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Indian Constitutional Law 2 MCQs [set-4]

76. A retired judge of High Court cannot

A. practice in the supreme court

B. practice in any high court in india

C. practice in the high court from which he has retired

D. none of the above

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Answer: C
77. The jurisdiction of Supreme Court of India may be enlarged by
A. parliament by law c
B. parliament by resolution
C. the president

D. the president in consultation with the chief justice of india

Answer: A

78. Which Article lays down thatthe laws declared by the Supreme Court
would be binding on the courts in India?

A. article 131

B. article 141

C. article 143

D. article 142

Answer: B

79. Supreme Court struck down a part of the Preventive Detention Act in

A. gopalan case

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B. golakhnath case

C. ramesh thappar case

D. kochunni case

Answer: A

80. The Structure of Indian Constitution is

A. federal in form and unitary in spirit

B. unitary
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C. unitary in form and federal in spirit
D. purely federal
Answer: A
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81. The most important feature of a federation is

A. separation of powers

B. division of powers

C. judicial review

D. union of states

Answer: D

82. Which Articles of the Indian Constitution discuss the financial relations
between the Centre and the Sates?

A. articles 268-281

B. articles 278-291

C. articles 289-295

D. articles 168-171

Answer: A

83. The Concurrent List contains

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A. 47 subjects

B. 68 subjects

C. 42 subjects

D. 38 subjects

Answer: A

84. The Union of India has power

A. to issue administrative directions to the states

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B. to delegate administrative functions to the states
C. both (a) and (b)
D. none of the above
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Answer: C
85. Emergency can be proclaimed

A. only in whole of the country

B. only in that part of the country where aggression has taken place

C. in any part of the country

D. in the entire country or any part of the territory of india

Answer: D

86. The President can issue the proclamation of Emergency

A. on the advice of prime minister

B. on the advice of council of ministers

C. in his own decisions

D. when the decision of union cabinet for the issuance of such proclamation has been

Answer: D

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87. The words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Secularism’ were inserted by the

A. 15th amendment

B. 39th amendment

C. 42nd amendment

D. 44th amendment

Answer: C

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88. In which case Supreme Court held that an Amendment of the
Constitution under Article 368 was ‘law within the meaning of Article 13’?
A. golakhnath v. state of punjab a
B. sajjan singh v. state of rajasthan
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C. sankari prasad v. union of india
D. kesavananda bharati v. state of kerala

Answer: A

89. Which of the following case was the reason behind the Parliament
passing the 24th Amendment of Constitution Act, 1971?

A. sajjan singh v. state of rajasthan

B. golakhnath v. state of punjab

C. kesavananda bharati v. state of kerala

D. minerva mills v. union of india

Answer: B

90. First constitutional amendment was challenged in the case of

A. sankari prasad v. union of india

B. sajjan singh v. state of rajasthan

C. a. k. gopalan v. state of madras

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D. golakhnath v. state of punjab

Answer: A

91. A Bill to amend the Constitution may be initiated in

A. rajya sebha

B. lok sebha

C. either in rajya sebha or lok sebha

D. none of the above

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Answer: C
. c
a rights of citizen and privileges
92. In case of conflict between fundamental
of parliament,
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A. parliamentary privilege will have supremacy

B. fundamental rights will prevail

C. some of the fundamental rights are sacrosanct over which privileges will not prevail

D. generally parliamentary privileges will prevail. but, parliament while acting against the

Answer: D

93. Which of the following is incorrect

A. newspapers can publish parliamentary proceedings

B. newspapers can publish any part of the proceedings with the permission of the speaker.

C. newspapers have also the freedom to publish expunged portions of the speech of an mp

D. parliament has freedom to publish its proceedings

Answer: C

94. Vidhan Sebha has a term of

A. five years

B. four years

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C. five years unless dissolved earlier

D. two years unless dissolved earlier

Answer: C

95. Which of the following is continuing body?

A. lok sebha

B. legislative assembly

C. legislative council
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D. none of the above
Answer: C
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96. Who is considered as the Custodian of Lok Sebha?
A. prime minister M
B. leader of opposition

C. chief whip of the ruling party

D. the speaker

Answer: D

97. Decisions of the disqualification of member of Lok Sebha are taken by

A. speaker

B. prime minister

C. minister for parliamentary affairs

D. the parliamentary secretary

Answer: A

98. Provision to Financial Bill is provided under

A. article 110

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B. article 115

C. article 117

D. article 119

Answer: C

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