A FullSpectrum PorphyrinFullerene DA Supramolecular Photocatalyst With Giant BuiltIn Electric Field For Efficient Hydrogen Production

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Research Article


A Full-Spectrum Porphyrin–Fullerene D–A Supramolecular

Photocatalyst with Giant Built-In Electric Field for Efficient
Hydrogen Production
Jun Yang, Jianfang Jing, and Yongfa Zhu*

of the material.[5] Besides, charge carriers

A full-spectrum (300–850 nm) responsive donor–acceptor (D–A) supramo- need to transfer through the bulk to the
lecular photocatalyst tetraphenylporphinesulfonate/fullerene (TPPS/C60) is surface of the material in order to reach
successfully constructed. The theoretical spectral efficiency of TPPS/C60 is as the active site of redox reactions. However,
high as 70%, offering the possibility of full-solar-spectrum light harvesting. the holes and electrons recombine easily
The TPPS/C60 performs a highly efficient photocatalytic H2 evolution rate as they migrate in the bulk phase. In this
process, the best way to maximize cata-
of 276.55 µmol h−1 (34.57 mmol g−1 h−1), surpassing many reported organic lytic activity is to increase the separation
photocatalysts. The D–A structure effectively promotes electron transfer from efficiency of photogenerated carriers and
TPPS to C60, which is beneficial to the photocatalytic reaction. Specifically, prevent electron consumption during bulk
a giant internal electric field in the D–A structure is built via the enhanced and surface transport.[6]
molecular dipole, which dramatically promotes the charge separation (CS) Recently, a series of promising self-
assembled supramolecular materials were
efficiency by 2.35 times. Transient absorption spectra results show a long-
developed by our group and applied to
lived CS state TPPS•+–C60•− in the D–A structure, which effectively promotes photocatalytic hydrogen and oxygen pro-
participation of photogenerated electrons in the reduction reaction. Briefly, duction.[7] Especially porphyrin, due to its
this work provides a novel approach for designing high-performance photo- excellent photoelectric conversion perfor-
catalytic materials via enhancing the interfacial electric field. mance, has aroused our interest in recent
years. A large number of modified deriva-
tives can be obtained from the porphyrin
ring, which has good light-harvesting
1. Introduction ability in the entire natural spectrum.[8] However, porphyrin-
based materials exhibit very limited hydrogen production per-
Photocatalytic solar energy transformation is a very helpful formance as photocatalysts, which is mainly affected by the low
way to solve global energy demand.[1] So far, great efforts have separation efficiency of photogenerated carriers. Numerous
been made to explore highly efficient photocatalytic materials studies have proved that the internal electric field is the main
for hydrogen production, but the photocatalytic efficiency kinetic factor for photogenerated CS.[9] It has been proved that
is still unsatisfactory and far away from the potential actual changing the functional group can control the dipole and the
requirements.[2] One of the significant factors is the limited frontier orbital energy level of the molecule, thereby regulating
solar spectral response range for most materials. As we all the built-in electric field and energy band of photocatalysts.
know, the solar spectrum is composed of 5% ultraviolet light, However, it produces little effect on the photocatalytic activity.[10]
42–45% visible light, and more than 50% near-infrared (NIR) Therefore, it is particularly important to find efficient methods
light. However, developing materials that can capture as much to improve the photocatalytic performance.
of the solar spectrum as possible is still a daunting challenge.[3] In view of the key scientific issues above, a full-spectrum
In addition to light harvesting, the energy band structure and (300–850  nm) responsive metal-free TPPS/C60 supramolecular
charge separation (CS) efficiency are the other two critical fac- photocatalyst with electronic donor–acceptor (D–A) characteristic
tors determining photocatalytic activity.[4] Particularly, the redox is successfully constructed via strong electrostatic interaction and
capacity is thermodynamically determined by the position of π–π action. This is inspired by: i) Porphyrin molecule has rela-
the edges of the conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) tively large dipole for the construction of the built in electric field
and its high molar absorption coefficient is helpful for light-har-
Dr. J. Yang, Dr. J. Jing, Prof. Y. Zhu vesting. More than that, porphyrin has unique electron-donating
Department of Chemistry properties.[11] ii) The π-electron system of C60 is highly delocal-
Tsinghua University ized on its 3D curved surface, which makes small recombina-
Beijing 100084, P. R. China
E-mail: zhuyf@tsinghua.edu.cn
tion energy during the electron transfer process. Therefore, C60
can be used as the electron acceptor.[12] iii) The molecular dipole
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202101026. may increase by constructing a D–A system via strong electro-
static interaction, thereby enhancing the built-in electric field and
DOI: 10.1002/adma.202101026 increasing the driving force for photogenerated carrier separation.

