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A report on

Report on
Comparison of
Recruitment and Selection process between
Pfizer & Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited

Prepared for

Mr. Jubairul Islam Shaown

BRAC Business School

BRAC University

Submission Date: 9th September 2021

Student Declaration

We, the students of BBA and CSE, studying in the renowned BRAC Business School (BBS) and
Department of Computer Science of BRAC University, declaring that this report on the
comparison of recruitment and selection strategies of Bangladesh’s local companies and Fortune
500 companies, has only been prepared for the fulfillment of the course of MGT301 (Human
Resource Management) and has not been prepared for any other purpose, reward, or

Name ID G-Suit Section Signature

MD. IFTEKHAR ISLAM 16201072 md.iftekhar.islam@g.bracu.ac.bd 02
MD. MOSHFIQUR RAHMAN 16204005 md.moshfiqur.rahman@g.bracu.ac.bd 02
SYED HASSAN SADMAN 17101238 syed.hassan.sadman@g.bracu.ac.bd 02
ABRARUL HASSAN RAHAT 17101313 abrarul.hassan.rahat@g.bracu.ac.bd 02
SHADMAN SAQIB 17104054 shadman.saqib@g.bracu.ac.bd 02

Letter of Transmittal

9h September 2021
Mr. Jubairul Islam Shaown
BRAC Business School
BRAC University


With due respect, we are here to submit the following report on the recruitment and selection
strategies of our respective local and fortune 500 company Beximco Pharmaceuticals & Pfizer
according to the instructions given by you.

After going through several online articles, official webpages of our respective companies,
documentary video articles, and conducting thorough online research, we have successfully
collected necessary background information about the recruitment and selection strategies of our
respective companies. The online research also helped us understand the significant differences
regarding the recruitment and selection strategies between Bangladesh’s local companies and
fortune 500 companies. By utilizing this information, we compared and identified the better of
the two strategies and provided a recommendation for improvement to the comparatively
inefficient strategy.

I appreciate this opportunity to work under you.

Sincerely Yours,

Md. Iftekhar Islam - 16201072

Md. Moshfiqur Rahman - 16204005
Syed Hasan Sadman - 17101238
Abrarul Hassan Rahat - 17101313
Shadman Saqib - 17104054
Section – 02


At first, we desire to express our most profound sense of gratitude to almighty Allah.

With profound regard, we gratefully acknowledge our respected course instructor Mr. Jubairul
Islam Shaown, BRAC Business School, BRAC University, for his generous help and day-to-day
suggestion during the preparation of the report. Our whole group graciously thanks her for all her

Executive Summary
As per our instruction we were asked to find a local company operating in Bangladesh and
another from Fortune 500 list both operating within the same industry. After going through our
proposal, our respected faculty-approved Beximco pharmaceuticals as our local company of
choice and Pfizer as our Fortune 500 company. Although the businesses are in a completely
different league, they operate within the same industry which is the drug manufacturing industry.
By reading this term paper we will learn about the recruitment and selection process of both
Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited and Pfizer, how Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited is using
Advertisements, Recruitment by Internet & Referral strategies for their candidate recruitment
and CV sorting, Written exams, and Semi Unstructured or Unstructured Interviews to find
themselves flexible and adaptable employees to select. on the other hand, the paper talks about
how Pfizer uses Direct Search, Recruitment Agencies, and Referrals, and Walk-In strategies to
ensure their candidate recruitment and also uses Online Evaluation, Written Tests, and
Comprehensive Structured Interview strategies to curate their selection process. Furthermore, our
paper talks about how Pfizer's HRM team is working at a more comfortable and efficient state
when compared with our local company of choice, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited, in terms
of their recruitment and selection strategies. The paper also explains why Pfizer's recruitment and
selection strategies are more convenient and why or where are Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Limited’s recruitment and selection strategies are lacking behind. Lastly, we suggested many
strategies for improving the current model of selection and recruitment process of Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Limited. This paper will surely provide insights on the recruitment and selection
process of Beximco pharmaceuticals and Pfizer, and create an understanding of how our local
Bangladeshi company is holding up against Fortune 500 companies and how can they improve.

