intui-
indicating a
tive faculties are oonnrmed by a beauti-
come after life.
ful Line of the Sun; the Mount of the
Moon' is decidedly exaggerate, and the
A straight Line of Head, sometimes
Line of Head droops down almost to the
crossing the whole hand; long and
Rascette; the Girdle of Venus is only
square fingers, the inside of the third
feebly marked, as the nerves here are not
phalanges rather lean; the thumb long
the ruling power.
and broad but without excess;well devel-
Another form of intuitive instinct,
oped Mounts of Mars; the Line of the
Sun well traced; very little Mount of the
quite natural and in fact quite material
in its origin is manifested by a treble Gir~
Moon; a full Mount of Jupiter, not rayed.
dle of Venus; it generally corresponds

[Lola of (Alf PIII; lnl0|'f|U.] with a diseased state of the organs of

generation in woman, a state of health
Fingers very square; the knots are not
that is found very generally in the female
very visible; the nails are rather short;
the Line 'of Head straight without ex- clairvoyants who have been studied, in
the hospitals. It is generally accompan~
cess; a strong _Mount of Venus and a

good Mount of
Jupiter, with the Mounts
ied by a chained Line of Heart and by a
star at the end of a much sloping Line of
of Mars visible but not rayed, and the
Mount of Mercury quite insignificant. Head. It has been found, again and

(np Hors. again, that when the female troubles are

A much cured the clairvoyant state vanishes; the
developed Mount of Jupiter;
lingers pointed and smooth; a thin Line phenomenon may be studied during (and
of Head drooping towards the Mount of after) pregnancy, as temporary clairvoy-
the Moon and ending in a fork; a long ance, due to such causes, invariably

Line of Heart; the Mounts of Venus and ceases after child-birth.

the Moon quite prominent; slight ue) uoesurv.

[lllbll|||¥» love of the beautiful]
Mounts of Saturn and Mercury; a short, The Mount of the Sun very prominent;


the Line of the Sun is superb, at l>oththere;theLinc of Hearthwell

least on the Mount itself, which markedandtheLineofHeadhasalarge
often leans towards the Mount of fork at its
termination; a good.Upper
Mercury. The
fingers are smooth MountofMarsisnebesssry.
and slightly square; they are some- (22) IHDNIDUALITY.
1-rn mveeumug and eluilmag umm
times pointed, when the poetical en-
thusiasm is only temporary; the thumb A well developed Mount ofMercury;
is indiierent; all the Mounts under the the lingers very long, smooth (knotted
with the classifiers) and quite spatulate;
fingers are full and unrayed; the Line of
Head is long, drooping towards the the Mount of the Moon is in evidence.

Mount of the Moon which is itself very The hands are soft, the nails short, and
and the base, the Line of Head quite long, rising
prominent rayed, at by a

number of confused lines. Often a line slightly at its termination towards the
starts from the lower Mount of the Moon Mountof Mercury; there is a Line of In-
the Percussion and goes tuition and a good Mount of
along straight
up to the Mount of Mercury being a form (28) FORM.
of the Line of Intuition. The third fin- faces.)

ger is long and is the only one in the The Line of Life curving somewhat
hand slightly spatulate; it is furrowed in- abnormally inside the hand, thus giving
an unusual
side by a number of lines from the third development to the Mount of
to the second phalanx. The nail of the Venus. A beautiful Line of the Sun and
third linger is often Huted-an indication smooth lingers, square without excess.
of abundance of fluid; the type of the Whenever fingers are square the artistic
subject will be the Sun type somewhat tendency lies entirely towards the classi-
mixed with that of the Moon. cal, and a painter or sculptor with that
(20) NIRTHFULNESS characteristic will never be able to do
[Hocking wlt: quick combining quality.)
anything without a model.
Very short nails; well developed
(24) SIZE.
Mounts of Mars and Mercury; pretty [Good judgment and memory of dtllmdxl

long lingers; a cross in the Triangle; the Desbarrolles states that thi organ has
Line of Head separated from the Line of no equivalent in Palmistry.
Life; a short Line of
Heart, and a fairly (zu wsuour.
Illscellmt sense of touch: perfect eqnlllbdnml
developed Mount of the Moon; often a
well developed Jupiter. The Mounts of Spatulate fingers, endowed their in- on

Mars and Venus will give the gift of wit- side tips with round, ball-like develop-
ty raillery .


A well developed Mount of Mercury; Is clearly indicated by the breadth of
the fingers are smooth and mixed in the Upper Mount of Mars, modilied as
type; the Mount of Venus is prominent; follows by the other Mounts: 'I`he Up-
the Mount and the Line of the Sun are per Mount of Mars alone prominent,

is M
ruaanonucv sun 1>.u.ms1'av couraasb. 501

gives a love for red, the color oi blood; hand. generally corresponds with a
it is well known that iron which is the well marked Mount of Mercury Wil!
attribute of Mars enters into the corn- Mounts of Jupiter, Moon and Venus.
position of blood. With the Mount of (sr) Tlli.
Mars, the Mount of Jupiter gives also a No equivalent in Palrnistrynhe mark-
preference for very bright colors; the ings reierring to Evemuality (go), would
Mount oi Saturn for dark colors; the fairly apply to this organ.
Mount ofthe Sun secures the gift of true

(82) TUNE.
coloring; the Mount of Mercury indi- time an meat rar mule!
cates a taste for weak coloring, the Topoint out at once, as Phrenology
Mount of the Moon loves a silver blonde does, people with special musical apti-
coloring, and the Mount of Venus all tudes, Palmistry is powerless; but once
pinkish tints. those aptitude: discovered or acknowl-
(27) L0¢>Al.l'|'Y. edged, Palmistry can supply accurate
IA stron; tute for traveling; and of el|an|e.]
and minute distinctions which
a are en-

The Line of the Sun and the Mount of tirely unknown to Phren01°KY- HU"
the Moon strongly developed, indicating mony (or scientific music)
is indicated by
respectively journeys by land and voy- a strong Mount of the Moon, while
ages by sea; cross lines on the Percus- ody (or tuneful music) belongs £0

sion along the Mount of the Moon and

strong Mount of Venus; with
the former

upward lines from the Rascette. Acci- we shall have also knotty Eugen. and
dents during travels or voyages are with the latter smooth fingers. Counter-
marked by islands, crosses or stars on
point is sometimes intuitively understood
it is
these lines.
by the smooth fingers, otherwise
simply the result of close calculation. To
Very lingers; both knots quite
a strong jupiter belong noisy
brass in-
marked; long thumb and a straight
strumental music, also solemn and reli-
Line of Head; the Mount of jupiter
gious music; to the Mount of Saturn be-
prominent, in the hands of great mer- the dead marches and dirges, and
chants and bankers; the Mounts ol Mer-
to the Mount of the Sun the simple and
cury and (sometimes) Saturn especially of na-
pure melodies, in direct imitation
marked in the hands of employees hav-
ture. A strong Mount of Mercury de-
ing dealings with money, like cashiers, talent for instrumental and or-
notes a
collectors, etc. chestral music, while good Mounts of
(20) ORDER. Mars call for military marches. Long
Long fingers strongly knotted and
lingers indicate a gilt for complicated va-
square tipped; short nails; Jupiter is gen-
riations, tn`lls, etc., while short lingers.
erally predominent.
with a well traced Line of the Sun, fol-
[Taste for and memory of evelltll low the text closely and are satisiied with
This organ is not well marked in the expressing it in all its beauty.



Palmistic Dictionary

Containing, besides
A Complete Index of this Work, and necessary Cross-Rg'ereȢes,
new matter referring to
All Prominent Chiromants and Dqenders of Chiromancy in the Past;
All Works on Palnnletry that have been published since the invention of printing [such as came
under the author's notice];
All Dqimtions of Scientific Words connected with the Science;
All Readings of Importance concerning Mental and Moral Characteristics, I-Imlth and Life
Events; in other words: Every Pabnistk Discovery and Statement concerning a Human existence
from Birth to Dying Day.


Anon German; "Die Chiromarr
us; anglcon theHountoftheSun.Somo-

tie, Astronomischen Lehrsaete &!\68Li.l!¢d|l¢&¢l|dill¢i*°

zen Lehrende" (Frankfort: 1742).

A llo, 'I`he Line of.-The Line of the

even the Mount of
un: 30. 0ft&naLineoftheSunuipleforlred
at etermmation,' tllrowingaproug
A lex,D erof.--Veryredskin. towardtheMountolMereut-yandone
o toward Head.
ara w
Exaggerate or much lined Mountpf

ArtandScienceH Blendede-
Jupiter. A sprig on Mount of Jupiter. : 347.
Agrilleandastaronthe Mountof '

the Moon. Line of Liver very uneven Success in.-With

and red where it crosses Line of Heart. e ensues
an ctw
Long red scar on the Line of Heart. tional! well endowed artistic nature.
Two perpendicular lines from the Line
of Heart to the Mount of the Moon.
(See ahove.) Line of Fate terminat-
mgonthe MountoftheSunanda
A le 'l`wo Strokes of.-Case: 244. branch) straight from the Line

of eadtothesameltiount. The
Architecture, for.-Square
tipped hngers, inclined to Spatulate. (I;inIeifoftheSunstartingfromtbeI.ine

Long square nails. Long second Pha- Art, Failure In.-Poor Mounts of the
lanx of 'I'humb. Mounts of Venus
and the Sun (for art), of Mercury (for
Siifzand Venus. ALineoftheSnn
either broken or triplicated, or formed
calculation). Good Line of Head. of confused fragments. Lack of -

Aristotle; a (B. C. 384-322); pre

Greek sistency shown in poor Line of 1-£2-d
sumed author of "Chyromantia Aris- and insuflicient first Phalanx of the
totelis cum figuris" (Ulm: 1490). Men- Thumb. Mounts of Jupiter and the
tions Chiromancy in his "De Coelo et Sun often exaggerate, indicating en-
Mundi Causa" and other vious disposition without real talent.
works. See the complete edition leading Art Paintin , Scul re , A titude for.
his works ublished in Paris (I539)
in Latin. gsuoteds
16; xg; ao; aa. omcaly
for gin;
g¢fS es

Arm. Broken.-Case: 240. third ogg"
tipped Pairiting;
or both1 n cases

Arm, Wound on Either.-Capillary strong Mounts of Venus and the Sun.

If the artist is not an
cross lines
See Accident
on t
Aliecting Agility.
e ount of the Sun.
imitator, strong irriginative :gd Moon.
ount o e
with hands and slightly
half soft a

Arpenti , d'; the

Casimir Stanislas drooping Line of Head.
great ceirognomist
(1798-?). Wrote
La Chirognornonie (1839); La Science
As `r; the "inhalation"-so to speak-
t e vital ui
de la Main (1865). Hrs Biography-

33. Quoted: 19; ao; aa; 23; etc. Assassination, Dan er of.-In a good
Art and Mon -makin United.- hand: a cross or star on the upper
ne e Mount of Mars, also a large cross in
quare-tr ngers.
Sun ending the Mount of Mer-
on the center of the Triangle, also a star
on the third Phalanx of the Second
cury. A straight Line of Head and a
Mount of at least equal to Finger. A line from the Quadrangie
the Mount of the un. Mercuig' under the Mount of Saturn, cutting

Art and Science

deep into a Girdle of Venus.

square type; second

t e Asthma.-Poorly traced Line of Live,
of the Sun thrown witFnarrowQuadranl d toLin
toward the Mount of Mercury. A tn- of Heart curving dogn: t:eLine of

Philosophiques dar la Vie et la Mort" ormuchlinedU MountoiMars.

(Paris: |8ao). 20.
Biliousness.-Yellow-hued palm; cold, Bohemian, Unconventional Was.-
sometimes clammy, skin. Exagger-
Wavy Line of Liver. a°iyimnngee;nixiuQ, maliiind
ate or much lined Mount of Mercury.
fhsziiumbmfowsssem mama the
Birth. Ill 'timate.-An island at the
;1_uQ;1%g: abnox-;na1,ah9rtnessMo£
mgeran exaggerate cunts
starting point of an otherwise poor ofVenusandtlxeMoon.
Line of Fate. Sometimes confirmed
by an island at the starting point of Boldness.--In a good sense,see Cour-
the Line of Life. Seen it marked by 825 Inabadsense: LlnesotLife
a Children Line, reaching down to and Head widely separated at the start.
the Line of Heart on the Mount of Mounts ot _Iupiterand Up-
Mercury close to the Percussion.

per ars. Abnormally
long third in-
Birth, M ,t at.-Same ger.
markings as

or , (which see).
þÿ¢g'ltlll'|3t ¬ Bone, Caries of the.-Case: 348.
Bladder Troubles.-Lower part of Breast, Wound on.-Capillary cross
ount t e oon exaggerate or nes on ount Saturn.
much lined.
Brain Fever.-Deep Line of Liver en-
Bladder Trouble.-Case: 115.
Fxxly absent in the Quadrangle. Same
Bladder Troubles,

'st for.-Case: Line ending at Line of Head, with

many bars cutting Line of Life
214. turns to melancholia). Line of (gten
Blindness.-Of eye: One circle on
quite close to Line of Life for a while.
fine oi Life; of both eyes: two cir-
Brain of Man.-'I`he gray matter con-
cles. A cross on the upper part of
the Line of Liver and a circle on Line taine wit an the cavity of the skull;
off Heart. Same cross with a break of its connection with the various parts
the Lines of Head or Heart under the ot the body-24. Illustration, 25.
Mount ofthe Sun. A star in the Tri- Brain Trouble.-Plain of Mars hollow
angle close to the Line of Liver. towar cad. An Influence Line
Blood. Circulation of the, Defective.- from the Mount of Venus cutting Line
umerons white spots on the nails. of Head. A star on the Line of Head
Line of Heart broken under Mount of at the end of a Line of Influence. Line
Saturn. See Heart Troubles. ot' Head wavy and inclining toward a
Blood. Downward Flux of.-Exagger- wavy Line of Liver. A break of the
Line of Head. Pale and wide Line oi'
ate or much line Mount of Saturn. Head with black spots on it and Line
Blood. Flow of.-Case: 354. of Life forked at the start. Line of
Head starred, or crossed. by a deep
Blood Poisonin .-Black or bluish
bar. or badly broken, or sloping into
spots on the nails. an exaggerate, much rayed or starred
Blood, Su erabundance of.-Red skin. Mount of the Moon.
ed na: s. ed mes. Exaggerate Brain Trouble. Constitutional.-Absence
Mounts of Mars and Jupiter. Line of H the :me of Island at the
Mars deeply marked. starting point of the Line of Head (if
Blood to the Head, Rush of.-Exagger- the trouble is inherited).
ate or much in Mount of Jupiter. Brain Trouble Due to Guiltv In e.-
See also Heart Trouble. s an on me nfluence in
Blood, Troubles with the.-Exaggerate astarorblackdoton Lined!!

omnm. PALMISTIC nrcrtorumv. amuse. in
is only one Line of Union in either Lines on the Percussion lrom
%'.§§°.. '°'*t'1.f*"¢,§'§l'l.'-"'a'.'°° *"*"
Cerebral, The.-The Line of Head-30. "mmm
mngi awmtlras
Chaldean Sh herds.-16. See Astrol-

ogers. Chi Observations-33. Conf

Chance, The Line of.-The Line of Fate c e s pe et .

-30. Chiro in E Da
Cha man, M. G.; an Englishman; author owto soover yacursoryglanee
at hands how to impress than
of nnstry Made Easy" (London: iavora y, i. e., in accordance with
1393)- their hiddeiridiosyncrasies.
Charity.-See Chiro or Ch

.-The art
Chasti Reli 'on.-A line
Ins ired b and physi-
discerning e
ount of uprter, wr a pointed first cal temperament from the outward
Finger. A cross onthe first 'Phalanx shape of the hand. From the Greek
of the Third Finger. A very smooth, words "Cheir," the hand, and "Gno-
thin hand, with the Mounts quite in- mon," one who knows. D'Arpentigny
signilicant, outside of Jupiter. _
and Desbarrolles used at first the word
Chatt Roman Kristo' Hindoo "Chirognomony" to the same
writer on nustry. is work on
idea; but this uncouth was soon exgre:

"Indian Palmistry" was noticed in the '

"Palmist" for August, 1897. Chirol or Ch .-Language of

of "The t e an rom t e Greek words
Cheiro; Irishman; author

"Cheir," hand, and "Logs," word,
Book of the Hand" (London:
also "The Language of the Hand'
Chiroman Cheiromanc .-The art
(London and New York: 1897).
'tude fm.- discovering the xspositaon of a per-
Chemistr and Ph sics, A son and of foretelling events by in-
econd inger an ount turn
specting the lines and lineaments of
finely shaped and prominent, though the hand. From the Greek words
not Long knotted lingers; "Cheir," the hand, and "Manteia,"
half thin ands. The medical stigmata
power of divination.
(which see) are found on the Mount oi Chiromantic Observations-139. Con-
Mercury. cern e mes an markings in the
Childhood Wretched.-Line of Fate inside of the Hand.
startmg low down and much broken, Chirom or Chei .-A new
crossed or twisted in its iirst part. the
wor w xc
, purposes to indicate
Childhood. Delicate.-Case: 156. measuring of man's impressions
through hand reading.
Childbearin Diiiiculties in or .-
h _-Knowl-
Chiroso h or Chei
e ietoocosetot esec-
ge acquired t rou h the hand.
ond Phalanx of the Thumb. An In-
fluence Line direct from the Mount of
From the Greek "Cheir," the woré
hand, and "Sophia," wisdom.
Venus to the Mount oi Saturn. 'First
Bracelet of the Rascette convex in Clairvovance.-A soft hand, with short,
shape. smooth hngers and often a small
thumb. The Mer-
Children. Death or Illness of.-Bars,
cury, and Mounts gf Sétum, quite
especia y t e oon,
ots, stars or islan s spoiling the Lines prominent or rayed. A good many
of Children (which see). minor cross lines. A drooping and
Children; How Marked.-Perpendicular often fragmentary Line of Head

.ds .1
on-:spam PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. nuts. .51
Corru 'on, Earl .-A very strong (often wan. no mm.

trd eoi Veuu s'tn bothhands, 5110255181 and

lauges of
dou le
with crooked ingers, even as a child, iingqs of Mercury ptr
normal. The cunt
and a wavy or starred Line of Heart. dominant. Some Upper Mount M
Often a very short, fragmentary Line and often a cross in the-Plshof
of Head. gan

Cruel Instincts of Slow.-Vey small

Corvus, Andreas; Italian; author of
art e yromance," firstpublished ; s(\n woman). Very
in Latin (Venice: 1500). long,
, the
with a small palm.

Cotton, Louise' an Englishwoman; Mounits

stran y ofoped.
Saturnsand Mein;
Uses" (London:
and Its Practical signigént Mount of Mars. gint
of Venus and Line of Heart often ab-
Coura heart in sent. Mounts of Mercury (ruse). and
.-(From cor: Latin.)
Line of 'Hearn startin deep the Sun (envy) estaggerate or badly
A long
and high into the Mount of jespiter, lined.
a very bad
Lmeofl-lead. Often
'ne of Liver. Very nar-
with large and firm Mounts and Plain row Quadrangle whenever the Line
of Mars. The First Phalanx of the
ol' Heart happens to be there.
Thumb is above normal and the Line
of Head straight and clear. Line of Cruel , Violent.-See Brute Animallty.
Liver excellent or absent. All the
Cureau de la Chambre; Frencllnan; a
lines a trifle redder than usual, indicat-
aut or Priucipé sur les
ing a generous blood. Mounts of '

Venus and jupiter very line. The de la Qxiromaneie" (Paris: 1653).

Palm Srm and the lingers usually long.
5090. vuy
This is not, however, an absolute in-
Curiosi .-Straggling
ex: and
e light between;
short of the Sun. Mer-
Covwardice.-In Hands without
a man: cu nai . }Mou;Its
an t oon predominant.
any hair. Hand thick and flabby. Nails Mariiy worry litres.
Life often
Lines d Head and
long, thin and narrow. Fingers bent separated at the start.
forward. Mounts of Mars and jupiter Dale, I. B: an Englishwornan; author
(often Venus) 'I'he
oi ulndian' Palrnistry" (London: 1896).
Mounts of Saturn an the Moon (fear)
Deaf and Dumb.-Case: 170.
and Mercury (self interest) exaggerate
or badly rayed. The Triangle small Deafness.-Dots and often island on
and formed of lines much curved in-
wards. fine 3 Head under the Mount d Sat-
um, with a rather bulging Mount of
Craig. A. R.; an Englishman; author of
Venus. An exaggerate or much rsyed
"lhe 5301: of the Hand" (London: Mount of Saturn.
1867), Bild "Your Luck's in Your Deafness.-Case: 97. Case: a35. Case:
Hand" (London and New York:
1884). 35°-
` `

of Death Brin About H Events.

Cringle, Torn; an Englishman; author
d and the ase: 3 .

the Human Form" (Melbourne: Physiognon%8of).

1 Death h A o le .-Two parallel lines
Cri pled b Cruel Relative. Child.- rom me o cart low down into
ase: Mount of the Moon.
3 _

Cri led Throu ll Womb Troubles.- Death, Disastrous.--Case: 193.
Case: 240. Death, Earl .-A short Line of Life in
Critic. The Born.-Short nails with soft Eth Emi. 'I'he Lihes of Head and
Heart stopping short before reaching
palm. ingers spatulate or square.
'ntments in Love.-The Line of
umm- Lawsuit' Im.-cus: rag.
the start
most at Man downward Twice Announeedpin the
branches on the Line of Line

or branch from the Line of Fate cnt- mu of.-Luis of Haleiw-

ting the Line of Heart. Intluence nunatuag at Line of Heart undK
Lines from the Mount of Venus or the

Mount of Mereury.»

Line of Life cutting the Line of Heart.

Domestic T r

Disa 'ntments in M -

ow Linesof Inthxenee
ee 1 .
from the Mount of Venus or the Line
Disaster Due to Int Love Af- oi Life cutting the other Main Lines.

Q asc: 305. (For_each kind of trouble see separate

Discontent. Chronic.-A thin palm, with
Dreamer The.-Long, slender, pointed
ort, smoot and a small Erst
phalanx of the alien
umb. A poor Line mgers; elongated palm. Prom-
inent Mounts of the Moon, Venus and
of Life and wretched Lines of Heart
and Liver.
Mount of the
worry Lines. The
oon predominant or so|;:'
tm tin1esthSatnrn
wi sadnessSit th; dreiams
Line of Head. A line 2?
much rayed. See Misanthropy. Intuition,
often islanded at the start. A cross
Discover-ers in Dan s Countries.- close to the Line of the Sun. (Re~
an proper s orter t
gers wt ligious ecstasy.)
spatulate tips. Strong, hard palm. Dreamin , Useless.-Hand
Third finger much above average.
onger t with pointed tips.
Mounts of Mars, jupiter and the Moon
predominant, with a large Mount of
Hand thigh andssoft. Exaggerate
Mounts of the Moon and drooping
the Sun. Line oi Head slightly droop- Line of Head. No Mounts of Mars
mg. and very little other Mounts.
Discov of an Intri e.-Case:
Dralnatic Profession. A 'trade Got.-
Dishone .-Fourth Fin r crooked. uare gers wr no ots, or on y
ount the second knot. Good first phalanx
ercury stan-e
of the thumb. High Mounts oi Jupi-
Dishonorable Instincts.-Fingers crook- ter, Sun and Mercury. and some
e espe
, y irst and Fourth. Mounts of Venus and the Moon. The
Divorce.-Most complete indication: A Lines of Life and Head separated at
fine of Induence from the Mount oi the start, the latter with a moderate
Venus cutting an upward branch of fork at the termination.
the Line of Life and ending under or D sv.-The lower part of the Mount
on the Mount of Mercury; clearer still

if it cuts a Line of Union. A Line of

g the Moon exaggerate or much lined
A star in the same place on the mount.
Influence from the Mount of Venus
ending in a fork as it reaches the Line Dropsy.-Case: 114.
of Heart. Dropsv of the Heart.-Case: 240.
Divorce A inst the Sub'ect.-A fork at
Drownin . Danfrom.-An angle or
t e start o t e ine of Union.
es- a star on t e of the Moon.
pecially when accompanied by the xn-
dications marked above. especially if found on a voyage line
from the Percussion. Wavy cross
Divorce in Favor of Sub'ect.-A Line Lines on first phalanges of all
o mon terminating in a fork, espe- Lines arising also from inside the as- tingzrs.
cially with the indications marked cette and ending in a star on the Mount
under the heading Divorce. of the Moon.

mentary Lme of the Sun Cross lines atthestartmthlinsoflafe Lme

onthethnrdphalanxofthethirdiin o&Heu-tcluunedorcumngdcmuto
ger Sometimes a land of ring on Lmeoflvlead.
the Mount of the Sun surrounding the Famti Fits. .-Case 353.
base of the linger

E ll

of Head

and Fzuthlessness Ace Ineonstmcy

sloptng . .

_gg-hne ro en in small fragments, with a

. » Fall from Horse D IIS.-_
large cross the rays of which ternu-
S nate in spots in the Triangle.
"C 347
and Success.-A star on the
E 1 _

Eu eme ' . Her hands exam- theend atinehneofthesun. A

Ill y es olles-80. clearL|neofFatefromRnscetteto

me-The 'lllmmb wt wry manning num su m2 Mm: of Jug-
ow own and with its Hrst phalanx terorouthe MountoftheSun. A
thrown very much backward Flu: perfect Lme of Liver Two struglit
:bility of the fingers Often a wide s|sterhnestotheLtneoftheSunon
space between the Lines of Life and the Mount of that name The Lines
Head at the start and a slopm Lme of Head and Heart normal and espe-
ofHead ApoorMountaud
° neo(
Ei .

cially long All the Mounts1 except


the Sun and a Lane of Fate stopping Saturn and the Moon very much in
early in life evidence For intellectual or artistic
E es D Trouble with the '
Exaggerate people only a line Mount of the Moon

desirable .

or muc in Sun ount of the .

Fame and Success ' Due to Love Sorrow

C 0

An all formed circle mi the Mount `


of the Sun , with a poor Line of : I 7.


the Sun White Dot on Line of Fanatxctsm

Life A Lme of Influence from the Long thin
En- smooth
Mount of Venus ending in a black gers, A
cialy the irst
luxe or

dot or a star at the connection oi the branch om the Line of Head reach-
Lines of Head and the Sun. Broken ing the Mount of Jupiter, then turn-
Line of Head under the Mount of ing and ending on the Mount of Sat-
Satum or the Sun. A circle on the urn. If the fanaticism has a persecut-

Line of Heart under the Mount of the ing tendency the second finger, in its
Sun. exa erate first phalanx, shows the

Eves. Trouble with the.-Case: 189.

bane l influence of Saturn.
Fannin Life, Taste for a.-Insigniicant
Eve Trouble, Serious. Accidental.-
tin en spat
or ate. Long, thick
RSCZ 2 . nails. Ordinary thumb. Mount of
Saturn quite marked. Insignilicant
E c, Wound in the.-Case: 164. lines outside of the three chief lines.
Evesi ht Diseased.-Case:

Stron Mounts of Mars if the farmer

156. loves unting.
Fabricius, ohann Albert (1668-1736); Farwell, Eveline Mitchell; an English-
a erman; aut edanken von or
woman; author of "Fingers and For»
der Erlcenntniss der Gemuether aus tune" (Loudon: 1893).
der Temperamenten der Chiromantie
und Physiognomie" (Jena: 1735). Fatalities, Two Great.-Case: lgo.
Failure in Life.-A very hollow Plain Fatali Not the Arbiter of Humani
we 7
-~ . ._


. , .
fr. _

Fiilldllx " l Y

. I

Fate The Line of.-Q73. Position

1. -50. Its Nail-41. '

an non-474. 2. Clnracter: *3°9-

a. By Itself--274; b. In Combina- Fill .The Fourth.-0rFingcrofM£r-
5011 with Other Indi¢l!i0M-¢76. cury, or "Auncu l'I1|"'-'fl Ali

Pomts and _Forks at the
Termination and
tween it and
the next
Forks the 'Fermination-480.
5. Length: a. By Itself-44; b. Conv
Branches-282. 6. Breaks-282. 7. to the Il: Fingers-4
Connected with the Main Lines: a. Farid gkher sqarateg-4
anxes en

Directly-284; b. By Minor Lines- of its Tip-§0. Liltl ali

a84. 8. Signs-285. Special Obser- Igleanings
vations (lnlluence Lines from the Fin The Second.--Or
Mount of the Moon)-292.
Finger of Set-
urn, or "Medxu 442. --

'Fault-tindin .-Long, knotty lingers,

with first knots; often spatu-
42. Leaning-33.
Sauce between it
and next Fingers-43. Length: a. By
late. S ort nails. Two stars near Itself-44; b. Compared to die other
thumb nails. A narrow Quadrangle. Its
A poor Line of Liver running rather FingersT44.
separate -45. MPhalanmes illicit
eamn'gs of in
close to the Percussion. Mounts of 50. Its yIl3il139. Lines md
Mars exaggerate and very little Mount "333-
of Venn . A poor Line of Heart. Fin er. the Third.-Or Fingerot Apollo,
Female Troubles.-Plain of Mars hollow rms'--42. Alignment-43.

towar oon. The lower part of the &>re".~

aning-43. Space between it and
Mount of the Moon exaggerate next Fingers-43. Length: a. By It-
b. to the other
or much lined. A cross in the same
on the Mount. The Line of §lf-44§
ingers-45. 'Compared
Phalanxes taken

'fe after a short normal run starting arately-45. Meanings of its 1`ip-Q?
Lines and Signs-337.
toward bottom of Mount of the Moon.
being Huid; vital
Exern tion
sen Poantséattnct

e o
the all the Lines
Fever, Bilious.-Line of Liver thin and --20. sour? ifausttve
x bu y-42. .

r as it crosses Line of Head, Position: Alignment of Bases;


cially with an island on the latter. ee esge- Leaning toward each other; c. Close-
Biliousness and Liver Troubles. ness; d. Spaces between; e. Bent and
Flexibility. 2. Length: a. Of all
Fever, Malarial, T hoidal.-Bluish clot
Engers; b. Of each; c. Compared
on of i e.
me ery narrow, highly each other; Phalanges
colored, often broken Line of Liver, with
ta en separate! 3. isa(
pe: a. Out-

sid?ips;Tip; arigynots; glue

with dark dots on Line of Head. Black of Knots; b.
or bluish dots on Line of Heart. c.
Types: e.

Fever, Tendenc skin. Red Types (Tips and Knots C:£?l:ed):

to.-Dry The Pointed, The Conical. The
ots on ine o tfe. In general, red Square, 'Ihe Spatulate; f. Each tip by
lines. Itself. 4. Lines and them-
Signs on

Fiancé, Loss of a.--Case: 289. 325-

Losses-Breaks, crosses, stars
Finger, The First.-Or Finger of ]upi- and downwaE branches on the Llne
ter. or ndex -42. Alignment-42. of Fate or the Sun. Lines of Influ-
Leaning-42. Space between it and ence from the Mount of Venus cutting
next Fingers-43. Length: a. By the Line of the Sun. A 61% on the
Itself-44; b. Compared to the other Mount of Mercu , one arm of which
Fingers-44. Its Phalanxes taken cuts the Line of Hart.
All island on
arately-45. Meanings of its '1`ip the Line of Liver.
Iluancial Ruin. SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. Gellllulll. 387

Financial Ruin of Minors Throu h Mounts of Jupiter and the Sun pre-
others iscon uct. : dominant. A Line from the Quad-
rangle to the Mount of Mercury. One
Financial Ruin of Parents-Case: 289. or two crosses on the second phalanx
of the first linger.
Financial Success After Fatali -Case:
5. Frith, Hen ,and Heron-Allen,Edward'
ng is en; au rs ro-
Financiall Ruined and Deserted, Lad
mancy, or the Science of Palmistry"
349. (London: 1883).
F ire,lLife Saved in a.-Case: I02.
Frivolitz.-éecond Finger too short and
F Of Thumb en more pointed than the others.
lexibility-Oi Fingers-43. A weak iirst phalanx of the Thumb.
-53- A poor Line of Head. A very fra -

Forces, Diminishin .-A large down-

ranc e Line of Life.
mentary Line of the Sun.
cant (or absent) Lower Mount of Mars.
F er, The.-Long, slender, crooked Future Written in the Hand.-Why and
ngers. Mount of M
e ex- W
also the Mount of Genus Galen, Claud; the famous Greek physi-
(gi of form), and, if very clever, the cian 1103-IQ3); author of "Secundum
Mount of the Sun. Star on the Mount
of Mercury. Heavy lower part of the Hippocratem Medicorum Principia"
Mount of the Moon. Widely forked (Edition of 1528, Paris).
but rather straight Line of Head. No Gambler, The Bom.-Soft hand; short,
Mount of Jupiter. smooth Hngers; the third linger equal
Fortune b Inheritance.-A star on the to the second, if not longer. A large
Mount of the Moon and a very droop-
first bracelet o the Rascette. Also
a cross within an Angle or ing Line of Head.
Triangle Gautier
at the same place. A long Sister Line ules;
a Frenchman; author of
Line of Head. See also Leg- gnomie et la Phrénologie"
(Paris: 1867), and "Chiromancie et
Fortune, b Unaided Efforts.-The Chirognomomie" (Paris: 1885).
Lines o ate and t e un starting Generative Or ns, Troubles of the.-
from inside a well formed Triangle. or omen, see emae ron .

Long First Phalanx of the Thumb. xaggerate marked Mount

or badly
Fine, straight Line of Head and of Venus. First Bracelet of the Ras-
Mounts of the Sun and Mercu pre- cette very convex. A star at the con-
dominant, with well marked lclyounts nection of the Lines of Head and
of Mars. Often branches of the Line Lover.
of Fate ending on the Mount of the
Sun or the same Line terminatin on Generositv.-Space (wide) between base
the Mount of Mercury in exceient ol l'1'rst Finger and Thumb.
shape. Geor t- a Frenchman; author of
Fortune of the Parents, Loss oi.-Case:
(Paris: 1821).
du Systéme Nerveux"

Fortune, The Line ol.-The Line of the Gesnmann. Gustav W.° a German;
un-30. o Hand-
Found Out.-Case: 306. alll( 'rar t" (B strc |81;u;(der
in r n: 1 a re 1-int
lgalrtl a Le; will:
of the Great.-Une of FIN
et er on 1110
Preface by Comte de Chlcaé 1%
Int- 1-main):
"Ka1oeh|»m111 den Gerichtleukunw'
Jupiter or on the Mount of the Mwnmf =
"erln: 1894): and other worla in




Gennan on

09| "GW ';Pl':'yenol

|" oms,
fully illustrated and quite clear and Guil Intri e. Lawsuit Lost.-Case:
modern in their deductions.
Girdle of Venus, 1. Position
'.l.1l8.12SQ. Intri Pro`ected.-Case: 236.
:. Charade:-
Guil Love' Death, Lawsuits.-Cue:
a61. Termination-462.
3. 4.
xi .

Breaks-263. 5. Ctmnected with the

Main Lines-064. 6. Signs-263.
Hand as a Whole.-35; measured on

wrist to
tip. Size-36.
Girl-Mother Deserted.-Case: ug. Hair-36. Illustration-37.
Hand P Measured on back from
Goclenio, Rudol hus' author of "Aphor-
ismorum iromanticorum Tracta-
wrist toirst knuckle. Longer than
Finger-ii." Fingers-37.lQgh137.
tus" (Leipsic: and numerous
other works on 1597).
Shorter t

Hand r and Palm Combined.-l.

Gout.-"Satin Skin." Exaggerate or
ic an very 37. 2. lt
much lined Mount of jupiter. The
and hard-37. 3. Thick and Medium
middle part of the Mount of the Moon
exaggerate or much lined. A down-
Hard-38. 4. Thick and Medium
ward line, often crossed, on the mid- Soft-38. 5. Thick and Soft-38. 6.
dle part of the Mount of the Moon.
'l`hiek and Very Soft-38. 7. 'Hain
and Very Hard-38. 8. Thinand
The Line of Life forked and red at
9. Thin. Nm sg
its termination.
Gowers, W. R.; an Englishman; author
'I'hin and
. to. Thin an -

It. Very Soft-38. 12.

o 1 and Other Chronic Transparent-38.
Convulsive 42113;'seases" (London: 1881). Hand; the "O of O ns"-Aris-
Greed.-See Avarice. to e, 19.
H iness, Perfect and Durable.-A
Grief Endin in Insanit .-Case: 190.
arrnomous len mg t e best
Guilt Intri e.-An island on the Line Chirognomic and Chiromantic Indica-
of ate. n island on the Line of tions to be found in this book wher-
Heart. An island on a Line of Union. ever they do not contradict the par-

Independent island inside the Mount ticular type the subject is found to be-
of Venus. An island on a Line of long to.
Influence from the Mount of Venus Hartlieb, a German; author of
or the Line of Life to any other part
ie irornantia" (Augsburg:
of the hand, but especially true if it
cuts the Line of Heart and also a Line
1745); this work was written at the
end of the XV. Century, and is one
of Union.
of the old standards.
Guilt Intri e. Death of Husband.- Haunted b Ghosts.-Case: II2.
ase: 271.
Ha Fever Poor Line of Liver with a
Guilt Intri e, Double.-Case: 353.
narrow uadrangle, due to Line of
Guilty Intrigue, Fatal.-Some one of the
Heart curving down to Line oi' Head.
above in ications and also stars or Headaches, Chronic.-Line of Liver
bad breaks on the Line of Fate. A red at its þÿt ¬l'l'l'll'l3tl(X|. Chained Line
Line of Influence from the Mount of of Head and
Head.LShol_t 'ver. 0%

Venus and one from the Mount of the ine an cu

"con, both cutting Line of Fate at the ifif.§"'§i Had. Numb.. of Q3

me place. breaks of the Line of Head. Line of
Headentbymanybarakapeeiallyif with Dl- a.
the Line iadrooping). :ated gbenllaln
gaedal Obaervatlissri

Headaches, Serious.-Very large branch -a
Em startxn point oi Line of Life
down to theglaaoette. Dnooping and Heart Troublea.-Plain ol Man hollow
much broken Line of Head. See also Heart. Short, shaped
Bilionsness and Liver Trouble.

Head, The Line of.-213. yyjosition

and bluish nails.
much lined Mount of the Une
of Influence from Mount of Venue cut-
au .

an rechon: a. By Itself-213; b. tmg Line of Heart. Chained Line ol

In connection widt other Indications Heart. Line of Heart broken. Bare
-214. Character: a. By Itself
cutting Line ol Heart.
-215; b. In combination with other Heart Trouble Due to Diaeaaed Liver.
Indications-216. 3. Starting Points
and Forks at the Start-218. 4. Ter- -
ea e an ver oae _y con-
mination and Forks at the Termina- nected. with red bluish apota on the
tion-cao. 5. Branches-225. 6. former. Line of Heart broken under
Breaks-227. 7. Connected with the the Mount oi Mercury.
Main Lines: a. Directly-229. b. By
Heart Troubles Ve Serious.-Case:
Minor I.»iI'lC9-231. 8. sig'IlS*233.
Special Observation-239. Curious 252.
Cases-240. Heart Weakness.-Short
and square
Head. Wound on.-Capillary crow lines nails. Narrow, thin palm. Pale akin.
on ount o upiter. A break of the Total absence oi the Line ol Heart.
Line of Head. with poor Line ol Head and wavy Line
of Liver. pale and wide Line ol
Health, The Line of.-The Line of Liver Veg
Heart. A ci e on Line ot Heart.
Hebra Heinrich' a German; author ol
Heart, H h of the.-Case: 251. '
ntersue ung ueber der
(Vienna: 1880); "Nalin
Naqel" '

Heartless Dis ition.-Hand thin and

a study on

I-lemorrha e.-A on the Upper

ar .
ng anger of Satum. Line
of Heart absent. Line of Head cut- ount o The Line oi Heart

ti°ng the hand like a bar. The Mount absent or very poor. Sometimes (ln
of Venus insignincant. female cases) a atar on the lower part
of the Mount of the Moon.
Heart ression Due to Liver Trouble
ase: 2 _ Hemorrhoids.-Exaggerate or much
lined Mount of Saturn. A Line of
Heart Pal 'tations.-Line of Liver red
Influence from a dd on Line of Life,
at the start, especially if connected in Star on Upper Mount ol
with Line of Life. Many dots on Lme
of Heart.

Hemorrhoids.-Cane: 349.
Heart Pal itations Due to Grief.-Case:
Henze, Adol ; a German; author ot
193. '
ie oder
Heart. 'I`he Line Of.-241. 1. Position Lehre der irgirammatomantie.
aralrter der Menschen
irectxon-241. Character:
2. aus der Handechrift zu erkennen"
a. By Itself-243; b. In combination (Leipzic: 1862); the original discov-
with other Indications-245. 3. erer of and the teacher
Starting Points and Forks at the Start of Desbarro ee. "Gra§hology,"
-247. 4. Termination and Forks at H atica. The.-The Line of Liver.-
the Termination-250. 5. Branches
6. Breaks-252. 7. Con- 30.

Q 11;



Herder German (1744-1803);

ohann; a H bia, er ot-Break of
author Phil hie der
een zur .ne ounto!theSun
Geschichte der Menschheit" 11794) -228.
Heron-All Edward; an Englishman; H hondriac, The.-(Thinks himself
aut anual of
Chiros§1>_phy," . e M
see) clearly marked, with an
tea Stigmata (which

ator s ence t e ate Mount of the Moon. into
living in has
droops the Line of Head.
visited America.
Hvsterical Insanit .-Case: 261.
Hi h an, The-Thick, hard hands.
s ort, smooth, heavy lingers of
Hysteria.-Sectmd Finger crooked. A
the Elementary type. Only the star on the Mount of the Moon con-
Mounts of Mars and the lower part of nected by a Line of Inliuence with the
the Mount of the Moon prominent. Mount of Venus. Double or Triple
Only the three chief lines, very red in Girdle of Venus. A Girdle of Venus
color. A star, or even a grille, on the cut by many bars. ~

Mount of Mercury. '

H steria Destro Con' H '-

Hindoo Brahmins-I6. (See Dale and
atteryee on ndian Palmistry.)
ness. ir e o enus cutting a pro-
longed Line of Union.
Hi rates; a world renowned Greek
(B. C. 460-2577); said
adunci," when
Ideali m.-Hand proper shorter than
hngers, with pointed tips. Slender
speaking of the shape of the nail of the Palm. Almond shaped nails. Mounts
first linger in consumptives. His com- of Jupiter very prominent, with the
plete work issued in German (1847)- first of the first linger above
41. norm glhalanx

Hoe 'n ohann; German; author of

, a Idioc .-A very ill-shaped hand, with
iromantia Harmonica" dwarfed, very high up Thumb and half
168l), and of his large work, ns tl'-
qena: formed fingers. The Mount of the
tutiones Chiromanticz." Moon, and often the Mounts of Mars.
Ho eful Di ition.-Pink and mot- are the only ones bulging. Droop-
t ed s ing, broken, twisted Line of Head.
n-3 _

Generally a very poor Line of Heart.

Housewife, The Gifted.-Palm and Fin- Often one of the Main Lines missing.
gers even; alm elastic; Fingers
Idioc , Con enital.-Case: 154.
square; the first knot quite marked.
Nails short. Mounts moderate. Long
Ill-health, Continuous.-Thin Palm. A
Line of Heart starting deep into the
wi e an e of Life. A Line
Mount ol' Jupiter. Mounts of Venus
of Life formed of small ladderlike
and Mercury pronounced (kindness
of heart and prudence in money mat- fragments. Line of Liver eonnettod
with Line of Life at the start. A num-
ters). Very few lines outside of the ber ol dots on Line of Life.
Chief Lines. The Line of Head mod-
erately long. Ill-health in Childhood.-Line of Life
Humboldt, Alexander, Baron von; a c amed or in ed in its first part. If
of this ill-health is to influence the whole
jerman; aut or osmos 1 5-
career, Line of Fate twisted or much
62)-20; 22.
crossed at the start.
Humnhre , Geor e M.; an Englishman;
author of
n t e uman Foot and Ill-health in Old Age.-Faint, poorly
the Human Hand" (Cambridge: formed star on ount of Sstum.
1861). Lines of Life and Fate connected by
Ill-Hnlth. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. khrunl mlliilbi- 39|

confused lines at bottom of Triangle. Im ulsiveness.-See Imprudenee. Add:

Cross near termination of Line of Life. backward
Short and broad Line of Liver.
mgers naturally
and often flexible.
Ill-health. Te .-A portion of the Inconstan _-Soft hands; conieally
inc of Li thin chained.
e or
tipped, smooth fingers. First phalanx
Illness Caused of the Thumb below normal. A short
b Love Sorrows.-
Line of Head and a chained Line of
ines connecting 'nes o ne and Heart. Cross lines on the Lower
Mount of Mars. A crescent inside the
Illness, Not Ve Serious.-A bar cut- third angle of the Triangle.
ting ine of `fe. A bar cutting Line Incurable Disease.-A star on the
of Liver.
ount of A cross cut by a
Illness, Sudden, Grave.-A semicireular downward branch of the Line of Life.
lme cutting me Life-175. Inda ine, ohann; a German, and one

Illness Ve iromants of all times;

Serious.-A break or cross, r e
' eading
Author of Introductiones Apostles-
or star or lack dot on the Line oi
Life. 'I`he same signs on Line of maticz Elegantes in Chyrornantiam,
Liver. An island is a still worse in- etc." (Strasbur : 1522). This, and his
dication. "Chiromantia, Thysiognomia
omata de Faciebus Signorum" (I534),
Imagination Its Best.-Hand proper
at had a number of editions in Latin,
so t an s lin ers; the lat-
orter t an German, French and English, the lat-
ter smooth, with pcinteg
tips. First ter published in 1651 under the title of
"The Book of Palmistry and Physiog-
phalanges of all fingers longer than
normal, especially those of the first nomy."
and third lingers. Almond shaped Ind dence, Great S irit of.-First
nails. Mounts of Jupiter and the Sun
mger leaning toward um ._ Wide
excellent. Finely developed Mounts
of the Moon and Venus. A broad, space between bases of First and Sec-
ond Fingers. Spatulate tipped,
perfect Triangle. knotted fingers. Short nails. Long
Ima 'nation Blended with Practical first phalanx of the thumb. Mount
deas.- and a out same size as n- of Jupiter predominant. Separation
between Lines of Life and Head at
gers, with conical tips. A rather elas-
tic palm. Second knot marked. The
the start. Long Line of Head. Plain
Mounts of the Sun and Mercury
and Mounts of Mars quite marked.
blended into one. Very little droop Indifference to All Thin Beautiful.-
of the Line of Head and moderate
ar alm. patulate ngers. 1
Mounts of the Moon ano Venus.
linger too short. Mount of the Sun
Ima 'nation, Diseased.-Thin (even Moon
transparent an very soft hand. The spea nthétgeMo nti: Mounthtétge
absent. f 0 Mouexcept
o in t meaningsti:
Line of Heart and stiff Line of

sign of the Moon on an exaggerate

Mount of the Moon. Very drooping 1131003
ea .

and widely forked Line of Head.

Indigestion. Chronic.-A wavy Line of
Strong Girdle of Venus.
iver an an is anded Line of Life.
Imprudence.-Smooth, short fingers. Irregular or wavy Line of Liver, with
Short first phalanx oi the thumb. poor Line of Head.
Lines of Life and Head widely sepa-
rated at the start. Very little. if any, Influence, E x t ern a l.-Transmitted
Mount of Saturn, and the second tin- throng t e nerves; quotation Charles
ger more conical than the others. Bonnet-rg.

.4 .J



' '

Influence Over »

Great.-Long Inaani -The Sign of Sat-

mger. urn cm e aunt of the Hoon. Tivo
b¢,,°hmn.';mth°r°{ onthe Mountofthe Snn.»


Meto et
practice" (graaltfurtz Insani
SenileFLine of life lauded
1724 ts term deep
and tt. M.§.'I'..t 'J u1"'na°".'I?'

Inheritance.-Case: 186.
Insani Shown in the Colors of the
Inheritance, Double.-Case: 185. °'
l' 35°°
Inheritance 'Ihrou Death of Insane
Insanity, Temggg.-Case: i$.
anve. : 3.
Insanit , Violent.-The Sign of the
Initié, Un; a Frenchman; author of "Les oon on pper Mount of Mars.
Myst% des Sciences Occultes"
(Paris: 1894). Moon. TheLineofLifeof|livid
In uisitiveness.-See Curiosity. color. All Lines very red and the
Mounts of Mars and the Moon exag-
Insanit .-The Sign of the Moon on the
Mount of Satum. Many confused
Intellectual Power.-Fingers
lines on a bulging Mount of the Moon.
with a sloping, starred or chained t an palm, ight y conical, especially
\ Line of Head. The Si of the Moon the tirst and fourth Engers, and
on the Mount of the Line of knotted (for deep students). Mounts
Head sloping to bottom of Mount of of the Sun, Jupiter and
the Moon, with a star on second pha- dominant. Superb Line of md. Mereurgipre-
lanx of second finger. Wavy Line of Long Line of Heart starting from
Head rising close to Line of Heart deep into the Mount of Jupiter and
under Mounts of the Sun or Mercury. just a trifle forked and sloping at the
Line of Head sloping deeply and termination. Excellent' Lines ol Sun
broken. Line of Head merging into and Liver.
Line of Liver, the Line of Life being Intestinal Troubles.-A strong red line
at the start. A split Line of etween t e rst and second Singers.
ea . Much lined lower part of the U
Insanit Alcoholic.-Line of Mars very Mount of Mars and u part the of
red, ending

fork, in
prong end-
a one
Mount of the Moon.
termination of Line of Head.
island at lghge
ing in a star on Mount of the Moon, Intestinal Trouble.-Case: 281.
with a black dot on Line of Head.
Insani Caused bv Love, Tem .-

spatu fingers,
te with square, stm
ase: 237.
nails. Third linger above norrng
Insanit , Heredita , Erotic.-A star at Rather short thumb, with first pha-
t e end of a ranch of ine of Heart lanx longer than second. Mounts and
into Mount of the Moon. Plain of Mars predominant, with fine
Mount of Mercury. A Fine Line of
Insanitv of a Materialistic Philos her. Heart.
asc: 240. Introducin the Introduction-13.
Insanitv of an Erotic Character.-A star Intuition, Gift of.-Thin and very soft
on the Mount of the Moon connected ands. Short nails. Short, smooth,
by aLine of Influence with the Mount conical Fingers. The Grst phalangesof
of Venus. A star at the end of a all lingers above average. A short,
branch of the Line of Heart drooping but conical, first phalanx of the
into the Mount of the Moon. Thumb. The Mounts of the Moon


and Mercury predominant. Some- u iter, Mount oi.-1. Position-84. 2.

times the Mount of Saturn strongly
5- 3-
marked. A clear Line of Intuition; %. 4. Revealing Illnesses-89. .

or, if it is not there, a clear Line of Mode _of

the Liver running close; to the Per- gevealing 7. Signature:
1 . a. st-
cussion than normal. A tine Tri- w un-ru; b. Health ln-
angle. A Line of Fate rising from Mental and Moral
culiarities-124; c.
low down into the Mount of the Moon. Pbtflllilfltiti'-I24. 8. In connection
Often a drooping Line of Head. A with another prominent Mount-t37.
triangle on the Mount of the Moon.
Kabbala.-15; 17; 22. In its more mod~
Intuition, The Line of.-aio. Posi- I.
ern a book written sometime
tion an nrection-aro. 2. Charac-
ter-21o. 3. Starting Point-211. 4.
in the X1 _
century and containing
a Jewish interpretation of occultism in
Termination-zu. 5. Branches- its essence and manifestations. It is
zn.-6. Breaks-an. 7. Connected come to the Jews
with the Main Lines: a. Directly-
211; b. By Minor Lines-an 8.
t roug 3: gave
e gyptian priesthood, and
to go back to prehistorical times.
Kidne Troubles.-The lower part of
Invention and Method United.-Case:
t e ouut e Moon exaggerate
Il .

or much lined. A cross at the same

Inventive Genius, Practical.-Elastic on the Mount. A long Line of
m. ort nai s. g, knotted Gace almost to the Line
fingers; the fourth linger above nor- oya§e reaching(
of L' e and for ed at the termina-
mal. A long Thumb. The Mounts tion.
of Mercury and the Sun predominant,
Knot.-Marked bulge of one (or both)
the former with one or more down-
3 the Joints. Knot
ward lines. A fine Line of Head
called "Phi osophical Knot. Lower
slightly drooping; often with a fine
Knot called "Knot of Material Order"
triple fork at the end.
-48. Only one Knot on the Thumb:
Inventive Un ractical.-The
Genius. the "Philosophical K!0f"*§4.p
a ve signs, except t at t e ot will
be absent, at least the second knot. Kollmann, Arthur; a German; author of
The Line of Head will droop too "Der 'fast-Kpparat
der Hand der
much down the Mount of the Moon; Menschlichen Rassen und der Affen
the latter above normal. Confused in Seines Entwickelnng und Glied-
downward lines on the Mounts of the erung" (Leipsic: 1883).
Sun and Mercury.
La Chambre, Dr. de; a famous French
lronv.-Short nails, with soft palm. p ysncian; aut or of "L'Art de con-
Mount of Mercury (sometimes Sat- naitre les hommes" (Paris: x66n).
um) predominant. A poor Line of
Heart. Lan 'd e, M. C.; English author of

Irreligion.-See Skepticism.
e ey to almistry" (London:
l<l:mrl on Line of the Sun. Influence of. of Liver forked at ter-
-Case: 272.
jaundice.-Exaggerate or much lined
Lavater, . Cas r; a Swiss; author of
Mount of Mercury. A spot or a star
t e mo ern t eory of Ph siognomy,
on the Mount of the Moon. described in his books, sur "Etudes
la Physionomie" (The Hague: IZ83),
Iaundice.-Case: and "L'Art de Connaitre les Honnmes
ud ent, Sound.-See Common Sense. par la Physionomie" (Paris: 1806).


39, nun.'r1c DICTIONARY. Hit.

La 'tude to Be a.-Short nails.

£S1'rC°'°= 17°-
ourt xngerLong ozmnant.
Levi Eli
Second phalanx oi the Thumb. Large has; a Frenchman; author of
Mounts of Mercury and Mars. Line me et ituel de laHllte Magic"
of Headaseparated from Line of Life (Pans: 1850).
at the start and distinctly forked at
Liar, The.-Fourth inger crooked.
the termination.
Mounts of Mercury and the Hoon
Lawsuit.-A Line of Influence cutting exaggerate and rayed. A cross ou
an upward branch of the Line of Life the former. No Mount of Jupiter.
and (or cutting) the Line of The Line of Head drooping and
the Sun. n the first case, the lawsuit is widely forked at the termination.
won, in the second it is lost. Crosses
Life, A Short.-Short Line of life
in the First Angle of the Triangle.
Lawsuit Lost, Famil .-Case: 302. especn y in both hands).

Life in Convent.-A square at the lower

Laziness.-Hand proper longer than fin-
part o e ount of Venus. A grille
gers. Hand thick and soft. Very on the Mount of Jupiter in an other-
short, conical Hn ers. Mounts of the wise excellent hand.
Moon, Venus ang
(sometimes) the Sun
Life Ruined b I
predominant. Drooping Line of ruderiee.-Widely
Head, with short first Phalanx of the separate mes o e an ead. A
Thumb. The Second Anglo broad Second finger below normal, and a
and poorly marked. Third finger longer than the Second.
Ledos, Eu éne; a Frenchman; author of
the Moon stopping abruptly at the
raite de la Physionomie Humaine" Line of Head, the latter into
(Paris: 1895), and
sister sciences.
of other works on
an exaggerate Mount of the oon. drotgng
Life Ruined b Love.-A Line of Fate
Le 'es.-Anor star on the mid-
dle oi the First Bracelet of the Ras» me;-gi;-ig
into a en or starred Line
eart under the Mount of Saturn.
cette. A Line of Influence from a star g
on the Mount of Venus into
the Line of the Sun. Lines of nflu- merging AwavyLineofHeadrunni§atthe
termination toward the Line Hart.
which it cuts. Poor, or starred Line
ence from the Mount of the Moon
of Fate and the Sun. A double Line
running alongside the Line of the Sun of Heart.
without touching it. See Inheritance.
Life Ruined Our Own .-

Leg Crippled.-Case: 251. ines n uence e ount

Le , Wound on.-Capillary cross lines Venus cutting Lines of' Fate, Head
on t e ount of Mercury. A lentil- and Heart, also the Line of the Sun.
like dark spot lowdown on the Mount Life. The Line of-Exhaustive Study.-
of Mercury. 153. 1. osmon and Direction-r53.
Le s. De rivation of the Use of.--Case: 2. Character: a. By It!Qf1IS#i b.
In combination with other Indications
171. -x 57. 3. Starting Points and Forks
Le Troubles with
, the.-Exaggerate at the start-157. 4. Termination
or much line Mount of Saturn. and Forks at the
Line of Head broken under the Mount 5. Branches-161. T¢fmihIii&-Igg.
6. Brake-1 _

of Satum. 7. Connected with the Main Lines:

a. Directly-163; b. means of
_-Very poor Lines
a single uncrossed
of Life and
Bracelet of
Minor Lines-166. 8. B§
an. Capil-
laries and Signs-I&.
_ethe Rascette. A very low Plain of
°Mars. Life. Uneventful.-No Line of Fate.
Line of Heart starting' from between line from the Rascette strmgli'titothe
the iirst and second finger. The Mount of the Sun.
Mounts insignificant.
Liver, The Line of.-soo. r. Position
Liues inGeneral.-141. Main Lines, I4 an IQCUOU-'@I. a._Cha|-ache-r:
in number. reliminary study-141. a. By Itself-aol; b. In
1. Grouping: Six Divisions, each with other Indications-non. 3. Start-
under a Principal Main Line. Chief ing Points-ao4. 4. Termination and
Lines: Life, Head, Heart. 2. Mean- Forks at the Termination-aut. 5.
ing. 3. Character: a. Color; b. Branches-ao5. 6. Breaks-ao5. 7.
Length; c. Depth. 4. Malformation Connected with the Main Lines-ao5.
(illustration: a. Broken; b. Split; c. 8. Signs-206.
Chained or Linked; d. Islanded. The Liver Trouble, V
Lines are also: a. Forked (at the ex-
sm,espec1 Ex-
yi cla.mmyco
tremities); b. Branched, either up-

ward or downward; c. Tasseled. aggerate and much lined Mount of

Mercury. Yellow colored Lines,
Lines of Influence from the Mounts of especially Line of Liver. Line of
Venus or Lower ars or the ine o Liver formed in ladder-like fragments.
Dark spots on the Mount of the Moon.
Life.-172. I. Insi e the ounts: .

fioncentric to the Line of Life-74. °c. the Ruling Principle of Modern

C. Cross Lines-I74. 2. From the `stfy.-32.
Mounts or the Line: A. Ending in-
long and good Line
side the Triangle but cutting no Main
Line-174; B. Terminating upon any
ate, if it comes out in a.
ot' the other Mounts-175; C. Merg- great circle. Long and clear Line of
Liver, if not connected at the start
ing into or cutting Main Lines-179: with Line ot Life. A com lete Ras-
D. Starting from a si -183; E.
Ending in a sign--187; Sittarting
cette. Lines of Head and in a glean
healthy condition.
ending in a sign-190. 4

Lon evi , Great.-Case: 165.

