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Personal Development
Final Term–Lesson 13:
Family Traditions

Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Personal Development– Senior High School
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1 – Module 1: Self-Development
First Edition, 2019

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Published by the Department of Education

Assistant Secretary:

Development Team of the Module

Authors:Morena S. Dela Cruz, Maricel L. Bontigao, Lerma Regalado, Mary Grace C.
Reviewers: Name
Illustrator: John Albert A. Rico and Robinson M. Alegre
Layout Artist:Rosanito S. Paras, Bernadette B. Patag
Management Team: Dr. Darwin D. Bargo

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Quarter 1 – Module 1:
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed by
educators from public and private schools, colleges, and or/universities. We
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Department of Education • Republic of the Philippines

Introductory Message
For the facilitator:

(To effectively implement all the activities like exercises, reflections, post assessment tests,
instructions were given for maximum attainment of the objectives of these instructional
materials and to draw success on the part of the learners.)

For the learner:

(This module is done with the intention of learners maximizing the use of all the activities
presented. Thus, learners are encouraged to read directions thoroughly and carefully for
the complete attainment of the objectives set for each unit. To provide clear understanding
on the part of the learners with regards to the activities, exercises and/or performance
tasks authors presented a clear overview for each unit. Similarly, discussion of the
important terminologies, concepts and/or ideas regarding the competencies involved in
each unit are well delivered)
What I Need to Know

This material was crafted to give you – learners, the right amount of assistance
for you to absorb and acquire all the necessary concepts and nature comprising oneself.
Lessons are bounded on the performance and content standard, learning competencies
and level of the learners. This also used languages appropriate to the understanding of
the varied types of students’ learning acquisition. Sequence of the lessons adhered to
the arrangement of the competencies as reflected on the DepEd’s curriculum guide for
this course.

This unit is divided into four lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Knowing Oneself
 Lesson 2 – Developing the Whole Person
 Lesson 3 – Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence
 Lesson 4 – The Challenges of Middle and Late Adolescence

After going through this unit, you are expected to:

1. explain that knowing oneself can make a person accept his/her strengths and
limitations and dealing with others better;
2. share his/her unique characteristics, habits, and experiences; and
3. maintain a journal;
4. discuss the relationship among physiological, cognitive, psychological, spiritual,
and social development to understand his/her thoughts, feelings, and behaviors;
5. evaluate his/her own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors;
6. show the connections between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in actual life
7. classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage;
8. evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age group;
9. list ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life;
10.discuss that facing the challenges during adolescence may able to clarify and
manage the demands of teen years; his/her feelings on the expectations of the significant people around
him/her (parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders);
12.make affirmations that help one become more lovable and capable as an
What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of

1. Self-development is ____________.
a. believing you are good
b. knowing God existence
c. taking steps to better oneself
d. the effort to be known in the community

2. Know thyself is an old ____________.

a. maxim
b. tradition
c. principle
d. philosophy

3. Self-concept is the totality of our point of view toward our ____________.

a. life
b. career
c. existence
d. objectives

4. Id according to Sigmund Freud is the ____________.

a. first aspect of personality
b. second layer of a person
c. third aspect of a person
d. instinct of a man

5. Ego as explained by Freud operates according to ____________.

a. dream
b. reality
c. fantasy
d. illusion

6. Superego holds ____________.

a. moral judgment
b. instinct of a man
c. reality in man’s life
d. man’s choice in life

7. According to Rene Descartes mind is the ____________.

a. seat of consciousness
b. reason of believing
c. beginning of all wisdom
d. source of all self-consciousness
8. Read thyself as explained by Thomas Hobbes can lead person to learn more

a. of himself/herself
b. of his/her society
c. by studying in school
d. by studying with books

9. According to Socrates an unexamined life is not worth ____________.

a. living
b. giving
c. getting
d. sharing

10. The Father of Modern Philosophy is ____________.

a. Socrates
b. Rene Descartes
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Thomas Hobbes

11. The creator of Psychoanalytic Theory is ____________.

a. Socrates
b. Rene Descartes
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Thomas Hobbes

12. The author of The Leviathan is ____________.

a. Socrates
b. Rene Descartes
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Thomas Hobbes

13. The author of the old saying “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing
yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”
is ____________.
a. Plato
b. Lao Tzu
c. Aristotle
d. Confucius