Table of Content

Question Description Page

No. No.
Chapter One: Main Body
Question: 02 For the local company, explain, in detail, the recruitment and 01-03
selection strategies the organization is following at present to hire
fresh graduates or similar entry-level candidates. Comment on the
effectiveness of the recruitment and selection strategies followed by
the organization.
Question: 03 For the chosen Fortune 500 company, explain, in detail, the 04-05
recruitment and selection strategies the organization is following at
present to hire fresh graduates or similar entry-level candidates.
Comment on the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection
strategies followed by the organization.
Question: 04 Decide which of the two organizations has a better recruitment and 06-07
selection strategy and explain why.
Question: 05 Once you have decided which one is doing better and which one is 08-08
worse, recommend strategies for improvement for the organization
that you think is doing worse at the moment. Design a thorough
recruitment and selection strategy for this organization.
Question: 06 Once you have decided which one is doing better and which one is 09-10
worse, recommend strategies for improvement for the organization
that you think is doing worse at the moment. Design a thorough
recruitment and selection strategy for this organization.
Chapter Two: Conclusion
Conclusion 11-11
Chapter Three: References
References 12-12

Main Body
Question: 02

For the local company, explain, in detail, the recruitment and selection strategies the organization
is following at present to hire fresh graduates or similar entry-level candidates. Comment on the
effectiveness of the recruitment and selection strategies followed by the organization.

Answer: As per our respected faculty member’s instruction and approval, we selected a
Bangladeshi local organization which is Beximco Pharmaceuticals, and an organization that is
currently enlisted in the ‘Fortune 500’company’s list which is Pfizer. Both organizations operate
within the drug manufacturing industry. In this question, we are going to shed light on the
recruitment and selection strategies that Beximco Pharmaceuticals applies to their employees for
their organization. The discussion about Beximco Pharmaceutical’s recruitment and selection
strategies are given below.

For many people, employee recruitment and selection are the same things. But in human
resource management (HRM) there is a very distinctive difference between the two concepts.
Recruitment refers to actively seeking out, finding, and attracting applicants for an organization’s
open job position (Sage, 2021). On the other hand, selection refers to screening out the best
candidates from a lot of applicants by using various screening tools and hiring them (Jahan,

Considering pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh, one of the first names that pop up is
Beximco pharmaceutical limited which is a part of the Beximco group. Being one of the first
USA FDA-approved pharmaceutical companies based in Bangladesh Beximco Pharmaceuticals
is undoubtedly one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh. To maintain this
standard, the company is very sensitive about hiring its employees. To maintain their standards
and achieve their collective goals the organization follows a specific set of strategies for
employee recruitment and selection. During their every hiring window the company gets
engaged in both internal and external recruitment of employees. Since the question asked us
about the process of hiring fresh graduates or candidates for entry-level jobs it is quite clear that
the strategies that we need to discuss are the recruitment and selection strategies for external
employees. As far as recruiting strategies are concerned Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited
applies the same strategies for recruiting fresh graduates for entry-level posts and also for
recruiting high-ranked officers. The

Page 01 of 12
company use advertisements, recruitment via the internet, and referrals to spread the word about
a job position in the company (Jahan, 2018).

Advertisements: In terms of recruiting, Beximco Pharmaceuticals follows one of the most

