Dol Guldur

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Bear mae . : : #2014 “a ; DoL GULDUR* CONTENTS 1.2 Using Dol Gul. vn onma 13 The Adventure Setting. 14 The Temporal Setting. 20 Background. 21 The Tale of Yeats meno 32 The Dwarves of Tumén- gab 33 The Necromances’s Hold. 24 Khamal in Dol Guldur. 25 The History of Dol Galdus. 25.1 Dol Guu Before TA 1300, 252 Dol Guldar rom FA. 1501 to TA. 1634, 28, Dol Guldor From TA. 1635 te TA 2063, 254 The Watch Peace. 8.1 Gandalfs First Visite wenn 8.2 Gandalf's Second Visi. « 9.0 Into the Darkness. 43 Tactics. 44 Army Evolution, «am 5.0 People of Note mmonenw 6.0 The Citadel. 6.1 The Inner Workings. 9.4 Adventure Options. 94.1 Akerte Beings one 9.42 Alernte Tine Sting. 704 ‘Rrbrevione “ TO2 Citations. wrsnnnnn 6.23 The Front Gate: Upper Lees and Towers, 6.3 The Upper Halls. 7 lesa G3 The Fis Pescipies 75 104 Adapting this Module. OTe Seon ree 77 10S La Conversion Notes. 633 The Thied Pipe an 79 64 The Middle Hall. 81 64. The in Level Second SL T12 MERP/RM Miltary Table caste Tatton $3 MERD/RM Beat Tbe. 644 The Fourth Level 645 The Fifth Led. 11.6 LoR NPC Table. TILT LoR Military Table. nnn “The Seventh Lave ee 11.8 [oR Beast Table. .. 648 The Necromancer’ Halls - 1.0 INTRODUCTION ‘Of all Middle-earth’s dark and dreadful serongholds, few stir ceeror in the hears of Elves and Men like Dol Guldes, the “Hill of Sorcery.” Its dace, rocky heights ‘oom ominously over southern Mirkwood, cloaked in foreboding storm clouds. Here, in he ancient cinder cone once known as Amon Lane. (S. "Naleed Hill”) lies the hidden sanctuary of Sauron, the mysterious Necromancer of Wilderland, The Necromancer's shrouded delving lacks the black snajeaty of Barad-ir and Angmar’ indomitable strength of nnmbers, Nonetheless, Dol Guilds possesses an over- whelming presence. Its evil haunts Endor like a silent sumor of terrible power. ‘The Hill of Sorcery lies atthe core ofthe Shadow inthe southwest comer of Mitkwood, atthe end of the modest tidge of volcanic hills known as Emyn Guldar, Much taller than any neighboring height, it towers over the barten, bowlike clearing called the Nan Lane, the kked Valley” of Sinda lore. As Amon Lanc, the geeat cone stood dormant for wnnumbered millennia. Most chron clers considered ie extinct. As Dol Guidur, the mountain ‘mits foul steam clouds, often noxious mists that sheoud the peak and threaten the rich forest canopy of southern Mirkwood. Now, rumblings from deep in the eacth suggest a reawakening of the hills long-slumbering ‘power—and serve asa watring ofthe coming fury borne ‘but of the Dask Lord! pitiless re. 1.1 THE CITADEL SERIES “The Citas of Mdile-art eves provides Gamemasters (GMs) with extremely detailed overviews of the most formidable and significant strongholésin}.R.R. Tolkien's world of Endor. Fach modale of the line documents the hiscory, design, layout, power structure and garrison of a particolarcitadel. Painstakingly elaborate aps, loorplars, and perspectives highlight each product. Here you will find a vase wealth of adventures and sertings for use with the Middl-eerth Rok Playing(MERP), Londo he Rings Advert Gone (ToR) and Relmaser (RM) fantasy role playing (ERP) gamesystems, material which is easily adaprableto most other FRP ines. 1,2 USING DOL GULDUR Before reading Dat Guldwr review the map (pp. 220- 221) ilasteatng the Lands immediately adjacent to: Amon Lane and occupied by the Necromancer’s minions. This snap provides the GM with a precise picture ofthe core of Sauron's realm in southern Mirkwood. Tt delineates the exact locations of the roads, trails and outposts in the nearby area. Also takenotc of the close-up topographical map ofthe voleano in Seetion 6.0(p. 68). Thisblack and white close up of Dol Guldur further illustrates the fundamental details of the Necromancer’s stronghold Section 10.0 contains important appendices, and you should cefee to chis material if you have any questions about terminology, citations, or game statistics, Section TOI covers several ofthe Middle-earth terms used inthis module, inchiding some Black Speech names, aswell sal the abbreviations earamon to all of ICE's Midle-arth Ro Playing (MERP) of Rolonser (BO products. Ifyou do not ‘ese the MERP and RM fantasy role playing game systems, ead scetion [04 before proceeding further with the module. Thissection provides guidelines for adapring the material to most other ole playing games. Should you use ICE's Lord of th Rings Adventee Came guidelines, peruse Section 10.5 Te contains comprehensive convetvion 