14. The Suda is an encyclopedia of Greek knowledge reminds individual not to

attend to the ____________.
a. bad practices
b. societal issues
c. opinion of others
d. community meetings

15. Superego according to Freud will be developed at the age of ___________.

a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
Lesson Knowing Oneself
1 Understanding oneself during
middle and late adolescence
As an individual we commonly see other people’s manner of doing things, belief
and system of living. We most of the time give comments and/or judgment on how they
behave and react in certain scenarios. However, it is observed that most people find it
hard to make good and sound evaluation towards their own behavior, traits and
personality. In this lesson, we will try to know ourselves better by having careful
reflections on how we see ourselves as an individual and understanding our characters
particularly as young and late adolescent.

What’s In

Start knowing yourself better. Kindly work with a partner and assess how well
you know yourself by listing down your values, characteristics and/or traits using the
Four Quadrants of Oneself. (Be guided by the instructions below.)Be able to discuss to
your teacher and/or classmates the result of this activity using your output.
I. Values you know well you possess
II. Values you and others knew you possess
III. Values you and others hardly knew you possess
IV. Values others knew well you possess

Well-known by self and others
Well-known by self alone

Well-known by others alone
Hardly known by self and others
What’s New

As an adolescent you may indeed agree with me if I say that it is during this year
that you find most important to know ourselves deeper. You most of the time find yourself
asking what do you really want or why do you really like doing these things or being with
these people.

You may find it queer that you are starting to ask several questions in your mind
but you’ve got to understand that you are not the only person who experienced it. Most of
the people have at some point of their lives have encountered themselves beginning to be
more inquisitive about what or why do they want do the same things they love to do or be
with the people whom they find themselves comfortable with. Now that you are in your
middle or late adolescence, we can say that you may have discovered changes in your
life, or in your behavior or attitude that makes you eager to understand why.

The clear answer is you are beginning to study yourself better which is part of Self-
Development. Self-development means is taking steps to better yourself, such as by
learning new skills or overcoming bad habits. It also means efforts toward self-fulfillment,
either through formal study programs or on one's own. (
development). We also call this personal development.

On the other hand, examining yourself, most specifically how you react on things,
your belief traits, and values is one of the most complicated things to do in the world. You
have to understand that it has to go on a process and not just a simple homework to be

This lesson will be of great help for you to rediscover yourself better. Let us start by
knowing some concepts of understanding one self.

Know Thyself
“An unexamined life is not worth living”, this is one of the famous line once
uttered by one of the greatest philosophers of Ancient Greek in the person of Socrates.

Know Thyself is an old maxim or aphorism which in time has been used in varied
literature and consequently gained different meanings. One meaning is transcribed in
The Suda.

“The Suda” is the encyclopaedia of Greek knowledgein the 10 th century claiming

that know thyself is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are and that it is a
reminder for an individual not to attend to the opinion of others.

In later years Thomas Hobbes discussed his own views about the maxim from
which he used the phrase “read thyself” in his famous work The Leviathan. He stressed
that an individual can learn more by studying others and that he/she can do this by
engaging himself/herself to reading book. However, Hobbes emphasized that a person
learns more by studying oneself.

He further elaborates his views about know thyself from which he states that a
man who look into himself/herself and consider contemplating on what he/she did or
what he/she think, reason, hope and fear of etc. and to what grounds he/she feels all
these can consequently learn how to read and learn others’ thoughts and passions in
similar occasions.

Thus, this statement leads us to the realization that knowing oneself is the open
door that leads us to knowing others better.

Other authors of other materials believe that know thyself is a moral

epistemological injunction. This suggests that the philosophy is the acquiring the skills
of way of questioning or challenging the person to gain careful understanding of oneself.
It is a form of self-concern.
Self-concept is the totality of our beliefs, preferences, opinions and attitudes
organized in a systematic manner, toward our personal existence. (Sincero, 2019).

This theory began as Rene Descartes, the Father of Modern Philosophy, proposed
his theory that a person’s existence depends on his/her perception. Rene Descartes
states that mind is the seat of consciousness. (Whittemore, 2019).

This means that it is in the mind that we know everything about ourselves like
our identify, passion, interest, feelings, intellect thus everything that we are comes from
the mind.

