PG 144-Refer To The Passage On Biogas and Answer The Questions

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ManavRachna International School ManavRachna International School

Date:___________ Session 2021-22 Name:_______________ Date:___________ Session 2021-22 Name:_______________

Subject: Geography Worksheet-2 Grade: VIII____________ Subject: Geography Worksheet-1 Grade: VIII____________
Chapter-4 Minerals and Power Resources Chapter-4 Minerals and Power Resources
Short answers : Very short answers:
1. A non-conventional source of energy is also called ‘energy of the 1. What are the three main fossil fuels?
future’. Justify the statement.
2. ‘Minerals are the backbone of an economy.’ Do you agree with the _______________________________________________________________________
statement? Justify your answer.
2. What is an ore?
3. Passage based question 

Pg 144- Refer to the passage on Biogas and answer the questions:

a) What is biogas? ________________________________________________________________________

b) What are the utilities of
biogas? 3. Give reasons-
a) Iron ore is called the back bone of the industrial economy because________________
4. Picture based question

a) What is shown in the picture?

b) Explain the importance of solar b)Wind farms are found in coastal areas because________________________________
energy in the present scenario.

4.Complete the sentence-

a) Friedrich Mohs was a German mineralogist who invented______________________
Long answers:

1. Non-Conventional sources of power are the need of the hour if we wish ________________________________________________________________________
to save our earth from a potential catastrophe. What contribution can
you make in everyday life for optimal utilization of these sources of b)The four varieties of coal are_________________________________________

c) The new coalfields in India are____________________________________________


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