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Donde esta Sonia

Chapter 8-11

Chapter 8
‘huh, look!’ Monica says when she arrives in San Pol at lunchtime
with a copy of El Mediterraneo under her arm.
‘Is it the article?’ Angela asks.
‘yes, here it is’
Why don't you read it out loud? Says llorenç.
good idea says Jaime so we can all find out.
well it starts like this Monica reads-:
“can vidal is an old factory closed for some years. for a while, only
rats live there. but without money to pay for a place, they decide to
squat it and create a space for the people of the neighbourhood”

this afternoon Monica and Angela take some specimens of the

Mediterranean to can vidal. the guys read the article and comment
on it. Likes.
‘It’s fantastic!’ they exclaimed.
‘now maybe it's going to be easy to stay here...’
at that moment, a fat man wearing a beige summer suit and tie
enters the premises.
I see that you do art courses- he says approaching them.
yes, of art, and of circus, English theatre ... Toni answers
how interesting! and everyone can come? I mean... I have a daughter
who wants to learn to paint. can come?
yes, you can talk to juanma. is the teacher. but now it's not here. it
comes later.
Never mind. ah! my name is soler. josep soler. You are also artists?
we do theatre
and now you were doing something?
Yes, we were rehearsing a play. it's a comedy.
Yes? this is fantastic. I can ask what it's about?
it is the life of a group of young people who squat an empty factory.
the work talks about the family etc.
it's a comedy. we prefer to do something fun...
…and make people think about society's problems.
in this play I am a young woman who has problems with her family,
and ainos and Carlos are an older lady and her husband. they live
near the place and come to see who are that young. Olga and Toni
are squatters.
you are too young to play an old person, aren't you? the fat man asks
through the tetro things can be different from what they are.
yes, toni continues, with the theater we can say and denounce things
that we cannot say in real life ...

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