Lines of Influence in General.-172.
it ister
er ines or Cross Lines. Loss of Blood from the Bowels.-Case:
From the Mounts of Venus or Lower 191.
Mars or the Line of Life-173. From Loss of Fortune b Parents.-Case: 181.
the Mount of the Moon-292. From
the Upper Mount of Mars-307. .Loss of Mon , R ted.-A very

Lines, Vanishin of the.-An admirable

o ow o ars. reaks, Bars,
Stars Islands on the Line of the
instance of such disappearance, trans- Sun. Islands on the Line of Liver.
lated from Desbarrolles-147. An Island on the Line of Fate in a
Lion Killer, A Famous.-Case: 230. _hand that denotes no immoral in-
Literarv Man; ecial Natur»Case: Love Affair Broken Off.-Case: 289.
Love Affairs, Two Simultaneous.-
Literature. for.-Long First
A titude ase: I .

and ourth Fingers, often conical.

Love, Di intment in.-Plain of
Mounts of Mercury and the Sun pre-
dominant, with the Mounts of Venus h ow towa
ars eart. The Line
and the Moon indispensable for writ- of Heart cut by a bar near the start.
ers of Poetry or Fiction. A slightly Line of Head nmning close to the
Line of Head. Line of Fate chained
drooping Line of Head. somewhat when crossing Line ot Heart. Badly
fnrkefl at the Termination: often white
dots on it. Small downward line on formed star in the Triangle.
the first joint of the lirst linger. A Love. C ci for.-A large Mount di.


Venusinahand A eette, Union); 4. Minor Linen; 5.

6neelearLiueofHga?t. Lasclva Slew-
asSiste.rUnetoLiueofLiver. A
Snelineoillafs. @$L-<5°° Um)
Extreme Passion in.-A thick,
Mania , Ill-fated.-Case: 184.
gerate ounts of
M27 Unfortunate.-Cale: 81.
Venus and the Line of Heart .

"` '

forum under Mount of ss: M ' Unfortunate.-Case: 180.

urn. ilften
Chief Lines quite red: Mars, Lower Mount of.-I. Position-
with strong Mounts and Plain of
5. 2.
can 7. Displace- .

Mars. Clear, red Line of Mars.

menta-89. 4. evealin;
Love, Fatal.-See Life Ruined by Love. go. Revealing Modes( Suicide-go.
6. igns-121. Signature (in com-
Love Fatal Onl .-Case: 299. mon with Upper Mount of Mars); a.

Physical b. Health
Love for
a ne o
a Near Relative.-An island
Peculiarities-132; Peculiarities-tg;
c. ental and
Moral Peculiarities-132. 8. In enm-
Love, Ideal.-A finely forked Line of bination with another prottunent
Heart starting high inside the Mount Mount-137.
ofjupiter. Mars. The Line oi.-194. 1. Position

Love Not Endin in Ma e.-A Line and 2. Character-

n uence the ount of the rection-1%.

194. 3. Starting oints and Forks at
Moon terminating just before it the Termination-195. 4. Breaks and
reaches the Line of Fate. 5. Special Observations
Love, Troubles in.-See Love, Disap-
Mars, U Mount of.-I. Position-
pomtments in.
. 2. 3. Displace-
eamn _

Lovers at the Same Time, Two.-Case:

ments-89. 4. evealing Illnesses-
2° 349-
29°» 89. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicide-
Lucas, Louis; a Frenchman; author oi 9o. 6. Signs-108. 7. Signature (in
common with Lower Mount of Mars):
"Chimie Nouvelle," and "Acoustique b.
a.Physical Peculiarities-131;
Nouvelle," published between 1855 Health Peculiarities-132; c. Mental
and 1860.
and Moral Peculiarities-132. 8. In
Luck, The Line of.-The Line of Fate combination with another prominent
Luna, The Line of.-The Line of Intu- Mathematics, Hi er A 'tude for.-

mon-30. ry, ard palm. g.

Lv hatic Dis sition.é»ee Anoemia, gens. The Fourth Finger above nor-
mal. The Mounts of Mercury and
w ic isits most angerous form. (sometimes) Saturn predominant.
Map of the Hand.-29. Illustration- Second phalanges of Fingers and
ac o the Hand:" 1. Hand Thumb above normal. Very straight
Line of Head. Mounts of the Moon
Proper; 2. Fingers; 3. Thumb; 4.
and (often) the Sun absent.
Tips; 5. Knots; 6. Nails; 7. Hair.
"lnside of the Hand:" I. Mounts Mav de Francoine, Philli ; a French-
(jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Up-

man; aut or nde

per Moon. Venus, Lower
Mars, Medicinale" ('I`he Hague: 1665).
Mars); 2. Palm Proper or Plain of
Mars; 3. Main Lines (Life. Head, Meanness.-Thin, hard palm. Fil\g¢f8
Heart, Fate, Sun. Liver. Via Lasciva, close together and bent forward. Very
Intuition, Mars, Girdle of Venus, Ras- narrow Quadrangle. due to Line of
leantenl. P¢\I.llSl'tC DICTIORARY. in Q

Heart curing' alllliy wx!! tin¢theI.hedth&..

Linedlli. H
MechanicalPutsuIl-'une '
proper `
gers,tl||:Hmervrih and
Seeondlinnts m oi
Meticnlnur. 3.
Meneurythrovmtonrdllonntoftiae i -

Sun. StnightI..ineol'He\d. ll .-The

study d phi;
Medical -Fonrtosevencleer theGreekIe|lb"lQ»
d linesoathelonntofller- tleiu|ehe|||,\n|l"Scq»ein."\o
tliephystclanorsnlgetm. M Dr. e German; entlnr

Medium, Extra Lucid.-Cue: 212. °¢|i'=\" (1057)-

Middle 16. The historical plhd
Melancholia.-A grille on the Mount of
from the Fill of the Ro-
the Moon. or much
man ( to the Conquest et
lined Mount of
of No
turn. Drooping
of the Sun Constantinopl$) the Turks (leg).
or Headw 'Mounts
Lixienpiter. a ovvnvnrd lmes' on Milig.-I-land proper longer than ln-
third phalanx ofvgeoond Finger.
Melton, ohn; Englishman; author
EJF' SQ". "¥.?"i4.§."' °",,...i...i......"°°°"
Strong Venue and Jupiter:
o tro r, or the Figure
Often gonna
three Chiel Linen

Upper Mount of gable

Caster" (London: 1690). on
M Gift of.-Remarltably ine, Triargles
and sin oi Mara. One deep lineon
straight es Head and Liver, third phalanx of second linger.
with First and Fourth Fingers mark- Mil We The.-The Vin Lueivl-
edly conical. 30.
Memo , Loss oi.-A much broken up Minis . A itude for the.-Polntotl
ne o ea wavy or fragmentary t odernt
. rt .

Line of Liver. Itigant oguifenue. Gogd Line! oi

Mensal, The.-The Line of Heart-30. Head and Heart. A crou in the Quad-
rangle under the Mount ol Saturn.
Mercena S irit in Intellectual Ar- Misanthro
The.-Long. knotty. often

tistic or .-
p m; square 1 t A
bt:§l;'n1|rlted vhegunetz


txppa lin Third rs. leaning or

toward Igogurth.
Third Fin§eringer too Saturn. Absence oi the Mounts of the
short. Line of Head straight Sun and Venus. Short Line ol Helrt.
and stiii. Mount of the vehrlyoon insig- Miserl Dia ition.-Hind thin lltd
nificant. Line ot' the Sun terminating t lint Bn .

bets? °Llne of H':|


on Mount of Mercury.
Mercu , Mount Position-84.ol.-1. cutting Hand like
Heart often absent.
a bar.
or. if
Line d
there, torm-
2. eamn 3. Displacements_

-89. 4. evealing Illnesses-89. ing a very narrow Quetlrengle.

Revealing Mode of Suicid¢>9o. . Misuse of Artistic or Intellectull Tll-
Signs-104. 7. Signature: a. Ph si- ents anger
cal Peculiarities-129; b. Health Le- Jilin:
Sun thrown toward e very bed
culiarities-129; c. Mental and Moral Mount oi Mercury. Exeggerlte
Peculiarities-130. 8. In combination Mount of the Moon. No Mount of
with another prominent Mount-137.
Jupiter. Often an exaggente or much
Mesalliance, A.-A Line of Union gut- lined Mount of Saturn.

j \

Monomania of Persecution.-Case: 347. the Palm of the hand tht Bllllllild

the "Palm or "Plain of Mars'

Michel de' a Frenchman Eight in n Elzgg"


; _aut or of "Essais." 1-oftleupits-85,

1533-and curious sage con emin 4 ercu 5-of pper
Palmiatry in the gxis editioncof lag Mars-86, 6-Zi the Moon--Q, 7-
works (1854), II., p. 282. 8-of Mars-
'tion-84. Igller
gf)VenI1§s-87, ennmgl-85' .

Moon, Mount of the.-I. Position-84.

2. eamn
Igisplacegrsénts-87.As revealthey
._ 3.
Igsplacements Ill13l¢S8¢S-@. As they indicate Sri-
-39- 4- R¢V¢9»|111 ¢SS-90- cidal Tendencies-go.
Revealing Mode ofg SliCid¢-@.

Mounts, Si tures of the.-Deinitionz

Signs-111. 7. Signature: a. Physi-
cal Peculiarities-133; b. Health Pe- A ount towering over all the others
c. Mental in both hands is considered as corre-
culiarities-l33Z and
Moral Peculiarities-134. 7. In sponding with a deinite Phyaiul,
combination with another prominent Mental and Moral Typwxaa. 1.
The Jupiterian-123. 3. The Sat-
I.l.l'l1l3.l1-124. '1'he Solar Subjxt-
Moral Nature, Ill-Balanced.-Damp !a6. 4. The encurian-tag. 5.'ll|e
sim, atpeciniy E cgmy cold-39. Martian-131. 6. The Lunar Subject
Morbid Dis ition.-Yellow-hued and -133. 7.The Venusian--134. Com-
econd binations oi the two most prominent
so palm. Finger too long,
especially the first phalanx. Mount Mounts--136.
of Satum exaggerate, often covered Mueller, ohann; a German (1801-1858);
with confused lines. Lines yellow and author andbuch der Physiologic
weak. Line of Head droopin into a des Menschen" (1841); we read the
light Mount of the Moon. of iine French translation published in Paris
Liver wavy or fragmentary.
by Jourdan (1854)-@-23.
Morbid Instincts, Disastrous.-Third Murderer, The Slow.--Long, thin
s orter than Sec-
mger very muc ands; notty gers. 'line Mount of
ond. See above indications. Saturn exaggerate or much rayed.
Moreau, Adéle; a Frenchwoman and a Stars on the second inger. Mount ol
the Sun exaggerate (envy): Mount
pupil of the famous Mlle. Le Nor-
of Mercury heavily marked with cross
rnand; author of "L'Avenir dévoilé;
Chiromancie Nouvelle, Etude des lines (deceit). The lower part of the
Mount of the Moon much and
Deux Mains" (Paris: 1869).
Mother Died When the Sub'ect Was
with a drooping prong from raged
e Line

of Head. Short Line of Life if he is to

rn. se: 95. die on scaffold.
Mother-in-Law Influence.-A Sister Murderer, The Violent.-Thick, hard
me c ose
y accompanymg a strongly an s. ate
a ngers. _Clubbed
marked Line of Union. Thumb. The three Chief Lines very
Mounts, Lines and Si red and no others. QC
Mounts of Mars and Venus in this
1. n t e ount o upiter-91. 2. case vicious instincts, not love The .

On the Mount of Satum-97. 3 On Lines of Heart and Head are short.

the Mount of the Sun-lol. 4. On
also Line of Life if destined to die on
the Mount of Mercury-104. 5. On
scaffold. Stars on the Second Flllf
the Upper Mount off Mars-108. 6.
On the Mount of the M00h1IlI. 7. gers. Large cross in the Triangle.
On the Mount of Venus-I 17. 8. On Music, Great Aptitude for.-A moder-
the Lower Mount of Mars-121. conical. smooth
ately an an

Mounts of the H8hd.%I. Elevations in fingers. Mounts of the Sun. the


"".1;|.|,"'¢..,.¢v"'mL"f¢§°i:\i'\`. ...i `!

FQ' akin; _i


3 an.
The if :isnt u U
, _

.\A_¢, 4_.'.L~. » \A~ '- \ \

,......_... .-v `
` f °
..¢.a""!' $aumksqunullzun
dluuh ruuz _

mlyémdindaeead. -l=\mdlul?mhol~

ll The.-Awdia'lul lN\l'l\'\tP\'|\»
emma Ilvlcth
Nak.-1. &o|t-39; 2. Shun, had,

had Htbi

N 4 '
A unk'
|~ \ i* \\ \

soltpalm-393+ §(lf1 d6l' ~- 5
gr. 3g;5.Sl\ortgnd
nw# blush-40: 7-
lar-4o;9.Short, narrow, cu
' 'Wm

40; lo. Large, hmad, long-40; lt. N a\\ulu\h\~

my-qn; 14.

thin' and H:\.:.of

ma an un
nanvw-40; 15. mon shaped-40;
16. Pink on outer edge-41; 37. N Palm.
Ridgeson certain nail-4t; 18. Cfou
Ridge-41; 19. I-Iippocnten' mil- ww . Bl

4|; zo. White spots-41; at. Black
and bluish spots-41.
leon III.'a Hinds Examined b
¢.:."1.' °'='.. .v°*%°°
Hulthfgnn mr! of IM ;
No may Run.
CS »

'I'lne6np|-sgredtaaboth smooth
N 1dl'lGClW|$%'|0f
Morphdogia ll
Physiulogii' (Berlin: 1833). ~

|__,.|. __ /_

mwml?"¢M -| 'r.s:»"|
NavalPto|c»|io|l , =
nur-nw. 'i.~»m»m~» ff .

dominant. Drooping Line of Head. Pal "II : ;h rl.

Line of oration with Miss
uadrangle. Int1u2t?=n.MA
. criéss RA:
stic .
Fili an imma
Mouiit of thrgsgloon.
on the
erer o the termination chunk
The mallTriangle well formed. below the idermis, and of Pldlhll
Love.-A large cross on the
3 Venu , with a clear cross
Corpusclesegvhich see).
Pacinian Co u|cles.-

the Mount of Jupiter.


Only Love.-Case: 164. kind and gathered in the palm d-the
hand, mostly inside the Haunt: ulller
On ch .-Divination of future the ingers and the Plain of Han-
events markings on the nails-
y 19i 24-
4x. From the Greek "Onuchos," fin- `

Pain in the Sid Un :

ger nail, and "Manteia," divination.
0 Sin -Hand proper longer
Painter, Famous German.-Case: 225.
n rs, the latter
with conical
tips. Lines of Life and Head widely ial Characteristics
Painter, d a
separated at the start, the latter forked RUIDUS. f
at the termination. See Music, Ap-
titudes for. Palm.-Measured inside, from wrist to
Order in Ev Da Life.-Sfrong sec- En r base- 5. "Sine and
on not on gers. See Knot. x. §farrow-33; 2. Wide-38; oo
gg.'Qrlor Sln¥:"
Generally square tipped Hngers. Wide-38; 4. Square-38.
and Skin Character:" I.
Order in Ideas.-Strong first knot on
38; 2. Pink Hot- Vegfdl-

all ngers. See Knot. Often spatu-

late tipped fingers.
tled-38; 4. Re 5. Very Recl-
38; 6. Satin Skin-39; 7. Dry Skin-
Order Wantin in Ideas or Actions.- 39; 8. Damp Skin-39.
erys ,smovo an s,w1t asot Palm Pr .-Inside hand, not includ-
palm and insignificant first phalanx of
tiie th°umb.
ing the
Hounts-35. I. Flatbut
Flat but low-39; 3. Hollow
O ressions Cansin Monomania.-
Palmist and Chirolo 'cal Review; a
ase: 351.
ont y pu ed since I
as the
Outdoor Life and S s, Love for.-
Roxburgh Press, I5 Victoria
arge, ard and. tulate nger Westminster, London; edited by Mrs.
tips. Third linger longer than nor- St. Hill and Mr. Charles F.
mal. Second finger good size. Lines lliaghglrine
1 _

of Life and Head separate at the start.

or science of read-
No worry lines. Often very low Palmistry.-The
Mounts (except Mars) and only the ing one s and fate in the lines

three Chief Lines. and lineaments of the hand. Lately

it has been made to combine Clairog-
Overwork or Dissi tion, Si s of.-A nomy and Chirornancy into one homo-
much is anded ine of ead. geneous science. The word is un-
known in the Latin, German, French
Owen, Sir Richard; an Englishman and Italian works on Palmistry, both
I |.o4b; aut or o n the Nature of ancient and modern. With them
Limbs" (London: 1849). "Chix-omancy" is made to apply to the
whole of the science.
Oxenford, Ina; an Englishwoman;
author o he New (Lon- Papas, Doctor; a Frenchman; author d
don: 1895); also of "Life Chirology"
tudies in "Ti-aite' de Magic pratique" (Paris:
aumry. P.u.aus'rxc DICTIONARY. assure? gg

Reoov Serious Illness.-The

from '¢d¢u&I0fil¢'|06lg

over yin ents a neo! Life

conneeteg by a bar. Similar frag- forkedand redat thejerannataou.
ments encased within a square. C|'0!!Lill¢!fl'G)'l|lh¢'LiB00fLi.f¢@
Aroundallevilsignsonthe Handto theMountofSaturn.
be interpreted as serious illnesses the Rheumatis Her .-Several lines
square is reassuring.
Put turn and the
anting that, the fact that the bad crossagf
Line Heart.

indications are not repeated in both

hands is a promise of recovery. Rheumatism, I .--W i t .Ia
er in :cations matism
Rel' 'on, Chan oi.-Case: 244.
(which see), black, bluish '
or red dot!
Reli 'on, Founder of a New.--Case: on the Line of Heart.
352- Riches.-See Financial Success.
Reli ion, Resi ation Due to.-Case: Ron hile alirenehman autborof "La
Religious Enthusiasm Determinin Ab-
Céyromantie naturelle" (Lyons:
soute ase: 302.
tltz. Rothmann, ohamr a German; author
Reli 'ous Veneration.-Slender, soft o iroman Theorica Practica"
pam; smoot pointed fingers, espe-
(Eriurt: 1595). English translation
cially the First. A line Mount of jupi- ,
by Wharton (London: 1652).
fer. Favorite of a.-Case:
Rozal Person§,
R ueno, Vincenzo; an Italian; author 354~
o rta della Cl1ironomia" Ruined b a Woman Position.-Case:
(Parma: 1797).
The "exhalation"-so to
Respir.-24. Ruined, Minor Children Financiall .--

spe -of the vital fluid.

se: I _

Res irato ns, Disease of.-Thin

Sadness, Su rstitious.-Second Finger
alm. g, rltt e, curv or fluted
nails. Pale lines. Mount of jupiter eanmg' towar lrst. Exaggerate
Second Finger (especially iirst pha-
exaggerate. the
Many islands on

Line of Head. A Line of Iniiuence lanx) and Mount of Saturn. Droop-

ending in an island on the Mount of ing Line of Head, with exaggerate `

Mount of the Moon.

Re irato Or ns, Severe Trouble of.
Sahn. Frank; a German; author of "Die
Cliiromantie der Alten" (Berlin:
Res onsibilitv, Dislike of.-First Finger St. Gemiain, Comte C. de; a French-
too short. cad attached
man 1 ;aut or and Book
too long to the Line of Life at the
of Palmistry" (New° York: 1883);
start. Insignificant (or absent) Mounts
"Practical Palmistry" (Chicago:
of Mars. First Phalanx of Thumb be-
low normal. 1897); "The Practice of Palmistry for
Professional Purposes" (2 vols. r.25o
Revenveiul Encmv, Ambition Interfered ill.; 1897-g8); editor of the
with aser
Chicago: '

monthly, American Journal of Palm-

Rheumatism.-"Satin" skin. Exagger- istry" (Chicago: 1897. r893_).
ate or much lined Mount of Saturn. Sanders. Richard; the leading English
The Midle part M the Mount of the chiromant o the XVII. Century;
Mount of the Moon exaggerate or author of "Physioe_nomie. f`li~'o-
much lined. A line down the Middle mancie, Metoposcopie," etc., Handled

A _ I .


Thurnh.-What distinguishes Man from Bom.-Square

lower animals. Exhaustive Study- Ti-a
5|. In Idiots, Infants, lingeis; rarely knotted. A
Criminals. 1. Position. 2. e.

..1"i`~Ka.¢ we if ammo
Shape. 4. First Phalanx: a. Size; e.
333% are prqeeted; also he
Shape. 5. Knot. 6. Second Phalanx:
a. Size; b. Shape. No third Phalanx.
7. Combination of Phalanges. 8.
of the other
' .s.¥.".f=.=~..;..f°
Mounts or Lind except
~.< .1

Lines and Sig'|ll*32§. the essenthl ones.

Tibertus, Antioehur a German; author Travel Successful.-A line from the

venous on Chiromaacy, ttotl|eMount'oUupi-
published in I4Q4 and 154| in Bonn ts
and Mayenoe.
Tr-ian le The.-316. (See Plain of
Time in the Hand, How to Reckon.-
t l1Sff3U0ll8r-IQQ, 151. E
Line of Life-148. On Line of Fate Trian le, The Small.-334. (See Plain
-150. On Line of the Sun-152. ars.
On the Percussion-152. On the
Tricasso; an Italian and a leadingChiro-
Mount of Jupiter-152. On Line of
HGft*Q.I3. On Line of Head-413. of the Century; author of
On Line of Liver-413. mént
yromantia XVIg.
ovvamente revista e
con Somma diligentia corretta e stam-
fingers, inward bent. Low
palm. Long,
aata" (1534). Excellent French trans-
tion issued in Paris in
(if any) Mounts of Mars, Mercury and
Jupiter. The Line of Head attached T es of Hands, Leadin .-1. The
too to the Line of Life at the otnt 57. 2. The
long syc ic or
start. arrow Quadrangle. Artistic (or Conical)-59. 3. The
Ti of F' Useful
nan a
ers.-Shape of extremity
nx. Four leadin types
essary (gr
or 4. Theltllt
te 3. .

ofTips: Pointed; Conical; Square; ¥:ilo§;:»phical
e 'stic-
8. 7The

Tobaco Heart, The.-Case: 245.
er's-68. The
9. Idiot's-69. Io, ll,
Ia. Mixed 13. Wo-
Todd, R. B.; Englishman; author of
an '
2. I;_ands;f7%v
ypes Tir;ypes:
"Cyciopadia of Anatomy and Physi- gazing;-Z)reamer;
b. Emotional; Tse
ology" (London: 1839). c.The Globe Trotter; d. The Bus -

Touch, Sense of; the most indispensable body; e. The Drudge; f. The Quici-
t e ve
T rannical Dis °tion.-First Finger
Traitor, The.-Crooked Fingers, espe- too ard nails. First
ong. ,

cially the fourth linger. Short and halanx of the Thumb e rate

nails. Absence of the Line of
_ Exagierate Mount
straig t Line of H
hand like a bar. The Line of
, the
Travel or Vo for a Loved One's
often absent.
a e.- ine o
oyage coming
from the Percussion of the Mount of Unconventionali .-Thick, soft palm.
the Moon and merging into the Line ngers mg apart easily. Fin-
of Heart under the Mount of Mer- gers bent backward, smooth and coni-
cury. Often: Line of Head mer§ng cal. Thumb set very low and curved
into the Line of Heart under the same backward. Lines of Head and Life
Mount. often separated at the start. Mounts

.4 1'

I. TimeKumremeatsontheMountsmdoahaLineso¢BeutmdHnd.
II. AModelChanfnrawmp|ateHmd~Rsding.anuiningamuchnounmeadedm8hodwhs

Comte C. de Saint-Germnin'|


1.. ht-wr Hua. R. 11-Rqnu Hand

HAND Pnornn Length ...... Width. . . . .

.Proportion to Fingers ......
"D P"""°
Thickness ......
consisteney ...... skin ..... Hair ...... Nails

FINGIIRS. Length ..... ........ B ent ....... . . . ....

Flexibility .... . . . . .

Peculiarity of Any Finger ...... .... .... . ............ _

Tips .......... .rst ........... ad. ......

...3d ..........
Knots ..... . . ._ rst ......... ad. . . . . . . . . Inside Lower Phalanges. . _

Tuuun. Position. . . . ..... Size. .......... Bent ..........

Flexibility.. .. .

Phalanges ......... lst ......... ad. . ....... Knot. ........

Tip. . . .

Mounts. L. IL [In the order of their importance] ..... ......

...._ . .......... _._.... ...__.. .


Q.;-L`.§.§ `.§..°LQ.§.Q.lL.Q 'L QQ f. _

§£.Al§l,l,`Q»§.§`¢.§.§.Q{;"}§.'}.}_`_`. .___ . .. . ._._ __

L}.};.°é.L,1,1.'.Ll§.§;`;.L,L.`.§.;.`"Lf Q °°££.l.Q|1.l.`.I.L,`£.§§ 5{.Li};°1°j fl __

Lines Connecting Mounts. R. H .....

-.nausea ..'.»»~»n.-~~¢~¢¢»»»».¢»¢»

Lin-:. L. H. .... .

Lines of Inliuence .....

R. H .....

Lines of Influence. . . . _

Hun. L. H ....

R. H ....

Hunt. L. H. _ .


FA11. L. H ....

Lines of Influence ....

.»¢-».-»»..»» u..-


R.H ....


Lines of Iaduenoe. . . .


Sun. L. H. .... .

Lines of Induence ....

R. H ....

Lines of Induence . . _

Llvn. L. H.

R.!1 ....

Umon. L. IL ....

R.H ....

QuAnnAN;:;.;»:: _ . .

}§_`};f i Q
Tlunnou. .. -_ .

LQ QQ] ._

ON Fmcns . . .

....... ....

RAscrr1~|:. _

Surmnv þÿINDl;;'!il;Z).N. ¬!. ._ .





Comte C. de SAINT-GERMAlN,A.B.,LL.M. `

President of the uffnenkan Chifologrtal Socakbv, (Incorporated) and of the

Ufalrbnal School of Palrnistry. _

Aurnoa o|= A

Hand Book of Modem Pazmfsny (1883) and of Practical mmm.

(asm Thuusand, nagy.)

vm. m by an Lu.


VOL. ll.

w' fr THE


17 '."Z,';°
» r-° A
f _

I _._
.~: ~


flfl FUND



C°Wf|l»N» II91.


C. an Sun-Gnnuu, Prcailal.

Entond at Stntimon Hall.

London, England.

Déplnémlhldéuvdo l°latétioaro!l In Bibliothéqu

hurts, France.

Tn: Lau: or Mus ....


Tux RAscu"r| ......


Tux Liu: or Llvn .... :oo

Tn: Vu LAsc|vA .... .


Tux Lum or IN'l'Ul'l'l0N.Ȣ.. :lo

Tu: Lum or Hum... 213

Tu: Lnu or Hnun... |41

Tun GIRDLI or Vnuus.


Tux Lucas or Uulou.. 364

Tux Lum or Fnn...... '73

Tn: Lnu or nn Suu. '94

Tn: PLAIN or Mums... 308

Tn: Qunnnuou. 3°9

Tn: Tnuua|.|. . . .

Luau /mn Sums on Tuma Ann Fmc|ns................ 355

PART FIFTH-ADDITIONAL CASES. ..... . ..... . . . . . .





4| x

Tun Musunuanrr on Mounts nm HORIZONTAL Lm:s..... , __


Monu. Cmuu' ron HAND Rn/mmo..... 414



A Line startin from an island and of Life and endin in a star on the U er

in dot star on the Line of Mount of Mars-Hemorrhoids.

ending a or

Q31-Guilty intrigue affecting the sib-

A Line startin from a star on the
ject's brain.
Mount of Venus and endin in a star on
Cruel Separation Bringing About a Happier the Mount of the result-
Fate.- The Line of
Heart from the
ing from the loss of a relative or close
Line of Head is crossed friend.

by a bar under the Dlaaatroua Death of a Near Relative.-A

Mount of ]upiter; a Line of Influence start-

square of

preservation ` ing from a star on the

was formed around this Mount of' Venus and

cross by a line from cutting an upward _

the beginning of' the ai branch of the Line of _



I »

Line of Life going up Life ended in a star ¥~`,-»

the Mount of jupiter, then crossing toward on the Mount of the

the Mount of Saturn, where it meets a fine Moon, on a sloping
Line of Fate. The fourth side of this square Line of Head.
is formed by a good Line of Head. Inside "A French oflicer lost "-1
the Mount of Venus a line of influence start- his mother, who died insane. Besides his grief,
ing from an island cut an upward branch of he had to fight a law-suit about the will left by
the Line of Life and ended in a star on the the old lady." ~

Line of Fate. An influence line from the

Mount of the Moon merged into the Line of
Grief; Lawault; Palpltatlona of the Heart.
the Sun.
Result.-The Line of
"A lady was abandoned by her lover (a Heart chained from
married man), and this was for her a great
start to termination.
sorrow and disaster. But she was protected A Line of Influence from
from the consequences of both by the coming the Mount of' V¢hlS»
forward of another admirer, both wealthy cutting an upward t

and constant." _ branch on the Line of

Life, reached and just
cut the Line of Heart

under the Mount of -

"A friend of Desbarrolles. Tormented all

his life by a wicked woman from vhom he

finally separated legally. Had his health

ruined by his sorrow and troubles. His heart

and liver had been particularly affected. The

A Line startin from a dot on the Line woman was of the MC'C|'lln type-"
IQQ Position. THE LINE OF MARS. Position.


To complete Division One (see p. Normal.

I have to present here the few ob-
141), Running close and parallel to the Line
servations that have been gathered con- of Life, on the Lower Mount of Mars

ceming the Sister Line of the Line of and the Mount of Venus-It corrects

Life, called The Line of Mars-doubt- many of the breaks and defects of the
less because it often starts inside the Line of Life. It gives assurance, self~
Lower Mount of Mars-and the three respect, and, with a good Mount of
Bracelets of Life constituting the lower jupiter, a desirable amount of pride.
boundary of the Palm and called, to- Also a promise of success and fortune
gether, The Rascette. These four lines when confirmed elsewhere.
have always been considered as concern- Running uite rallel to the Line of

ing especially the£_§ty of the sub- Life, like the two rails of a track, es~

ject or the state .JE health. In fact, ciall along the latter rtion of the
most of the other observations brought Line of Life-Death away from one's
forward concerning these lines I-have own country. (See p. 80.)
~ '

found purely traditional and difficult to

explain logically; besides, I failed to find

the meanings given them warranted in
the few cases when they happened to I

come under my personal examination.

Still, they are worthy of enumeration,

and the student, in his diagnosis, may
M Q _ _

find them more reliable. I begin with


I. POSITION' LED DIllEUI'I0l'. Running only for a limited space as

a sister line to the Line of Life-Its in-

fluence is limited to the space of time

indicated upon the Line of Life it par-

tially duplicates.

Sli_ htly more ink than the natural

` '

colorin of the skin and with a hand an-


nouncin decision and ~rseverance-

Termination. THE LINE OF MARS. Forks. rg;

Of great assistance to an officer in com- superabundance of the animal nature;

mand, or to a society leader with an often amounts almost to brutal insan-

important function to manage. ity.

Too or broad, with red colorin in fork, of
deep Terminating a one
--A sign of great heat and violence in which enters the Mount of the Moon
sensual passions; of an easily aroused and ends in a star-Alcoholic intemper-
anger; of a masterful spirit. Especially ance. Add to this a black s ot on 'the
so in a thick, hard hand with exa ef- Line of Head-Death from delirium
ate Mounts of Mars and hi hl col- tremens or alcoholic insanity.
ored lines.

III. STARTING POIITB AND FORKS These must be read as Breaks and
Si s in the Line of Life, and always
correspondin to its start-
At the date in connection with it.
ing point-A love affair began, or is to
Traditional-This is very much in the line
of the observations I inserted on page 174,
concerning the Lines of Influence concentric
to the Line of Life which see .

_ //I

Accom an in onl the final rtion

of the Line of Life, in a hand contain-

ing indications of a ver violent nature

-Tendency to murder. Es eciall if Other sister lines of the Line of Life,

the Line is de and red. further inside the Mount of Venus-
Terminatin in fork, Influences of other people the sub-
rong of
a one over

which enters the Mount of the Moon- ject's life. The intensity and duration
of this influence reckoned in accordance
to the length, depth and nearness of
these lines to the Line of Life..
This belongs more properly to the
chapter on Lines of Influence within the
Mounts of V cnus and Lower Mars (pp.
Other indications relating to the dura-
tion of life and to its happiness or ill-
luck are found in these three lines on

Intemperance of every kind, due to a the wrist, called the Bracelets or Re-

streintes (because they restrict or limit I. TOSITIOI LID DIRIUTIOI.

thc hand), and the combination of which One of these Bracelets clearl marked
and unbroken-An omen of twenty-
three (23) to twenty-eight (28) years of
of the Rascette:
_l"esbarrolles sa s
Two such bracelets-Announce a life
'it is traced in that portion of the
of from forty-six (46) to fifty-six (56)
hand which is devoted to material in-
stincts, and therefore all lines inside the Three such bracelets-Give promise
palm that droop down to it are debased of life of betwen
a sixty-nine (69) and
thereby and lose much of their intel-
eighty-four (84) years.
lectual and moral meaning." ,

Many works give to each of the brace-

This will be found confirmed in my
lets a meaning of 30 years of life. I have
the Line of Head. Remem-
ghgpter on never found them to exceed 26; in fact,
L-rr that this does not apply to such lines
in the hands of very old people, octo-
as rise from the Rascette, as they really
genarians, etc., I have found four brace-

Eg although they have not always been

very visible, as, at that age, the skin is
exceedingly wrinkled all over the
hand as to lend but very little reliable
assistance to the inquiring palmist.
It also believed by the old chiro-

inants that three fine bracelets-with a

oor Line of Life-meant fortune, or

* I
success, or both, but without health to

enjoy them.
indicate an ennobling, not a debasing
There is a great deal here that is

purely traditional and which has not

been very clearly demonstrated-in my

Certainly the first Bracelet is
an interesting study that deserves at- ll _'
tention; the other two, being practically
out of the field over which Chiromancy
concentrates its observations, may be
additional evi- The first bracelet high on the wrist
looked upon simply as

and in form-Troubles in the

dence, strengthening such indications convex

generative functions, especially in child-

gathered elsewhere, inside the lm.

bearing, etc.

&Ill&u0ll with lonnit.


Character. THE RASCETTF. '97

It is of the utmost importance not to

mistake the first bracelet for a deep Line

of Vo a e from the lower art of the

Mount of the Moon to the Line of Life,

or for a Line of Influence from the
Mount of Venus to the Mount of the '
Moon. Both these indications will be
found interpreted on p. 114 and p. 179
Mount of Saturn, crossin each other
will not return from
The Three Bracelets ver clear, well QS;-The subject
one of these long joumeys.
defined and colored-Health, wealth,
The element of ill-luck is here quite
good fortune; a smooth, easy existence.
Poorl fomied-A life of extrava-
A line from the Rascette to the Mount
ganee, and (with other confirmatory
of the
Sun-Reputation acquired
signs) of dissipation.
through associating with people in high
position met in one's travels. Also-
more frequently-interpreted as "travels

in tropical countries."


1/ p



The first bracelet chained-A life of ll

much hard work and care, but with final
success crowning these efforts.

III. CONNECTED WITH THB A line straight to the Mount of Mer-

of sudden wealth.
A line from the Rascette to the Mount It acts in that case as a sister line
nl' _lupiter-A long and successful jour- to the Line of Liver.

ney. Lines from the Rascette to the Mount

This line generally crosses the Mount of the Moon-Journeys (by land, when
of Venus. When it comes through the these lines do not cross the Mount of the
Mount of the Moon, it is most decidedly Moon); for every line journey; the

a sea voyage. longer these travel lines, the longer the

Two lines from the Rascette to the °onrnevs; two such lines absolutely par-
ma mmm. 'rms aAscs'r'r1~; Gouuum with uns-

allel from start to finish-Dangerous but Travel lines from the Rascette, endin

profitable journeys. at the Line of Life-Death joumey. on a

These lines of journey are much These lines properly Lines of In-

fainter than the three main upward lines; fluence, but tradition has given them this
they are quite dilferent in character and meaning, which is radically dilicrent
therefore easily distinguishable by an ex- from that logically attributed to Lines

perienced eye. from the Mounts of Venus and lr:

Mars and the Line of Life (which see).

bracelets breakin
above the other, under the
Mount of Satum-Inordinate vanity
in a


r, wav

line from the Rascette.
the Line of Liver-Poor luck

This is in accordance with my inter-

untruthfulness, leading to disaster. pretation of the Line of Liver-men-
tioned further--which makes the latter
a line of success in business, as well as a

Direct] or b Minor Lines. line of health-when and

perfect un-

See the Sections in the Chapters de- barred from start to termination.
voted to each particular main line, VI. SIGII.
headed, for the Line of Life, "Termina-
A cross in the center of the first brace-
tion and Forks at the Termination," and, - 1g---l-1-
let, if the latter is finel sha d and un~ n

for the Lines of Fate, the Sun and Liver, _ _ _

broken-A life full of difficulties, but

" ending comfortably peacefully.

I | .

*s u

' '

1 I


sign. THE RASCETTE. Slam- '99

A line from the Line to the Mount of

u iter, with a cross or an le on the first
racelet of t e ascette-- ea t com-

ing, through a very successful journey.

let in a ood
hand-Inheritance; in a
bad hand-Immorality.
The live indications concerning
on the Rascette are so
absolutely il-
An an le at the center of the first logical, when thus giving highly satisfac-
bracelet of the Rascette-Money by in- tory meanings to such untoward signs
as crosses, angles and stars, that I must
heritance and position of honor coming
class them among urel traditional ob-
to the subject in his, or her, old age.
servations. They are, however fully
indorsed by Desbarrolles.
As I stated above, I attach but little

importance to the third bracelet, and

' have not absolute faith in the second.
| I
Often deep wrinkles are formed by the
habitual wearing of gloves, which as-
sume the shape (but not the meaning)
1 1 ,
of the third, and sometimes the second
A triangle with inside-Large bracelet. But, the other side,
a cross _
fortune by inheritance. Iirst bracelet is of real value in palmistic
A star in the middle of the lirst brace- readings.


The Via Laleiva-The Une of Intuition.


perfect Line of Liver, a well-propor-
This line is called by many Palrnists tioned Mount of Mercury, a fairly long
the Line of Health, and is considered by fourth finger and a brilliant career in the
them simply as an accesso to the Line world of affairs. To these, of course, must
of Life. While willingly admitting that be added the intelligence denoted by a
this line confirms in many instances the satisfactory Line of Head, and the will-

promise of longevity revealed in the power revealed in a strong first phalanx

Line of Life, and while it certainly C0lll° of the thumb.

pletes the indications obtained from the There is a second remark conccming
third of the Chief Lines concerning the the Line of Liver which has its natural

good or bad working of the digestive place here. I always considered the Via
organs, the Line of Liver ought not to Lasciva and the Line of
* .
be neglected in the study of the sub- as lines
deserving special names and de-
ject's business career, for does it not scriptions, but as peculiar forms of the
terminate on the Mount of Mercu and Line of Liver, or-if it be already found
contain all the elements already exam- in the hand-as sister lines to that im-
ined under the heading of this Mount portant channel of vital fluid. However,
and that of the fourth fin er? Here and I write concerning them under separate
there we find in the leading chiromantie headings, somewhat against my better
works observations that be
can judgment and simply on account of the
explained only by this reference to the general use of these names, etc., by the
business idiosyncrasies of the Mount of later English palmists. Desbarrolles
Mercury. I have simply completed mentions the Via Lasciva, which he calls
these scattered indications and united La Voie lactée (the Milky Way); but the
them into onehomogenous reading. Line of Intuition he treats simply as a
I have been struck by the fact that a curved form of the Line of Liver alnng

perfect digestion and an active liver con- the Percussion of the Mounts of the
tribute greatly to clcamess of thought Moon and Upper Mars.
and rapidity of action; two essential This will explain a few-to my mind,
qualities for a successful business man. useless-repetitions the reader will meet
Hence the close connection between a with in this chapter.
Poliffwh THE LINE OF LIVER. Ghanctor. aol


Normal. a. B Itself.
from above the Rascette, not
Starting Entirel absent-Quick mind, alert
touchin the Line of Life, and in
No biliousness, hence none of that heaviness
causedby the poor working of the liver.
Many palmists consider the total absence of

a Line of Liver as a`most favorable health in-
dication, proceeding from the idea that "your
liver is surely in perfect order when you do not
notice its existence."
For years I followed this reading, but I
finally accepted the Desbarrolles interpreta-
tion of "frequent headaches," as, in the ma-
jority of cases that came under my notice, I
found the absence of the line to be accom-
strai ht u to the Mount of Mercurv-
panied with imperfect digestion, hence head-
Longevity, good health (especially of the aches.
digestive organs); success in business. Thick and short-Impaired digestion
in old age.
This follows the above reading, as its
shortness would cause it to be absent at
that time of life.

Strai ht and ve thin--StiR'ness of

rl l'|'l8Illl¢l'.

Red throu hout-Brutality and inor~

dinate pride.
applies to all lines.
Takin its course uite near the Per- Red at the start-Tendency to palpita-

cussion-Sign of a changeable, ultra- tions of the heart; es eciall if connected

nervous disposition; also of many voy- with the Line of Life. These palpita-
ages. It is often taken then for what is tions will be due to poor digestion.
called the Line of Intuition, and, in fact, Thin and red about the middle-Ten-

dency to bilious fevers.

has very much the meaning of

"Gift of About the middle would mean where

Clairvoyance," although per-
haps less pronounced. it crosses the Line of Head; hence the

Turning a kind of semi-circle from the feverish disposition.

Mount of the Moon to the U er Mount Of var in colors and red where it

of Mars or Mercur -Clairvoyance. crosses the Line of Heart-Apoplexy.

This is
really the Line of Intuition apoplexy are generally forth-
Fits of

('~'lllCll see). coming-in subjects so predisposed by

:oz Character. THE LINE OF LIVER. Character.

the poor quality of the blood or imper- sence of all biliousness is a great help to

lect circulation-shortly after heavy persistent

| Il
meals; they are really determined by a
faulty digestion.
Red at its termination-Chronic sick
Of a ellow color- Serious liver
troubles. -.

It is seldom that one line only is yel- i

low; they are generally all of that color I

` .

or none at all.

Long and fine with a short Line nf

makes up for the insuffi-
ciency of the Line of Life.

| I

' I

ol" I ( .



Wa!!-Biliousness; in its worst form,

with a dam cold hand. Also poor suc-

cess in business; and in a bad hand-

Ver narrow and hi hl colored, with
Coniirmatory indication of dishonesty. a broken Line of Life and dark s ts

on the Line of Head-Very dangerous

b. In Combination with other Indica-
fever; generally of a malarial character.

Absent, with hard hands and s uare-

tip@ lingers-Activity.
Absent, and with a develo Mount \||

of in word and
Mercury-Vivacity ac-

tion. Quickness of repartee.

Strai ht, not 'oined with the Line of
Life, and with a well-formed Rascette- '

Long, narrow, clear and strai ht, with Irregular or wa , with a r, narrow

a normal Line of Head extendin clear Line of Ilead-Indigestion. Inferior

across the hand-Good memory. business capacity.
It is a well-known fact that the ab- Poor, with all the other lines in the

Character. TH E LIN E OF LIVER. Chnwhr. -


hand also fccbl marked-Paralysis. there). Bad digestion is sure to bring

This is positively indicated when
more about the decay of the teeth, and vice
thehand itself is paralyzed; then that line versa.

(with all others) will soon disappear al- A r line, with a r Line ol' Head

together from the affected hand. (See and a cross near the termination of the

P- I47-l Line of Liie-Poor general health, espe-

Poorl traced and with a narrow cially in old age.

uadran le, due to the Line of Heart

cnrvin too much toward the Line of
Head-Asthma and hay fever.
Vav with a oor Line of Head and


a total absence of the Line of Heart- . .

Weak heart. Tricky, unreliable busi-

ness ways.

Dee and not extendin be ond the

uadran le. while touchin both the
Lines of Head and Heart on either side

-Danger of brain fever.

Lon and wa , with a similar Line

halanx of all
of Fate and the second
lin ers rather lon er than the others-
ill '- 5'
Bad teeth.
Remember that the state of the teeth
is marked u on the Mount of Saturn

(and the Line of Fate that terminates Formin a cross, with the Line of
Head on the Mount of the Moon-
'I`his only take place if the Line

of Head droops considerably out of its

normal direction, and il' the Line of

ll/ _ Liver comparatively close to the


Either of these displace-

ments-taken by itself alone-would be
read almost in the same manner.
104 ltnrting Point. THE LINE OF LIVER. TCDIIIQOI.

III. ITAITHG 201111.

Startin from the Rascette, strai ht

and direct to the Mount of Mereur
Good digestive power. Excellent bus-
iness success.

Take care not to mistake this tor a

Line of the Sun.

Wa or broken, terminatin on or

near the Mount of the Sun, and with

Starting from the Line of Life and

with a narrow uadran le. due to the
Line of Heart curvin toward the Line
of Head-Fainting tits, due to imperfect
black dots or stars on the thinl »ha~
oined with and terrninatin at the lanx of the third serious
Line of Head, with a Line of Life cut fever in a tropical country.
Strai ht and so lon that it crosses

the whole of the Mount of Mercury-

Longcvity. Onl true if the Third

(lower) An le of the Trian le is open,

ll- hroad and clear.



man bars-Brain disease,

by a disturbed liver.
It will be
generally of a "melancholi:1" character.
Terminatin on the Mount ol' the Sun,
with a com lete Rascette, well marked Forked at the termination so as to

-/Vealth. form a trian le with the Line of Head


--Intense love of honors and powers; Breaks on the line, confimiin breaks,
great aptitude for occult sciences. bars, crosses, stars or islands on the Line
This is rather an abnormal disposi- of Life-As many breaks as many ill-
tion that might be dangerous for the nesses. Also a sign of chronic indiges-
health of the subject's brain. tion. Also indications of successive re-

verses in business, due to the subject's

incompetence or poor health.

lf/ .


Forked on the Mount of Mercu -

Languor; weakness; generally in old age.

V. BRLNUHBS. Broken in fra ments arran ed ladder-

Throwin branches toward the Mount wise-Very severe liver trouble. Suc-
cession oi business losses.
Organic Trouble. Skin Disease.-A
chained beginning of the
Line of Life, this por-
tion of it ending in a
l I I
star with a deep, dark ,

dot at the center. A



badly chained Line of _

Heart. A wavy and °

forked Line of Head; ,_ _J


short nails; domineering .¢--


of the first pbalanx of the

Sun-Changes (for the better) in
thumb. The Line of Liver formed of a suc-
one's business.
succession of fra ments laced ladderwise.
VI. BEIAKI. "A young girl, after a delicate childhood,
was an organic disease that left
attacked by
her a mark for life in the shape of an ugly
skin trouble. She was irritable, despotic and
not over-sineere."


._,. Formin a clear trian le, o en at the

.¢,. base, with the Lines of Life and Head-

One of the most favorable indications to
206 Uonnoctlolu. THE LINE OF LIVER. llgus.

Forming a small (minor) Trian le

with the Line of llcad and thc Line of
for the occult sciences,
or the gift of intuition, and, if
strai ht and clear-Clairvoyance.

Dee bars across the line-As many

illnesses. Weak digestion. Business re-

be found in the hand. Great aptitude

for natural and often occult sciences.
Of course this supposes the three lines
to be
perfect; hence the excellent prog-
nostic. (See Chapter on the uad-
rangle and Triangle.)
rf/ 'Z '. '.
a clear cross in both hands,
with the Line of Head on the U cr

verses. The dee r the bars, the more

unfavorable the omen.

Closely connected with the Line of

Life, but irregular in its course, with

Ill red and bluish spots

-Heart disease, due
on the Line of Life
to poor digestion
or liver troubles.

Mount of Mars-Talent for the occult

This is still clearer when the line
:uns close to

plained this above.

the Percussion. I ex-

Malarial, even typhoid, fevers are

often indicated in this wise.

Crosses near the line, hut not on it-
Serious changes in the subject's life.
To be verified on the Line of Fate, or

the Sun, or both.

lifnl. THE LINE OF LIVER. Bignl. 301

A star on the line-Sterility; childj


H cross toward the tennination of the

lessness; troubles connected with child-

bearing. Especially so if it is found at the
I 0

' '
». 0


line, with a circle on the Line of Head-

This is the sign I have met with most

frequently when examining blind sub- connection of the line with the Line of
jects' hands. More frequently yet, Qi Head, with a Line of Life runnin close
cross is accom anied b a break of the to the thumb. Also jaundice.
Line of Head or the Line of Heart under
Bterillty Through Torpldlty of the Gen-
the Mount of thc Sun, the circle bein erative Organs.-Besides the re ular star at

absent. the connection of the

Lines of Liver and Head
which indicates disorder
in or malformation of

the generative organs,
there was found a deep
dot at the bottom of the
Mount of the Moon.
Il "The owner of these -i..

§." '
markings, although well
conformed, suiered from an inactivity of the

organs that prevented pregnancy. This dot

A star close to the line inside the tri- by itself will indicate womb troubles or, in
angle-Blindness. both sexes, disease of the kidneys."
an-B |i¢ll» THE LINE OF LIVER.
llllililyf-A Line ot Life encircling a very
narrow llonnt of Venus
and with one conspicu-
ous island. A Line of
Liver starred at its crm-

ncction with the Line of

llead. A cross on the
Mount ol Saturn. A
lair Mount ol the Sun.
"Seen in the hand of a
woman had been
brought -

:|!!v much islanded.

forth successively three children who died
in birth. Finally, by dint of almost incredible
care, she became the mother ol a strong and
healthy babe."
3G¥lD4i°0-'-A star on the Line ol' Liver on f
the upper part ol the
Mount of the Moon-A -

iaundicc ol nonth'|

one -

duration. A black spot -

or dot instead of a star-

A jaundice ol six
months' duration. A large island at the start-Somnam
-2 Another Cue ot Bom Bomnamhulism
An island on the line, with the Line In the right hand, a very

poor Heart Line antu

Line ol Liver islanded at
the and going
straight to the Mount of
Mercury. In the left
hand, a Line ol Fate be-
ginning with two islands
forming an 8, and goinz S
straight up to the Mount
of Saturn.
"Seen in a woman

who was all her life a

of Fate or the Line of the Sun broken sleep-walker, and had

or cut by a dee bar-Bankruptcy. been driven using to

\'ilh opium to free

man islands and narrow, fluted
lrom nightmares. She
ms-Consumption. was evidently tormented
This is more usually revealed by the by an excess ol' astral
mor sha e of the Line of Head, ener- fluid."
P0li¢i0l» THE VIA LASCIVA. Connections. 209


as a politician; generally accompanied by
bad morals.

Forked at its termination-Impotcncc,
languor; slow wasting away; generally
Runnin" arallel to the Line of Liver, due to excesses.
startin farther from the Plain of Mars

Same mcaniu s as those read on the

Line of Liver.



a. Directl _

Cuttin the Line ol Liver-Grave in-

dication ol liver troubles; also annihila-
tion oi the business qualities the Line of
and ending' on the Mount of Mercur ;
when traced clearl in both hands-Sem /'

Passionate thirst for money.

Wavy-Inconstancy. Ill success, of- f

ten due to dissipation.

Considered as a sister line to the Line
of Liver, it repairs many of its defects.

Liver may have shown up to the date of

the cut. To be read in the hand of a

in business de-
stroyed by excessive love of the other
b. Minor Lines.

Connected with the Line of the Sun

b a line not cuttin the latter-Wealth.

Wavv and long. starting from insirle

the Mount of V enus-Immorality. Life
shortened by excesses.



Terminating on the Mount of Mer-

curv-Good luck; eloquence; cleverness
no Connections. THE VIA LASCIVA. "Fl

Connected with the Line of the Sun b

a line cuttin the latter-Heavy finan-

Startin from the lower rt of the

Mount of the Moon near the Percussion,

cial losses, or artistic

excessive love oi the other

mined by QI
Unexplained Plhll in the lidl.-A mlm-
and coming u in a more or less ac-
ber of cross lines from
centuated curve to the Mount of Mer-
the lower Mount oi Ve-
nus the Upper Mount
cu , where it terminates also near the
of Mars, seemingly like Percussion-A peculiar tendency to pre-
a crowd of Lines of -

sentiments. A strong aptitude toward

Liver and Via Lasciva.
the occult sciences.
"Alady suffered cruelly
If found in the Left Hand onl -The
from constantly recur-

ring abdominal pains,


aptitude for occult sciences is there, in-


for which the most herited, but not cultivated.

prominent physicians and surgeons failed to
discover a cause, except that they attributed
them to nervous over-excitement." In Combination with other Indications.

Clear, and with a cross in the Quad-

rangle beneath the Mount of Satum-
A star-Riches, but much trouble to
Very unusual aptitude for the occult sci-
secure them, keep them and enjoy them; ences. amounting almost to inspiration.
due to exaggerate influence of, or love
for, the opposite sex.

X .

M/ L



ii cross
This is the large
called the M stic Cross.
fine St. Andrew's

Ubuntu. THE LINE OF INTUITION. c0!l!|&t|0lll- an

Clear, and with a hi h Mount of the

Moon, more ronounced in its u er

part-Mesmeric, hypnotizing power.


The hi her u on the Mount of the

Moon is the startin point of the line,
the more the subject will have his in-
tuitive faculty under control.

Terminatin on the U er Mount of Formin a trian le with the Line of

power of remark- Fate and the Line of Head-Strong

£121-Hypnotizing ap-
able intensity. titude for occult sciences.
The energy of the Upper Mount of
Mars has here full sway and increases
ten-fold the peculiar gift ol the subject,
as far as influencing others is concerned.


This is a form of the Minor Trian le

(which find described farther).

'|', _
b. Bv Minor Lines.
1 i
Found in both hands and crossed b
Influence Lines from the Line of Life-

The subject's relatives or close friends

Short, wavv and branched, with the
Mount ol Mars exag erated-A restless
object strongly to his indulging in the

disposition, the result of ultra-nervous-

ness. The subject will be extremely dil-
licult to please.

Broken re

eatedl -The intuitive ten- :II -' '.

dency comes
by Hts and starts and can-

not be relied upon.

an Blgnl.

of occult in island-Somnanr
practice or even study phe- Starting an

nomena. bulism; clairvoyance.

There are no stronger indications in
the hand conceming clairvoyant powers.
Seen more frequently, however, in the
hands of habitual sleep-walkers.
L 3051 !°mllllI\>\Ul¢--A sloping Line ol

Ui °
Head. A lar
the be innin

a ve

clear and lon Line of

"In the hand of a

Found in both hands and crossed b man who had

Lines of Influence from the Mount of always been a sleep-
the Moon that also cross the Line of walker and was, besides,

Fate-These tendencies aptitudes will

or prone to nightmares and "_E,`-
interfere disastrously with the subject's Extra Ludd Iadlnm.-A line ol Head
sloping tar down into
the Mount ol the Moon,
where it ends in a star.

A remarlrabl clear and

corn lete Line ol Intui-


A poor Line ot
"The excess of astral
F' "I Buid in a woman nie-

|,' dium had a tendency to 3'

her to
fl drive gradually

Position. THE LINE OF HEAD. Direction. ll]




Normal. f

Starlin from the Line of Life at its I l '

be innin ,risin ever so sli htl toward _

the Line of Heart under the second ll i

It must keep absolutely distinct from

_ _
the Line of Life to have this meaning.

° 0

9 .

