Arts Portfolio

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Activity 1
Instruction: Analyze and interpret the quote of Edgar Degas and answer the questions below.

Reflection Questions:
1.What does the quote mean? How do you interpret this?
Answer: This statement is directed to the artist not to the viewer. If you replace 'you' with 'the artist' the
statement becomes clear. "Art is not what the artist sees but what the artist makes the others see." In other
words, an artist does not portray reality as he sees it, but how he wants others to see it.
2. Is art meant to be beautiful? Why or why not?
Answer: No, works of art need not be beautiful for us to consider them important. . As a philosopher might say,
beauty is not a necessary condition of the art object. And yet, it is often the beauty we perceive in works of art
from the past or from another culture that makes them so compelling.
3.What do you think of Edgar Degas?
Answer: Degas was the only Impressionist to truly bridge the gap between traditional academic art and the
radical movements of the early 20th century, a restless innovator who often set the pace for his younger
4. Do you agree with this quote of Degas? Why or why not?
Answer: We used to see art only as a way of entertainment, but it's so much more. Art can play with your
emotions; it can inspire you & can even improve your state of mind. Art has the power to make you change the
way you see things.

Activity 2
Instruction: Examine the painting of Leonardo da Vinci and answer the comprehensive questions below.

“The Last Supper” 1498 by Leonardo da Vinci

Comprehensive Questions:
1. Why is the last supper so famous?
Answer: "One reason it's so famous is because its survival is something of a miracle," King said. "It's the art
world's most famous endangered species. A century ago it was almost given up for lost. After its most recent
restoration — something of a miracle in itself — we can appreciate its beauty.
2. What theory of art applied to this painting?
Answer: The theory of art applied to the painting of Leonardo da Vinci “The Last Supper” is instrumentalism
because the painting represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles, as it is told in
the Gospel of John – specifically the moment after Jesus announces that one of his apostles will betray him.
Also it is instrumentalism because it is catholic in its appreciation of the richness and complexity of all arts
3. How do art world recognized this painting?
Answer: In Leonardo da Vinci artwork represents the extremely dramatic and crucial moment right after Jesus
tells his apostles that he knows one of them will betray him. The apostles’ facial expressions are full of life,
revealing shock, horror and rage. From a technical point of view, the use of perspective here is masterful. Da
Vinci, the engineer and architect, precisely measured every aspect of the painting to draw the viewer’s eye to
the center and the vanishing point at the side of Christ’s head. From this point, Da Vinci used strings to create
diagonal lines. If you imagine lines radiating from Christ’s right temples, they will meet the corners of the
windows, the lines on the ceiling, the corners of the table and the panels on the wall.
4. What is the implication of “The Last Supper” to the Catholic religion?
Answer: The wine reminds us of Jesus' blood that He shed for us on the cross. Jesus loved us so much that
He gave His body and blood for us, so we could be forgiven when we sin. That is a lot of love for each and
every one of us. When we take the Lord's Supper (Communion), it is important to remember Jesus' sacrifice
for us.
5. What is your point of view about the painting?
Answer: My point of view is this painting shows betraying. Everyone knows the painting depicts Jesu’s last
meal with his apostles before he was captured and crucified. That’s why painting of Leonardo da Vinci
message the viewer that we should not trust to anyone we only trust to ourselves. It is not a selfishness it is an
assurance that we are safe. In the painting he captures the instant just after Jesus reveals that one of his
friends will betray him. Betraying is just a temptation in this world that’s why even they are your closes friends
but we always remember don’t give your one hundred percent trust.

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