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Newly Released Videos Shed Light on Conditions Inside case

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the Fukushima Exclusion Zone As water creeps clo ser, residents warned: Get
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RELAT ED QUOT ES Three new videos discovered by the Hachiko Coalition show the
^D JI 12,595.75 - 100.17 Massacre in no rthern Guatemala leaves 27
situation in Fukushima is dire - - wide- spread animal starvation.
^G SPC 1,337.77 - 10.88
(PRWEB) May 09, 2011 Endeavo ur ready to go ; Giffo rds arrives to watch
^IXIC 2,828.47 - 34 .57
Mexico to wn's mutant po inty bo o ts create a
Three videos recently published on Youtube indicate a wide-
Ad C ho ice s craze
spread animal and pet emergency is still taking place inside the
Residents puzzle o ver man who died near Ore.
Fukushima exclusion z one.
to wn
April 22, the government has implemented a “no- go” law No rthwest po wer surplus may halt wind energy
punishable by fines or imprisonment [1].
Mo re To p St o rie s »
This policy has reportedly blocked access by private Animal Search and Rescue teams — many of
which have documented wide- spread starvation of the companion animals, pets, and livestock within the AdChoices
TEPCO exclusion z one.
Concerned citiz ens held a protest in Tokyo on May 8th, starting in the "Hachiko" Square and ending at
TEPCO offices [2].

Photos available on the Angels 2005 Animal Rescue Team "Action Report Blog" show many pets have
already starved to death [3].

On May 5th, PETA has issued an action alert which in part states [4]:
"Please urge the Japanese government to take immediate action to transfer farmed animals inside the
20- kilometer no- go z one to facilities where they can be cared for or to euthaniz e any animals who are

PETA also provides a form email for readers to send:

"I was shocked to learn that the Japanese government has yet to take action to end the suffering of the
estimated hundreds of thousands of farmed animals in the no- go z one around the Fukushima power
plant." sponsored links

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"Individuals entering Fukushima no- go z one to feed and rescue dogs" (not suitable for children):
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collapse may begin by May 31st
@0:00: The video opens in a parking lot with a skittish dog looking cautiously at the rescuers. Top 3 Daily Penny St ocks
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A geiger counter sounds a warning, not just of detected radiation particles, but a warning that the animal Yahoo! News on Facebook
rescue team is being over exposed to radiation.

The skittish dog approaches food scattered on the ground and begins eating. Like 732825 likes. Sign Up to see what your friends like.

Behind the car, a team member can be seen kneeling down to calm yet another dog on a leash.

A man says: “66.33mSv, then 68…It’s going to exceed 70 [mSv/hour]. Oh, it has exceed 70…it’s already
71.16 mSv/hour. It gets really strong in the 2km z one. But this is still not too bad.”

Speaking of the leashed dog: “We’ll take you with us and hope we’ll find the owner.”
Feat ured
The team takes note of the dog and GPS location in order to find the owner. JSOC master
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Referring back to the skittish dog: “Ok then…See you next time then. You have to stay alive, ok?”
hunter charged with Osama raid.
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@3:49: The team stops on a street in the middle of town. Piles of dog food can be seen in the street. Rajaratnam trial
Barking dogs can be heard inside the empty apartments along the street. Hedge fund founder convicted in
inside- trade case.
“There are so many dogs barking.” Urging his team to stay calm in the face of twenty or more dogs
stranded in houses and potentially starving, the man says: “Everyone, stay strong… We’ll come back
again.” Redistributed
The $2 billion for a rail line in
Fla. will be used for other
@5:54: The team is back in the car driving through town. Dogs are wandering past on the street. “Let’s projects.
throw out lots of food. Everyone [the dogs] are waiting look. Stay strong…You too…Poor dogs…”
Women at the wheel
Other passenger: “Throw the food out..More and more…” Frontier Communications CEO on
being a woman in the corporate
Woman: “Give a lot of food, we won’t be able to feed them for a while…We don’t know when we can world.
come back again in this situation…Just give everything out.”

The camera pans to the back seat, past the driver who is wearing a white radiation protective suit and
Educat ion
googles. There are three dogs sitting in the back seat. “Hey you guys…We are taking you guys with us,
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The scrolling title indicates this video was taken on April 22, 2011.


Get Quotes

SOS Fukushima Animals: MARKET SUMMARY Symb o l Last C hang e
In yet a third video entitled "SOS Fukushima animals," a Fukushima prefecture citiz en has released a Dow 12,595.75 - 0.79%
desperate plea of help, worried the animals may be starving and pleading for the government to provide
N asd aq 2,828.47 - 34 .57 - 1.21%
rescue and shelter.
S& P 500 1,337.77 - 10.88 - 0.81%
3.1870% - 0.04 30
B o nd ( % )
0:00: The video opens: "[SOS] Fukushima animals" O il 98.91 - 0.74 - 0.74 %
G o ld 1,490.20 - 3.20 - 0.21%
[The citiz en bows to the camera. Reading from prepared notes, the citiz en begins:]

Hello to everyone all over Japan. I am Meiko Yoshida, living in Odaku- ku, Minami Soma- shi, C anad ian b anks and p e nsio n f und s b id
Fukushima- ken. My residence is at 17 km of the power plant. f o r T MX

So ny b e g ins p art ial PlaySt at io n

March 11, 2011, the area was hit by the Eastern Japan mega earthquake as well as the tidal wave,
N e t wo rk o p e rat io n
followed by a series of accidents at TEPCO. The entire area of Odaka- ku, where we live, is within the 20
km radius. On March 12, the next day of the earthquake, TEPCO issued a voluntary evacuation order to IMF chie f ' s arre st wo n' t st o p G re e k
b ailo ut d e b at e
Odaku- ku, which I was not aware of at the time.
Mo re f ro m Yaho o ! Finance »
The following day, on Sunday, March 13, I went to Odaka Ward Office, where I was told to evacuate
immediately. The faces of the personnels then at the office were all devoid of expression like z ombies
while they worked. They knew what really happened in the power plant, that something horrible [had]
happened, that is why their faces became like z ombies.