contemporary strategies which is publishing advertisements in newspapers. During every
recruitment window, the company publishes advertisements in all the national newspapers. As
the organization has a very strong reputation the newspaper advertisements usually attract more
than enough applicants. The advertisement format is decided and published by the HR
department of the company (Jahan, 2018). 
Recruitment via Internet: To attract the attention of candidates who are fresh graduates the
company takes help from the internet. The company posts its job opening announcements on
both the organization’s official website and also in one of the very trusted online job portals in
Bangladesh which is bdjobs.com. As fresh graduates of the present time are more active in the
virtual world of the internet this strategy proves to be much more effective. However, the
organization does not post job opening advertisements on social media platforms like Facebook
and professional platforms like LinkedIn. It is one of their ways of judging a candidate’s
sincerity as they believe that sincere candidates will seek opportunity and bounce on it (Jahan,
Referrals: Sometimes if the organization faces an emergency to fill an entry-level job position,
they consider the help of referrals from the organization’s existing employees. This strategy
spreads the news faster in comparison to the other two methods. The chances of getting reliable
and qualified candidates are higher as the referral were from an employee who is well aware of
the company and its internal environment. So, there is a high possibility that the employee will
suggest someone with the right qualification (Jahan, 2018).
After the recruitment comes the selection strategies. Just like the recruitment process, the
selection proves is also the same for fresh candidates who are applying for entry-level jobs and
also for the selection of high-ranked officers. The company uses strategies like CV sorting,
written exams, and interviews (Jahan, 2018).
CV sorting: The company’s HR department is in charge of the CV sorting. To screen out eligible
candidates from the pool of applicants the HR team goes through all the details of every CV.
They select the eligible CVs by comparing them with a pre-structured standard. CVs that meet
up to that 
standard is sent forward and the applicants are called for the written test. This pre-structured
format includes CV’s language, format, educational background for that particular position, and
any experiences in the related field (Jahan, 2018).

Written Exam: The selected candidates have to go through a written exam. The purpose of the
exam is to judge a candidate’s logical, analytical, situational, and general knowledge. The test
question is divided into four to five parts. The last part contains free writing where the candidates
need to answer a paragraph or an essay (Jahan, 2018).

Interview: This is the final strategy that the company applies to test their candidates one last time
before hiring them. The candidates who pass the written test are called for the interview. The
employers take interviews to judge the candidate’s communication and pressure handling skills
first hand. Depending on the job position the interviews can be conducted in groups or a one-to-
one format. For the interview question, the company follows a structured, semi-structured, or
unstructured format. Interviews are usually taken by the HR team (Jahan, 2018).

After the interview, the interviewers mark the candidate on certain criteria, and after adding the
marks of the written test and interview the candidates with impressive scores are eligible for
being hired into the company (Jahan, 2018).

From my perception, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited has a very stable recruitment and
selection process. As previously mentioned, the organization has big shoes to fill. To do so, the
organization needs to be flexible and adaptable to any situation. And so, the organization needs
flexible and adaptable employees who can carry the torch that lights the path of progress for the
company. To do so the employees would need to have strong analytical, logical and situational
knowledge. The employee would also require to process all the knowledge and communicate
with co-workers. The selection strategies make sure that an employee is being tested in all the
required criteria. The recruitment strategies are also very flexible as they ensure massive reach,
convenience for young graduates and even ensures quick recruitment during emergencies.
Overall, I would say that this is a very balanced recruitment and selection system that Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Limited has. This claim can easily be backed up by the success that the
company is showcasing on the national and international platforms.

Page 03 of 12
Question: 03

For the chosen Fortune 500 company, explain, in detail, the recruitment and selection strategies
the organization is following at present to hire fresh graduates or similar entry-level candidates.
Comment on the effectiveness of the recruitment and selection strategies followed by the

Answer: After discussing and analyzing the recruitment and selection strategy of our selected
local company Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited it is time that we also shed some light on the
recruitment and selection strategy of our selected Fortune 500 company Pfizer. Discussion on
Pfizer’s recruitment and selection strategies is provided below.

Just like the previous question this question also requires the answer that how Pfizer recruits and
selects fresh graduates and entry-level candidates. This means here we also need to discuss the
recruitment and selection strategies for external recruitment.

After serving through online articles and reports and visiting Pfizer’s official webpage it has
come to our notice that in terms of recruitment of external employees Pfizer only applies four
strategies which are Direct Search, Recruitment Agencies, Referrals, and Walk-Ins.