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Figure 1.  a) The frontier molecular orbital distribution of TPPS/C60-NH2. b) The ESP of TPPS/C60-NH2. c) UV–vis absorption spectroscopy of samples.
d) HRTEM image of TPPS/C60-NH2.

2. Results as shown in Figure S9, Supporting Information. Compared

with H-type aggregation, TPPS self-assembly generally shows
2.1. The D–A Supramolecular Structure of TPPS/C60 a J-type aggregation with lower stacking Gibbs energy. It is
interesting to note that the J-type accumulation can better
First, the TPPS/C60 sample was successfully prepared via imitate the chlorophyll in photosynthesis in nature.[15] Simul-
electrostatic interaction and π–π interaction, as shown in the taneously, the X-ray diffraction spectrum (XRD) as shown
supporting information (Figure S2, Supporting Information). in Figure S10, Supporting Information, also indicates short-
The results of frontier molecular orbital distribution were range π–π stacking aggregation. Short-range accumulation
calculated by DFT, b3lyp, 6–311G (Figure S3, Table S1, Sup- can not only weaken the strong aggregation effect between
porting Information). Theoretical calculations show that the TPPS molecules, thereby enhancing electron diffusion and
HOMO and LUMO of TPPS/C60 are located on the porphyrin dissociation, but also promote its photon absorption and CS.
moiety and C60 moiety respectively (Figure  1a), which con- On the contrary, long-range accumulation results in greater
forms to the characteristics of D–A structure.[13] The structure energy loss due to the longer electron transfer distance, which
benefits spatial CS. Besides, electrochemical test was used is more likely to cause thermal relaxation and quenching.[16]
to check the HOMO and LUMO of the catalyst (Figures S4, Besides, as shown in Figure S11, Supporting Information, the
S5, Supporting Information), which matched well with the IR spectra provide detailed functional group information of
computing results. As shown in Figure  1b and Figure S6, samples. And owing to the aggregation, the molecular iso-
Supporting Information, the electrostatic potential distribu- lated energy level of the monomer TPPS is liner combined
tion (ESP) shows that TPPS and C60 are tightly combined into semiconductor energy band in self-assembled TPPS
through electrostatic interaction between the sulfonic acid (Figure S12, Supporting Information).
group and the protonated amino group. Experimentally, the The information of morphology and highly crystalline struc-
electrostatic interaction between TPPS and C60 is also proved ture of samples are shown in Figures S13–S16, Supporting
by ultraviolet absorption and fluorescence emission spectra, Information. It is observed that TPPS/C60 exhibits high crystal-
as shown in Figure S7, Supporting Information. Furthermore, linity as shown in Figure  1d. Obviously, d-spacing of 0.7 and
the aggregation behavior of TPPS was investigated by its 1.5  nm can be observed vertically, corresponding to the diam-
favorable spectroscopic characteristics. As shown in Figure 1c, eters of C60 and TPPS molecule, respectively.[17] Simultane-
the UV–vis spectra show that the typical Soret band and Q ously, the d-spacing 0.313 nm is belonging to the π–π stacking
bands of porphyrin. Simultaneously, the Soret band of TPPS/ spacing. The structural advantage of high crystallinity makes
C60 exhibited a redshift and the number of Q-bands reduced TPPS/C60 have a strong built-in electric field, which makes it
compared with the TPPS monomer, indicating the J-type have good CS and transfer capabilities.[7a,18] Accordingly, the
accumulation is formed.[14] In addition, the steady-state fluo- prominent photocatalytic activity of the D–A catalyst TPPS/C60
rescence spectrum further ensures the J-type π–π stacking, is also expected.