' a ,
. .
finger, and then mcreasm the s ace be-
tween them until it terminates on a

roachin the Percussion, which it must

not reach-A will-power and an intellect

fully up to, if not above, the average. Running too close to the Line of

Heart-Tendency to asthma or hay-

This determines a Narrow uad-
. t ._ rangle, a sure indication of oppression-

in matters of health, and of meanness--

` '
moral tendency.
as a
' '
» /

' '

Straight and stiff like a bar from the

' ' i
Line of Life clear to the Percussion-

Avarice; selfishness; clevemess in

'~_ |

worldly matters; no idealism. l ` '

3, `

Runnin nite close to the Line of /

,, ¢ J
""' "
' '
Life for a while-Bram fever.
an Direction. THE LINE OF HEAD, Direction..

Sli htl slo in down the Mount of

the Moon-Intellectual faculties in-

fluenced by imagination.

' `


) ' I

3 '
» fluence of the Liver
A Brilliant Girl
on the Brain.
Viollnllt.-Short, slightly
9 1
spatulate, lat, smooth
lingers; a short thumb;
Slo in dee into the Mount of the
enormous Mounts of
_I2_o_n-Exaggerate spiritualism; mor-
Mars; big Mounts of
bid superstition. More generally nerv- the Sun and Mercury
ous troubles. thrown into one; a

This the mastery Line of Heart line and

very long; beautiful
of imagination over matter-is consid-
Lines of Fate and the
ered desirable in the hands of people r

Sun. A very lon line

whose life-work is intellectual or artistic; ol Head slo in down to the Rascette.
it is dangerous in the everyday hand, as "The hand ol' Mademoiselle Tayaut, the
it will beget a disgust of one's duty. young violinist prodigy, already revealing, at
A Specialist for Bladder Troubles.- 14, the energy and passionate artistic tempera-

Strong medical stigmata ment of the great virtuosa; she was a brunette

on the Mount of Mer- with very bright complexion and a rather

A sensual face, but with the evidences of a
cury. vary slgping
Line of Head endin vrarmhearted and cheerful disposition."

dee into the Mount of

the Moon.
"A physician was in-

troduced to Desbar-

rolles, who, after glanc- -1.


ing at his hands, declared

at once that

he must

of the bladder and


kidneys. It proved
a specialty oi dis-
ll .



to be Dr. Leroy d'Estiolles, who, in the

'6o's was the authority on the subject, the 1 | I

world over."
Vavv and inclining toward the Line After rtly crossing the hand, tum-
of Liver-Brain disease. inq back and starting toward the Mount
This is generally of a mclancholia of Venus-Cowardice; lack of energy.
character, as it indicates the morbid in- In this case it fails to reach the Upper
Direction. THE LINE OF HEAD. Character. 215

Mount of Mars (energy, courage), which Slo in abru tl to the Mount of the

is its normal tenninating point. Moon with a star on the second halanx
of the second fin er-Insanity.
b. In connection with other indications.
The Mount of Saturn, the second
toward the Line of Heart, with
_ _Risin finger and the Mount of the Moon all
a Line of Liver startin from the Line
represent by the nervous system, gen-
erally at its worst. [Star on wrong

l ll'

I | '

( '

of Life-Tendency to fainting fits. I

Generally due to a poor digestion. It

is often a prognostic of coming apo-
Sl in far down into the Mount of
the Moon with the second phalanx of
the first tin er lined-Aptitude for occult
The first
finger is essentially the Fin-
ger of Inspiration. It is considered the


. I
connecting link with the upper world.
Its second phalanx has already absorbed
the inspiration and causes it to pass

Rising toward the Line of Heart, un- through the crucible of human reason.
der the Mount of Saturn, and then re-
suming its natural course-Tle subject B
a. Itself.
will be rendered very miserable-up to
insanity-by those he loves.
I .

Absence-Constitutional brain trou-

ble; dull intellect, often idiocy of a con-

genital nature.

Lon , strai ht and clear-Common

Y H 4 '
i sense.

Short and clear, or lon and faintl

A .v
lack of concentra-

poor line.

In either case a
116 Ulmneter. THE LINE OF HEAD. Gharletcr.

2. Color-Width-D th.

Thin, toward the center-Nervous or

brain trouble, to last as long as the thin-

ness extends on the Line.
For the time

dix to this
measurement on the

Head, I refer the reader to

book, containing many


.Fo-blem only half solved but of par-
ticular interest to thepalmist. Extenrlin clear across the palm. with
Narrow andweak-Frivolity. a Line of Liver narrow, distinct and
No persistency of purpose is to be ex- straight-Good memory.
pected of such a line. A good memory needs a clear brain

. M al formation. and an unclogged Liver.

Stretching like a strai ht har across

Wavv, uneven and of different colors
the whole palm. with a badl fonned
-Nervous bilious troubles. Want of

spirit; miserly disposition.

Trinnffi le-Avarice.
The lack of the slight curve at the
middle of the Line always indicates a
hard. unyielding nature.

Long. clear and straight, with a lon

conical first finger and ood Mounts of
si iter and the Sun-Love of reading.
See what I say of the first finger as to

reading tastes (p. 50).

Long and fine. with a broad uadran-
Ie and a lon conical first lin er and
Chained or linked-Want of lixity in the others s uar¢>Fair mindedness.
the ideas; chronic headaches.

b. In Combination with other indications.

I. Length.
Lon and straight, with hands and
fingers of details.
Lon and straight with a ve short
fourth finger and ve much marked

finger, in good shape and

The fourth Lone and fine with a sfnml Line nf

length, aptitude for the clever

indicates Heart and a triangle on the Line of Life

management of people. The contrary near its tennination-Tact, discretion.

rules obtain here. Long and normal. with a good Line

Clmrlcter. THE LINE OF HEAD_ Character. 2:1

of Heart, and a first fin er lon er than If this is added to a dee , lonv Line
the normal size-Great generosity to- of the Sun-The risks will be taken in
ward one's friends. but in giving
more traveling in dangerous, probably tropi-
them entertainments than by really help- cal, countries.
ing them.
If too
straight and stiff and with a ET
Line of Heart-The generosity will be
all spent upon oneself, especially for
high living. l"' ` '

Long and slo in to the Mount of the


Moon with
marked with
a hi h Mount of u iter .il . .

a ille-Eloquence as a

The presence of the grille simply ex-
Short with a r Line of Heart and
aggerates the Mount of Jupiter and is
a trian le on the Line of Life near its
proof sufficient for me that this elo-
termination-Loquacity often harmful.
quence will not be exerted for worthy Lack of brains and a heartless nature
are responsible for the most dreadful
Long and fine with a moderate Mount
of Ven us-Constancy.
Short with a low Mount of Iupiter and
A good will-power and instincts mod-
exaggerate Mounts of Venus and the
erately amorous are guarantees of con- Moon in a soft hand-Laziness.
stancy. No Mount of ambition.
Long and line. with high Mounts of uadran le and
Short, with a narrow
Mars, u iter and Mercur -Unusual
a low Mount of Venus-Narrow mind-
power of concentrating one's mind.
edness; even uncharitableness.
Lone' and sloping. in both hands. with
The Low Mount of the Moon is evi-
a strong Mount of the Moon and the for other peo-
dence of little sympathy
second and third fingers nearlv the same
ple's troubles. _

length-Love of gambling; disposition

to take great risks in business.
2. Color-Width-De th.

Pale and broad. with hard hands and a

low Mount of the Sun-Dull intellect.

Paleness and abnormal width always
indicate a wretched How of vital fluid.
Long but faint, with cxag erate


Mount of Mercur -Pertidy.

Deep-A indication of a
Very sure

serious strain of the nervous system.

:J il. THE LINE OF HEAD. ltartlnf Point.

Meanness, cupidity and falsehood are

here combined to reveal the swindler

and the thief.

Thin (or short) and faint. with an ir-
1| _° `_f

|.|| `
Formed in little islands with Huted
I nails curved at the to >-Consumption.
'll . The curve is suflicient without the

iluting. ll' not seen in the Ri ht Hand

-The inherited consumptive strain is

regular Line of Liver-Chronic indi- being gradually eliminated from the

gcsxion, sick headaches. subject's constitution.

Poor. with the Line of Heart absent
3. Malformation.
and the Line of Liver wavy-'Veak
Wavv and rising in an abnormal curve
heart. Irresolute nature, led
to the Line of Ileart under the Mount evil the lack oi these
to doings through
two essentials: brains and aliectionate
Ver r with abnorrnall small

As will be stated further, the congeni-
'Il tal idiot's hands also reveal
state of the circulation, by
a wretched
the poor
markings ol the Line of Heart. Medi-
cal authorities confirm this reading.
of the Sun or the Mount of Mercu -

To be confirmed in the other hand
and also by other signs, esoeciall on the
Kluunt of the Moon. Not °oined to the Line of Life at the

with uadran le and start. in a nod hand-Self-reliance, en-

`Vavy. :t narrow

Mount of Mcrcurv ergy. Better still with a firm hand and

a cxa gerate-Dis-
honesty. square
Btnrting Point. THE LINE OF HEAD. Starting Point. arg

start with a Hat Mount of Mercurv and

exa erate Mounts of Mars and u iter

H '

HI -

" '
Not `oined to thc Line of Life, with

was °f3t° Mounts of J" it" and Ma" -Recklessness, conceit.

""Ab"°""3| 5°lf'°°"5d°"°°- Line is short-Lack of intelligence.
With smooth fin ers-Tactlessness.



Not 'oined to the Line of Life at the

in NO* i°i"¢<l tv ¢h¢ I-ine °f I-if° bm
start and with a badly formed cross

startin with a curve around the base of

the Mount of upiter, then oin clear
This is counterfeit of the a°f°55 th* aim-E"¢faV3§3"t C°"°¢if-
Cross, the presence of which imbues the
blessed owner with almost heavenly en-

thusiasm and knowledge.

| I

I I »|
| | .
1 1




Startin inside the Mount of Venus
the Lower Mount of Mars-Extreme

fretfulness and inconstancy ; irritable dis-

Far a from the Line of Lile at the By partially crossing the Mounts, the
22° SUN!! Pant. THE LINE OF HEAD. 'ru-mi=.auu.

Line has destroyed to some extent their

characteristics ol amiability
syenus) and
firmness (Lower Mars).

U |

| U

1| /
U I |
A Peculiarly lndowod Literary
Lines ol Head in both

| hands widely separated

from the Lines of Life
and quite short.
Not ined to the Line of Life. but
"The subject was
starting on the Mount of jupiter and i
journalist oi much talent
sloping down the Mount of the Moon. but without the faculty
with the Iirst alanx of the thumb ol' pursuing any topic to

broad and short and a poor Line of its natural conclusion. ¢-;
lie had to he constantly
Heart-Obstinacy, quarrelsome dispo-
prompted and tinally fell to the rank of a
wretched drudge for cheap put-lishtr.
Starting some distance from the Line
There was no continuity in the workings of
of Life, although at its nonnal hei lxt
his brains"



Temiinatin under the Blount of Sat-

um-Premature death or intelligence
extinguished early.
'I '

' l

otherwis»Grave eye trouble in early

youth. s

It is as if a fragment ol the line were

missing. It Ls not to be read, as above,

as asign oi recklessness or conceit.

Forked, as well as the ljne of Heart,

under the Mount of Satum. one prong The worst death of all: ltiiocy or in-

joined to the Line oi Life. the other go- sanity.

ing towarrl the Line of Heart but not
Tenriinating half way across the lzand

cutting it-Good fortune. with batllv develo Mounts of lu Eter

Tezrnination. THE LINE OF HEAD. Termination. an

' u
il ¢_. .


andthe Sun-Lack of intelligence. With hd-ore crossin the Line of Hem_t_.1-he

b8("V (.lCVtlO ed LiOll1tS of hvI3fS'*W3nt
wound in the not be fatal
of spirit, of courage, active or passive. ,

Terminatin `ust before it crosses the

Fanaticism comparatively harmless.
Terminatin on the Mount of the

Line of Fate-Short, unhappy life.

Turnin back toward the Line of Life


lf] .f .°
Sun-A passion for the fine arts or liter-
»~ -
ature. If it terminates in that direction

before its termination (after having en-

tered the Up er Mount of Mars)-Self-

confidence and exaggerate egotism
bring about serious troubles. _

Terminatin on the Mount of Saturn . _ '

-Death by a wound in the head. Also

a sign of dangerous fanaticism.
If it terminates in that direction. but
zzz Termination. THE LINE OF HEAD. Termination.

before it crosses the Line of Heart-

Great chances of success in the same di-
rection. Should the hands otherwise
show no intellectual or artistic a titudes
-An all-absorbing desire to acquire
riches without much labor.

I have noticed this frequently in noted

actors' hands; more generally, however,

ll/ -
with the fork, which
Risin in

a curve at
its termination

Turning and terminating between


the third and fourth fin ers. below the

Line of Heart-Success in art secured

by scientific methods. Something like

"art applied to industry."
In artistic hands-Fortune obtained

by the same means.

and enetratin into the Mount of Mer-
Risin toward the Line of Heart at its
curv-Tact and shrewdness in the man-

agement of aEairs. In a bad hand-

Duplicity. `

termination and iust touching it-Fits of
dizziness. Terminatin at the Percussion. lm!
The brain is affected by defective cir- with a line Line of Liver-Good Mem-
culation. ory.
Risin toward the Mount of Mercury This is rather too long a Line of
at its termination, but stoppine' before Head; but you know the saying, "he has
touchin the Line of Heart-'I`he gift of a long head," meaning, "he remembers

mimicry. far back."


Runnin stiff ami strai ht to the Pcr- side thc hand-Untrustworthiness.

cussion, with low Mounts of u iter and This is the lazy nature of the voluptu-
Venus, the thumb inward bent and the ary elsewhere described, and certainly
one not to be relied upon.

Forked at the termination, with one


3 I

lingers close to ether-Selfish, miserly

ron normal. the other low down into
the Mount of the Moon-The subject
will deceive himself tirst and others after-
In the hand of genius, it reveals, how-
ever, a rich imagination and, on account
of the strai ht ron the gift of making


money out of one's talents.

A ve small fork at the termination-

Imagination controlled by common


This is really the normal termination

of an
average good Line of Head.

Slo in and forked at the termination,

one ron to the Mount oi the Moon
and the other to the Mount of Mcrcur
-The power to hypnotize; also crafty

disposition in business; the thirst for

money blinding the subject as to the
at the termination, with to secnre riches.
Egrked a means

thick. soft alm, a short thumb and the Forked at the termination, one ron

third halanx of everv linger bul in in- down the Mount of the Moon, the other
224 Termination. THE LINE OF HEAD. T0¥'lllllU°l-

risin and touchin the Line of Heart- thing of the Oscar Wilde form of aber-

The subject will sacrifice everything to ration. _

Peridlous Donuneiator.-E x a g 3 e r a te
an affection.
Mounts of Venus and the
Moon, with a b s e n t

Mounts of Mars. A
rather fat

hand._l§ -

I droo in Line of Head
forked at the termina-
' 1

fl I
I "Repeatedly demon-

.| ,
strated to be the charac-
teristic of the hands of

people who turn State's evidence, or betray

The same indications with the Line of
their friends country under the influence
Fate tcrminatin at the Line of Heart-
of fear; these two exaggerate Mounts reveal
an inborn, remarkable poltroonery and a

horror of physical pain. To save themselves

from it, these fellows will sell their mothers
to the police."
' '
A lon , fine fork at the termination,
' ' ' on.: rong down the Mount of the M non,
low-Talent for
'il .
hut not ver diplomacy,
. .

and even-with other signs-the gift of

I *
This passionate affection will ruin the
suhject's life.
The snbject's brain power and all the '

possibilities of his life are here concen-

trated upon one being; hence the sad- `

dest probability of a total wreck.

' '
Terminatin in a three-pronged fork,
one ron strai ht on, the second curv-

5 _;°; .
in u

third slo ing

to the Mount of

Mount of the Moon-Union

a little way

of brain

power, business talent and imagination;

A fork at the termination, both pron s often seen in the hand of the successful

sloping low down into the Mount of the artist or "litterateur," who sells his vorks
Moon-Diseased imagination; some- to advantage.
Termination. TH E LINE OF HEAD. Branches. 225

I would expect to find just such a. usual shrewdness; successful lawyers;

triple fork in the hand of an inventor worldly clergymen; sometimes first-class
who knows how to finance his patent to actors sinking their personalities in the

full advantage. parts they act.

The Hands ot the Famous German This is particularly the characteristic
Painter, Cornelius.-
marking of the lawyer and the actor.
A short, small, thin
This fork is the distinct proof of a capac-
hand, with
ity for seeing both sides of every ques-
fingers; a
tion. It is not considered as an evidence
fairly long thumb, the r

þÿ`.;l ¬`. exceptional veracity.
second phalanx above "4
short nails. A Violent Temper Amonnting Almost to
Mount of Venus
i vy. Illlllllfy--A Martian
large lg.
very much rayed, as was type with a short thumb
the whole palm. A fine but a very long Line
star on the Mount of jupiter, and another, of Head widely sep-
quite clear also, on the third phalanx of the arated from the Line of
nrst finger. The third phalanges were not Life at the start and

plump; the contrary, thin and terminating in three

on dry. _A
vcr fine Line of Head with s lon tri le prongs very close to-

fork the termination. A gether. A star marked

at perfectly curved
at ao on the Line of ?
Line of Intuition. Lines of Fate and the Sun
from Life and another marked at 28 and both
starting an exceptionally long and con-

clear Line of Life. nected by Lines of Influence, the first with

"Dcsbarrolles met Cornelius when the lat- the Line of Heart, the second with the Line
of Head.
ter was 87 years old and had several long
conversations with him. The Master of "Seen in the hands of lawyer whose tem-

Palmistry, being himself no mean artist, was per was at times absolutely uncontrollable;
able to judge very accurately of the merits of the short thumb did not furnish him with

the illustrious German, who, by the way, was will-power sufficient for conquering this .tend-
French on his mother's side. A clever busi- ency. Two serious incidents in his life had
ness man whose ambitions had been crowned been the consequences of this easily aroused
to the limits of his desires; an excellent and wrath: a duel when quite young; later a

bold draughtsman and a painstaking, classi- carriage accident as he was driving at a furi-
cal painter, Cornelius always lacked warmth ous rate in the wake of a woman he
of coloring to give true life to his admirably was desperately jealous of; in both cases he
had been severely wounded."
grouped figures. All these qualities and de-
fects were confirmed by the shape and mark-
ings ol his hands, who showed that, with all
his great talent, he lacked genius." Bars cuttin the Lines-Headaches.
Forkctl at the termination, with one A branch from the line dee into the
ron normal, the other onl a little wa Mount of u iter, terminatin in a star-

down the Mount of the Moon-People Success.

clever to astuteness; business men of un- '1`his is one of the few cases when a
no Branches. THE LINE OF HEAD. Branches.

star is considered as a favorable omen.

The divergency of opinion upon the sub-

ject is quite remarkable. I feel more
and more inclined, however, to follow
the readings of a most brilliant
palmist, Mrs. Kathryn St. Hill, and to ii
consider all stars as disastrous, except

This is purely traditional. See what

'T I say about it in my Cha ter on the
' '
Three or more branches risin to the
Mount of u iter-Riches; ambition


when closely associated with some ex-

ceptionally fine indications. And yet, in »

this case, I shall let the pleasant omen .

stand, as Desbarrolles is particularly

emphatic in his favorable reading of
Stars on u iter.

brilliantly successful.
A branch from the Line risin into


A branch from the Line ascendin to

the root of the first finger, but not cut-

ting it-Ambition. the Mount of upiter and then turnin

A branch from the Line deep into the toward the Mount of Saturn--Religious
Mount of upiter cut b a bar or termi- fanaticism; extravagant vanity.
nating in a cross-Failure of one's main I have seen this indication in the hand
ambition. of a woman whose insanity was of the
With a cross on the first Bracelet of the religious character.
Rascette-Wealth coming. A branch to the Mount of the Sun
Broakl. THE LINE OF HEAD. 3555- 327


~ ~

ble oi' the head' br°aks"`H°ad'
with a ood Line of Fate-Riches. L2 __ziM°"
an artistic hand--Brilliant success in the
direction of the subject's talent.


3 |
» .

~ _
'I »

/ I

Broken. but with an overla in fra -

ment continuin it at once-Recovery
One clear branch to between the third
and fourth fin ers-Profitable success in
artistic or scientific labors. Often read

-Money made through discoveries or


'v '

' .


after serious brain troubles.

Broken under the Mount of Saturn


Throwing branches toward a well-

formed Mount of Mercu -Business


A break-A wound in, or severe trou-

128 Breaks. THE LINE OF HEAD. Broil;

and slo in dee l into the Mountofthe

Moon-Danger of insanity. Very grave

if the fra ents do not overl each

. Worse-probably fatal-il' re- »'-

peated in both hands.
Broken in two sections under the
ul 1

stroke. In
general: Danger to the eye-

iff _-r

_ .


Mount of Saturn, the broken

not overla in each other-Death
on IU ~

the scaffold (true only if in both hands

and with confirmatory signs). M25
generally a grave wound to either the Broken. and with a line from the Line
head or legs; with partial or complete of Heart to the Line of Fate-Widow~
recovery whenever the fra ents over-
hood; or separation by death from a very
lay each other. dear one, not a relative.
Broken under the Mount of Saturn, Lack of in Thought and Ae-
with a Line of Life endin ahru tl and UUIL-Very long fingers
generally cut b a bar at its termination. and an enormous thumb,
inside the both with a lon droo in
with a cross Triangle (in .

Line of Head broken in

hands)-One of the signs of death on the
number of small fra -
This cross inside the Triangle is that "The young man who
famous of the ancient
fighting cross owned these characteris-

palmists, indicating quarrelsome, often tics was constantly start-


ing to do great things


murderous, instincts. Remember that

and displayed enthusiasm
galore, only to
on that very spot the nerves of the hand
collapse within a very short time, and to
are particularly numerous and sensitive.
tum his changeable disposition toward some
Hence, the ultra-excitement in certain other project, just as ardently entered into,
natures. to be abandoned before hall completed."
Broken under the Mount of the Sun- Broken in small sections-Serious,
Danger of hydrophobia. Danger of sun- racking headaches; loss ol' memory;
Conneetlons. THE LIN E OF HEAD. Connections. ang

'I`his is, after all, the normal shape of

this angle; its quality depends greatly
, u
,_ _
on the length, etc., of the Line; it means
I but little by itself. See Cha ter on the
__/» . ._
Plain of Mars.

/'I i
1://° ~

`-~'f~»v{. ;.
a cross in the Trian le, the ra s some-

times terminatin in s ts, and with

short nails-Epilepsy in full operation.
Epilepsy.-Crooked lingers; short nails;
double Girdle of Venus;
a vc lon Line ol Head
broken in small lra ~

Closel connected for some distance
' `

ments and with the Line of

droop`ng deep Life-Hesitating ways;
into the Mount ol the °'~;,' dillidence.
Moon; in the center ol "e
A strong first phalanx of the thumb, a
the Triangle a big cross
`\ long straight Line of Head and a good
with a dot at the end of x `~_
eac h arm.
I Mount of Jupiter will triumph over this
"The man who dis- tendency. Hundreds of times I have
played those markings had been subject to found it in the Left Hand, and yet, in
epileptic tits for many years and was gradually theRight Hand, the angle was formed so
coming down to the level of a congenital clear and open as to secure full freedom
idiot. This big cross-"the Cross of battle"
of thought and action.
-was imprinted upon the nervous center of

the hand."


a. Directl _

oined with the Line of Life, risin

)' ' 0 | toward the Line of Heart. then comin

down and resuming its normal osition
-Blind or fatal
passion; long engage-
s a

ment (or entanglement) never terminat-

in acute angle with the ing in marriage.
loined a ver

Line of Life-Prudence. This will be due to a mixture of mean-

230 Connections. THE LINE OF HEA D. Uonnectloiu.
, _

ness (narrow Quadrangle) and physical died a violent death, being drowned in Al-

passion. geria."

Startin from the Line of Life under
Connected, at the Start, with the Line
the Mount of Saturn-Neglected educa-
of Life and the Line of Heart-Sudden
tion and late development ol the brain.
With the same start, if the Lines of Life
and Heart are
short-Danger of sud-
Lion Killer.-A Sm".

nian type, but fortified

den death.
distinct Martian marl¢~
ings and brightened by
a strong Mount of the
Sun crossed by a deep
The Lines

vertical line.
of Heart and Head `oined
at the start on the
Line of Life, the latter
broken at 35 (in one hand), with the frag-

ments overlaying each other. The Line ol

Head de l forked at the termination. A Losin itself into a Line of Heart
high Plain of Mars. Square tipped and that has from the Mount
come straight
smooth fingers, the third finger the same of love
Iupiter-Unexpected happiness;
length as the second. Medium thumb with
for one only.
good second phalanx. A cross in the Quad-
I am afraid such complete surrender
rangle touching the Line of the Sun.
"jules Gerard, an oilicer in the French might prove extremely dangerous, es-
Army in Africa, was famous as the greatest pecially in a woman. So I consider this
lion-killer that lived in this century. He was happiness to be asfragile and unreliable
fond of desert life and religiously inclined. it will be
as complete for a short time.
He was bold to excess, generally hunting
Under the circumstances it is really
the lion single~handed, and yet he was
something of a disaster.
shrewd in his methods and reasoned out to
The Line and the Line of Life closely
a fine point his most foolhardy expeditions.
llc almost succumbed to a terrible and pro- connected with the Line of the Sun in

longed attack of African fever; and `finally lioth hands, with large hands and the
Connections. THE LINE OF HEAD. Connections. 13;

Life, constant indispositions; the poor

Line of Fate, a succession of misfor~
tunes; the high Mount of Jupiter, a pride
that can stand no reverses; all of these
combined have led many

a man to com-


mit felo de se.

41; I

8 I

first an le verv narrow-Extreme sen-

That means that the Line of Life and
Head are connected too long. See ex-
Ianation above. [The cut is
oined with the Line of Liver, the Line
of Life bein forked at the start-Brain

This will be oi the melancholia char-

l// /


oined with the Line of Heart under

the Mount of Saturn-Fatal events, due
to the surrender of reason to emotion.

Forming a clear cross with the Line

ol' Liver on the mount of the Moon-
Diseased imagination.
' '
This only be formed by the
cross can

Line of Head drooping greatly and the

Line of Liver running comparatively

nincd with the Line of Liver, with a close to the Percussion; each of these in-

our Line of Fate, man bars crossin dications, taken by itself, is suflicient to

the Line of Life and with an exa xgerate explain the reading.
Mount of In miter-Temlency to suicide. Not 'oined with the Line of Life at

The Line of Liver indicates the start. but connected by minor lines
poor i.l.._ l

the bars t\e Line ol or branches-Evil temper, uneven dis-

gloomy thoughts; on
0° c°|m°°U°ll- THE LINE OF HEAD. Connections.

I ~

A, .
, .

position. In a
@ hand-Brusquerie. oined to the Line of Heart b a line

Not 'oined with the Line of Life at
the start. but connected with it b a
that loses itself in the Line of fleart-
Fatal infatuation. Worse if the Line is

Lines risin from the Line to the Line


cross-Domestic troubles of a serious ~vI

me, in the family of the subject, who `

suffers the consequences of these quar-

rels without being an actor in them, on
account of his age. of Heart without actuall cutting the
Often read correctly family law life is influenced
as a
Eg-The subject's by
suit that mined the subject's prospects others, generally through friendships
in his infancy. with people of the same sex.

Lines from the base of the Mount of A line toward the termination of the
Vcnus cuttin the Line of Life and the Line risin to the Line of Heart and be-
difficulties due to one's in alisorbed therein-Affection master-
family. ing reason.
Signs. THE LINE OF HEAD. 51335 233

Wav , strai ht or curved bars cuttin



The Line and the Lines of Life, Heart _

a I m
so L_ °f H cad- H ea d acms'
I _

and Union cut bv a line startin from _

of insanity.

| _

Y a
' `

||| | |



. ,

A knottin u of the Line-Tendency

the Mount of Venus-Trouble to murder; if the past; if
pale-in deep
nected with marriage or deep attach- 21-yet to come.
ment for person oi another sex. I have seldom met these knottings.
See Cha ter on Lines of Influence But the leading English palmists give
from the Mounts of Venus and U r it so much importance that I have in-
Mars and the Line of Life for a number serted the reading where it belonged.
ul readings relating to the Line of Head
Gm- 172-19:9-
Man! Bars-Headaches

Ill U

| |

A dee , colorless indentation on the

Linw-Cruel neuralgia, to last one year
White s ts on the line-Discoveries
or inventions.
34 Signs. THE LINE OF HEAD. llgu.

White s ts on the Line under the A bluish s t on the Line, where it

Mount of Saturn-Success in one's ca- forms a side of the Trian le, the Mounts

U/ »

if I s n

Bars the Line of Heart, with of Mars being rominent-Tendency to

white s ots on the Line under the Mount murder.

of the Those portions of the Line that run

Sun-Literary success.
under the Mounts of jupiter and Upper
Absolutely traditional, but curious. I
met it twice. It seems that literary suc~ Mars are not included in this indication.

cesses are generally associated with de-

fective action of the heart, as the bars

have certainly no other meanings. Or
is it the rush of blood to the brain that is

manifested in this wise?
White s ots on the Line close to the
Mount of Mercur -Success in scientific
researches, generally practical in their

lrre lar, either wav or discolored,
Dark spots on the Line with narrow
with a bluish on a Line of
and hi hl colored Lines of Life and sEt wavy
Liver-Health troubles due to malarial
2-Tendency to`fever, often of a
typhoidal, or at least malarial, character.
Pale and wide with black s ts on it

/ 0. . ¢

' '
o .

' ' '
A black or bluish s it on the Line-
and the Line of Life forked at the start- Typhoid fever or excessive chronic

Very serious brain disease. headaches.

ligne. THE LINE OF HEAD. lieu- 23,

A dark s.ot on the Line with a Line

risin" from the lower art of the mount
of Venus or the Line of Life and termi-

nating on the Mount of the Moon in a

23-Delirium tremens.

Here the symptoms of drunkenness rl' 'f~ '. f

are at their worst. Notice that this Line
from the Mount of Venus to the Mount
of the Moon is also read quite correctly
A black s t on the Line connectin
as "dangerous kidney trouble." In con-
firmed alcoholism the kidneys are dan- b a Line of Influence with a. star on the
Mount of Venus-A cruel
gerously afiected. Hence the similitude sorrow,

between the two readings founded on (sometimes insanity), due to the death

the same markings. of a loved one. (See also Lines of In-

Black s ots on the Line enerallv in- fluence, p. Igo.)

A cross or a dee bar when the Line
dicate, with the Mount of Saturn most

with the Mount forms a side of the Trian le-Grave ac-

of Venus cident; generally to the head.
most prominent-Deafness;
with the Mount of the Sun most rami-
of the especially
:2_t-Disease eyes,
with a star at the root of the third finger.

Deafness.-A Venusian-Saturnian sub-

ject. Fine Lines of

Heart, Fate and the Sun.
Several dee dots on the
Line of Head. A line
from the Upper Mount ~

of Mars to the Mount

of Jupiter, cutting deeply A cross on a wav Line where it forms
into the Main Lines. A
a side of the Trian le-Fatal accident;
cross in the Quadrangle ._

2 generally to the head.

under the Mount of

"Seen in the hand of a distinguished painter,
a lady, cruelly affected with deafness. She
had had difficulties in childbearing, and,
after that, her tendency to deafness had

grown until she heard almost nothing; Des-

barrollcs considered the Line from the Upper
Mount of Mars to the Mount of Jupiter as

the marking of this infirmity in conjunction

with the dots on the Line of Head."
¢56 ligll. TI-IE LINE OF HEAD. llgnl.

A cross on a branch oi the Line termi~ A star where the Line meets the Line
natin at the root of the first lin er- of Liver-Danger in childbearing, or

I`l1warted ambition. sterility.

A Line startin strai ht from the Line Projected Guilty Intrigue Threatened to

the Mount Bud in a Catastrophe.

md terminatin in a cross on
-A -ery straight and
of u iter, in a r hand-Calamity
deep Line ol Influence
starting from an island
on the Mount ol Venus
cuts a star on the Line
of Life at 1), and ends
, at the Percussion oi
Mars after
ll '
' s Star at the connection ol

the Lines ol Head and the Sun. A double
Girdle of Venus. A Line of Fate stopped
n short by the above Line ol' Inhuence, and

regained only after an

A cross on the Line, the latter sto "A handsome woman consulted Des-
in abru tl at the Line of Fate, with barrolles, who told her she was about
.1 Line of Heart also st in there ab- giving way to a hysterical and guilty love
death. which would end in a terrible casslrophe
rgggy-Premature in which her her future and
good name,
even her reason would become involved.
She acknowledged that she could not resist
the temptation to abandon an excellent hus-
band Ior the sake of a very young man who,

up to that time, knew nothing ot her pas-

Ill sion lor him."

A star on the Line-A wound in the

head. If r ated in both hands-The
wound will prove fatal.


Slnninn' into the Mmm! of the Moon

/H » mul

fit of
ending in


Often, suicide


by drown-
by drowning in a

uite to the Ras-

signs. 'rms LINE or HEAD. signs. 2]1

cette and terminatin in a cross or star of the islands; he had obtained a divorce;
and gradually regaining his reason,

through deep studies, that led him to be-

come a distinguished inventor."

Temporary Insanity Caused by a Great

Love.-A normal Line
of Head, widely forked
at the termination. A

u 's
Line of Influence from
an island on the Mount

of Venus shows a deep
9 black dot as it reaches
the Line of Heart on its
-Brilliant fortune.
way to joining a sloping
This is so essentially traditional, that, Line of Union. A line
inspite of Desbarrolles, I insert this read- connects this black dot with a star at the end
of the u er ron of the Line of Head.
ing regretfully.
Loss of Reason Through a Love Borrow. "Sometime before 30 a young man suffered

-In the Left Hand a deeply in his love for a married woman. His

slo in Line of Head; grief acted for a while on his brain. The fork

on that line, under the - at the termination of the Line of Head indi-

of the cates lxow easily he was deceived."

Mount Sun,

star connected with the

Mount of Venus by a ,

Line of Influence cut-

ting an upward branch

of the Line of Life. _.__

From that star an

elongated island stretch-

ed itself up to the Mount
ol Mercury. In the
right hand, at the same

date, a Line of Influence A short Line. with a ron of a fork

from the Mount of
at its start, endin in a star on the
Venus, cutting an up-
Mount of u iter-Fatal pride;
ward branch of the 2;
eciall if it connects with the Line of
Line of Life, curved

upward, cuttin the Fate.

slo in Line of Head under the Mount of _-1;-;"fatal pride" is meant such a lofty
Saturn, in the midst of a number of confused idea of oneself as will cause one to risk
lines. From that confusion started the same
almost anything rather than to "give
clongaxed island reaching to the Mount of
and acknowledge one beaten.
A branch of the Line ascenrlin to the
"The subject had grown insane from the
root of the first finger and cndin in a
sorrow due to the evil doings of his wife-
a Mercurian, as seen by the terminating point E-Successful
238 Signs. THE LINE OF HEAD. llgns.

Islanded at the start-Inherited trou-

ble of the brain or the respiratory or-

gans; other indications-such as the

sha e of the nails-will locate the unde-
sirable strain.

I | 0


A circle on the Line and a cross high

the Line of
n on
/ I

An island on the Line-Chronic neu-


is often considered suliicient.


A trian le on the Line under the

An island on the Line, with a Line of

Liver turning red as it approaches the
Line of Head-Brain fever of a bilious

fl character.

Mount of Mercu -Success in scientific


W ~

An island under the Mount of Saturn


-Sure sign ol serious deafness, often be-

ins b a dot, then aduall enlar cg
a fullv formed island. It is generally
llgnl. THE LINE OF HEAD. 5P°°il- 139

accom anied b exa erate Mount oi Threatened Softening of the Brain. Be-

the covery.-In the Right Hand a. Line of the Sun

Moon-Lymphatic disposition.
was starred on a Line
of Head that crossed
the whole hand; then
it started again in fine

shape up to the Mount ol

the Sun. In the Lett
Hand at the same spot

a cross on the Line of

Head was surrounded

the Line
by a
of the Sun was superb.
"Seen in the hand ol an American author
lslanded-Brain trouble
resulting ol' great reputation whom overworlc and ex-
from intellectual overwork or dissipa-
cess ol'
smoking brought had to the verge
tion. ol'paresis. A total change ol habits and a
Islanded. and with lon curved, brit- ,
long European trip had saved him from the
tle, often fluted nails--Consumption or threatened disaster."
at least great delicacy of the respiratory SPECIAL OBSERVATION.
Accom anied hy a sister Line (ver'
A verv lar e island at the termination
-Severe intestinal trouble. rare):Inheritance.
The student must remember that in-
testinal troubles are usually marked on

the lower art of the U er Mount of

the of the Mount
@and u er art

ol theMoon; hence the above reading.
(See Cha ter on Signs on Mounts, page
U3.) /5
The two sister lines must be quite dis-
tinct and not consist simply of the line
a/ ' '
I split in two, lengthwise, as this would be

If ' '
a most serious prognostic of insanity.

`_ r ,

I I wish to supplement this chapter by

to it
adding Jog very interesting obser-
Runnin throu h a s uare-The in- vations of abnormal Lines of Head,
telligence of the subject saves him from gathered by Desbarrolles and never, to
the worst consequences ol' a grave acci- my knowledge, presented to the English-
dent or misfortune. speaking public:
:so Curloua Casas. THE LINE OF HEAD. Uurlous Oasas.

A Katerlallstlo Philosopher, Almost tionalist and her intellect brought in her

Driven to Insanity- .
drawing rooms the elite of the literary and
L o n smooth, well-
g, political world. She had a great love trouble
shaped lingers; a long in her youth that had almost annihilated her
and flat-tipped thumb. power of affection."
In the Left Hand only A Broken Ar-rn.-A line of Heart joined
the three Chief lines visi- to the Line of Life at
ble. A very long but the start, ending, forked,
chained Line of Heart; at the normal place.
a rather short Line of ust a much twisted
Head forked at the ter- fra ent of the Line of
mination. In the Right Hand, a chained Line Head. under the Mount
of Heart crosses the whole hand, but the Line of Saturn but low down
of Head was re resented b a mere downward in the hand. A strong
fm ment under the Mount of Saturn. No line, forming an angle Q
Lines of Fate or the Sun. from the starting point
"Seen in the hands of a brilliant young sci- of the Line of Life to the Mount of Saturn.
entist who had set his whole thinking power (This is Desbarrolles' description of the above
at work demonstrating the material nature of sketch; I am inclined to think that the Line
the vital principle and denying vigorously the forming a right angle is really the Line of
existence of a soul. He had overworked him- Head).
self to such a degree, pursuing his favorite "Seen in the hand of a
young man who suf-
studies, that he was on the brink of actual fered from a fracture ol the arm just below
insanity, and had to stop short his investiga- the elbow."
tions." Dropsy of the Heart.-ln both hands a

Crlppled Through Womb '|.'roubl».- chained Line of Heart

No Line of Heart what- crossing like a bar at the
soever. A Line of normal place of the Line

llcarl crossin the ol Head. The Line of
whole hand like a bar. f Head represented by a

A big horizontal island


small fragment down-

on the lower Mount of ward from the Line of
the Moon. lleart under the Mount
"Madame de C., a A very bad Line
famous Parisian soci- -_T of Liver.
ety woman, was con- "Seen in the hand of a man threatened with
demned to spend her life stretched on a dropsy of the heart caused by sensual excesses.
couch, on aceormt of an incurable womb His impaired digestion had determined a gen-
trouble. She was a very brilliant conversa- eral weakness that inally proved fatal."
7001601 THE LINE OF HEART. Petition. 241


The Girdle ot Venus-The Lines of Union.

This Division Three of the Main THB LINB OF HEART!

Lines, as 1 call it on page 141 of this which represents in the hand the circu-
book, includes the Third of the Chief lation of the blood and the action of the
Line of Ileart--and several
_EELS-the heart-as far as health is concerned; and
minor Main lines that partake of its in the moral and mental world; the affec-
characteristics in a more or less impor- tions.
tant degree. Admitting that£ I. POSITION' AND DIRECTION.
of Heart indicates a smaller or larger
Normal: Runnin alon the base of
amount of loving power, I find that the
the Mounts below the fin ers exce t
Girdle of Venus-the principal meaning
of which is that of extreme sensuality-
acts, in reality, as a sort of influence line
over the said Line, increasing the re-

vealed tendency toward physical passion.

Again, the Lines of Union, which I

shall prove to be not Lines of Marria e

-as usually believed-but mere Lines I

of Attachment, with or without the sanc- _
tion of law or priest, do necessarily re-

ceive a great deal of influence from the

Line of Heart which runs parallel to that it starts from inside the Mount of
them, terminating-as they do-on the
Mount of Mercury, which they enter

from the Percussion.

These similarities in position and
meanings are sufiicient to explain why |
I have judged it proper and convenient
to comprise these three manifestations
of the same influential element, Love,
under one and the same heading and in

close vicinity to each other. I shall now

begin with u iter and endin at the Percussion.

aqa Position. THE LINE or HEART. naman.

Placed lower than its normal sition ing suliering to the

subject; with a hisli
-Coldness, selfishness. In Mount ol' the Moon-Exaggerate jeal-
of steady flow of
_lgii--Indication a
pure affection without physical attrac- Crossin the hand like a stiff bar,
tion. In a bad hand-Avarice, duplic- from side to side, with a hard hand-

ity, cruelty. Unieeling disposition.

Lick of lyllovh in Chl Ilia!-lolnil.-The

Line of Heart occupy-

ing the usual place ol the
Line of Head ex-

tendin , uite chained

-4| '. clear to the Percussion.

A small fragment ol a

Line of Head dropping

I from the Line of Heart
below the Mount of Sat- þÿ ¬
; .

Placed ve hi h in the hand, close to
"An old man 75 yur! old had suffered lOl'
the bases of the tin ers-Passionate,
years, (rom a lack of oil in the lmee joints; his
jealous disposition. stomach and heart were both in a very
Here it plays almost the part oi an wretched condition."

elongated Girdle of Venus (which see).


»fI 5 Z

Crossin the hand, clear from side to Sinking toward the Line of Head,
with an exaggerate curve under the
iles-Excess of loving disposition, caus-
Mount of Saturn or the Sun, thus mak-
ing a very narrow 0uadrangle-1lean-
of disposition; still
ness more
f uare-ti ed and very smooth
The latter reading indicates a nature

11/ without

ideal and obeying its first,

Sinlcin toward the Line ol' lleml, as

almve, formin a ver narrow uad-


Direction. THE LINE OF HEART. Character. 243

. ..ii_


a. B Itself.

1. Length.
Absent-Extreme coldness, physical
and moral; selfislmess; boundless ava-

:li rice; with other si

Mount of
ns, such as a romi-
nent Upper Mars-Cruelty;
also hemorrhage. If it has faded awa

-The heart has grown hard through

mn le, and with a rominent Mount ol disappointment in love.
This you can only judge, of course, if
the Moon-Duplicity.
selfish you have had a former occasion of ex-
Imagination added to a mean,

disposition induces lying. amining the hand of the subject, or may

depend on his declaration in that respect.
The longer it is and the farther into
the Mount of u miter it starts from-Tlie

stronger and the more idealistic the love.

Lon . clear and well traced-Lasting
'fl I `. ', affection.

2. Color: Width: Depth..

red-Violence in affairs of the
A dangerous person to be in love with.
Sinkin toward the Line of Head, as
Livid or ellow-Liver troubles.
above, the latter connected too lon at
This to all the Lines in the
its start with the Line of Life-Stiffness
hand; in fact, when one is livid and yel-
and formality in manner and disposition. all show the
low, they same hue; it is not
always the case with red lines.

e I


|', ` ' I

Sinkin toward the Line of Head, as An unusuall dee Line-Danger of

above, with a oor. wav Line of Liver apoplexyi
-Asthma, Hay fever. The depth of a Line, when abnormal,
144 Character. THE LINE OF ll BART. Ubaraetar.

always indicates a strain that may soon

_ Malformation.
reach the danger point.
Two Strokes of Apoploxy. Great Sor-
row.-A ve dee Line
ol Heart in a hand oth-
erwise poor in lines.
Dee dots on that line.
"That unusual depth
of the line I saw re-
cently in a famous ae-

tress, who has suiered


already from a stroke of ,=..

paralysis. But with her Chained-Flirtatious disposition. Im-

the Line of Head was also extraordinarily
perfect action ot' the heart.
deep." Change of Religion.-Knotty and spatu-
V le and wide-Heart disease; late lingers. A cross
poor circulation, dissipation having clearly marked on the
brought about a general weakening of lirst pbalanx oi the sec-
ond tinger, toward the
the system.
third linger. A chained
The vital fluid has lost much of its _

Line of Heart; a slop-

beneficent value, and the traces of its
ing Line of Head.
passage through this particular channel "A lady, very much
are faint. tormented by many su-
Ve thin and lon -Murderous in- perstitious tancies, was `

absorbed for years in all kinds of religious

Thinness is not in the Line investigations, hesitating constantly between
a quality
the most strict Presbyterianism and entering
of Heart as it is in the Line of Head.
a Catholic convent.She had been brought up
You will find a great difference in the a Romanist; but her knotted lingers inally

general aspect of these two lines; I ad- drove her into rationalist protestantism."
vise you to study their characteristics Pale. broad and chained-A cold
very closely so that, should one of them blooded roué who will have recourse to

be absent and the remaining one occupy anything to satisfy his passions.
itsplace (an abnonnal formation that is The evil passion, in this case, is not the

not uncommon), you may recognize the result ol the warmth of a generous
Line for what it really is. blood ; it is solely the outcome of vicious
Vc:=l: and and branch- imaginings.
poor, ending
less at the Percussion-Childlessness. Chained and risin toward the Mount
Branches on lines signs of plenty
are of Saturn-Contempt of the opposite
of sap, of an exuberance of vitality, giv- sex. In a ver had hand-Unnatural

ing the power of reproducing the vices. Otherwise misanthropy of the

species. darkest dye, as Satum hates company.

Character. THE LINE OF HEART. Character. 245

weak iirst halanx of the thumb-Incon-

stancy; wayward loving disposition.
A ood line with a good Line of Head

and a Trian le near the termination of a

ood Line of Life-Tact.

Kindness oi heart and brains are the
necessary elements of tact.

The Tobacco Heart.-In Very much

a rayed
and cross-rayed hand, a

Line oi Head separated

from the Line oi Life
and cut up in a number
oi short fragments. A ,_.
Line ol Heart.

ve or
_ `/<5 .V __
' s o

A donnie Girdle of ve-

QQ5, };:fj¢~¢
<4 i
A or line, with a oor Line of Head

77l`he abuse oi tobacco Q 1 and trian le toward the termination of


smoking had rendered 2 I' the Line of Life-Unkindness in

the subject wretchedly nervous and almost
ioolisli, harmful gossip. (See above.)
hysterical. His memory as well as his will
A well develo ed Line, with some-
power had vanished and the action of his
what exa erate Mounts of Venus and
was gravely injured by this excess oi
the Moon-Romantic
smoking." disposition.
A man or woman who loves with the
b. In combination with other indica-
imagination, not the senses.

Well traced and laced, with a stron
first halanx of the
thumb-Constancy. '

Fidelityneeds will power if it is to last. I I

Well traced and laced, but with a


Ver lon , with a prominent or much

lined Mount of the Moon and a clearl
if '
| marked Girdle of Venus-Almost insane

jealousy, generally of a
physical nature
and often without cause, since
tion, not common sense, rules over it.
146 Olmractlt. _

0 u



( 1 U I

'I' I
f r 1

'I 1 , '
0 I

0 l
c ,
' '

a 0

_ _
of Mars-Material love; extreme sensu-
A r line, with a poor Lme of Head reso even
_ _

to crime,
especia H X
| y,
and 3 "°"°w "adm" I e' '
wi_th smooth
with a broken or double Girdle of Venus.
lin ers and a short halanx of the


. I

| sl _
I ¢


An unusuallv deep line with a stron
Girdle ol Venus and a rominent or

much-lined Mount of the Moon-Um

A " Lme "mh *hs L'"° °f Head and unreasonable
reasoning jealousy
separated from the Line of Life and that will
bring about disaster.
starting high on the Mount of u iter-
Misfortune in love matters due to one's
foolish ambition toward a brilliant union.
The above characteristics of the Line
' |
of Head indicate recklessness in one's
behavior. Ill '

2. Color: Width: Depth.

De , red and running stiff and clear
across the hand, from side to side. with a Weak and rl traced, with a r

similar Line of Head and exaggerate Line of Head-Faithlessness.

Mounts of Mars-Tendency to murder. Here again, the poor Line of Head in-
Pale and wide, and with a Line of in- dicates the lack of that steady purpose
fluence from the Mount of Venus to the which is an indispensable element of con-

Mount of Mercu or the U er Mount stancy.

sm-ung rnmu. THE LINE OF HEART. swung ramu. IQ7

Chained or rlv traced, with a simi-

lar Line of Head and a Mount of Venus,
either exa erate or covered with man
cross-lines-Constant flirtations or even

guilty intrigues.
,ll U"
no trace of sensuality il not contradicted

'H b

tion of
other indications
This is
good thing.

somewhat the exaggera-

Chained at its intersection with the

Line of Fate-Love trouble (or heart °"'
disease) having interfered with the sub-

ject's career.
-11 f

Startin from the center of the Mount

of u iter, es eciall when forked-The

highest type of love-pure, deep, stead-


./ I

Startin from inside the third halanx

ol the first fin_ er-Lack of success in all
The principle is that whenever a main
line penetrates a finger, its best qualities
turn into delccts. We have seen that this Com letel encircling the Mount of
is the case with all exaggerations, in the u iter, at the start-Jealousy, more
shape of fingers, mounts, etc. ideal than sensual in its character, if the
Startin from far u into the Mount of hand is otherwise good. Under Tl;
upitcr and forkless-Ideal love, with name of Solomon's Rin it is held to de-
z48 Starting Point. THE LINE OF HEART. ltnrtllll Pvllh-

note high aptitudes lor the occult without afork)-Sensuality but no

sciences. family aliection.

Startin between the Mounts ol u i- Forked at the start, at the edge ol the
ter and
Saturn--Negative happiness. Mount ol npitvr, cspcciall if there are

This means a quiet, uneventful home three ron s all well into the Mount-
existence without passionate yearnings, Good fo;-tune,

. o


/ .

Forked at the start. at the ed e of the

exultant delights or worrying regrets. Mount nt' lnpitor. one ron going u

The reading below is Very similar; "IC the Mount-Happy in love.

Addins a

Line, however, begins higher up. cross on the Mount of Venus-An only
Startin from between the first and l0v¢_
second lin ers-A long life of constant
struggles and hard work; subdued feel-
ings of love. _

lil '





Forlced at the start, one rong tmvard

the Mount of Inpiter, the other toward
ut not touchin ) the Line of Head-
startin under the Mount of saturn
Starting Points. THE LINE OF HEART. BtartillS Points. 249

Self-deception (quite important). Forked at the start. with one rom' to

Forked at the start, one ron to the the Mount of u iter :mel the other to
Mount of u iter, the other to between the Mount of Saturn-Fanaticism.
the first and second greatfin ers-A More usually_bad errors in the pursuit of
home-loving nature, who will receive, in happiness through love.

retum, the same kind of affection and The idea of fanaticism is

explained by
happiness. the whole force of the suhject`s loving
I consider this the most satisfactory power being absorbed in the religious
start for the Line of Heart. ideal represented by the Mount of jupi-
Forked at the start, one ron ascend- ter, but rendered gloomy and dangerous
in between the first and second fin ers, by the influence of the Mount of Saturn.
the other ron °ust touchin a ood The same Mount will also cause the fail-
Mount of u iter, with an insi ificant ure of cherished love affairs.

Mount of the Moon-Negative happi-

ness. (See above.)
Designation Due to Religious Belief.-
All the fingers of the _

hand smooth and square

tipped, except the Grst
tinger, which was very
much pointed. The Line
of Heart started with a
Ȣlf 5 I

much elon ted fork, the '

prongs forming almost Short and starting from under the

an island and united al- ,in
Mount of Saturn without forks-Prema-
most under the Mount of
ture death. Still more ominous if there
the Sun. A star at the very beginning of the
Line of Life. is a cross at the center of a rather short
"The subject had suffered from the conse- Line of Head.
quences of a great family fatality occurring in
his early childhood. He had finally placed
his whole happiness in his faith in a higher
and better world."

»:( Q I .f

'I I

n Forked at the start, with

the Line of Head at its
a fork from
start reaching
down into the Lower Mount of Mars-

Separation resulting in marriage.

250 Termination THE LINE OF HEART. Termination.

This peculiar reading, which I have case it will give you coolness as well as

verified three times lately, after borrow- bravery.

ing it from prominent English palmist, Complete! encircling the Mount of

must be understood follows: two peo-

as Mercury at the termination-Singular
ple arc deeply in love with each other; aptitude for tle occult sciences.
circumstances orparentsdissatisfied

separate them; their love instead of grow-

ing colder is increased tenfold by ab-
sence, so that they finally triumph over

all obstacles.

IV. '.l'KRlH'A'.l'I0l' AID FORKS AT


Forked at the Termination, with one

pron deep into the Mount of Mercury

and an island on the Line of Fate-A
¢ I
divorce, due to a guilty intrigue of the
( |
' l ' | o

l '

Extendin around the Percussion, `


with a lon , clear Line ol' Head and the I

u er Mount of Mars rominent-Dar- __

ing spirit.


Remember that a iine Line of Heart ,

gives you "a heart for any daring enter- Very long and much frayed at the ter-

mination, ending in kind cf tassel-

prise;" does not courage_ come from the or a

Latin In this For every little prong branch love

g which means heart? or a

affair of a minor
This is amusing than literally

true; but this meaning stands for a

wealth of affection, often quite prolific, as
denoted by these many terminal prongs.

No fork at the termination-Childless-


'ul HCSS.


upward branches-Poverty
of feeling. A dry nature:

Very far apart from the Line of Head A strai ht branch, endin in a hook,
(es eciall in the middle) and both lines enterin the fourth finger-Accident
branchlcss-Life deprived of atiections. crippling the subject.
A Wound Resulting in the Crippllng of
I L08--A line from the
Line ol eart
into the third halanx of

the fourth fin er

/4 ending there in a kind of


. hook. A good Mercury

-` means agility-this line
indicates lack of agility.
| "A child was crippled
in the leg by an acci-
Downward branches-Disappoint- dent."

ments caused by loved ones.



A wavy branch down to the Mount of

Lines dro in from the Line into the the .Moon-Murderous disposition. `

uadrangle, il' under the Mount of the (Extremely scarce.)

seldom of much use to
the subject. In an other lace-

Friends ol' the subject causing him trou-


Very sim.ilar to preceding indication.

Hyporbophy of the Hurt--A number ol
minute cr endicular
lines coming down from

the Line of Heart and ~

ending near the Two lines dro in


on or

Line of Head.

Line of Heart into


straight from

a oor
"This serious heart
the Mount of the Moon-Death by apo-
trouble was discovered.
in the hand of a Chicago plexy.
The result of a defective circulation
politician who died from 3 /1
it." and an overwrought nervous system.
252 Breaks. THE LINE OF HEART. Breaks.

both hands-Dangerous illness arising

from defective circulation of the blood;
aneurism; short life. If the two fra -

ments overlay each other, there is a

strong probability of recovery.


ul _
Broken under the Mount of Satum-
Love affairs broken off, but not by the
subject's act or desire. In a more en-

eral the affections.

way-Fatality ruling
With» other si ns, especially on the
A strai ht u ward branch reaching the Mounts of Mars-A tragic end to a love
Mount of Saturn, then turnin back
affair. _

This is a clear indication of some trou-
ble in one's career, due to a disastrous



' '

Broken under the Mount of the Sun-
,|f `
Love affair broken off -through caprice a

of the subject. (Artists are inconstant.)


In a general wa -Pride, often insane

vanity, ruling the affections. In matters

of health-A serious heart

Much broken-Inconstancy; or hat- trouble;
red of the opposite sex. ' fT>0¢h hands-This trouble will
end fatally.
Heart Troubles of the u0lt Serious Char-
acter.-In the left hand
a Line of Heart broken

under the Mount of the _

/ _
Sun, then resumed .' -

_` _

weakly lorming an
island by tummg back in

a curve after it reached

' the Mount of Mer-

cury. A deep dot on

Broken under the Mount of Satum in '
the Line of Head. In the
Brelkl. THE LINE OF HEART. Conneetlonl. 153

right hand the Lines of VIIOONHECTBDWITHTHIIAII'

Life, Head and Heart _
were 'oined at the start. .

a. Directl .

"Seen in the hands of »

a young man, a con-

sumptive, who sullered,

and died suddenly from
a grave hypertrophy of
the heart."
-i' I

Broken under the Mount of Mercu

-Love affair broken off on account of
ul ~-

the avaricious disposition of the subject. I

oined with the Lines of Head and

Life at the start with (or without) a cross

in the middle of the Line of Head-Sud-

' den death if cated in both
re hands).

al' '

This must not

death," but simply

be read

meaning that when

death will come it will be "without
' .
warning." There is great chance, how-
ever, of its being accidental or violent
In a eneral way-Love of money rul-
death. The date is usually found on the
ing over the affections. In matters of
Line of Life or on the Line of Fate.
health -
Liver t ro u bl e s
gravely with the action oi the heart.



oined with the Lines of Life and

In the above observations, whenever, Head at the start, with one ron of a

instead of a clean break or gap, the two fork of the Line formin a Saint An-
fragnirnts are ovcrla 'in each other, the drew's cross with a short bar on the
lovers shall be probably reunited, es- Lower Mount of Jupiter-A love affair
eciallv if the break exists onl in o-I; bringing with it much sorrow, loss, or

trouble, death.
.*E2i even unto
communu. 'ima LINE or HEART. Goxmeetlons.

