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3 Personal Hygiene Practices


In this chapter, you are expected to attain the following learning objectives:
 Gain understanding about Personal Hygiene Practices; and
 Acquire knowledge on its importance in our day-to-day living.


In the kitchen, hands are a major source of contamination of food. Contamination of foods can
lead to foodborne illnesses. Proper and frequent hand washing can help prevent the spread of
microorganisms to food.

Topic 1: Proper Hand Washing Techniques (In an article on Nutrition,…[proper handwashing

techniques and personal hygiene], n.d.)

The steps to proper hand washing are:

 First: Wet hands with warm water and apply hand soap.
 Second: Wash hands for 15-29 seconds. Remember to clean between fingers and under
 Third: After 20 seconds thoroughly rinse hands under warm water.
 Fourth: Dry hands with an air hand dryer, or single-use paper towels.

Hand washing should always occur after:

 You handle raw poultry, meat, fish and eggs;

 You drink, or eat;
 You used cleaning supplies and chemicals;
 You cough or sneeze;
 You touch your face, hair, clothing or apron, or body;
 You used the bathroom;
 You take out the garbage;
 You touch dirty dishes or other unsanitary objects, such as wash clothes, countertops, or
 Before you put on or change into a new pair of gloves.
1 | T H C 2 : R i s k M g t . a s A p p l i e d i n S a f e t y , S e c u r i t y & S a n i t a ti o n
Topic 1: Personal Hygiene

When it comes to preventing foodborne illnesses, the first step you can take is to make sure you
practice good personal hygiene at both work and home. Harmful bacteria can be found on your skin,
clothing, under fingernails, and in hair and can cause foodborne illnesses. To prevent possible
contamination of food you should bathe and wash your hair before coming to work, make sure nails are
cut short and clean with no nail polish, and that all clothing is clean. Leave your jewelry at home
except for a plain wedding band.

Correct Personal Hygiene

 Clean clothing is important in preventing foodborne illnesses because the fabric can collect and
contain harmful bacteria. Make sure clothes worn to work are cleaned daily and if possible are
only put on when at work. Always remove your apron when you leave the kitchen and properly
store it. Do not wear your apron to the restroom.

 A hair restrain should be worn at all times while in the kitchen this will keep hair from falling in
the food and keep you from touching your hair. If you wear a hat every day make sure this is
cleaned daily.

 All jewellery must be removed while working. Plain wedding bands are the only exception.

 Hands can be a source of contamination. To prevent hand contamination, all fingernails are to be
clean and cut short. No nail polish or fake fingernails are allowed. Nail polish can flake off and
into food and can hide dirt underneath nails. Fake fingernails have the potential of breaking off
into food. Any cuts or sores on hands need to be covered with a bandage and a glove should
remain on that hand at all times to prevent the bandage from falling into food.

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