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ENG1DI Final Portfolio - The Marrow Thieves

We have completed our Literature Circles on The Marrow Thieves. As your final project, you will
complete a “The Marrow Thieves” Portfolio to show your understanding of the unit.

Your portfolio will be submitted via your Weebly Blog that we created earlier this semester.

Portfolio Sections:
- Final Paragraph
- Reader Response Blogs
- Writing Tasks

Final Paragraph
- Submitted under the “Final Project” Tab
Instructions and Outline are found here. Make a copy and submit the final paragraph AND all
process work via “Final Project” Tab. We will work on this first as a class.

Reader Response Blogs

- Pick 3 of 4. Submitted under the “Blog” tab.
Blog Topic #1:
Large urban cities no longer exist. This book is set wholly or partly in small towns, villages or
settlements. You have grown up in a small town. Discuss in what ways this has been a positive
experience and in what ways it has been a negative experience. Then, discuss whether you
plan to live in a small town (the same one?) in the future, or move away to a larger city.

Blog Topic #2:

Who is the bravest character in this book? Explain your choice. Describe who you think is the
bravest person you know. Explain clearly why you selected that person.

Blog Topic #3:

Do some research into how Indigenous people are treated by the Canadian justice system, by
the police and the courts. Try to find out about a recent case in the news involving Indigenous
people, then summarize what happened. The final question to answer: Is the Canadian justice
system fair and just in its treatment of Indigenous people?

Blog Topic #4:

Now that you have finished reading the novel, discuss why this book should or should not be
required reading on the grade 9 course today. Some possible questions to answer to help guide
your response: Is the book relevant? Did you learn things about yourself and the world? Did it
make you think? Did it entertain you?
Creative Writing Tasks:
- Submitted under “Creative Writing” Tab

1. Passage/Quotation Analysis

You will select three passages/quotations which are particularly important, powerful, beautiful,
interesting, shocking, or noteworthy in some way. Quote the passages, with page reference, and
explain the importance of each one in a complete paragraph. Complete the following:

Passage: Importance:

When mitch gets taken at the start I think that the importance of this is that it starts off
Page 2 line 20- page 4 line 14 the whole book and starts frenchie on his
adventure. The first thing that this part of the book
does is leave frenchie by himself and with nowhere
to go. This starts him walking north to the point
where he almost dies, but then he is found by miig
and the group. This part also gives us the idea that
frenchie has to get used to living on his own and
that he has no family and he has to make one. The
last thing that this scene gives us is the fact the Miig
and his group have to accept a new person into
their group and they have to add a new person into
their family.

When they get minerva back I think this is an important and powerful scene for a
Page 209 line 6 couple of reasons. One of them would be that after
trying to find her and looking through the forest and
finding all of the new people, they finally had a plan
to get her abc and when it all went right, she died. I
think that this is important because this has been
their goal for a long time and now it has all been for
nothing. I think that it's a powerful scene because
after knowing that she was sick and then she got
taken, they finally got a chance to say goodbye and
they gotta put her to rest in the way that she would
have wanted.

When they bring isaac back to the I Think that this is an important scene for a couple
camp of reasons. The first begins that this is going to be a
Page 230 line 26 great time for miig because after losing isaac and
thinking that it was his own fault, he has finally been
reunited with him. It's also an important scene
because this scene is going to lead us into the next
book because miig and isaac are most likely going
to get back together and they might end up leaving
the group and going off on their own. This is also an
important scene because Rose and Frenchie were
going to leave the group and go off on their own, but
now that back at the camp with the rest of the
group. So we don't know if they're going to run off
with each other or if they're going to stay.

2. Artistic Analysis
You will submit 3 drawings, photographs, video clips, etc. that each capture a significant
moment, scene, character, etc. from the section. Copy the exact words from the text your visual
is attempting to capture, then explain why your selections are important.

Visual Description from text Explanation

Page 148 line 10- line 19 I chose this scene because

The barn was empty: not this is the first time that they
even the leftover scent of have had a good place to
manure greeted us. At first it sleep and after finding it and
seemed all hollow and getting to have a good
singular, but hy the last night's sleep, they have to
fading light of moonless sky suffer a loss of minerva.
we caught the outline of a
ladder his way up, testing
each rung with his rubber
boot before putting weight
on it. Then he disappeared
into the darkness. “There’s
all soft hay up here! Can we
sleep here?”

Page 64 line 1- line 5 I chose this scene because

He moved to the bed set this is the first time that they
against the wall and slowly found somewhere that they
folded his length on top of could sleep and stay and
the comforter. It was big this is the first time the we
enough to form six pillows, see the relationship between
side by side and stacked french and rose.
three deep. He adjusted the
pillows under his head and
nuzzled into the skin of the
made bed like a child.

Page 166 line 22 - line 24 I chose this scene because

We walked towards the hill, this is when we first get to
and now i coils ee a cave meet frenchies dad and this
carved into it, this is where is where they're going to be
we went single file, into the staying for the next little bit.
hill itself
3. Interior Monologues

Select any 3 characters from the end of the novel, and write one-paragraph monologues from
each characters’ point of view. Consider what each character is thinking/feeling at the end. What
is each sorry/happy about? What is each hoping/planning for the future? Complete the

Character: Monologue:

miig Why is Frenchie back so soon, he just said that he was going to
leave. “MIigwans?” Wait, I know that voice but I haven’t heard it in
years. As I look to the tree line I see a person there, They look
shocked. But I remember their faces. Is that “Isaac?” that's not
possible, I saw you get taken and I found his vile. After all this time
I've finally found him.

Isaac How did this kid know my name, and why did he take off running
after he said it. I had to run after him to catch up. I got to a clearing
and there he was. After all of these years of trying to get over the
fact that he had died, he was here. “Miigwan”. He spun around and
we met eyes. He was shocked like he had seen a ghost. What are
we going to do now? It has been so long, Has he moved on?

I came out of the forest and they were just staring at each other. I
don’t know what's going to happen now. Isaac was just with
French another guy, is he with him? And what I 'm going to do, I was ready
to go and move away with Rose and now I'm back here and I don't
know If we are going to leave now. We might have to stay to help
with miig and isaac.

Essential What I am looking for: Level Level Leve Level Level Mark
Learning ‘Students will demonstrate the 4+ 4 l3 2 1
ability to…’
COM AUD Complete blog topics 1-4 to
Communicate demonstrate knowledge and
effectively using an understanding of issues
related to the text
appropriate style/form
for an identified Write complete interior
audience monologues

Complete final paragraph

PROCESS Complete character and

Use a process passage selector analysis
effectively to gather
Complete final paragraph
information, draft and
revise, edit and
proofread, to produce a
written text for a specific
purpose and audience
COM TECH Complete artistic assignment
effectively, through Complete final paragraph
speaking, presenting
and listening, by
identifying and using
verbal and non-verbal
techniques, explicit and
implicit messages, in a
variety of written, oral
and media texts

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