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Letter of Motivation

My name is Ariyana Sander who graduated in B.Sc. and M.Sc. on Electrical Engineering from
Texas University of Technology . Reportedly, this university has been ranked 1st in my
country according to the Times higher education ranking.
Electrical engineering has always been my wished field as my undergraduate thesis was on
power systems and I continued this subject in my master study toward power grids
modeling and integration of distributed generation especially renewable energies.
After graduation, I started my career as a researcher and developer in a close field to my
profession by working at a transformer-based power supply manufacturing factory named
KhazartransfoCo. (2015-2017). But after a while, I sensed that with the rise of renewable
energies utilization in Iran, the conventional power supplies (like what I was working on)
had received less attention. Since I was always thirsty for an up-to-date career, I started my
new career path in renewable energies. I worked at 3 different energy-related companies
(2017-2019), and I have done several projects on planning and programming of solar
systems in the scale of smart buildings and distribution grids. The projects were focused on
design, automation and control of small scale solar systems.
However, now I believe that my first master was not enough for a professional career life in
the field of renewable energies smart planning whose technology and planning is getting
smarter every day. When designing an automated infrastructure I faced some engineering
problems that came from system control. Actually, in this field both knowledge of "Energy
Planning" and "Control Engineering" are needed. More specifically, I hope to strengthen
myself in the subjects of signal analysis, digitalization and complex communication
platforms planning in a second master. This way I can develop my BMS and automation
projects, which are associated with solar systems, to projects with a more complex
structure and in a larger scale.
I am young and so much thirsty of knowledge and experience in my wished field, but as the
north of Iran, where I live, and even the whole country is not so much of an industrialized
region, I need a broader environment to explore updated knowledge as well as real
industrial experiences. That is why I have chosen Germany; one of the most technologically
advanced countries in the world. Also, the most famous automation brands (like Siemens)
are manufactured in Germany. Then after some query, I found out that BioTechnology
University offers cooperative projects with industry and has equipped laboratories. Since I
am going to continue my career life in industry after graduation, these mentioned factors
are really important to me when choosing the most suitable university and program. Also
offering some courses like "Signal Processing" and "Logic Control" with the very
experienced professors have made this program my best choice.
I believe if given the chance, I would be a valuable asset. Firstly I know exactly what I want
to work on. Secondly, since I studied a master degree in electrical engineering, and I have
done research work before, I have hands on experience with programming like MATLAB,
PYTHON, C++. Also, I have a good writing and presentation skill gained through writing my
papers and presenting them at conferences. Finally, one of my bold characteristics that I
hope to help me in this is high sense of responsibility; I am sure my referees will confirm
It is worth mentioning that after obtaining my second master degree I want to keep my
connection with the industry and continue my career in the field of energy planning and
building automaton in a larger scale and in a more professional manner.

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