70%. Seetion 11.0 contains tables which sammmarize game statisties forall the aoneplayer characters (NPCS), mili- cary units, easts and random encounters discussed in the 1.3 THE ADVENTURE SETTING “This supplement, of course, is intended for use br gamemasters (GMs) who wish to run a campaign in and around Dol Guldut. Accordingly, Section 9.0 encom- passes aio of linkable adventuees, Due to the extremely slangetous mature of the citadel, however, adventuring inside the Hill f Sorcery could prove quite difficult for player characters (PCs), Rather than running adventures thar phange ie PCs into che deptits ofthe Necromancer’ fortress, we recommencled that GMsallow the PCsto first experience the lesser perils of adventuring in the sr- rounding fands, We conesived the three adventures in scction 9.0 s0 thatthe players will be somewhat familiaz with the setting before planning and undertaking a peril us journey info the citadel. 1.4 THE TEMPORAL SETTING “The primary temporal setting of Dal Gud, like most of ICE's other Middle-arthe adventure supplements, is Thiel Age 1640. We take care, though, to omit the insjotity ofthe text eime-specific statements, thus allow ing aGM wo adape the material to most any period. Both the history of Dol Guldur and the accompanying tables reflect this fexbility. Together, they detail many of the changes that take place during the Third Age. Note that the citadel cemains victually unaltered after TA. 1382; however, the GM needsto make adjustments to the popu Lbeion and composition of the leadership of the fortes. The period called “the Watchful Peace” (T.A. 2064- 2459) should be of particular interest to some GMs tis during this time that the citadel is very lightly guarded, ‘Mose of the halls are virtually unocespied, for Sauron is absent feom the stronghold. Should a party of less heroic (or less experienced) PCs attempt to challenge the perils ‘of Dol Guldlus, this eea offers a uniquely inviting (and survivable) scenario. i | | | 2.0 BACKGROUND Due to the complex nature of the history of ‘Amon Lane, we begin our story with a brief ale of years 2.1 THE TALE OF YEARS This timeline traces the history of both Dol Guldur and its principal occupants. Ssconp Acs 7 Natin, a Dwasf-lord of Datin's Folk, ventures out of the Misty Mountains, He «xosees Anduin and discovers Amon Lane. After returning to the Dwatfinasion, he tiesto perstade Driin the Proud to move his people to the Naked Hill, 20 Dain the Proud, Lord of the Sixth House of the Naugrin takes his people and crosses Andain, He claims Amon Lane for his own and founds the Dwarven stronghold of Tuméin-gabil. 27 Red laen is found in Tumnd-gabil 31. Bocin, the second son of Navin, constructs te Cold Forge of Tumtin-gabil. «38 Botin becomes a renowned Craft-lord. 39 Torin, the son of Bori, ie born, 97 Dniin the Proud leads the sain host of his people eastward into the Chey lands. Borin ‘emains fora time in Tuundn-gabil an leads the small group that stays behind, 192 Torin surpasses his father as a Craft-lord. 207 Botin, now very old, takes many of the Dwarves of Timan-gabil and reunites with Drin’s Folk. Unwilling to abandon Amon Lanc while the red laenlasts,Torinrefitses +0 leave Tumtin-gabil. He now leads the remaining Daatves of the Naked Hill, 307 Desth of Torin. His descendants sere as the Lords of Tumtin-gabil for several generations, « 1165 Some of Drtin’s Folk, fleeing Resrik after the invasion of Muar's forces, take refuge in Turnia-gabil. 1225 Celedhing, a Noldo Jewel-smith from the Elven Kingdom of Eregion, becomes captivated with Annatar (Sauron). Beginning at this time Celedbing is slowly tamed toward evil ways by his mentor. T6OI Celedhting departs Exegion and travels co Mordor whece he again serves the Dark Lord. 1671 Celedhring travels to Tumln-gabil eo seduce the Dwarves with knowledge of Elven Jewel-crafi. Dworin is won over. 1703 Aided by Celecthring, Dworin begins the forging of the Khazad-khezed. 1807 Khazad-khezed is completed. Celedhring pares Tumtin-gabil and returns to Mordor. 1827 Dworin becomes completely obsessed with the Khazad-khezed. His people grow wary of him 847 The ted laen in Tumiin-gabil is depleted € IBS Many Dwarves begin to deparc from Tumtin- pabil, 1857 Fighting breaks our over the Khazad-khezed. Dworin and six loyal kinsmen are all chat survive of the Dwarves of Tumin-gabil. 