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Gravity or flood testing procedures to sanitary, waste, and storm drainage piping

Perform gravity or flood testing procedures to sanitary, waste, and storm drainage

Water, Water container, Pipe wrench, Hack saw, Pipe cutter, Ladder/scaffolding, Ball
peen hammer, rags

Gloves, safety shoes, hard hat, safety harness

1. Fill the pipeline with water. The water level must not be less than 1 meter above the
natural ground level of the highest point of the section being tested.
2. You can also fill the flood level of the lowest fixture. However, the water level must not
exceed 5 meters from the lowest point of the section being tested.
3. Use tape markings to indicate the date, time and personnel who performed the flood
4. Observe the water level and shall be maintained without leakage depending on the
5. After 24 hours or the time specified in your workplace, check the water for any bubbles
and if the water level is lowered.
6. The Engineer/inspector will check the leak test if it doesn’t have bubbles and if the
water is at the same level.
7. Update the details in the tape marking. Indicate the date, time and personnel who
conducted the inspection.
8. Finally, The engineer/ inspector will sign the tape marking with the date and time of
Assessment Method:

Name of​​Trainee:

During the performance of the activity did the trainees perform according to the
required criteria?

Criteria Yes No
Were you able to...
1. Fill the pipeline with water. The water level must not be less than 1
meter above the natural ground level of the highest point of the
section being tested.
2. You can also fill the flood level of the lowest fixture. However, the
water level must not exceed 5 meters from the lowest point of the
section being tested.
3. Use tape markings to indicate the date, time and personnel who
performed the flood testing.
4. Observe the water level and shall be maintained without leakage
depending on the inspector.
5. After 24 hours or the time specified in your workplace, check the
water for any bubbles and if the water level is lowered.
6. The Engineer/inspector will check the leak test if it doesn’t have
bubbles and if the water is at the same level.
7. Update the details in the tape marking. Indicate the date, time and
personnel who conducted the inspection.

For satisfactory achievement, all items should receive a yes response.


Name and Signature of Trainer

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