Even though I was told to evacuate immediately, since I had nine cats to take care of at home, I had not
been able to evacuate immediately. Several days later, on March 19, the Self- Defense Force members
and the Ward Office personnels visited my home to persuade me to evacuate. I was told to leave the
pets behind, and I left without them. At the time, I made a mistake of releasing my inside- living cats
outdoors. I didn’t have a mobile phone. I regret not having been able to consult with others who were in
the same situation as myself.

Even at the evacuation center though, I was worried about my cats at home, so from March 19 until the
midnight of April 21, I went back home every other day or two days to feed them food and water. During
that period, six out of nine cats I released [had] been found and I have asked animal protection groups
to look after them. One of the nine [has] died of a disease, and still now there are two remaining whom I
have not been able to protect yet.

In the a.m. of April 21 – it was just so sudden – I heard that the 20 km area would become a severe
cautionary z one. Before when I asked around when the off- limit will take effect, no one ever told me, but
a bad news like that happened suddenly. Out of excessive worry, at around 23:00 on April 21, I went
home but I was unable to provide them for protection. The cautionary z one became effective starting April
22, so I could no longer go back to my house. I had been asking the police officers at the checkpoint
how I can get inside, [and they] told me that I need to obtain a permit from the city mayor, so I also went
and appealed directly to the city mayor. So I went back and forth between the city’s municipal office and
the public health department, and asked to be permitted inside the z one, but it just could not be done.

The other day, on April 28, the public health department went inside the 20 km z one for the purpose of
doing research; however this was for inspection only, so they could pick up wandering animals from the
road. But no helping hand was extended for the cats and dogs who were left inside homes. When you
rescue animals, time allowance is needed to carry out the task, but being told “it starts tomorrow” so
suddenly, I was not able to carry out rescue.

At evacuation centers, there are MANY people who were told the same way and could not even prepare
for evacuation, nor could they take their pets with them to evacuate. Those people are so worried about
their pets living without them, their heartache is so severe that they can’t sleep for nights; they can’t even
eat [and] many of them are emaciated. Please help those of us who are worried about our animals and
our pets.

Twelve many days have already passed since the off- limit z one order took effect on April 22. Pets also
have lives, so I worry at the possibility of them not being protected in time. Please help to remove the
disaster victims’ worries and heartache. I felt nothing would become of just being quiet, so I made a
picket sign by myself and stood in front of the municipal office and collected this from those in similar

[Holding up papers:] I started this on April 30 and it’s been three days since. I collected accounts from
fourteen people suffering similar problems, right here with information of their pets they had to leave

[Holding up copies of the news papers:] This activity has been featured in the local newspapers, here is
Mainichi newspaper and Fukushima Min- Yuu.

There are people who are in trouble deep as you [can] see, because they had to leave their pets
behind. Their faces look different now even. What I'd like to ask of you to help us, is to make it possible
for us pet guardians to be able to visit our pets periodically,
accompanied by the SDF [Self- Defense Force] or policemen, so that we can go to provide them food
and water.

Concurrently with that process, I'd like the government [to] do two things: Rescue the animals and keep
the rescued animals under protection [shelter].

Those who believe that animals' lives are also precious, please, we are the cohabitants of the planet
earth that we share. Please help us. And please support the animal protection groups who have been
hard at work.

Hasn't Japan been progressing towards the country which is respectable? Just standing by and watching
animals die when we have the chance to save them, how could this country become a nation that the
world looks [upon] with respect?

It is hoped that Japan embraces the little lives of our animals too and aspire to become a country that is
truly respected. Everybody in Japan, please help us. Please. That is all. Yes.

[Citiz en bows head.]


The Hachiko Coalition is repeating our previous request and calling for the organiz ed, and immediate
evacuation of all uncontaminated domestic animals and livestock inside the exclusion z one.

While this triple disaster (earthquake, tsunami, radiation) may be unprecedented that does not mean it is
unmanageable. Japan has vast resources and technical know- how, it simply needs to exercise the
resolve and solve this problem and demand emergency evacuation funding from TEPCO disaster
insurance pools.

The Hachiko Coalition believes the current "starve them out" plan to deal with these animals is
unacceptable and reprehensible to the many people witnessing the events as they unfold.

To follow the most recent developments of this ongoing emergency, please visit the website:


Persons wishing to sign a petition requesting rescue of these animals should see:

To voice your concerns to the Prime Minister of Japan and His Cabinet, please use this form:

NOTE: For footnotes and references, please see the full press release available on the Hachiko
Coalition website.


PR Contact
Hachiko Coalition
1- 415- 669- 4757
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