1889 Dworin slays his remaining followers and lives alone in Tetin-gabil. ‘1896 Death of Dworin. His body lies forgotten in the ‘nines of Tunxin-gabil. a - 2480-2941 Kham makes frequent trips between Minas Morgul and Dol Guldur. While at Dot ‘Galduc, Khamal acts as Sanron's chief servant 2519 With more of Rhovanion under the sway of ‘Sausen, Kham departs Dol Guldur and reeurs to ‘Minas Morgul. 2592 Sauron leatns of the reuimn of Thré to Erebor. He sends for Kham, who returns to Dol Galea. 2620 Kham departs Dol Galdur and returns to Minas Mosgul. 2653 Kham‘ retums to Dol Guldur to acquite instructions for the Witch-king. 2656 Khamdl departs Dol Guldar and cesurns to Minas Morgul 2689 Khamél returns to Dol Guldus, and begins new offensives with the Grimbsirz, 2700 Sauron learns of the rebuilding of the White ‘Tower in Minas Titith and sends Kham back to Minas Morgul. 2770 Smaug invades Erebor and destroys the ‘Dwarven kingdom. The Dragon also lays waste to Dale. Few Dwarves sorvive, but Thrée, Thea TL, and Thorin TI manage to escape. 2772 Kham returns to Dol Guldur. Sateon is bolstered by Smaug’s attack, He has Kamil increase skirmishes in northem Mirkewood. Ae this tine with the occupation of Maria and mose of the Misty Mountains, the defeat of the Dwarves by ‘Stmaug, and the control of the southern two thirds of Mirkwood the power and influence of the Dark Lord's reign in Dol Guldue reaches its height. 2790 ‘Theor gives the last ofthe Seven Rings to ‘Thebin I, his son, and travels with one companion ‘to Moria where he is shin. The Dwarves gather for a war of vengeance against the Orcs ofthe Misty ‘Mountains, 2793 ‘The War of the Dwarves and Orcs commences. 2799 The Dwarves ae victorious in the Bare of Nandchision before the East-gate of Mosia, They depart back over the mouncains. Thesin Il and Thorin IE travel to Ered Luin. Wich Moria secure and the war concluded Sauron sends Khamal back to Minas Morgul for atime. 2839 Kham reterns to Dol Gelder. Sauron secs Khamfl to the task of aequiring the ast of the Seven Dwarven Rings. The Nazgiil sends spies to vwatch the Dwarven home in Bred Luin, 2841 Thelin I departs feom the Biue Mountains with «small company of Dwarves hoping to reach Erebor. Khamis spies report this departure, and. ‘Sauron sends flocks of erebain track the Dwarves. 2841-2845 Thriin II journeys through Eriador. aet0ss the Misty Mountains and into the vale of ‘Anduin. As Thedin travels eastward Sauror’s spies report his movements. Khamntl then dicects groups ‘of Orcs and Wargs to attack the Dwarves, making theic journey long and perilous. 2845 Thriin TI journeys thre the nd bexween Anguin and Miskwood: Sauron sends an evil storm that looms over the Dwatves and pours down black rain, They are forced to take refuge beneath the caves of Mirkwood, where the Grimbirz await. ‘Theda is seocely capeured and taken to Dol Galdar, Khamel cakes from him the last of the ‘Seven Rings and gives it ro his master. Kkamiil dozs not, however, discover the key vo the secret entrance ‘of Erebor. Over the next five years Khamél tortures “Thrsin for information, but the Dwarf lord yields nothing, 2850 Gandalf again defeats the defenses of Dol Guldur and secretly enters che stronghold of the Necromances. He discovers Thin IL, now neatly dead. Thréin gives Gandalf the key to Eeebor. Gandalf discovers that the evil power of Dol Guldar & Sauron, Khamdl is scored by his master for allowing Gandalf entrance into his stronghold. Thrsie Te dies. 2881 The White Councit meets, and Gandalf reveals the identity of the Necromancer. He urges the ‘Council to attack Dol Guldus, but Saruman has begun to deste the One Ring for his own purposes. He declares thatthe Couneil must not yet attack. Later that year Sarumnan begins to search the Gladden Fields for the Ring. 2877 Khamdll departs Dol Guldue and returns to ‘Minas Morgal to help in the campaign to take Ithilien, 2901 The Nazgil pacify most of Ithilien, and Kham is summoned back to Dol Guilder. 2936 Santon learns of the fate of Isldur and sends the Grimbiirz under the direction of Khar to begin searching near the Gladden Fields for any sign of the Ruling Ring or its whereabouts 2939 Sacuman discovers that Sauron’s forces are searching the Gladden Fields, Although worried, che ‘White Wizard fails to inform the White Council 2941 Bilbo the Hobbie discovers the One Ring. ‘Smaug i slain by Bard of Esgareth, An allied army of Free Peoples prevails at the Battle of che Five Annies, enabling Durin's Folk to reclaim Exebor. ‘The White Council meets. Now worried that Sauron will find the Ring, Sazumnan agrees to attack. Dol Gulder, Sauron is awate of the coming assault, however, azx{ both he and Kham abandon Dol