Take care not to mistake such a cross

'for the excellent cross of happy love af-

fair, described on page 94.

* |

ii '

f '
| s

f 4

W '.
oined to the Line of
Satum with a bar across

marriage. Deep sorrows from mis-

Unusuall dee and lon , but united
placed affection.
at the start with the Lines of Life and
Head, the latter terminatin in a fork,
one ron of which descends into the
Mount of the Moon, while the other
ron follows its natural course or joins
the Line of Heart-Blind and fatal pas-
sion. s' _u

Imagination triumphs here over

sound common sense; this is evidenced U

by the fork of the Line of Head. 'I`he

joined in a wavy termination with the
depth of the Line is also an ominous in-
Line of Head, under the Mount of Mer-
dication of an intensity prejudicial to the
lasting welfare of the subject. cug'-Premature


.1 ,

at its start with the Line of Starting from the Mount oi
joined lunitcr
lid'-fl, umlcr the Mount of Saturu-Dis- :mil connecting with a Stfiliijill, clear

astcr due to unrcasoning passion. lf re- Line of Fate arising from the T-.fount of

eated in both hands-Sudden dm the Moon, the said Line of Fate losin
often due to the same cause. itself into the Line of Heart--Unex-
counusu 'rms LINE or HEART. ¢°un6°¢1°u- us

pected happiness, due to the intense de-

votion of the loved one.

The intensity ol' this affection gener-

ally prognosticates a fatal reaction com- '

ing. I

A line from the line to the Line of

Fate. the latter


or death ol a dear


not a
in its

The place on the Line ol Fate where
the break will date of b. Bv Minor Lines.
occurs give the
the bereavement. It is supposed that the Connectin Lines between the Line
loss of the dear one has caused a serious, and the Line of Life-Illnesses caused
material change in the subject's pros-


Branches from the Line of Fate either by sorrows due to disappointed

ascending to the Line without touchin love or by a defective working of the
"Trl-_ove affairs not ending in marriage. heart.

F-they touch it-The unions are com- oined to the Line ol' Head b a Line

pleted: if they cut it-The unions will be starting from the latter-Fatal infatua-
very unfortunate. (See final sub-heading tion. If the hand shows no sensual
in Chapter on the Line of Fate.) tendenc ,
but with a hi ll Mount of
255 Slflll- TH! LINE OF HEART. Sigue.

Oppeeeeion ot the Heart Consequence ol

e Severe Liver Trou-
blt-The Line o I
lleart cut b a number
ol strong bars ol a yel-

lowish tint, especially

°./' '», visiblenear the starting

point ol the Line.
/_ "Seen in the hand ol
e convalescent from yel- ___

low lever." Il (I
calculating spirit in love
Mercury-A Dots on the Line-Love sorrows.

matters; the French idea of marriage. Palpitations of the Heart.

ill °'.
Lines from the Line downward reach- A white dot on the line-Success in

ing close to the Line of Head without love affairs.

cutting it-Life greatly inlluenced by That inventive, conquering genius

the opposite sex. If this takes lace un- shown by white dots on the Line ol
der the Mount of the Sun-Great versa- Head (which see) is here applied to love

tility without much serious results. conquests.

lf next the starting int of the line-
The loved will be Venusian.
A number of bars euttin the Line-
one a
under the Mount of u iter-The loved
Rcpeated disappointments in love.
one will be a Jupiterian, and eo on, ac-
Troubles of the heart and liver.

l | |

.4 ill I

Signs. THE LINE OF HEART. Slgnl. 251

eording to the Mount above the white Business failure.

dot. (See pages 122438, for any min- Crosses on the line at the intersection
ute Descri tion of T '

A deep dot on the Line under the
Mount of the Sun-Love sorrow or

trouble caused by some celebrated per-

son and which is harmful to the subject's

of the lines of Heart and Fate-Pecun-

to love matters.

,ul iary troubles, due

A dee dot on the Line under the
Mount of Mercu -Love sorrow or
ill ,

trouble caused the subject by a doctor, 1

scientist, or business man. With a
Egr, U
or wavv Line of Liver-Heart palpita- |

tion coming from a poor digestion. A star at the end of a branch of the
Line oin down into the Mount of the

Moon-Hereditary madness of the

erotic form.

Q .

A lon

red scar

(elongated dot)
on the M
Black or bluish dots-Grave malarial A circle on the Line-Weakness of
fever. Seen also in hands of subjects the Heart. Under the Mount of the Sun
threatened with inflammatory rheuma- -Trouble with the eyesight.
tism. A s uare on or close to the Line-
Cut under the Mount of Mercu b Preservation from physical harm, or

a branch of a cross on that Mount- love sorrow.

258 Signs. THE LINE OF HEART. sign.

Curious Square of Preservation.-A

strong Mount ol Mars,

a Line of Head sloping
very low down into the

Mount ofthe Moon,end-
ing in two small elon-

A iine
gated squares.
Line of Fate throwing a

branch at3l to the Mount

ol the Sun, a strong dot ;_ U
where this branch begins. on the Line of Fate-Guilty love that
At the connection
of the Lines of Fate and Heart, an angle thus will stop at nothing.
formed that a square annears quite distinct.
A cross on the Mount of Jupiter.
"A very bright servant girl who escaped
almost miraculously the fatal clutches of Du-
mollard, the famous servant-girl murderer of
Lyons, France. This terrible adventure
., -

marked by the dot was the source of her fu- I

ture fortune, as she made a comparatively

brilliant marriage due to the notoriety she
gained through the trial. She had headaches
and presentiments, hence the slope of the Line Serious Eye Trouble, Brought About by
oi Head." an Accident.-An isl-
and on the Line of
Heart. under the Mount
ol the Sun. An exag-

gerate Mount ol' the

e *Moon A very thin

W anzmic
"'I`he subject


a degree; a

to one


in its
eye was rapidly worse conse-

quences by the poor quality of the blood, un-

Islands on the Line-For every island til blindness the result."
complete was

a guilty intrigue. In a hand showin

no sensual
tendency-Very defective ac-
tion of the heart, of a chronic character.
An island on the Line under the
. .

Mount of Satum-A love affair which



interferes very seriously _with the sub- | .


jcct's prospects; also, varicose veins.

An island on the Line with an island

An island on the line under the

Mount of the Sun-Very serious trou-
ble with the eyesight.

A double Line of Heart-Capacity
for deep affection that will cause much
sorrow to the subject.
This is to be a Sister Line of eat case for
men-Special vigor; for women
len h and evenness. Often read in that -Exemption from most female troubles.
;l_i-_ _ _


In most of the books on Palmistry solving of complicated questions

written in the English tongue, I have concerning the
partially hidden tempera-
noticed a great reluctance on the part ment of man, physical, mental and moral,

of the authors to call things by their then, indeed, I claim the right for all
names and to state facts with the blunt- teachers and studentsof Palmistry to
ness that pertains to all scientific inves- face the symptoms just as they are-

tigations. In fact, the tendency has unpalatahle though they may be-and
been to soften down the terms in which to interpret them with the same unbiased

to express the many unpleasant features and unveiled frankness that is found
that occur, naturally enough, in the ex- quite appropriate in the mouth of a sur-
amination of the average hand, thus de- geon facing his operating table.
basing this noble science of Palmistry to This protest-which I have heard ut-
the level of a puerile amusement to while tered many a time by faithful and un-

away an idle hour. Now, if Palmistry is daunted searchers after truth-is par-
to be considered as nothing more than an ticularly well timed, I think, just before
ingenious form of recreation, I, for one, presenting my reading of the Girdle of
and, with me, all men and women who Venus, than which no line in the Hand
claim to be thinkers and prospectors in has remained more wretchedly misun-
the realms of the unknown, we will beg derstood, thanks to that very unscien-

permission to drop this child-play, here tific tendency of Modern Palmists-

and now, and to turn our earnest atten- Desha.rrolles excepted of course-to

tion to some worthy problem

more wrap up every disagreeable statement in

within the boundaries of natural philos- terms so vague as to render it positively

ophy. But if, on the contrary-and as unintelligible.
I, for one, firmly believe-the study and A few among the more recent writers

reading of the Hand bring us nearer the have even attempted to endow this line

with actually meritorious influence

an limited extent-the youth or maiden
over the subject who possesses it, gen- thus inclined is not to be heldabsolutely
eralizing to that effect-and without responsible for the outburst of this de-
suflicient warrant-a few remarks of plorable tendency; and most happily, un-
Desbarrolles conceming certain forms of der the watchful, intelligent care of the

the Girdle of Venus when seen in the parents, it is, in many cases, eradicated
hands of subjects of a particularly artis- almost at once from the subject's sys-
tic or intellectual temperament. tem. Certain hygienic measures, and
I beg leave, therefore,
depart to most the wholesome influence of the father or

emphatically from this radically inaccu- mother calling upon the tempted child
rate and error-fostering method and to to master the evil desire, very frequently
continue stating ungarbled and undoc- conquer the vicious leaning. In that
tored facts whenever I meet them in my case, either the Girdle of Venus never

regular chiromantic observations. shows itself in the hands, or it appears

This book is not written for infants or only in the Left Hand-a token of the
for maidens kept purposely in ignorance temptation having triumphed for a time
of the nether side of human nature. -and is not found in the Right Hand,
Those who open it have doubtless real- the evidence of a well directed will-
ized, from the start, that all the maladies, power having overcome mere animal in-

physical, mental and moral, our sad race stinct.

is heir to, are to be herein mentioned and That the Girdle of Venus must,in all

expatiated upon in the language ac- but a few very exceptional cases, be con-

cepted by the medical profession, when- sidered the gauge, so to speak, of the

ever, in the regular order of our studies, gravest troubles the generative organs
the examination of the hand brings us are made to suffer from
through the evil
face to face with them. thoughts of the human mind, is con-
This being stated necessary pref-
as a firmed by the fact that its being double

ace, I shall the invariable or triple or broken or starred is

give at once always
interpretation accepted by Desbarrolles accurately interpreted as denoting un-
as the meaning of the Girdle of Venus. natural vices or syphilitic poisoning of
It is understood by the Master to in- the blood, or even erotic insanity of the
dicate those vicious habits generally de- worst character. The most indulgent

veloped-when they exist at all-at the reading of this line is that of hysteria,
time of puberty, and to which science unaccompanied by any immoral acts, but
gives the name of onanism. They have accounted for, primarily, by some seri-

always been considered as arising from ous derangement of the generative

nervous, half hysterical troubles-com functions.
comitant with the transition from boy- Finally, even the exceptions to these
hood or girlhood to manhood or most unpleasant readings only confirm

womanhood. To some extent-a very them more strongly. As I stated in my

Posftion. THE GIRDL E OF VENUS. Character. 26|

Cha ter on the Line of Head, and earlier, of Venus, an exa erate Mount of the

in my Part III, on the Mounts, an ex- Moon and a red Line of Mars-Profli-

aggerate or much lined Mount of the gacy of the worst kind; must be es-

Moon, as well as a Line of Head sloping pecially watched in young pcople's

deep into that Mount are not absolutely hands.
unfavorable symptoms, whenever the II. CHARACTER.

general temperament and tendencies of Ver de and often red, and cuttin
the subject are such as to reveal an es- throu h the Lines of Fate and the Sun
pecially gifted, artistic or poetical na- as if to obliterate their best characteris-
ture. In such beings' hands, the Girdle tics-The intellect of the is
of Venus itself might be read-as the his vicious tenden-
Q gravely impaired by
above markings would be-as the reve- cies and his will suffer
career grievously
lation of this most acutely delicate nerv- from the same sad cause.
ous sensibility which one expects to
meet with in those rare and select geni-

uses that bring to the world its most ex-

quisite delights in the guise of poem,

song, painting, statuary. Then and then /'

only, I repeat it, may the dreaded hys- ~

teria those indications so clearly denote

be made to read as the extraordinary
cerebral erethism indispensable to the
conceiving and begetting of immortal Ver thin, and cut b -not cuttin -

masterpieces. strong and ood Lines of Fate and the

I. POSITION AID DIBROTION. Sun-Wit, love and talent for literature,

Normal: Starts from between the art, etc.; this supposes the hand in gen-
eral to be a good one.
HYlf°!'i°ll 15551151-'A very short thumb.
A Line of Head sloping
deep into the Mount of
the Moon, where it ends

/D in

other star





Mount connected by a

forked line with the '

_Line of Life. Straight ;___
first and second fin ers and ends between T-
and deep Lines of Fate
the third and fourth fin ers. In a bad
and Liver, the former entering into the sec-
hand indicatin a vicious dis osition, ond finger. A double irdle of Venus.
that is, with a high or much ra ed Mount "A young woman suffering from the mono-
262 Termination THE GIRDLE OF VENUS. Breaks.

mania of persecution visited Desbarrolles.

She was wealthy and quite tenacious and sen-

sible in money matters-this being a charac-

teristic of such a Line of Liver-but intensely
hysterical and gradually drifting to sheer in-

in an otherwise good hand-Unusual-

if though unhealthy-nervous energy and

ardor in every undertaking. In a had
hand-The subject will add deceit to
lasciviousness of the worst character.

Double or Tri le-The worst features

of the Girdle are increased in the same

proportion. Generally the indication of

unnatural vices.
Bad Consequences ot Continued Bad Hab-

its.-A deep, black dot A

on the Line of Life at 18 _ ..

and another at 23 con-

nected by Lines of Inhu-

ence with a black dot on


the Line of Head, from ,`

Broken-Sensuality at its worst.
there a very thin

went up into the Mount V.O0ll'lC'.l'lDWI'|.'R'|.'RlIAH

of Saturn, entering LINES.
le Girdle of Venus.
Cuttin the Lines of Fate, the Sun and
"Seen in the hand of a very young man sub-
Liver and seemin I shatterin them at
ject tc- frequent nervous fits and to increas-

ing melancholia. He had lost all

capacity for
intellectual work and constantly thinking

of his wretched state of increasing weakness.

Urged by Desbarrolles, he finally gave up the Z

sad habits of his early youth, began a long

trip on foot through the mountains of Switzer-
land. devoted himself to agricultural pursuits
and,within a few years, was again a well man."

Terminating (or rather gpen at the the intersecting points-(lhstacles `to

termination) on the Mount of Mercur '; success due to an inorilinntc pursuit of
Signs. THE GIRDLE OF VENUS. Signs. 263

sensual pleasure. (See above reading.) Mercury, forming a large fork, with a sloping
Cuttin a prolon ed Line of Union-
Line of Head. A double irdle of Venus.
"A young woman of 23, when she consulted
Desbarrolles, suffered from intense hysterical
excitement, due originally to a great sorrow

from the death of a loved one, when she was

20. She had devoted herself to exaggerate

| I

religious practices, but her mind, which was

I | quite intellectual and philosophically inclined,

.4 was constantly raising objections against the

belief she tried to attach herself to. She was

constantly hesitating between convent life and

an impulse to throw aside all religious ideas."
The hysterical temperament of the sub-
Faintly marked in an otherwise ood
ject and his heartless selfishness is sure
hand, but cut b a de bar u n the
to destroy the happines of the one who
loves him or her.


Cut b small lines, with the Mount of

f I I '



I V I |
1 c I

ill f `
°` '
Mount of the
women. In a
Sun-Reverses due to
bad hand-Loss of for-
tune due to extreme profiigacy.


Venus and the Moon exa erated-

Hysteria of an erotic character.

Skepticism Struggling Agalnlt an In-

clinatlon Toward Con-

ventLlte.-High _

Mount of Jupiter; sev- _


eral vertical lines on the _

' n

Mount of Saturn; a W-
much chained Line of
::§_`_'b, A star on the Girdle-es eciallgl
Ileart. Spatulate fin-
is double ortrehlc-A grave venereal (lis-
gers, a first finger as
) ease front which the subject will never
long as the second. A
Line of Influence from
A star on the Mount of Venus cut the Line No person with such a sign in the
of Life at zo, ending under the Mount of hand ought ever to think of marrying.

Position in Llfo Ruined by a Woman.- the Mercurian type, greedy and deceitful. An-
A Lunar and Mercurian other woman he had loved had died. He had
type; a large Mount of had a child from her, who had died."
Venus. A dot at the A lodorn lappbo.-A Line of lnllnenoe
beginning of the Line of .
from the Mount of Ve-
Life. A very long Line _ A
nus cuts an upward

of Heart, from which _

e branch of the Line of

starts under the Mount Life at 24 and ends in
of Saturn a Line of a star on the Line of
`- »


Head drooping almost ~

Head under the Mount _

straight down the Trian- of the Sun. From tlut

gle. A star on a stron l marked Girdle of star rises a long island
Venus. A Line of Influence from the Mount that ends in a star, on »_

of Venus ending on the Mount of Mercury, the Mount of the Sun,

cut by a Line of Union itself marked with connecting with the end of a uadnx Ie Gir-
a deep dot. Two other Lines of Influence dle of Venus.

starting from stars on the Mount of Venus "A lady had divorced from her husband,
and ending after cutting the Line of Had. i receiving from him a large sum of money;
second Line of Union also dotted and from this fortune lad beensquandered upon a lady
which starts a children line, also dotted. friend, who had obtained the most detestable
"A painter, voluptuous, ill-balanced nature, inluence upon the subject, to the point of
had had his career practically mined by an rendering her almost irresponsible and more
early love; the woman lud died; she was of than half demented"
i__ l


I am now in the presence of the Lines own long, at least among superficial
that offer probably the greatest difficul- or easily discouraged students. I think,
ties of all to every Palmist-even the however, that there is a simple, as well as
a strictly honest
most experienced. As they are sup- way to reduce to their
posed by cursory readers of Chirological true value these apparent discrepancies

works to indicate marriage, their ab- between facts and Chiromantic indica-

sence, their multiplicity, the order of tions as far as the Lines of Union are

their superposition, their malfonnations concemed; and that is to give to these

and, finally, the small vertical lines that markings the very modest place in the
come down upon them and are inter- study of the hand that really belongs to
preted as Children Lines-all these indi- them, and to search elsewhere for such

cations are the objects of the most in- revelations as had been supposed, for too

tense curiosity to young and old, and, long a time, to be confined to that very

but too often, the causes of bitter disap- narrow along the Percussion of

pointment or unwarranted satisfaction. the Mount of Mercury.

They certainly are puzzling at times, and Although Desbarrolles has already in-
if the standing of Palmistry as a science sisted upon the principle that Unions in

depended on their infallibly correct read- the hand are not to be understood as

ing, I am afraid it would not hold its meaning only legal Unions, i. e., Mar-
Direction. 265
it is to the better element of the
riages, to a reading very similar to the old in-
palmistic world that the
we owe
terpretation of Marriage. But remem-
discovery of those Lines of Influence- ber, this must be, as far as possible, the
from the Mount of the Moon enerall confirmation of an event discovered else-
-which indicate in connection with the where in the hand. And I add: this will
Line of Fate-and sometimes the Line be especially the case in vomen's hands.
of the Sun-the most In men's hands, the Lines of Union often
important among
these Unions, be they marriages or not. constitute the sole indications of attach-
I shall have occasion, in ments that really left their marks in the
my very next
chapter, to describe those Lines of ln- subject's brain-and consequently in his
fhvence from the Mount of the Moon and Palm- _

to imlicate their proper value in all such

serious love affairs as affect one's ex-
Normal: Cuttin the Percussion
Suffice it to say here, that the Lines of
Union, on the Percussion of the Mount
of Mercury, have been dethroned from

exclusive, prominent position as
recorders of legal bonds, and are to be
considered only as confirmations of what ;

the Lines of Fate and the Sun and their

Lines of Influence shall have
revealed to us. As such they are decid- horizontall between the Line of Heart
edly useful, and I may add that, even by and the base of the Fourth Fin er and
themselves, they are, by no means as er- enetratin not dee into the
ror-breeding as it has become almost a Mount of Mercur _

fashion to believe them to be,

especially Of course the design cannot show
if we are satisfied to read them as Lines
the exact position of the Lines of Union.
of Attachment, not marria e. The lon er the Line-The longer the
Ilowever, in the following observa- Union, be it marriage or liaison. It is
tions, the student will find much valu-
ahle and reliable information
those Lines, somewhat based on the old

principles; but let it be understood that

the interpretation therein given applies
exclusively to very clearly marked Lines
of Union. In fact, I am bound to Q

that a long and deep Line of Union, in

an otherwise excellent hand, is entitled
:66 Podtlon. THE LINES OF UNION. lhrtlng Points.

therefore customary to consider the long,

deep lines as indications of legal Unions.
Slo in toward the Line of Heart-
1Vidowh00d or widowerhood. lf the

slo e is very gradual-The last illness of
the subject's spouse will be lingering.

C urving u wards-The subject will

not marry.

I am still
waiting for a confirmation of
Above that
this curious reading. point-The Union is dated
between 45 and 70.
For a more accurate method of obtain-
ing the date of such Unions as were
legal Marriages, or amounted almost to

//} the same thing, see Cha ter on Lines of

Influence (pp. 172-193) and the final sec-
tion of the Chapter on the Line of Fate.


Close to the Line of Heart-The Union
Forked at the start. on the Percussion
took place before I8 for maids and 21

years of age for men


o , 0

¢ e 1

nu; ,| _ ; _ _

-Separation by the fault of the subject,

Close to the middle point between the not by that of the other party.

Line of Heart and the base of the fourth Of course this cannot be seen in this

fingcr-The Union took place before 28 design of the inside palm.

for maids and widows and 35 for men. I found, many a time, that this fork,
At a point about three-fmirths dis- at either end of a Line of Union, meant,
tnnvt- illl\'t'('ll the Line of lleart and the not a legal separation or one brought
liaise of time fourth finger-The Union about by the desire of either of the united
tool; place at about 38 for maids or parties to stay away from the other. but
widows and 45 years old for men. a separation de facto. as, for instance, a
Terminntion. THE LINES OF UNION. Bnnchei. 267

long sojourn of one of the united parties

in a foreign country away from the

other, such a period of separation having

proved quite painful and left its mark on I
that account.



Terminatin at the Line of the Sun;

Venus, in the left hand onl -Intended

divorce; in both hands--The divorce has
taken place.


if it does not cut it-A union with a per-

son either famous very rich. If it

cuts it-The union will be a mesalliance.

Generally the same indication is

marked in the hand when the Line of In-
fluence from the Line of Life or the
Mount of Venus comes up and merges
into a drooping Line of Union. (See
Lines of Influence, pp. 172-l93.)

IV. 31303.

An u d branch touchin the

The Line forked at its termination-

Separation not caused by the fault of the

subject in whose hand the fork is found,
but by the other party's fault.
The Line terminatin in a fork, one

rung of which droo is toward thc Line

of Ilcnrt-Divorce in favor of the sub-

ject in whose hand the fork is found.

The Line dro >in and terminatin ,

dec and clear u on the Mount of Mount of the Sun-A brilliant Union.
368 l!$kl~ THE LINES OF UNION. lseek!-

Broken-Separation or divorce.
Broken, but the two fra ents over-

la in each other-Separation followed

l by reunion; sometimes a second mar-

riage between the same

I observed this last reading in the

tl ~ hands of several people whose existence,

very well known to me, contimted this

A Wife Leading Kes' Husband and Pool-
A downward branch cnttin the Line Elm for lvil Pur-
of the Sun-A mesalliance. PNU--A large number

\Vell traced but with ca illa lines of worry lines crossing _

droo in from the Line to the Line of the hand in all direc-

tions and all very deep

Heart-Troubles caused by the illness of E; [_ _

and red; high Mounts of -_

the person with whom the subject is r

Mars and a long Line §' "~. TL;

united. `


of Head slightly slop-

frequently in women's hands
I met this ing; a short thumb, and

when the bread-winner of the family, at about ag the Line of
Life threw up branch, which crmsctl
having been ill for a long time, the cir- a was

by a Line of Influence, ending under the

cumstances of the wife had become much
Mount of Mercury and thus forming a kind of
fork, with the Line of llead. On the Line
of Fate was found a large island, b~:t\\~een 25

and 39; a Girdle of Venus in both lrnnlsz

one Line of Union which stretched throuuh

the hand and u to the Mount of Saturn, and
there was met by the top of another island on

/ the Line of Fate. The Line of Heart was


"Seen in the hand of a lady with a most
nervous disposition, but with exceptional en-
ergy, these facts being demonstrated by the
deep worry lines and the long Line of llead.
At 29 she had a serious quarrel with her hus-

band, probably on account of an intrigue indi-

cated by the first island. The long Line of

ft Union prolonged so far always indicates that

the subject will obey his or her passion to
any extent. The lady was also afllxtctl with

palpitations of the heart, and the cross on the

lower Mount of the Moon proved to be an

indication of over-excited imagination and also
of kidney troubles."
c0!lll¢¢ti0l'|l¢ THE LINES OF UNION. lillll- 269

VI. CONNECTED WITH OTHER LINES. upper Mount of Mars, from which a Line of
Inhuence merged into a fine Line of the Sun.
Throu h Minor Lines.
"A young English girl had been led astray
A Line of Influence from the Mount by a married
man. At 25 a separation be-
tween them had taken place, causing great

trouble and sorrow to the subject. The man

was a mixture of Martian and Mercurian type,
a brilliant officer but a scherner and deceiver."


of Venus cuttin the Lines of Life, Head,

Heart and Marria e-Troubles con-
nected with marriage, generally due to
the interference of relatives. A Line of Influence from inside the
Trian le 'cuttin the Lines ol' Fate,
Head and Heart and terminatin after
cuttin a forked Line of Union-Di-

Whenever these Lines of Influence

are islanded on the way, the trouble or

divorce has a guilty intrigue (generally

of the subject) as its real cause.

A Line of Influence from the Mount of
Cut b a line from the base of the
Venus cutting a small u ward branch of
the Line of Life and ing into (or

cutting) a Line of Union-Legal sepa-

by Married
Seduction Im Causes Bepa-
ration and Long Pov-
erty. Finally Prosper-
star on a

the Mount of Venus b
Line of
with U ` '

a Line of Influence cut
fourth fin er-Opposition to the Union.
tm an u ward branch
U ri ht lines comin down from the
of the Line of Life at 25
base of the fourth fin er and touchin
islanded immediately af- Z
1 ' cuttin ) the
terward. A star on the not Line-Children; is
21| Signs. THE LINES OF UNION. llglm.

hood, Of widowerhood.


I .
lj ' '

I s


many such lines as many chil-

drm' B°7s' "ms 3"
An island on a children lin»DeIi-
girls' lines are leanin Delicate (or cacy of the child's health.

If found at
E5 children, lines are
very faint. the temiination or that ehiidlifl
Found also in the father's hand and even
Death of the child.
in the hands of people who are intensely A black or a star would
s&t supply
fond of children not their own.
the same reading. Of course all thcse
I always endeavor to find those chil- indications are so minute that it is sel-
dren lines among a number of faint
dom that they are found available.
downward lines often found in that Cruel DSU! tif Line of
Child.-U& 3

vicinity and very accurately read as Union descends a child

line with dee dot and
habits. Miscarriages, in the

chatterin a

a har across before it

latter period of pregnancy, leave the
touches the Line of
same markings in wornen's hands. Often Union.
you vill find marked a different number
"The child of a lady

of children lines in each hand. I have friend of Desbarrolles

found sometimes that you could add the had died a violent death.

two numbers and the total gave the total The above signs were ¢¢

found in the mother's LT;

of children (this is the case in Queen
Victoria's hands). Otherwise and more

generally I take the smaller number.

C f


u r


2-..__ Drooping toward the Line of Heart,

A hlarlc not on the l.ine-Widow- withacross where the droo ing begins-
3183* THE LINES OF UNION. Special Observation. 27;

The person to whom the subject is united union betwwn near ,-e|at;,,eS_
will die suddenly. Here again the island indicates the

guilty nature of the affections.


A clear, stron line, accom anied

An island on the Line-Quarreling (or

guilty intrigue). ° 4


closelv by a minute nafallel line-The

subject must have continued loving



someone else since the union tool: place;

._A in other words. an older attachment still
I found quite often-especially in

France, where such situations are very

frequent-this minute parallel line to

Full of little islands or downward
mean the influence of a parent over one
branches-The subject,not to marry.
of the united parties, overshadowing the
This I repeatedly found correct. It
new affection; I called it on that account,
indicates great dissipation resulting in
only half in jest, the mother-in-law line.

Guilty Intrigue. Death of the Rutland.-

/ Line of Head ex-

tending across the

whole hand and
rated from the Line of _ _H -

Life; a straight Line of _ j

Fate; a wavy Line of 'Q
Heart; a double Girdle ;'~*J`
of Venus; two Lines of
An island at the termination of the "
Union, the upper one
% ,|
Line with another island at the base of starred; the Mounts of
the second halanx of the thumb-A Venus and the lower Moon much rayed; a
272 Curious Canal. THE LINES OF UNION. Ourluuu Cana.

Line of lntluence starting from a star on the with whom she had lived several years; the

Mount of Venus and ending in a star on the gentleman had decided to marry someone else;

Line of Fate; a small line from the Line of but after the marriage had been performed
Head before it reaches the Line of Fate ends he renewed his intercourse with his former

on the Line of Fate in the middle of the sweetheart and settled a fortune upon her,
Quadrangle; from there starts downward a which she preserved after the affair was over."
line ending in a star in the middle of the The Subject Bad a Guilty Intrlgua. Ian

Mount of the Moon. Thcrc is a child line of I Inv ltalt. AIM!

startin from the Line of Heart instead of nat rmeperuy lu-

the Line of Unzon °ust before the end of turna to the Subject,
either Line of Union. Whose Financial A!-

fairs ma mm :run
"A lady had a guilty intrigue, which caused
the dcath by insanity of her husband. The named by an um-
lady, who was of an ultra-nervous disposition, dll--The third finger
had a child from her lover out of wedlock. almost equal to the sec-

Later she married him, but finally ended in The Line of Head
ond. S
hysteric insanity." widely separated from
Iniuence of an Island on tha Lino of the the Line of Life and forked at the end. A
Bun.-A good Line of downward branch of the Line of Heart cut

Life, a fair Line of Head the Line of the Sun and reached the Line
attached to the Line of of llt-nil at its connection with the Line of

Life, and a Line of Fat-_-_ tt-rlliixlatillg in : star. A ilcvp Cirillc

llcart crossing thc uf Vvnns rtll into the Lines nf Fan: and thc

very wide
hand, leaving

wi Sun

the Mounts.
Mount of Venus cut
A Line of Influence
an upward
An Inllucnce Line from branch of the Line of Life and crossing the
the Mount of Venus ___
island ended after crossing the Line of the
` :_
cuts an upward branch Sun.
of the Line of Life at 32 and connects on the "A gentleman was partner in a firm whose
Line of Head with the beginning of a large head dragged it into a ruinous lawsuit through
island on the Line of the Sun, extending clear wild speculation. The partnership had been
through the quadrangle. The Line of the concocted by the wife of the speculating part-
Sun extends very fine up to the top of the ner, uho had an illicit attachment for the sub-
Mount. ject. was thus tiuancially ruined
The latter
"A young woman came to consult Desbar- through his overwhelming love for that
rolles on a very important event. He pre- woman. The continuation in hue shape of the
dicted a separation to come ol! very soon, and Lines of Fate and the Suu prognosticated a
in fact the lady was separated from a lover better future."


I want to
There are only two points @ stands here for Career, Life-work,
make clear to the student before begin- the Succession of Ha enin s, fortunate

ning my readings of this Line. The or otherwise, that form the running
first refers to its name, which is, in one thread of our existence. On that Line,

respect, unsatisfactory to me, since

most therefore, we expect to find such indica-
it seems to imply, to too great an extent, tions as will give us a fairly correct idea

the existence of fatality as a ruling power of all that is in store for us-health mat-
over man's destiny. Now, the very basis ters not included, if they are not to inter-
of the system which I teach in these fere with our occupations, ambitions, etc.

pages, in accordance with the great Mas- Over some of these events we may have
ters at whose feet I humbly sat-in spirit but little, if any control; but, as a rule,
at least-is that, within certain bounds we shall soon discover
by what means

which I do not pretend to delimit, free- we may-if we care to-influence for the
dom of action is left, or rather given, to better the destiny thus outlined. So that,
man to mold his life as he sees fit. One after all, the Line of Fate, in spite of its
of the essential differences between name, is the one marking in the hand

Palmistry and the various forms of for- that illustrates best the essential doctrine
tune-telling-and I mean those forms of free will.
that are not necessarily fradulent but The second statement that ought to

have some sort of scientific foundation- find its here relates to the close
consists therefore in this principle that connection existing between the Line of
hands reveal our tendencies, their work-
Fate and the Line of the Sun. I consider
ing over us in the past, and their prob- them. in a great many respects, as equiv-
able, logical consequences in the future,
alents and sister lines. as truly associated
hut that they also indicate whether or not
together as the Line of Mars is with the
we are endoved with such an amount of
Line of Life. I wish the student to bear
will-power as will
help us conquer our
this in mind when perusing this chapter
weaknesses, physical, mental and moral,
and the next, and to remember that Des-
and save us from the worst possibilities
barrolles places the two lines on such an
delineated in our hands. Fatalitv ceases

have any even level that he bases upon the exist-

therefore to meaning in con-
nection with Palmistic readings, and, I ence, direction, etc., of either-when
alone-the exact readings he would
repeat it, the words Line of Fate are not

to be understood as referring to it in the ascribe to the other. I now proceed with


least. my examination of
374 Position. THE LINE OF FATE Ghlrlchr.



Runnin strai ht to the Mount of Sat-



a. B itself.

into which it penetrates de l -A


life of Absent-Insignilicant, eventless life.

exceptional good luck.
Remember that the presence of a Line
of the Sun should induce the student to
read on that Line the life events of the

X subject.


' ///

Runnin strai ht to the Mount of the

Sun-Celebrity in line art or literature.


Straight and good, but onl from the

Line of Heart u rds-Good fortune
in old age, generally due to success in
science, or agriculture, i. e., some occu-

pation that has no element of speculation

or risk in it.
The influence of the Mount of Saturn
Straight to the Mount of Mercury-` is more visible in that portion of the
Great success in business. Line, although we must bear in mind
Runnin strai ht to the Mount of Sat- that it is exerted over the whole stretch
urn and then curving toward the Mount of the Line of Fate.
of _Tupiter, which it
penetrates-Very ex-
2. Color: Width: De th.
traordinary success in life; sometimes
limited to a brilliant union. Of a de red color, cutting' throu h
Character. THE LINE OF FATE. Character. qs

I *~ 0 | 1


' '

the Mount of Satum, and risin dee

of the subject's parents.
into the third halanx ol' the second fin-
Vocation Interfered With.-A Ling °f In.
_gi-Dishonorable death, or, at least, fluence from
the second joint of the
thumb cut a deep dot on

the Line of Life at 18,

and ended on the Mount ~

of Mercury, after cutting

every line. G00d
Mounts of Jupiter and
the Sun ruling over an

exaggerate Mount of the

Sun. The of fine Line of Fate
prison. A still more threatening indica- beginning a

was cut u b a series of crosses.

tion if there is added a star on the first
"A lamous actor of the Theatre Francais
halanx of the second fin er.
had had many troubles with his family, who
would not allow him to adopt the stage as a

profession. Left without money, he had been

ill (at 18) from the privations he had to en-
dure. His brilliant career was due to his
telligence mastering his excess of imagina-

M tion."

Unusually dee Perseverance in an

occupation not to the taste of the sub- |

ject. Extreme nervous anxiety all

` `
through life. A strain of the will-power
that often results in paralysis. I
' '

. Malfornmtions. Chained when it crosses the Line of

Chained or formed in crosses or zi -
Heart-Troubles in love.
Poorlv traced it
zag at the start-Difficult childhood as
approaches the cen-
often due to losses of money or position ter of the
hand-Troubles in middle life.
|76 Ghhrlctlt. THE LINE OF FATE lhrtlng Point;

i 4 L'

Enfmli "."
if 1'

Remember that, in a normall sha d Dee and irregular. in a much raved

and lined hand, the Line of Fate crosses
@-Constant irritability; ultra-nerv-
the Line of Head at ears old. (See ous disposition; the subject will be vexed

PP- 15051-> at trifles, and his career will suffer much

from this uneven temper.


' '

' » s


Wav!-A quarrelsome, changeable

disposition; a very much checkered ex-

istence due to insufficient steadiness df

purpose on the part of the subject.

b. In Connection with other indications. Startin from below the third bracelet
of the Rascette-Some intense grief
threatening the subject.


' I

Wav or chained or both. with a sec-

ond line clin ing to it (not a sister line,

such a line must not in
anv case touch Starting from the first bracelet of the
the line it accom aniesl-Unhappiness, Rascette-Early responsibilities laid on
generally due tothe subject's unfortunate the shoulders of the subject relating

or hesitating way ol' ruling his life. either to sell or others.

Starting Points. THE LINE OF FATE. ltarting Points. 271

Startin from the Line of Life-Suc-

cess due to the subject's own efforts, but
with a fair start from his own people.
With the Mounts of u iter and Venus

developed-A spirit of benevolence be-

coming the prime mover in the subject's
life work.

Startin from the first bracelet of the

Rascette and endin at the Line of
H eartéerious love troubles all through
life. Also in a bad hand confirmin
strai ht from the first bracelet
of the Rascette and netratin into the
third halanx of the second fin er-An Runnin close to the Line of Life for
a while. but distinct from it-The sub-
ject's life is influenced by relatives, for
the eriod durin which the Line is;
close to the Line of Life, said eriod
measured and dated on the Line of Fate.

I * s


extraordinary destiny; whether for good

or evil the other signs in the hands will

tell. 'I`he strongest evidence of "fatal-

ity" in one's hand.

lt is perhaps theonly indication in the
hand which the will-power of the sub- Starting inside the Mount of Venus-
The family of the subject ruled his career.
ject seems incapable to triumph over.

qs sums; rome 'rms LINE or iwra sm-uqrsms.

Startin from the Mount of the Moon

and proceedin clear and uinterrupted' to
the Mount of Satum, but not cuttin the
base of the second fin er-Singular hap-
piness in love; success due to the inter-
est, love or caprice of the opposite sex.

Notice that from the Mount of Venus

come the influences of our own people,
parents, husband or wife, lover or mis- If it cuts the base of the second finger
tress, and from the Mount of the Moon -The will about ill
same cause bring
the influences of outsiders, not yet fully fortune.
entered into our lives. lnooaonlvo Unions with Two Prominent
lm--At 32 a Line of
Influence from the
Mount of Venus cutting
an upward branch of the
f "'
Line of Life and ending
under the Mount of
I/I ~

the Line of
at the end of
Line of Fate startin
` E
from the lower Mount o

the Moon and broken at A good Line

The imlication with the first and

of the Sun islanded all through the Quad~
third fingers of good length and coni-
tangle. drooping Line of Head. On the
cnlly tipped-The gift of intuition, es- Mount of Jupiter two stars and two crosses.
pecially if the Line starts from the base "A lady had a long love affair with a prom-
of the Mount of the Moon. inent man; it ended in separation at 32.
shortly afterwards-before the death of that
Grst lover-she married another man of for-
tune and family. The island of
guilty in-
trigue lasts
as long as the first man lived, al-
l though legally there was no wrongdoing in
the case; but Unions in Palmistry have a
broader meaning than in law."

¢ '
v Eve upward line entering into the
' finger at its termination becomes an ab-
v 0

normal line and consequently has all its

Rising' from the center of the hand up- otherwise favorable indications annulled.
ward-Onr destiny has really been Starting from the Mount of the Moon

551| by ourselves without much help- with many horizontal lines crossing the

ful, or baneful, influence from insiders or Percussion of the Mount-Continual

outsiders. voyages.
smung roam. 'rms LINE or FATE. swung ram.. 279


we saw

(page I 12), these horizontal

by themselves are already to be read
had been divorce separation between

the parents of the subject, resulting in a

law suit for the possession of the child.

`* "" ll S. :J
5- .
- ~

"'. , Forked uite widel at the start with

one ron into the Mount of Venus and
Starting Quadran le-
from inside the
the other into the Mount of the Moon
Great difiiculties in middle life; some-
in that case the Line starts at about I8
times (but rarely) a prognostic ol im-
or 20 years old)-Struggle for success
incitedby some great love but handi-
capped by a wild imagination. If the
Line is ood and lon -Everything will
come out well. Otherwise, this fork will
bring about disaster.

wil ,' Q ,
Startin from the Mount of the Moon

Forked at the start-Influence oi a

l l I
non-relative; 'il the line started low down
in the lmnd-Often the 0 I
sign of adoption I

in early life, if
especially one
prong goes ll ' ' '

dee into the Mount of Yenus.

f' I 1

I have repeatedly met this fork low
down in the hand in cases where there and terminatin at the Line of Heart-
Happiness destroyed by extravagance artistic and scientific explains this read-
or disappointment in love; also heart ing.
To choose between these two read-

ings the student must follow the infalli- /

ble and never-to-be-neglected rule re-

peatedly laid down in this book, and

which tells him to try and discem, .fl
through a close study of the Chirogno-
mic Indications and by the examination
of the Chief Lines what is the physical
Starting from the Line of Head and
and moral nature of the subject. In such comin up in a curve to the Mount of
cases it would be fatal to jump at a con-
Saturn-Laborious life.
clusion simply by reading the Line of curved line indicates
Every wavy or
some inherited (or acquired) weakness
Startin from inside the Trian e-
and the ill-luck that is its natural conse~
Energy. If in both hands-Favorable `

opportunities coming to the subject
through hard work and intelligent plan- IV. TEBIINATION AID FORKS AT
THE '|.'EBII¥A'I'I0l'.
ning. If it penetrates into the third
Dwindling to a mere thread as it runs
phalanx of the second finger-Painful,
troubled life. alon the Line of Life, with a ve hi h


Mount of the Moon-Exaggeratc senti-

Startin from the Line of Head in
both hands and with no bars cuttin it-
Success in middle life, from about 35 on.
Starting from the Line of Head with
low Mounts of upiter, the Sun and Mer-
£y_-Dull I

The absence of these three Mounts, vi ~


which represent the three different kinds

of intellectual developments, idealistic, "
Termination. THE LINE OF FATE Termination. 28:

than herself and who died insane. Her whole

mentality; imagination interfering
existence ruined by this marriage and his
gravely with the possible success of the
death, as she inherited nothing from him."
subject in his career.
Terminatin abruptly at the Line of
Head in both hands-Misfortunes

through errors in judgment. f


Q .

Terminatin on the Mount of unitcr,
if the Line is ood-Success ..1 :very-
' n »
thing; often brilliant marriage.
Poorl formed and Terminatin at the

Line of Head with a oor Line of Life-

Misfortunes will be due to a deranged

Yu Pj

the Mount of Mer-

Terminating on

cury in both hands-Success in business.

V .
Take care not to mistake a good Line

of Liver for the above described Line of

Fate, or vice versa.
Terminating at the Line of Heart with
Intestinal Trouble.-The medical stig-
an exag erate or much lined Mount of
mata on the Mount of
Saturn-Persistent despondency caused
Mercury crossed by a

by love troubles; will often culminate in deep horizontal bar. _Q

insane morbidity. fine Line of Fate forked
Unfortunate Harrisge of a Young Wo- before reaching the Line
with an Old of both
Head! prongs
lien.-A Line of lnllu- stopped short. The
ence from a star on the Line of Head ended in a

Mount of Venus to a star very large island. A



on the Line of Head. A Line of

Line of Fate might be called justly second Line of
stopping more a

nbru tl when it meets Fate-started from the Middle Mount of the

that Line. Moon and went up to the Mount of Saturn,
"A young woman lost where it terminated in a fork.
a husband much older "Seen in the hands of a physician whose
:Ba Branches. THE LINE OF FATE. Breaks.

career was interrupted by a serious and per- Downward branches-Material losses.

sistent disease of the intestines. The trouble
was xinally conquered, but he had to start
practically anew in his profession and he was

enabled to do so by a friend of the other


Forked at the termination with two or

more prongs-The direction of the

prongs and the distance they penetrate
into the neighboring Mounts will give
U ward branches on both hands-
Gradual ascension to prosperity.

I/f -

1 .¢` ,,

the fork itssignificance, due allowance

being given for the
starting point of the I
Line and its character; also the breaks or

other defects, if any. U ward branches reaching the Mount

Thus a prong straight on (but not en- of the Sun-Wealth; success in one's in-
' l

tering the third phalanx of the second tellectual or artistic efforts.

finger), with a direct prong to the Mount VI. BREAKS.

of Jupiter a.nd a third prong straight to
Broken-For each break a
casuality or
the Mount of the Sun, would prove a most
excellent combination, duplicating, so to

speak, a fair
proportion length-of the in
first, second and third fingers, i. e., am-
bition, prudence and brilliant intellect-
a trio hard to beat.
V. BlL¥C§.

a serious
change in the subject's lifeiif
one fragment overlays the other-A
change not necessarily unfortunate.
Even if the break is a gap without any
overlaying fragment, the events thus

, o
marked, although of an untoward nature
Breaks. THE LINE OF FATE. Breekl. 283


f l
I l '



when they happen, may not prove fatal

even really disastrous for the subject.
the deficiencies of the Line.

Inheritance Through the Death of an In- Forked, one pron arising from the
sane Relative.-The Mount of the Moon, and the Line itself
third finger abnormally broken `ust where the fork ends-Dan-

long (not shown in the

ger of death by drowning or danger of
design). A Line of Fate

unfaithfulness on the part of a loved one.
otherwise line entirel

` 'I`he Mount of the Moon is always

ahscnt between 28 and
ii From a star on the compared by Desbarrolles to the briny
Mount of Venus starts deep with its constant changes and
a Line of Influence, end- treacherous attractions.
ing in a star at the con-

nection of the Line of Head with a very fine

Line of the Sun.
"The subject was an inveterate gambler.
He had lost all he had, when the death of a
relative, who was confined at the time in an r

insane asylum, placed in his possession at

35 :mother large fortune. From that time he ifi
dropped his bad habits and started on a pros-

perous. reputable career."

Broken inside the Quadrangle, and
startin a ain from the Line of Heart-
A much compromised position or for-
tune will be retrieved, by the assistance

of one of the opposite sex.

true if the hand contains a good Line of

the Sun.
As told above, a good Line of the Sun
corrects the defects of a poor Line of
Broken and cut b many bars-Suc- Fate.
cession of unfortunate occurrences. Broken and wavy-Ill health from an

A very good Mount of Saturn and a abuse of some kind of pleasure, the na-

well sha cd second fin er

may cover up ture of which is easily discovered in the
a84 Breaks. THE LINE OF FATE. Oonnoetlons.

this break, with concomitant indications

on the Line of Heart. is read more sim-
and "Widowhood
ply generally as or




a. Dircctl _

Startin from the Mount of the Moon

hand. The reading is still more exact if
and mergin into a good Line of Heart,
the Line is s lit len hwise; this is not
itself startin clearly from inside the
possible to show in the
Mount of u iter-A fairly certain indi-
I had occasion (when speaking of the
cation of a brilliant marriage, or of an
Line of Head) to state how grave was
overpowering and successful passion.
the existence of such a split ; it always in-
dicates that the channel through which
runs the vital fluid has become, so to

and does not any longer

perform its task in a satisfactory manner.

A decided break and a strong voyage

line on the Mount of the Moon-The
tenor of the subject's life will be
changed and, he will have to
spend a
great portion of it on the other side of
It does not necessarily follow that the
the ocean, this sojoum abroad to begin
at the date of the break.
happiness lasting; in fact, there is
will be
a great chance of its being ephemeral

just on account of the very intensity of its


b. By means of Minor Lines.

The Line and the Line of Life inter-

A break, and then the line terminating

upon the Mount of u iter--A second
(and brilliant) union of the subject at the A

date of the break.

That supposes generally that the ex-
istence, and date, of a previous union
has been discovered in the hand, in fact, sected b man
I short horizontal lines-

THE LINE OF FAT:-1 Sisnl- 285


lines of the injure the subject's worldly and financial

prospects; ve often read accurately as

widowhood or widowerhood at the date

the Line of Fate is cut, or at the date of a

'nrres ndin break in the Line.


' ' | I

l I

- '*""1° Dc Lines from the Line of Head cut-

flfcat ting the Line-Financial troubles due to
""'*` Of "Ot unsuccessful issue of one's
lawsuits; or

"" }'°"°- artistic or literary efforts.

:tally belong to

-~~»,-s of Influence
,*' ' Numerous bars crossin the Line on
-= 1-mis and the Line _



t r

-'I o
g a

|\ '

° '
0 I

the Mount of Saturn--Obstacles con-

stantly arising to mar the subject's life-

Dccp lines from the Line of Heart cut- If the Line has been ood otherwise,
ting the Lina-Painful love affairs will those obstacles will arise late in life.
Remember that many of these impor-
tant readings have
general application

and are not limited to the period of the

subject's life inclosed within that portion

of the Line. This is especially true off
such indications as are found at the

starting point of the Line of Life and the

termination of the Lines of Fate and the
235 35851 THE LINE OF FATE ligns.

Sun. There, the ominous markin s a I saw this double sign quite recently
l to the sub'ect's life as a whole, not in the hand of a banker who committed

merely to his childhood or old age. suicide after wrecking the institution
confided to his care.

Numerous bars crossing the Line on

the Mount of Saturn in ladderwise

A cross on a break of the Line-A
fashion-Succession of misfortunes and
most critical change in the subject's ex-

istence. Without a break-A serious

change of some kind. Always disastrous

if found at the center of the Line.
This supposes the line to stretch from
.,/ ,
the Rascetteto the upper part of the

Mount of Satum. It places therefore

the cross inside the Plain of Mars. Now,
it is well known that the hollow of the
hand is important center of nerves and

often imprisonment. If inclosed within but too easily atiected. A cross in that
square-These evil prognostics are an- spot (with or without a Line of Fate) has
nuled or minimized by the presence of always been proved to be a very threat-
the protecting square. ening omen. I study this more at
A cross on the line at its termination, length in my Cha ter on the Plain of
Mars (which see).
Loss ot Fortune ot the Parents. Yellow

lever. Lou of Five

Children.-Deep dots
/ A
on the third finger.

deep dot on the Mount

of Mercury. A
cross at the heginnin of
§-.. the¢: of Fate, and
one higher u on the 1
with grille on the Mount of Mercury-
Lim- at 2 . A break on
rg x

Violent death, the consequence of some the Line shortl after-

evil doing of the subject. wanls.

The Lines of Fa te and the Sun re-
THE LINE OF FATE. 3153- 137

md ending finely. lon well develo ed first

phalanges, es-
'ie Lines of
ciall the first halanx of the first fin-

ger-Consolation derived from religious

In general. a cross near the Line, be-
zi ' tween it and the Line of Life-An event
that will affect a relative's life or com-


' '

' -~---
.--l. ri

J ` ` '

man, after = ~

f» at zo, begins a career of dan-


n..<~ls-nmny across the seas; visits A star (or stars) on the Line-Danger
i r<~;;irsns and does business with savages; and generally disaster at the date thus
-s the humdrum of home, store or office." marked on the Line,

/ |_ » »
. `
* '

I 0
; `

' '
0 |

' ' '


A cross attached to the Line inside the

uadran le with smooth fin ers and A star at the starting oint of the Line
-Loss of fortune or other great trouble
happening to the parents of the subject
when he was still a child. With another
star onthe Mount of Venus-One of the
parents will have died about that time.
Of course the Line, 'in that case, is

supposed to have started low dow'n in the

A star at the termination of the Line

on the Mount of Satum-Misfortune
288 ligne. THE LINE or FATE. arp..

A star at the termination of the Line

with another star on the Mount of the

Moon-Tendency to suicide.
I' Death of a Husband in a ltato of Insan-
ity. Guilty Alot: in

Thought Only. A -

good Line of Life and

a good Line of Head; a

fair Line of Head; a


caused others' wickedness Line of Influence start-

by or errors.

This supposes an otherwise ood hand. ing from a star on the

Mount of Venua and
ending in a star on the
Line of Head between
the Lines of Fate and the Sun; a Line of Fate
startin uite low islanded at 20, broken Il

28. resumed at 40. endin on the Mount in

good shapg; a Line of the Sun beginning in'

theQuadrangle at 38, ending on the Mount in
i |
good shape.
"The two stars indicate the death of the
husband of the subject in a state of insan-

ity. The widow had in her hand at the time

A star at the termination of the Line
the island on the Line of Fate, which is sup-
and another at the termination of the
posed to be the mark of a guilty intrigue.
Line of Life in both hands-Paralysis, However, it was proved that she had never

generally foilowed by paresis. committed any guilty action, but at the


I have stated before (page 98) that a time she acknowledged to Desbarrolles that

star on the Mount of Satum is already she had been deeply enamored with the fa-

sufficient indication of mous actor Bresaant, who was one of her hus~
a strong paralytic
band's clients, but that never by word or deed
or apoplectic tendency. 'I`he character
had she ever allowed him to know anything
of the Lines of Head or Heart, respec- of her infatuation. Deabarrolles insists upon
tively, willindicate in what precise direc- this fact, which is confirmed by means of
tion the danger lies. several other instances, that the nervous in-
fluence marks in the hands such guilty affec-
tions long before they have begun to manifest
themselves by any beginning of action."
An island on the Line-Guilty intrigue
t " lasting just the time the island occupies

'I on the Line. It is even marked on the


hands of a

who is married but knows

person in love with another
nothing of this
unlawful passion.
"Kill THE LINE OF FATE. ligne. 289

tempted to poison her out of sheer jealousy.

A strange example of the clearness and cor-
rectness of certain presentiments."
The Financial Ruin of Her Parents
Causes a 17-Year-Old

Young Girl to Looe Her

L; .` If limes--A star at 1

on an otherwise Gne
Line of Fate. A Line of
Influence starting from
This is Desbarrolles' invariable read-
the Mount of Venus and
ing, great many illustrations of which
reaching a straight Line
are scattered through this work. I will of Union quite low Vé
admit, however-with many excellent down in the space be-

British palmists-that this island on the tween the Line of Heart and the third pha-
lanx of the fourth finger.
Line of Fate is to be interpreted as heavy
"A lady of rank and wealth had been given
loss of money or position whenever the
up by a fiance she was much devoted to, be-
tout-ensemble of both hands and the
cause, when she was 17, her parents had lost
general type of the subject protest their whole fortune."
against the very idea of his committing Break of a Valued Love Aish' Through
the Discovery of An-
any breach of the seventh command-
other Intrigue.-Two
Lines of Influence from
Presentiments.-A Lunar Subject. A
the Mount of Venus cut
sloping Line of Head
the Line of Life at five
starred over a bluish spot
just alter it had crossed ~
years' distance, uniting

in a star on a Line of
the Line of Fate. The »

E=' i

Fate which terminates


said Line of Fate ,_ I

bi island from 2' to o right
"The discovery by a
ending in a star at the
desirable and wealthy lover of the existence
connection of the Line
of llcart and of a pro-
of another accepted admirer of his sweetheart
brings a break, which ruins the pros-
longed Line of Union.
A fine Line of Intuition. pects of the lady whose hand chntained the
above markings."
"Alady had felt an extraordinary, un-
explainable antipathy for a man introduced
to her by her husband. The latter Ind in-
sisted that she should welcome his friend,

and the latter had gradually obtained a sort
of mesmeric influence over the woman, finally
culminating in a guilty intrigue between
them. This was bound to end fatally, and
in fact she was deadly afraid of her lover,
but dared not leave him; he had once at-
29° MKII- THE LINE OF FATE. ligne.

An island at the starting int of the

Line-A mystery connected with the



' f 1

subject's birth.

If the Line is



Two islands forming the figure 8 at
the starting point of the Line-Gift of
second sight, or at least somnambulism.
this is a proof of illcgitimacy. An island on the Line with a star on
Meaning, of course, that this stain on

the innocent newcomer has marred his

life prospects; which is unfortunately but
too frequently the case.

Death of a Relative Breaking the lub-

ject'a Career. Love of

Hedteine. Separation

from a Loved One.-
A Line of Fate
nin late, broken inside _

~l__ M
the uadrangle, then re- '_

sumed to the Mount of

Q' the Mount of Iupiter-Guilty love affair
Saturn. A Line of tho
L with one in a much higher position than
Sun, much finer, start- the lf the star is the Mount
fi sulijcct's. nn

ing low down, broken at

of the Sun-The paramour will be an art-
28, resumed in fragments within the Quad-
ist orliterary man; if it is on the Mount
rangle, the second very long and straight,
of Mercury-He will be either a business
going up the Mount of the Sun. Medical
lines the Mount of man, or with the medical stigmata pres-
on Mercury. A Line of
Influence from the Mount of Venus, cutting ent also: a scientific man, a physician

the Line of Life at 45, goes straight to the generally.

Mount of the Moon, where it ends in an Two Leven at the Same Time. The

island. Younger Beeomea In-

"A young man,
studies (at 28) by
intermpted in his medical
the death of a rich uncle,
aane and
Older and Richer Par-
Dtee. The
is obliged to adopt an entirely different pro- done the Deoeit.-Two
'fix JU il
Ml itfi/'

fession (railroading). Succeeds fairly in it, stars on the Mount of

nntil, at 45, the scandal of his liaison with a
jupiter. A Line of Fate ,»

married woman obliges him to leave her and is marked with a deep,
a favorite post and threatens his position. lilzick dnt at 30, and con-

Finally he is returned to favor with his chiefs tinues in a lon island

and is rapidly promoted." u to st .
Signs. THE LINE OF FATE. 9815* 291

at the dot, by a Line of Influence starting

from a star on the Mount of Venus and end-

ing in a star at the connection oi the Line of

Head and the Line of the Sun. A Line of
Imiuence from the lower Mount of the Moon I 0 1

merges into the Line ol' Fate at the black

dot. uii 'I


heavy financial loss, or other very serious

1 disaster.

An island across the Line between the

Mount of Venus and the Line of Heart,
the island endin

in a

from the fact of the


W i

ing astray an innocent girl.