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Figure 2.  a) The photocatalytic hydrogen evolution of TPPS/C60-NH2 with time under full-spectrum (674.33  mW cm−2). b) The comparison of H2
evolution rate under full-spectrum light. c) Overlayer of wavelength-dependent hydrogen evolution and UV–vis absorption. d) Overlayer of AQE and
UV–vis absorption.

2.2. The Highly Efficient Photocatalytic Activity by Construction main hydrogen production wavelength is concentrated around
of D–A Material 420  nm, and there is almost no hydrogen production activity
under ultraviolet and red light. However, TPPS/C60, achieves
The photocatalytic hydrogen production test was performed a wide spectral photocatalytic response, which is important
under full-spectrum and ascorbic acid was used as a sacrificial for making the most of sunlight. This D–A structure catalyst
agent. More detailed information about photocatalytic proper- TPPS/C60 provides the possibility to broaden the full use of the
ties can be found in Figures S17–S26, Supporting Information. solar spectrum.
TPPS/C60 showed greatly efficient hydrogen production, which In view of such excellent activity, it is particularly necessary
achieved 276.55 µmol h−1 (34.57 mmol g−1 h−1) under full-spec- to investigate thoroughly the pivotal scientific factors affecting
trum light (Figure  2a). The catalytic activity of TPPS/C60 was the catalytic properties of the D–A material.
6.03 times that of TPPS, as exhibited in Figure  2b. Simulta-
neously, the TPPS/C60 exhibited more excellent photocatalytic
activity in comparison with the typical graphitic carbon nitride 2.3. The Thermodynamic Factors for Highly Efficient Charge
(C3N4). As shown in Table S2, Supporting Information, com- Separation of TPPS/C60
pared with recently reported porphyrin-based materials, TPPS/
C60 is one of the top catalysts in terms of hydrogen produc- On the one hand, the thermodynamic factors are studied. First,
tion performance among these materials. Furthermore, the according to the research of Domen and Wang, the first step
wavelength-dependent photocatalytic activities and the apparent of photocatalysis is photon absorption.[19] Enlarging the light
quantum yield (AQY) were investigated as shown in Figure 2c absorption of the material can greatly improve the ideal solar
and Figure  2d. The results show that the hydrogen evolution energy conversion efficiency. Therefore, in order to obtain
rate and the apparent quantum efficiency (AQE) are both higher solar energy conversion efficiency, it is essential to
positively related to the absorption spectrum. The optimum develop photocatalysts that can capture light strongly.[20] As
hydrogen evolution rate reached up to 452.56  µmol g−1 h−1 at shown in Figure 3a, the theoretical spectral efficiency of TPPS/
650 nm and the maximum AQE also appears at 650 nm. While, C60 is as high as 70%, covering the whole solar spectrum. The
it needs to be emphasized that in the currently reported pho- intrinsic absorption band edge of TPPS/C60 even reaches the
tocatalytic hydrogen generation materials, few photocatalysts infrared region 843 nm. Second, the feasibility of the photocata-
have such a broad response to wavelength, covering from ultra- lytic reduction reaction is closely related to the position of the
violet to visible to red light. Even for the star material C3N4, the energy band. According to the electrochemical Mott–Schottky

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Figure 3.  a) The UV–vis diffuse reflection spectroscopy of TPPS/C60-NH2 power, and solar spectrum observed using an optical fiber spectrometer.
b) Schematic drawing of redox potentials of samples. c) Frontier molecular orbital distribution in the TPPS/C60-NH2. d) EIS Nyquist plots of TPPS and
TPPS/C60-NH2 powder. e) Room-temperature PL emission spectra of TPPS, TPPS/C60-NH2, and TPPS-unfunctional. f) Transient fluorescence lifetime
of TPPS, TPPS/C60-NH2, and TPPS-unfunctional.

