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Essay Reviewer

1. Define and differentiate effectiveness and efficiency.

- Effectiveness is defined as the capability to producing a desired result and able
to meet the expected outcome. Efficiency on the other hand, efficiency is
defined as the ability to accomplish something with the least amount of wasted
time, money, and effort or competency in performance. The difference between
the two is effectiveness focus on the success and the result while efficiency
focuses on the amount of time, effort, and work. Effectiveness is aiming for
good results; efficiency is aiming for shorter amount of time.

2. Define gerontology.
- Gerontology is the study of the social, cultural, psychological, cognitive and
biological aspect of aging. Gerontological social workers provide counseling
and therapy to clients to help them cope with the psychological, emotional,
social and financial challenges that come with aging. They also provide
therapy and advise clients' families and loved ones as necessary.

3. In the future, if you are a graduate of social work, and you have to choose a
field of social work, what is it and why?
- I want to explore the medical field of social work, so I want to become a
medical social worker. Medical social workers are responsible for offering the
support and resources that patients need in order to fully recover from a
medical illness or injury as well as the resulting emotional, physical, or
psychological concerns. One of the most important skills of a medical social
worker is to be empathetic and emotionally stable, because they are the one
who will help the patients and its family in stressful health situations. If you are
not emotionally stable, you will not be able to give the proper resources and
assistance that your client need. Since I have developed myself to become
emotionally stable, and I don’t also practice sympathy, I am fit to become a
medical social worker.

4. What is assessment in social work?

- Assessment is the first step in the problem-solving process in social work. It is
considered as the heart of social case study report. Assessment is the
exploration part through which social workers get an understanding about the
client’s problem, state, interpersonal and intrapersonal, environmental, social,
psychological, biological and cultural factors that the client is living in. If you
will not have a proper assessment, you are not able to set proper interventions
and goals. As long as the assessment is accurate, the practicality and the
success of the goals and intervention will be determined. To bring in any clear
and positive change, there must have been an accurate and complete
assessment done on the subject.

5. Define and differentiate goals and objectives.

- Goals are the outcomes you intend to achieve, whereas objectives are the
specific actions and measurable steps that you need to take to achieve a goal. If
you will not accomplish any objectives, you will never achieve you goal. The
goal answers the question “What” while objectives answer the question
“How?”. The goal is composed of numerous objectives.

6. What is a helping contract?

- The helping contract is either a formal or informal contract in which it secures
the relationship between the client and the social worker. It also sets goals and
provide focus and direction in the helping process. It will also put
responsibility clearly onto clients thereby helping to avoid their tendency to
become dependent on the social work department.

7. Define the roles of social worker and give examples of each.

- Advocate: The social workers will fight for the rights of the disempowered by
the society with the goal of empowering the client. The social worker speaks in
behalf of the clients when others will not listen or when the clients are unable
to do so.
- Counselor: The social workers help clients to express their needs, clarify their
problems, explore resolution strategies, and applies intervention strategies to
develop and expand the capacities of clients to deal with their problems more
effectively. The key function of this role is to empower people by affirming
their personal strengths and their capacities to deal with their problems more
- Mediator: The social worker intervenes in disputes between parties to help
them find compromises, reconcile differences, and reach mutually satisfying
agreements. It takes a neutral stance among the involved parties.
- Researcher: A social worker evaluates practice intervention and with others
evaluates program outcomes. The researcher critically analyzes the literature
on relevant topics of interest and uses this information to inform practice. A
researcher extends and disseminates knowledge, and seeks to enhance the
effectiveness of social work practice.
- Educator: Social workers are involved in teaching people about resources and
how to develop particular skills such as budgeting, the caring discipline of
children, effective communication, the meaning of a medical diagnosis, and the
prevention of violence.
- Manager: Social workers are better able to influence policy change and/or
development, and to advocate, on a larger scale, for all unprivileged people.
- Case Manager: The social worker locates services and assists their clients to
access those services. Case management is essentially important for complex
situations and for those who are homeless for elderly, have chronic physical or
mental health issues, are disabled, victims of domestic or other violent crimes,
or are vulnerable children.
- Facilitator: Social workers are involved in gathering groups of people together
for a variety of purposes including community development, self-advocacy,
political organization and policy change.
- Social Broker: A social worker is responsible for identifying, locating, and
linking clients to needed resources in a timely manner. Once the client’s needs
are assessed and potential services identified, the broker assists the client in
choosing the most appropriate service option and assist in negotiating the terms
of service delivery. The social worker is concerned with the quality, quantity,
and accessibility of services.