Gulduc, Gathering most of the garrison, they flee stealthily. Dol Guldur falls after a brief skirmish, and Saruman and Gandalf find the Dark Lord gone. 950 Dol Guldur remains mostly deserted, a few of Sauron's servants linge inthe hil's sretected recesses, Even the fortress is -sscrally abandoned, the evil nature of the citadel ster the Elven incursions into southern 00d. 2M2 Sauron secretly re-enters Mordor and sesusmes dence at Barad- dar. Still waiting to decace self Sauron and all his Ulaiti prepaze to wage DM4 The Northmen rebuild the Kingdom of Dale. A ‘peace settles on northern Mitkwood. ‘Mesedor, and begins the rebuilding of Barad-dée, il One appoints Khamol 2s Lord of Dal fur and sends the Easterling Ulair north to nthe Hil of Soreery. 2851-3018 The NazgAl Cratha becomes the cr between the Dark Tower, Dol Guldut BO1T Aragorn takes Golluma captive and vers the fallen Stoor to Theandai’s in northern Mitkwood. Kham 5 his spies to search the Elven ‘om for any signs of Gollum, 3013 (une 20) Three Nazgit—Khamtl, Astimaphel, and Uvatha—lead a force against Thranduil’s realm in an attempt to troy the Elven kingdom and to captuze Gollum, The Quendi defeat their evil host, ur Gollum escapes. July) Khamal, Adéinaphel, and Ovatha part Dol Guldur. Rendezvousing with the other six Ringwraths, they begin the seach for the One Ring. The Grimburgoth is lef in command of the Hill of Soveery. During the absence of Kham the forces of Dol Gulder remain quis (December) Kham and Adfinaphel cetur to Do! Guldur with the task of de the Elven kingdom in norchern Mitkewood and Lien Oath Com mounted on 2 fell beast) resumes his role as mestenger. 3019 (March 8) The Hest of Dol Guldur marches to war. Khamdl leads the larger of the wo forces aguinst Lérien, while Adtnaphel leads the other army north to assail Thranduil’s kingdom. Uvatha departs Dol Guldur fo the last ce, (March 11) Khamal’s army makes ie fist attack on Latien. Repelled by the Elves, Khamfll withdraws and regroups. (March 15) Khaini leads the second assault against Létien, The Elves prevail after a bitter struggle Meanwhile, Thrandui’s Elven warriors vanquish Adfiaphe’s force outside the Aradheynd in northern Mickwood. Sending the remnants of Bet acmy back to Dol Guldur, Adinaphel fies co jin Khamal. ‘(March 22) Khamndl and Adinraphel lead the third and final attack on Léien. Defeated and scattered, auch of ther force retreats to the southwest. As they struggle around the Wold, they are ambushed and sain by En (March 23) Khamal and Adtnaphel seeurn for the tt dnc 2 Dl Guide han seblahes ke temaining troops in the citadel’s well-prepared! fortifications. Then, that night, the ewo Nazgl depart for Mordor. |- The Duar-soe peste oie |: (March 25) The destruction of the Ring and the Downfall of Sauron and the Nine Nazg@l, (March 28) Celebotn leads an attack that defeats the loge forces of the Hill of Sorcery, (April 4) Celeborn’s forces raze the citadel of Dol Guldut, Once again, Elves and Woodsen begin calling the hill Amon Lane. 2.2, DWARVES OF TUMUN-GABIL The Father of the Sisth House of Dwarves was Dakin the Proud, He and his people lived in the easern ales of the Misty Mountains throughout che First Age, but inthe «arly yeats of the Second Age Daiin resolved to found a zew kingdom, To better decide on a destination, he sent several Dyartlords to search the susrounding lands. Narin Goodfoot (a forefather of Bali che Rash) was the ‘most storied of these noble adventurers, ‘Tas FOUNDING oF Tumen-casa. In SA. 7 Natin crossed Anduin and explored the ancient heights of Amon Lane. As he wanclered thro the Nan Lanc, ce ever-watchful Dwarf-lotd discovered a wondrous thing, for hidden in some of the stones of the valley were small traces ofa red ceysaline mineral. Narin had seen this substance only once before, when he frst Visited Khazad-dém with his son Borin. Me knew Durin's Folk prized the hard, blood-colored, valeanic glass allud- ing o its magical qualities. Narin rightly suspected that ‘Amon Lane gave birth to the enchanted glass, The bare- sided mountain, he felt, would make a suitable home for his people. So Navin returned to his King and told him of his discovery. Tn SA. 20 Driin the Proud led his people across ‘Anduin and founded a Dwarven stronghold under Amon Lanc. He named his new home Turain-gabil (Kh. “The Great Hollow"), and claimed all of Nan Lane for his people, In these days Oropher had not yet taken «ip his Loreship of the Elves of Greenwood, and without strong leader the Wood-elves offered no resistance