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How do vitamins work?

Watch the video at the link provided below. Once you have watched it once, answer the following

Part A: Multiple Choice (5 marks) Answer the questions given below by selecting the best answer for
each question given

How many vitamins are necessary to keep the human body running?
A. 1
B. 3
C. 5
D. Too many to count
E. None are essential

Which vitamins are water-soluble?

A. A and B
B. B and C
C. C and D
D. D and E
E. E and K

Where can you find water-soluble vitamins in your body?

A. Skin Cells
B. Muscle
C. Blood
D. Fingernails
E. Saliva

How do lipid-soluble vitamins from milk and butter dissolve in the body?
A. They are covered by lipid droplets and moved around the muscles
B. They are absorbed directly by the blood because our blood plasma is lipid-based
C. They can’t be dissolved because we can’t absorb them
D. They are broken down by acids from the intestines and absorbed into the blood
E. They are consolidated into large particles and stored in a specific place in the body

Which benefits can vitamins provide our body?

A. Release energy from food
B. Defend infection and immunity
C. Make blood and bones
D. Make sure all the cells are working properly and sufficiently
E. All of them

How many fruits and vegetables do you need to get enough daily vitamins?
A. Eat as much as you can of any one fruit or vegetable: there’s no limitation
B. Don’t get too many of any one fruit or veggie; levels can become toxic
C. One apple per day is enough to have all vitamins you need
D. Fruits and vegetables aren’t necessary; we can eat meat to get all the necessary vitamins
E. Different fruits and vegetables provide different vitamins, and we need them all

Part B: Short Answer Questions (20 marks)

Humans need the correct amount of vitamins to function. Too much or too little of any one vitamin
can cause problems. List five vitamins and problems associated with too much of each one. (10 marks)

Vitamin A
- liver damage

Vitamin B
- nausea

Vitamin C
- can cause Diarrhea

Vitamin D
- hypercalcemia

Vitamin E
- nausea

Vitamin K
- kidney disease

Make a chart of all five of the vitamins and the role of each in the body. (5 marks)


A Good vision, skin, bones, reproduction, and immune system

C makes new cells, antioxidants help immune system

D strengthen and helps form bones

E helps balance cell membrane, acts as an antioxidant

K makes proteins, helps with blood clotting, and regulates blood calcium
You are a lipid-soluble vitamin. Give yourself a lipid-soluble vitamin name. Draw a sketch of your
complete travels through the body (include ingestion, breakdown, storage, and excretion in your
sketch). (5 marks)

Vitamin A

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