U1 Strayer Reading Guide CH 3

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APWH|Diversity and Interaction in the World of 1200-1450

Unit 1 The Global Tapestry - Varieties of Civilizations: Eurasia and the Americas, 1200-1450

Directions: For each reading section answer the questions that coincide with the reading objectives on the left. While most
questions can simply be copied from the reading, the questions that are listed as AP Skills, require a short paragraph response. It is
imperative that you complete your readings thoughtfully and independently. Students who do not do their reading will not do well in
this course

Chapter 3 - Connections and Interactions

Strayer Pages 107-114
Objective Key Developments

Understand the What were the inns or guesthouses spread across the caravan routes of Central Asia called?
nature of the
Silk Road
What are the major Central Asian commercial cities that emerged from the Silk Road?

Understand the
origins of the
Silk Road

Explain the ways How did the original faith of Buddhism change along the Silk Road?
in which
spread across How did Buddhism adopt elements of other cultures along the Silk Road? Give an example of how it adapted to
the Silk Road become unique in China.
and how it
Buddhism What did China’s government do to Buddhism?
How did Chan Buddhism persist in China?

AP Skill - Continuity and Change - What cultural changes occurred in Korea and Japan in response to Chinese

Chapter 3 - Connections and Interactions

Strayer Pages 114-124

Explain what What advantages did the Sea Roads have over the Silk Road?
made the Sea
Roads possible
How were the types of goods on the Sea Roads different from the Silk Road?

What made the Sea Roads even possible?

Understand the What factors made Srivijaya a dominant emerging state along the trade routes?
impact of the
Indian Ocean on
state building in What steps did Srivijaya monarchs take to secure their position?
SE Asia

How did the Kingdom of Sailendra contribute to the spread of Buddhism in the region but also make it regionally

How did Hinduism develop in the region?

How did the city of Malacca contribute to the spread of Islam?

What did the relationship with China do for Malacca?

Understand the What products led to the rise of the Swahili kingdom in East Africa?
impact of the
Indian Ocean on
state building in What was unique about the cities of the Swahili kingdom?
East Africa

What examples of cultural integration prove the importance of the Swahili Kingdom’s connection to the Indian Trade

What proof exists that the Indian Ocean commerce system impacted the southern parts of the Swahili kingdom?

Understand the What was the purpose of Zheng He’s maritime expeditions?
origins and ends
of the Chinese
maritime Why did the expeditions abruptly end?

What was the long term consequence on the Indian Ocean trade network of the decision to stop the expeditions?

Chapter 3 - Connections and Interactions

Strayer Pages 124-137

Understand the How did geography and environmental variation impact the emergence of the Sand Roads?
origins of details
of the Sand
Roads What role did the Arabian camel play in the commercial life of the Sand Roads?

Understand the What empires or large states made up the emerging West African civilization? What cities emerged in the area?
of the Sand
Roads upon What happened among the Hausa-Speaking people of East Africa?
West Africa

How did the growing integration into the international commerce world impact the development of social hierarchies
in West Africa?

What did slavery look like in West Africa?

How did the What was the appeal of Islam to merchants? Monarchs?
expansion of
Islam lead to the
spread of How did West African cities become centers of Islamic life? What were the limits of Islam’s spread?

Understand the What was the geographic reach of the Muslim merchant network?
between the
trade routes and What ecological and agricultural changes did the Muslim trade network contribute to?

What new technologies, ideas and achievements did the spreading Islamic world contribute to?

Understand the What factors limited the development of a regional trade network similar to the Silk, Sand and Sea Roads of Afro-
limits of Eurasia?
American trade

What are the four main nodes of the loose American web of trade?

What evidence exists contributing to the influence of the Cahokia trade network?
What evidence seems to prove the existence of a trade network around Chaco canyon?

How did the trade networks function in the Mesoamerican node of the American web?

How was trade different in the Inca node?

Understand the What are the differences between the pre-modern and modern globalized world of trade?
limits and
between the
ancient and
modern trade

STOP - look at the questions and terms on page 137-138 -

Be sure you can define the AP Key Terms and answer the Big Picture Questions before closing out your reading

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