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A Report On

Arabi Internationals

Prepared for

Ms. Tanzin Khan

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Submission Date: 8th May, 2021


We, the students of BBA, studying in the renowned BRAC Business School (BBS) of BRAC
University, declaring that this report on the cross-border market expansion of the agricultural
company Arabi International, has only been prepared for the fulfilment of the course of MKT425
(International Marketing) and has not been prepared for any other purpose, reward, or

Name ID G-Suit Section Signature

ROUANA MARJIA 16104129 01 Rouana
SHADMAN SAQIB 17104054 01 Shadman
NABILA TAHLIN 17104057 01 Nabila
S.M. HABIB ULLAH MISHKAT 17104120 01 Habib
ASHFAQUL ISLAM REEHAM 17104156 01 Ashfaqul

Letter of Transmittal

8th May, 2021

Mrs. Tanzin Khan
BRAC Business School
BRAC University
Mohakhali, Dhaka


With due respect, we are here to submit the following report on Arabi Internationals. According
to the instructions given by you.

After going through several online articles, Arabi International’s official web page, documentary
video articles, and conducting thorough online research, we have successfully collected
necessary background information about Arabi International. The online research also helped us
understand the nature of our country’s business environment and how Bangladesh is slowly
rising to become a major player in the international market, especially because of the countries
Agriculture, Steel and RMG industry. This priceless information also helped us identify the best
suitable industry to expand business in Russia.

I appreciate this opportunity to work under you.

Sincerely Yours,

Rowana Marzia – 16104129

Shadman Saqib – 17104054
Nabila Tahlin - 17104057
Habib Mishkat – 17104120
Ashfaqul Islam Reeham - 17104156

Program: BBA
Section – 01

At first, we desire to express our most profound sense of gratitude to almighty Allah.

With profound regard, we gratefully acknowledge our respected course instructor Mrs Tanzin
Khan, BRAC Business School, BRAC University, for her generous help and day to day
suggestion during the preparation of the report. Our whole group graciously thanks her for all her

Executive Summary

This report was commissioned to analyze and evaluate the business environment of Russia so
that one of the unorthodox organizations from the agricultural industry of Bangladesh, which is
Arabi International, can expand their business into Russia’s borders. The research reveals that
Russia’s environment is quite business friendly. The country has a reach and deeply rooted
culture with a somewhat unpredictable political and legal system for foreign businesses to
expand and invest in the country. On the other hand, economically, Russia is one of the fastest-
growing nations globally, where Russia is the third-best country of the world in terms of
receiving foreign direct investment and second-best in rankings in terms of economic growth.
This makes Russia quite a lucrative market for businesses like Arabi International to expand
because of the country’s heavy demand of the agricultural product which is dry fruits and nuts.
Of course, a country with a lucrative market will have its disadvantages as well. Research reveals
that the steel market of Russia is very rich, with a market willing to invest billions. This is
making the market highly competitive with passing the time. So, penetration needs to be quick
and effective. On the other hand, Bangladesh as a nation is economically growing but only at a
small proportion of the total international market. It will be financially quite a challenge for an
organization like Arabi International to set up a business and penetrate the Russian market all by
itself. Lastly, there is also a chance of political disruption depending on the relation between the
government and the business. The risk will be high as, along with being a lucrative market,
Russia has the reputation of being one of the world's most politically corrupted nations.
Expanding is also a viable option because the trade relation between the business’s home country
Bangladesh and the host country Russia is very stable and dates back since 1972. This will work
as a plus point for convincing and establishing a joint venture with a Russian company to
penetrate the Russian market. Based on the research, a marketing plan constructed with the help
of phase 2 of the global planning process is also attached so that by following the marketing
proposal as a blueprint Arabi International and their newly established joint venture can enter
Russia’s fruit and nut and chocolate market and contribute to the economy of Russia while
securing a profitable expansion.


Company Overview.....................................................................................................................................8
Host Country Overview..............................................................................................................................8
Why choose Russia as a host country?....................................................................................................11
The trade relation between Russia and Bangladesh................................................................................13
Porter’s 5 Forces......................................................................................................................................14
SWOT Analysis.........................................................................................................................................15
Marketing Plan.........................................................................................................................................17

Company Overview

After conducting thorough online research on Bangladesh as a home country and Russia as the
desired host country, our group has concluded that Arabi International, which has quite the
reputation for being a producer of quality agricultural goods from Maimanshingh, Bangladesh,
will be the most eligible organization to expand its business to Russia.