tothe Dwarves’ immigration, Buteven ashe established his new home, Dakin knew in his heart that this place would aot be the permanent homeland of his people. He foresaw that one day he would desire to move on to a more hospitable land, a place where the peaks wete high and the subterranean reaches less confined. Nanun’s Sows The sons of the Dwarf lord Natin, Norin and Borin, became influential members of Drtin’s Folk. Nosin, che «lderson, wasarenowned warrior and explorer, He spent etl time in Amon Lanc, preferring to seek out new lands where his people could build a great mansion to rival the grand halls of Kharad-dtim. Venturing far to the east and south of Rhovanion, NorinandhissonNori were the frst ‘of Drs Folk to travel into the Chey Lands. When they sccumed to Turndin-gabil, the two sojourners told rales of eat, gilded mountains that would make a more suitable home for the Sixth House of the Naugeim. In time, Nozin and Nori convinced Driin to move his people, and following their counsel the proud Dwarf-lord fed his folk ‘out Amon Lane and into the faraway highlands of the Ered Harmal Cheyze. Unlike his elder brother, Borin, the second son of ‘Nati, became enamored of Amon Lane. He locked upon the voiceless voleano as a perfect craftcall. An accom plished jewel-smith and armorer, Borin believed Amon Law to be 2 superh home. Evenbefore Dnin moved his peopletothe Naked Hill, Bosin established a great ftiendship with the Crafi-lords of Khazad-déim, He would stay for long respite in the great Dwarf-mansion, leaming the secret skills of cold- forgingand othersmith-craft. After Driin’sFolk founded Tunstr-gabil, Borin mined night and day searching for ted laea, Baraz-khelud, and in SA. 27 he discovered great strain of the rare crystal. Sull, without Helvorn, the ‘magical wood that bums with cold flame, the anxious jewel-smith was powerles to work with his new discov- ay. Borin subsequently convinced Driin that the Sixth “House should trade some of the red laen to the Dwarves ‘of Khazad-dtim itt exchange for Helvorn. This trade spawned a profitable friendship between the craftsmen of sheneighboring Dwarf-homes, While ever-vigilant about «elative profits, Durie's Folk and Dadin's Folk enriched cone another. After Borin constructed his Cold Forge in Tumtin- ‘phil he became renowned Crafi-lord. Though he never achieved the famne of his kinsmen across the Great River, Borin was known in his day asthe greatest jewel-smith in the Sith House, His unrivalled ability to work with araz-khelud beeame Dwarf-lore. 1nS.A.39 Torin theson of Borin, wasborn in Tumtin- gab. Torn, like his Father, became a great Craf-lotd, and in time his skills even surpassed Borin's formidable tal- «nts. In keeping with his line, Torin was also a very proud Dwarf. He strove to create ever-greater Zakil-khezed, {ight-stones that could maintain thei brilliance for many eats, His trae desire was o craft lighe-stone that would ‘endute far beyond his ow liferime, like the more farnous stones created by the Elven Jewel-smiths of Ost-in-Edhil. Though Torin never achieved his goal, he passed this desire on to his descendants. Long before Torin reached the height of his powes, though, Dain the Proud moved his peaple southeast ward into the Chey Mountains. Remaining beside his father Borin—who did not wish to leave Tumtin-gabil with therest ofthe Sisth Line—Torin cemained at Amon. Lane in hopes of honing his skills in crafting Barxr- Kkhelud, He supported his father's decision to stayin the ‘Naked Hilland lead the Dwarves who still wished tomine ‘Teantin-gabil So, when Dein’sFolkset out toward th zzew home, Borin took command of the lasge (~700) group of remaining Naugrim, Town's Cian Borin resided in Turndin-gabil forthe next TO years, ‘Then, having grown quice old and longing to eunite with his people, Borin made ready to depart Tumtn-gabil. Fe was S.A. 207 and Torin, now at the height of Bis ek, refused to Teave while the red laen lasted, Several uther Dyaf-smichs had grown extremely loyal to Torin over the years and they also refused to leave. They resolved to ‘remain with theit mentoc. So, Borin se forth with most of theremainingDwarves in Amon Lane. Aboutsix hundied Naugrim traveled to the Chey Lands to reunite with Driin's Folk. Toriathen declared himselfLordof Tumnta gabil, and lied oot his life in the near empey halls within the Naked Hill. ‘Torin’s Clan, though only about five-score in numbet, continued to live and mine in Tumén-gabil for uany generations. In fact, in S.A. 1165 some of Da‘in's