Direct Search: Direct search is a recruitment strategy that organizations apply to recruit
managers and specialists having very special skills in the work market (HR Solution Group,

Recruitment Agencies: In this strategy, the organization hires recruitment process outsourcers.
recruitment process outsourcers are organizations that handle most of the recruitment activities
of the company that hires them. In exchange, they take a monthly fee. The fee amount varies
depending on the number of candidates recruited. Pfizer outsources their recruitment process
from third-party organizations (Phenalapy, 2017).

Referrals: As explained in the previous question referrals is a strategy where already existing
employees of the company refer candidates to the company. Just like Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Limited, Pfizer also applies this strategy when they require quick recruitments (Phenalapy,
Walk-Ins: In this strategy job, applicants who want to start their career at Pfizer can directly
contact Pfizer through their official webpage and inquire about job openings. They can also drop
their CV via mail or directly come to the office and drop their CV (Phenalapy, 2017).

From the four strategies above Recruitment Agencies, Referrals and Walk-ins are the strategies
that Pfizer can apply when they want to recruit fresh graduates or entry-level job candidates. The
Page 04 of 12
direct search strategy can only be applied to recruit skilled managers and specialists for specific
job positions.

By shifting focus towards the selection strategies, it has come to our knowledge that Pfizer has a
set of pre-decided selection strategies that they use as tools to select all their candidates and hire
them for a permanent position in the company. These strategies are:

Online Evaluation: Any recruited candidates including fresh graduates and entry-level
applicants have to go through an online evaluation where basic attributes of their personalities
will be tested. Those candidates whose score meets the benchmark will move on (Phenalapy,

Written Test: Similar to Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited, Pfizer also organizes written tests
for their recruited candidates. The basic difference is that Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited
measures a candidate’s cognitive capabilities such as analytical, logical, and situational
knowledge of their candidates. But Pfizer’s test is fully constructed to highlight a candidate’s
professional skills. Skills that will be required to do the job in question efficiently (Phenalapy,

Comprehensive Structured Interview: Pfizer is a pharmaceutical organization that has already

met international standards. It is one of the Fortune 500 companies. So, the company doesn’t
need to emphasize expansion. The company aims to stay at the top and maintain its performance.
This is why they are clear about their requirements and what they want from their employees.
This is why they conduct structured interviews to evaluate a candidate and find out whether the
candidate has what it takes to be a part of Pfizer’s legacy (Phenalapy, 2017).

After a candidate passes all three obstacles and meets the benchmark score the company offers
the candidate a full-time job at Pfizer.
From my perception, if I consider Pfizer’s country of origin, their business environment, the
nationally authorized employment system of America which is Pfizer’s home county, then I
would claim that they also have a very stable set of recruitment and selection tools and strategies.
They not only have specific recruitment strategies but also have an open portal where applicants
can quarry and apply for jobs, they have an organized selection process consisting of sequential
complementary tools and strategies that ensures proper evaluation.

Question: 04

Page 05 of 12
Decide which of the two organizations has a better recruitment and selection strategy and explain

Answer: As we have mentioned in the comments of the previous question that Pfizer has a pretty
stable recruitment and selection strategy considering the company’s business environment,
country of origin, and employment system of the company’s home country. Similarly, if we
consider Beximco Pharmaceutical Limited they also have a very stable and successful set of
recruitment and selection strategies considering the human resource practices of Bangladesh.
Besides that, both organizations are successfully moving on the path of progress. So, initiating a
comparison is quite difficult. However, if we change the dimension see the recruitment and
selection strategies one by one from the perception of the human resource managers and the
applicants then based on convenience, we claim that Pfizer’s recruitment and selection strategies
are slightly better than of Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited’s recruitment and selection
strategies. Our reasons behind the claim are provided below.

