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It was cold on that summer night, residents of Brougham were feeling that
something was not right, the city lit up, it was calm. The first dark night with no
sound, no party. The hexagonal city, formed by 6 triangular sectors, with lights
reminding you to remember the Chinese in the past, wide streets, luxury cars,
beautiful people, with wonderful beaches and buildings with so many floors that you
can't even count. third class. The classes were formed by how much money the
person had, can earn money with merit, advanced profession, being a politician, etc.
The city has a triangular area for first class, two for second class and three for third
class .When you are below the third class the citizen goes to Wantage, there you
become a slave because you lost your dignity. went there, to explain all this
operation, the story takes place a long time ago in 2098 in England.

The rebellion
On that very cold, joyless night, 10 men passed by, foreigners in all purple
uniforms and with a blue mask with symbolic designs. The residents, upon seeing
this, knew that their time had come, as they were the bluish ones, a powerful gang
that had been liberating cities like Adderbury, from such management, the English
residents believed that the city would explode in seconds, then something worse
happened. Most just looked at each other goodbye, a small portion despaired, then
the blues counted down for 10 seconds, all the citizens awaiting their death, but
when the count was over, nothing happened. listening to footsteps and the Blues
began to laugh, no one understood, but the footsteps seemed to come closer, they
were the slaves of Wantage, where the slaves who didn't demote because of the
financial crisis, l It was pure hell, so people started killing each other so they forbade
them to kill each other in a very horrible way, because after the suicide attempts the
prisoners began to sleep standing up, very furious for everything that happened they
were going to destroy the city of those that put him in that horrible place. After about
5 hours of destroying houses, burning streets, demolishing buildings with their own
hands, the blue ones left Brougham, where it would already be devastated by the
greatest number of citizens they had, the slaves.

The bluish ones

After months of planning how to take over the world, they came to a conclusion,
devastating the 4 cities that controlled the world, Brougham, Waltham, Adderbury
and Lichfield. All located in England, as it was the only country that had survived the
pandemic. for 10 members, there was no leader, they worked as a perfect team.
They came from Iraq, they suffered a lot on their arrival here, no one helped them to
survive, the pandemic was the least of the problems, they had nothing to eat and
drink while the rich people enjoyed food and luxurious homes. The Fury was so great
that the idea was to take over the world and control it and do the same thing they did
to them.

Os Escravos
Os escravos, que antigamente eram da sociedade, viraram prisioneiros em
Wantage, a única prisão de escravos,porque foram solidários, ajudaram o próximo e
foram traídos na amizade e financeiramente, como dizia o ditado em Brougham,
uma vez solidário é trouxa para sempre.Nas prisões falavam de uma sociedade
justa, onde poderiam estabelecer uma cidade limpa, justa e solidária, mas sabiam
que poderia não acontecer, não só por conta dos ricos, mas por conta dos
azulados.Por mais que tinham o libertado, não confiavam na gangue.Depois da
demolição da cidade, pegaram rests e foram montar a cidade dos sonhos deles
Rhuddlan, uma cidade antiga, nunca mais usada, agora estaria ativa de novo.Todos
os cidadãos de Rhuddlan sabiam que não tinham vencido, os azulados iriam

Dominated cities
The Blues went to their next town after Adderbury and Brougham, they went to
Waltham, a town with ancient Chinese traditions reshaped to the British, there was
no class system, but if the government didn't think it was worthy to live there, one
should be killed. So the gang went and infiltrated the headquarters of the communist
dictatorial government, unlike Adderbury and Brougham who were free in theory, and
liberal capitalists, but only if they had the money of course. After planting bombs to
blow up the city, they went into the tallest building, drawing attention, and they
counted to 10 this time, when the count was over they managed to escape, and the
city was destroyed. Soon afterward they went to a cozy but small underground
shelter to rest from a long plane. After a week of rest they went to Lichfield, a city
that presented an equal model of government in the feudal period, the blues
infiltrated as subordinates of the feudal lords and they were killing one by one, thus
planting bombs to demolish the city, and they went to a public square and counted to
10, always the gang managing to escape in a mysterious way, the city was

John Green
The leader of the slaves, the father of the poor, the fallen prince, was one of the
nicknames for the 22 year old who freed the prisoners, in prison, Oliver Black who
was his oldest cell partner, made John think of something to get out from there, John
asked Oliver to teach him all the martial arts he knew, Oliver, ex-military and master
of karate, kung-fu and multiple martial arts fighter, taught him since he was 18 years
old. John was sent to prison when he was 16 years old because his parents became
slaves, so did he, so he met several slaves, one of them was Oliver, 70 years old,
tall, bearded and bald, who taught him martial arts. John had no idea that one of the
Blues had infiltrated a slave and helped him mount the rebellion. John knew the
worst was to come, so he braced himself as if he had destined his whole life for it.

Bluish VS Rhuddlan
After a long walk by the Blues to find Rhuddlan, they finally found the city. John
was already sensing the gang was coming, the blue ones already known to everyone
were considered enemies. Surrender, one of the 10 said that why would he be
considering them as a threat, as they helped the prisoners to free themselves. Then
Rhuddlan, without a second thought, the aristocratic government declared war on
the bluish ones. The bluish ones with powerful weapons and the last intact city in the
world fought for just two hours, 6 gang members were killed, but in compensation the
city was almost completely demolished, when John challenged one of the members
to a fight, whoever won would get the planet. Battle, light brown haired John
defeated the bluish ones, becoming the hero of the world, and that's why we live in
peace here in Rhuddlan in Christmas 3033.

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