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Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic College , Titwala

Departments of Mechanical Engineering

Academic Year :2020-21

Course : ME-3-I Subject & Code : TEN(22337)

Prepare report on Steam Traps Used in the

Project Tittle : “ -------------------------------------“
Steam piping.

Project Group :

Roll No Enrollment No Name of Student

2016800086 Hiren Rajesh Kondkar.
2016800085 Nitin Sopan wavhal.

Subject Teacher H.O.D Principal

Devi Mahalaxmi Polytechnic,Titwala

Certified that this Report submitted by,

Mr/Ms :- Hiren Rajesh Kondkar Enroll No:- 2016800086

Mr/Ms :- Nitin Sopan Wavhal Enroll No:- 2016800085

Seat no : 291091 of Mechanical Engineering course 3rd /2nd Sem/Year

as a part of PROJECT WORK as prescribed by the Maharashtra Board of Technical

Education ,Mumbai for Subject THERMAL ENGINEERING.

And that , I have Guided him for the said work from time to time and I found him to be

satisfactorily progressive during the Academic Year 2020-2021.

And that the said work has been assessed by me and I am satisfied that the same is up to the

standard envisaged for the level of course.

Date : 09/030/2021

Name & signature of Name and signature of Principal

Internal Examiner H.O.D/ External Examiner
TOPIC :- Prepare a report on Steam Traps
Used in the steam piping.


```A steam trap is a device used to discharge

condensates and non-condensable gases with a
negligible consumption or loss of live steam. Steam
traps are nothing more than automatic valves. They
open, close or modulate automatically.
The duty of a steam trap is to discharge condensate, air and
other incondensable gases from a steam system while not
permitting the escape of live steam. The need for steam
traps, considerations surrounding their operation, basic
modes of operation and relevant standards are all covered in

The three important functions of steam traps

1.Discharge condensate as soon as it is formed
(unless it is desirable to use the sensible heat of
the liquid condensate)
2.Have a negligible steam consumption (i.e. being
energy efficient)
3.Have the capability of discharging air and other
non-condensable gases.
. Basic operation :-

The operation of a steam trap depends on the

difference in properties between steam and condensate.
Since liquid condensate has a much higher density than
gaseous steam, it will tend to accumulate at the lowest
possible point in the steam system. Steam properties
such as density, latent heat, and saturation/boiling point
are affected by pressure.
Steam traps can be split into three main categories;
Mechanical, Thermodynamic, and Thermostatic. Each
type uses a different operating principle to remove
condensate and non-condensable gases and keep
steam in the system. The vast majority of steam traps in
current operation are of the mechanical operated
Steam traps are sized for specific applications based
on amount of condensate they can remove, as well as
other factors such as the ability to remove air and
non-condensable gases.

Steam traps can be split into three major types:

1. Mechanical traps :-
 These remove condensate through the use of
the mechanical properties of steam vs condensate.
Since liquid is denser than the steam it will travel to
the bottom of the system. Mechanical traps will have
a bucket or float that rises and falls in relation to
condensate level and this usually has a mechanical
linkage attached that opens and closes the valve.
Mechanical traps operate in direct relationship to
condensate levels present in the body of the steam
trap. Inverted bucket and float traps are examples of
mechanical traps. Float traps can have a mechanical
linkage or can seal the trap through use of the float

2.Thermostatic traps :-
These remove condensate through the temperature
difference of steam vs the liquid phase. The valve is
driven through expansion and contraction of an
element that is exposed to the heat from steam or
condensate. These traps take a temperature drop
below the saturation curve to open and remove
condensate. These traps can perform this by a filled
element or bellows or bimetallic element.

3. Thermodynamic traps
These operate on the dynamic principals of steam
vs condensate and the use of Bernoulli’s principle.
When condensate released through an orifice the
speed increases and a pressure drop occurs. to
close a valve (disc) or slow the discharge This will
flash steam to create higher pressure speed of the
trap. The main types of traps in this family are; Disc,
Impulse, Labyrinth, Orifice (or Venturi Nozzle).
Performance Assessment of Steam
There are basically three methods for the
performance assessment of steam traps
