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Debate Points

Points favoring native languages:

1. Mother tongue makes it easier for children to pick
up and learn other languages.
2. Mother tongue develops a child's personal, social
and cultural identity.
3. Using mother tongue helps a child develop their
critical thinking and literacy skills.
4. Self-esteem is higher for children learning in mother
5. Mother tongue is the language that a person has
grown up speaking from his/her early childhood
6. It is therefore the medium of communication that a
person is most familiar with.
7. This familiarity can be used for providing education, though this
is not what happens. What we see all around the world is the use
of either a major commercial language or a colonial language as
the medium of instruction in schools.
8. First and foremost, it should be noted that a child
understands his mother tongue and hence if he/she
is instructed in that language itself, his transition to
school education is smooth and easy. If a student is
made to learn in a foreign language, he/she will not
only have to learn to read and write in that language
but also learn that language itself, this approach
burdens students with learning two incredibly
complex concepts at the same time thus resulting in
a much slower rate of learning.
9. the mother tongue is vital in framing the thinking
and emotions of people
10. Education is it, therefore, causes the
comprehensive development of a child. Learning in
ones’ own language will help the student express
himself/herself better
11. Understanding the subject matter would boost
the confidence of the student and propel him/her to
continue with his/her schooling thus lowering the
drop-out rate.
12. Educating children in their mother tongue will
also build a strong home-school partnership in their
learning. Parents will be able to participate in their
child’s education and make the experience of
learning for the students more wholesome.
13. Learning in a foreign language also brings a
sense of alienation from ones’ own culture and

1. In this vast and huge world the need to

communication is very much needed, some

students rely on their mother tongue itself if they
are trained in that language.
2. There is an ancient tale based on how united
humans could be one single language, when
humans advanced in very aspects with their
communication skills god feared that humans
would reach unattainable knowledge and thus
made different languages.
3. We also know that after we started using English
as an universal medium of communication we
have started to progress as an species in a united
4. Using the same language allows opinion from each
people to pass on to every other
5. Using a uniform language allows communication
between different cultures
6. It facilitates international trade
7. It helps in supporting the idea of One world.

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