Arabi International is not one of the bigshots or renowned when it comes to being a producer of
agricultural goods. Still, as previously mentioned, it has quite a reputation of producing quality
agricultural goods and exporting them by taking help from many exporters to many countries of
Asia like India, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand. With every passing time, the organization
aims to expand and become one of the most prominent agricultural product vendors in
Bangladesh and across the border (Arabia International, 2021). The organization specializes in
producing potatoes and green vegetables. But along with these products, the organization also
provides aromatic rice, various spices like red chilli, turmeric and coriander, and dry fruits and
nuts (Trade Ford, 2021)

Host Country Overview

According to the definition, a host country is a nation in which the representatives of

organizations of another state are present because of the country’s government intervention or
because of some international agreement (US Department of Defense, 2005). As Arabi
International, a Bangladesh based agricultural goods producing company, wants to expand their
business to a country like Russia, they will have to follow the international trade laws and form
an agreement, which will make Russia the host country for Arabi International and Bangladesh
the home country. 

Before deciding on expanding to a new country, it is very important to conduct a host country
review. The review will help the business managers take region-friendly strategic decisions for
every business department. And so, this review will highlight the important factors like the

cultural, political, economic, social and legal systems of Russia. As we are planning an
expansion of our selected organization in the international market, the contents of this review
will only focus on specific information that can assist the business’s smooth operations.

Cultural Aspect:  Businesses that expand to foreign countries, like multinational organizations,
divide the country’s culture into four levels to deal with the country’s cultural aspects in an
organized manner. Among the four levels, the first level is the national culture. It is the dominant
culture within the country’s political border. For many reasons, people across the globe believe
that Russia has a dull and simple culture. But in reality, the country has a very rich and deeply
rooted culture that gets reflected through all its cultural elements such as steeped pictures, ballet
paintings, colorful folk costumes, classical music, one-of-a-kind traditions and rituals and
religious symbols. The country is home to many religions and religious groups, and
organizations. According to the 2012 census, 41% of the Russian citizens count them as a part of
the Russian Orthodox religious system. With other religions like Christianity, Buddhism, and
Paganism, Islam is the second most prominent religion in Russia after the Russian Orthodoxy
Religious System (Cultural Atlas, 2015). The second level is the business culture. In Russia, all
their government, private, and business organizations follow a strong hierarchy culture at all
levels. There are mandates for all tasks, and there is respect for strong structure and
power (Cultural Atlas, 2015). The third level is the occupational level. Here people from the
same professional community follow similar norms and behaviors. In modern Russia, people of
every occupation have their norms and behavioral traits. For example, Russian doctors use
specific words, gestures or even specific technology in their community (Coursera, 2018). The
final level is the organizational culture. The level focuses on the individual cultures that vary
from organization to organization. The culture of Russia is slightly different from other
countries. In most countries, their organizations have their own cultures and norms depending on
the organization type. Russia is no different, but they also maintain certain similarities like dress
code, greeting gestures, respect towards power to unify their organizations and influence
economic progress (Cultural Atlas, 2015).

Political Aspect: According to the 1993 constitution, Russia is a democratic, federative and law-
based state with a republican form of government. The state’s power has been divided into its

legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Russian politics also accept ideological and
religious diversity. A single state or compulsory ideology and religion is not
mandatory (Wachtel, 2018). This specific political system has managed to attract foreign
businesses into the country, making Russia the third most attractive country for foreign direct
investment (FDI) after the USA and China. It also made Russia the country with the second-best
emerging economy after China. At the same time, Russia also has the reputation of being one of
the most politically corrupted countries in the world. This has been turned into a primary
problem for business activities in Russia (Kusznir, 2016). So, expanding business to Russia
should be a strategically well thought out step for any business.

Legal Aspect: According to my research Russian Federation has civil law system. The law
system of Russia has both codified laws such as the civil code and criminal code, and the other
laws, which is a general rule, are consistent with the relevant codes. The legislation has the
supreme judicial force. However, Constitutional courts can declare any code invalid if they turn
out to be unconstitutional. International laws have been integrated into the Russian legal system
to provide foreign organizations, investors, and representatives of other countries a comfort zone
during interactions with Russia (Thompson Reuters, 2019). A major drawback of civil law is
that it is quite unpredictable. The person or organization in the trial will be judged by the laws
that will be written down in front of them. But even if previous cases show that you should win
your case, there is no guarantee a judge will interpret the code in the same way on your case. On
the contrary, this kind of situation will arise in common law only if the person's case in the trial
itself is uncommon. If it’s a common cause, then judgement will be given according to previous
judgment records (Cueto, 2017). This means the ratio of unpredictability is higher in civil law.
Legal unpredictability can prove to be very lethal in terms of business. So, expanding business in
Russia does have legal risks.