A triangle between the Line and the A s uare on a Line of Fate which en-

Line of Life, touchin the Line within ters into the third lialanx of the sec-

ond finger-Again the square protects

the subject from the disastrous possibili-
ties indicated by the Line thus penetrat-
ing into the finger.
A square touchin the Line within the
' Triangle; if on the side towards the

\ I .` Mount of Venus-Danger from an acci-

dent in home life. If on the side toward
the Mount of the Moon-Danger from
an accident in travel.
the Triangle with
strongl marked
Mounts of Mars-Fight or duel; or mili-
tary success, at the date indicated.

Again the strange and powerful in-

fluence of the nervous center within the I I r

hollow of the hand shows itself most

actively. This is studied in another (
chapter further on.
A square-Preservation from SOIIIC ~
292 Induenoe Lines. THE LINE OF FATE. Inlumoe Lind.


These refer exclusively to what are

generally known as

Lines of Influence from the Mounts of

the Moon and U er Mars.

This is really a most important

marking, sometimes found in the hands
and revealing either a marriage, or a very
serious intimacy having been one of the
greatest events, or changes, in the sub-
ject's life. The date is to be read on the
Line of Fate. Of course there may be
A sister line from the Mount of the
several such lines in a hand.
Moon followin the Line for a short

space in one hand onl -Life influenced

by another; often partnership and even

marriage when the union benefited the

subject's career. In both hands-Two

careers followed simultaneously, or a
regular career and some hobby besides.

Should it only touch the Line but


cut it-Evil effect of imagination on the

subject's life, culminating (with other in-

'1 '
V r
dications) in actual insanity. As a mar-
riage rognostic-It reveals a broken
| .

I engagement and often means divorce. or


at least an unhappy union.

An influence Line from the Mount of

the Moon merging into the Line of Fate
with a Line of Union marked (and often
without that Line of Union)-Union,
generally marriage. lf this line starts
from high up on the Mount or from the

Upper Mount of Mars-Vanity not love

will be the incentive to this marriage.
THE LIN E OF FATE. Lines of Iniuoneo. Q3
Lines ot Iniluoneo.

Should it rise toward the Line but not

touch it-The love affair will not termi-
nate in a marriage. Es§ially so if there
is no Line of Union on the Percussion ol I ' '

the Mount of Mercu _

ill '
. ,

A branch from a Line of Influence

from the Mount of the Moon to the Line
of Fate, the said branch almost, or uite,

Should it be clearer and stron er than

the Line of Fate in which it mer es-The
1 I

subject will be ruled over by the person

he marries.

_ '

I ` '

reachin the Mount of the Sun-A very

fine indication of fame and fortune, re-

-xl IQ sulting
from the
es eciall
marriage thus
so if there exist
on the

An inliuence Line from the Mount of

the Moon mer in into the Line, but cut,
before it reaches the ine, b a Line of

Inhnence from the Mount of Venus-

' '
Family opposition subject's
to mar-

An island on a Line of Influence from | , 0

the Mount of the Moon to the Line-

Mount of upiter of the same hand a
Misfortune to the subject resulting from
the union indicated by the Line of Inllu- cross and star, distinct and connected.

|94 Podtlon. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Dlnctlbls.


The general considerations concern- thing that coneems the good name or
ing the Line of the Sun need occupy but fairreputation of the subject among his
a very little space, since I have already peers, to whatever social stratum he may

mentioned the fact that this Line is to be belong;

mainly considered as a sister line to the 4. Finally those indications referring
Line of Fate, or, comprehen- to the Financial of thesubject;
even more
sively, as a second Line of Fate. this is included, of course, in the read-
There is another point, however, that ings under the first paragraph, but with

ought to be ventilated and settled herein this marked difference, that, in my opin-
to the satisfaction of the student who is ion, the wealth in store for the subject,
often puzzled by general readings of
the when indicated only on the Line of the
this Line, in the majority of Palmistic Sun, is to come to him without actual
Primers and even more advanced works. work. i. e.,by inheritance, or speculative
They are based, as a rule, upon the exist- venture (remember that the third finger
ence or promise of artistic suc-
lack of -just above the Line-is the gambling
cess of the subject. This confines the finger), or as a reward for some great ar-
meaning of the Line of the Sun within tistic or literary achievement; the latter,

pretty narrow limits and leaves aside the of course, entailing work, and often a

other, infinitely more frequent, interpre- good deal of it; but the work of genius,
tations of the Line, those that refer to or atleast unusual talent, not the com-
the fame or "good name" of the subject monplace labor of the everyday toiler.
and to the wealth coming to him. For
my part, I feel no hesitation in stating
that there are four different classes of in-
Normal: Starts near the Raseette and

dications to be obtained from the close

examination of the Sixth Chief Line;
they are:

1. Those referring to its general char-

acteristic of Second Line of Fate;
2. Those referring to the Intellectual-
itv and the Artistic Aptitndes of the sub-
3. Those referring to the Reputation between the Mounts of Venus and the
or Fame the subject may attain-mean- Noon, emlin" on the Mount of the Sun

ing by the word

reputation or f.»me, not -Brilliant intellectuality. Fame and

only a high degree bf celebrity, but every- wealth.

Clmracter. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Olmrncter. 295

II. CHARACTER. ferentsubject and with other indications,

By Itself. mostly chiromantic or resulting from the
I. Length. study of the Mounts.
Well fonned in both hands-Success
Absent-Ill-success projects and
of the most complete kind.
enterprises that would bring great
of concentrative power.
riches and reputation if-they only suc- Wavy-Lack
Often bad taste.
With particularly fine Line of Fate,
a 2. Color: Width: De th.
this discouraging prognostic would be
uite red. if strai ht and lon --Strong
materially minimized. However, I must artistic vocation.
admit, that the total absence of a Line of
Very broad-Lack of power of con-
the Sun, in an otherwise excellent hand,
is generally an omen of very modest suc-
Pale or sim l oorl colored-Artis-
cess, out of proportion with one's ambi- tic but insufficient powers of
tion and hopes. execution; the "Art Amateur's Line."
Lon and uncrossed-Riches. Un-
sullied reputation. Sometimes fame.

o-` _

Ver ecially in Artistic

dee , es
Strai ht and es eciall stron on the
Hands-Exaggeration in the output of
Mount of the Sun-Celebrity as an art- vital force in the practice of one's talents.
ist; protection of the great; calm security This will infallibly lead to paralysis or
in the knowledge of one's own talents.
serious, probably fatal, heart trouble.
These readings are not often cumula-
tive; they have to be read each for a dif- - M2lf°fm2¢i°U-

/ f ._

vi Pl

196 Ulll'l¢0l'- THE LINE OF THE SUN. Glmrnetlr.

Chained-Poor success in the con- Of course this leaves the subject with-

quest of fame or fortune. out the services to be obtained from his

best brain power between the age of 35

b. In Connection with Other Indications.
to 50, which is usually the time in life
I. Length. when men get rich, if ever.

Absent but with a ood Line of Fate Clear and straight in both hands, with
in the Hand-The good luck shown by a sin le star on the Mount of the Sim-
the Line of Fate much reduced if not Celebrity due to talent. -

wiped out by the absence of the Line.

(See above.)

Straight and dee lv marked on the

Absent or badl traced, with an island Mount of the Sun with ronounced

on the Line of Liver and a Line of Fate Mounts of upiter and Mercury-Sure
small wealth and fame due to the subject's ex-
cut up b lines-Bankruptcy.
again we find evidence of the ceptional talents.
business meaning of the Line of Liver. Intellectuality, shrewdness and ambi-

The absence of the Line of the Sun is in- tion to urge one on are three strong ele-
mental ments of success.
dication of a capacity so poor as

to be unable devise the means to over- Dee ly marked on the Mount of the
come threatening losses. Sun. with ronounced Mounts of Venus
and the Moon-Aptitude for fine literary
Notice that this reading is to be ap-

plied to the greater portion of the sub-


...| .
ject's life, not only to that

cluded between the Line of Heart and

stretch in-

the base of the third finger.
De I marked on the Mount of the
Sun with ronounced Mount of the

Absent between the Line of Head and Moon and short nails-I.itcr:u'y or art

Heart-Projects that come to nothing; critics of distinction

interfering with the

untoward accidents' Remember what was said about these

subject's career. short nails on pages 39-40.

ch|'°l-°f- Tllli LINE OF THE SUN. ltartlng Point. 291

A ood Line with a ood Line of Fate which is the of the born gam-
and a hi h Mount of u itcr-The com- bler, be he in front of the green cloth or

bination of a bright mind and a combat- around the wheat pit of the Board of
ive nature. Ambition satisfied. Trade.
Dee l traced, with a Mount of u -
A fairl ood line in a hollow hand-
itcr hivh in both hands-Friendship of It to be effective in the
people in
high position. Lofty domi- subject to fame and fortune.

neering spirit. The type of a Louis XIV. An abnormal! low Palm Pr er is a

of France, majestic and fond of outward grievous sign of ill-luck. It

P0mP- means great, inbom discourage-ment in-

capable of "fighting to a finish" the battle

of life. (See page 39.)
A strai t line with a hollow lm and
twisted fin ers-Talents used for an evil

purpose, but with miserable failure as the

inevitable end.
Clever schemers will show such mal-
formations. To the fairly conversant

A ood Line with a lon Line of Head palmist such "crooks" are harmless, as

and a verv long third finger-Talents ab- he reads their true natures in an instant.
sorbed in the acquisition of wealth by III. STARTING POINTS.
speculation. Startin from the Line of Life in both
I discovered these same characteristics
hands-Success in art or literature; bril-
in the hands of travelers in wild coun-

tries, especially in the Tropics.

liant fortune. 'I`he assistance of relatives
Fmmfl in both hands. with a slopin has helped the subjct considerably.
lin" of Head and a third fin er almost, truer if the Line starts inside ol' the
if nut long' as the second-
quite, as Mount of Venus-The inspiration of

Gambling propensities. love will guide the artist.

The sloping Line of Head denotes the ,This depends, of course, on the other-

mastery of imagination over reason, especially chirognomic-revelations. No-

398 Starting Point. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Btu-ttnl r°|°t-

tice that, of the three vertical Chief Startin from inside the Trian le-»

Lines, the Line of Liver is the only one Success after serious struggles, and due
that is not benefited by a contact with to the subject's unaided efforts.
the Line of Life at the start. Startin from the Line of Head-The

, subject will owe his success to no other

assistance than that of his own brains.

" I | I

I °

Startin from the Mount of the Moon ' '

and risin strai ht into the Mount of the

Startin from the Line of Heart-The
Sun-Success due to influential outside
of the love of art, music, literature, etc., will be
protection, generally opposite scx_

influenced, seldom favorably, by some

very serious love affair of the subject.

The most fre uent readin , however, is
"financial sufficiency in old age;" this
I 0 »
reading fits almost all types of hands;

'n while the first reading requires the usual

. , ,

ehirognomic corroborations.
Special Characteristics ot a lemons
` '
Painter.-A thin
hand. A high Mount
Starting from the Mount of the Moon
of Sn" cu t b '
and with a slo ing Line of Head-Tab . .

dee "meal me _
ents and success in the Line of poetry, very long but low
ultra-imaginative painting, or Mmm( of [he M0011 (;

Wagnerian music. l
sign of weakness of the
Mount's special quali-
ties); rather long and -=
square~tipped fingers.
"Seen in the hands of a well-known Pari-
sian landscape painter especially famous for
the accuracy of his drawings and the truth
of his coloring. A man who took great pains
to do well and was more of an artisan than
an artist; he had none of the wild habits
Sl'-lfliillg P°|lI¢- THE LINE OF THE SUN. Termlnntion. agg

of his Cflfl 3-lld l'l¢ quick wit and I-v_ 'noN An-D rom AT
boisterous spirit for which his guild is ia- THE TIBIHZATION.
mous the world over."
Narrow, dee and straight and termi-

'ul /'/
° '

;- @

Starting from inside the Upper Mount

nating up the Mount of the Sun, un-
of Mars-Aggrcssiveness in the con-
crossed in both hands-Success. To be
quest ol fame or fortune.
read as a Line of Fate with the addition
Fetal Only Love.-A long and deep cross
of such other characteristics as pertain to
on the Mount oi Venus.
Also a star on the same

the Mount of the Sun and the third lin-

Mount, from which ger.

starts deep Line ol In-

fluence, crossing the

whole hand and forming 'C
on the Mount of the
-4 r -_ _

Moon a cross with a

sloping Line of Head.

' 0
__, n

Another Line oi Intlu- Q

i, _

ence, starting from the same star, reaches

deep into the Mount of Mercury, forming 1
cross between the Mounts of the Suu and
Terminatin in a series of small lines
Mercury, with a curved line from the Per-
cussion ol Mars to the Mount of the Sun.
when it reaches the Mount of the Sun-

The Line ol the Sun stopped by and at this Failure, the nature of which is deter-
second Line of Influence. A Line of Heart mined by other indications. In an artis-
forked the Mount of Jupiter and ending
tic, literar , etc., hand-A sign of unsus-

quite straight around the Percussion. tained efforts toward success.

"A gentleman had grieved greatly on ac-
count oi the death of a lady (a Mercurian)

whom he had passionately loved (his only

love). The second cross indicates that this
sorrow had thrown him into
mysticism, even f
to exaggeration (sloping Line of Head, cut
by the first Line of Influence) and even dan-

ger ol insanity. His whole career was prac-

tically stopped, wrecked by the death oi the
loved one."
30° Termination THE LINE OF THE SUN. Branches.

Terminatin close to or u n the These curved lines always indicate

Mount of Saturn-The artistic talents of failure, as if
weakening of the subject,

the subject will assume a gloomy charac- at the critical moment, had spoiled bril-

ter; inspiration killed by dry skepticism. liant possibilities.

Terminatin close to or u n the
Mount of Mercur -The artist will be

constantly thinking ol' the
profits his art

may bring him, thus lowering and event-

ually killing his loftier aspirations.
Terminatin in three even branches of

Forked at the termination with both

rongs of even len h-Equal influence

of two different aspirations (or talents)
the subject; they result in the an-
. -
nulation of actual results.

the same len h, one toward the Mount

of Satum, the second strai ht to the
Mount ofthe Sun, the third to the Mount
of fame and wealth.
The Mount of Saturn in

supply the
will render the
dose of
prudence that
lasting and the

wealth permanent. Forked at the termination into a

inted trident, startin above the Line

of livart-Fame, riches. all due to per~

sonal merit.

marking which is
A rather curious an

unconfirmed Desharmlles reading.


Two or three branches rising from the

lforlml nt the vr|nin'ui~»u into three line. but irregular. uneven or broken
nun wx. two of them ctirvml i\\~:\~ll'- or crossed hv many bars-Failure in in-
Unrealized yeamiugs toward vast tellectual or artistic work through lack
wealth. of concentration.
Breaks. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Oonneetlonl. yn

stron and clear to the to of the Mount

of the Sun.
Broken re eatedl -Versatility that
Broken at the Line of Head and re-

sumed onl from the Line of Heart-

Chances of success or of acquiring
wealth very small indeed.

i v
I |
.i a. Direct]
i . ,

Cut bv a Line of Union-Loss of po-

brings neither money nor fame to the

This is the characteristics of the "jack-
of-all-trades," met with in all professions.



Broken inside the
g uadran le, en-
sition due to unsuitable

marriage, or to
disgraceful entanglement.
The good name of the subject is un-
a cloud.

connected with the Mount of Ve-

b. Bv Minor Lines.
nus b an Influence Line, cuttin it- Touched but not cut b an Influence
Series of misfortunes (often due to one's Line from the Mount of Venus-Suc-
own people) in the struggle for recogni- cess after many
struggles; money C0111-

tion; but final success, if the second ing; generally through the subject's own

fra ent of the Line rises strai ht, people.

a°= °°Mmti°u- THE LINE OF THE sus. comueugu.

from a relative by the

subject. If
the Line of Influence cuts the Line-
The lawsuit will be lost.

Chastity Due in lollgloun lnthlllolm.

-A Line ol lniuence
[mm the Mount ol
'enus came curvin
to merge into a ine
Line ol the Sun. A
If the Line is cut b the Influence Line pointed Grst Eager, with
well~developed loud ,

ol Jupiter, and a nyed

lland. . .

"In the ima ol » _

man who
through deep religious feelings-not

if y
fillilial. but quiet and elevating-had deter-
mined to remain his Iile long pure and unde-

Family Lawsuit last. '0I@l|

litrlivill-In a good
-Ill-success; loss of money, hand, a Line of lnlu-
ence from the llount of
through a relative.
Venus cuts an upward
Touched by an Influence Line from
branch ol the Line of
Life, at 38, and ends at
a star nu a very fine
Line of the Sun. This
line continues nniln-
"_- Russian lady suilered heavy inaneial
losses through the loss oi a lawsuit
by relatives. But her impaired fortune soon
became more brilliant than ever."
Death of n lathes- Gaul the llnnnelal
the Mount of Venus. enttin an u ward Ruin of lla Children
hrnncli of the Line of Life--Lawsuit Account ot
(llnora) on

A Guilty Understand-
ing Between Hla Wid-

ow md Her Lover.-

A good Line ol Life; a

Line of Head widely

separated from the Line
ol Life and somewhat

IL i' drooping
star on
at the end;
the llonnt

ol Venus, from which

Connections. THE LINE OF THE SUN. Connections. 303

starts a Line of Influence, which is islanded Fate touchin not cutting) the Line-
before the Line reaches the Line of Head. that will prove successful.
From that island thc Line continues until it
If the Line or branch cuts thc Line of
cuts the Line ol' the Sun and the Line of
"A wife, after the death of her husband,
had misused most of the fortune of her young

children for the benefit of her lover."

the Sun-Partnership that will prove

A Line or branch from the Line of

A Line or branch from the Line of

Head to the Line, not cuttin it-Pe- f-

cuniary success due to the subject's in-


"' Liver touchin not cutting) the Line-
ll The artistic career of the subject much
assisted by his business ability. If this

telligence. Il' the Line cuts the Line of

the Sun-Pccuniary loss through a

blunder of the subject.

'l 0
or branch cuts the Line of the Sun

cupidity of the subject will inter-

fere with his artistic career. Generally
loss of prestige, and probably money
A Line or branch from the Line of also.
504 Signl- THE LINE OF THE SUN. 31825-

Cut by a line from the Mount of Mer-


Man bars that cut the Line horizon- cury-Success prevented by fickleness
in the disposition of the subject. If the
tally-Artistic career hindered by envi-
Mount of Mercu be exag crate or

badly marked-The crookedness of the

subject destroyed his chances.



rivals; if mostly found
of the Line-Loss of fortune of the

.ubject's parents during

|uite low down;
.vill be incurred

at the

otherwise the losses
the subject
be 'n-

be 'ns


Mount of
by a cross line from the U

Mars-Money losses coming

to the subject through an enemy.

Cut by a curved Line from the U per

Mount of Mars, crossing the Line on

the Mount of the Sun-The inordinate

ambition of the subject will come to no

results, although he may use all the

means-egood or bad-in his power.

Cut b a line from the Mount of Sat-

lack of financial will
Q--The resources

»revent a successful career.

'Hiis is as true of the artist or "litera-

eur" as ol' the business man.

A deep or black spot at the connec-

I' tion of the Line and the Line of Heart-

Imminent danger of blindness.
A cross touching! the Line toward the
Mount of Mercury-Poor business ca-

pacity to assist artistic efforts to success.

A cross touching the Line toward the

¢§sn§¢____ signs. ,as

A star on the Line. within the uad-

followed, if the
rest of the Line be ood, by favorable
Q Disaster Due to the Iurlage of the Bub-

v °1
jeot's Lover, But Re-

psirsd by the Return

of the Lover.-On thg
Mount of Jupiter there
was both a cross and a

star, one ray ofthe lat-

ter joining across the
hand a deep Line of
Union. At 30 a Line of

Influence from the

Mount of Venus cut an upward branch of the

Line of Life, ending in a star on the Line

of the Sun, at the same age; from there
arose an island lasting up to 40 years old.
Mount of Saturn-Pious disposition. Then the Line of the Sun rose clear and
A cross touchin the Line, if the
strai ht to the end. Excellent Line of Fate
Mount of Saturn and the Moon are bad from 30 up.
and the Line of Head slo es dee I -
"The subject, a lady, lost a rich and gener-

Danger of insanity of the religious kind. ous lover through his marriage to another
woman. He came back to her very soon,
however, and her short-lived trouble ceased."

More alarming still ii there are two

crosses there instead of one.

A star at the termination of the Line-

Success due to the assistance and good
will of others.
For these readings of crosses and stars
I refer you to page 102, although there
the signs are not supposed to touch the
Line. Still those readings are worth

306 Signs. THE LINE OF THE SUN. sill"-

Legal Separation. Twenty-tive Years'

Close Liaison with a

Han in a Brilliant

Position, Who Finally

I v

Dies Before Hia Sweet-

lwlrt--A Line of Indu-


| 4

ence cutting an upward

bnncb of the Line of

Life at 30 ends in a star

on the Line of the Sun.

An island at the startin oint of the ust above that star be-
helped by guilty love.
E2-Success a ins an island, which extends u to . There
Brilliant future for the illegitimate child is a cross and a star on the Mount of Jupiter.
of people in high position. This sup-
A lower Line of Union is forked, an upper

and strai ht one starred.

poses an otherwise long
"A lady was divorced from her husband
E2 About
at 30, as the consequence of a catastrophy.
A Death Bringing a Happy
A liaison with a brilliant oicer (a married
Event-A Line of ln-
man) begins then and lasts for twenty-five
fluence starting from a
years, when he dies."
star on the Mount of
F0l!d OU!--A sloping Line of
Venus, and ending in an
Line of Influence from
island 'ust touchin the
a star on the Mount of _

beginnin of an excel- `

Venus cutting the Line _


lent Line of the Sun: a °

of Life and then islanded _

good Line of Fate.

clear to the Line of


death of the only child _(Ta lady'|

"The Head, turning up after
admirer-a very wealthy man-induces him to that, cuttin the Lines
adopt as his own the child of his lady love." of Sun and Heart and

ending on the Mount of

"A very young and pretty woman confessed
to Desbarrclles that her lover had been killed
by her husband on discovering them to~
gether, and that she had lost both reputa-
tion and fortune through that scandal."
A square on the Line-Preservation

An island on the Line with indications

of illness on the Line of Life-Disease of
the eyes.
This is read generally (as it

would be on the Line of Fate)-Guilty

.ff 1

intrigue, or, in an excellent hand-heavy

financial loss.
3P°dll- THE LINE OF THE SUN. sP°°i|>|- 307

or rescue from attack

against the sub- Lines of Influence runnin for a while

ject's reputation; also against great alon the Line but not touchin it-

money loss.
Let me repeat here again, quite em-

phatically, that all the

readings I gave

concerning the Line of Fate apply to the

' `
Line of the Sun: if the Line of Fate be '

|' I
absent or insignificant; and that most of '
these readings apply anyhow to the Line

of the Sun. I

SPECIAL OBSERVATIONS. Legacies. If the Line of Influence starts

on the Mount of the Moon-Expected
Two dee arallel lines, one at either
Legacies. If it starts from above the
side of a strai ht and dee Line of the
Mount of the Moon-Unexpected lega-
cies. If it starts from the Mount of Ve-
nus-The legacy comes from a relative.
generally apply to the Line of the
Sun all the readings ol the Lines of In-

if 1 1 »_ fluence in connection with the Line of

Fate. (See page .)
A Peculiar Square ot Preservation.-A

straight Line of Fate -

stopping within the'

Quadrangle. A short
untold fortune. These
§21_-Glory; are
Line of the Sun startin
the Lines of R utation. (See page lO2.) u from the Line of~
Head. Two Lines of '-

Influence at five years'

- '

distance, both starting

from stars on the Mount
of Venus. The


one cuts the Line of Head at its connection

4) with the Line of Fate, and cuts also the Line

of the Sun: the lower one cuts the Line of

Fate and then the Line of Head |'ust where

the Line ol the Sun starts. This combina-
lion forms perfect square.
/ good Line. but with two wav , ir-
years' distance two large legacies
"At five
regular sister Lines of the Sun-Mis- had restored the compromised fortune of the
directed genius. subject, finally saving him from bankruptcy."


ns oua»m¢1»-frnnuqu.

When examining the Palm ot the to more current circumstances:

hand and farther on, the MTHS, 1 had and
resigation. After limiting the
occasion to delimit the only portion of meaning of his only Mount of Mars-
the Palm not included in the space oc- the one between the Mount of Mercury
cupied by the Mounts and to give it its and the Mount of the Moon-to passive
vanous names and its subdivision. courage and resistance, he soon forgets
this narrow interpretation and extends
it so as to include energy and steadfast

purposes. The only feature peculiar to

of the Upper Mount of Mars I insist

upon and which he placed elsewhere-

and even on that point he is very vacil-
ll lating in his Révélations Com létes-is

aggressiveness, generally of an undesir~

able nature and verging toward actual
The Hollow of the Hand, The Palm violence. 'I`his he
placed, not under the
Proper, is more scientifically designated Mount of jupiter, as the London Chiro-
as the Plain of Mars, as it connects at logical Society insists on doing, but
both ends with those U per and Lower over the whole of the Plain of Mars,
Mounts of Mars, conceming which whose flat or bulging aspect indicated
there has been so much discussion and to him the absence or the presence of
disscnsion among Modem Palmists, that ultra combative tendency that is
dissensions which the rather confusing ever fond of "spoiling something or
and contradictory statements of Des- somebody," be he friend or foe. Of
barrollcs have not helped to settle. I the bulge so frequently met with, below

shall try now to harmonize these war- the Mount of Jupiter and along the

ring elements and to get at the inward Angle of the Thumb, and which I in-
thought of the Master on the subject. sist upon calling the Lower Mount of

Dc-slmrrollcs never acknowledged, it Mars-not a single word in Desbar-

is true, the existence of two Mounts of rom' books, and, in his readings of
Mars, one expressing active cmtragc- cases, this portion of the Palm is invar-

massive iably included within the Mount of

aggrusivt-int-ss; the other,

the readings Venus.

ggt---rosistancc; or to apply
Position. THE QUADRANGLE. Position. 309

Now I feel no hesitation to admit that leth that admits or rejects candidacy to

the Plain of Mars has to be studied the honors of Fellow-

Membership or

closely in connection with

aggressive ship in the London Chirological So-

courage whenever, instead of forming a ciety; but in spite of the terrible fate in

more or less marked hollow, it bulges store for those who decline to thus bow
in what might be justly called a threat- before the new-fangled Gessler's Cap,
ening fashion. I already called your I thought I would have my straightfor-
attention to the fact that anatomically ward say on the matter, advienne que
this portion of the Palm contains a pourra, especially since the best of mod-

radiating center of nervous libres and ern French Palmists, Dr.

Papus, Mad-
numerous Pacinian Corpuscles. It is ame de Thebes, Marius Decrespe, etc.,

therefore very excitable spot in the

a do me the honor of agreeing with me
hand and the Ancient Chiromants had on this point.

shrewdly discovered its peculiarities As space is somewhat valuable in this

when they gave the name of Cross of volume and I see no necessity for use-
Battle to the large cross met occasion- lessly repeating myself, I must refer you
ally at the very middle of the Palm. for the general Chirognomical observa-
But this admission on my part does not tions conceming the Plain of Mars or
in any way modify my definitions of Palm Proper to the Sixth Subhead in
both Mounts of Mars, the Upper One my Chapter on the Hand as a Whole,
so naturally placed between the clever page 39; in fact there are many details

Mount of Mercury and the dreamy concerning it included in the statements

Mount of the Moon, to help the first in contained in pp. 37 to 39 included. I
its conquest of worldly influence, to shall assume that those have been care-

protect the second against the excess of fully studied and remembered, and in-
its langorous laziness; the Lower One, troduce to you my readings of
between the Mount of jupiter, whose
ambition it strengthens by this secret of THB QUADRANULE.
success: Perseverance, and the Mount I. POSITION.

of Venus, whose loving instincts it com- Normal :

pletes by the If
gift of Constancy. It occupies the space between the
logic is ever to be listened to in the Line of Ilcad and the Line of Heart,

study of the hand, I think this is the both being normal, and between the

time to give it the right of way and to Mount of upiter and the Upper Mount
accept its clear dicta, which are not in of Mars, neither of these Mounts in-
any way contrary to the intelligent read- eluded.

ing of Desbarrolles' declarations on the Well formed, smooth and free from
subject. I understand that this ques- lines-A calm, steady, loyal disposition.
tion of the Mounts of Mars is the shibo- By "lines" I mean a number of these

tiny wrinkles, the presence of which is

always the indication of an ultra-nerv-
ous and worrying nature.


H ,_
You will find just the opposite shape
in every normally lined hand. Here the
Mount of the Sun is taken in its mean-
ing of "revealer of good or bad fame" in
Well formed and wider toward the Store for the subject.
Percussion-Straight forwardness.
In a normall lined hand the Line of
Heart rises and the Line of Head
droops-both slightly-when they
reach the Mount of the Suu.

Wider under the Mount of the Sun

than under the Mount of Satum-Ex-

aggerate sensitiveness about other peo-

ple's cpinions.
This, of course, supposes that the
width is decidedly abnormal. By being
Too wide thwughout_Indepmdent
disposition, even to folly; a very serious ,

indication which no other favorable ob-

servation in the hand is suliicient to

This supposes a Line of Heart run-

ning toohigh (extreme jealously and

sensuality) and a Line of Head running
too low (ill-balanced reasoning power).

Wider under the Mount of Saturn than

under the Mount of the Sun-The sub- placed more closely under the influence
ject is careless about his reputation. of the Mount ol' Satum, the subject will
Character. 3| 1

be more morbidly inclined than it is de- b. In Connection with Other Indications.

sirable he should be.

Narrow on account of the Line of

Head risin toward the Line of Heart- _


Narrowmindedness. 'I`he feelings dom-

and often cloud it.

inate over reason


Wide, with agood Line of Head and a

well-formed second phalanx of the thumb
Reasoning is here at its best; and truly
intelligent people can understand and ap-
preciate almost anything.
Narrow through the lowerin of the
Line of Heart toward the Line of Head
-Meanness; no generosity. The head
rules over the feelings. f
Badl traced, almost invisible at its

normal extremities-A weak or at least

a very ordinary intellect, and malig-


nant or at least a very cold disposition.

This can occur only when the Lines of Narrow and with a poor Line of Liver
Head and Heart are ve oorl traced
-Asthma, Hay-fever.
-in itself an indication of a weak con-
The indication of some painful op-
stitution, and, as a rule, with a wretched the character of these troubles
health goes wretched temper.
yet, imperfectly accounted for by
is, as

medical experts.
I1 CHARACTER. inside
Narrow, with fingers bendin
a. By Itself. the in all intercourse
Bulgin and well sha ed-Fecundity.
Love of money for the sake of spending
it generously.
Flat, i. e., level with the Mounts-Sav-

ing disposition. .

Hollow-Miserly disposition.
_I-_Ed-Plenty of animal spirits.
%Laziness; physical weakness.

with one's fellow creatures; miserly dis- of Heart is a token of a lack of kindly
position. feelings.
Narrow in its center, with the third
halanx of the fourth finger relatively
Furrowed b many lines in a la e
Also mind easily preju-

'I`hen, the narrowness would occur un-

der the Mount of the Sun, reducing to a

certain extent the intellectual brightness f 1 '-

of the subject.
Narrow, with an excessive Mount of

lupiter-Extreme religious ideas; asceti-


Jil .

Again, narrowmindedness has here hand. with along palm and short, smooth
full sway. One would expect such a often
lingers-Weak understanding,
Quadrangle in the hands of blind fanat- through physical weakness of the brain;
ics. hence restlessness; irritability.
These short lingers, in a hand not

otherwise well endowed, are characteris-

tic ofa lack of judgment; the fluid rushes

through tooquick to be of any great use;

and no knots to stop it
on its way, giv-

. ing the subject time to reason out the

' situations.
gf . .

Very narrow in both hands, with an

exaggerate or badly lined Mount of Mer-

cury-Lying instincts. /.
Tairrow, with exaggerate Mounts of
Mars and Mercury-Unfaimess. An-
other consequence of narrowmindedness.
Narrow and formed by red lines, with
a short Line of Heart and the Mounts of A line from inside the Quadrangle to

Mars exaggerate-Cmelty. the Mount of the Sun-Success due to

'I`hese two chief Lines of a red color the protection of the great.
are always evidence of a violent disposi- A forked line inside the Quadrangle-
tion; the Mounts strongly confirm such An ill-balanced mind, altogether acting
a reading, and the shortness of the Line inopportunely.

lieu- THE QUADRANGL1; sign. 31;

l Ill .1

the said person will exert on him. The

influence will be for good il the cross

does not extend to either the Line of

Fate or the Line of the Sun.

Red dots.-Murder or serious wound.

guilty party
will tell whether the
character of the Hand
subject is
the victim.
to be the
White Dots-General weakening of
sha St. Andrew's in
A finel cross
the system.
the uadran le beneath the Mount of
Saturn, touchin no main Line and with
a clear, correct Line of Intuition-Arr
titude for-occult sciences. This is the
"Mvstie Cross." -

tinct and
cross must

be absolutely

any main
line or branch of main lines. It must be
a beautifully designed marking all by
A cross in the Quadrangle touching itself. Hence it is extremely rare, al-
the Linc of Ilcart-Influence of the op-

posite sex on the subject. Will be la-

vorable if the cross does not touch either
the Lille of Fate or the Line of the Sun.
A cross in the uadrangle touchin
the line of Head-The
ert in the matters

more influence on
subject will ex-
ol' love or friendship
the other person than
314 liflllu THE QUADRANGLE. llglll.

though many insignificant crosses are

mistaken for it.

A cross in the uadran le under the
Mount of Satum and touchin the Line /
of Fate-Fortunate life due to religion;
found in the hands of great
church dignitaries.
prelates and III

Ialways consider this of


as a sort

minor M stic Cross.

or large wealth; under the Mount of

Mercug'-Great reputation as a scien-

tist, an engineer; also renown as an elo-

quent man or success as a business man.

A well-formed star (with signs,other

which see)--A good and true subject
° at the mercy of a dearly-loved
person of

u| the other sex.

A rl formed cross in the uad-

ran le under the Mount of Saturn; if
found in both hands-An unfavorable

indication; drives to excess any un- ll it .

healthy disposition shown by the Mount

lllnst prominent in the hand. If it is
This is a sign I have frequently ob-
the Mount of u iter--Extravagant am-
served and found to be located generally
bition. If it is the Mount of Saturn-
between the Line of Life and the Line of
Morbid disposition. If it is the Mount
Fate. It is often accom anied b a
of the Sun-Excessive vanity and ava-
broken Line of Heart.
rice. If it is the Mount of Mercury-

Decciving and evcn thieving instincts.

if it is the Mount of the Moon-Coming
Insanity. If it is the Ui er Mount of

Mars--Fcarfully violent temper. If it is

the Mount of Venus-Lasciviousness to
the point of mania.
Fihmm of Mars-Cowardice.
If it is the Lower ll if
~ °

A star under the Mount of Saturn-

Ilrilhnnt career; under the Mount of A Triangle-Aptitude for the study
she Sun-Great fame in art or literature of the deepest sciences.
sign. 'run QUADRANGLI-'_ sign. ,rg



I| <>

I 9

A quick temper,
sguare-Extremely Should the Line of Heart run too
but a kind heart, if the Quadrangle is high through the Mounts, or the Line
normally shaped. of Head slope down, or rise in at curve
If it touches one of the Main Lines,
out of its normal position, the student
this square is to be read protection
as a
must at once reconstitute in his mind's
against the imperfection of that particu-
lar line. f


A circle-Eye troubles. eye, the Quadrangle as it ought to be,

and read accordingly the various indi-
cations-such as signs, etc., therein con-


ul 0

Three circles `oined to ether under }

the Mount of Saturn-Epilepsy.

A Grille.-Raving madness (with
other indications). Total absence of a uadran le; if it is
I should expect in this case a due to the non~existence of a Line of
wide uadran le, and very exaggerate
Qt-cold, hard nature; or, in a good
Mounts of Mars.
l1ir£-Poor action of the Heart.
316 P°lfU°ll- THE TRIANGLE. Character.

and feverish, a symptom of great weak-

ness and generally of a wasting disease.

Wide and clear] marked, with the

Normal: Between the Line of Life,
three lines of a ood color-Good un-

A liver in good order helps the brain

marvelously in its work.

Ver lar e, with develo Mounts of

As stated above, the whole Plain of
Mars is dominated by the idea of
pluck, etc.
the Line of Head and the Line of Liver.
If any of these lines missing, of

course there is Triangle, prop-

no more

erly so called, although the signs found

located on that portion of the Palm that
would be normally included within the
limits of the Triangle#-were it formed-
are to bc read as if within the
Small-heanness of disposition.
Bulging in both
hands-Aggressive Cowardice
temperament. Spendthrift disposition. Flat in both hands, with
very low a

Bnl 'n in one hand onl -Bravery. Mount of Satum-Insignificant life.

Generosity. Of course the Mount must not
only be
insignificant, but unlined and unmarked.

Very low-Little luck through life;

the subject will not be generally liked.
Often miserly, mean disposition.

Broad and well traced-Benevolence.

The three lines in perfect shape indi-
cate a finely balanced nature, hence a

kindly one.

Lar e anu well traced and of a health

color-Good luck, long life, courage. Low. withan exaggerate Mount of

The Palm Proper is but too often red the Moon and onl one bracelet well
Character. THE TRIANGLE. Character. 311

traced-Catalepsy. Of course we can follow this develop-

A nervous trouble bringing about ment only in our hands or in those of

temporary suspension of animation. close friends whose hands are constantly

Ver low in both hands, with a short under our examination.
and broad Line of Heart-Lethargy. With the skin rou h and hard-Con-

Here, the circulation of the blood, not tempt of physical pain.

the nervous system, is at fault. Here again the idea of courage asso-
ciated with the Triangle is made appar-



Narrow through a r Line of Head

inclinin toward a r Line of Liver-
Badl formed and with a Line of
Business failure.
Heart straight as a bar into the Percus-
Heav and ale, with a lar e, flabb
alm. a short thumb and thick set fin- Q-Miserly
ers, the third halan es uffed u in-

Much lined and with ex crate

Mounts of Mercur and Mars-Impa-

Punrlv formed, the Lines of Head and tient, fretful disposition, easily aroused
Liver being' curved inwards-C0ward- to anger.

ice, miserly disposition.

meanness, An exagerate Mount of u iter

Abnormally curved Lines always in- would add to this characteristic an in-
dicate a weakness of some son, physi- ordinate vanity vounded by imaginary
cal, mental or moral. slights.
Developin raduall and more and Well formed, with a Line of Heart
more clc~arIy- Improvement in the forked at its termination-Generosity.
health of the subject. Remember that a branchless, broken
gli The llrlt Angle. THE TRIANGLE The Ilrlt 'Illi-

|»| \
Line of Heart is an indication of a hard. Blunt and short-Slow, dull intellect;
selfish nature. rude instincts.

The Trian le found in the hand of a That goes with a short Line of llcad
oun rson, with the Lines of Fate and the various Chirognomical indica-
and the Sun absent-The subject must tions, to which I refer the reader.

not be directed toward an artistic or in-

tellectual career; worldly wisdom and

superiiciality will always stand in the

way of success in that direction.

In other words, the existence of the
three main lines gives assurance of fair
health, good practical ability and plenty
of will power, but reveals no brilliant

aptitudes. That would go admirably

Exaggerate in its bluntncss-Mir
with knotted fin ers, s uare and even
erly habits from fear of poverty; little
s atulate ti d.
conccm for other people's welfare.
111. TH3FIB8T(0B`UPPlBOBl'U- That bluntness is obtained, in this
¥BRlI)A)lGLl. case, by the Line of Head rising' toward

Formed b the connection ol' the the Line of Heart and thus
reducing the
Lines of Life and Head. Quadrangle; hence the reading.

| /

ll Z Nl
Sharply inted and well marked- Rlunt through the Line of llcad bc-

Reiined mind; more generally strong in more or less se arated from thc Line
common sense. of Life at the start-Independent dispo-
'nl' |°°°||d ANSI* THE TRIANGLE The loooud Angle. 3:9

sition, amounting if the s ace se rat-

in the Lines is ve wide to dangerous


Exa crate in its shar ness-Shrewd,

malignant, envious disposition.

/ _

If this
exa crate

Lines of Life and Head bein

shar ness is due l
connected too lon at the start-Ex- Th!! Sewnd A11 C 0bllS¢-Ullli

treme diffidence and even cowardice. UCFVOUS dl5P°5ifi°f-



, \
Due to the Line of Head drooping
and the Line of Liver starting on the
Mount of the Moon too near the Per-
Formed b the connection of the cussion.
Lines of Head and Liver.
The second An le clear and well made

-Longevity; bright intellect.

Due to the excellence of the Line of

'l`I|c second Angle broad and heavy
_ _
v.-sth a oor Line of Heart and a narrow __/*
9 s
( lundrangle-Uncharitableness.

The second An Ie ver shar Ill- The Second An le formed on the

health; _
nervousness; teasing disposi- Mount of the Moon-Catan-h; even

tion. epilepsy, or paralysis if the Line of Head

3:0 The 'Baird Angle. THE TR IANGLE 'na 'rum Angie

A perfect Line of Liver is apt to in-

crease the quick mental faculties of the


l /éf f

is r and the Mount of the Moon
much rayed; or apoplexy if the Line of
or and the Mount of Saturn
The third An le broad. clear and sufii-
The Second An le found defective in
cientlv open. with a Line of Liver ter-
a child's hand-The child must not be
minating hi h on the Mount ol' Mercurv
pushed too quick in his, or her, stud-
-Longevity; generosity; success in busi-
ies; the mental growth will be too

quick, especially the imaginative facul-

ties, and physical health will have to be

attended to first; in a word: health be~
fore studies.


It is not in truth an An le since the

Lines of Life and Liver, which are su -

The Third Angle ver obtuse, with

the first halanx of the thumb weak and
the Mount of Venus exa crate-Faitlv
h lessness.

os#-fl to form it, do not connect but

simply come close to each other.


The Third Angle well formed and

sligluly ovwn ina broad Triangle-Good

all-around health.

Angle wcll cut and narrow, The Third Angle poorlv formed, with
:incl s`|ig~l1|ly open, with a well develo ed small lines cuttin the Line of Life-
Mount of Mercur -Wit. Neuralgia.
þÿ3| ¬ll» THE TRIANGLE. Blgnl. 32:

The An le will be either too White

widely sgts-Anamia; tendency to

o ened, with poor Lines of Head and fainting fits.

Liver; or the Line of Liver will connect Upward branches from the Line of
at the start with the Line oi Life-al- Life terminatin inside the Triangle-
ways a sign of neuralgia palpita-
or even Riches and honors coming to the sub-

tion of the heart and fainting tits ject after many struggles.
a bad Line of Heart . Remember that in matters of success,
the Plain of Mars represents our own

unaided etforts.

vl`*'" /,.
»' f


The Third An le formed of lines much

' I 1

broken-Bad nature, both rough and in-

curably lazy. A short. forked line-General weaken-
I am inclined to think that this applies ing ot the system.
only to the Line of Liver.


f nl +


A cross, es eciall in the center-
Troubles from others about


Red says that it in- the quarrelsome disposition of the sub-
dicates pregnancy. ject.
This is an attenuated form of the
famous "Cross of Battle."
If in both hands and with other mark-
EQ-One of the strongest indications of

U Man
A cross
crosses-Continued bad luck.
inside the Upper An le of the
(generally of a crim-
322 Signs. THE TRI AN GLE.

the first knots ly marked


Skepticism. (See Chapter on Fingers,

PP- 42-50-)

ul H*

1 Z
I , .

inal nature or at least having caused

scandal); serious change in one's life.

An irregular cross in the center with

cross lines on the Mount of Saturn-A
seriesof serious misfortunes.

nl ,

If thc branches of this cross touch no

main Line-Suit won. Otherwise-Suit


A star-Riches (or success ingeneral)

obtained after great struggles. Read
also (with other indications), when in

both hands-Violent death.
But it must not touch
any Main Line
nor he connected with any Line of In-
A cross in the Triangle under the
Mount of Saturn with lon lin ers and

ul 9?

uf ~f

A star near the Line of Liver-Blind-

mln* THE TRIANGLE. Signl. 32]

>L o

,_ __
'> I C

A badl lormed solitar star-Trou- quick--tempered subject toconstantly

bles in love, resulting from some act of find fault and to resent violently imagi-
violence. nary olienses. _

A star in the Trian le at the termina- S "fe if "Ot f°"Chif an Mahi UNC

tion of aline of Influence from the Mount *A m°5' 5°fi°"5 warning Of dang"-
of Venus--A great sorrow. If the line

l" »

l .
A Trian le between the Lines of Life

started from
a star on the Mount of Mlli'afY "HOW"-

Venus-The sorrow arises from the ~'

death of a relative or close friend (See

(`l'nter on Lmes of Influence pp 172
|93 .)
A circle--Troubles from a person of

the other sex ; with an exaggerate Mount

of the Moon-Captiousness
Over-excited imagination induces the
334 Siem- THE TRIANGLE. spasm.

Ayr:rille-Shameful death. a

_lT_H'dd°" ¢"¢ml°3- A smaller Triangle formed b the

A crescent inside the Triangle touch- Lines of Fate, Head and Liver-If clear
in the Line of Liver-Perfect health and well shaped-Aptitude for the
and strength; a decided omen of success occult sciences.
in every direction.

U ._

A smaller Triangle formed by the Line

of Fate, the Line of Head and the Line
A crescent inside the Trian le and
of Intuition-An aptitude for the occult
touchin the Line of Head-Violent
sciences that almost amounts to a gift of
death due to a fault ofjudgment or a
foolhardy act of the subject.

Ili `"

Much lined and with much lined

The Third Angle ver obtuse with a Mounts of Mercu and the Moon. A
crescent inside-Unfaithfulness. Often very harmful disposition to worry. If
a bullying disposition added to incon- the Line of Head droo s dee l -D;
stancy. ger of insanity.


The student will find it profitable be- with subheadings for each
fore perusing this chapter to tum back phalanx of each finger.
to pp. 45-46 and read carefully my
Chir omical Observations concerning
1. On the First Phalanx.
the Phalan es of the Fin ers; also my

readings conceming the of

Phalangcs ¢'
the Thumb on pp. 53-55. In the indica-
tions I am about expatiating upon, he I

will find many statements that are sim-

ple confirmations of the great principles ll/

therein, laid down by me, after d'Arpen-

tigny, Desbarrolles and the more recent


Palmists, Papus, Decrespe, etc. The °


majority of these indications are, how- Downward lines-Will more

ever, of a traditional or at least an empir-
clearly marked, up to three lines; more
ical nature, and it is not easy to connect
them logically with what I like to call
"the laws of Modem Palmistry." They 1°

are gathered mostly from reputable

authors of the old school and deserve

spectful study solely on that account.


Although met with but seldom, the

rather complete enumeration I give of '

them may prove of use occasionally, and,

without deserving to be memorized, they &s-Scattering of will power minimiz-
are valuable for reference purposes, as I ing results.
never found them collected before in such

large numbers.
I divide these observations between
six headings, referring respectively to

and I. On the Thumb; 2.

On All the Fin ers; 3. On the First
Finger; 4. On the Second Fin er; 5.
On the Third Fin er' 6. On the Fourth
go On Tamb. 5| GNS ON THUMB AND On Thumb.
FlNGER$._ ___

These lines crossed, or cross lines b

themselves-Great obstacles to success.

Small, short lines near the nail- f'

\~L< '§`
(ll \ V

Legacies. _


A line from the first halanx to the

Line of Life-Death from a metallic __

weapon (sword or dagger).

Two stars near the

constant fault-finding.
\ A will power of the
subject is concentrated on scientific la-


\ '
- .

A cross near the n an'l with an ex -

erate or much ra ed Mount of Venus- -

Unchastity. .

A circle-A great triumph for the sub-

(1/ ject, an to his swarm win.


Two crosses near the nail-Love of _

luxury. 2
A star, with a Mount of Venus exa

erated or much lined-Imm orality-


A will-power is
square-The concen-

trated in one direction only. Often

tyrannic disposition. f



A rille near the nail (with other con-


firmatow si ns A husband (or wife) !I

in danger of death by said wife or bus- _`

On the Second Phalanx.
2. '

in the worst direction, but endowed with

an amiable disposition.



Downward lines, if not too man -

Clear, sound reasoning power. '


A scientific philo-
triangle-Deep or

\ sophical talents.

ll ,


2 v

Cross lines-False reasoning; lack of


common sense.

A forked line-Hesitating ways. A easily shaken;

sguare-Logic not
A cross--An easily influenced nature. with bad indications-Blind stubborn-
One or two stars-A nature easily led ness.
3:8 On Thumb. _


Little balls on the insidc ti of lin ers

5/ -



' '

-Extreme sensitiveness, tact and taste.
One short vertical line d l traced


2 .


.2 é

A circle-The triumph of reason. ._


* `|~

/ on the `oints of all (in ers-Sudden

death (with conlimuatory indications).
ll] .

_ .


A of mm: ma
211°-Annu sense
honest reasoning methods. \`
.\ `


U i

' °
` | _
f .




A line from the second halanx to the °"~

Line of Life-Troubles in married life ~

0° Fifi* rfUS¢l'- SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Flrlt Finger. 329

One deep line runnin down the entire Downward lines-Religious exalta-
h of all fin ers--A strong sense of
I 50"-
Cross lines-Religious insanity.
Man cross lines on the first halanx
of all health.
fingers--Bad general
Wav , cross lines on the first halanx ,

ahead; especially
_rigll fingers--Danger , '

danger of drowning (with other con-

Fzrmatorv indications _


A cross-Dangerous insanity due to


visions, etc., often one of the si ns of

. `

' '
sudden death.
v '

A .

A u

_ `

I I u
Tnan les on the second omts of fin- | , , Jr

vw cakness.
to sickness and physical
I 1] _


m. onmnrmsrrman ._ _

r. On the First Phalanx.

A star-A most serious event in the

subject's life, generally fortunate.


' °
'l /
' ">

A for Theology,
f Ancient Magic, the Occult Sciences.
A circle-Triumph of faith over rea-

" _

son in the subject's mind.
3 _
Qlle-Prison; convent life; the

characteristic of the persecuting fanat-



"j *
J f°"j"'

Cross lines on this and thc Third

and in-
nhalanses-Envious deceiving
" |

lj ,


3. On the Second Phalanx. `

Clear and straight downward linu-

A forked line-III-success.


1/1 Q 5° ,

i 0 I
: x

The noble unbixion of the subjvxt wil! rel

ceive asistance.

A Gus on the u

ul -



1 ,. _

`o::5us<l or lun ri-:\::\;rJ 1::`rs»- _

/ _

The a:::E'E:E\n he ai'

þÿ\ ¬Zl an nzznanhy
c!:.r.c<~r '
Iiraiillngt. ____w SIG`l:{§ 0LH:t 33|

One or two crosses-The protection of

the great.




A circle-Crowned ambition.

A star, with strai ht downward lines

from the first halanx-Chastity. f


/// ~

A instincts; ill-suc-

A star with a curved line next to it-

Immodesty. ,

/4 '
, A sin ie line from the Mount of Venus


to the second halanx-Nobility of char-

acter; great honors.

A astute politician.
triangle-An on the Third Phalanx.

W /V

sguare-Tenacity ofipurpose.

A "
,,, Ou nm mp. sions on mums AND Umar-zns. os nm mg..

Downward lines, if strai ht-Assured

control over others; if Eg or
love of the good things of life will rule
over the subject.





branches on
lines, with
the Line of Life-Riches.
u ward

y '

A uare-Despotic disposition;


°° '°° '

Cross lines-Legacies; also obstacles

. .
to the exercise of power; also in certain
natures, revealed bv other indications- - -

. .
roof (hgemve °rgans°
certain natures-The lowest grade of

4 r




A forked line-Projects gone wrong.
N -The worst and grosscst in-
c-mu A circle-Success in one's pct ambi-
llillih and habits. ¢i0l1-
A A thoroughly corrupt
nur -Iimmxlcnty. Eille-A na-
On Second SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Second linger. 333
I fin er, with cross bars on the Mount of
Satum-Succession of fatal happenings

f I. On the First Phalanx;

°~» Downward lines-Suicide.



ture; often prison.

A sin le line from the Mount of Venus

Cross lines-Suicidal insanity.


to the third halanx-Violent death (with fl) .


confirmatory indications).

A black spot-Ague, chronic malaria



lf/ fi;

ii xi
Downward, wa lines down the whoie
334 On Second rmga-. sxGNs ON THUMB AND Fmnizus. On Second rmgu.

Across-Superstition often amount- A downward linc cuttin thc upper

ing to insanity; frequently it reveals a and middle 'oints-Stupidity and folly.

tendency to crime or suicide.
A star-A most extraordinary exist-

ence, either ior good or evil; if r2eate<l

in both hands-Danger of assassination;
' ' '
if on the side of the halanx-Death in a

just cause. I/ °
'ln ¢

Cross lines-Ignorance, obstinacy.

1/ 5 I

, ,


A star with a trian le on the Mount of _`


Satum-Depravity -

A thick cross line-Death by poison.


l °
at ._

| ) | '

k .


Two stars, one on the first, one on the ~

halanx of the second Hn

second er- . ,

Death on the scaffold'

A cross-A dangerous contingency.
2. On the Second Phalanx.

A star-A catastrophy, probably a

01| s0°0lld ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Sooond Finger.
___ _SIGQS 335

crime, generally unavoidable. One of

the few signs of fatality recognized by
Modem Palmists.

f" I '
=|¢ .

|' .

A indication of
guare-Another an

unavoidable fatality. U "'


A aptitudes for the

lriangl¢»Special `


occult sciences.


One strai ht, downward line not cn-

terin the Mount of Satum-Military


-o .


A circle-Great success in one's re- '/¢ _

searches into the occult sciences. ' '


If in battle.


\ f'

'L |


__. 'Ee ,

A indication of the "` '

grille-Ill-luck; .

class of diseases generally marked on the »

_ _

M ountaf S mum (nerves ,l egs , ears , etc). .

_ _

Man downward hnes, if vcrlcct-A

1- 011 the Third Phalanx- fortune in mining; otherwise-Extreme
One or two downward lines from the melancholia.
second to the third halanx-VVisdom. Man cross lines-A wretched life in
D9 °| 30994 |'|lll'll':__§GNS ON THUHB AND FINGERS. Ol lootmd linger.

A cross and two cross lines-Thieving




U ~

._ `


solitude, abandoned by one's friends. ,


Exc ionall and with a smooth first _

of the
plnalanx-Inheritance. &_T'fe gg? _murderer
(with other indications), or nn a
the possible victim of
QL!-Of a mur-



K. ,

' '


A forked line-An unfortunate nature, a '

hating other peopIe's society and gener- .

any disliked' A wicked

triangle-A nature threat-
ened with ill-luck.

3, »

.' W zo'-'__ .

A cross in a woman terility. .

01| Tllirli 11118815 SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Third Finger. 337

sguare-Mcrciless, miserly disposi-
A circle-Great proficiency in the

study of natural philosophy.




/J .
'& I
due to the over-excitement ofthe artistic

A insanity peculiar to
gille-The .-

misers. '



On the First Phalanx.

' '


A star-When insanity is not superin-

duced by the above cause, the subject's
genius bursts into splendor.


Downward lines-Artistic
genius tum- _ _

ing into insanity. .





triangle-Science of the beautiful.



u /-

'. r
Cross lines-Obstacles to the artistic


career, causing insanity. _


A cross-Extraordinary chastity; the _


artist wedded to his art. Often insanity

338 On Third Fingor. SIGNS ON TIIUMB AND FINGERS. On Third lingt.

A circle-Most superb, if unexpected,



U] '
, _

l` Hu .

6 ¢

Cross lines-Lack of talent; jealousy.


E|_'llf.-Insanity of the worst charac-
2. On the Second Phalanx.


/ "

A forked line-Efforts divided and

hence barren.

A downward line from the t of the I

second halanx, cuttin into the .
third-Great fame. .
X '


A cross-The venomous envy of the
/I _
impotent and conceited competitor.

_-" ' `

. ,


One or two strai ht downward lines _

» ,

from the second to the third halanx, ,


with a broad uadrangle and a well- ` _

' '
formed Trian le-Changeable disposi- ~

9° On Third
Tuff milf- SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. Finger. 339

A star-Exceptional talents. _ On the Third Phalanx.

Several downward lines from the °oint


I /'

' '

'45 . |
%` '


A science of art, pene- '


trating its divine mysteries. between the second and third halan es

to the base of the fin er-Reverses due

to persons of the other sex.

A talent restricted within

certain specialties.
One sin le line not be innin so hi h
and not reachin so low-Happiness.

H' l
M .

A circle»Great success.


rl/ °~ f' 'Q 'f

o` ¢

A envious disposition.
jp Ol fold! fhgt- SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Fourth Finger.

Cross lines-Constant ill-luck and A star-Extravagant love for praise;

peninmt poverty. danger of insanity on that score.
A (raked line-Useless efforts toward A
triangle-Great skill in puhing one
fame and wealth. self.

Il/ .


'k' '
-` '

, 0 I

A A circle-Fame and fortune.



' n
1 'i "





A cross-Vocation interfered with, A envious

ambition crushed.
tion; deserved humiliations of all kinds.




lf/ '


-; 0
T12 '


One clear line traversin the entire

3? |
length of the fourth fin er-Veracity.
Two lines-Rcctitmlc.
One line from the first
base of the
plialanx to the
finger-Success in scientific

Fférlh Finsvr- SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. 0n Fourth ringer. 34|

Cross lines-An incessant and empty

talker; often a liar and a thief.

