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TOPIC: Maximizing learning in the new normal modalities

RUN TIME: About 3 to 5 minutes
VLOGGER: Myrnadette Alabata
EDITOR: Princess Geohera Cadion
(Vlog Introduction Before the Editing Introduction)
Hello Pagadianons! This is Myrnadette Alabata from PRINCESS REHAMYR Vlog. (Pause)
(Editing Introduction: Flash on Screen with VTR of Names & Vlog Name)
(Music Plug In with Animated Visual Effects) (Music Fades)
Today I will be serving you with credible information that you need to know, A re you ready?
(Walks while talking and filming) (Thinking Gesture)
For the past two years we have been under lockdowns and quarantines due to the pandemic
brought by the infamous COVID-19. Which as a result compelled students to enroll in the distance
learning modalities. I know that you have a lot of questions in your mind. Like for example; What is
new normal learning?
New normal modality is a learning method in which the teacher and the students are separated
geographically during instructions. Modular distance learning, Online distance learning, and
Television\Radio-based instructions are the three types of this modality.
(Editing Illustration about these)
The pandemic of COVID-19 has brought up unprecedented economic, social, and political
challenges all over the world. It has resulted in an educational crisis in addition to the health crisis.
Now I know that new normal is hard for everyone especially that we are now under a health crisis.
Teachers and students are looking for ways to adjust and cope up with the situation. So now, How
should students maximize learning in the new normal modality? Wanna know how? Let me show you!
If you want to maximize learning in the new normal modality these are some of the ways that you can
actually do it!

Number 1. To organize and plan thoughtfully—Planning and organizing helps a lot in

your time management knowing that we face other responsibilities as well.

Number 2. To never procrastinate— So procrastination is the action of delaying or

postponing something. So if you want to finish your activities early then you should do your activities
now and say no to procrastination.

Number 3. Find a quiet, secluded, and comfortable place—This is a place where you
could focus, avoid distractions and be alone so that you could understand what you are trying to
learn. Like for example; A place full of trees.

Number 4. Watch tutorial lessons on YouTube—This is to dig deeper on the lesson so

that you can understand the lesson that you are trying to learn.
Number 5.— Lastly, if you don’t understand the lesson then you should try communicating
with your teachers, asking questions about topics that you find hard to understand.
. (Editing Illustration Fades) (Pause)
(Short video illustrating how hard the situation and cite ,but the music is muted)
So learning and coping under this circumstances is hard, but giving up is never an option. So might as
well try the strategies that I have given you. It is to organize and plan thoughtfully. To never procrastinate.
Find a quiet, secluded, and comfortable place. Watch tutorial lessons. And lastly, communicate with your

(Walks while Talking) (Hand Waves) (Camera goes up)

That’s it for today everyone, this is Myrnadette Alabata, see you on my next vlog. Goodbye!
(Music Plugs with Farewell Greeting word on screen)
(Music Fades)


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