Folk. returned ro swell the group's modest ranks, Having fled from the ruined Kingdom of Ruri, aboue thirty ragged. watrions and their kin—some Fifty in all—tooke refuge i. ‘Amon Lane. Their arival breathed tif into the lonely halls of Tamén-gabi, although most of the stronghold stayed vacant throughout the Dwarven occupation, |: ‘Cereonnmve’s Cuauence, ‘Many years later Anmatar (Sauron) seduced Celebrimbor and several other members ofthe Elda Gwaith--Miedain ‘of Eegion inco making the Rings of Power. One member ‘of the group was a master Jewel-smith named Celedhzing. Ta the early days of Annatar’s stay in Ostin-Edhil Exegion’s capital, Celedhring becaune captivated with the Lord of Gifts and slowly turned toward evil. Though he slid not participate in the forping of the Rings of Power, Celedhring did take part in the making of many of the lesser rings and Teamed much from his evil mentor Eventually, Celedhting proved to be a mast valuable servant to Annatar. Afier the One Ring was forged in Mordor and Sauron declared war on the Elves, Celedhring left Eregion and traveled to Mordor to begin is long service for the Dark Lord. Dusing these exrly yeas in service ro Sauron, the fallen Noldo jewel-smith grew more skilled and prideful, and hungeced for his own craichall. Desirous of power and hoping ro emulate his Master's comption of the Elves of Eregion, Celedhring cecerved the Dark Lord's blessing and traveled to Amon Lanc to win over the Dwyarven-smiths of Temtin-gabil. Dworin, a descendant of Torin and then Lord of Tuunén-gabil, was greatly inergued by the knowledge of gemccraft that Celedhring offered. He was quickly se- duced by the evil Noldo. Dworinsaw Celedhring'skiow!- edge as the key to fulfilling the age-old dream of his forefather Torin, As master of Totin's Clan, ke longed to create fasting lght-stones, just as the Blves of Eregion had done for cennutics. After many eats of teaching his skill to Dworin, Celedhring was ready to achieve his wlimate goal. In SA 1703 Dwsorin began to forge his greatest work, a light. stone of pute ted laen whose radiance and power would endure throughout the ages. Celedhring directed the Dwarf-lord in all of his labors, secrely corrupting the enchantments of the gem, In SA. 1807 the light-stone veas completed, and Celedhring called the gem Carafanan, (S. "Red Veil”), but Dworin gave his greatest work a hhidden name in Khexzdul, calling it Khazad-khezed (Rh, “The Dwarf-stone”). Soon afterrhe completion ofthe Carafanan Celedhsing depaxted ftom Tamin-gabil and rerumed to Mordor, ‘Once back in his Lord's domain, Celedhring informed Sauron of all that he had accomplished. Sauron subse quently sent spies to watch the Naked Fil fr signs ofthe Dwarves’ demise ‘Taz Coast of Ti Dwane-srone Notlongafter Celedhring's departure, Dworin became consumed with Khazad-khezed, The enchastiments see within the erystal caused the Dwarf-lord to value the light-stone above all other things, and his desire to create sore or greater works quickly diminished. He would sit for hours at atime gazing into the red beams of Khazad- Khezed, unable to hear the voices of those around him. ‘Other Dwartes of Tuuntt-gabil were aso affected by the power ofthe accursed Dyrarf-stone, Many of Dworin's fellow Craft-lords serctly desived the Khazad-khezed for themselves. Still, Dorin was a powerful and strong- willed leader and none would openly challenge him. Instead, che Craftclords set to work to equal the achieve ments of theit master, They began mining the remaining red laen at an ever-increasing rate, Many created many light-stones of remarkable beauty, but none could eval Khazad-kheved, and mnost endured for only afew years, ‘These events increased the greed fomented by the presence of the Khazac-ichezed. The Craft-locds contin~ ‘ued in their fruitless quest to create lasing light-stones until S.A. 1847 when the eed laen of Tumén-gabil was depleted. Many of the prominent Craft-lotds began to openly denounce Dworin, saying that he withheld his knowledge of gem-craftand deprived his people of greater wealth, As the turmoil grew over the nex few yeas, many Dwarves abandoned the evil tainted mines of Tumin- abil leaving the quartelsome Craf-lords to their own sad fate, InSA, 1887—when Celedhring’s plana last came to fruition—tss than seventy Dwarves remained at Amon. Lane. Ie was then that fighting broke out among Torin's Clan, and those who were still loyal to Dworin clashed with the Craft-lords who desited to take Khazad-khezed for theit own, A bloody bate ensued in