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Initial Test

7th grade, L1

1. Write the correct words below each picture. 12p

*go straight *turn right *go down (the road) *go past (the trees) *take the exit *turn left

1. .......... 2. ........... 3. ............ 4. ............. 5. .......... 6. ................

2. Listen and write the sentences in the correct group. 12p

The message was at a quarter to four. The woman says thank you for the card.
The woman describes the house. The woman gives directions.
The woman talks about a swimming pool. The woman talks about a bus.

Message 1 Message 2

3. Listen again and circle the best answer. 16p

1. She is having a party for ... 5. The house is the first big house ...
a. her family. a. on the right.
b. her very good friends. b. on the left.
c. down at the end of the road.
c. everybody at work.
6. If you go by public transport, take …
2. The party is at ... a. bus 18 to Brownsville.
a. the swimming pool at her house. b. bus 80 to Forest Road.
c. bus 80 to Brownsville.
b. her cousin’s house.
c. work. 7. The woman received the birthday card ...
a. this morning.
3. To get to the party, drive ... b. last night.
a. straight on Forest Road. c. yesterday morning.
b. right on Forest Road.
8. If you take a bus, ...
c. left on Forest Road.
a. you can walk from the town to the house.
b. somebody will drive you from the town to
4. The motorway exit you need is ... the house.
a. 3A. c. there is a bus stop outside the house.
b. 13A.
c. 30A.
4. Fill in the correct simple past form. 20p

The students of class 8B ............. . (do) a project last week. First the pupils .............. (choose) what they
wanted to do. Then they ................ (get) information from books and brochures, and they ................ (talk)
to a lot of people. They .............. (find) some interesting photos in the library.
Their teacher .................... (help) them when they ............... (ask) her. Then they ................ (make) a poster
and a video and ................. (tell) the other groups about their project. It ............(be) great!

5. Write a message to a friend from another town, inviting him/ her to come to visit you. Explain how to
get to your house. (5-10 lines). 20p

+20 points BONUS

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