Recruitment Strategy:

If we look from the human resource manager’s perspective then Pfizer’s HRM team is in a much
more comfortable state than in comparison to the HRM team of Beximco Pharmaceuticals
Limited. Pfizer has a much more informal approach to its recruitment process. Due to the Walk-
In strategy in action fresh graduates and entry-level job candidates drop their CVs at Pfizer’s
premises all the time. This is possible because Pfizer has a reputation of not only being a
successful company but also a company that has a reputation for boosting people’s careers.
Pfizer’s HRM team can just save those CVs of applicants in their database and if a vacancy
occurs, they can just cross-reference the job requirements with the skills sets of the applicants in
their database and initiate recruitment. And in case of emergency recruitment, they can take help
from recruitment process outsourcers or take referrals from their existing employees.

If we look at Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited their HR needs to constantly design execute the
whole recruitment process during every recruitment window as they have a formal approach
towards recruitment. This makes the HRM department’s work crucial. Which can be very

Now if we look from the perception of the candidates and fresh graduates, Pfizer’s approach is
very convenient for them as they don’t need to constantly stay alert and keep an eye on
newspapers and job portals. If something comes up worth their skills they will be called Page 06 of 12

Like Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited many organizations don’t give that luxury to candidates
especially if they are fresh graduates or entry-level job applicants. In Bangladesh people
constantly need to stay alert for job openings in organizations.

Selection Strategy:

From the human resource manager’s perspective administrating Pfizer’s selection strategies are
also very convenient. Due to the database, CVs are sorted even before the recruitment process.
After that, another chunk of applicants gets sorted after the online exam. That exam is also easy
to administrate as all the applicants share one common internet portal to give the exam. Since the
organization has a secure position in the international business platform all they need to do is
administrate a structured written exam and a structured Interview of the remaining candidates to
hire the one right for the job. As the interview and test are both pre-structured analyzing the
result is also convenient.

Just like the recruitment strategies the selection process can also prove to be a hassle as the HR
team would have to sort through all the CVs then administer a test to assess a variety of the
cognitive abilities of the candidate. The final strategy in the process can be relaxing for the HRM
department as Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited prefers semi-structured or unstructured
interviews so there is no prior requirement of structuring questions. But assessing the results
might sometimes prove to be difficult as unstructured interviews can be hard to analyze.
Now again from the candidate’s perspective, they will be much more comfortable applying for
an organization like Pfizer because they have a very fast, efficient, and convenient process of
conducting the selection process.

But for applicants of Beximco Pharmaceuticals, the selection process can be a bit hectic as they
will have no clear idea about how they will be judged in the interview due to its unstructured
nature. On the other hand, publishing the results of unstructured interviews and assessments can
also be time-consuming. Waiting for results can throw the candidates into a frenzy.

Question: 05

Once you have decided which one is doing better and which one is worse, recommend strategies
for improvement for the organization that you think is doing worse at the moment. Design
Pagea 07 of 12
thorough recruitment and selection strategy for this organization.

Answer: From the discussion in the previous question, it is quite clear that we believe that Pfizer
has a better recruitment and selection strategy than Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited. Keeping
our claim in mind we are suggesting recruitment and selection strategies that will help Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Limited to improve on their whole recruitment and selection process. This is
precisely why we are going to suggest a recruitment and selection process containing various
recruitment and selection strategies. The flow chart of the process is given below.

Candidate Screening Structured Structured Job Offer

Database Test Interview

2nd 3rd 4th 5th

Stage Stage Stage Stage

Initiate Walk-in Utilize Identify most Assess Offer

strategy Database skilled Candidate permanent job.
candidates communication
Initiate Referral Screen all skills
strategy candidates Structure test
according to according to
Create job requirement job requirement
database Identify best
Question: 06

Explain how your recommended strategy will lead to better results for the organization.
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Answer: In the previous question we suggested a recruitment and selection process for Beximco
Pharmaceuticals Limited containing various recruitment and selection strategies. We claimed
that this process will lead to better results for the organization and make the whole process more
efficient. The process will also become convenient for Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited’s
HRM department and also for applicants. Our recommended strategy is explained below.