Social Aspects: According to, Russia has been striving slowly to successfully

create a civil society and restore the family and other basic institutions as functional units within
the society. Amid Post-Soviet Russia in the mid-1990s, habits of trust, personal responsibility,
community service, and citizen cooperation have remained untouched in Russia's society, as the
social attitudes of previous decades are embraced warmly by the Russian society. The social

structure is dedicated to benefitting its people & the standard of living has changed drastically,
inspiring people to live a good life. A positive social environment can be considered business-
friendly because there is a higher chance of sales regulation. For example, increase in sales
during social gatherings and events (Britannica, 2021). 

Economic Aspect: According to (Russia - Economy, 2019), Russia’s economic system has come
a long way since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991 and its command economy. The
country's economic foundation remains similar to the economic foundation that was developed
during the Soviet period. Now it is much more detail-oriented with the goal to maximize the
utilization of its resources to strengthen the economy & standard of living of the country & its
people. Currently, Russia has a mixed economy. Today, instead of command overall economic
activities in the Russian, the country government only owns the oil and gas industries. Under its
great size and abundant natural resources, it played a leading role in the economy of Russia. All
the resources of Russia made it possible for their great economic advances, including the rapid
development of mining & metallurgy facilities, heavy engineering, the expansion of the railway
network, and the massive growth of the energy supply industry. Thus, it has played a vital role in
developing the standard of living, which allows people to lead a good life. Previously it was also
brought to light that Russia is currently the second-best in the world in terms of economic
growth. The growing economy and high standard of living mean a potential market. So,
economically Russia is a business-friendly nation (Encyclopedia, 2021).

Why choose Russia as a host country?

To answer this question, we will be applying phase one of the global planning process. This
phase is the preliminary screening process of countries in terms of pre-decided minimum
screening criteria. Whether Russia should be selected as a worthwhile country to expand the
business is explained in detail below.

A country can export a particular product when that country achieves a competitive advantage.
This means that the country with the competitive advantage can produce that product better than

any other country (Boyle, 2021). Bangladesh has achieved a competitive advantage in producing
all sorts of agricultural goods. Among the many producers, Arabi International is one of the
capable organizations that can meet a certain demand in the Russian market. It is the demand for
dry fruits and nuts (Trade Ford, 2021). There is a huge demand for chocolates in the Russian
market. Fruit and nut chocolates and nougats are quite famous (Russian Legacy, 2021).    

Reasons behind choosing Russia: The reason behind choosing Russia is a high demand for dry
fruits and nuts. To be precise, it is a 5.3 billion US dollar market. It stands in number 8 on
Russian’s import list, which is why we decided to come to a Joint Venture with one of the
leading chocolate producers of Russia Babaevskiy and form a brand Babaeskiy Internationals.
Our organization will provide a key raw material for fruits and nuts chocolates, which are dry
fruits and nuts, and Babaevskiy will use their resources and chocolate supplies to come up with
the product. Apart from factors like market size, there are other certain criteria a business needs
to investigate before planning a cross border expansion. Like host county’s GDP and Business
Environment. Based on these screening criteria, we’ll be deciding whether Russia is a country
worth expanding

GDP: Currently, Russia ranks eleventh in the world in terms of GDP generation. As for the GDP
growth rate, in recent years, Russia has faced significant ups and downs in their GDP growth.
However, the fluctuation rate has been quite steady since the year 2018. the growth rate has
spiked up to 2.7% from 2.2% from 2018 to 2019. (Federal State Statistics Service, 2019). The
two falls at the start of 2018 and in the year 2020 was because of the International Economics
Sanction and the Global Pandemic (Andrianova, 2021)

Business Condition: From the above explanation of the host country’s overview, it has come to
light that Russia is a country that has favourable conditions for business expansion. The country
has a rich culture with a large, diverse market. Has a stable social and economic system. Yes, the
country’s political and legal system does appear to be a little fragile. But even in a condition like
this, Russia stands 3rd in ranking in terms of FDI and 2nd in ranking in terms of economically
emerging countries of the world (Kusznir, 2016).

