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Name: ..............................

Mathematics – Grade 2
Class: ................................ Week 2- March

Task 1: Fill in the blanks

1. 13 + 10 = ______tens + _____ ones.

2. 22 + 33 = ______tens + _____ ones.
3. 3 tens + 6 ones = _______.
4. 4 tens + 8 ones = _______.
5. In an addition, the first term is 27, the second term is 30.
The sum is _________
6. In a subtraction, the minuend is 73, the difference is 13.
The subtrahend is _______

Task 2: Answer the questions below

1. Find the missing number in the following pattern.

28, _____ , 22, 19, 16, 13, 10

Answer: _______

2. How many rectangles come next in the following sequence?

Answer: _______

3. How many quadrilaterals are there in this figure?

Answer: _______

Task 3: Answer the questions using the pictograph.

The number of paper crane Anna folds in 4 days




4 paper cranes

1. How many paper cranes does Anna fold on Monday?

Answer: _______

2. How many paper cranes does Anna fold on Thursday?

Answer: _______

3. On which day does Anna fold the most paper cranes?

Answer: _______

4. On which day does Anna fold the least paper cranes?

Answer: _______

Task 4: Look at the pictures. Fill in the blanks. Given that = 1 kg.

1. 2.

The rabbit weighs______kg. The carton of eggs weighs______kg.

3. 4.

The box weighs ______kg. The bag of sugar weighs______kg.

Task 5: Word problems:

1. Jack watched TV in 2 weeks, 6 days

How many days did he spend watching TV?


Jack spent ______days watching TV

2. The dolphin do performances every four hours. They did one show at 11:00. What time
is the next dolphin show?

Answer: _____________

3. What number is right before the difference between the greatest 2 digit number and
the smallest 2 digit number?


Answer Key (Đáp án)

Task 1:

1. 2 tens + 3 ones 2. 5 tens + 5 ones 3. 36 4. 48

5. 57 6. 60

Task 2:

1. 25 2. 4 3. 9

Task 3:

1. 8 2. 16 3. Tuesday 4. Monday

Task 4:

1. 3 2. 2 3. 9 4. 7

Task 5:

1. 20 2. 3 o’clock in the afternoon (or 15:00) 3. 88

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