~/ :W /
' '

s; //}

A forked line-Poor success in busi-

W f

§' f

I. On the First Phalanx.

Downward lines-Meddlesome na-

ture; sometimes the insanity of gigantic

A cross, in a hand-Prophetic
§ »

instincts; in a bad hand-A theft or rob-

I ¢ ,

bery that will cause its author great

ll; |


enterprises. In a very good hand-Elo-

or aptitude for the occult



A star-Success as a speaker; no suc-

cess in money-making.

A triangle-Aptitude for occult

sciences, even to evocation of the dead.
"4" A square-Commercial genius.
____ .
343 01| fourth Halt. SIGNS ON THUHB AND FINGERS. On Fourth Iingl.

7' _ '
I I |

' '
I »

-2 '
, | ' '


'° "o~.

One clear downward line from the to

of the alanx to the base of the lin cr-

Intelligence. Success in scientific re-


A black magic;

¢ #IN

One wa downward line to the base
of the
linger-Ruse; crafty disposition.

thieving instincts; all the worst features

of the Mount ol Mercury. I

J. On the Second Phalanx.

/M 'v

'~ '_'
l 5

(`ml\s¢~l downward l|m.~s-Deccwxng 3-

On Fourth Iingor. SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. On Fourth Finger. 343

A forked line-The lack of order

handicaps all possible success.

Cross lines-A much checkered ca.-

, ' '


I | 0

' I I I


~x- /


diliiculties; often
I _

_ _


A also; silliness in the

/ conduct of one's affairs.
l I 9

I] '

. On the Third Phalanx.


A star--Notoriety obtained through a » .

the worst features of the Mount of Mer-

cury. l

lin ,

Wa or confused downward lines-


Thieving disposition.
') | »

11) ' ' '

' 'I'
'A' 7 1 ~.

triangle-Success in the practice of

occult science. »

_` '

A versatil-
ssuare-Hinders the quick

ity that belongs to the Mount of Mer- A thick downward line-Thieving dis-
cury. Often means prison. position.
344 UI |'°l-"li |'ill¢'» SIGNS ON THUIIB AND FINGERS. On Youth filli-




Cross lines-Thieving disposition. Lf'i_°"§|°*DiPl°m35° 'bmw-


A cross-Thieving disposition. £re_Inscmtable dem °

' .




0 ¢
3 . _

5% 'O ,

A circle-A thieving disposition that

2.t2_El°q"°"F°7 never culminates into actual theft.

'l`wn -nnrn -I)ih|()l0|'8l)|¢ death the A of the fifth-rate

consc<|ucnce oi thefts. thief; sometimes stupidity of the victim.


Additional Cases

Theeecaaes, as well as those diseemlnated through the other Parte of this book, are-many of
them--borrowed from Deebarrolles' magnum opus, "
Révélations Completes." They have never been
translated into the English language and their careful study constitutes, in my opinion, the very best
of practice for the studentof Palmistry. He finds combined in them many indications scattered
these pages, and he is taught how to generalize the information obtained and to apply it intelligibly.
Boolr deiinitiona are bound to be narrow and on that account somewhat misleading. By broadening
them, not recklessly but in moderation, a well trained intelligence will soon know how to give them
their full inward meaning. This study of "canes" ought really to precede the examinationof "living


Art and Bdanot Happily Blmdad.-All fables. Success at any cost, and bound-
the Chief Lines were less vanity, with half developed brains,
perfect and the chir- the type herein represented."


ognomic indications ltonomania ot Persecution.-A Dgublg

of the very best as far Girdle of Venus; a



as intellectuality was
very poor Line of

concemed. A curved ; Heart; a Line of


line connected the Head very widely

Mounts of the Sun ;¢¢ separated from the `°`°~~._°
and Mercury without -¢»
Line of Life at the
cutting either the Lines of the Sun or start and fonning a
the Line of Liver. broad island from the /
"This curious marking was noticed in Mount of Jupiter to T

the hands of two famous Parisian pro- under the Mount of Saturn, where it
fessional men; one a barrister, the other stops short. A in the space
deep cross
a surgeon. The design shows simply between the Lines of Head and Life.
this peculiar ring and does not give the "The subject suffered from a mono-
other indications peculiar to each of these mania consisting in his believing that
two subjects." government agents were constantly after
Extravagant Yaamlng Toward him and tortured him
an by means of hid-
N°¢°ri°¢7»-A rather den electrical batteries. He was a pro-
short Line of Head; nounced Satumian; the first phalanx of

a similar Line of his thumb was as small as that of a con-

Fate, not bad, how- genital idiot. His Mount of Jupiter was
ever. A very long displaced toward a high Mount of Sat-
and rather straight urn; his Mount of the Moon was also ex-

Line of Heart; as dis- aggerate; all signs of sure insanity."

tinctive marking, a Dangerous Fall from Horseback.-

Line from the Upper 1? ll ALine of Life broken

Mount of Mars deep into the Mount of at 35, the two
the Sun. m e n toverlaying

"Seen in the hand of a common vil- each other and joined

lage conjurer pseudo-doctor, whose
and to a cross bar from a

assurance and vanity were beyond de- dot on the inside

scription. He used to secure the atten- fragment, the latter
tion of his rural admirers by
traordinary lies he told them about his
family, his talents, his career. He man-
the ex- above the break, for
the space of five
years. Fine Lines of Fate and the Sun.
§ /
aged finally to run away with a rich "A gentleman, otherwise in very
farmcr's daughter, who believed in his happy and fortunate circumstances, was

thrown from his horse at 35 and suffered on the Line of Life is formed or rather
from the consequences of this accident indicated by a succession of laddered
for 5 years; iinally he recovered
over small bars.
completely. His very strong Mount of "A flower gardener-bad teeth, Saturn-
jupiter pointed toward that particular ian type-suffered from a trouble of the
kind of accident. The markings were brain at 18, caused by an accident; same
similar in both hands." illness again at 30, and returned at 35;
the caries or necrosis of the bones of one
Crippled by the Act of
A Child e. Cruel

3°1lfi"--A Line of of his legs then set in and rendered his

Head broken under life most precarious."

the Mount of Saturn; EPUOIIY--A very poor Line of Heart;

A Line of Head

a Line of Influence `

from the of drooping deep into



of the

Venus ends in a deep / the Mount V


Moon. In the Quad-


dot on the Line of _'

Head on the Mount rangle, under the
of Satum. Other- 3 Mount of Saturn,
wise good, intelligent
a hand. three circles of un-

"Ayoung girl, as early as IO years equal size touching _`

old, had been roughly knocked down by each other.
an ugly tempered female relative, in "Seen in the hands of a very thin,
whose charge she had been left after her ultra-nervous woman who had suffered

parents' death; in consequence of this all her life from epileptic fits. She was
fall she had lost the use of a leg. The intelligent, however, and managed to do
child was remarkably bright and her housework very satisfactorily be-
studious." attacks of this terrible disease."
tween the

Trouble With One and the Buns Diverse inked Tvlee

A Three Time Repeated
urs Lego mas in ln the Kind.-A fing
Carlos ot the Bone.-A l cross on the Mount

xl rl," From

particularly bulging of Jupiter. a


Mount of the Moon, the second

rl/ dot

on I

a good Mount of _
U joint of the Thumb
Venus and a strong /'L' ,
start two Lines of In-
Mount of Satum. A fluence cutting up-
Line of Influence p
ward branches of the
from a. black dot on fl Line of Life, respect- L? I

the starting point of

Line ni lift- md-
a ively, 25 and 35 years of age.

ing in a star on the Line of Head Another "A young lady had made a love mar-

dot on the Line of Life at I8 connecting riage at 25; at that date already, and, in
by a line of influence with the same star; fact, before the marriage was settled
a line of inliuence from the Mount of upon, the above indications were in the
Venus ending in a black dot on the Line hand. 'I`he divorce took place at 35.
of Life at 30. Another Line of Influ- She had these two warnings instead of
ence frorn the Mount of Venus ending in one; she was duly notified but did not
a star on the Line at 35. From that time heed them."

A Fortunate Life tn Bplte of Repeated H°1I°fl'h°i4l--Frotn a dark dot on the

ROIDUQB.-Square, Line of Life at 32.
knotty fingers; a Line started aLinc oflnflu-
of Fate,
chained at the start,

but fine up to 35; then

broken; a fragment
,Mi ence,
the upper Mount
of Mars. From that
star a line
in a

star A

ik' \

runs from the Line of

over to a Mount of
Head to the Line of
Saturn, much rayed
Heart; a second frag- M2-' |
by vertical lines and ¢,

ment from the Line of Heart to the top ended there in a star.
of thc Mount of Satum. A fine star on
"The man who suffered since he was
the Mount of jupiter; a beautiful Line of
32 of aggravated case of hemorrhoids,
was distinctly a mixture of the Mars and
"Seen in the hand of a jewish banker
Saturn types."
who lost his fortune at 35 and again at
Two Leven It th! SCQC THUG.-'A yefy
50; but he retrieved his losses each time
strong fork at the

on the speculative market, by means of

tennination of a good
his extraordinary intuition."
Line of Head. At .

ALady Financially Ruined and then

about 28, two Lines L '

Deserted by Her Lov-


Ol'--A fair Line of -

of Infiuence started ¥_`
Line of Head
from the same point
Life; a

on the Line of Life

widely separated from

. .

the Line of Life at the and ended, one inside

_\ the Upper Mount of

start and drooping at
once into the Mount Mars, the other at the end of a droop-

of the Moon. A Gir- ing prong of the forked Line of Head.

"A young unmarried woman acknowl-
dle of Venus. A Line iT
of Heart beginning, branchless, under edged in court that she had, at the time,
two simultaneous love affairs, which her
the Mount of Saturn. A Line of Fate
starred at 23, broken at 25; starred again talent for deceit had kept perfectly

at thc connection with Line of Influ-

ence from the Mount of Venus, the lat- Boriea of Death! in the Family.-A
ter islanded and ending near the Mount chained Line of
of Mercury. A Line of Union cutting Heart. At the lower
the Lines of the Sun and Head. part of the second
"At 23, a lady had been led astray by phalanx of the sec- ,

a man who had devoured her fortune and ond finger-toward

later had abandoned her and their two the first finger-a
children to marry a rich girl. 'I`he lovers clearly marked star. `
had lived together for 20 years when the A drooping Line of
desertion took place. But although the Head terminating in t
lady's life seemed irremediably ruined, a star atthe end of a Line of lnfiuenee
she recovered from the shock and losses on the Mount of Venus, beginning in
and the rest of her life was prosperous." a star. Above that, another Line of In-

fluence from a star on the Mount, ending Mount.

the same

inside the Triangle; above that another "In repeated cases, Desbarrolles dis-
Line of Influence from a star on the covered that chronic troubles of the
Mount, ending in a star inside the womb, bladder kidneys
or determined
Quadrangle at the start of a fair Line of gradually weakening of the cerebral
the Sun. faculties, especially so if the break and
"Two similar cases are combined in droop of the Line of Head indicated
this outline. In both cases, the star on such tendencies."
the second finger was there. The two AIUIIUI--A very narrow Quadrangle
subjects (women) lost, successively,
close due to the abnormal
relations, two of whom died insane." curving down of the
nmuey nnnlsa by the cam of an Liue of Heart. A dot
UNI-A vsy badly on the Line of Head
chained Line of -

under the Mount of

Heart; a Line of Satum. A deep bar
Head terminating in - -
cut the Line of Life
a star; a Line of In- at 25; from it started,
fluence from a star on either side, curved

on the Mount of branches, which

Venus cuts the Line joined inside the Tri-
of Life at 38 and § angle, there forming ~

comes up in a curve to the Mount of kind of island. The


Mercury. All the Lines were of a deep Mount of the Moon .

chocolate color. was somewhat rayed.

"A lady came to Desbarrolles com- High Mounts of
plaining that there people on the
were Mars; short nails. In §

fioor above her flat piercing holes another there

case `°
through their floor and trying to poison were no such bar and island, but the same

her by means of noxious fumes. Her formation of the Quadrangle and a deep
monomania, on that point, was un- black dot therein.
conquerable. The Master discovered "I had occasion to repeatedly verify-
that she had lost a dearly loved son and with very slight modifications-these
that the sorrow had determined a severe two readings of the Master, concerning
liver trouble, which was then affecting Asthma. In the first case the subject

her brain." was hot tempered and sanguine."

Brain Trouble Resulting from a Grave DMN#--A Venus-Satumian type;
Disorder of the Lover on the third phalanx

018'-nl--A very poor _

_ of the second finger - _

number of down-

Line of Heart; a Line - -

_ a

of Head broken un- 'N'


f ward lines. A big

der the Mount of Sat- '
island, undef the
urn and drooping Mount of Satum, on

suddenly to the bot- a Line of Head that

tom of a much
rayed begins to droop im- i

Mount of the Moon, § mediately afterward.

where it ends in a star. A star above it "Seen in the hand of a young man who

had grown deaf, quite early in life, and had poisoned herself out of jealousy and
who was more and more under the in- despair on being deserted by the loved
fiuence of morbidity and strange super- one. The poisoning is indicated in this
case (Desbarrolles says) by the star on
stitions; Saturn had him entirely under
its influence." the Girdle, at that particular place."
A Proitablo looting at s Fashionable
Constant OPPIOSISOIII Amounttng to
8 e a | ide Escort.-N9
lionomuxh.-A pom-
Line of Heart; a
star on a very promi-
nent Mount of Jupi-
drooping Line of

llead islanded under ter, but one_at the

the Mount of the termination of a fine
Line of the Sun in-
Sun. A Line d In-
side the Quadrangle.
fluence from a star
From that star a line
on the Mount of
`cnus cut the Line of .30 ' ran
up straight to a `i
Life at 38 and ended at the beginning
well-formed Mount of Mercury at the
usual place for Lines of Union. The
of the above mentioned island. The first
Line of the Sun itself starts from a clear
phalanges of the first, second and third
Voyage line on the Percussion of the
fingers were abnormally large; the
Mount of the Moon.
second finger especially long.
"A French 'lady of leisure' met at
"At 38, the subject had lost his wife,
Ostendwthe fashionable seaside resort
of whom he was very fond. He had de-
voted himself to religious practices until
-a royal personage; he was attracted by
her beauty and wit. A short-lived
he was constantly under the influence of
'liaison' was the result of this meeting; it
hallucinations, hearing voices at all
A swelled materially the 'lady's' bank ac-
hours and unable to silence them.
count and enriched her jewel-case."
severe brain fever had coincided with the
Double Guilty In-
date of his wife'sdeath, and the shape of `

¢fi¢l°-A Line of
his fingers predisposed him to_ an ex-
Fate much crossed
traordinary infiux of vital fluid, with-
out suflicient health to utilize it."
up to 23 years old, " g,
then opening in the

6 71rd

A Poisoning 00°--A Girdle of Venus i

shape of a large is-
starred under thi! land, extending to 30 t
Mount of Saturn. A

or 35, but not quite *


short Line of Heart closed the

at top. "v ii r.

terminating as It The left "branch" of the Line islanded

reaches the Line of _

again between 32 and 37; after that the

thc Sun. A Line of Line continues straight and fine. A Line
influence from a star
of Head widely separated from the Line
on the Line of Life at of Life and forked at the termination.
I6 terminates at a "i' A fine Line of the Sun coming up to the
deep black dot on the Line of Heart. Mount in from the Lower part
a curve

"A talented Parisian actress had suf- of the Mount of the Moon. A very long
fered from a great love sorrow when she third finger. A Girdle of Venus strongly
was hardly more than I6 years old; she marked.

"Seen in the hand of a lady about 40 tioned Line of Head. An independent

years old who belonged Jupiter-
to the star inthe lower part of this square.
Mercury type. She had been quite suc- There were deep dots on the comer of
cessful in business, although disposed to the square.
take many risks. Until 23 she had great "These very interesting markings
financial difficulties to meet; then she were found in the hand of a lady who
had accepted the protection of a wealthy suffered for years from an intestinal can-
married man, whose assistance had made cer, but whom a successful operation
her fortune. She had left him at 30 to finally cured."
marry another lover of hers. The sec- Troubles of the
ond island had lasted as long as the first Respiratory Organs.
protector lived, as, according to palmis- -On the Line of
try, this second union, during the life of Head, under the
the first lover, is considered adultery. Mount of Saturn, a
The lady was very shrewd but somewhat A Line of
clear star.
hysterical." Influencefrom the \

Insane Husband, Mount of Venus cut

DOQUI Of.-Ffgm 3 .
an upwafd branch of §
star on the Mount of _ the Line of Life, and after crossing the
Venus close to the above mentioned starends in another star
second phala.nx of on theUpper Mount of Mars. The hand
thumb comes a Line much rayed and the large Mount of Jupi-
of Influence, which ter with Lines on the Middle Mount of
cuts theLine of Life the Moon revealing tendencies to gout.
at 28 years of age "Excessive good living had first deter-
and ends in a star near the end of the mined an over-production of uric acid,
Line of Head. A clear star upon a Line then gout, then finally a trouble of the
of Union. brain. Later consumption set in. The
"A lady-visitor of Desbarrolles lost sign on Upper Mars was in the Right
her husband after having obliged been Hand, and the Left Lung was the one

to keep him for several years in an in- attacked by tuberculosis. This cross-

sane asylum. He died a raving maniac wise influence of the brain upon diseases
when the subject was 28." is observed in most eases."
Intestinal Cancer. rromngad nm-
_ _

-A drooping and |118 Fi"-In the


forked Line of Head; .

Left hand a star at -

° `

upon this Line, just the termination of the


before the fork be- \~ Line of Heart. A L¢

gins, a star; another bluish streak toward
star at the end of the 60 on the Line of
lower prong of the Life. The same indi-
fork. From the first \?(f cations found in the \ =; (|
star drops a perpendicular line, which Right hand, but there the star was in-
formsa square, with a horizontal line and closed within a square. Very short
another vertical drooping from the end thumbs. Short nails. Square tipped
of the upper prong of the above men- fingers.

"The a civil engineer by pro-

subject, had escaped assassination at the hands
fession, suffered repeatedly all through of a disappointed lover. Another time,
his very active life of very unexplainable in childhood, she had fallen out of a
fainting fits, so long in duration as to third-storywindow and suffered nothing
amount almost to a state of lethargy. from the accident."
His nature was very nervous and there Wretohed Child-
was evidently a lack of harmonious dis- hood; num. Am-

tribution of the vital fluid." |'|*i°°- -

In both

ss- hands a clear, deep
cape from ,
Death.- Line curving up from
A very poor Line of l _
I the Upper Mount of

Heart. At the ter- Mars to the Mount

mination of an other- of the Sun. Until 30

wise fine Line of years old, the Line of G
Fate a break sur- Fate, afterward very fine up to the
rounded by a large Mount of Saturn, was cut up into small
s q u a r e, occupying fragments. Just where the Line ceased to
almost the whole of the Mount of Sat- be bad, there merged into it a fine Influ-
urn. ence Line from the Mount of the Moon.

"A workingman, a house painter by A Line of Influence from the Line of

trade, suffered frequently from dizziness, Life at I0 years old cut the Line of the
due to lcad-poisoning. In one of these Sun on the Mount of that name.
fits he fell from a very high scaffolding, "The lady, whose chirognomic mark-
but landed into la passing wagon ings revealed her as having real aptitudes
loaded with tan bark, thus escaping for the dramatic profession, had been in
what seemed to the bystanders a certain very poor circumstances until 30 (her
and cruel death. parents having lost their all when she
Caaea ot was about 8), when an inheritance from
Strange Preservation. .
a former admirer enriched her."

-A star on both

The Founder of

' ' `

hands on the Mount


a New Religion.-
of Saturn, with a i

The subject was a

square constituted by Saturnian Martian,


the Line of Heart, with spatulate fingers

t wo perpendicular and first knot strong- »

Lines from between

53 (1 ly marked. In both
the first and second, and the second and hands a finely shaped
third fingers, respectively, and the line "Mystic Cross" cut
forming the base of the second finger. the Line of Fate. Another Cross. thc
A ray from that star cut deeply the Line "Cross of Battle," was found in the cen-
of Heart, connecting with a cross on the ter of the Triangle.

Upper Mount of Mars. There were two "He of great intellect and
was a man

other crosses in the Quadrangle. The a natural

antagonist of all known creeds.
Line of the Sun, although starting rather He broke away from the Church he had
high up (at 28), was very fine to the end. entered as a minister and decided to
"A lady from Tyrol, met at Baden, found his own independent religion."

Alanl'otsonadbyK|aW|!a,Wholad two very dear friends; sorrow had rendered

Led Him a Terrible _

her insane for a while. She remained nerv-

1'-U0--A black clot on

ously excitable and almost clairvoyant at

the Line of Head under
times. Her tirst sweetheart had abandoned
the Mount of Saturn. A her when she was barely I7; she had been

very deep and very red ~

very ill at 16. Altogether her life had been

Line of Union. most miserable until she met the prince, who
"The man had been remained attached to her for over twenty
very unhappy in his mar-
years and left her a large fortune."
ried life. The character gl'
Flow of Blood. Hemorrhoids.-A rather
of the Line of Union in- '-'

excessive Upper Mount

dicates always a had temper in the
person of Mars; a Line of
with whom the subject is united."
Liver rising ladderwise
The Hand of a Favorite of a loyal in brokenfragments and
P51100--On a high ending there. From a
Mount of Jupiter a cross
long bluish indentation
and a star. A Line of '
on the Line of Life " I
Head widely separated ~

stretching from 24 to 40
from the Line of Life.
years of age came a
A much rayed hand and §
Line of Influence end-
a high Mount of Mer-
ing in a star at the connection of the Line
cury. A beautiful Line
of Head and Liver. The Line of Head, other-
of the Sun; a soft palm. §_ wise good, ended in a square-like design.
Spatulate, smooth tin-
"Found in the hand of a man who suffered
gers with a short thumb. Two Lines of In- for I6 years from
severely over a very severe
fluence starting from stars on the Mount of case of hemorrhoids, with frequent loss of
Venus and ending at the Line of the Sun,

cutting it. A star on the lower prong of a Aggravated Case of Catarrh.-The Upper
fork ending the Line of Head. Two super- Mount of Mars and the
posed islands at the beginning of the Line of
upper part of the Mount
Liver. An elongated island from 18 to
35 on of the Moon much rayed
the Line of Fate. A long Line of Intluence and cross-rayed.
from the Line of Life (just below a black dot "The subject-a de-
at 16), cutting an upward branch of the Line cided Mercurian-was
and ending on the Mount of
Mercury. High suffering from a catarrh
Mounts of Venus and the Moon. of the stomach that ren-
"A lady, quite famous singer,
as an opera dered digestion of solid :-
was for years the
protegée of a Royal Prince, food almost impossible,
himself married; before that
liaison, she had so that he really underwent the pangs of
had many adventures and had
lost, by death, hunger."

Pbrenology and Palmistry Compared

The discoverers snd exponents of Plarenology were two German scientists: Frans joseph Gad,
born in the Grsnd Duchy of Bsden, Msrch 9, 1758, who began lecturing on enniology in Vienna in
x7g6, meeting with great opposition sud even persecution on account of his belie! in the influence of
the brain upon the contours of the slmll. He died in 1818. His pupil and sssociste, johsnn Caspar
Spnrsheim, was born st Lougrieh onthe Mnselle, December 31, 1776. Their first great book, Analo-
nn'e et Physiologne du Systhne Nerves: el du Cerr/eau en Partrkrdier, came out in Paris in x8ro-19;
lster, Spnrzheim, who hsd settled ln London, published The Phyeiognomical System q' Drs. Gall
und Sfursheim, based on an analonnkal and physiological examinalrbn of the Nervous System
and the Brain in Partkrdar (London: 1814).
In |835 W. Lewis translated from the French Dr. Gsll's classical work onthe subject: On the
Functions ry' the Brain and of Each Q' 17| Parts (6 vols).


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Phrenology needs no defender; its dis- work in the good cause, has gathered
coverers and their many worthy continu- thousands of observations that guarantee
ators have conquered for it the full and the correctness of this series of compara-

respectful consideration to which it is en- tive statements. I have simply given

titled. Their success in that direction is them, after personal revision, the succinct
a pleasant, reassuring omen as to what form acceptable to English-speaking
awaits, within a few short years, ortho- readers.
dox, honest, accurate Palmistrz. It is I propose to do so later with the indi-
enough to say that the scientific world cations of Physiognomy-the admirable
has finally given a verdict-not unani- science that sprang, full-armed, from the
mous, but widely endorsed-in favor of brain of Lavater. And finally Graphol-
the verity of Phrenology, both in theory or the
Reading of human nature
and in practice. In these pages we have through handwriting, will also be called
not to undertake to present any plea in upon to confirm the statements solidly
its behalf. But we are glad to assist in established on the triple foundation of
its triumph by demonstrating how accu- Palmistry, Phrenology, Physiognomy.
rately Palmistic markings "dovetail"-if The disciples of Desbarrolles, believ-
I may use such homely language-with ing, as he did himself so thoroughly, that
Phrcnological revelations. Desbarrolles, Phrenology-although of comparatively
whose broad mind embraced every ele- recent date-verifies every one of the
ment of truth and caused it to do its principles laid down by thc ancient and

/' "`i`



Maw; 8_ky|l..
. -- ---Wou~m?;.S|wlla. ___

modern Chiromants or Palmists, follow A. ALIMENTIVENESS.

their master in his very simple examina- (Hunger: grntltlcltlon of the taste for good food
and drink.)
tion of phrenological signs, using not
The third phalanx
finger very of each
their fingers, but their eyes, to discover
the more or bulging
less prominence of this or inside; an exaggerate Mount of

that organ. Touch is not indispensable Jupiter; smooth and often pointed fin-
to locate 26 out of the 36 Functions or gers; a comparatively short but straight
Line of Head; a fairly long Line of
Faculties recognized by the founders of
Heart; a straight and good Line of Liv-
Phrenology, Messrs. Gall and Spurzheim.
The following ten organs, however, can er; a Mount of the Moon very prominent

l and a thumb short and

not be surveyed without the help of the broad; Mounts of
l Mars the Martians are
fingers: conspicuous, as

(1) Amativeness,
l great drinkers.
(1) Ammvsness.
(2) Parental Love, [Mating lnitlnet, llftllllflllillll hculty; con-

(3) Inhabitiveness.
(4) Friendship. Represented by the more or less prom-
inent development of the Mount of Ve-
Qi;occupy the back part of the nus and by its being more or less rayed
head. Laterally placed are:
and cross-rayed; the Girdle of Venus im-
(12) Cautiousness,
perfect, broken and duplicated is indica-
(16) Conscientiousness, tion of immoral habits, or at least im-
(17) How. moral tendencies that may never be de-
and behind the ears are located: veloped.

(5) Combativeness, (2) PABENTAL LOVE.

(6) Destructiveness,
Indicated 'by a large development of
(7) Sevcretiveness.
the Mount of Mercury toward the Per-
cussion where the children lines are
It is quite reassuring, however, to
marked; also well formed Mount of
know that the ten organs thus hidden Venus without many lines or 'cross-lines.
from the view are all
clearly repre-
(sy rnmtsmvsnsss.
sented in the hands that the qualities or [Love for home and country]
defects they represent are available even More indicated by the ab-
at a cursory glance. sence of any lines of voyage or travel and
I will now proceed give clear equiv-
to by the absence of the Line of the Sun;
alents-or corresponding marks in the also by a soft hand with fingers that are
hands-for almost every one of the 36 never spatulate, and above all by short

organs recognized by the fathers of nails, which give a love of ruling one's
Phrenology; there are only five among home. The Mount that will be most
them that are not fully represented in the prominent will be jupiter, as the Jupiter-
hands ians are good livers and are fond of giv-

Q J Q7 3

sf kgs
` ,V

ing dinners and parties and of adorning Line of IIcart; a good Line of the Sun;
their homes in every possible way. a long thumb; often the Saturnian type.

(4) FRIENDSHIP. (0) oousrnucrivsusss.

[Fondneu for loelll lntereour|e.] [8k|Iled lingers, quick, lnventlve br||n.]

Characterizedby developed Mounts of Spatulate fingers with little balls in-

Venus and Jupiter, a good Line of the side the first phlanges of each finger.
Sun, a short thumb, square, smooth fin- (Phrenology is more satisfactory than
gers, a Line of Heart long and forked at Palmistry in the discovery of this apti-
the start and a Line of Head slightly tude.)
sloping towards the Mount of the Moon. (III) SELF-ESTEEM.
[Love of freedom; melt respect]
The presence of the Line of the Sun will
prominent Mount of jupiter; a
add to thefeeling a poetical tendency and
Mount of Satum, either prominent or
a generous heart.
much rayed; a Line of Head quite sep-
arate from the Line of Life; long, knot-
Both Mounts of Mars fully developed
ty, very spatulate fingers; enormous
but not rayed; the Mount of the Moon
thumb; the Mounts of Mars very prom-
will be smooth, and the nails generally
inent, as the Mounts of Mars and Saturn
combined always mean audacity, great
pride and the spirit of revolt.
Represented by the Mounts of Mars
and the Moon exaggerate; few lines in Uenlltlveneel; love of praIsc.l
the hands; the Line of Heart very deep
A very long first finger, almost as long
and red and running like a straight bar
as the second finger, pointed and smooth;
from one side of the hand to the other; Mount of Venus;
a developed conspicu-
often a "dubbed" first phalanx of the
ous Mounts of Mercury and the Sun.
(1) szcnsrivsuzss. [D|l!idenee: besltltloml

The Line of Head will be very narrow This represents the pure Saturnian
and straight, cutting the whole hand; the type with very long and knotty fingers;
Mount of Mercury fully developed; both the Line of Head is connected for a long

knots on all fingers quite pronounced space with the Line of Life and is
and the fingers long; the Line of Heart straight and very long; a very long
thin and short. thumb; a narrow Mount of the Moon;

(8) ACQUISITIVENESS. insignificant Mounts of Mars.

[St-lllshnosn; the sense of owner|hlp.]
(ls) a£N£vo|.£Nc£.
A very prominent Mount of Mercury; A well developed Mount of Venus but
a Line of Head forked at the termination, with few rays or cross-rays; a beautiful
one prong normal, the other going up to Mount of _]upiter; a very fine Line of
the Mount of Mercury; knotted, spatu- Heart with forks on Jupiter; long a Line
late fingers, often crooked; a very red of Head drooping slightly towards the


Mount of the Moon; the Mounts of Mars pointed thumb. The Line of Head is
and the Moon developed but not rayed; usually separated from the Line of Life.
the fingers smooth. Often the third finger is almost as
(I4) VENERATION. as the second.
[Respect of God. vlrtne and law.)
The l0redu|l¢!¢ luperstltltloml
fingers very long and smooth, the
The hands are very soft and very much
tips square with_large nails; the first fin-
rayed; the fingers are pointed and
ger is quite long but somewhat pointed
smooth; the thumb is short; the Line of
and without first knot; little or no Mount
Intuition is
clearly marked. In the
of Mars; the Mystic Cross in the Quad-
hands of people of action, like Cromwell
rangle; the Mount of the Moon is devel-
and _Ioan of Arc, the Mounts of Mars are
oped but not rayed; a little of the Mount
of Saturn indicating a fear of troubles to very developed, and their special intui-
tive faculties are confirmed by a beauti-
come after life.
ful Line of the Sun; the Mount of the
Moon is decidedly exaggerate, and the
straight Line of Head, sometimes
Line of Head droops down almost to the
crossing the whole hand; long and
Rascette; the Girdle of Venus is only
square fingers, the inside of the third
feebly marked, as the nerves here are not
phalanges rather lean; the thumb long
the ruling power.
and broad but without excess;we|l devel-
Another form of intuitive instinct.
oped Mounts of Mars; the Line of the
Sun well traced; very little Mount of the
quite natural and in fact quite material
in itsorigin is manifested by a treble Gir-
Moon; a full Mount of jupiter, not rayed.
dle of Venus; it generally corresponds
(I 8) 00NS(2IENTIOU8NE88.
[Love of tulr play: lntegrlt.y.] with a diseased state of the organs of
generation in woman, a state of health
Fingers very square; the knots are not
that is found very generally in the female
very visible; the nails are rather short;
the Line of Head straight without ex- clairvoyants who have been studied, in
cess; a strong Mount of Venus and a
the hospitals. It is generally accompan-
ied by a chained Line of Heart and by a
good.Mount of Jupiter, with the Mounts
star at the end of a much sloping Line of
of Mars visible but notrayed, and' the
Head. It has been found, again and
Mount of Mercury quite insignificant.

(I1) HOPE. again, that when the female troubles are

cured the clairvoyant state vanishes; the
A much developed Mount of jupiter;
fingers pointed and smooth; a thin Line phenomenon may be studied during (and
of Head drooping towards the Mount of after) pregnancy, as temporary clairvoy-
the Moon and ending in a fork; a long ance, due to such causes, invariably
ceases after child-birth.
Line of Heart; the Mounts of Venus and
the Moon (IO) IDEALITY.
quite prominent; slight [BubllmIty. love of the beautiful]
Mounts of Saturn and Mercury; a short, The Mount of the Sun very prominent;

t xgzl
1 111 I » Q#Il;'

I 3/

the Line of the Sun is superb, at both there; the Line of Heart is well
least on the Mount itself, which marked and the Line of Head has largea

often leans towards the Mount of fork at its temiination; a good _Upper
smooth Mount of Mars is necessary.
Mercury. The fingers are

and slightly square; they are some- (22) INDIVIDUALITY.

[The |lY¢lt||lull| and clsnlfytng faculty]
times pointed, when the poetical en-

thusiasm is only temporary; the thumb

A well developed Mount of Mercury;
the fingers very long, smooth (knotted
is indifferent; all the Mounts under the
with the classifiers) and quite spatulate;
fingers are unrayed; the Line of
full and
the Mount of the Moon is in evidence.
Head is long, drooping towards the
Mount of the Moon which is itself very
The hands are soft, the nails short, and
the Line of Head quite long, rising
prominent and rayed, at the base, by a

Often line slightly at its termination" towards the

number of confused lines. a

Mount of Mercury; there is

Line of a In-
starts from the lower Mount of the Moon
tuition and a good Mount of Jupiter.
along the Percussion and goes straight
(23) FORM.
a form
up to the Mount of Mercury being (Good judgment and memory ot shapes and
of the Line of Intuition. The third fin- taee|.]
The Line of Life curving somewhat
ger is long and is the only one in the
abnormally inside the hand, thus giving
hand slightly spatulate; it is furrowed in-
side by a number of lines from the third an unusual development to the Mount of

to the second phalanx. The nail of the Venus. A beautiful Line of the Sun and

third finger is often fluted-an indication smooth fingers, square without excess.
of abundance of fluid; the type of the
Whenever fingers are square the artistic

subject will be the Sun type somewhat tendency lies entirely towards the classi-
mixed with that of the Moon. cal, and a painter or sculptor with that
(20) MIBTHI'-'ULNE88 characteristic will never be able to do
[Hocking wit: qulek eomblnlng quality.) without model.
anything a

Very short nails; well developed SIZE.

Mounts of Mars and Mercury; pretty (Good judgment and memory of dimensions.)

a cross in the Triangle; the Desbarrolles states that this organ has
long fingers;
Line of Head separated from the Line of no equivalent in Palmistry.
short Line of Heart, and a fairly (28) WEIGHT.
Life; a
[Excellent sense ol' touch; perfect equilibrium.)
developed Mount of the Moon; often a
well developed jupiter. The Mounts of Spatulate fingers, endowed on their in-
Mars and Venus will give the gift of wit- side tips with round, ball-like develop-
m¢flfS. -

ty raillery. (2 8) COLOR.
developed Mount of Mercury;
A well Is clearly indicated by the breadth of
the fingers are smooth and mixed in the Upper Mount of Mars, modified as
follows by the other Mounts: The Up-
type; the Mount of Venus is prominent;
the Mount and the Line of the Sun are per Mount of Mars alone prominent,

llI *ll Q¢
v v4
5" '

/ / '

gives a love for red, the color of blood; hand. It

generally corresponds with a
it is well known that iron which is the well marked Mount of Mercury with
attribute of Mars enters into the com- Mounts of Jupiter, Moon and Venus.
position of blood. With the Mount of (si) rims.
Mars, the Mount of jupiter gives also a Noequivalent in Palmistry; the mark-
preference for very bright colors; the ings referring to Eventuality (30), would
Mount of Satum for dark colors; the fairly apply to this organ.
Mount of the Sun secures the gift of true
(sz) runs.
coloring; the Mount of Mercury indi- [Love and talent for made.)
cates a taste for weak coloring, the point out at once, as Phrenology
Mount of the Moon loves a silver blonde does, people with special musical apti-
coloring, and the Mount of Venus all tudes, Palmistry is powerless; but once
pinkish tints. those aptitudes discovered or acknowl-

(27) LOOALITY. ,
edged, Palmistry can supply accurate
[A strong taste for traveling; need ot change.)
and minute distinctions which
a are cn-

The Line of the Sun and the Mount of tirely Phrenology. llar-
unknown to
the Moon strongly developed, indicating mony (or scientific music) is
indicated by
respectively journeys by land and voy- astrong Mount of the Moon, while
ages by sea; cross lines on the Percus- ody (or tuneful music) belongs
to a

sion along the Mount of the Moon and the former

strong Mount of Venus; with
upward lines from the Rascctte. Acci- we shall have also knotty fingers,
dents during travels or voyages are with the latter smooth fingers. Counter-
marked by islands, crosses or stars on understood
point is sometimes intuitively
it is
by the smooth fingers, otherwise
these lines.
(88) UALOULATION. the result of close calculation. To
Very square fingers; both knots quite
a strong Jupiter belong noisy brass in-
marked; long thumb and a straight
strumental music, also solemn and reli-
Line of Head; the Mount of jupiter
gious music; to the Mount of Satum be-
prominent, in the hands of great mer-
long the dead marches and dirges, and
chants and bankers; the Mounts of Mer-
to the Mount of the Sun the simple and
cury and (sometimes) Saturn especially
pure melodies, in direct imitation of na-
marked in the hands of employees hav-
ture. A strong Mount of Mercury de-
ing dealings with money, like cashiers, notes a talent for instrumental and or-
collectors, etc.
chestral music, vhile good Mounts of
(29) URDEI. Mars call for military marches. Long
Long fingers strongly knotted and
fingers indicate a gift for complicated va-
square tipped; short nails; Jupiter is gen-
riations, trills, etc., while short fingers,
erally predominent.
with a well traced Line of the Sun, fol-
[Taste for and memory ot events.) closely and are satisfied
low the text with
This organ is not well marked in the expressing it in all its

vQ!!'4 »

/ U,

/ AU;
`/ ° /
. ~ .

(ss) utnaume _
rllummes dry , abtruse reasoning , and
[An easy flow of words. |P0kEll or wrltteml '
often reaches astounding results by a

The Line of Head is very long, with a short cut


Mount of the Moon developed, the indi- I have covered now the 36 Functions
cation of a wide memory; add to this a.
and Faculties determined and enumer-

strong Mount of Mars supplying the ated in the original works of Gall and
necessary energy, finally a well marked
Spurzheim. Two more distinctive or-
Mount of Venus that will conquer all be added to the list and
gans can are dis-
hearts. True eloquence isalways indi- coverable both on the head and in the
cated by the Mounts of Mars, Mercury
hands; I'll call them B and C.
and Venus; a strong Mount of the Moon
will make a man fluent in words but not

eloquent; the Mount of the Sun will Itsmarking in Phrenology consists in

make him grandiloquent, not convincing. a swelling of the orbicular bone, just be-
(34) OONPABISON. low the eye.
[Gln of |n||y|l| and elnalleatloml
Palmistry, this organ is indicated by
This is expressed by the Mount of the the prominence of the' Mount of the
Sun perfectly formed and with a beautiful Moon. -

Line of the Sun and the Mount of Mer- 0. OONUENTIIATIVENESS.

cury leaning towards the Mount of the [The faculty ot close attention fully developed]

Sun. To this are added form and imagi- This organ (which I do not find
nation given by the Mounts of Venus marked in most works on Phrenology)
and the Moon. The Line of Heart is was located by the Spaniard Cubi e Soler

long and well shaped; so is the Line of who places it between the organs of In-
Head, which droops somewhat towards habitiveness and Self-esteem.
the Mount of the Moon. Thefingers are square, the thumb of
(85) OAUSALITY. an average length but broad, the Line of

[A love and aptltude for phlloaophlcal researches.) Head narrow, straight and long; the
Allby itself it is represented by long, Mount of Mercury inclines towards the
knotty and spatulate fingers, with soft Mount of the Sun, and the Line of the
lands and short nails. The Mount of the Sun is well marked on the Mount. The
Moon is very prominent, and a forked Upper Mount of Mars and the Mount of
Line of Head droops towards it; there is the Moon, whose union in even heights
little or no Mount of the Sun. But when givesaversion to being disturbed and a
Causuality is lighted up by a fine Mount sufiicient domination over one's self, are

of the Sun, the Mount of Mercury is Mount without rays. The

here just one

of Ilead is sensitive but not rayed; the

prominent, the Line straight hand is
and long, the fingers are smooth and the Mount of is apparent but not so
nails short, whilst the Line of the Sun is strong that it dominates over the Mounts
very beautiful. In this case inspiration of Mercury and the Sun.


Palmistlc Dlctlomuy

Containing, besides
A Complete Index qf this Work, and necelary Cross-kgerenus,
new matter referring to

All Prominent Chirornants and Dqbnders qf Clairovnauy in the Past;

All Works onPalnnlstry that have been published since the invention ol printing [such as came
under the author's notice];
/HI I);/inilions of Scientific Words connected with the Science;
All Rmdings Q/ lmfortaue concerning Mental and Moral Characteristics, Health and Life
Events; in other words: Every Hslnuluic Daiscavery and Slalcnent concerning a Human existence
from Birth to Dying Day.
Abeceaa. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Ambition. 373


The readings inserted in this Dictionary are not all taken verbatim from the context of this work.
They have been much
simplitied and, ln a Sew instances, added to for the purpose ot elucidation.
The reader would not be fully heueited by referring to them. unless he had made himself fully cou-

versant with the contents ol Parts I to VI inclusive.

Indexing refers only to the Various Headings and Sub-headings of the Twenty-three Chapters
composing the body of this work. There are, however, over 4.500 contained in this Diction-

ary, and they will doubtlen be found suBcient for all practical purposes. To extend this Part Seventh
any further could only have been done at the expense of the clearnesa and uniformity of purpose
which have never ceased to hold foremost place in the author's mind.

Absccss in the Had.-Case: 190. Activi , Exa ate, Without Much

esu ts.- an proper than
Abscess, Intestinal.-Case: 113. onger

Absence of One of the Five Main Lines.

fingers, with
spatulate tips. Much
rayed hand. Exaggerate Mounts of
-Aiways means a iatahty, especially Mars. Line oi Head crossing the
if repeated in both hands. In the gen- Hand like a bar. Exaggerate iirst
eral meaning of the missing Line one Phalanx of the Thumb.
must look for the interpretation of the
Actors, Painstakin .-Hand proper
coming illness or unfortunate event. shorter tian ngers, with moderately
Accident Destro in A ilit .-A lentil- conical tips. Fine Mount of the Sun.
like black spot low down on the per- Good Fourth Finger and Mount of
cussion of the Mount of Mercury. Mercury. A long Line of Head
Accidents from uadru eds or Vehicles. clearly forked at the termination.
-A ine of Influence rom the Mount Adept, An; an Englishman; author of
of Venus or Line of Life to the Mount "Hand Reading" (London: 1894).
of Saturn.
Adultery.-See Guilty Intrigue.
Accidents, Liabilit to.-A cross on the
Adventurous Career.-Case: 287.
ount atum; crosses or (worse)
stars in the Plain of Mars. Agrip a, Cornelius; a German (I486-

Accident, Vc Serious.--A cross on

1535); wrote Philosophic Oc-
culte." The Hague: 1727. German
the ine of Head under the Mount of edition of his works (1856).
Saturn or the Sun.
Ambition, Lack of.-Soft Hands. Short
Activit at Its Best.-Hand proper Engers. Abnormally short First Pha-
s ngers, with square tips.
iorter tian lanx of the Thumb, and first fin er be-
Elastic Hand. Fine Mounts of Mer-
cury and Mars. first Phalanx
low normal. Insigniiicant hfounts,
Strong in general, except those which indicate
oi the Thumb. Long Line of the the subject's type. Poor, feeble lines,
Head. especially Lines of Head, Fate and the
374 Ambition. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Anonymou.

Sun. Total lack of Mounts of Mars. Anaemia.-A state of the blood in which
and a low Plain of Mars, especially the there is a poverty of red corpuscles;
Triangle. hence, general debility oi the system;
Successful.--Well propor- a very pale palm; short and pale nails.
tioned an and humb. Line of The lower part of the Mount oi the
Life starting into the Mount of Jupiter Moon exaggerate or much lined.
or throwing branches into it. Same Anal tical View of Thin A itude
start of the Line of Head. A fine line
or cta1s.- ge an s. g,
running from tip to base along the
first finger. Well sha d and long knotty hngers. Strong Thumb Knot
Lines of Fate and the ood Line Sign; and second Phalanx of the Thuinb.
of Liver. Mounts of the Mer- §un, Second Phalanges of all lingers rather
above normal size.
cury and Mars excellent. Sometimes
the Line of Fate ends on the Mount of Andrieu, ules; a Frenchman; author oi
Jupiter. '

hiromancie; Etude sur la Main, le

Amorous Nature, Ver .-Hand thick Crane, la Face" (Paris: 1882).
an me num Pronozinced
Aneurism Caused b Gout.-Case:

Mount of Venus much rayed. Girdle
of Venus quite distinct. Often high Aneurism Dilatation of an Art .-

Mount of the Moon, with drooping ount

Line of Head. Line oi Heart beginning xaggerate or muc ine
the Sun. Line of Heart broken under
branchless under the Mount of Saturn.
the Mount ot' Saturn.
Alhertus Ma us; a German; probable An er, Short-lived.-Well shaped nails,
author o e eime Cheiromant-Bel-
ustigungen (1205-1280), Kunst aus pin on t e outer edge. Mounts of
der Hand Wahrzusagen"
Mars above normal, but line Mount of
(republished Venus and healthy Line of Heart.
in Leipsic: 1807).
Alchemists.-16. The was given Animals, Love of.-Strong Mounts of
to "Philoso-
the searchers after the euus and the un. A line and long
pher's Stone," that mysterious sub- Line of Heart. First Phalanges of
stance that was to transform ("trans- Fingers a trifle below normal.
mute" is the technical word) all low
Anon mous; American; "Dick's Mys-
metals into gold. All through the Mid-
dle Ages and up to the XVIII. cen-
tcries oi the Hand" (New York:
tury great scientists devoted their 1884).
lives to these researches, which, in- Anon mous; author of "How
cidentally, brought to light marvelous
chemical discoveries.
to Head Hands" (London: 1892).
Anon mous; English; "The Hand
Ambition. Boundless. -

ount o upiter. irst finger abnor- Fhrenologically Considered" (Lon-
to other fin-
don: 1848).
mally long in proportion
gers. An upward line or branch from Anon ous- French' "La Chiromantie
either the Line of Life or the Line of Umversell-e Représentée
Head. A Line of Head separate from
en plusieurs
centaines de figures, contenue en
the Line of Life and crossing the LXXXVIII. tableaux
whole hand like a bar. Often absence
(Paris: 1682).
of the Line of Heart. Exaggerate Anonymous; French; "Les Petits Mys-
Mount of the Sun. A Line from the te'res de la Destinée" (Paris: 1861).
Upper Mount of Mars to the Mount of
the Sun. Anonymous; French; "La Science
Ambition, Extreme: Wretched Child- curieuse, ou Traité de la Chiroman-
ood.-Case: 352. cie" (1667).
Anonymous. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Altllml. 375

Anon mous' German' "Die Chiroman angle onthe Mount of the Sun. Some-
tie, nach 'Astronomischen Lehrsaet- times Line of the Sun ending be-

Lehrende" tween the third and fourth fingers or

zen (Frankfort: 1742).
even on the Mount of Mercury.
A ollo, The Line of.--The Line of the
Often a Line of the Sun triple forked
Sun: 3o. at the termination, throwing a prong
A lexv. Dan red skin. toward the Mount oi Mercury and one
o er of.-Very
toward the Mount of Satum.
am o ars toward Head.
o ow

Exaggerate or much lined Mount of Art and Science Ha 'l Blended.-

Jupiter. A sprig on Mount of jupiter. Case: 347.
A grille and a star on the Mount of
the Moon. Line of Liver very uneven Art, Extraordina Success in.-With
and red where it crosses Line of Heart. t eusual c aracteristics of an excep-
Long red scar on the Line of Heart. tionally well endowed artistic nature.
Two perpendicular lines from the Line (See above.) Line of Fate terminat-
of Heart to the Mount of the Moon. ing on the Mount of the Sun and -a
A lex Two Strokes of.-Case: 244. line (or straight from the Line
o ,

of Head to t e same Mount. The
Architecture, for.-Square-
Aptitude Line of the Sun starting from the Line
of Life.
tipped ngers, inclined to Spatulate.
Long square nails. Long second Pha- Art, Failure In.-Poor Mounts of the
lanx of 'I`humb. Mounts of Venus
_un and enus. A Line of the Sun
and the Sun (for art), of Mercury (for
either broken or triplicated, or formed
calculation). Good Line of Head. of confused fragments. Lack of cr-
Aristotle; a Greek
(B. C. 384-322); pre- sistency shown in poor Line of Hgad
sumed author of "Chyromantia Aris- and insufficient first Phalanx of the
totelis cum tiguris" (Ulm: 149o). Men- Thumb. Mounts of Jupiter and the
tions Chiromancy in his "De Coelo et Sun often exaggerate, indicating en-
Mundi Causa" and other leading vious disposition without real talent.
works. See the complete edition of
Art Paintin , Scul ture A titude for.
his works uhlished in Paris (1539) ,

in Latin. éuotedz
16; 19; zo; 22. -Conicaly tipped fingers (especially
the third one) for Painting; square-
Arm. Broken.-Case: 240.
tipped for Sculpture. In both cases
Arm. Wound strong Mounts of Venus and the Sun.
on Either.-Capillary
crosslines on t e Mount of tl1e Sun. If, the artist is imaginative and not an
imitator, strong Mount of the Moon,
See Accident Affecting Agility. with half soft hands and a slightly
Casimir Stanislas d'; the drooping Line of Head.
great chirognomist (1798-?). Wrote As ir; the "inhalation"-so to speak-
La Chirognomonie (1839); La Science
the vital uid.
de la Main (1865). His Biography-
33. Quoted: 19; 20; 22; 23; etc. Assassination, Dan er of.-In a good
Art and Mone -makin United.- and: a cross or star on the upper
me o t e Mount of Mars, also a large cross in
quare-tippe ngers.
Sun the Mount of Mer- the center of the Triangle, also a star
ending on
on the third Phalanx of the Second
cury. A straight Line of Head and a
Mount of at least equal to Finger. A line from the Quadrangle
the Mount of the un.Mercurg' under the Mount of Saturn, cutting

Art and Science

deep into a Girdle of Venus.
squaret e second Asthma.-Poorly traced Line of Liver,
knot. e Mount of the un
thrown tyépe; with narrow Quadrangle due to Line
toward the Mount of Mercury. A tn- of Heart curving down to Line of

Head. With the same indications, a a page to Chiromancy, in which he had

black spot inside the Quadrangle. implicit faith. See especially his
Asthma.-Case: Case: "Physiologie du Maria e," his
169. 350.
"Cousin Pons," his "Louis Lambert."
Ancient scientists
Astrologrs.-16. Bankruptcy.-A poor Line of the Sun
w oclaimed to read 1n the stars the (sometimes absent); a poor Mount of
destiny of man. The art is still prac- the Sun covered with confused lines.
ticed. It is based on fixed rules, neces- The Mount of Mercury insignificant.
sitating the working out, in each case, Au island on the Line of Liver. Often
of difiicult astronomical problems. a bad break on Line of Fate, when

Astronomv, A titudc and the bankruptcy really ruined the sub-

life prospects; or the Line of
notted ngers, square and even spat-
ulate tips, with hard, bony palms.
`ate stops abruptly at the date ol the
Mounts of Saturn and Mercury prom-
inent. Line of Head clear and long. Baughan. Rosa: an Englishwoman;
Second Phalanges of Fingers and author of
haracter Indicated in
Thumb above normal. Handwriting" (London: 1886); also
Atheistic Tendencies, Ph sician with.- "Hand Book of Palmistry" (London);
also "Chirognomancy" (London:
ase: 105.
Audacit smooth fingers.
_-Spatulate, Beamisli. Richard;
Englishman; an
Long first Phalanx of the Thumb; "

Lines of Life and Head separated at aut or o

Psychonmny of the
Hand" (London: 1865).
the start. Upper Mount of Mars and
Mount of jupiter prominent. Bulg- Bell, Sir Charles; a Scotchman (1774-
iug and wide Plain of Mars. Straight 1§2); author of "The Hand, Its Me-
and fine Lines of Head and Heart; chanism and Vital Endowments"
no Line of Liver or a very good one.
(London: 1832).
Aura.-The imponderable atmosphere
Bello, Paul; an Englishman; author of
that surrounds us, penetrates us and
radiates back from us.
"ffliaractcr and Fortune Revealed"
(London: 1894).
Avarice.-Fingers bent forward, square-
Relot, TI1e Rev. ean; author of
tipped (especially tl1e third one) and "

knotted. Thin, hard hand. Narrow euvres de jean clot Contenant la

Quadrangle. Line of Head crossing Chiromence, etc." (Rouen: 1640).
the whole hand like a bar. Often no Benevolence.-Half soft hands, with
Line of Heart. Thumb inclining to-
long nails, rather brittle. Fine Mounts
ward the hand. Mount of the Sun
prominent, but, more generally, all
ofJupiter and Venus. A wide Quad-
mounts, so to speak, "dried up." rangle and a specially good Line of
When the Line of Heart is present it Heart, starting, forked, from inside
the Mount of jupiter. Sometimes the
often terminates on the Mount of Mer-
Line of Fate, starting inside the
cury. Mount of Venus, is read in this wise.
Bad Habits, Sad Consc uences off.-
Rent.-OI Fingers: 43. Of Thumb: 53.
ase: 262.

Rain, Dr. Alexander; Bernstein, ulius; a German (1839-?);


ant or ind and Body, the The- author o ie elektrischen Striime

ories of Their Relation" (London: der Nerven."
1883). Bichat; a famous
French physician
Balzac, Honoré de; the great French (I77I-1802); author of "Anatomic
novelist 1799-1 5o); devoted many Générale" (1801) and of "Recherches
Zllliousness. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Brain Trouble. 377

Philosophiques dar la Vie et la Mort" or much lined Upper Mount of Mars.

(Paris: 1820). ao. See also Heart Trouble.

palm; cold, Bohemian, Unconventional Ways.-

sometimes skin.
clammy, Exagger- Very small hands. Soft Palm.
Wavy Line of Liver. first phalanges flexible, and that of
ate or much lined Mount of Mercury. the thumb thrown back. In a had
Birth, Ille °timate.-An island at UIC meaning: abnormal shortness of the
First Finger and exaggerate Mounts
starting mt of an otherwise poor
of Venus and the Moon.
Line of Etc.
Sometimes confirmed
by an island at the starting point of Boldness.-In a good sense, see Cour-
the Line of Life. Seen it marked by age. In a bad sense: Lines of Life
a Children Line, reaching down to and Head widely separated at the start.
the Line of Heart on the Mount of Mounts of Jupiter and Up-
Mercury close to the Percussion. Exaggerate
per ars. Abnormally long third lin-

Birth, M ster at.-Same ger.

markings as

or nrt ,
legitimate (which see). Bone, Caries of the.-Case: 348.
Bladder Troubles.-Lower part of Breast, Wound on.-Capillary cross
ount t e oon exaggerate or mes on ount of Saturn.
much lined.
Brain Fever.-Deep Line of Liver en-
Bladder Trouble.-Case: 115.
tirely absent in the Quadrangle. Same
Bladder Troubles, S ialist for.-Case: Line ending at Line of Head, with
- many bars cutting Line of Life (often
214. turns to melancholia). Line of Head
Blindness.-Of eye: One circle on
quite close to Line of Life for a while.
fine oi Life; of both eyes: two cir- Brain of Man.-The gray matter con-
cles. A cross on the upper part of
the Line of Liver and a circle on Line tained within the cavity of the skull;
of Heart. Same cross with a break of its connection with the various parts
the Lines of Head or Heart under the of the body-24. Illustration, 25.
Mount of the Sun. A star in the Tri- Brain Trouble.-Plain of Mars hollow
angle close to the Line of Liver. to war d H cad. An Influence Line

Blood, Circulation of the, Defective.- from the Mount of Venus Line

Numerous white spots on the nails. of Head. A star on the Line o Head cuttinig
Line of Heart broken under Mount of at the end of a Line of Influence. Line
Satum. See Heart Troubles. of Head wavy and inclining toward a
Blood. Downward Flux wavy Line of Liver. A break of the
of.-Exagger- Line of Head. Pale and wide Line of
ate or much lined Mount of Saturn. Head with black spots on it and Line
Blood. Flow of.-Case: 354. of Life forked at the start. Line of
Head starred, or crossed, by a deep
Blood Poisonin _-Black or bluish
bar, or badly broken, orsloping into
spots on the nails. anexaggerate, n1ueh raycd or starred
Blood, Su erabundance of.-Red skin. Mount of the Moon.
ed nails. Red lines. Exaggerate Brain Trouble. Constitutional _-Absence
Mounts of Mars and Jupiter. Line of "<>i'¢h"¢L"in"é'<»f" H¢ad."1§i»~| at the
Mars deeply marked. starting point of the Line of llead (if
Blood to the Head. Rush of.-Exagger- the trouble is inherited).
ate or much lined Mount of jupiter. Brain Trouble Due to Guiltv Intri ue.-
See also Heart Trouble. slan on Line of Influence ending in
Blood, Troubles with the.-Exaggerate a star or black dot on Line of Head.
378 Brain Trouble. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Uollbaey.