A country with a steady fluctuation of GDP, further growth potential, high demand for the
offered product and above-average business condition is definitely worth targeting for

The trade relation between Russia and Bangladesh

Agreement on ‘Economic and Technical Cooperation and Trade Agreement’ dictates the
economic and trade relations between Bangladesh and Russia. This agreement was signed in the
year 1972. On 1st March of the year 2017, the Russian Federation and the Government of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh signed another agreement on the ‘Establishment of the
Intergovernmental Commission on Trade, Economic, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. This
commission’s primary responsibility was to develop broad-based cooperation between Russia
and Bangladesh in various sectors. The expectation was that It would facilitate the diversification
of bilateral trade, economic, scientific, and technical ties between the two countries' business
communities and assist in removing barriers to mutual trade. Before this agreement in 2016, the
bilateral trade volume between the two countries exceeded up to 1.4 billion USD. More than
90% of Bangladeshi import to Russia consisted of ready-made garments, seafood, and leather
items. On the other hand, Russia exported metal-roll, raw materials for the textile industry,
machinery equipment, fertilizers, crops, including high-quality milling wheat. This bilateral trade
was very significant for Bangladesh as this trade was balanced – the export from Russia was
almost equal to the import from Bangladesh. This trade ended up making the trade relations
between the country stronger. At present, Bangladesh faces an energy deficit and is keen to

develop energy cooperation with Russia. Hence, the energy sector is a focal point of bilateral
cooperation between the two countries. Even in the past, Russia and Bangladesh have been
cooperating in the energy sector since the 1970s. The power plants in Ghorasal and Siddhirganj
constructed with Soviet assistance still produce around 20% of total electricity in Bangladesh.
Nowadays, Russian energy giants such as State Corporation “Rosatom” and “Gazprom EP
International” are actively contributing to the realization of the “Universal Electrification-2021”
plan of the Government of Bangladesh. Apart from contributing to the energy sector, Russia has
also contributed to the cybersecurity and internet development of Bangladesh. The launch of
‘Kaspersky’ marked a revolutionary change in the field of IT security. This Kaspersky is a
Russia based company. Through Bangladesh Internet Exchange (BIE) Program, Russians
launched the Ollo internet brand in 2007 and marked the country’s progress in wireless
communication (Embassy of the Russian Federation in the People’s republic of Bangladesh,

Porter’s 5 Forces

To analyze the condition of Russia’s dry fruit and nut market and make strategic decisions
accordingly the porter’s five forces model is being applied below.

Threats of new entry: Import of dry fruits and nuts are in the eighth number of Russia’s import
list with a market worth of 5.3 billion USD (Workman, 2021). A financially stable market is
very lucrative for new entrants. Especially when Russia welcomes FDI with open arms, and the
country holds a reputation of being second in the list of economically growing nations (Kusznir,
2016). So, the threats of new entries observably high. 

Power of Suppliers: As chocolates are currently the most famous confectionery in

Russia (Russian Legacy, 2021), our main contribution to this Joint Venture is the stable supply
of one of the key raw materials of in-demand fruit and nut chocolates which is dry fruits and
nuts. As previously mentioned, Russia has a high demand for fruit and nuts as Russia’s
environment is unfriendly for this kind of agricultural production. So, the threats of local
suppliers will below.

Power of Buyers: Due to the high demand for fruit and nut chocolates, there are many
established companies in the Russian market like our target organization Babaevskiy, Red
October and Rot Front. In comparison to the demand, the company number is low (Russian
Legacy, 2021). This also means buyer’s bargaining power is low. That means it is unlikely that
product prices can be reduced easily.

Competitive Rivalry: Competitive rivalry is intense in the Russian Chocolate market. However,

the number of competitors is limited. But with such a big market, it is quite easy to fall behind
the competitors if any of them manages to capture a large portion of the market. 

Threats from the substitute products: The threats of substitute are low because chocolates have
no alternatives. Also, chocolates and dry fruits and nuts are also key ingredients for sweet and
confectionary dishes like cakes, puddings etc. Russian people love their sweets (Golubeva,
2014), so the chocolate product of our joint venture can thrive in the market as a raw material

SWOT Analysis

Using SWOT analysis, we have analyzed the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
that will be triggered due to the entrance into the new agricultural and chocolate market of
Russia. The analysis is below.

Strengths: In the new Russian market, Babaevskiy International’s only strength and biggest
competitive advantage will be that it will have a stable and affordable supply of both key raw

Weaknesses: One weakness that expansion in the Russian market might trigger is the uncertainty
of the political environment. For foreign businesses to perform well on the host country’s soil,
businesses should have synchronization with the political parties and government of the country.
Though, Russia has a reputation of welcoming foreign organizations and has a reputation of
being one of the most corrupted nations of the world (Kusznir, 2016). Any uncertainty with the
government might result in loss. 

Opportunity: Russian GDP has a steady fluctuation rate and potential for future growth (Federal
State Statistics Service, 2019). Quick growth in GDP also results in quick growth of the market.
This growth is a major opportunity for maximizing profit.