plots (Figure S27, Supporting Information), the positive slopes Besides, the fluorescence emission can be formed by the
demonstrate the n-type semiconductor characteristics of TPPS recombination of h+–e− pairs. Generally speaking, CS effi-
and TPPS/C60. In general, for an n-type semiconductor, the flat- ciency can be reflected by fluorescence intensity.[24] As shown in
band potential is approximately at the CB potential.[9c] Thus, Figure 3e, an obvious fluorescence signal at 676 nm was found
the CB potential of −1.41  V versus NHE (pH = 7) for TPPS/ for pure TPPS. The fluorescence emission intensity of TPPS/
C60 can be obtained, which is much lower than individual C60-unfunctional decreased slightly, while the emission peak of
TPPS (Figure 3b). Consequently, TPPS/C60 can more effectively TPPS/C60-NH2 significantly decreases. Under the strong π–π
reduce water into hydrogen. Thirdly, according to the com- action, photogenerated carriers are generated as a non-radia-
puting results as shown in Figure 3c, the HOMO and LUMO of tive transition on account of aggregation-induced fluorescence
TPPS/C60 are located on the porphyrin moiety and C60 moiety quenching.[25] Specifically speaking, since there is no strong
respectively, which conforms to the characteristics of D–A electrostatic interaction between TPPS and C60-unfunctional,
structure. It should be pointed out that the LUMO and HOMO it is difficult to form an effective D–A structure, which is not
would be linearly recombined to form a semiconductor energy conducive to the separation of carriers. However, there is a
band after π–π interaction.[21] The π–π stacking is conducive to strong electrostatic interaction between TPPS and C60-NH2 for
expanding conjugated electron clouds, resulting in the intrinsic ionic self-assembly to form an effective D–A structure, which
absorption edge of TPPS/C60 even reaches the infrared region. can facilitate photoinduced electron transfer from the excited
Simultaneously, the first unoccupied orbital belonging to the singlet state of the porphyrin to the C60 moiety and the built-in
porphyrin is found at LUMO+4 as shown in Figure  3c, which electric field redistributes the charge density.
means that there are consequently four unoccupied orbitals As shown in Figure  3f, it was found that the time-resolved
that can facilitate the transfer of electrons from the excited state fluorescence of TPPS followed a mono-exponential decay with
of the porphyrin to the fullerene, which is beneficial to the pho- a lifetime of 4.079  ns (= (τF)ref ). The addition of C60-NH2 and
tocatalytic process.[22] C60-unfunctional accelerated the fluorescence decay of TPPS.
The behavior of photoinduced charge was further explored Obviously, C60-NH2 accelerated decay much faster than the
experimentally. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy C60-unfunctional, in accordance with the trend of steady-state
(EIS) was first carried out (Figure  3d). The diameter of arc fluorescence quenching in Figure 3e. The fluorescence attenu-
can reflect the charge-transfer resistance.[23] Obviously, the arc ation curves of TPPS/C60-NH2 and TPPS/C60-unfunctional
radius of TPPS/C60 is much smaller than the pure TPPS, sug- both conform to the bi-exponential decay function. The shorter
gesting the D–A structure is conducive to decreasing the charge components ((τF)nanohybrid) are evaluated as 1.608  ns (fraction
transfer resistance. The decreased charge transfer resistance is (Fr) = 92.23%) for C60-NH2 and 3.573  ns (Fr = 54.96%) for
very helpful for charge transfer. C60-unfunctional, suggesting the occurrence of intramolecular

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Figure 4.  a) Surface potential of TPPS and TPPS/C60 detected with KPFM. b) The ESP and molecular dipole of TPPS, C60-NH2, and TPPS/C60-NH2. The
results were calculated by DFT, b3lyp, 6–311g. c) Transient absorption spectra of TPPS/C60-NH2 at different time delays after nanosecond laser excita-
tion at 436 nm (1 × 10−5 m, aqueous solution). d) Transient absorption spectra of TPPS/C60-NH2 and TPPS at 8 ps after femtosecond laser excitation
at 400 nm (1 × 10−5 m, aqueous solution). e) Transient absorption decay kinetics of TPPS and TPPS/C60-NH2 at 505 and 716 nm.