which Dwarves on both sides of the fray perished. Intheendoonly Dwerin and six of his kinsmen survived. They remained in Turndin-gabil for many years, forthe exazed Dworin refused to leave his cursed stronghold, he home ofthe evil {and persuasive) Dwarf-stone, In time, the power of the Khazad-khezed completely possessed the DrarF-lord, who began to suspect that his six kinsmen desired to dain his beloved Dwrarfstone. (One datk night Dworin stew the lst of his followers in their slep. Taking the Khazad-khezed, he wandered deep into the mines. Dorin continued his lonely and embittered existence forseven years, untilatlasthe could no longer cling toi In SA. 1896 Dworin died, lost in the mines of Tismn- abil, clutching Khazad-khezed sill the end, Neither Dwarf nor Ef would tread near Amon Lane ia the years following Dworin's death, because it was said that the spirit of the fallen Dwarfford still haunted Temi bills dark balls Celedhcing fought no such fear, hough, and in S.A. ‘¥H41—when Sruron was overthrown bp the Diinedain and the Eldit—Celedhring fled from Merdot and tray- cledte Amon Lane. Hethen took theabandoned Dwarven home as his own, and led hidsen im the depths of the Naked Hill for many song vears. His treachery amd triumph sil pains Ee people of the Sixth House, ‘Taz DwARr-LORD NARDN AND His DESCENDANTS Navin (tae Age = SA, 220) Nora Borin cater SA (tse Age-SA. 219) Nori Tocia SAH Am) (5A.39-54 307) | | (Seal Generaoas) | | Bal 1 “the Rash” Dworin (GA.1601 -SA. 1896) 2.3 THE NECROMANCER’S HOLD Sauron, the mightiest of the Maiar, came into being ore the making of Arda. His name means “the Abe cy" and he was surpassed in evil only by Morgoth self. In the Valagueea it is written: “eis beginning be was of the Mian of Au, ond br serine night inthe kre of that people In al he dec of Malor up Ard, Bc vst works and inthe devs of Bt sing Sour bedagr, and wasonye cv an Bisaster 1 That for lg be served note and ie. Bt in later year Be oe lke ase of Mera anda ght of Bis mali, ‘da badtom fenoe n into he Vel” Sip. 26 In the ancient days of che First Age, Sauron served ‘Morgoth and became the Black Enemy's chief Kewtenant. He pecforined his master's bidding until at lat, the Hoost of Valinor overthrew Morgoth and brought the First Age co an end. Fleeing the wrath of the Valar, Souron took refage deep in Middle-earth, far from ruined Angband, ‘The Abhoreed One then lay hidklen for five centuries, ‘When he fizally came forth, he took the land of Mordor for his own and declared himself the King of Men. Throughout the Second Age, Sauron wasthe source of countless evil plots and ruthless acts. Three particulaely devastating deeds had great bearing on Amon Lanc, for Scion resided theve for much of his later life. Tue Rivas oF Power The first of this trio of acts—done inthe guise of the Aanatat, the Lord of Gifts—was the seduction of (Celebcimbor and many Noldor of che Gwaith--Miedsin. Using his unmatched. persuasiveness and offering great knowledge in the making of precious, magical chings, Sauron beguilded these Elda crafsmen into forging the Rings of Power. Though Sauron'sploctoenslaveallthose who bore che Rings never fally succeeded, the talismans ‘proved to be great banes to the Free Peoples of Midale- carth, Arda was forever changed with their creation. Of all the Rings of Power only the Three had no ill effects, except that they were tied to the One and would lose their power with its destruction, And Sauron had no hhand én thee ereation. After the One Ring was lost the beares ofthe Three were fre to use them without fear of detection by the Dacke Lord. The Elves kept these rings hidden, but their powers were used to combat Sauron's evil influencesthroughoutthe Third Age. While he dwelt in Dof Guldur, the Three Ringsand those who bore them were the greatest threat to Sauron’s grand designs. Tur Rims Rc The second of these three evil deeds was the forging of the One Ringitself. fer the completion of the Nine and the Seven, and while the Thee were being made, Sauron departed Ost-in-Edbil and returned in secret to Mordor. Inthe fiery furnace of Orodruin Sauron slowly fashioned his greatest ceation, Because the Ruling Ring was made to controt all others, required immense power. Sauron, therefore, imbued the One with much of his own strength and will, and inthe end, ofall the great worksof Ardaonly theSilmarils themselves surpassed the might and power of the One Ring. ‘With the One the Dack Lord became gteatet than ever before, and with its lossto lsldarat the end ofthe