Threats: A major threat for that Babaevskiy International currently has is threat of not retrieving
their initial investment. Russia is a country that has threats like fluctuating political environment.
Creating a Joint Venture has cost. So, the business’s first goal would be to get back their
investment and then go for profit. But due to unstable political and legal atmosphere there is an
underlying threat of failing to retrieve initial investment.  

Marketing Plan

A detailed marketing plan for Babaevskiy International is given below by applying the marketing
plan chart or phase two of the global planning process.
Standardization: Our joint venture will produce mixed fruit chocolates that already have high
demand in the Russian market. Russian people prefer chocolates as a sweet confection, as treats
even as they accept them as gifts (Russian Legacy, 2021). This perception towards chocolates is
pretty much similar from many markets across the globe. This means we don’t need to work on
product adaption or modification. A standardized approach towards the market will be effective

Brand Name: For the betterment of the target market, we will use generalized brand names like
our fruit and nut chocolates named ‘fruit and nut’ The nougats will be named ‘Nutty Nougats’.
By giving simple brand names, we can boost customer engagement with the brand. 

Features: Fruit and nut chocolates are very nutritious. We will maintain the international
standard of nutrition for our ‘Fruit and Nut’ chocolates for a single 250 gm chocolate bar. The
bar will contain 80 gm Calcium, 0.4 gm Iron, 0.1 gm Vitamin A and 0.1 gm Vitamin C. For all
our other products like Nougats, chocolate gift hampers, chocolate raps, we will maintain the
international standards of nutrition (My Food Diary, 2021). 

Packaging: For any product, its packaging is very crucial. As we aim to brand ourselves as a
tasty, healthy and customer-friendly product, we need to ensure customer trust. For which we
will not change the initial packaging style of Babaevskiy. It is quite an established chocolate
brand even before the joint venture. So, consumers will find it easy to trust the product of its

joint venture business sector. This type of packaging is called promotional packaging (LMK,

Style: We will be applying two kinds of product styling. Our standard chocolate products will be
packaged and designed in a standard and consumer-friendly manner. While on the other hand,
the chocolate gift hampers will be styled as premium products. Because while giving gifts,
people would want the gift to look special and premium.

Standards: Just like in terms of nutrition, Babaevskiy International will maintain international

standards regarding the product’s raw material, production technology, product quality,
packaging etc. As the Joint Venture is between two organizations, different countries
maintaining international standards will be a must for the sake of international business laws.
Any lacking can be considered as a violation of international business laws.

Price: Since this joint venture results from an international business expansion, Babaevskiy
International would like to apply the value-based pricing strategy for their product. Because of
this Joint Venture, the organization now has easy and cost-friendly access to key raw materials to
produce the goods. This means they can reduce production cost and the product price too. That
means the organization can now priorities customer value by providing the product at customer
perceived value. 

Promotion: Since our prime goal is to gain customer satisfaction and brand or product as a
trustworthy and healthy consumer good, we will be applying one key promotional strategy,
which is to provide authentic product information in packaging. Other than that, to create brand
awareness, we will take help from both social media marketing and traditional advertising like
TVCs (Gitman, 2018). 

Distribution: Starting a joint venture is quite costly. So, to stabilize cost, we will be utilizing the
distribution channels of Babaevskiy. Both the pre-existing and new Joint Venture business are
from the same industry, so according to the strategic fit, the value chain from each business will
be similar; hence the elements of the value chain can be utilized.


To conclude, we would like to state that it is very true that due to Russia’s political and legal
environment, Russia might not be the first choice for businesses to get selected as a host country.
But statistically, it is also true that Russia is one of the world's fastest-growing nations with
respectable contributions to making the world a better place. From the above analysis, it is quite
clear that with proper planning, analysis and a well thought out penetration strategy, it is possible
for businesses of any country to enter Russia’s political borders and generate profit. Arabi
International, which after their joint venture with Babaevskiy, will become Babaevskiy
International, is the example generated from the analysis above. By selecting one of the safest
methods of international expansion, which is a joint venture with a host country’s organization,
not only Arabi International minimized the risk of expansion in Russia but also reduced the
amount of workload that should’ve required if any organization planned to penetrate by
themselves. Also, by Joint Venturing Russia and local their well-established local business
Babaevskiy will play a vital role in product distribution which will satisfy the market of Russia
who is quite patriotic when it comes to their local brands. On the other hand, by involving Russia
in the loop, the preexisting strong trade relation can strengthen. So, in the end, it can be stated
that choosing Russia as a host country was an alogically correct choice.

[Please Turn Over]


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