MHR 301 Quiz 1 Md. Faysal 18202020

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MHR 301 Quiz 1 Md.

Faysal 18202020

Ans To The Q. No. 6

If I want to become an entrepreneur that will be Phil Knight. He is an American businessman and
the founder of NIKE. He would be my role model because I am highly motivated by him to be
myself as an entrepreneur. I come up some motive for his story which inspire me that I should
always be prepared for face difficulties and for unexpected situation with my hard work.

Phil Knight invent a new opportunity for the American. He want his runner softer and lighter
shoes to improve the performance of athletic. To seek his idea he tried so hard and take action
for fulfill his idea. There was lot of up and down he face but he never hesitate, he believed and
more confidential about his idea and at the end he was successful entrepreneur and popular over
the world. So, his the role model for me and teach me that an opportunity that you create whether
it will valuable for the people or less valuable, you should work on that and be prepare for
uncertainty and move ahead with your innovation idea.

Ans to The Q. No. 2

A real life example of entrepreneurial action taker is young person Md. Shahjalal Shaon who is
live nearby my house. When he was studying at university doing his CSE program. Suddenly he
came up an idea that he will create an opportunity for the local young people to provide
different types of skills which improve their skills and those who are not a student they can
easily find a job through this computer training center. But it was quite impossible for him to
take action as there was financing problem he is already facing. But he never give up he took
more time and think more for his idea.

After a few month, he had collected money from his family, his saving and borrow money from
his friend ( 2,00,000 BDT in total). He set up his center name SDS which stand for ‘Skill
Development Steps’ with 5 computer in his house. He was becoming popular in this particular
local area. And few month later he officially rent a place and register his center from the
government. So, there was a lot of entrepreneurial action Md. Shahjalal Shaon took to fulfill his
innovation opportunity idea.
Ans to The Q. No. 5

Causal process is the process where each and everything must be include what it required and
effectuation process is the process where you can make something through your nearest thing
that have in your hand and it doesn’t have to be accurate.


Causal Process:

‘XYZ’ is a restaurant which provides Healthy Food. Two customers come to take their dinner to
their restaurant. One of the customer would like to order their Famous ‘HEALTHY CHICKEN
SALAD’ with mention that every ingredient must be present for this which they are always used
to. So, the restaurant already have those ingredient which is required to make it except two celery
stalks and salt. So, they sent one of the employee to buy those things and then they make the dish
and serve it to the customers.

Effectuation process:

Another customer order Chicken Salad, Than the restaurant said, we afraid that there are some
ingredient are missing but we can make it with those ingredient which is available in our hand,
and we are sure sir you definitely like it. Than the customer said ok. So they make the dish with
those ingredient and serve to the customer.

Ans to The Q. No. 4


Suppose, three friend have a restaurant where they provides Healthy food which name is ‘EAT
HEALTHY 360’. They are popular in Dhaka for their dishes. They producing their vegetables
and fruits by their own in a land. The wasted the avocado shell and pineapple head they use to
manufacture disposable plates by heat and pressure and they distribute to the suppliers and they
can make profit.

And the other vegetables and fruits wastes are using for producing fertilizer which they use on
their plants and the rest they supply to a nursery. That’s how this restaurant used bricolage

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