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T he Hachiko Coalition Page

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Pets and Animals in the TEPCO radiation z one have been without food support:
24 Days, 1 Hours, 41 Minutes, 12 Seconds !

25 T H APR 20 11 | 2 NO T ES


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Open Letter to the Japanese Government

Dear Japanese Policy Makers:

We are writing you regarding the triple catastrophe the Japanese people have recently suffered:
the earthquake, the tsunami, and now the radiation.

As widely reported in the newspapers and television, the radioactive exclusion z one was sealed
April 21st, 2011, preventing the ongoing evacuation of Japanese pets (companion animals) and
livestock from the area within the exclusion z one. The official announcement from CHIEF
This decision leaves many animals to simply starve or revert to the wild — and many animal
This decision leaves many animals to simply starve or revert to the wild — and many animal
owners even more distraught since they will never know the ultimate fate of their pets and
livestock. We must reduce both the human and animal suffering and allow the rescues to continue.
These search and rescue teams are risking their own welfare, time, and money to evacuate these
pets. Let them continue and call for wider assistance from the international community. The world
can see the damage Japan sustained and is ready to help.

The Legend of Hachiko

Let us not forget the story of the most famous Japanese dog: Hachiko — “the faithful dog.”

Hachiko (November 10, 1923–March 8,

1935), known in Japanese as “faithful dog
Hachiko” was an Akita dog born on a farm
near the city of Odate, Akita Prefecture,
remembered for his remarkable loyalty to his
owner, even many years after his owner’s

Hachiko was given away after his master’s

death, but he routinely escaped, returning again
and again to his old home. Eventually, Hachiko
apparently realiz ed that Professor Ueno no
longer lived at the house. So he went to look
for his master at the train station where he had
accompanied him so many times before. Each
day, Hachiko waited for the return of his

The permanent fixture at the train station that
was Hachiko attracted the attention of other
commuters. Many of the people who
frequented the Shibuya train station had seen Hachiko and Professor Ueno together each day.
They brought Hachiko treats and food to nourish him during his wait.

Cultural Memories

The Japanese culture is also well known for its humility and humbleness, its lack of crime, and
safety of the citiz ens. However, committing these animals to an unknown fate and preventing the
safe and organiz ed rescue of them is viewed as cruelty by those monitoring the news reports.

Personally, we are surprised by this — what other culture would make the most effort to save
these animals if not the Japanese? We are also surprised a “positive injunction” against this
government action has not been filed within your legal system to retain access to the exclusion
z one. Surely it must be illegal to abandon these animals and prevent any assistance to them?
While no society is perfect in this respect, we must all work toward improved animal husbandry to
become both better humans and guardians of the earth and the animals.

Image courtesy:


Remember the story of Hachiko the most faithful Japanese dog!

Let the legend of Hachiko teach us about loyalty and guide our future actions!
Be faithful to the loyal decedents of Hachiko, and to the abandoned Fukushima animals.
Image courtesy:

Allow the continuation of ongoing work conducted by private Animal Search And Rescue (A-
SAR) teams to bring these animals safely out of the exclusion z one. Work with groups like The
International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) — who are bringing together representatives to
find a solution from: Japanese Ministry of Environment, United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA): APHIS Animal Care and Wildlife Services, United States Army Veterinary Corps,
veterinary and toxicology experts, academics, and IFAW [1].
Image used under “fair use rights” (title 17, U. S. Code)

Show the WORLD that despite all the catastrophe and chaos of this triple event, the Japanese
spirit still stands for humanity, and the reduction of suffering — be it animal or human:

Set the standard against which other cultures are measured during future catastrophic
Use your vast pools of academic knowledge and technical know-how to solve this problem.
Rescind your decision to seal these animals inside the z one and resurrect them from this
Signed, your friends and supporters in this critical time,

The Hachiko Coalition

Image used under “fair use rights” (title 17, U. S. Code)
Please donate now and show you understand the need.
This open letter is not affiliated with any organiz ation, simply a group of concerned citiz ens.






Here’s a petition seeking enforcement of previous commitments.

Use this URL to send a message to Japan’s e-Government

Send the Press an email (or this letter)!
Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan

Ryu Matsumoto, Minister of the Environment

Godochosha No. 5, 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8975, Japan

tel: +81-(0)3-3581-3351

Noriyuki Shikata

Deputy Cabinet Secretary for Public Relations/Director of Global Communications,

Prime Minister’s Office!/norishikata

Twitter: @norishikata

Prime Minister’s Office of Japan

Twitter: @JPN_PMO

Public work, all rights released.



Here’s a petition seeking enforcement of previous commitments.

Copy and Paste the letter above into an email, simply click here!

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15 co mme nt s

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Hachiko Coalition: Animal Rescuers Defy Orders, Enter TEPCO Radiation Exclusion Z one to Rescue Starving Pets. bin/article.cgi?f=% 2Fg% 2Fa% 2F2011% 2F05% 2F04% 2Fprweb8

The Hachiko Coalition believes the current " starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is unacceptable from company who is capab
reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold.
18 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 4 at 10:30am
Pat ricia R o d rig ue z · San Francisco State University
You are so wonderful to defy the Japanese's illegal edict banning entry into the z one.
leave food for them. I wish I could go over to help. :(
11 · Like · Reply · May 4 at 12:08pm

Lani Lo we ll · Hanalei, Hawaii

Thank you so much for doing this, and placing the onus of getting it done and help from TEPCO!
6 · Like · Reply · May 4 at 7:02pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Thank you for your support!
10 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 2 at 7:28pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

The Park where the protest will take place is named after HACHIKO'S HOME TOWN! “Nippon SPCA: Tomorrow, I will go demo about save t
z one at Tokyo’s Shibuya [park].