Self-concept theory has a lot of suppositions regarding how people learn to judge
themselves. Among these Sincero named three aspects such as:

Self-concept is learned. This explains that no individual is born with self-

concept. A person will soon develop this as he/she grow old. This means that self-
concept can only be acquired as soon as the person learns how to mingle with others
and so this indicates that self-concept is influenced by the person’s environment and
can be a product of the person’s socialization.

Self-concept is organized.This stresses out that one’s perception towards

himself/herself is firm. This means that a person may hear other people’s point of view
regarding himself/herself but will keep on believing that what he/she thinks of
himself/herself is always the right one. Change however, on ones perceptions towards
himself/herself may also be possible but it takes time.

Self-concept is dynamic.As an individual grew older he/she continue encounter

problems or challenges that may be reveal his/her self-concept in that particular time or
situation. A person will definitely respond to the scenario based on his/her own
insights and how he/she perceive himself/herself in the situation. Thus, self-concept
undergoes development as person goes through different experiences.

Aside from the philosophers above, Sigmund Freud who is a well-known

psychologist, neurologist and the creator of psychoanalysis, proposed that there are
three layers within us such as id, ego and superego that certainly play a vital role of
how we think of ourselves. Let’s tackle them one at a time. (Whittemore, 2019)

The Id. Freud explains that it is the seat of every man’s desire and want for it is
driven by pleasure principle. This is also the first part to develop for it is present from
birth. Perhaps, you have notice than an infant will cry if he/she wants to be fed to
satisfy his/her hunger. The infant would not give any reason why he/she wants food
nor think if it’s already time to be fed. You may have noticed also that babies do grab
things and would want to get things on their hands not minding if it hurts nor if it is
important or not. All he/she wants is to get it for he/she wants to have it. This is the
nature of Id, however, this instinct is controlled by the ego and superego as these
aspects are developed in man’s life.

The Ego. This aspects operates according to reality which make it possible for
the Id to work in a more proper and satisfactory ways. The ego will give a more socially
accepted means of getting the desires and wants of a person. Ego will provide the person
guidelines on how to behave appropriately while the person fulfilled his/her pleasure.
(Cherry, 2019).

This component of our personality takes place whenever we know within

ourselves that though we have satisfy our cravings for food or anything we desire to
have we certainly process it in our minds that we must do this by making our ways
pleasant for others acceptance.

The Superego. This is the last component of personality which holds our moral
judgments or concept of right and wrong that are believed to be acquired from the family
and the environment. Freud believes that superego begin to manifest as a child turns 5.
(Cherry, 2019).

This personality is developed as we learn the culture of distinguishing right from

wrong based on the set of guidelines and standards that are known to us which may
probably imposed to us by our parents, teachers of elders or the community we belong
too itself. Therefore, superego works in our lives in order to put directions in our way of
living so that we may not be able to hurt others as others would do the same towards

What is It

Every day of our lives we have seen pictures, cartoons, comic strips
everywhere from where photographers, painters, cartoonists are able to express
their messages by simply tickling our minds on what they have analyzed in their
surroundings or how they view certain issues in life. Now, let us see how well you
knew others by understanding their point of view.

Challenge 1: Editorial Cartoon Analysis

Let start with the first cartoon. Study the editorial cartoon below and
answer the questions below.

1. What message does it give us? Do you agree with the message?
2. How would you describe the thought of the author towards adolescents?

Challenge 2: Cyber Bullying Campaign

1. How would you interpret the line? Do you think the same way? Why? Why
2. How do you visualize the situation of the author of this message?
3. In what certain scenario would you use the message of this line?


(Scenario 1: Character 1 (Man) and 2 (Woman), walking in the city mall for
there is a intel that earthquake may happen. They are checking the place
wearing a civilian clothes.)
Bully 1: Oh! I wonder why do whales come out of the sea.
Bully 2: Because they wonder how to make friends with the bamboos.
(Scenario 2: Earthquake struck. People got panic. Some passed out. After a
(Scenario 3: Between Bully 2 and Character 2)
Character 2: (the one being referred as bamboo) allowing people to see him so
that he could instruct them what to do. ( During the quake).
Bully 2: You are such a big help.
Character 2: What can a bamboo do but do wave and let people see him so
that they will be delighted.
Bully 2: (Covered her face with her hanky for she was embarrassed with how
she behaves a couple of minutes ago).
(Scenario 4: Between Bully 1 and Character 1)
On the other side of the city mall.
Character 1: (the one being referred as whale) helping bully 1 to regain his
Bully 1: (Regaining his strength) You!
Character 1: Yeah! Nobody else. Whales do come out of the sea to warn people
that they have to keep themselves safe. Which people cannot do to themselves.
Bully 1: (Slightly humiliated).