Second ‘Age Sauron was bereft of much of his own power and majesty. And theoughouhis years in Dol GuldurSauron’s ‘unending search for his lose prize was his darkest obses- ‘Tee DowNrau. o ANDOR The last of the three deeds was the comuption and cventual Downfall of Andor (Nameno:). In S.A, 3262, Sauron faced his greatest challenge. At-Pharazin, the haughty King of’ Némenor and rival claimant to the title of Lord of Endor, sent 2 vast host across the Sundering ‘Sea. They landed at Umbae in western Midelleearth and offered the Endoreans an intimidating show of over- ‘whelming miliary might. Rather than fight a doomed struggle against the Ntimersreans, Sauron surrendered himself to the Golden King and was taken back to Naimenor 35a prisoner. ‘Once in Andor, Sauron used his unequalled powers of ‘persuasion to manipulate Ar-Pharazdn and many of his people. Through the Dark Lord's subtle counsel, the ‘Naimendreans grew to hate the Eldar and the Valar, who they mistakenly believed had denied Men immortality. In the end, At-Pharazén led a huge and terible armada against the Lords of the West, believing thatthe occupa tion of Aman was the key to unending life. OF course, as, Sauron well knew, this assault was destined to fail, forthe Nidmendreans had broken the Ban of the Valar hivatar inteceded, having been called upon by the Ainur to exact his punishment. The invading warciors who set foot on the Undying Lands perished beneath a tremendous avalanche, while a bottomless chasm opened fn the sea and swallowed up the Niimenérean flcet. A great flood swept over the island continent of Andos, forever destroying the blessed Nuimendrean homeland. Sauron single-handedly performed what none of his armies could ever do: achieve the complete and utr devastation of the gretest civilization ever conceived by the mortal Secondbom. Nonetheless, Suron paid deatly for this destruction; for, although he foresaw the cuin of Ntimenor, the Evil One had long been absent fiom the Blessed Realen and had forgotten the awesome might of the Vator and Era. So sgreat was thetarmult of ending fand and churning sathae the Dark Lord found hiraself stripped of his adopted fana (form) and cast into a boundless abyss. His power to -appeat ina far-seeming veil was lst forever. He returned {© Middle-carch to reclaim his throne in Mordor a8 an abhortent black fana. Though his ability to manipulate others endured tothe end of his days, he would never again use his age-old powers of persuasion to seduce the Free Peoples. Seuzon retuined to Mordor in SA. 3320, thesaume year the surviving "Paith- fal” of Nimenot founded Amor and Gondor, the Diinadan “Realms in Ex: ile” During the subsequenceentary boch the Diinedain and the Darke Lord ro ‘grouped. It was during this time that the Men of the West erecred the tower of Angtenost (Oxthane) and buile the great cities of Osgilath, Minas Anor, and ‘Anniiminas, AmonLancremained aquiet backwater, forboth the Free Peoples and the Evil One focused their energies on their ongoing rivalry. Sauron’s rebuilt army swarmed into Ithilien in SA. 3429, sweeping the Gondorian array back over the Anduin, Isildus, co-monarch of the South King dom, hustied north to Amot. Mean while, his younger brother Anérion, de- fended Osgiliath, Gondor's beleagured capital, Isldur soughe and found aid frombisfather, Blond the Tall, who the next year formed the Last Alliance of Elves and Men. Gilegalad, the Noldo King of Lindon, joined his Elda forces with Elendit's Diinadan warriors and the combined aemy marched on Mordor by way of Rivendell and the High Past, As the ‘Host of the Last Alliance swept south- ward through the Anduin Valley in S.A. 3434, Sauron'sspiesused Anion Lancas their primary watch and refuge. Mes- sages from the Naked Hill enabled the Lord of the Rings to prepate for the coming onsl They observed Orpes Elckng of Coenen oe Great, moved his forces out of Gét Anglaladh and his capital at Galadbrynd, Although they avoided discovery, the Dark Lord's sentres quickly found themselves in risk of being cutoff from Mordor, and most retired to Barad- lav in the face of the Free Peoples’ vangeard. ‘The Alliance's army drove across over the Andaia fter the same year and met the Mordorim and their allies on the windswept field of Dagorlad {S. “Battle-plain” ‘There, Fer nerhof emai Mordor, the First and Secondbotn crushed the Lord ofthe Rings'rnain eld army and pursued the routing Shadow-forcesinto Morder, ‘Theis porsuit ended outside Barad-

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