1. What are the two kinds of individual environment?

- The two kinds of individual environment are the NURTURING
- The nurturing environments framework integrates efforts to prevent
multiple problems by focusing attention on the fundamental conditions
needed to foster prosocial behavior and prevent diverse mental,
emotional, and behavioral disorders. A nurturing environment will be
provided that encourages growth, respects individual differences, and
fosters the development of moral and ethical values.
- The sustaining environment is the environment where all of the needs,
help, and assistance needed by the people was given and provided to
sustain their life and living.
2. Define Social Role and Reciprocal Role.
- For every role, there is a reciprocal role. A social role is a pattern of
behavior that is expected of a person in a given setting or group. For
example, in school, you’re a student. In the outside, you’re a friend. On
the other hand, reciprocal role is used for the way we respond to other
people. It is the role that we adopt in response to the role that the other
person adopted. For example, teacher and students, patient and caregiver,
and husbands and wives.

3. What is generalist social work practice?

- Generalist practice is defined as the use of the problem-solving process to
intervene with systems of various sizes, including individuals, families,
groups, organizations, and communities.

1. What is your own self-concept?

- Self-concept is how you perceive your behavior, abilities, and unique
characteristics. As far as I know myself, I am a man with a sugar-coated
personality wrapped with some sense of humor. It means that I am that
kind of person that is thoughtful, caring, and always aware on my
environment. I always wary of the feelings of my people around me. I
can fit in any type of people because of my humor. I always find a way to
make everyone laugh, or maybe smile. But that personality only
unleashes when I became attached on the person, or when I feel that me
and that person have the same vibe. But I have this attitude that I am
‘bossy’ or very much serious only when I am just starting to adapt to the
setting’s atmosphere and one of the greatest examples was when it was
first day of school. You will always find me in a side of the classroom,
with earphones on my ear. But when time goes by and I started to adapt
the atmosphere, my real personality will come out.

2. Explain Psychodynamic Theory

- The general definition of the Psychodynamic Theory is that forces
outside a person’s awareness explain why they behave in a certain way.
The way they behave was because of the factors that they adapt in the
environment they are living in.
- Social workers can benefit from applying the fundamental assumptions
of psychodynamic theory to their clients. Every client’s behavior has a
reason. It isn’t random or happening in a vacuum. Their behavior also is
likely partly or mostly in response to unconscious processes. The client
might not realize why they behave a certain way. Social workers often
work with clients with multiple difficulties. Psychodynamic theory in
social work provides a conceptual framework for understanding
seemingly unrelated symptoms or patterns of behavior. The framework of
theories offers social workers a way to address all of the client’s issues.

3. Why is there no such thing as being problem-free?

- Based on my perspective, there is no such thing as being ‘problem-free’
because change is permanent. Because there is always change whenever
or wherever we look at, it also introduces new wants and needs. Those
wants and needs are needed to be sustained to reach satisfaction. But, if
only one of those will not be met, there will be no satisfaction, and
frustration will occur. Frustration will cause problem and conflict.

1. Define and describe partialization?

- The intervention known as the principle of partialization helps sort out the
various issues that need to be addressed and a strategy for making them
manageable. It is the process of separating from so many problems identified
by the client and/or worker the specific problem or problems which are to be
addressed first. Some of the ways to practice partialization is taking one
problem at a time, setting priorities, and tackling the most urgent problem first.
It is useful because it may assist the social worker and the client to identify the
goals that are easier to achieve first enabling a client to see more results
quickly and gain some success in making harder changes.

2. Differentiate partialization and prioritization.

- When you are prioritizing, you are weighing the importance of the problems
into which is needed to be addressed first. In partializing, you are sorting and
breaking problems into pieces to make them more manageable and to be
addressed quickly.

3. Explain why assessment is dynamic and fluid.

- Assessment is dynamic and fluid because even though our clients have the
same problems encountering, they are still in different situations, they have
different coping mechanisms and also, it has different impact on them. It
doesn’t mean that if they have the same problem, we will have also the same
assessment. It is dynamic and fluid because it was continuous and constantly
changing. We are receiving and gathering different data and information from
our clients that makes our assessments flexible, fluid and dynamic.

4. Define catharsis.
- It is the process of releasing, and thereby providing relief from, strong or
repressed emotions. Catharsis is the process of venting aggression as a way to
release or get rid of emotions. It is a kind of coping mechanism that washes
away the anger or negative emotion that you feel. For example, when your
mother told you that you will not go out to play but you want to play outside
badly, you will lock onto your room and punch and hit the pillow, that is

5. Why do you think Filipinos are still poor despite the fact that the government
is providing assistance and funds on them?
- Filipinos are still poor even though the government have programs and services
for them because we are not including them in the planning. You must put
people at the center of development. The government lacks in involving the
people in the planning in the development.

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