Brain Trouble from Disorder of Lower Business, A titude for.-Elastic Palm.

rgans.- ase: 350. *ingers ongert an alm, with second
knot marked and square tips. Strong
Brain Troubles.-Case: 191. first Phalanx of the Thumb and good
Brain Trouble, Tem a _-Thinness Line of Head. Mount of Mercury
most prominent, with the fourth linger
of a small portion of me of Head.
above average length. A line from the
Brain, Threatened Softenin of the.- Rascette to the Mount of Mercury.
ase: 239. Lines or Branches from the Line of
Brillianc The Line of.-The Line of Head to the Mount of Mercury. An
excellent Line of Liver. At least fair
the un, 30. Lines of Fate and the Sun. (These
Broad Ideas.-Well proportioned Palm indications prognosticate not only ap-
and hngers. Square tips the best. Ex- titude, but success.)
cellent thumb. Finely shaped Quad- Business Failure.-See Bankruptcy.
rangle. Line of Head long, slightly
Ca bell, Robert Allen; an American;
separated from the Line of Lifeat the
start and slightly forked at the ter- aut or o hiosop tc Chiromancy"
mination. Mounts of jupiter and (St. Louis: 1879).
Venus the most prominent, though not Recove from
Cancer, Intestinal.-
exaggerate. ase: 353.
Bronchitis.-Exaggerate or much lined Cardano, Girolamo; a famous Italian
Upper Mount of Mars. Cross lines p ysicnan; author of "De rerum Vari-
(especially if deep or forked) from the etate" (Basle:
Percussion into the Upper Mount of 1557).
Mars. Card Sha rs.-Long, thin lingers,
o ten cr The Mount of Mer-
e .

Brute Animality, Instincts Ver 'n to.-

cury predominant and often crossed or
hick, very ard hand. hick, claw- starred. No characteristics of the
like nails overrun by flesh or skin.
gambler, as they take no risks. Lower
Much hair and a naturally rough and
part of Mount of the Moon high, as in
red skin. Characterless tips; short, most criminals' hands.
smooth fingers. Clubhed first Phalanx
of the Thumb. Insignilicant Mounts, Career Broken b Death of Relative.-
except exaggerate Mounts of Mars ase: 290.
and Venus. Only the three chief Ca Ca ia the
us or
Bones.-35; eight
lines; generally short, especially the
Lines of Head and Heart. A cross in
ormmg the wrist.
the middle of the Triangle. Catalepsy.-Case: 170.

Bulwer, ohn; author of Catarrh.-Case: 354.

an Englishman;

hirologia, or the Natural Language Catarrh of the Stomach.-See Intestinal

of the Hand" (London: 1644). rou les.

Burglar, The.-Heavy, thick, elementary Catastro he Caused b Guilt Intri e,

hand. Smooth, short lingers. Clubbed errible. ase: 1 .

first Phalanx of Thumb. Mounts of

Mars and Venus abnormal. Often ex- Catastro he Endin a Love Intri e,
nggerate Mount of the Moon, square reatcn _ ase: 179.
shaped at its lower part. Only the
three chief lines, short and red. A Fame and Success.
star and often a grille on the Mount of
Mercury, and similar signs on the Up- Celibacv.-A cross on the first Phalanx
per Mount of Mars. A cross in the oi the first A Line of Union
Triangle. turned up at the termination (if there
Character. 379

is only one Line of Union in either Lines on the Percussion from the base
hand). of the Fourth Finger to the Line of
Union with which they correspond.
Cerebral, The.-The Line of Head-30. The eldest child farthest around Per-
Clialdean She herds.-16. See Astrol- cussion.
ogers. Chir nomicObservations-33. Con-
Chance, The Line of.-The Line of Fate ccrn the
shape of the hand.
-30. Chiro nom in Ever Da Lif¢»76.
M. How to discover by a cursory glance
Cha man, G.; an Englishman; author
at peoplc's hands how to impress them
of 'Pa mistry Made Easy" (London:
1893)- favorably, i. e., in accordance with
their hidden idiosyncrasies.
Charity.-See Chiro o or Chei om .-The art
Chastit Ins ired b Reli 'on.-A fine of discerning the character and physi-
Mount upiter, with a. pointed first cal temperament from the outward
Finger. A cross on the first Phalanx shape of the hand. From the Greek
of the Third Finger. A very smooth, words "Cheir," the hand, and "Gno-
thin hand, with the Mounts quite in- mon," one who knows. D'Arpentigny
significant, outside of Jupiter. and Desbarrolles used at first the word
Chatter°ie, Roman Kristo' Hindoo
a "Chirognomony" to express the same
writer work on
idea; but this uncouth form was soon
on 'alm.|stry. is
"Indian Palmistry" was noticed in the
"Palmist" for August, 1897. Chirolo v or Cheirol .-Language of
the and. `rom the Greek words
Cheiro; an Irishman; author of "The
Book of the Hand" (London: 189I);
"Cheir," hand, and "Logs," word,
also "The Language of the Hand" language. _

Chiromanc or Chciromanc .--The art

(London and New York: 1897).
discoverin the disposition of a per-
Chemistr and Ph sics, A titude for.-
son and of goretellin
events by in-
econd Finger an ount turn
specting the lines ang
lineaments of
finely shaped and prominent, though the hand. From the Greek words
not exaggerate. Long knotted fingers;
"Cheir," the hand, and "Manteia,"
half thin hands. The medical stigmata
power of divination.
(which see) are found on the Mount of Chiromantic Observations-139. Con-
Mercury. cern the ines an markings in the
Childhood, Wretched.-Line of Fate inside of the Hand.
starting low down and much broken, Chirometr or Cheiromet _-A new
crossed or twisted in its first part.
wor ,
w nc 1 purposes to indicate the
Childhood. Delicate.-Case: 156. measuring of man's impressions
Difficulties in after
through hand reading.
Childbearin or .-
h _-Knowl-
Chiroso h or Cheiros
e ofmei e too close to the sec-
edge acquire tie hand.
ond Phalanx of the Thumb. An In-
From the Greek words "Cheir," the
fluence Line direct from the Mount of
hand, and "Sophia," wisdom.
Venus to the Mount of Saturn. First
Bracelet of the Rascette convex in Clairvo ance.-A soft hand, with short,
shape. smoot ngcrs and often a small
thumb. 'l`he Mounts of Satum, Mer-
Children, Death or Illness of.-Bars,
cury, and especially the Moon, quite
ots, stars spoiling e Lines
or xslan s
prominent or rayed. A good many
of Children (which see). minor cross lines. A drooping and
Children; How Marked.-Perpendicular often fragmentary Line of Head
own... P/u.ms1°1c DICTIONARY. Convontlblllllfr-

Proper and Palm Combined.

and poor Line of Heart (defect in

circulation). A clear Line of Intuition,

Constancy.-A strong first Phalanx of
often islanded at the start. A Line the umb and a dominant Lower
of Liver, also islanded at the start, is Mount of Mars. Line of Heart begin-
read in the same way in the absence of
ning forked into the Mount
a Line of Intuition proper. the latter quite prominent. oflupiter,
Cocles, Bartholomeus; an Italian, and straight Line of Head. Mount of
one t e ea mg hnromants of his Venus visible but not very strong.
century; author of
"Physionomize et Very little. if any, Mount of the Moon.
Chyromantiae Compendium" and of a Few, if any, worry lines.
number of other works published in Constitution,Weak.-Hand, thin, narrow
Latin, Gemian, French, from 1525 un-
and meager. ails long, thin and brit-
long after his death, a Rouen edition
til tle. Line of Life chained or linked. A
coming out in 1698. number of downward branches on the
Combativeness.-Square palm; short, Line of Life. Very poor Line of Liver.
smooth ngers; often spatulate tipped; The state of the Lines of Head and
Heart and the nature of the markings
broad, short nails; plenty of hair. Up-
on the Mounts (generally very low)
per Mount of Mars predominant. Lines
rather redder than Normal. A large will tell the cause of the weakness.
cross in the Triangle. (This reading Constitution, Well Balanced.-Pink and
applies to an otherwise good hand.) mottled s in. þÿ ¬l'f ¬Ct
nai s. Elastic,
Common Sense.-Average sized hands. medium thick palm. The three chief
Nails Lines and clear, hardly redder
large (broad and long) and
than the s in. No worry lines. The
rounded at the base.
Mounts clear of any untoward mark-
Com laint (Hereditar ).-An island at
ings, but slightly bulging and very
t e egmnmg o t e Line of Life. finn under touch. An excellent Line
C of of Liver is considered essential to se-
ser Music.-(See Music, Apti-
cure perfect health.
tu e or. dd to it a strong Mount
of Mercury (for calculation) and put Consum tion, Tendenc to.-Very thin
square lingers instead of pointed or l alm, with long, knotty iihgers. Nails
conical. There will be less Mount of long, thin, brittle, convex and liuted.
Venus than Mount of the Moon. Exaggerate or much lined Mount of
Concentration, Lack of.-A weak, short Many islands on the Line of
'1l:umb. ghort, smooth Fingers with
iver. Many islands on the Line of
Head. The Line of Life is sure to
a soft Palm. Mounts of jupiter, Mer-
show many weak points if the con-
cury and Mars absent or insignificant.
The Mounts of the Moon, and some- sumptive tendency assumes fatal pro-
times the Sun, are generally exagger- portions.
ate. Poor, drooping Line of Head. Contents. Tahle of-7.
Often confused and even cross lines
Continuit in Thou ht or Action, Lack
on the Mount of the Sun.
Concentration, Power of.-Strong, long
Conventionalit Excess of.-Hair on
ng, notted lingers. Fine
Mounts of Jupiter, Mercury and two pha anges
ower fingers. StiH
Lover Mars. Long and straight Line fingers, close together and sometimes
of Head. Insignificant Mount of the slightly bent forward. Stiff, rather
Moon. long first phalanx of the Thumb. 'I`hc
Lines nf Life and Head connected for
Consistency of Hand, How to !udge.- quitea while. Narrow Quadrangle.
37. its importance in the diagnosis of due to Line of Heart curving down
Disposition and Health. See Hand abnormally toward Line of Head.

Corru ion, Earl .-A very strong (often with strong first knot. Second pha-
double) Girdle of Venus in both hands, langes of all fingers and thumbs above
normal. The Mount of Mercury pre-
with crooked fingers, even as a child,
dominant. Some Upper Mount of
and a wavy or starred Line of Heart.
Mars and often a cross in the Plain of
Often a very short, fragmentary Line
of Head.
Cruelt Instincts of Slow.-Very small
Corvus, Andreas; an Italian; author of ,

"Dart de (.'liyromance," first published han s;ha1ry ands (in woman). Very
in Latin (Venice: 1500). long, thin fingers, with a small palm.
The Mounts of Saturn and the Moon
Cotton, Louise; an Englishwoman; strangely developed. Surprisingly in-
aut or o
a mist and Its Practical significant Mount of Mars. Mount
Uses" (London: l%2). of Venus and Line of Heart often ab-
sent. Mounts of Mercury (ruse) and
Coura e-(From cor' heart in Latin)
the Sun (envy) exaggerate or badly
A long Line of mart, startin deep Line ofHead. Often
and high into the Mount of iipiter, lined.
a very bad Drocfing
ine of Liver. Very nar-
with large and firm Mounts and Plain
row Quadrangle whenever the Line
of Mars. The First Phalanx of the
of Heart happens to be there.
Thumb is above normal and the Line
of Head straight and clear. Line of Cruelt , Violent.-See Brute Animality.
Liver excellent or absent. All the
Cureau de la Chambre; a Frenchman;
lines a trifle redder than usual, indicat- "
author o lscours sur les Principes
ing a generous blood. Mounts of de la Chiromancie" (Paris: 1653).
Venus and jupiter very fine. The
Palm firm and the fingers usually long. Curiosit _-Straggling fingers, very
This is not, however, an absolute in-
flexible and showing light between;
short nails. Mounts of the Sun, Mer-
Cowardice.-In Hands without
a man: cury and the Moon predominant.
Many worry lines. Lines of Head and
, .

any air. Hand thick and flabby. Nails

Life often separated at the start.
long, thin and narrow. Fingers bent
forward. Mounts of Mars and jupiter Dale, I. B.; an Englishwoman; author
(often Venus) The
of Palmistry" (London: 1896).
Mounts of Saturn an the Moon (fear)
Deaf and Dumb.-Case: I70.
and Mercury (self interest) exaggerate
or badly rayed. The Triangle small
Deafness.-Dots and often island on
and formed of lines much curved in-
Eine of Head under the Mount of Sat-
um, with a rather bulging Mount
Craig, A. R.; an Englishman; author of Venus. An exaggerate or much rayed
"ihe Book of the Hand" (London: Mount of Satum.
1867), and "Your Luck's in Your Deafness.-Case: 97. Case: 235. Case:
Hand" (London and New York:
1884). 35°-
Death Brin 'n About Ha Events.
Cringle, Tom; an Englishman; author of
ase: 3
"'l'i1e Hand and the .

the Human Form" (Melboume: 1 ).Physiognon%of Death b A o lex .-Two parallel lines

ilerl b Cruel Relative, Child.- rom ine o Heart low dovm into
Mount of the Moon.
Case: 348.
Crip lcd Throu h Womb Troubles.- Death, Disastrous.-Case: 193.
Case: 240. Death A short Line of Life in
Critic. The Born.-Short nails with soft botli lianfis.
The Lihes of Head and
Heart stopping short before reaching
palm. Fingers spatulate or square,
_gk Death. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Dllppdlstllsdb.

the Line of Fate. The Line of Head cury and the Moon dominant, with a
coming up wavy to the Line of Heart much rayed and cross-rayed Mount of
under the Mount of Mercury. Venus. A double or triple Girdle of
Venus. A Line of Heart starting fork-
Death, Extraordin Esca from.-
less under the Mount of Satum. A
e: 352. drooping, widely forked Line of llcad.
Death of a Child, Cruel.-Case: 270. Desbarrolles, Adrien Adol he, the great
Death of Husband in a State of Insan- c iromant 1 1-1 ; wrote "Les
Mystéres de la Main" (Paris: 1859);
ity. ase: 1 :353.
"Revelations Completes" (Paris:
Death on Battle Field.-In a good hand
1879); His biography-138. His ln-
with hue Mount oi Jupiter and Plain troduction to this book-18. There
of Mara, a star on the Upper Mount are no
English translations of his
of Mars. A Line from the Up r works and this volume contains all out
Mount of Mars to the Mount of S;- of them that is of practical use.
urn. Destin , A Great.-For good or evil. A
Death, Sudden, Often Violent.-Line of ong me o ate starting from the
fiie ending in a deep spot or bar. Line Rascette and into the third
of Life terminating abruptly with a few phalanx of t Eenetrating
e second finger. The
short parallel lines. Lines of Life, other indications will give this mark-
Head and Heart joined at the start in ing its full significance.
both hands. One short downward line Details, Love of.-Long Fingers, gen-
on the joints of all the fingers. A cross
on the Middle of the Line of Head.
erally iinotta, especially the second
knot. second phalanx of the
Violent death often marked (in a good
thumb. Mount of _Iupiter and Mer-
hand) by a grille on the Upper Mount cury (sometimes Saturn) dominant.
of Mars. See also Scaffold, Death on.
Long and straight Line of Head. Lit-
Deaths, Series of.-Case: 349. tle or no Mount of the Moon.

Deceitful Dis sition.-Short and pale Diabetes.-Many confused and crossed

nails. lines at the bottom of the Mount of the
ng, t in fingers. Fourth
often crooked, or at least too Moon. A cross at the same place on
finger the Mount.
long. Mounts of Mercury and the
Moon predominant, the former with a Diabetes.-Case: 115.
distinct cross or many cross lines. A
Defamer of Character, The.-'l`hin, long
drooping, widely forked Line of Head.
hands. Fomta, crgoka Fingers. Ex-
Decres , Marius; a Frenchman; author
cessive Mounts oi jupiter and the Sun
of am et ses Mysteres (Paris: (Vanity). Mount of Mercury predom-
1894); "Matiére des Oeuvres Ma- inant and crossed. A prong ol the
giques" (Paris: 1893). Line of Head nins deep into a heavy
Dedication.-To Mlle. Emma Calvé. Mount of the Moon.
Her Fhotograph and Autograph. Digestion: Im ired in Old A e.-Thick
Frontispiece. and s ort ine iver.

Delicacy of Mind.-Small hands-36. Disa intments in Ambition.-A Line

Delirium Tremens.-See Alcoholic

or ranch rom the ines of Life or
Head entering deep into the Mount of
sanity. jupiter and there barred and crossed;
Deunnciator, Perfidious.-Case: 224. many cross lines on the Mounts of Sat-
um or the Sun at the end of fine Lines
Oepravit , Moral.-Thin hands with of Fate and the Sun. Downward
long ngers. o Mount of jupiter or branches of the Lines of Life, Fate and
the Sun to speak of. Mounts of Mer- the Sun.
m"PP°il¢mNU- PALM I STIC nzcrzonmw. nmmmg. 38,
Disa intments in Love.-The Line of Divorce; Lawsuit; Loss.-Case: 189.
barre or crossed or starred al-
Divorce Twice Announced in thc Hand.
most at the start. Man downward
branches on the Line of Line Heart. -Case: 348. Q

or branch from the Line of Fate cut- Dizziness Fits of.-Line of Head ter-
ting the Line of Heart. Influence minating at the Line of Heart under
Lines from the Mount of Venus or the Mount of Mercury.
Line of Life cutting the Line of Heart.
Domestic Troubles.-Plain of Mars hol-
Disa intments in Mon Matt s.-
ow toward Life. Lines of Influence
. ee mancu sses. from the Mount of Venus or the Line
Disaster Due to Interru ted Love Af- of Life cutting the other Main Lines.
(For each kind of trouble see separate
QL ase: 305.
Discontent, Chronic.-A thin palm, with
Dreamer, The.-Long, slender, pointed
s ort, smoot ngers and a small first
phalanx of the Thumb. A poor Line
Fingers;thin, elongated palm. Prom-
inent Mounts of the Moon, Venus and
of Life and wretched Lines of Heart
and Liver. Many worry Lines. The
tin wit (ii the dreiams
sa ness . e r 'n
Mount of the Moon predominant or
much rayed. See Misanthropy.
Lige of Head. A line off? Infincifitoti
often islanded at the start. A cross
Discoverers in Dan crous Countries.- close to the Line of the Sun. (Re~
Hand proper s orter than
ngers wit ligious ecstasy.)
spatulate tips. Strong, hard palm. Dreamin Useless.-Hand
, proper
Third finger much above average.
Mounts of Mars, _lupiter and the Moon onger t ngers with pointed tips.

Hand thick and soft. Exaggerate

predominant, with a large Mount of Mounts of the Moon and drooping
the Sun. Line of Head slightly droop-
Line of Head. No Mounts of Mars
mg. and very little other Mounts.
Discove of an Intri e.-Case: 289. A titude for.-
Drainatic Profession,
Dislionest .-Fourth Fin er crooked. uare nots, or only
ngers wit no
the second knot. Good first phalanx
ount o ercury starre .

of the thumb. High Mounts of Jupi-

Dishonorable Instincts.-Fingers crook- ter, Sun and Mercury, and some
ed, especxa ly irst and Fourth. Mounts of Venus and the Moon. The
Lines of Life and Head separated at
Divorce.-Most complete indication: A
the start, the latter with a moderate
fine of Influence from the Mount of
fork at the termination.
Venus cutting an upward branch of
the Line of Life and ending under or Dro sv.-The lower part of the Mount
on the Mount of Mercury; clearer still 'of the Moon exaggerate or much lined
if it cuts a Line of Union. A Line of A star in the same place on the mount.
Infiuence from the Mount off Venus
ending in a fork as it reaches the Line 'DroEsv.-Case: 114.
nf Heart. Dropsv of the Heart.-Case: 240.
Divorce A ainst the Sub°ect.-A fork at
Drownin ,
Dan er from.-An angle or
the start the Line of Union,
es- of the
a star on the Mount Moon,
pecially when accompanied by the m-
especially if found on a voyage line
dications marked above.
from the Percussion. Wavy cross
Divorce in Favor of Sub'ect.-A Line Lines on first phalanges of all fingers.
o mon terminating in a fork, espe- Lines arising also from inside the Ras-
cially with the indications marked cette and ending in a star on the Mount
under the heading Divorce. of the Moon.
384 I>'°"1=s- PA1.M1s'r1c DICTIONARY. xlulllllllm.

Drownin , Saved from.-Case: 116. above normal in length and fourth fin-
ger crooked. Mount of Mercury pre-
Drunkenness.-A line or branch from
dominant, with a star or even grille
the Mount of Venus or the Lines of clearly marked on it. Widely forked
Life or Mars terminating in a star on Line of Head, one pron drooping in
the Mount of the Moon. An upward an exaggerate Mount the Moon. o?
line from the third angle of the Tri- Many worry Linea. Often exaggerate
angle ending about the center of the Mounts of jupiter and the Sun (ex-
Mount of the Moon. See Delirium cessive vanity).
Embezzler, Husband an.-Case: 106,
Du Moulin. Antoine; Frenchman;
author of hiromance et Physiog- Empiricism-24. Scientific practice de-
nomie par le regard des Membres de pending purely on experiments, not
l'Homme" (1556). theories.

Ears, Trnuhle vith the.-See Deafness. Fngineerin A titude

square palm. ng, notty, spatulate
Easter-Henderson, Eliza; an American; the second finger and the
author of `uide to Palmistry" Mount of Saturn often predominant.
(Boston: 1895). Scientific markings on the Mount of
Etfeminac .-In a man: hands without Mercury. Large Mounts of Mars and
fine, straight Line of Head.
any hair. Hand thick and Babby; or
ultra thin and pale and soft. Absence Ener .-In a man: hands slightly hairy.
of the Mounts of Mars, jupiter and Hand thick and medium hard. Short
often Venus. 'I`he Mounts of the nails. First phalanx of 'I`humb and
Moon and Mercury predominant. Mounts of Mars and jupiter predom-
Egotism, Unbounded.-A large first inant, with long Lines of Head often
somewhat separated from the Line of
p a anx t e t numb and the Mounts
Life at the start.
of jupiter and the Sun exaggerate.
The Lines very stiff and rather too En ement Broken, An.-(Also applies
highly colored. Often no Line of to all sorts attac ments much more
Heart and a Line of Head crossing the serious than "Engagements"). Line of
hand like a bar. Even a grille on the Heart broken; under the Mount of
Mount of jupiter. Saturn; circumstances, not the subject,
Priests-16. broke the tie; under the Mount of the
Egyptian (See Kabbala.)
Sun; the subject's caprice did it; un-
Elo nence. The Gift of.-Lines of Life der the Mount of Mercury; love of
money was the cause.
and Head separate at the start. Fine
Mounts of jupiter (the statesman), of Ennemoser, os h; a German; author
the Sun (the golden mouthed), of Mer- ichte
esc er Magic" (Leipsic:
cury (the clear, practical politician). 1844).
They may not all be there in the
lmnd. Line of Heart and Mount of Enthusiasm for Hi hest Ideal.-Thin, '0
V cnns in good shape if the orator feels s t hands with poente or at least
dec-ply what he says and speaks in de- strongly conical) fingers. The First
fense of some noble cause. Line of Finger and the Mount of jupiter
H cud long and forked at the termina- especially fine. A drooping Line of
tion; slightly sloping. This slope and Head and High Mount of the Moon.
the Mount of the Moon will infuse in If enthusiasm rely "artistic" the
the speech more poetry than common Mounts of the giiii
and the Moon are
sense. predominant.
Emhezzler, 'l`he.-Thin, soft hand. Fin- Envy.-An exaggerate or much lined
gers long and knotty. Third finger Mount of the Sun, with a poor frag-
lpileply. SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. Fatal Love. 385

mentary Line of the Sun. Cross lines at the start with Line of Life. Line
on the third pvhalanx of the third fin- of Heart chained or curving down to
ger. Sometimes a kind of ring on Line of Head.
the Mount of the Sun surrounding the Faintin Fits, Stran e.-Case: 353.
base of the finger.
of Head sloping and Faithlessness.-See Inconstancy.
broken in small fragments, with a Fall from Dan
Horseback, erous.-
large cross (the rays of which termi- ase:
nate in spots) in the Triangle. 347.
Fame and
Success.-A star on the
Case: 348.
Epilepsy.-Case: 229.
ount o upiter and another star at
Eu enie. E ress.-Her hands exam- the end of a fine line of the Sun. A
ined es arrolles-80. clear Line of Fate from Rascette to
Mount of Saturn, or, better still, ter-
Extrav nce.-The 'Phumb set very minating either on the Mount of Jupi-
low own and with its first phalanx ter or on the Mount of the Sun. A
thrown very much backward. Flex- perfect Line of Liver. Two straight
ibility of the fingers. Often a wide sister lines to the Line of the Sun on
space between the Lines of Life and the Mount of that name. The Lines
Head at the start, and a sloping Line of Head and Heart normal and espe-
of Head. A poor Mount and Line of cially long. All the Mounts,
the Sun and Line of Fate
and the Moon, very much in
a stopping Saturn
early in life. evidence. For intellectual or artistic
people only, a fine Mount of the Moon
E es, Trouble with the.-Exaggerate desirable.
or muc me the Sun.
ount of
An ill-formed circle on the Mount Fame and Success, Due to Love Sorrow.
of the Sun, with a poor Line of gases l§7.
the Sun. White Dot on Line of
Life. A Line of Influence from the Fanaticism.-Long, thin, smooth fin-
Mount of Venus, ending in a black gers, especialy the first. A line or
dot or a star at the connection of the branch from the Line of Head reach-
Lines of Head and the Sun. Broken ing the Mount of Jupiter, then turn-
Line of Head under the Mount of ing and ending on the Mount of Sat-
Saturn or the Sun. A circle on the urn. If the fanaticism has a persecut-

of Heart under the Mount of the ing tendency the second finger, in its
un. exaggerate first phalanx, shows the
baneful influence of Satum.
lives, Trouble with the.-Case: 189.
Farmin Life, Taste for a.-Insignificant
Eve Trouble, Serious, Accidental.-
tips oten spatulate.
or Long, thick
Case: 258. nails. Ordinary thumb. Mount of
Satum quite marked. Insignificant
Fvc, Wound in the.-Case: 164. lines outside of the three chief lines.
Mounts of Mars if the farmer
livcsight, Diseased.-Case: 156.
loves unting.
lfabricius, ohann Albert (1668-1736); Farwell, Eveline Mituhell; an English-
a German; aut or of edanken von and For-
woman; author of "Fingers
der Erkenntniss der Gemuether aus tune" (London: 1892).
der Temperamenten der Chiromantie
und Physiognomie" (Jena: 1735). Fatalities, Two Great.-Case: 190.
Failure in Life.-A very hollow Plain Fatalit , Not the Arbiter of Humanit
o fars. -27.
Fits.-Line of Liver connected Fatal Love. Ob°ect of a.-Case: 178.
386 Fate, Lino of PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Ilnlncial Losses.

Fate, The Line of.-273. Position

I. -50. Its Nail-4I. Lines and Signs
an irection-274. 2. Clnracter: '329»
a. By Itself-274; b. In Combina- Fin er, The Fourth.-Or Finger of Mer-
tion with Other Indications-276. '
cury, or
Startin Points and Forks at the ment-42. Leaning-43. Space be-
g.tart-275 4. Termination and tween it and the next Fingers-43.
Forks at the Termination-280. 5. Length: a. By Itself-44; b. Com-
Branches-282. 6. Breaks-282. 7. to the other Fingers-45. Its
Connected with the Main l.ines: a. pared
'lal:|nxes taken separately-45.
Directly-284; lm. By Minor Lines- Meanings of its Tip-50. Lines and
284. 8. Signs-285. Special Obser- Signs-340.
vations (Infiuence Lines from the Fin The Second.-Or
Mount of the MOOD)-_292.
Finger of Sat-
um, or "Medius -42.
Fault-findin .-Long, knotty fingers, 42. Leaning-43. Space between it
and next Fingers-43. Length: a. By
especial y with first knots; often spatu-
late. Short nails. Two stars near Itself-44; b. Compared to the other
thumb nails. A narrow Quadrangle. Fingers-44. Its Phalanxes taken
A poor Line of Liver running rather separately-45. Meanings ot its Tip
close to the Percussion. Mounts of 5o. Its nail-39. Lines and Signs
Mars exaggerate and very little Mount *333-
of Venus. A poor Line of Heart. Fin er, the Third.-OrFingerof Apollo,
or "Annu a us '-42.
Female Troubles.-Plain of Mars hollow Alignment-42.
towar oon. The lower part of the Leaning-43. Space between it and
next I"llgCl'S_43. a. By It-
Mount of the
or much lined.
Moon exaggerate
A cross in the same self-4-li Length:
b. Compare to the other

place on the Mount. The Line of Fingers-45. Its Phalanxcs taken sep-
Life after a short normal rnn starting arately-45. Meanings of its Tip-50.
Lines and Signs-337.
toward bottom of Mount of the Moon.
Female Troubles, Exem tion of.-A Fingers; being Points, attract vital fluid;
send it up to the brain; retum it to
ou e me o cart. the source of all life; hence the Lines
Fever, Bilious.-Line of Liver thin and -20. Exhanstive
Study-42. I.

ref as it crosses Line of Head,

Position: Alignment of Bases; b.

cially with an island on the latter. es§e-

ee Leaning toward each other; c. Close-
Biliousness and Liver Troubles. ness; d. Spaces between; e. Bent and
Flexibility. 2. Length: a. Of all
Fever, Malarial, T hoidal.-Bluish dot
Fingers; b. Of each; c. Compared
on ine i e. ery narrow, highly with each other; d. Of Phalanges
colored, often broken Line of Liver, taken separately. 3. Shape: a. Out-
with dark dots on Line of Head. Black side of Tips and Knots; b. The Types;
or bluish dots on Line of Heart. c. 'I`ips; d. Knots; e. Comparison

skin. Red Types (Tips and Knots Combined):

Fever, Te denc to.-Dry The Pointed, The Conical. The
dots on me 0 _ife. In general, red 'I`he Spatulate; f. Each tip by
lines. Itself. 4. Lines and Signs on them-
Fiancé, Loss of a.-Case: 289. 325-
Losses-Breaks, crosses, stars
Finger, The First.-Or Finger ot jupi- and downward branches on the Line
ter, or n ex --42. Alignment-42. of Fate the Sun. Lines of Influ-

Leaning-42. Space between it and ence from the Mount of Venus cutting;-

next Fingers-43. Length: a. By the Line of the Sun. A cross on the

Itself-44; b. Compared to the other Mount of Mercu one ann of which

Fingers-44. Its Phalanxes taken cuts the Line of gan.

An island on
separately-45. Meanings of its 'I`ip the Line of Liver.
Financial Ruin. SIGNS ON THUMB AND FINGERS. Gcssmann. 387

Financial Ruin of Minors Throu h Mounts of Jupiter and the Sun pre-
ot ers iscon uct. ase: dominant. A Line from the Quad-
rangle to the Mount of Mercury. One
Financial Ruin of Parents-Case: 289. or two crosses on the second phalanx
of the first finger.
Financial Success After Fatalit -Case:
5. Frith, Henr , and Heron-Allen, Edward;
Financiall Ruined and Deserted, Lad nglishmen; aut ors o "Chiro-
mancy, or the Science of Palmistry"
-Case: 349.
(London: 1883).
Fire, Life Saved in a.-Case: 103.
Frivolity.-Second Finger too short and
F Of Thumb ten pointed
more than the others.
lexibility-Of Fingers-43. A weak first phalanx of the Thumb.
-53- A poor Line of Head. A very
Forces, Diminishin .-A large down- mentary Line of the Sun. Insigni frag-

wa.r ranc 1 e Line of Lile. cant (or absent) Lower Mount of Mars.

For er, 'I`he.-Long, slender, crooked Future Written in the Hand.-Why and
ngers. e Mount of Mercury ex- w CII-27.
aggerate; also the Mount oi Venus Galen, Claud; the famous Greek physi-
of form), and, if very clever, the
Mount of the Sun. Star on the Mount
cian ZIO3-IQS); author of "Secundum
of Mercury. Heavy lower part of the Hippocratem Medicorum Principia"
Mount of the Moon. Widely forked (Edition of 1528, Paris).
but rather straight Line of Head. No Gambler, The Born.-Soft hand; short,
Mount of Jupiter. smooth fingers; the third
finger equal
Fortune b Inheritance.-A star onthe to the second, if longer. A large
Mount of the Moon and a very droop-
rstracelet of the Rascette. Also
a cross within an Angle or ing Line of Head.
Triangle ules'
at the same place. A long Sister Line Gautier, Frenchman; author of
Line of Head. See also Leg-
to_the irognomie et la Phrénologie"
(Paris: 1867). and "Chiromancie et
Fortune. b Unaided Efforts.-The Chirognomomie" (Paris: 1885).
ines o `ate and the un starting Generative Or ans, Troubles of the.-
from inside a well fomied Triangle. or omen, see cmale ron les.
Long First Phalanx of the Thumb. Exaggerate or badly marked Mount
Fine, straight Line of Head and of Venus. First Bracelet of the Ras-
Mounts of the Sun and Mercu pre- cette very convex. A star at the con-
dominant, with well marked Myounts nection of the Lines of Head and
of Mars. Often branches of the Line Lover.
of Fate ending on the Mount of the
Sun or the same Line terminatin on Generosit .-Space (wide) between base
the Mount of Mercury in exceient of First Finger and Thumb.
shape. Geor et; a Frenchman; author of
Fortune of the Parents, Loss of.-Case:
"physiologic du Systéme Nerveux"
--2 _

(Paris: 1821).
Fortune, The Line of.-The Line of the Gcssmann. Gustav W.; a German;
un-30. author of "Katechismus
Hand- der
Found Out.-Case: 306. lesekunst" (Berlin: 1893) (a reprint b

Friendshi of the Great.-Line of Fate

Laird & Lee, Chicago, 1393, with
Preface by Comte de Saint-Germain);
terminating ent er on the Mount of "Katechismus des Gesichtlesekunst"
jupiter or on the Mount of the Sun. (Berlin: 1894); and other works in
;88 Girdle of Venus. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Headaches

German on "Phrenology," "Astrol- Guilt Intri e in Thou ht Onl .-

ogy," "Graphology," etc., all plenti- QSCI .

fully illustrated and quite clear and Guilt Intri e. Lawsuit Lost.-Case:
modem in their deductions.
Girdle of Venus,
The.-259. I. Position Guilt lntri e, Pro'ected.-Case: 236.
and Uirection-Zi. 2. Character-
26r. Tennination-262. Guilty Love; Death, Lawsuits.-Case:
3. 4.
1 3
Breaks-262. 5. Connected with the
Hand Whole.-35; measured on
as a
Main Lines-262. 6. Signs-263.
ack wrist to tip.
Girl-Mother Deserted.--Case: ng. H3if=36. Illustration-37.
Hand Pr .-Measured on back from
Goclenio, Rudol hus; author of "Aphor-
ismorum iromanticorum Tracta-
.wrist to Erst knuckle. Longer than
Finger-37. The same length-37.
tus" (Leipsic: 1597), and numerous
Shorter than Fingers-37.
other works on Palmistry.
Hand Pr r and Palm Combined.-I.
Gout.-"Satin Skin." Exaggerate or
ic an 37. 2. veryfck ar
much lined Mount of jupiter. 'l`he
and hard-37. and Medium
middle part of the Mount of the Moon
4. ick and Medium 3h1'I`hick
exaggerate or much lined. A down-
ward line, oiten crossed, on the mid-
Soft-3 5. Thick and SOR-38. 6.

dle part of the Mount of the Moon.

Thick and Very Soft--38. 7. 'Ruin
The Line of Life forked and red at and Very H3fd*38. 8. 'l`hin and
its termination. Hard-38. 9. Thin, Narrow and
M¢3g¢f=38. to. Thin and Soft-38.
Gowers, W. R.; an Englishman; author ri. Thin and Very Soft-38. iz.
of and Other Chronic
iepsy Transparent-38.
Convulsive Diseases" (London: 1881). df Or
Hand; the "Or n r|s"-Aris-
Greed.-See Avarice. tote, ig.
Happiness, Perfect and Durable.-A
Grief Endin in Insanit .-Case: 190.
harmonious all tic best
Guilt Intri e.-An island
the Line
on Chirognomic and Chiromantic Indica-
ate. n island on the Line of tions to be lound in this book wher-
Heart. An island on a Line of Union. ever they do not contradict the par-

Independent island inside the Mount ticular type the subject is found to be-
of Venus. An island on a Line of long to.
Influence from the Mount of Venus Hartlieb, a German; author of
or the Line of Life to any other part
ie unst Ciromantia" (Augsburg:
of the hand, but especially true if it
1745); this work was written at the
cuts the Line of Heart and also a Line
end of the XV. Century, and is one
of Union.
of the old standards.
Guilt Intri e. Death of Husbandr-
Haunted b Ghosts.-Case: na.
ase: 271.
Ha Fever.-Poor Line of Liver with a
Guilt Intri e, Double.-Case: 353.
narrow Quadrangle, due to Line of

Heart curving down to Line ot' Head.

Guiltv Intrigue, Fatal.-Some one of the
a5ve indications and also stars or Headaches, Chronic.-Line of Liver
bad breaks on the Line of Fate. A red at its tennmation. Chained Line
Line of Inliuence from the Mount of of Head. Short Line of Head and
Venus and one from the Mount of the irregular Line of Liver. Bars cutting
Moon, both cutting Line of Fate at the Line of Head. Number of small
same place. breaks of the Line ol' Head. Line of

Head cut by many bars (especially if nected with the Main Lines: a. Di-
the Line is drooping). rectly-253; b. By Minor Lines-255.
8. Signs-256. Special Observation
Headaches, Serious.-Very large branch
from of Line of Life
down to the ascette. Drooping and Heart Troubles.-Plain of Mars hollov
much broken Line oi Head. See also towar eart. Short, square shaped
Biliousness and Liver Trouble. and bluish nails. Exag erate or

Head, The Line of.-213. I. Position

much lined Mount of the Line gun.
of Influence from Mount of Venus cut-
an irectxonz a. By Itself-213; b.
ting Line of Heart. Chained Line of
In connection with other Indications Heart. Line of Heart broken. Bars
-214. 2. Character: a. By Itself
cutting Line of Heart.
-215; b. In combination with other Heart Trouble Due to Diseased Liver.
Indications-216. 3. Starting Points
and Forks at the Start-218. 4. Ter- mes o 1 e an wer closely con-

mination and Forks at the Temiina- nected, with red bluish spots on the

tion-220. 5. Branches-225. 6. fonner. Line of Heart broken under

Breaks-227. 7. Connected with the the Mount of Mercury.
Main Lines: a. Directly-229. b. By Heart Troubles, Ver Serious.-Case:
Minor Lines-231. 8. Signs-233.
Special Observation-239. Curious
CZSCS-240. Heart Weakness.-Short and square
Head. Wound on.-Capillary cross lines nails. arrow, thin palm. Pale skin.
on ount o upiter. A break oi the Total absence of the Line of Heart,
Line of Hea _
with poor Line of Head and wavy Line
of Liver. Very pale and wide Line of
Health, The Line oi.-The Line oi Liver Heart. A circle on Line of Heart.
Hebra, Heinrich; a German; author of
Heart, H rtro h of the.-Case: 251. "
ueber der Nagel"
(Vienna: 1880); a study on "Nails."
Heartless Dis ition.-Hand thin and
Hemorrha e.-A grille the Upper
hard. ng tnger ot Satum. Line on

oi Heart absent. Line of Head cut- Mount o ars. The Line of Heart
tih the hand like a bar. The Mount absent or very poor. Sometimes (in
of Ifenus

female cases) a star on the lower part

of the Mount of the Moon.
Heart O ression Due to Liver Trouble
-Case: 25 . Hemorrhoids.-Exaggerate or much
lined Mount ot' Saturn. A Line of
Heart Pal itations.-Line of Liver red Influence from a dot on Line of Life,
at the start, especially if connected
ending in Star on Upper Mount of
with Line of Life. Many dots on Line Mars.
of Heart.
Ilemorrhoids.-Case: 349.
Heart Pal itations Due to Grief.-Case:
Iicnzc, Adol r; a German; author of
193. "
ie(, irogrammatomantie, oder
Heart, The Line of.-241. 1. Position Lehre der Charakter der Menschen
and Direction-241. 2. Character: aus der Handschriit zu erkennen"
a. By Itself-243; b. In combination (Leipzic: 1862); the original discov-
with other Indications-245. 3. erer of "Graphology," and the teacher

Points and Forks at the Start

Starting of Desbarrolles.
-247. 4. Tennination and Forks
Hepatica, The.-The Line of Liver.-
the Termination-250. 5. Branches
--250. 6. Breaks-252. 7. Con- 30.
399 Harder. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Ill~Balth.

Herder, ohann; a German

(1744-1803); H dr obia, Dan er of.-Break of
author 0
Philosophie der
een zur me ead ount of the
un er Sun
Geschiehte der Menschheit" (1794). -228.
lleron-Allen, Edward; an Englishman; H hondriac, The.-(Thinks himself
aut or o anual of Chirosophy," il. he le ical Stigmata (which
"Codex Chiromantice," etc. Trans-
see) clearly marked, with an
lator of D'Arpentigny's "Science of the ate Mount of the Moon, into which
Hand." Now livi|1g in London; has _

'visited America.
droops the Line of Head.
Iii hwa man, The-Thick, hard hands, Ilvsterical Insanit .-Case: 261.
wit s ort, smooth, heavy fingers of Hysteria.-Second Finger crooked. A
the Elementary type. Only the star on the Mount of the Moon con~
Mounts of Mars and the lower part of nected by a Line of Influence with the
the Mount of the Moon prominent. Mount of Venus. Double or
Only the three chief lines, very red in Triple
Girdle of Venus. A Girdle of Venus
color. A star, or even a grille, on the cut by many bars.
Mount of Mercury.
H steria Destro in Con'u l Ha i-
Hindoo Brahmins-16. (See Dale and
ness. 1rd e of enus cutting a pro-
hatterjee on ndian Palmistry.)
Hi rates; world renowned Greek
longed Line of Union.
EEYSICIBD (B. C. 460-377); said Idealism.-Hand proper shorter than
"Phthisiei ungues adunci," when Engers, with pointed tips. Slender
speaking of the shape of the nail of the Palm. Almond shaped nails. Mounts
first finger in consumptives. His com- of jupiter very prominent, with the
plete work issued in German (1847)- first phalanx of the first
finger above
41. normal.
Hoe in , ohann;
a German; author of Idioc .-A very ill-shaped hand, with
iromantna Harmonica" dwarfed, very high up Thumb and half
1681), and of his large work,
nsti- qena: formed fingers. The Mount of the
tutiones Chiromanticc." Moon, and often the Mounts of Mars.
Ho eful Dis are the only ones
ition.-Pink and mot- bulging. Droop-
ted s in-3 .
ing, broken, twisted Line of Head.
Generally a very poor Line of Heart.
Housewife, The Gifted.-Palm and Fin- Often one of the Main Lines
alm elastic; Fingers
gers even;
square; the first knot quite marked. idiocy, Congenital.-Case: 1 54.
Nails short. Mounts moderate. Long
Ill-health, Continuous.-Thin Palm. A
Line of Heart starting deep into the
wide an pa e of Life. A Line
Mount of jupiter. Mounts of Venus
of Life formed of small ladderlike
and Mercury pronounced (kindness
of heart and prudence in money mat- fragments. Line of Liver connected
with Line of Life at the start. A num-
ters). Very few lines outside of the
ber of dots on Line of Life.
Chief Lines. The Line of Head mod-
erately long. Ill-health in Childhood.-Line of Life
Humboldt, Alexander, Baron von; a c anne or in e in its first part. If
iierman; author of "Kosmos" il§:15- this ill-health is to influence the whole
62)-zo; 22. career, Line of Fate tvisted or much
crossed at the start.
Humphrey, Geor e M.; an Englishman;
author of
n t e uman Foot and Ill-health in Old Age.-Faint, poorly
the Human Hand" (Cambridge: formed star li ount of Saturn.

1861). Lines of Life and Fate connected by

Ill-Health. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. External Inhuonce. yjl

confused lines at bottom of Triangle. Im ulsiveness.-See Imprudence. Add:

Cross near termination of Line of Life. backward
fingers ttrown naturally
Short and broad Line of Liver. and often flexible.
Ill-health, Te ra _-A portion of the hands; conically
ine of ife thin or chained.
tipped, smooth lingers. First phalanx
Illness of the Thumb below normal. A short
Caused b Love Sorrows.-
Line of Head and a chained Line of
Lincs connecting ines o ie and Heart. Cross lines on the Lower
Mount of Mars. A crescent inside the
Illness, Not Ver Serious.-A bar cut- third angle of the Triangle.
me of i e. ar cutting Line Incurable Disease.-A the
Mount of aturn. A cross cut by a
star on

Illness, Sudden, Grave.-A semicircular downward branch of the Line of Life.

line cutting Line H Lift-175. Inda ine, ohann; a German, and one

Illness, Ver Serious.-A break or cross,

of the leading Chiromants of all times;
Author of "Introductiones Apostles-
or star or ac Line of
ot on the
Life. The same signs on Line of matica: Elegantes in Chyromantiam,
etc." (Strasburg: 1522). This, and his
Liver. An island is a still worse in-
dieation. "Chiromantia, Physiognomia Pcriaxi-
omata de Faciebus Signorum" (1534).
Ima ination at Its Best.-Hand proper had a number of editions in Latin.
solt an s orter than lin ers; the lat- German, French and English, the lat-
ter smooth, with pointer?
tips. First ter published in 165i under the title of
"The Book of Palmistry and Physiog-
phalanges of all lingers longer than
normal, especially those of the first nomy."
and third lingers. Almond shaped
Inde dence, Great S irit of.-First
nails. Mounts of jupiter and the Sun
mger leaning humb. Wide
excellent. Finely developed Mounts
ot' the Moon and Venus. A broad, space between bases of First and Sec-
ond Fingers. Spatulate tipped.
perfect Triangle. knotted lingers. Short nails. Long
Imagination Blended with Practical first phalanx of the thumb. Mount
deas.- an a out same size as n- of jupiter predominant. Separation
between Lines of Life and Head at
gcrs, with conical tips. A rather elas-
the start. Long Line of Head. Plain
tic palm. Second knot marked. The
and Mounts of Mars quite marked.
Mounts of the Sun and Mercury
blended into one. Very little droop Indifference to All Thin s Beautiful.-
of the Line of Head and moderate
ard alm. patulate fingers. Thir
Mounts of the Moon ano Venus.
linger short. Mount of the Sun
Ima °nation, Diseased.-Thin (even absent. No Mount of the Moon to
transparent and very soft hand. The speak of (except in health meanings).
Line of Heart and stiff Line of
sign of the Moon on an exaggerate
Mount of the Moon. Very drooping goo;
ea _

and widely forked Line of Head.

Indiqestion. Chronic.-A wavy Line of
Strong Girdle of Venus.
iver and an is anded Line of Life.
short lingers. wavy Line of Liver, with
Imprudence.-Smooth, Irregular or

Short lirst phalanx of the thumb. poor Line of Head.

Lines of Life and Head widely sepa-
rated at the start. Very little, if any, Influence. E x t e r n a l.-Transmitted
Mount of Saturn, and the second fin- through t e nerves; quotation Charles
ger more conical than the others. Bonnet-19.
392 Illlllllwi- PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Intuition.

Intiuence Over Others, Great.-Long Insanit Reli °ous.-The Sign of Sat-


ourt anger. urn on ount of the Moon. Two

t e
crosses close to the Line of the Sun
In eber, ohann° aGerman; author of
on the Mount of the Sun.
iromantia, Metoposco 'a, et
Physiognomia practica" (Igankfurt: Insanit , Senile.-Line of Life tasseled
termination, one prong
1724)- at its deep
into the Mount of the Moon.
Inheritance.-Case: 186.
Insanit Shown in the Colors of the
Inheritance, Double.-Case: 185.
mes. ase:35o.
Inheritance Throu h Death of Insane
Insanity, TemEra2.-Case: 186.
elative.- ase: 3.
Insanit , Violent.-The
Sign of the
Initié, Un; a Frenchman; author of "Les oon on Mount of Mars.
Myste'res des Sciences Occultes" The Sign of Mars on the Mount of the
(Paris: 1894). Moon. The Line of Life of a livid
In uisitiveness.-See Curiosity. color. All Lines very red and the
Mounts of Mars and the Moon exag-
Insanit The Sign of the Moon on the
Mount of Satum. Many confused Intellectual
lines on a bulging Mount of the Moon, Power.-Fingers longer
with a sloping, starred or chained than palm, slightly conical, especially
Line of Head. The Sign of the Moon the first and fourth lingers, and
on the Mount of the Moon. Line of knotted (for deep students). Mounts
Head sloping to bottom of Mount of of the Sun, jupiter and Mercury pre-
the Moon, with a star on second pha-
dominant. Superb Line of Head.
lanx of second finger. Wavy Line of Long Line of Heart starting from
Head rising close to Line of Heart deep into the Mount of jupiter and
under Mounts of the Sun or Mercury. just a trifle forked and sloping at the
Line of Head sloping deeply and termination. Excellent Lines of Sun
broken. Line of Head merging into and Liver.
Line of Liver, the Line of Life being Intestinal Troubles.-A strong red line
at the start. A split Line at etween t e rst and second fingers.
ead. Much lined lower rt of the Upper

Insanit Alcoholic.-Line of Mars very Mount of Mars andjiip

r part of the


mg in a fork, one prong end-

Mount of the Moon.
termination of Line of Head.
island at

ing in a star on Mount of the Moon, Intestinal Trouble.-Case: 281.

with a black dot on Line of Head.
Intre iclit .-Square palm. Smooth,
Insanity Caused b Love, 'I`em ra .-

ase: 237.
spatulate fingers,with square, strong
nails. Third finger above nomial.
Insanit , Hereditar , Erotic.-A star at Rather short thumb, with first pha-
the of a branc of .ine of Heart
en lanx longer than second. Mounts and
Plain of Mars predominant, with fine
drooping into Mount of the Moon.
Mount of Mercury. A Fine I_ine of
Insanitv of a Materialistic Philos her. IIeart.
asc: 240. Introducin the Introduction-13.
Insanit of an Erotic Character.-A star Intuition, Gift of.-Thin and very soft
on the ount t e oon connected hands. Short nails. Short, smooth,
by Line of Influence with the Mount
a conical Fingers. The first phalangesof
of Venus. A star at the end of a all fingers above average. A short,
branch of the Line of Heart drooping but conical, first phalanx of the
into the Mount of the Moon. Thumb. The Mounts of the Moon

and Mercury predominant. Some- u iter, Mount of.-1. Position-84. 2.

times the Mount of Saturn strongly
eanmg Displacements-
5. 3.
marked. A clear Line of Intuition; 86. 4. Revealing Illnesses-89. 5.
or, if it is not there, a clear Line of Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6.
the Liver running closer to the Per- 7. Signature: a. Physi-
cussion than normal. A fine Tri- Signs-93.
ca Peculiarities-122; b. Health Pc-
angle. A Line of Fate rising frdm culiarities-124; c. Mental and Moral
low down into the Mount of the Moon.
Peculiarities-124. 8. In connection
Often a Line of Head. A with another prominent MOUDI-IS7.
triangle on the ount of the Moon.
K3bb3I3.~I5; 17; za. In its more mod-
Intuition, The Line of.-21o. 1.Posi-
a book written sometime
ern meanin ,
tion irection-210. 2.
an Charac- in the XII?
century and containing
ter-21o. 3. Starting Point-211. 4. a jewish interpretation of occultism in
Termination-211. 5. Branches- its essence and manifestations. It is
2II.--6. Breaks-211. 7. Connected claimed to have come to the jews
with the Main Lines: a. Directly-
through the Egyptian priesthood, and
zn; b. By Minor Lines-211 8. to go back to prehistorical times.
Invention and Method United.--Case:
Kidne Troubles.-The lower part of
t e the Moon exaggerate
II _

or much lined. A cross at the same

Inventive Practical.-Elastic
Genius, on the Mount. A long Line of
a m. ort ng, knotted
nan s. eace almost to the Line
the fourth finger above nor- oyage reaching(
of Li e and for ed at the termina-
ma A long Thumb. The Mounts
. tion.
of Mercury and the Sun predominant,
the former with one or more down-
Knot.-Marked bulge of one (or both)
H the Fin er Joints. Knot
ward lines. A fine Line of Head Upper
slightly drooping; often with a fine called "Philosophical
Knot.' Lower
Knot called "Knot of Material Order"
triple fork at the end.
-48. Only one Knot on the Thumb:
Inventive Genius, Un ractical.-The the "Philosophical Knot"-54.
a ve signs, except t at t e not will
be absent, at least the second knot. Kollmann, Arthur; a German; author of
The Line of Head will dr too "ECT 'Iast-Apparat der Hand der
much down the Mount of th2°§Ioon; Menschlichen Rassen und der Affen
the latter above normal. Confused in Seines Entwickelung und Glied-
downward lines on the Mounts of the erung" (Leipsic: 1883).
Sun and Mercury.
La Chambre, Dr. de; a famous French
lrnnv.-Short nails, with soft palm. p ysician; aut or of "L'Art de con-
Mount of Mercury (sometimes Sat- naitre les hommes" (Paris: 1662).
urn) predominant. A poor Line of
Heart. Lan id e, M. C.; English author of

frreligion.-See Skepticism.
e ey to almistry" (London:
I§If'llfI on Line of the Sun, Influence of.
Languor.-Line of Liver forked at ter-
' -F
-Case: 272. mmation.

laumlice.-Exaggerate or much lined Cas ar; author of

ii Lavater, . a Swiss;
Mount of Mercury. A spot or a star of
on the Mount of the Moon.
t e mo ern theory Physiognomy,
described in his books, "Etudes sur
208. la Ph sionomie" (The Hague: 1783),
laundice.-Case: and "I'.'Art
de Connaitre les Hommes
ud ment, Sound.-See Common Sense. par la Physionomie" (Paris: 1806).

La er, A titude to Be a.-Short nails. Lethargy.-Case: 170.

ourt pre omiuant.
'inger Long
second phalanx of the 'I`humb. Large Levi, Eli has; a Frenchman; author of
Mounts of Mercury and Mars. Line me et ituel dc la Haute Magic"
of Head separated from Line of Life (Paris: 1850).
at the start and distinctly forked at
Liar. The.-Fourth finger crooked.
the temiination.
Mounts of
Mercury and the Moon
Lawsuit.-A Line of Influence cutting exaggerate and rayed. A cross on
an upward branch of the Line of Life the former. No Mount of jupiter.
and merging (or cutting) the Line of The Line of llead drooping and
the Sun. In the first case, the lawsuit is widely forked at the termination.
won, in the second it is lost. Crosses
Life, A Short.--Short Line of Life
in the First Angle of the Triangle.
especia ly in both hands).
Lawsuit Lost, Famil .-Case: 302.
Life in Convent.-A square at the lower
Laziness.-Hand proper longer than fin-
part of the Mount of Venus. A grille
gers. Hand thick and soft. Very on the Mount of jupiter in an other-
short, conical lingers. Mounts of the wise excellent hand.
Moon, Venus and (sometimes) the Sun
Life Ruined b I rudence.-Widely
Drooping Line of
cad, with short first Phalanx of the separated of ife and.Head. A

Thumb. The Second Angle broad Second finger below nonnal, and a
and poorly marked. Third linger longer than the Second.
A Line of Fate from the Mount of
Ledos, Eu éne; a Frenchman; author of
the Moon stopping abruptly at the
rant e a Physionomie Humaine" Line of Head, the latter drooping into
(Paris: 1395). Ind of other works on
an exaggerate Mount of the Moon.
sister sciences.
Life Ruined b Love.-A Line of Fate
Le cies.-An angle or star on the mid-
die of the First Bracelet of the Ras-
merging into a r en or starred Line
of Heart under the Mount of Saturn.
cette. A Line of Influence from a star A wavy Line of Head running at the
on the Mount of Venus mergin into
termination toward the Line of Heart,
the Line of the Sun. Lines of 'Influ- which it cuts. Poor. or starred Lines
ence from the Mount of the Moon
of Fate and the Sun. A double Line
running alongside the Line of the Sun of Heart.
without touching it. See Inheritance.
Life Ruined b Our Own P le.-
Leg Crippled.-Case: 25| .

.mes n uence rom t e ount

Venus cutting Lines of Fate, Head
Le , Wound on.--Capillary cross lines
A lentil- and Heart, also the Line of the Sun.
on t e ount of Mercury.
like dark spot low down on the Mount Life, 'l`he Line of-Exhaustive Study.-
of Mercury. 153. r. osition and Direction-153.

Legs, De rivation of the Use of.--Case: 2. Character: a. By Itself-|54; b.

In combination with other Indications
-IS7. 3. Starting Points and Forks
Le s, Troubles with the.-Exaggerate at the start-157. 4. Temiination
or muc inof Satum. ount and Forks at the Termination-159.
Line of Head broken under the Mount 5. Branches-r6r. 6. Breaks-162.
of Satum. 7. Connected with the Main Lines:
a. Directly-163; h. By means of
Lethargv.-Very poor Lines of Life and Minor Lines-166. 8. Bars, Capil-
Heart; a single uncrossed Bracelet of laries and Signs-166.
the Rascette. A very low Plain of
Mars. Life, Uneventful.-No Line of Fate.