1.Visual Method.
This method basically involves visual inspection
requiring good observational skills. The person
assessing the trap must be able to clearly distinguish
between flash steam and live steam. Sight glasses
can be used for assessment.

2. Sound Method.
The mechanisms involved in the operation of
steam traps generate sounds of sonic and
supersonic frequencies. Wielding proper auditory
equipment along with the knowledge of Normal and
abnormal sounds can help in efficient assessment of
steam traps.

3.Temperature Method.
This method is the least reliable of all the
assessment methods. The low reliability of this
method rests on the fact that the temperature of the
condensate and saturated steam are approximately
the same causing difficulties to distinguish between
them on temperature basis. Some methods like cold
trap are available for temperature assessment. The
cold trap denotes the existence of large amount of
condensates which condensed during steam trap
operation. Hence required action may be taken for
the same.

hree views of a c.1885 ment is as in Fig. 1 or Fig. 3, the
center view, Fig. 2, shows the cardinal feature of this
trap, that it contains a collesteam trap. The general
appearance of this arrangector for silt, sand, or sediment
which is not, as in most other traps of the time, carried
out through the valve with the efflux of water.
Steam Trap Applications
Steam Trap application falls into the following
Drip Traps on steam lines


Drip applications are by far the most common application for

steam traps. This application refers to removing the
condensate that forms in steam lines when steam loses its
heat energy due to radiation losses. Traps used in these
applications are referred to as drip traps. Generally speaking,
traps used for these applications require relatively small
condensate capacities and don’t normally need to discharge
large amounts of air. (Air removal is the primary function of
air vents and process traps located throughout the system.)
The most common trap choices for drip applications are
thermodynamic for line pressures over 30 PSIG, and float &
thermostatic for line pressures up to 30 PSIG. Inverted bucket
traps are also commonly used for drip trap applications due
to their ability to handle large amounts of dirt and scale often
found in this type of application.
Steam Tracing on piping or equipment

Steam tracing refers to using steam to indirectly elevate

the temperature of a product using jacketed pipes or tubing
filled with steam. A typical application would be wrapping a
high viscosity oil pipeline with steam tubing. The steam inside
the tubing heats the oil to lower its viscosity, allowing it to
flow easily thru the pipeline. Similar to any steam
applications, a steam trap must be used on the end of the
steam tubing to discharge unwanted condensate. Steam
traps used in these applications are referred to as tracer
traps. The most common trap choice for tracing applications
is the thermostatic type.
Process applications


Process trap applications refer to removing

condensate and air directly from a specific heat transfer
process such as a heat exchanger that could be making hot
water or a radiator heating a room. Traps used in these
applications are referred to as process traps. Generally
speaking, traps used for process applications require larger
condensate handling capability and also need to be able to
discharge large amounts of air. The most common trap
choices for process applications are float & thermostatic
traps and thermostatic traps. Both are known for their
excellent condensate and air handling capabilities. In
contrast, thermodynamic traps and inverted bucket traps,
which have poor air handling ability, would normally make a
poor choice for process applications.
Steam Trap Sizing

A steam trap must be sized based on condensate load.

Once the condensate load is calculated, the trap should be
sized using a safety factor. The sizing of condensate lines,
downstream sub-headers and headers shall ensure there is
no excessive back pressure on the trap.
During start-up conditions, condensate forms at a
rapid rate as the piping is at ambient temperature. Safety
factors are therefore necessary to take into account the
start-up conditions or any other abnormal operating
The steam trap is an essential part of any steam
system. It is the important link between good steam and
condensate management, retaining steam within the
process for maximum utilisation of heat, but releasing
condensate and incondensable gases at the appropriate
On a concluding note we hope we all able to
understand the steam traps used in steam piping.


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