Torrin's Hold: General Description

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Torrin’s Hold

General Description:
The ancient seat of the house for which it is named, Torrin’s Hold has stood for over a
thousand years never once being conquered. The stronghold itself is composed of an
enormous stairway upon which a series of square towers and gates reside leading to a
heavily fortified keep at the summit which has never fallen. Numerous invading armies
have fallen atop those steps or off it’s sheer sides throughout its existence. The most
recent was an Imperial Legion which made it almost two-thirds up before being
annihilated. The ramp has earned the moniker Madman’s Ascent to outsiders for these
reasons, though locals refer to it simply as the climb. The city proper has slowly but
steadily expanded outwards from the base of the stronghold throughout many years.
Sitting directly on the Oura river it has one of the largest ports in the known world with
trade being conducted day and night primarily by boat.

Recent News:
Torrin’s Hold has fallen on hard times and in recent years due to the instability
throughout the realm. They managed to fight off another imperial invasion 2 years ago
by Lord Inaius, a former rival of Lord Reekus. A counter-offensive then wiped out every
man, woman, and child in the Imperial City of Antius. The war was costly on many fronts
and they are only now really starting to recover. Lord Reekus has declared the city a
rebel stronghold halting trade have stifled growth.

Significant Features:
The city’s famed lighthouse, known as the Beacon, is a magical artifact which produces
an eternal flame whose light is able to pierce any storm and can be seen for miles. It
rises from a rocky patch in the river and is at the center of the city’s sprawling dock
network. Skydocks have been added in recent years along the bridge which connects it
to the keep. Two large lifts carry cargo and people from the bridge down to the docks
below. The ramp to the keep itself faces true north and serves as the major landmark by
which the city is broken into several districts. These districts include the Eastern Rise,
the Western Rise, the Flats, and the Port. They are overseen by Royal Administrators
who report directly to the king and tasked with managing, policing, and taxing each

Vital Information:
● Population: About 30,000
● Races: While the majority is still human large populations of a variety of other
people can be found within the city. The sole exception is the relatively small
number of elves who find the somewhat overcrowded conditions of the city
difficult to live with.
● Governance: The city was built by and has been ruled by the Torrin family since
its inception and has maintained its independence throughout its existence. It’s
current ruler is Matthias Torrin III.
● Economy: The city serves as a major trade port and just about every manner of
possible good passes through it. Most people are employed at the ports but it
has numerous trade and crafts guilds as well. Beyond this several towns swear
fealty to the Torrins and contribute their wares to its trade or sufficiency.
● Foreign Relations:
○ Catarum - Some historical conflicts with the Kingdom of Torr to the West
but common resentment of Imperial expansion and recent trade has
improved the relationship.
○ Deeprun Elves - in ages past the Torr had good relations with the elves
having fought together against incursions from the hobgoblin hordes to the
south. However as the mutual threat quietly faded so too did the relations
between these two peoples.
○ Hammersong - Past arguments over trade agreements between the Kings
of these lands have soured their relations and trade. With Imperial
controlled markets closed off to them trade has seen an uptick but long
held enmity still exists.
○ Westpine - Strong trade relations and shared resistance against imperial
incursions in the past have made these two steadfast allies for decades.
● Territories:
○ Grainforth - primary farming town for Kingdom of Torr
○ Narrowbrook - gold and jewels can be found in the surrounding area
○ Thornvale - woodworking and farming
○ Littlewharf - fishing village and primary trade route with Westpine
● Prominent Organizations:
○ Working in the shadows the Syndicate has a large footprint within the city.
○ The Errant Union run the Temple of Iudexis to the west of the city.
○ The Free Trade Guild has a large operation within the city being that it has
one of the largest trade ports in the known world. In these hard times they
are undercutting many people who just want to make a living due to their
vast resources. They are also leveraging their almost universal reach
which cuts across both military and political boundaries.
○ The Dockhand Union collectively negotiates with the ports and shipping
guilds for the all the dock workers in the city. It’s membership stands
around 13,000 citizens as working the port is the predominant occupation
in the city.
○ Given a city as large as this there are any number of other trade and crafts
guilds to be found.

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