Shibuya town is where the HACHI were waiting for his owners. The story originated in the land. So I will have pictures of the demonstratio
has been scheduled speech.”.
9 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 7 at 1:34pm

C hrist ine B ro wnf ie ld · Raleigh, North Carolina

I wish I could be there with you to protest. I will be there in spirit.
1 · Like · Reply · May 7 at 7:14pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

On that UKC video: No comments and 3090 views? No one can type after watching because it's too damn sad. All viewers: Take a deep b
transmute it into action and sign the protest letters, the petitions, send emails to the government and google: " TEPCO public relations" - -
them know this " starve them out" plan for evacuation of the pets is UNACCEPTABLE. TECPO should fund all these teams immediately - - th
of generators.
8 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 5 at 12:54pm

Jo n Ø rb
The video is here: DdHWeE
2 · Like · Reply · May 5 at 12:55pm

Ine s Avile s- Sp ad o ni · Coordinator, Research Programs at University of Florida

Anger and helplessness...that's what I feel. I've written... :(
3 · Like · Reply · May 5 at 1:05pm

Jo n Ø rb
Try to think: Anger and Inspriation/Motivation - - this is how the Hachiko Coalition was born ;).
4 · Like · Reply · May 5 at 1:28pm

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T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

http://hachiko- recommends- save- fukushima- an
6 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 10 at 11:00am

Ine s Avile s- Sp ad o ni · Coordinator, Research Programs at University of Florida

Yes! :- )
Like · Reply · May 10 at 11:08am

K at hy B at e s
Like · Reply · May 10 at 12:12pm

Jo n Ø rb
Now we must monitor and see if the evacuations are being done
Like · Reply · May 11 at 2:18pm

Jo n Ø rb
Just as the Shibuya people did years ago for Hachiko, we too must also bring nourishment and safety to the animals abandoned inside t
7 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · April 27 at 2:24pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Food is coming!
http://hachiko- recommends- save- fukushima- an
Like · Reply · May 10 at 11:03am

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Your press release will be distributed at 6:00 AM Eastern Standard Time on 5/4/2011, the distribution date that you selected.
5 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 4 at 12:28am

Jo n Ø rb bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2011/05/04/prweb8373747.DTL
2 · Like · Reply · May 4 at 10:02am

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e
T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e
Make sure to watch this amaz ing rescue video from a family inside Fukushima:
4 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 3 at 5:41pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

A " starve them out" plan to deal with irradiated animals in unacceptable from a country who is capable of using nuclear energy and is rep
witnessing the events as they unfold.
4 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 3 at 10:05am

K at hy B at e s
Animal cruelty is definitely unacceptable, even in a crisis. This reflects very badly on the governmental powers - - surely they
poor animals and redeem themselves in the eyes of the animal lovers of the world....
4 · Like · Reply · May 3 at 10:48am

K at hy B at e s
The government of Japan is giving themselves a black- eye in the world of animals lovers.
the faithful pets of their countrymen who are already suffering. Someone - I can't remember who, but I" m sure someone out th
said that you can judge a country by how they treat their animals. Japan is failing in this regard....
4 · Like · Reply · May 3 at 10:51am

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Kathy: You are correct about the quote. Please see here:
http://hachiko- legend- of- hachiko- japans- most

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - - Mahatma Gandh
2 · Like · Reply · May 3 at 9:58pm

R umi Smit h · Sales at PARKWAY MITSUBISHI

Please save these animals. Please help!
4 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · April 27 at 7:22am

Jo n Ø rb
Did you send the letter? It's here: w2Y3Yt/rev.105
2 · Like · Reply · April 27 at 2:40pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

French version of the press release! japon/p/104131024/eng-
hachiko- coalition
3 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 5 at 9:40am

Marg ie Q uirim Silva
I hope the Japanese government will allow the rescuers to rescue the animals. God bless you all.
3 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · May 2 at 6:08pm

T he Hachiko C o alit io n Pag e

Please send the letter! See here for instructions:
http://hachiko- legend- of- hachiko- japans- most

Thank you for your support - - everyone needs to send the letter ;)!
1 · Like · Reply · May 2 at 8:06pm

Ant ho ny C alica · Naka- tuwad at Bahay Kalinga- ng walang Trabaho

they are doin it naman di ba
1 · Like · Reply · May 3 at 6:02am

Marg ie Q uirim Silva

nope. the japanese government prohibit them to enter the 20km z one in fukushima.
1 · Like · Reply · May 3 at 7:05pm

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B rig e t t e Lo we
I just sent the letter! I will forward it to my friends as well. No animal should be abandoned and treated this way. Here
address: w2Y3Yt/rev.105.
2 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · April 27 at 10:21pm

B rig e t t e Lo we
I just sent the letter! I will forward it to my friends as well. No animal should be abandoned and treated this way. Here
address: w2Y3Yt/rev.105.
2 · Like · Reply · Subscribe · April 27 at 10:20pm

Pat ricia R o d rig ue z · San Francisco State University

I'm just wondering why there is a date of November 11.
Like · Reply · Subscribe · Friday at 3:47pm

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