electron-transfer from the singlet excited TPPS to the fullerene shown in Figure  4a, the surface potential can be obtained by
entity.[26] And the remaining longer components are attributed atomic force microscopy with a Kelvin probe. Obviously, the
to the non-interacting porphyrin entities. Obviously, the propor- surface potential of TPPS/C60 (ΔE = 66.83 mV) is significantly
tion of longer components of TPPS/C60-NH2 (7.77%) is much higher than that of TPPS (ΔE = 12.91 mV). Besides, as shown
smaller than that of TPPS/C60-unfunctional (45.06%), indi- in Table S5, Supporting Information, the absolute value of
cating that most of the TPPS in TPPS/C60-NH2 interact with the zeta potential of TPPS/C60 (−62.68  mV) is also enlarged
C60-NH2. These fast decaying components serve as additional obviously than the individual TPPS (−44.14  mV). Besides, the
evidence for the formation of TPPS/C60-NH2 nanohybrid. In molecular dipole of materials is an important factor affecting
particular, it is obvious that the (τF)nanohybrid of TPPS/C60-NH2 the internal electric field. As shown in Figure  4b, the dipole
is much shorter than TPPS/C60-unfunctional. According to the of TPPS/C60 is 12.37 Debye, which is much larger than that
literature, the shortening of the fluorescence lifetimes can be of TPPS (3.94 Debye). The larger molecular dipole of the D–A
ascribed to the CS process.[27] The rate constants of CS (kCS) system ensures a large enough built-in electric field, which
were evaluated in a usual manner from the shorter τ values benefits the photoinduced carrier separation. As a result, the
assuming that all the quenching was due to the CS from stronger built-in electric field of D–A catalyst TPPS/C60 sig-
the singlet excited state of TPPS.[26] The rate constants of CS nificantly enhanced the CS and transportation. Furthermore,
(kCS) were determined from the following equation using the according to the reported literature by Kanata et  al.,[28] it
fluorescence lifetimes: kcs = [1/τ(sample)] − [1/(τF)ref ].[27] There- can be obtained the internal electric field intensity of TPPS/
fore, it can be obtained that the CS rate of TPPS/C60-NH2 is C60 is 2.77 times as high as that of TPPS. The relevant evi-
3.767  × 108 s−1, which is 10.85 times that of TPPS/C60-unfunc- dence is provided in the Supporting Information, such as the
tional (3.472  × 107 s−1). Such a high CS rate of TPPS/C60-NH2 increased surface photovoltage intensity (Figure S28, Sup-
contributes to the excellent photocatalytic performance. porting Information) and the enhanced surface charge density
(Figure S29, Supporting Information). The enhanced built-in
electric field contributes to higher CS efficiency in the surface
2.4. The Kinetic Factors for Highly Efficient Charge Separation of TPPS/C60 (ηsurface  = 81.62%), which is much higher than
of TPPS/C60 TPPS (ηsurface  = 34.71%), as shown in Figure S30, Supporting
On the other hand, the built-in electric field is a primary Furthermore, the electron transport and charge-separated
kinetic factor affecting CS.[7a] According to Zhang’s group, state were investigated via transient absorption spectra. First,
the built-in electric field is positively correlated with the zeta the signals in the visible region were explored by nanosecond
potential and surface potential for a given material.[6,9a] As transient absorption. As illustrated in Figure  4c, TPPS/C60-NH2

