Motion Graphics Vs Animation

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motion graphics vs animation

what the difference



Motion graphics takes graphic design

that would be otherwise static and
gives it animation and movement,
usually without following a specific

Any technique that makes static

objects or images move is
animation. whether it’s hand-
drawn cartoons, CGI, anime,
claymation or motion graphics.

Motion graphics can illustrate

complex ideas visually.
Think of motion graphics like a
visual aid. Some ideas

(especially big, abstract ones)

are hard to explain with words
or still images. A few seconds Animation is used for stories.
of motion graphics can clear Anyone who’s seen a Pixar film
everything up perfectly. knows that animation can be a
powerful storytelling medium.
Motion graphics can bring
statistical data to life, but
animation can bring characters to
life with emotional narratives,
creativity, and artistic expression.

The visual style of motion

graphics appeals to a wide
range of viewers. Cartoons

may come across as too

childish for a formal
Animation is more expensive.
business. But motion
Motion graphics are usually easier to
graphics can use that cute
produce. It’s a less complex form of
and fun style and apply it to
animation. But when you start
more mature topics. No
looking at photorealistic CGI, hand-
matter what industry you’re
drawn or painted artwork, and stop-
in, the motion graphics look
motion techniques, expect to invest
can make your message more
more money.
engaging and entertaining.

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