Line of Heart starting from between line frotn the Rascette straight to the
the first and second finger. 'I`he Mount of the Sun.
Mounts insignificant.
Liver, The Line of.-200. 1. Position
Lines inGeneral.-141. Main Lines, I4 and Direction-201. 2. Character:
in num er. reliminary study-141. a. By Itself--201; b. In combination
1. Grouping: Six Divisions, each with other Indications-202. 3. Start-
under a Principal Main Line. Chief ing Points-2o4. 4. Termination and
Lines: Life, Head. Heart. 2. Mean- Forks at the Termination-204. 5.
ing. 3. Character: a. Color; b. Branches--205. 6. Breaks-205. 7.
Length; c. Depth. 4. Mallormation Connected with the Main Lines-205.
(illustration: a. Broken; b. Split; c. 8. Slg'¥'|!*§. 4

Chained or Linked; d. Islanded. The Liver Trouble, Ve

Lines are also: a. Forked (at the ex- Serious.-Damp
skin, especially if clammy Ex- co
tremities); b. Branched, either up-

ward or downward; c. Tasseled. aggerate and much lined Mount of

Mercury. Yellow colored Lines,
Lines of Influence from the Mounts of especially Line of Liver. Line of
'enns or wer Mars or t ie Line o Liver formed in ladder-like fragments.
Dark spots on the Mount of the Moon.
Life.-172. Inside the Mounts: K.
(Ioncentric to the Line of Life-74. Lo ic, the Ruling Principle of Modern
C. Cross Lines-174. 2. From the
Mounts or the Line: A. Ending in-
long and good Line
side the Triangle but cutting no Main
Line-174; B. Temiinating u on any
Longevity.-Very if it comes out in a
`ate, especially
circle. Long and clear Line of
of the other Mounts-175;
ing into or cutting Main
Merg- great
iver, if not connected at the start
D. Starting from a sign-183; z. Lines-Wg; with Line of Life. A complete Ras-
cette. Lines of Head and Heart in a
Ending in a sign-187; Starting and
in healthy condition.
emling a Sigh-190.
Lon evit , Great.-Case: 165.
Lines of Influence in General.-172.
Either ister ines or ross Lines.
Loss of Blood from the Bowels.-Case:
From the Mounts of Venus or Lower 191.
Mars or the Line of Lif¢*l73. From Loss of Fortune b Parents.-Case: 181.
the Mount of the Moon-292. From
the Upper Mount of Mars-307. .Loss of Mone , Re eated.-A very
ol ow am o ars. reaks, Bars,
Lines. Vanishin of the.-An admirable
Stars or Islands on the Line of the
instance of such trans- Sun. Islands on the Line of Liver.
lated from Desbarroles-147. isappearance, An Island on the Line of Fate in a
Lion Killer, A Famous.-Case: 230. hand that denotes no immoral in-
Literarv Man; Nature-Case:
§2ecial Love Affair Broken Off.-Case: 289.
Love Affairs, Two Simultaneous.-
Literature. A titude
for.-Long First Case: 188.
and Fourth Fingers, often conical.
Love, Disa intment in.-Plain of
M omits of Mercury and the Sun pre-
Mars hollow toward leart. The Line
dominant, with the Mounts of Venus
and the Moon indispensable for writ- of Heart cut by a bar near the start.
ers of Poetry or Fiction. A slightly Line of Head running close to the
Line of Head. Line of Fate chained
drooping Line of Heard, somewhat
fnrketl at the Termination; often white when crossing Line of Heart. Badly
dots on it. Small downward line on formed star in the Triangle.
the first joint of the first finger. A Love. C%city for.-A large Mount of
396 lava. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. louusasn.

Venus in s soft. A cette, Union); 4. Minor Lines; 5.

ine clear Line of eart. handHgeneraIlJia
Lasciva Signs.
as Sister Line to Line of Liver. A
line Line of Mars. Marriage.-(See Union.)
Marria e, Ill-fated.-Case: l84.
Love, Extreme Passion in.-A thick,
sot an aggerate. ounts of Marria , Unfortunate.-Case: 281.
Venus and the Moon. Line of Heart
Marria Unfortunate.-Case: 180.
starting forkless under Mount of Sat-

um. Often Chief Lines quite red, Mars, Lower Mount of.-1. Position-
with strong Mounts and Plain of
5. 2. 7. 3. Displace-
Mars. Clear, red Line of Mars.
mcnts--89. Revealing Illnesses-
Love, Fatal.-See Life Ruined by Love. 90. Revealing Mode of Suicide-90.
6. igns-121. Signature (in com-
Love, Fatal Only.-Case: 299. mon with Upper Mount of Mars); a.

Physical h. Health
Love for
a me o
a Near Relative.-An island
Peculiarities-132; c. lental and
Moral Peculiarities-132. 8. In com-
Love, Ideal.-A finely forked Line of bination with another prominent
Heart starting high inside the Mount Mount-137.
of jupiter. Mars, The Line of.-194. r. Position
Love Not Endin in Marria e.-A Line and xrection-194. 2. Character-

0 n uence rom the ount of the 194. 3. Starting Points and Forks at
Moon terminating 'ust before it the Termination-195. 4. Breaks and
reaches the Line of Flate. Signs-195. 5. Special Observations
Love, Troubles in.-See Love, Disap-
Mars, U Mount of.-1. Position-
pointments tn.
. 2. 3. Displace-
eanm .

Lovers at the Same Time, Two.-Case:

ments-89. 4. glevealing
290. se: 349. 8g. 5. Revealing Mode of Suicide-
Lucas, Louis; a French-man; author of 90. 6. Signs-108. 7. Signature (in
common with Lower Mount of Marsl:
"Chimie Nouvelle," and "Acousti ue
Peculiarities-131; h.
and 1860.
published between |355 a.Physical
Health Peculiarities-132; c. Mental
and Moral Peculiarities-132. 8. In
Luck, The Line of.-The Line of Fate combination with another prominent
-30. Mount-137.
Luna. The Line of.-The Line of Intu- Mathematics, Hi her, A itude for.-

mon-30. ry, ard pa m. ng, notted n-

Lvm hatic Dis sition.-See Anoemia, gers. The Fourth Finger above nor-
mal. The Mounts of Mercury and
w ic is its most cangerous form. Satum
Ma of the Hand.-29. Illustration- Second phalanges of ingers and lgredominant.
ac o the Hand:" I. Hand Thumb ahove normal. Very straight
Line of Head. Mounts of the Moon
Proper; 2. Fingers; 3. Thumb; 4.
and (often) the Sun absent.
Tips; 5. Knots; 6. Nails; 7. Iiair.
"Inside of the Hand:" I. Mounts Mav de Francoine, Philli ; a French-
(jupiter, Saturn, Sun, Mercury, Up- man; aut or o ir0m3!lCi¢
per Mars, Moon, Venus, Lower
Plain of
Medicinale" (The Hague: l665).
Mars); Palm
2. Proper or

Mars; Lines (Life, Head,

3. Main
Meanness.-Thin, hard palm. Fillgéfs
Heart. Fate, Sun, Liver, Via Lasciva, close together and bent forward. Very
Intuition, Mars, Girdle of Venus, Ras- narrow Quadrangle. due to Lme of
llulllhidtl- PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. linac. gg;

Heart curving abnormally toward ting the Line of the Sun.

Lineof Head. Metae s or Metaca al Bones.-35.
Mechanical Parts of Fine Arts, A itude ve es ormmg t e y of
or.- an proper longer t an n- the hand."
gers, the latter with squaretips and Meticulous, Teasin , Tormentin Dis-
Second Knots marked. Mount of
e au t-Fm mg.
Mercury thrown toward Mount of the §|tnon.-
Sun. Straight Line of Head. Met co .- The study of physiog _

Medical Sti ta.-Four to seven clear

nomy. the llrom the Greek words 'fmeto-
downward lines on the Mount of Mer- pon, forehead, and "Scopem," to
cury denote the scientist, espcially _

the physician or surgeon. Me ens, Dr. Phili ~

a German; author
0 rromantia edica" (1667).
Medium, Extra Lucid.-Case: ala.
Middle A s.-16. The historical period
Melancholia.-A grille on the Mount of
t t exten s from the Fall of the Ro-
the Moon. Exa gerate or much man Empire (476) to the Conquest of
lined Mount of Drooping £tum. Constantinople by the Turks (1453).
Line of Head. No Mounts of the Sun
or jupiter. Wav downward lines on Military.-Hand proper longer than fin-
third phalanx of Finger. Second gers, with square fingers. Mounts
and Plain of Mars predominant.
Melton, ohn; an Englishman; author Mounts of Venus and jupiter.
or the Figure
o stro ogaster, Often the three Chief Lines only.
Caster" (London: 1620). Triangles on Upper Mount of Mars
Memor , Gift of.-Remarkably fine, and Plain of Mars. One deep line on
Head and Liver, third phalanx of second finger.
straig t |nes o

with First and Fourth Fingers mark- Milk Wa , The.-The Via Lasciva-
edly conical. 30.
Memor ,
Loss of.-A much broken up Minist , A titude for the.-Pointed
ine of Head. wavy or fragmentary irst
anger. ort nails. Moderate
Line of Liver. Mount of Venus. Good Lines of
Head and Heart. A cross in the Quad-
Mensal, The.-The Line of Heart-30. Satum.
rangle under the Mount of
Mercenar S irit in Intellectual or Ar- Misanthro , The.-Long, knotty, often
tistic or .- ar pa m; square spatu ate, ingers. A very pro-
nounced or badly marked Mount of
tipped hngers. Third Finger leaning
Saturn. Absence oi the Mounts of the
toward Fourth. Third Finger too
short. Line of Head very straight Sun and Venus. Short Line of Heart.
and still Mount of the Moon insig- Miserl Dis ition.-Hand thin and
nificant. Line of the Sun terminating har um
. close to first finger.
on Mount of Mercury. Fingers bent inward. Line of Head
Mereu ,
Mount of.-I. Position-84. cutting Hand like a bar. -Line of
Heart often absent, or, if there, form-
2. Meanings 3. Displacements

ing a very narrow Quadrangle.

-89. 4. Revealing Illnesses-89. 5. Intellectual Tal-
Misuse of Artistic or
Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6.
Signs-Io4. 7. Signature: a. Physi- ents.- inger ir croo _

cal Peculiarities-129; b. Health Pe- of the Sun thrown toward a very bad
culiarities-I29; c. Mental and Moral Mount of Mercury. Exaggerate
Peculiarities-130. 8. In combination Mount of the Moon. No Mount of
with another prominent Mount-137. Jupiter.Often an exaggerate or much
Mesalliance, A.-A Line of Union gut- lined Mount of Saturn.
398 Ionomuxln. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Italie.

Monomania oi Persecution.-Case: 347. the Palm of the hand that surround

the "Palm Pr er" or "Plain of Mars"
Montai C, Michel de; 3 Frenchmgg-| Eight in nuncigerz
I-of jupiter-85,
1533-1 author
2 ; ol' "Essais." 2-of Saturn-86, -oi the Sun-86,
Long and curious passage conceming 4-of Mercury-36,
5-of Upper
Palmistry in the Paris edition of his Mars-86, 6-of the Moon-86, 7-
works (1854), II., p. 282. of Venus-87, 8-of Lower Mars-
Moon, Mount of the.-1. 87). Position-84. Meanings-85.
Position-84. Displacements-87. As they reveal
eanmg .
3. Displacements Illnesses-89. As they indicate Sui~
-89. 4. Revealing Illness-go. 5. cidal Tendencies-go.
Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6.
Signs-111. 7. Signature: a. Physi- Mounts, Si atures of the.-Definition:
Peculiarities-133; b. Health Pe- ount towering all the others

culiarities-133; c. Mental and in both hands is considered as corre-

Moral Peculiarities-134. sponding with a definite Physical,
7. In
combination with another prominent Mental and Moral Type-122. 1.
Mount-137. The Jupiterian-123. 2. The Sat-
Moral Nature, umian-124. The Solar
Ill-Balanced.-Damp 126. 4. The ercurian-129. 5. 'Bhe
skm, especx y 1 c ammy C0|d-39. Martian-131. 6. The Lunar Subject
Morbid Dis ition.-Yellow-hued and -133. 7.The Venusian-134. Com-
sot palm. econd Finger too long, binations of the two most prominent
especially the first phalanx. Mount MOUDIS-136.
of Satum exaggerate, often covered
Mueller, ohann; a German (1801-1858);
with confused lines. Lines yellow and
aut or o andbuch der Physiologie
weak. Line of Head droopin into a
des Menschen" (1841); we read the
light Mount of the Moon. of iine French translation published in Paris
Liver wavy or fragmentary.
by Jourdan (1854)-%-23.
Morbid Instincts, Disastrous.-Third
Murderer, The Slow.-Long, thin
inger very much shorter than Sec- ands; notty ngers. The Mount of
ond. See above indications.
Satum exaggerate or much rayed.
Moreau, Adele; a Frerrchwoman and a Stars on the second finger. Mount of
pupil o the famous Mlle. Le Nor- the Sun exaggerate (envy); Mount
mand; author of "L'Avenir dévoilé; of Mercury heavily marked with cross
Chiromancie Nouvelle, Etude des lines (deceit). 'I`he lower part of the
Deux Mains" (Paris: 1869). Mount of the Moon much rayed and
with a drooping prong from the Line
Mother Died When the Sub'ect Was of Head. Short Line of Life if he is to
ase:95. die on scaffold.
Mother-in-Law Intiuence.-A Sister Murderer, The Violent.-Thick, hard
ine c ose y accompanying a strongly an s. atu ate Clubbed
marked Line of Union. Thumb. The three Chief Lines very
Mounts, Lines and Si red and no others. E
s on
the.-91. crate
1. n t e ount uptter-91. 2.
Mounts of Mars and_Venus this
case vicious instincts, not love). The
On the Mount of Satum-97. 3 On
the Mount of the Sun-xox. 4. Lines of Heart and Head are short.
the Mount of Mercury-104. On also Line of Life if destined to die on
the scalfold. Stars on the Second Fm-
Upper Mount of Mars-I . 6.
On the Mount of the Moon-111. 7. gers. Large cross in the Triangle.
On the Mount of Venus-I17. 8. On Music, Great Aptitude for.-A moder-
the Lower Mount of Mars-121.
ate y t an an conical. smooth
Mounts of the Hand.-81. Elevations in fingers. Mounts of the Sun, the
Iusical. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Occult Sciences. 399

Moon and Venus well developed. A average. A large Mount of the Moon,
slightly drooping Line of Head. This much lined along the Percussion. Fine
applies to natural aptitudes, not to Mounts and Plain of Mars. With a
merely cultivated, artificial talents. large' first phalanx of the Thumb. Line
of Head often separated from the Line
Musical Instrumentists and C osers.
of Life at the start and drooping at
and proper s rter t an ngers, the termination.
with square tips. Slight knots (espe-
Nerve S stem of Man.-Illustration--
cially the second) frequently visible.
The above indications as to the
Mounts obtain here, with the addition Nervous Disorder Left b Some Disease.
of a strong Mount of Mercury and -
ownward branch starting from
the essential difference that the Line a black spot on Line of Life.
of Head is apt to be separated from
the Line of Life at the start and nor- Nervous Nature, Ultra.-Case: 158.
mally directed to the end. Nervous Trouble.-Plain of Mars hol-
M stic Cross, 'I`he.-Aformed
well ow toward oon. Flat First Pha-
cross in t e uadrangle under the lanx of the 'I`humb. Exaggeratc or
Mount of Satum. The token of ex- much lined Mount of Saturn. A large
ceptional occult POWCYS-313. spot or dot on the lower part of the
Mount of the Moon. Line of Life
Nails.-1. Short-39? 2. short, hard, chained or linked.
covered with skin-39; 3. Short, with
soft palm-39; 4. Short on second fin- Nervous, Worr in Nature.-A num-

er of lines. 'ee Lines of

minor cross
er-39; 5. Short and P3l%40; 6.
Ehort, bluish-4o; 7. Short,
Influence from the Mount of Venus.
A large or much rayed Mount of the
square, broad-40; 8. Short,
lar-4o; 9. Short, narrow, curve triangu--
4o; Io. Large, broad, long-40; 11. Neural 'a, Severe.-Deep, colorless in-
Long, thin, brittle-40; 12. Long, dentation sometimes many dots) on
thin, curved-40; 13. Long, thin, nar- of Head. An island on the same
row-4o; 14. Moderately thin and
narrow-40; 15. Almond shaped-40;

16. Pink on outer edge-41; 17. Nurse, The Good.-Elastic Palm. Long
Ridges on certain nail-41; 18. Cross notty (especially the second
Ridges-41; 19. Hippocrates' nail- knot). Anlgers
ne Mount of Mercury, with
41; zo. White spots-41; 21. Black the Medical Stigmata (which see).
and bluish spots-41. Fine Mounts of Venus and Jupiter.

Napoleon lII.'s Hands Examined lm Healthy Lines of Head and Heart.

No worry lines.
Des arrolle. .

Obstinae .-Hard palm. Spatulate, or

Narrow-mindedness.-See Meanness. least
at square fingers, with first
In this case, however, the Line of knot marked and short, but ab-
Heart may be a. trifle more normal. normally broad nails. Short but very
The fingers are often both smooth flat first phalanx of the Tlmmb.
and square tipped. of Head starting from under the
Mount of Saturn and rather short.
Naurath, Lndwi von; a German; author The Mounts of Mars (especially the
e Morphologia
anuum et Lower one) exaggerate.
Physiologia" (Berlin: 1833).
Occult Sciences, A titudes for the.-
Naval Profession, A titude for the.- in pa m, ong, smoot mgers, espe-
ong, knotty ngers, especta ly t e cially the first
phalanges. Mounts of
Third finger, which is much above the Moon, Mercury and Saturn pre-
4oo Onlylava. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Papua.

dominant. Drooping Line of Head. Palmistry" (London: 1897); in collab-

Line of Intuition. A cross in the oration with Miss Anna M. Cosgrave.
(See Mystic Cross). A
riangle on the Mount of the Moon.
Pacini, Fili
iscoverer o
; an Italian (1812-1883);
the termination of nerves
'I`he Small Triangle well formed.
below the e idermis, and of Pacinian
Love.-A large cross on the Corpuscles Fwhich see).
3 Venus, with a clear cross
Pacinian Co
on the Mount of Jupiter.
o nervous ound only in man-
Love.-Case: 164.
Only kind and in the palm of the
hand, mostly inside the Mounts under
On chomanc _-Divination of future the lingers and the Plain of Mars-
events markings on the nails-
y t e
l9S 24-
41. From the Greek "Onuchos," lin-
Pain in the Side, Unex lained.-Case:
ger nail, and "Manteia," divination.
O ra Sin ers.-Hand proper longer
Painter, Famous German.-Case: 325.
t an ngers, the latter with conical
tips. Lines of Life and Head widely Painter, ial Characteristics of a
separated at the start, the latter forked 3|'l'0|S. SSC!
at the termination. See Music, Ap- _

titudes for. Palm.-Measured inside, from wrist to

Order in Ev Da Life.-Sfrong base-35. "Size and

ond not on a ngers. See Knot. 1. arrow-38; 2. Wide-38; 3. oo Shaqez"

Generally square tipped lingers. Wide-38; 4. Square-38. "Color
and Skin Characters" 1. Very pale-
Order in Ideas.-Strong first knot on
38; 2. Yellow-38; Pink and Mot-
all ngers. e Knot. Often spatu-
tled-38; 4. Red-3 ; 5. Very Red-
late tipped lingers.
38; 6. Satin Skin-39; 7. Dry Skin-
Order Wantin in Ideas or Actions.- 393 8. Damp Skill-39.
an s,wit asot Palm Pr r.-Inside hand, not includ-
erysma ,smoot
palm and insignificant first phalanx of
tlie thumb.
ing the Mounts-35. t. Flat but high
Flat but low-39; 3. Hollow
-39; 2.
O ressions Cansin Monon1ania.- -39-
Palmist and Chirolo ical Review; a
ase: 351.
outhly pu is ed since 1 y the
Outdoor Life and S s, Love for.-
Roxburgh Press, I5 Victoria St.,
rge, ar tulate
an .
nger Westminster, London; edited by Mrs.
tips. Third linger longer than nor- Katherine St. Hill and Mr. Charles F.
mal. Second linger good size. Lines Rideal.
of Life and Head separate at the start.
art or science of read-
No worry lines. Often very low Palmistry.-The
Mounts (except Mars) and only the ing ones nature and fate in the lines
three Chief Lines. and lineamcnts of the hand. Lately
it has been made to combine Chirog-
Overwork or Dissi tion, Si s of.-A nomy and Chiromancy into one homo-
much islanded me of ead. geneous science. The word is un-
known in the Latin, German, French
Owen, Sir Richard; an Englishman and Italian works on Palmistry, both
i1§;4i; author oi "bn the Nature of ancient and modern. With them
Limbs" (London: 1849). "Chiromancy" is made to apply to the
whole of the science.
Oxenford, Ina; an Englishwoman;
author of "The New (Lon- Papus, Doctor; a Frenchman; author of
don: 1895); also of "Life Chirology"
tudics in "Traite de Magic pratique" (Paris:
Paraeellu. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Pootleal. 4oz

1885); also "Traité Méthodique de knot. Often spatulate fingers, but

Science Occulte" (Paris: 1891). with the first and fourth finger tips
Paracelsus; a German-Swiss; author decidedly less spatulate and almost,
or quite, conical.
oi "Pliilosophia Sagax" (1493-I54I). Phrenolo and Palmist Co red.-
Paral sis.-Nails short and triangular . hmentiveuess: 1. mativeness;
shaped. Exaggerate or much lined 2. Parental Love; 3. Inhabitiveness;
Mount of Saturn. A star on the Mount
4. Friendship; 5. Combativeness; 6.
of Satum. A ille and a star on the
Mount of the ifloon.
Main Lines all
Destructiveness; 7. Seeretiveness; 8.
Acquisitiveness; 9. Constructiveness;
poorly marked (after the attack). IO. Sell Esteem; 11. Approbativeness;

Paralysis.-Case: 99. Case: 182. 12. Cautiousness; 13. Benevolence;

14.Veneration; 15. Firmness; 16.
Passion.-See Love, Extreme Passion
Conscientiousness; 17. Hope; 18.
in. Spirituality; 19. Ideality; 20. Mirth-
Passionate Dis sition; Easily Angered. fulness; 21. Imitation; 22. Individu-
air onp aanges. Dark eol-
ality; 23. Form; 24. Size; 25. Weight;
26. Color; 27. Localit ; 28. Calcula-
ored hair on hand. Thick, hard palm.
Red skin. Short, broad and red nails, tion; 29. Order; 30. gventuality;
the base overrun by flesh or skin. Ex- Time; 32. Tune; 33. Language; 34.
Comparison; 35. Causality. B.
aggerate Mounts and Plain of Mars.
Red skin. A deeply colored Line of Memory of Language. C. Concen-
Mars. trativeness-355.
Ph siciau, A titude to be a.-The Med-
Past Written in the Hand.-How and
ica stigmata on t e ount of Mer-
vv en- .

(which see) in a large elastic hand

Pecunia Losses.-See Bankruptcy cury
wit square tipped, knotted fingers.
and manctal ses.
Pick ocket, The.-Thin, narrow palm.

Perfidy.-See Traitor, The. ng, t in, crooked Fingers, espe-

Perseverance.-Elastic Palm.
cially the Fourth Finger. An exag-
Square, gerate Mount of Mercury, or one
Knotted first Pha-
lanx of the T umb. Lower Mount of
much cross lined. The lower part of
the Mount of the Moon exaggerate.
Mars predominant. A long, straight A poor, drooping Line of Head.
Line of Head. The Mount of Mer-
Plain of Mars, The.-308. The space
cury and the Fourth Finger well de-
veloped. on the Palm unoccupied by the
Mounts. 1. The Quadrangle: a.
Penichio; an Italian and a prominent Position-309. b. Character-311. c.
chiromant; author of "La Chiro- Signs-312. 2. The Triangle: a.
mance, La Physionomie et la Geo- b. Character-316; c.
mance" (Paris: 1636). Position-R16;
The First ngle-318: d. The Second
Phalan es (singular: halanx .-35; the Angle-319; e. The Third Angle-
smali bones off the ngers; three for 320; f. Signs-321; g. Special Obser-
vations (The Small Triangle)-324.
each finger, two for the thumb. The
"Nailed" phalanx is called "First;" Pleasure, Love of; Without Excess.-
the "Middle" one, "Second;" the Hand tiic and me ium soft. Wel
"Lower" one, "Third." Normal size developed (but not exaggerate)
-46. Illustration-47. Phalanges Mounts of jupiter and Venus. No
taken separately-45. worry lines.
Philosophv, Aptitude for the Stud of.- Pleurisv.-See Respiratory Organs.
in, hard palm. Very long and
knotted fingers, especially the first Poetical As irations.-Pointed (or at
Pointer. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. l0¢k|llllll~

least conical) A thin the Mount of Venus. A grille on the

first phalanx of t e thumb.Fingers.
thin, long, Mount of Saturn.
soft palm. Mounts of the Sun, the Profitable Meetin at a Waterin Place.
Moon and Venus very prominent. A _
se: 351.
drooping Line of Head. Often a Line
of Heart much chained and islanded. Profli cy-See Love Extreme Pas
Poisoner The.-See Murderer, The sion. Add to those indications a much
ow. rayed Mount of Venus; a star near
the thumb nail; a star on third pha-
C asc.-Case: 354.
Poisoning lanx of first finger.
Politics, A titude for.-Statesman re- Protection from Disaster.-Case: 188.
veal ne ounts of jupiter, the
Sun andy
Mercury. With a Line of Prudence.-A fine Second Finger and
Head beginning high on the Mount a well formed Mount of Saturn. A
of jupiter and slightly forked at the second Phalanx of the 'I`humb above
end, and with fine Mounts and Plain Normal. Finger tips square and sec-
of Mars. The bar-room Politician ond knots marked. Line of Head at-
shows but little Mount of jupiter, but tached quite a space to the Line of
an exaggerate and badly marked Life. A fine Lower Mount of Mars
Mount of Mercury. The Line of and a Mount of Mercury fully devel-
Head will be drooping and the Upper oped, with Fourth Finger slightly
Mount of Mars much lined, showing above average.
aggressive brutal instincts. P tha oras.-A famous Greek philoso-
Pom ius, Nicolaus; a German; author p er . C. 560-500)-16.

igurz lromanticze" (Ham-

uadran e, The.-309. (See Plain of
burg: 1682), and "Przcepta Chiro-
mantica" (Hamburg: 1682). ars.

Pratorius, ohann; a German; author uain's "Elements of Anatomy" (Lon-

eiroscopia et Metoposcopia" on: 1876).
(Jena: 1659), and other noted works arrelsome Di ition.-See Violent
on the subject.
Rascette, The.-196. 1. Position and Di-
rectnon-196. CIl3.!'8Cl¢f=l97. 3.
Presentiments.-Case: 289. Connected with the Mounts-197. 4.
Breaks-I 5. Connected with the

Preservation, Curious uare of.-Case: Lines-I 6. Signs-198.


258. Readin Love of.-The

, more or less
Preservation, R ated Instances of.-
comca s the First Finger, in
ase: 352. combination with the indications con-
Pride, I ndi t a b l e.-Exaggerate
o m ceming the Palm, the other finger
l ounts upiter an Mounts and
o Tips, the Knots, the Mounts, will in-
Plain of Mars. A grille on the Mount dicate-with a fine Line of Head in
of jupiter. Often a number of Lines all cases-in what direction the sub-
orbranches from the Lines of Life ject's Love of Reading will find its
orHead running high up into the satisfaction.
Mount of Jupiter. Often exaggerate Reason Lost Throu h Love Sorrow.-
Mount of the Sun. ase: 237.
Primitive Nature.-See Elementary Reeklessness.-See Imprudcnce. just
increase untoward indications therein
Prison.-A square on the lower part of enumerated.
3¢¢°VU|'Y» PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Bandera. 44,3

Recov from Serious Illness.-The part of the Mount oi the Moon, espe-
meof Life ciallyif crossed. Line of Life widely
over ragments a

connect ayigg
by a bar. Similar frag- forked and red at the termination.
ments encased within a square.
Cross Lines from the Line of Life to
Around all evil signs on the Hand to the Mount of Satum.
be interpreted as serious illnesses the Rheumatism, Heredita .-Several lines
presence of a square is reassuring. ount Saturn and thc
Crossing! e
Wanting that, the fact that the bad Line of Heart.
indications are not repeated in both
hands is a promise of recovery. Rheumatism, Inflammatorv.-W i t h
ot er in icatxons
o eumatism
Reli 'on, Chan e of.-Case: 244.
(which see), black, bluish or red dots
Reli ion, Founder of a New.-Case: on the Line of Heart.

352- Riches.-See Financial Success.

Reli ion, Resi ation Due to.-Case: Ron hile; a Frenchman; author of "La
Religious Enthusiasm Determinin Ab-
Léyromantie naturelle" (Lyons:
so ute astit ase: 302.

Rothmann, ohann~ a German; author

Reli ious Veneration.-Slender, soft o iromantxa Theorica Practica"
pa m; smoot pointed fingers,
, espe- (Erfurt: 1595). English translation
cially the First. A line Mount of jupi- by Wharton (London: 1652).
ter. Ro al Persona e, Favorite of a.-Case:
Re ueno, Vincenzo; an Italian; author 354-
o operta della Chironomia" Ruined b a Woman, Position.-Case:
(Parma: 1797).
Respir.-24. The "exhalation"-so to
Ruined, Minor Children Financial! '.-
speak-of the vital fluid.
I7 .

Res irato Disease of.-Thin

Or ns,
Sadness, Su rstitious.-Second Finger
alm. curved or Huted
ng, rxtt e,
nails. Pale lines. Mount of jupiter eamng towar nrst. Exaggerate
Second Finger (especially first pha-
exaggerate. Many islands on the
Line of Head. A Line of Influence lanx) and Mount of Saturn. Droop-
ending in an island on the Mount of ing Line of Head, with exaggerate
Mount of the Moon.
Res irato Or ans, Severe Trouble of. Sahn, Frank; a German; author of "Die
Ciinromantie der Alten" (Berlin:

Res onsibilitv, Dislike of.-First Finger
St. Germain, Comte C. de; a French-
ton short. ines o Head attached
too long to the Line of Life at the
man (184;;; author 3 "Hand Book
start. lnsigniticant (or absent) Mounts
of Palmistry" (New York: 1883);
"Practical Palmistry" (Chicago:
of Mars. First Phalanx of Thumb be-
low normal. 1897); "The Practice of Palmistry for
Professional Purposes" (2 vols. 1,250
Rcvencfeful Enemv, Ambition Interfered ill.; Chicago: 1897-98); editor of the
wifi 95.
y.- ase: monthly, "American journal of Palm-
Rheumatism.-"Satin" skin. Exagger- istry" (Chicago: 1897, 1898-).
ate or much lined Mount of Saturn. Sanders, Richard; the leading English
The Midle of the Mount of the c iromant o the XVII. Century;
Mount of t e Moon exaggerate or author of "Physiognomie. (`l»irn-
much lined. A line down the Middle mancie, Mctoposcopie," etc., H.n:.22t-d

with Their Natural Predictive Signifi- Short nail on Second Finger, the other
cations" (London: 1653); also of almond shaped. Lines of Life and
"Palmist ; the Secrets Thereof Dis- Head attached too long at the start.
closed" (lzondon:
lw4). An exaggerate Mount of the Sun
Modem.-Case: 264. (envy) and an exaggerate Mount of
Sappho, a
the Moon. Many Worry Lines.
Saturnian, The.-The Line of Fate-30.
Sensual Instincts.-See Love, Extreme
Saturn, Mount Of.-I. Position-84. 2. assion in.
Meanmgl. Displacements-3.
Sc aration, Endin I-Ia il Cruel.-
88. 4. Revealing Illnesses-89. 5.

Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6. asc:

Signs-97. 7. Signature: a. Ph si- Se aration; Fatal ourne .-Case: 182.
'cal Peculiarities-124; b. Health Fe-
Se aration from a Loved One.-Case:
culiarities-125; c. Mental and Moral
Peculiarities-125. 8. In combina- 290-
tion with another prominent. Mount-
Segration, Leg.-Case: 306.
S ration Not Divorce .-The forks at
Satum, 'l`he Rin of.-The Girdle of
t e starting point or termination of
enus-30. ere is, however, a Lines of Union are often accurately
of Satum, just encircling the
Ring read as separation of some duration,
base of the Finger, on the Mount, the due not to quarreling or such causes,
meanin of which-Extraordinary but to the necessities of existence.
Magic zur Occult) Powers. Shi wreck, Dan r of.-A star or island
Scaffold, Death on the.-Line of Head
on a s ort ne Voyage the
broken under the Mount of Saturn.
A cross in the Plain of Mars and stars
Percussion ci the Mount of the along oon.

on the second linger. The Line of Sider, A.; Frenchman;

a author of "La
Life terminating abruptly and gener- Cliuromancie Royale et Nouvelle"
ally with a deep bar at the date of the (Lyons: 1666).
execution. Si and Lines 'l`humb and
s on
Schalitz, Christian; a German; author of 1.humb-325. 2. On

"Ure von xberglauben, Vanitaeten -32%

all t e Fingers-328. 3. On First
und Teuscheroi Chiro- Finger-329. 4. On Second Finger
mantia, etc." (Fran fort: Eereinigte
1729). -333. 5. On Third Finger-337. 6.
On Fourth Finger-340.
Seduction b Married Man.-Case: 179.
Si ns in GCHCf3l._9l. Sixteen in Num-
Seduction b Married Man.-Case: 269.
ustration-91. 1. 'I'he Spot or

Seers and Saints.-Transparent hand. Dot. 2. The Cross. 3. The Star. 4. The
Klmond shaped nails. Very pointdi, Circle. 5. The Square. 6. The Tri-
smooth fingers, especially the first fin- angle. 7. The Angle. 8. The Island.
ger. Often high Mount of the Moon. 9. The Grille, or Gridiron. 10. The
Line of Intuition and Mystic Crqss Sign of Jupiter. 11. The of Sat-
(which see) in both hands. urn. 12. The Sign of the un. 13. Sign
The Sign of Mercury. 14. The Sign
Selfishness, Excessive.-Hand thick and of Mars. 15. The Sign of the Moon.
hy. cry Palm and Lines. 16. The Sign of Venus.
Short, smooth 'pac
ngers, somewhat coni- Skeleton of Hand, Illustration of.-35.
cal, with thick third phalanges. Ex-
aggerate Mounts of Venus and the Sk ticism "versus" Convent Life.-
Moon. Often absence of the Line of asc: 3.
Ileart; if it is there it is poor and much Skill. Practical.-Long, knotted fingers.
branched downward.
Lspecia ly well shaped (square) second
Sensitiveness to Criticism, Extreme.- finger and good Mount of Mercury.
Skin Disease. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. sun- 405

Skin Disease.-Case: 156. author of "The Grammar of Palmis-

try" (London: I8Q2); also "Hands of
Somnambulism.-An island at the start- Celebrities" (London: I895).
ing point o a Line of Liver that runs the Mount of Sat-
close to the Percussion. Still stronger Sterihty.-A cross on
um-98. The Line of Life lying too
it that island is found at the start of a
close to the Second Phalanx of the
Line of Intuition.
Thumb-153. A star at the connec-
Somnambulism.-Case: ao8. Case: 212. tion of the Line of Head and Liver-
171. Weak and poor Line of Heart
Sorrow from Death of Loved One, Ex-
terminating forkless-244.
treme.- me o n uence rom a
Sterility.-Case: 207. Case: 208.
star onthe Mount of Venus, and end-
ing in a dot or star on the Line of Stocker, R. D.' an Englishman; author
Heart. of A oncordance of Graphology
S doni° and Physiognomy" (London: 1895).
Italian; author of "Studio

di Curiosita
nel quale tratta di Fisi- Stone, The; Disease of.-The lower part
onomia, Chiromantia e Metoposcopia" oi the Mount oi the Moon exaggerate
(Venice: 1675). or much lined.
S ark, .
.; an author of Stubbornness.-See Obstinacy.
ientil-ic and Intuitional
Palmistry" Success.-Bases of the fingers on a fair
(London: 1895).
S eculative Business, Talent for.- alignment. Strong Thumb. Finc
Mounts of jupiter, the Sun and Mer-
lightly conical linger tips, especial y cury. Straight, long Line of Head.
the Fourth Finger. No knots. Third Fine Line of Fate, ending on either
Finger above normal. Mounts and the Mount of jupiter or the Mount
Plain of Mars and Mercury finely de- of the Sun. Long Line ol' the Sun.
veloped. Long Line of Head slightly Clear Line of Liver. See Ambition
drooping at the termination. Successiul; Art, Extraordinary Suc-
S entlthrift Dis cess in; Fortune.
osition.-Very Flexible
ingers, a t ir
wit Finger often Success After Re cated Rebuffs, Final.
above normal. A first phalanx of the -Case: 349.
thumb much thrown backward and
ficxiblc. High Mounts of jupiter and Success Late in Life .-The Lines of
the Sun. The Line of Head separated `ate or ine of t e Sun, or both,
from the Line of Life and drooping starting from the Line of Heart and
somewhat in a high Mount of the running deep into the Mounts un-
Moon. barred and unstarred.
S hinx Die; German Periodical; Vols Suicidal Tendencies.--Stars on the
H., IV. and V. Mounts of Saturn and the Moon, the
latter Mount quite prominent. Droop-
Troubles.-Nails short,
Spinal narrow
ing Line of Head. A Line of Head
and curved. A star on the Mount of
Saturn. A drooping Line of Life
merging into Line of Liver, with
poor Line of Fate and numerous bars
often starred or broken under Saturn. For Modes ol
on the Line of Life.
A much rayecl and often starred Mount
Suicide sec page 90.
of the Moon.
Suicide, Attem ted.-Case: 351.
S leen, Disease of.-Case: 169.
Sun, Mount of the.-I. Position-84.
Square of Preservation, Peculiar.-Case:
2. eanings Displacements

307 -

-89. 4. Revealing llnesses-89. 5.

St. Hill. Katherine; an Englishwoman; Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6.

Signs-tot. 7. Signature: a. Ph sieal Tact, Lack of.-Short, square, smooth

Peculiarities-127; b. Health Ilecul- lingers. Short nails. Mounts of Mars
iarities-I27; c. Mental and Moral exaggerate. Lines of Life and Head
Peculiarities-128. 8. In combina- separated at the start. Sometimes no
tion with another prominent Mount- Line of Heart; otherwise a very poor
137. one. Fourth Finger and Mount of
iun, The Line of the.-294. 1. Position Mercury far below Normal.
Ta lor, Lan don;
an Englishinan;
and irection-294. 2. Character: a. '

By Itself-295; b. In combination with aut or o andy Guide to Palmis-

other Indications-296. Starting _
try" (London: 1895).
Points and Forks at the gI3l't*297. Teachin A titude for.-Square, tipped,

4. Termination and Forks at the Ter- notte ngers. ng, well shaped
mination-e99. 5. Branches-3oo. 6. Thumb. Mounts of Mercu and Mars
Breaks-301. 7. Connected with the predominant. Mounts of and Yupiter
Main Lines: a. Directly-301; b. By
Venus well marked. If intellect re-
Minor Lines-301. 8. Signs-304.
markable: line Mount of the Sun.
Special Observations-307. Lines of Head and Life slightly sepa-
iu rstition.-Exaggeration of the Sec- rate at the start. Fine I..ines of Head
ond Finger and Mount of Satum. and Heart.
Often exaggeration of the Mount of Teeth, Trouble with the.-Exaggerate
and drooping of the Line of
ge Moon
ea .
or muc me ounto
and wavy Line of Liver, with similar
rn. Long
Line of Fate, and second phalanges
iurgeon, The.-See Physician, The; also
of all fingers abnormally long.
Medical Stigmata.
Add to these indi~
Thickness of Hand and How to ud
cations: Hard Palm. Long, spatulate, .

knotted fingers. Excellent Mounts -37. ts importance in t e

and Plain of Mars. of and Health. (See
iwindler, The.-Long hand. Crooked
Hand Diiposition
roper and Palm combined.)

fingers, especially the Fourth Finger. Thief, The.-Heavy, elementary hand.

Wretched Mounts. 'l`he Mount of Crooked fingers, especially the fourth
Mercury either exaggerate or marked one. Mount of Mercury very much
by confused lines, a cross and even exaggerate and much crossed and
a star.Line of Head deeply forked. even starred. Lower part of the
Professional awindlers have a Mount Mount of the Moon very No
of the Moon very heavy in its lower Mount of Jupiter at all. ew lines. buyng.
part. See Burglar, The; Pickpocket, The,
» novia in Knee oints, Lack of.-Case:
'I`hi Bone, Dislocation of the.-Case:
I .

i nthetical View of Thin s; Aptitude

or n erstan ole Better
in E t e Thou htless Dis ition.-Wide space
than the Details.-Small hands. Short, ween ond and Third

smooth fingers. Fingers. A wide space between the

Lines of Life and Head. High Mount
l`act.-Long fingers, with little balls on
of the Moon. Very little, if any, Mount
1; inside of first halanges. Second of Mercury.
knots well market?
Mount of Mer-
cury predominant, with a long, shapely Throat, Sore.-Exaggerate or

second finger. Excellent Line of hna Upper

Mount of Mars. Cross
Heart. A triangle on or near the ter- lines (especially if or forked)
mination of the Line of Life. Good from the Percussion the deép Upper
Line of Liver. Fine Plain of Mars. Mount of Mars.
Thumb. PALM ISTIC DICTIONARY. Unconventionalit! 4°1

Thumb.-What distinguishes Man from Traveler, The

Born.-Square palm;
lower animals. Exhaustive Study- t ic , eastic
an Short, spatulate

5r. In Idiots, Infants, fingers; very rarely knotted. A PTO-

Criminals. I. Position. 2. ize. 3, Egileptics, nounced Third finger if dangerous
Shape. 4. First Phalanx: a. Size; b. voyages are projected; also fine
Sha e. 5. Knot. 6. Second Phalanx: Mounts of the Sun and the Moon; with
a. Sgze;
b. Shape. No third Phalanx.
a deep, straight Line of Head. Little
of the other Mounts or Lines except
7. Combination of Phalanges.
Lines and Signs-325. the essential ones.
Tibertus, Antiochus; a German; author Travel Successful.-A Line from the
o vanous wor s on Chirornancy, ascette stralg t to the Mount of Jupi-
published in |494 and 1541 in Bonn ter.
_and Mayence. Trian le, Plain of
Time in the Hand, How to Reckon.-
The.-316. (See
I .
ustrations-149, 151. Un
Line of Life--148. On Line of Fate Trian le, 'I`he Small.-324. (See Plain
-150. On Line of the Sun-152. Mars.
On the Percussion-152. On the
Mount of Jupiter-152. On Line of Tricasso; an Italian and a leading Chiro-

Heart-413. On Line of I-lead-413. mant of the XVI. Century; author of

On Line of Liver-413. "Chyromantia Novamente revista e
con Somma diligentia corretta e stam-
Timidit .-'I'hin, soft palm. Long,
(1534). Excellent French trans-
knotted fingers, inward bent. Low
if any) Mounts of Mars, Mercury and
ation issued in Paris in 1552.

upiter. The Line of Head attached T s of Hands, Leadin The

too to the Line of Life at the oxnt 57. The2.
long syc nc or
start. arrow Quadrangle. Artistic (or Conical)-59. 3. The
Ti of Fin Useful (or 4. The Nec-
ers.-Shape of extremity of
essary (or s%l3f¢)*6I.
patulate)-63. The .

of Tips:

Pointed; Conical;
Four leadin types
Square; Philosophical (or Knotted)-é5.
The Elementary-66. 7. The Artistic-
,Elementary-67. 8. The Murder-
Tobaco Heart, 'l`he.-Case: 245. er's-68. 9. The Idiot's-69. Io, rr,
ra. Mixed 13. The Wo-
Todd, R. B.; Englishman; author of
Types Woman's Types:
"Cyclopa:dia of Anatomy and Physi- man's-§.
a. reamer; b. The Emotional;
ology" (London: 1839). c.The Globe Trotter; d. The Bus -

Touch, Sense of; the most indispensable body; e. The Drudge; f. The Quick-
Ei the Eve tempered.
T rannical Dis sition.-First Finger
Traitor, The.-Crooked Fingers, espe- too ard nails. First
ong. g,
cially the fourth finger. Short and of the Thumb exaggerate.
pale nails. Absence of the Line of ghalanx Mount of Deep,
Heart. xagglerate
straig Line
of Hea
t crossing thedlupiter.
Travel or Vo a for a Loved One's hand like a bar. The Line of Heart
often absent.
a e.- me o
oyage coming
from the Percussion of the Mount of Unconventionalit _-Thick, soft palm.
the Moon and merging into the Line ngers a mg apart easily. Fin-
of Heart under the Mount of Mer- gers bent baekward, smooth and coni-
cury. Often: Line of Head merging cal. Thumb set very low and curved
into the Line of Heart under the same backward. Lines of Head and Life
Mount. often separated at the start. Mounts
408 Ungodlinell. PALMISTIC DICTIONARY. Versatility.

of the Sun, the Moon and Venus pre- Union Prevented b Death.-A sharp
dominant. rea on a me o mon.

Un odliness.-See Skepticism. Unions, Successive.-Case: 278.

Union.-Short, horizontal Line on the Unselfishness.-See Benevolence.
Percussion of the Mount of Mercury.
Cross on the Mount of Jupiter. Line Useless Details, Mania for.-Very large
of Influence from the Upper Mount of ands. .xaggerate second knots.
Mars or the Mount of tlfe Moon to Sec also Fault-finding.
the Line of Fate (sometimes to the
Vacillation.-Soft Palm. Fingers
Line of the Sun). Marked sometimes
smooth and spatulate. First Phalanx
by a break on Lines of Fate or the Sun, of Thumb below normal.
indicating a great change in the sub- Insignifi-
cant Mount of jupiter. Line of Head
ject's life.
attached too long to the Line of Life
Union, a Brilliant.-A cross and a star
and short. Plain of Mars low. Lines
unite e'Mount of Jupiter. A
on t of Fate and the Sun both forked
tine Line of Fate ending on the Mount and accompanied by wa , short sister
of Jupiter. A Line of Fate merging lines, especially on the Hounts
of Sat-
into an extremely good Line of Heart. urn and the Sun.

Union, A Love.-A long, fine Line of Vanit _-Exaggerate Mounts of jupiter

mon. clear cross on the Mount
of jupiter. A Line of Influence from
and the Sun, with abnormally long
third finger. Often exaggerate
the Mount of the Moon blending with Mounts of Venus and the Moon. The
the Line of Fate, or running alongside Line of Life forked at the start, one
of it for a s ce-never cutting it. A prong entering the third phalanx of
branch of th:
Line of Fate merging the first finger. Sometimes a similar
into the Line of Heart. prong of the Line of Head ends at
Union, Mercenar _-A prominent
A the same place.
ount o ercury. A Line of Influ- Vanit . Morbid.-Third
Finger leaning
ence from the Mount of Mars touching ccond.
towar .
Exaggerate Mount
the Line of Fate (often "cutting" it, ofjupiter displaced toward the Mount
if the Union is to be unfortunate). of Saturn. A prong of a fork of the
Union, Lines Of.--264. I. Position and Line of Head going up deep into the
Mount of Jupiter, then tuming and
lrection-265. Starting Points
and Forks at the Start-266. 3. Ter- terminating on the Mount of Saturn.
mination and Forks at the Termina- Vcncrcal Dist-asc.-Case: 163.
tion-267. 4. Branches-267. 5.
Breaks-268. 6. Connected with the Venercal Disease, Grave.-A star on a
Main Lines-269. 7. Signs-269. double irdle of Venus. A black spot
Special Observation-271. Addi- on the Mount of Venus.
tional CBSCS-271.
Venus, Mount of.-I. Position-85. 2.
Union, Mismated.-A deep, red Line of
Union. A ine of Influence from-the
Meanings37. Displacernents-
Mounts of the Moon or Up er Mars
89. 4. Revealing Illnesses-90. 5.
X Revealing Mode of Suicide-90. 6.
cutting the Line of Fate. broken
Signs-II7. 7. Signature: a. Physi-
Line of Heart. A poor Line of Fate
cal Peculiarities-l35C b. Health Pe-
from the date corresponding with the
Union. A Line from the Line of
Cllll3l'ilC91l3S; c. Mental and Moral
Heart ending in a crook on the Mount
Peculiarities-I36. 7. In combination
with another prominent Mount-137.
o' Saturn. Deep bar, cutting the Line
of Heart. A branch of the Line of Versatility.-Hand proper shorter than
Fate cutting the Line of Heart. supple angers with conical tips. Fine,
VIA Lnleivl. PALMISTIC D ICT IONARY. Worlds ot the 409

Third and Fourth Fingers. Weakenin of the S stem, General.-

Beautiful Mounts of the Sun and Mer- ine of ife orked at the ermina-
cury. Line of the Sun exceptionally tion-159.
good. This supposes the Versatility Wealth.-See Success; Inheritance. etc.
to be of a useful character as far as the
career of the subject is concerned. Wearin -out of the S stem.-Very deep
I. Position mes. me of ife tasseled or end-
Via Lasciva, The.-209.
and 2. Termination ing in a series of crosses. Capillary
aracter-209. lines drooping from or attached to
and Forks at the Termination-209. Line of Life. See Languor.
3. Breaks and Branches-209. 4.
Connected with the Main Lines: a. Widowerhood.-Case: 183.
Directly-209; b. By Minor Lines-
Widowhood.-Case: 185.
239. 5. Signs-210.
Wife, A Deceivin _-Case: 268.
Vice, Worst Conse uences of Sensual.-
xaggerate or much ine Woman, The New.-Square palm; long,
Satum and Venus. Triple Girdle of notty ngers. Very short nails.
Venus. A pale, wide Line of Heart. Lines red and deep. The hand fur-
Vindictiveness.-The Mounts and Plain rowed by cross lines. Line of Life and
Head widely separated at the start.
o ars very exaggerate; also the
Excessive Mounts of Jupiter and the
Mount of the Sun (envy). A very nar-
Sun (Love of notoriety). Mount of
row Quadrangle. due to the abnormal

lowering of the Line of Heart. Often Mercury in evidence, with a strong

Mount of the Moon and a much
Line of Heart entirely absent, with a
Line of Head crossing the hand like a drooping Line of Head. Line of Heart
and Mount of Venus insignificant.
Womb Dis lacement.-Case: 171.
Violent Nature.-Very hairy hands (in
a man e dish colored hair. Hand
Womb Troubles.-Case: 154.
thick and hard. Nails long, thick and Woods, os h; Englishman; author
curved clawlike. Exaggerate Mounts
of "Scientific Palmistry and Its Use"
and Plain of Mars. Red lines, espe-
a deep and Long Line of Mars.
(London: 1897).
Worr Lines.-Those Lines of Influence
Violent Tem er.-Case: 225.
romthe Mounts of Venus or Lower
Violinist, Brilliant Girl.-Case: 214. Mars or the Line of Life that cross
the hand for a little distance only and
Vocation Interfered with.-Case: 275. are not clear enough to be especially

from the Ras- read in accordance with the rules set

Voyages !Lucky).-Line Hori-
down in pp. 172-193.
cette to the Mount of jupiter.
zontal Lines along the Percussion of Worlds of the Kabbala, The Three.-15.
the Mount of the Moon, when. not ccordmg to esbarrolles t ey repre-
broken or badly marked. _
sent the three elements in the hand:

Vo a es, Uniucky.-Broken, crossed,

"The Inspirational," the "Mental,"
the "Material." A whole, most curi-
starred, is anded Horizontal Lines deducted from
ous system is found
along the Percussion of the Mount of
these principles in "Les Mystéres de ln
the Moon. Two lines from the Ras- Main" (Paris: 1859). Also in thi-
cette to the Mount of Satum, crossing works of Eliphas Levi, Dr. Papus, M.
each other there.
Decrespe, etc. Without denying thc
Warren, Claud; an Englishman; author marvelous logic of the Master's rea-
ife ize Outlines of the Hands sonings, it has been found preferable
to leave them out of a purely practical
of Twenty-two Celebrated Persons"
work of this kind.
(London: 1882).

Wound, Dan erous.-A black dot on repeated in both hands and with an
me re.'nes from the first accompanying break or ominous sign
of the Thumb to the Line of on the Line of Fate.
ie. Yeamin Toward Notori , Extrava-
Wound in the .-Case: 97. ase:
Ent. 347.
Wound, Mortal.-Stars or breaks of Yellow Fever.-Case: 386.
fines of nie, Head or Heart when


Fir; Use a paper about the consistmcy small padis. 1'henplaeethehaad,wlhlu-

ot that used for typewriting purposes. gen stretched, upon the sheet, sad peas
Second. Proeure some gun camphor. softly, but irmly.
Talre only a ver'y small piece of it and place Seventh. Before lifting the hand, pass a
it in a plate.
well-sharpened pencil around the palm and
Third. Light it up with a rrltch, and pass ingerssoaatoclearlymarktheir shape.
the sheet of paper rapidly over the flame Ill-
Eighth. Lift the hand quickly, so as to
til it becomes a deep black, taking are not
avoid any rubbing.
to burn the paper or to make it turn yellow
Ninth. To preserve this print it will be
by exposing it too long to the tlame.
well to use a Fixatii, which can he procured
Fourth. Prepare a small cushion, made of
from any art store. The Fixatif is to be
tissue paper, elastic under pressure, without
sprayed upon the picture at a distance by
being too soft.
means ot s blow-pipe or vaporiser.
Fifth. Place under the top sheet a snail
Ting; Take an impression of both lands,
oval-shaped pad made of a certain number
of extra sheets of paper, and the purpose of and see tlut they are clear, repeating the op-
which is to Ell the hollow of the palm. eration until you get good impressions, show-
Sixth. Place upon this cushion the pre- iq all the lines, and not having any black

pared sheet of paper, and ascertain where the spots covering any important futures.

I. Timol¢nnmeat|oaholoun||mdoath¢I.u|o|HearmdHead.
Il. Al(od¢ICh|nbreompoto!hnd-Raadin|,ounuinin¢nmnohnoommmdadm¢hod Nh

03 ml" °f H°|¢- TIME KEASUREHENTS. On Uno of Heart. 413



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4 :33

Mr. H. C. Christensen, a resident of Chi- should they be to the

entirely' unfavorable
cago, ol' Danish parentage, has given lately a proposed scales. I may add, that, very lately-
great deal ol' his time to the close study ol' in lact, during the month ol December, 1897-
Modem Palmistry. Following indications ob- Miss Ina Oxenford, the excellent London
tained from a distinguished English Palmist, palmist, honored me with a communication on
he has prepared a most interesting drawing, a similar subject wherein she states that she has

containing Date-Markin s on Normall laced reached recently a much closer calculation of


Lines ol Hea an eart. un erstan t at dates than has ever been realized-or even
tus a iuona met o o securing time meas- attempted by Desbarrolles, Papus, Heron-
urements has been verilied in numberless cases Allen or even herself or her teacher, Mrs.
as proving extremely useful and accurate. I Kathryn St. Hill. In the meantime, here is
have, therefore, no hesitation in presenting it Mr. Christensen's Table for the Measurement
to my readers, requesting those among them of Dates on live IC mes, w ic insert
who are competent to discuss such a dihicult wit out urt er exp anations, as it needs none.

topic to Iumish me with their criticisms, even


Comte C. do Slht-GsrIsls's


L. AL-L41 Hua. R. M-#qu Hand

Hum Pnorn Length ...... Width. . . . .

.Proportion to Fingers ......
nm PAW'
Thickness ......
Consistency ...... Shin ..... Hair ...... Nails

Fmons. Length ..... .... .... Be n t .......... .... F lexibility. . . ..... . . .

Peculiarity of Any Finger .... ...... .....................

Tips .......... . lst ........... ad .... ......

3d ..........
4th .....

Knots ........ . :st ......... ad. . . ...... Inside Lover Phalanges. .

Tnuun. Position ........... Size. .... ...... Ben t. ...... . .

.Flexibility _ . . .

Phalanges. ........ lst .... .Knot. .. ......

Tip ....

Mons-rs. L. JL [In the order of their importance] ..... _ .

Rn H' »»»» olloeeo


Signs on the Mounts. L.' H. .... .

ssoaooosssos sooosnnncossgssn

Signs on the Mounts. R. H. . .

n»»~ sossoossooss»»»»»»»»sso|~¢»»¢¢»¢¢coe¢»».»»»¢¢¢»»..»»

Lines Connecting Mounts. L. JL [Including the Girdle.]. .... .

sua:».»»¢»¢| »»~|aso»savsooetolseeoossoss¢eaa.¢s¢ou:e¢¢¢»

Lines Connecting Mounts. R. H ......

Llrs. L. H.. .. _

Lines of Influence- . . . . .

R. H .......

Lines of Influence .....


Hun. L. H ........

R. H ....

Hun. L. H .....

R. H .....

FA11. L. H. .

Linea of Inlluence. ....



Lines of Inluence. ....

Sun. L. Il.. _ _

Lines of Inlluence. . .

R. I! ....

Lines of Inluence ....

Lwn.. L.I1 ....


Uznol. L.

R.}I .....

QuAnnuc|.|. _
L. H

R. H ....

Tnuulonx. L. .H .. .

R.H .....

,»»»~»»|»Q» » 0|

Ou Fnaons nm Tnuua. L. H

R. H...

Rnscrrn. L. H...


Susan Iumcnxoss. LII


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