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has an obvious negative bleaching peak near the wavelength of of TPPS/C60-unfunctional has been explored. As shown in
645  nm, and two positive excitation absorption bands near 505 Figure S34A, Supporting Information, the characteristic absorp-
and 716  nm. The bleaching peak near 645  nm is located near tion peaks of TPPS/C60-unfunctional are similar to those of
the Q-band (S0→ S1). The transient absorption band between TPPS and TPPS/C60-NH2. As shown in Figure S34B, Supporting
450 and 610 nm coincides with the B band (Soret band) of TPPS Information, the transient decay dynamics were analyzed at
(S0→ S2), indicating the formation of S2 singlet state, namely 501  nm. The fitting result conformed to the mono-exponential
TPPS•+ (S2). The absorption at near 716  nm is located in the Q decay function. The lifetime of the charge transfer state of TPPS/
band (S0→ S1), which belongs to the absorption of S1 singlet C60-unfunctional at 501 nm was 2.19 µs, which is larger than that
state, namely, 1TPPS* (S1). As for TPPS, the nanosecond tran- of TPPS (1.19 µs), but smaller than that of TPPS/C60-NH2 (3.16
sient absorption is shown in Figure S31, Supporting Information, µs). This trend is consistent with their hydrogen production per-
the transient absorption signal intensity of TPPS is much weaker formance trend, indicating that the long-lived charge transfer
than that of TPPS/C60 under the same delay time. More than state helps to improve the photocatalytic performance.
that, the characteristic peak positions of TPPS/C60-NH2 are red-
shifted compared with TPPS. Besides, the signals in the infrared
region were further detected by femtosecond transient absorp- 2.5. The Photocatalytic Mechanism of the D–A Supramolecular
tion. As shown in Figure 4d and Figure S32, Supporting Informa- TPPS/C60
tion, obvious C60•− signal was detected for TPPS/C60, indicating
that electron transfer from the singlet excited state 1TPPS* to C60, Based on the above, the photocatalytic mechanism of the D–A
resulting in the charge-separated state, namely TPPS•+–C60•−.[29] material is presented in Figure 5. To summarize briefly, TPPS
What’s more, the lifetime of the charge-separated state plays and C60-NH2 are combined through strong electrostatic inter-
a vital role in the photocatalytic reaction.[30] In order to study the action and π–π action. The highest occupied molecular orbital
relaxation dynamics of TPPS and TPPS/C60 under light excita- is located on the porphyrin, whereas the lowest unoccupied
tion, the transient decay dynamics were analyzed throughout molecular orbital is on the fullerene, which accords with the
the transient spectrum region. As shown in Figure  4e, the fit- typical characteristic of D–A structure. TPPS performs short-
ting results are all in line with the first-order exponential attenu- range self-assembly via edge-to-edge J-type π–π stacking. Under
ation. The lifetime of the charge transfer state of TPPS/C60-NH2 π–π stacking, the overlap of LUMO and HOMO constitutes the
at 505  nm and 716  nm are all longer than that of TPPS. The energy bands (CB and VB), which builds the charge transfer
transient absorption decay fitting results of TPPS/C60-NH2 are channels. Under light, TPPS/C60 is excited. Then the robust
shown in Figure S33, Supporting Information. The lifetime of built-in electric field facilitates the photogenerated electrons
charge-separated states reaches 3.16 (λ  = 505  nm) and 3.24 µs transfer from TPPS to the electron acceptor C60, forming a
(λ = 716 nm), indicating that there is an efficient electron transfer long-lived CS intermediate state, namely TPPS•+–C60•−. The
process from TPPS to C60. Besides, the transient absorption long-lived charge-separated state promotes photogenerated

Figure 5.  Schematic mechanism of the D–A supramolecular photocatalyst.

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electrons to participate in the reduction reaction with the help Conflict of Interest
of Pt as the co-catalyst and ascorbic acid as the sacrificial agent,
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
and hydrogen can be quickly produced.

3. Conclusion Data Availability Statement

The data that support the findings of this study are available from the
A full-spectrum (300–850 nm) D–A supramolecular photocata- corresponding author upon reasonable request.
lyst TPPS/C60-NH2 was successfully constructed. A giant built-
in electric field was formed via regulating molecular dipoles,
which was conducive to dramatically accelerating CS. Conse-
quently, a long-lived charge-separated state was formed, and
a highly efficient hydrogen production performance was real- charge separation, donor–acceptor systems, hydrogen production,
ized, which was higher than many reported supramolecular- photocatalysis, TPPS/C60
based materials. Briefly, this work provides a novel approach
Received: February 5, 2021
for designing high-performance photocatalytic materials via
Revised: April 1, 2021
enhancing the interfacial electric field for the use of hydrogen Published online: July 8, 2021
production, which is expected to contribute to clean energy

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