Make your own comic strip of the scenario on the given grid above.

1. What is the message implied in the comic strip?

2. How do you like the attitude of the bullies? the two lead characters in
the story?
3. In what way would you promote the culture or value of the two lead

What’s More

Activity 1.1 Being Familiar with the Different Philosophies of Knowing Oneself

Knowing Oneself is quite an easy task but it requires a lot of self-assessment and
some “me” time in order to be very much adept with how one must analyze his/her way
of behaving, interacting and living his/her life with other people in his/her community.
In this part of this module you are to do the following things to enable yourself
gained skills of knowing yourself deeply.
Learning the Skill: Reading and Viewing Activities
1. Read the essay of Jeremy Divinity entitled: “Know Thyself: A Short Essay on The
Importance of Knowing” in

2. Try to give the gist of the essay by giving the significance of having skills of
knowing yourself better.

3. Watch the video “How to Know Yourself” in

4. After watching the video, explain how can we connect to others if we know
ourselves better.
Briefly discuss the principles/concepts of the famous philosophers.
1. “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering
others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.” - Lao Tzu
2. “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” - Aristotle
Learning the Skill: Understanding Conceptual Paradigm
1. Study the conceptual framework below and analyze the connections of the
elements and explain it in a concise manner.

What I Have Learned

1. Self-development means is taking steps to better yourself. It also means

efforts toward self-fulfillment.
2. Know Thyself is an old maxim or aphorism gained different meanings.
3. “The Suda” is the encyclopaedia of Greek knowledge in the 10th century
claiming that know thyself is applied to those whose boasts exceed what they are
and that it is a reminder for an individual not to attend to the opinion of others.
4. Thomas Hobbes used the phrase “read thyself” to stress out that an
individual can learn more by studying others and that he/she can do this by
engaging himself/herself to reading book.
5. Knowing oneself is the beginning of all wisdom according to Aristotle.
6. Know thyself is a moral epistemological injunction according to some
writers which means acquiring the skills of way of questioning or challenging the
person to gain careful understanding of oneself.
7. Self-concept is the totality of our beliefs, preferences, opinions and
attitudes organized in a systematic manner, toward our personal existence.
8. Rene Descartes states that mind is the seat of consciousness.
9. Self-concept have three aspects as enumerated by Sincero namely: Self-
concept is 1.) learned, 2.) organized, and 3.) dynamic.
10. There are three layers of self, according to Sigmund Freud namely: 1.) The
Id, 2) The Ego, and 3.) The Superego.


Now you are ready to do this activity, you are to know yourself better. Recall the
most important event/s of your life which you believe you have discovered yourself
more. Complete the road map below. Consider the instructions given.

Parts of Road Map What to write

1. Title of the Road Map Choose a title that will sum up your life.
(Concentrate on the
problems/experiences you will feature
on this road map.)

2. Home Describe yourself before the problem

you have encountered?

3. Gas Station 1 Name the first problem you have

encountered that has given you a good
lessons in life.

4. Park List down the positive things that had

happen to you after learning the lessons
you have in Gas Station 1

5. Bridge State things you have realize after

overcoming experiencing problem/s
when no one was there to help you.

6. Detour List down things/activities you do that

makes you strong whenever you feel so

7. Parking Area Name the changes you notice to yourself

after encountering challenges you have
indicated in part 5 “Bridge”.

8. Zigzag Road Describe how well you smoothly and

successfully surpassed the other
challenges of your life possessing the
positive traits you have gained from your
pass experiences.

9. Gas Station 2 State one good reason why you won’t

choose to change yourself or your
thoughts regarding the way you live
your life now.

10. Phone Booth Name three traits/values you will

constantly and consistently share with
others so that they will also overcome
the challenges of their lives.

11. Home Coming State your reason why would you choose
the same path you had taken that
brought you where you are now.

12. Home Bound Describe how blessed you will live your
life in the future knowing that you
strongly believe that you all have the
traits/values you need to stay strong
whatever problem/s that may come in
your life.