Initiate Walk-Ins Strategy: This falls under the first stage of the process. This is a recruitment
strategy. Here interested candidates can submit their CV by coming to the organization's
premises or through the organization’s website and internet portals. The organization will
maintain a database of the applicant pool’s CV. Whenever a vacancy will occur the HRM
department can go through the survey for viable candidates. This will eliminate the CV sorting
task from the whole strategic process and make it more efficient. And by keeping the database
stored up applicants don’t always need to look for job openings and stay alert and HR managers
don’t always need to come up with new job advertisements. Multinational organizations like
Unilever and Nestle have started collecting applicants' CVs and resumes and creating a database
for future necessities.

Initiate Referrals: This also falls under the first stage of the process and is also a recruitment
strategy. In case of immediate recruitment, Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited can create another
applicant database based on their current employee referrals. As they come with a
recommendation, an organization can skip the screening and structured test process and go to the
interview session to see the employee’s capability first hand. Again, this will make the process
very efficient.

Screening: By maintaining a database HR managers can easily screen through and find capable
candidates just by cross-referencing the candidate skills with the job requirement. This strategy
falls under the selection strategy and is the second stage of the process.

Structured Test: Since the organization will now have access to employee information and will
definitely have information about Job description and specifications. This will help them to
design structure tests to judge candidates. By doing structured tests it will be easy for
organizations to administer them and compare candidate answers because there will be a pre-set
benchmark. This will make the testing strategy much easier and efficient. This is the third stage
of the process and falls under the selection strategy.
Page 09 of 12
Structured Interview: If the candidate passes through the third stage, then it clarifies that the
candidate has the right skill set and knowledge to do the job. In the structured interview, the
employers will look at the candidate's interpersonal and communication skills and any other
required skills required for the job. HR managers can structure an interview according to the
requirements of the interviewers. Just like a structured test the assessment of the structured
interview will be easy because there will also be a preset benchmark of each response. This will
make the process more efficient and employee assessment more accurate. This will be the fourth
stage of the interview and this strategy also falls under the selection strategy.

Job Offer: If the candidate scores above the benchmark Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited can
offer the candidate a full-time job and hire him as an employee of the organization. This will the
fifth and final stage of the process.

The above discussion made the whole recruitment and selection process more efficient as it
eliminated the necessity of time-consuming and inefficient strategies like publishing job
recruitment advertisements, CV sorting, assessing unstructured interviews, and cognitive tests.
This deducted load will help HR be more focused on making the job position more in sync with
the company mission and vision. Candidates won’t have to worry about being alert of job
circulars and waiting for job assessment results.

To conclude we would like to state that on record Bangladesh is now a developing nation. The
country is aiming to reach and maintain international standards in many sectors. Among those
many sectors, business is one of the most highlighted ones. Businesses are now skipping country
borders and expanding into other countries. To stay in the race many businesses of Bangladesh
are going beyond their maximum limits and setting new records. For a business to flourish all the
departments of the business needs to flourish as well. And Human Resource Management
department will hold a primary key in the business’s progress. If we start adapting and practicing
the global ways of HR many organizations like Beximco Pharmaceuticals Limited will flourish
and reach new heights of success.

Page 11 of 12

 HR Solutions Group. (n.d.). HR Direct Search. Retrieved September 7, 2021, from

 Jahan, S. (2017, July 14). definition of Selection | Human Resource Management. Human
Resource Management | A School of Human Resource Management.
 Jahan, T. (2018, November 28). Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection Process of BPL.
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 Phenalapy, S. (2017, October 18). HR Department at Pfizer - Report Hub. https://en.ppt-
 Sage. (2021, July 14). What is Recruitment? | Definition, Meaning, and Process. Sage Advice
US. https://www.sage.com/en-us/blog/glossary/what-is-recruitment/
 Pfizer. (n.d.). Pfizer: One of the world’s premier biopharmaceutical companies. Retrieved
September 9, 2021, from https://www.pfizer.com/
 Beximco Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (n.d.). BEXIMCO PHARMA - Here’s to life. Retrieved
September 9, 2021, from https://www.beximcopharma.com/

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