Kindly make a road map to where you will write your thoughts regarding the
challenges in life.
Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. What explains the phrase “read thyself” of Thomas Hobbes?
a. it is the effort toward self-fulfillment.
b. an individual can learn more by studying others.
c. must not boost and attend to the opinion of others.
d. learning through one’s experiences and achievements

2. Which does NOT state the nature of The Id?

a. starts from birth
b. focuses on one’s desire
c. develops at the age of 5
d. satisfies pleasure principle

3. Which states FACT about The Superego?

a. acquired from birth
b. holds persons moral judgment
c. developed for a long period of time
d. affected by persons unique identify

4. Which statement can define The Ego?

a. satisfies ones wants
b. operates according to reality
c. develops according to one’s desire
d. affects persons opinion toward himself

5. Which statement is true about mind as the seat of consciousness as defined by

Rene Descartes?
a. through our minds we perceive the future
b. through our minds we know ourselves better
c. through our minds we realized our past experiences
d. through our minds we keep on discovering people’s belief

6. Which is NOT true about self-development?

a. every people will undergo this process.
b. everybody will look for ways to understand himself/herself.
c. everyone will find it difficult to know himself/herself better.
d. every individual has the chance of knowing himself/herself better.

7. What is likely to happen when one gained complete understanding of

a. he/she will seek professional help.
b. he/she will find difficult knowing others.
c. he/she will build a better life on his/her own.
d. he/she will take his/her part in the society successfully.

8. To where a person is believed to acquire his/her first and primary concept of right
and wrong?
a. from his/her family
b. from his/her school
c. from his/her friends
d. from his/her society

9. Why should a person develop the The Ego?

a. he/she will become more mature
b. he/she will appear more educated
c. he/she will gain be more successful
d. he/she will learn how to control his/her instincts.
10. Why is The Superego important?
a. This gives person guidelines of distinguishing right from wrong.
b. This teaches an individual to be more careful of his/her actions.
c. This provides concept of communities’ rules for judging people’s actions.
d. This helps one realize whether actions of others are needed to be judged.

11. Why did Lao Tzu say that Mastering yourself is true power?
a. Mastering ones personality will give you courage to do everything.
b. Knowing yourself will effectively increase your strength and
positive traits.
c. Being familiar with one’s personality is an really an advantage for one to
outstand the rest.
d. Knowing oneself will allow one to respond to a situation according to
his/her behavior.

12. What idea is embedded in the phrase, “Mastering others is strength.”

a. Knowing others is gift
b. Knowing others is ability
c. Knowing others is a talent
d. Knowing others is mastery

13. What is the probable reason why The Suda reminds people not to be affected
by others opinion?
a. Others people point of view is very belittling.
b. People have tendency to forget old teachings.
c. Self-concept does not concentrate on people’s opinion.
d. Self-concept does not value the point of view of others towards oneself.

14. What is meant by “Knowing others is intelligence.”?

a. Having ideas towards identify of others is just a mental state.
b. Getting to know others is also a gift that only few are blessed.
c. Knowing how to deal with different personalities is a special talent.
d. It is not easy to know others it requires mental capability to do this.

15. What is meant by “Knowing yourself is true wisdom.”?

a. Self-concept is a great power of mind.
b. Knowing oneself is achieving a higher level of thinking.
c. Knowing oneself is a process that is developed through self-discovery.
d. Self-concept is a kind of intelligence that is developed through

Additional Activities

You are indeed successful in studying this lesson, now you are to do a certain
task to enhance your skills in knowing yourself better.
They say that people do live in accordance or opposite to what their names
suggest. Kindly ask your parents, guardian or relatives of a short history of how they
name you. You may also surf the net of the meaning of your name.
After having the knowledge regarding the definition of your name, face the mirror,
contemplate and relax for a moment. You are to recall happy thoughts and also the
lowest moment of your life. In your mind, try to list down things that makes you familiar
with your behavior, personality, actions and values.
Then, after a moment of contemplating make a diary note and write down your
thoughts there. Be guided by the instructions below.
Write a three-paragraph reflection of how you lived your life for the past five
years. Please take note of the guide questions given below.
1. Have you lived in accordance or opposite of your name?
2. What delivered you to having this kind of life?
3. In what way would you like to remain the same or change your life?
4. What best quote can sum up your life?

Me: My Life









Answer Key

Assessment What I Know


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